Daily Astrological Forecast, March 1–31, 2024
The week comes to an end but we’re ready to start something, as Moon in brave Scorpio joins today’s pioneering numerology of 1.
We can make a life-changing decision or act on a decision we made before. Sun’s sextile to fortunate Jupiter brings luck and protection, as well as favoring publicity, promotion, and with Jupiter in Taurus, prosperity and solid results.
Early morning is the most charming time, thanks to a square from Moon to sweet Venus.
At 10:53 am (12:53 ET), sweetness fades and boldness grows, thanks to Moon’s opposition to rebel Uranus, triggering a T-square with Venus. After that, our best bet is to focus on independent activities for creativity, finance, researching, and unusual connections, or to strike out on our own.
At 11:47 pm (2:47 am ET), Moon goes VOC.
Angels and spirit guides, please gather round, cut me free and move me on my true path, here and now.
Saturday, March 2
We can work on business or share healing, intimacy, or an adventure, with Moon in Sagittarius and today’s other-oriented numerology of 2.
Moon is VOC until 5:56 am (8:56 ET), when she enters expansive Sagittarius, favoring diplomacy, negotiation, trade, and having an adventure.
The stakes rise, as Moon sextiles Pluto, planet of intimacy, spiritual healing, high finance, and deep change. This intense harmony brings opportunity and courage to act on it. We want to be selective with our time, our company and the use we give to our words and talents.
Venus squaring Uranus favors connections that are unusual and exciting. As dispositor and ruler of Pluto in Aquarius, their encounter is also about empowerment: to exercise freedom in relationship, values or finance.
The force within me is greater than any appearance of the world, and nothing can limit my divine progress now.
Sunday, March 3
Numerous aspects support diverse kinds of connection, ranging from pushy to sweet.
The most harmonious times are early morning and late evening. Early this morning, Moon in affable Sag connects with ruler Jupiter in sensual, prosperous Taurus. It’s worth the effort to rise early and set things in motion before 7:23 am (10:23 ET), when Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, triggering her week of wind-down. Take action in business, promotion, finance, campaigning, go on a trip, or connect with your spirit guides.
Sweet Venus perfects her square to rebel Uranus shortly after, emboldening us to express our authentic and free selves in relationship, values or finance… This aspect also supports creativity, either developing our own or enjoying an art fair or exhibit.
For the rest of the day and into the evening, the aspects are more confrontative and not so high on emotional intelligence, unless we want to do something heroic or set a sharp and clear limit. Make a special effort for diplomacy. Otherwise, we can do serious de-cluttering or work to finish an independent project—which are frankly our best bet.
At 8:01 pm (11:01 ET), things finally get sweet again, as Moon sextiles Venus, favoring people connections for romance, business, friendship or pleasure.
At 13-14 Sag, the Sabian symbol for today’s lunation says:
THE GREAT PYRAMID AND THE SPHINX… The enduring power of occult knowledge and of its quasi-divine Custodians, ‘Seed-men’ of a previous cycle of existence… The belief in an Original Tradition based on the perfect knowledge of the archetypal principles and forms which underlie all manifestations of life on this Earth (and by extension in the cosmos) is deeply rooted in man’s consciousness. The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx are witnesses to such a Tradition, especially for the Western world. The symbol implies that such an archetypal knowledge remains the foundation upon which men’s minds can still build solid and valid formulations, as new evolutionary developments are pending… this occult knowledge and the traditional process of acquiring it is still available, and… by accepting their principles modern man can best meet the challenge of our present world crisis. The symbol, interpreted from a personal point of view, points to the greatness of a Soul’s past achievements and the value of trying to re-evoke this past. What is revealed is THE POWER OF SPIRITUAL ANCESTRY.
I call on the masters of ancient wisdom to lift my spiritual practice and results to a higher level, now.
Monday, March 4
We can make headway in communications, research, contacts and learning, with potential for productivity, especially this afternoon.
Mercury the messenger sextiles Uranus, fueling brilliance and supporting opportunities in things involving words and intelligence, such as: communication, studies, research, and teaching. Doors can open suddenly, so go knock!
With Moon in jovial Sag, morning is the easiest time, yet Luna’s square to mysterious Neptune can make for confusion. We can interpret our dreams, meditate, pray, work on forgiveness or take advantage of today’s practical numerology of 4 to redesign and use a vision board or similar materials.
Lunch with friends can be nice, but we want to keep things light.
At 1:15 pm (4:15 ET), Moon enters Capricorn, combining with today’s builder-number 4 and the Mercury-Uranus sextile to make for a brilliant, exciting, and disciplined afternoon and evening.
- High finance,
- Obtaining credit or a promotion,
- Taking charge,
- Setting up a new business,
- Entertaining the boss,
- Tending the family finances,
- Organizing, whether it be investments, a project, or an area of your life that’s become scattered,
- Something requiring sacrifice, logic, strategy, and practicality, or
- Building the balance in your bank account.
I am not alone in my intent, the Divine Builder is with me, working and supporting every effort bountifully, here and now.
Tuesday, March 5
Harmonies involving Moon in diligent Capricorn combine with today’s adventurous numerology of 5 for a dynamic, successful day.
The skies favor directed action, starting this morning with Moon’s wonderful sextile to ruler Saturn, planet of work and authority. Connect with an elder, bureaucrat, boss or authority figure, sign a contract or move to make something concrete.
At 10:30 am (1:30 pm ET), Moon trines generous Jupiter, expanding good feelings and facilitating harmonious connections for personal, promotional, academic, altruistic, or spiritual pursuits.
Things continue to flow into the evening, thanks to Moon’s sextile to Sun in Pisces, sign of romance, creativity, angels and dreams.
If you’re up for it, a midnight trine from Moon to Uranus in prosperous Taurus favors business, trade and work on a web project or financial innovation of some kind.
Thank you, angels and spirit guides, for surrounding, directing and supporting me, now and always.
Wednesday, March 6
Today’s numerology of 6 adds a stroke of fortune to today’s opportunities for work, spirituality, creativity, activism, and socializing.
With Moon in focused Capricorn sextiling Mercury the messenger, morning is particularly apt for practical connections and work. We can send texts, present a proposal, close a sale, and fuel connections that we want to last. Connect before 11:35 am (2:35 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC on a sextile to mystical Neptune.
At 4:38 pm (7:38 ET), Luna enters brilliant Aquarius. We can do research, review our options, connect with friends and, when Moon joins Pluto at 6:54 pm (9:54 ET), reconnect with our own authentic path of power. The conjunction emboldens us to get in touch with our true feelings, do shadow work, journal, research the family tree, and affirm our stand for freedom.
I am an evolved expression of these times, I am, I am, I am.
Thursday, March 7
We can expand and share wisdom as today’s numerology of 7 favors mental activity, while Moon in brilliant Aquarius squares Jupiter, planet of dissemination.
We’re towards the end of the balsamic Moon phase and we can finish mental work or review our options for something we wish to begin at the upcoming New Moon.
Moon in Aquarius squaring Jupiter today favors research, study, publishing, campaigning, activism and teaching.
We’re on the portal of Saturday’s Mars-Uranus square, fueling rebellion and tempers. If we keep a low profile, we can use this influence to find creative pathways and brilliant strategies for future action. Avoid rowdy places and save arguments for another week. This influence is felt keenly tonight, at 10:51 pm (1:51 am ET), when Moon joins bellicose Mars, whose restlessness is fueled by a square to Uranus.
Omnipresent Good surrounds me, and all influences and events are favorable for me, here and now.
Friday, March 8
On the portal of Sunday’s intense New Moon, today’s numerology of 8 emboldens us to harvest concrete results.
With Moon in rebellious Aquarius, morning favors gathering wisdom or making connections. We can act, but avoid doing it rashly. Feisty Mars squares Moon’s ruler Uranus, fueling contention and stubborness. We can find a shortcut, but it’s best not to embark on it quite yet, as our nerve may blind our common sense and definitely our tact.
At 10:56 am (1:56 pm ET), Moon goes VOC on a conjunction to Venus, giving us a welcome respite to unplug and enjoy nature, music, poetry and meditation.
At 5:03 pm (8:03 ET), Moon enters sensitive Pisces, accenting the intuitive influence of mental Mercury as he joins psychic Neptune. Evening can be romantic and people connections can flow, though sensitivity is high and we want to avoid rushing, driving in the fast lane, and hanging out in crowds or iffy environments.
Drive and use knives or machines with caution and save drinking or hallucinogenic substance use for another weekend. Intuition, spirituality and creativity are very high, but we may be more sensitive than usual to energies of conflict, so we want to avoid unshielded channeling or mediumship.
Affirmation for psychic defense:
Archangel Michael’s sapphire light surrounds me, covers me and shields me, now and always. Thank you, beloved Michael, for your ever-present protection.
Saturday, March 9
On the portal of tomorrow’s New Moon in Pisces, morning and early afternoon are good for connections involving spirituality, promotions or altruism. Yesterday’s cautions still apply.
Moon in Pisces supports creativity, spirituality, romance, intuition, sensitive connection, and enjoying music, film or nature.
This fishy moon connects with success planets Saturn and Jupiter, bringing special opportunities in work, sales and progress on our dreams. As courageous Mars perfects his square to erratic Uranus, we want to tread lightly, and avoid speeding, unnecessary conflict and anything risky involving blades or machines.
Prepare for tomorrow’s New Moon by listening to your intuition, reorganizing your visualization materials, and strategizing for new approaches.
Life is birthing a new phase for me, and actively helps me come into it, here and now.
Sunday, March 10
Today’s New Moon in mystical, magical Pisces is accompanied by strong aspects which trigger the spiritual revolutionary within.
Morning is great for intuitive endeavors and designing a new program and materials for visualizing our dreams. At 5:19 pm (8:19 ET), Moon enters restless Aries, facilitating action, and as she sextiles intense Pluto, powerful research and/or communications.
Today’s pioneering numerology of 1 reaffirms the New Moon’s power for beginnings. Through a sextile to Uranus, Luna helps soften the square that Uranus takes from restless Mars. Still, we want to do something to shake off traditional or limiting approaches. With a sextile from Mercury to messenger to forceful Pluto, we’re willing to speak up and express our ideas with power, and we can make key liasons. Uranus is ruling Pluto, so these ideas have to do with new directions and freedom.
Moon also conjoins Pisces’ ruler, mystical Neptune, opening a portal to realms of angels, spirit guides and our own vision. Uranus, Pluto and Neptune all have to do with healing, while Mars rules Chiron, which conjuncts the North Node in Aries, indicating new directions to emerge from our wounds.
This New Moon portal combines spirituality with rebellion, new directions, empowered communications, and a restlessness to find faster ways of moving ahead. We can start a new cycle of visualization and shake off obsolete practices and stagnation in our spiritual lives and/or processes of healing. Compassionate activism and non-violent protests will surge. It’s about spiritual decluttering in preparation for the Eclipse that starts in two weeks.
The Sabian symbol for 20-21 Pisces says:
UNDER THE WATCHFUL AND KIND EYE OF A CHINESE SERVANT, A GIRL FONDLES A LITTLE WHITE LAMB… Growth in consciousness in its earliest tactile awareness of the wonders of unsophisticated living… According to the occult tradition, the original Chinese race was an extension of the humanity (or “Root Race”) preceding ours — thus the stress upon the biological factors of family and ancestors, and also on the dualism of the Yang and Yin interplay. The “Chinese servant” represents the past as a servant of the new evolution. (The “white lamb” suggests the sign of all beginnings, Aries.) This new evolution is just about to begin during the late Pisces phase of the year cycle. It is as yet an ideal, a white loveliness. The girl discovers the new feeling of the touch of wool and of animal warmth. The preceding… sequence began with a symbol suggesting the inspiring revelation of new truths or facts which the creative person is seeking to formulate. Now we witness another kind of discovery — a sensuously emotional discovery, perhaps a presentiment of the mother-feeling… There is charm and ingenuousness in the scene — a vision of WHITE HOPE, a hope for a future that can only be felt, almost naively.The symbol evokes the manifesting power of the mind that’s activated when we use our mental senses to experience something new, creating a quantum space for materialization.
Sample intentions for this lunation include:
- I use my mental senses to see and feel the good I want to manifest, here and now.
- I see myself enjoying spiritual empowerment.
- I give thanks for a new, empowering, clear relationship with my spirit guides.
- I appreciate the breakthroughs I’ve had in my healing processes and powers.
- Archangel Michael, please unblock my throat chakra, and activate my voice of power now.
- I use the power of image to bring forth rich results.
- I find faster ways of precipitating what I really want.
The angels guide me to renew my spiritual practice, and I follow their leadings now.
Monday, March 11
Still on the portal of yesterday’s lunation, Moon in Aries supports action on our beginnings.
Venus is enjoying her last hours in Aquarius, sign of freedom, where she disposits powerful Pluto, empowering new directions. We can connect with friends and move on our ideals.
We want to use these hours, as tomorrow is the last full day of the New Moon portal and includes a VOC Moon. Mars is still in orb of his square to Uranus, so avoid rash action, speeding while driving, and direct conflict. Keep a low profile and a clear head.
Today’s numerology of 11 opens a portal for angels to use the love energy humans generate and with it lift the planetary frequency. Heart-centered prayers, meditations, and affirmations can put us in harmony with today’s opportunities and soften the erratic energy of the Mars-Uranus square.
I forgive myself and others, and I contribute to the vibration of peace, here and now.
Tuesday, March 12
Today’s numerology of 3 tones down the tension of the last few days, while a long VOC gives us a chance for some down time, and evening for warmer, deeper activities.
From early morning, 4:06 am (7:06 ET), Moon will be VOC in Aries for a little over 12 hours. We want to take key actions and make important connections either before or after this 12-hour long VOC.
The VOC Moon in Aries is not so laid back. We can do light exercise, clean and declutter, go on a walk, or enjoy watching sports. At 5:28 pm (8:28 ET), Luna enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. For the next 2 ½ hours, we can make up for lost time by working or moving on something we wish to manifest.
Things might get intense at 7:56 pm (10:56 ET), when we get dual aspects: Moon sextiles sweet Venus and one minute later, squares potent Pluto. We probably want to be picky about who we share this energy with: an energy that’s sweet but intense and possibly shadowy. We can have an intimate encounter, share a deep talk, work on self-esteem, do teamwork to research family secrets, or something else that’s especially close to our hearts.
Archangel Michael, please surround me with your blue light and shield my psyche, spirit and energy, here, now and always.
Wednesday, March 13
A great day for practical progress, with the constructive numerology of 4, great aspects and Moon in abundant Taurus.
Today’s number, 4, is ruled by worker-planet Saturn, who gives Taurus Moon an upgrade in dynamism. With Moon waxing and Mercury poised to enter pre-retrograde shadow next week, it’s worth using the day to build on something that matters. Do business, open a bank account, make an investment, manage money, lease or rent property, purchase a home.
At 12:30 pm (3:30 ET), Moon sextiles constructive Saturn. Doors can open if we knock on them. Reach out to the boss, an elder, a teacher, a bureaucrat, or someone in a position of authority. Saturn in magical Pisces, contacts for spiritual and creative business are particularly favorable.
At 4:13 pm (7:13 ET), fortune, publicity and sales get a boost as Moon, exalted in Taurus, joins expansive Jupiter.
I give thanks for divine opportunities and for my ability to act on them, now and always.
Thursday, March 14
Today’s adventurous numerology of 5 combines with Moon in Taurus to make for a restless morning and a lovely afternoon.
Moon in Taurus blesses our applied efforts with prosperity and lasting results. However, she squares pushy Mars this morning, and bulls can see red. This square in fixed signs Taurus and Aquarius accents stubbornness. Best to focus on independent activities like gardening, reading cookbooks (or writing one), or making changes to yard, home, or bookcase.
At 10:57 am (1:57 pm ET), connections begin to flow, and can be both beautiful and productive, thanks to Moon’s harmonies to Neptune and Sun. We can publish or promote something creative, altruistic or mystical.
At 8:16 pm (11:16 ET), Moon enters loquacious Gemini. We can play word games, write letters, send emails or a presentation, exchange information, take a class, connect with siblings, neighbors, clients or associates.
Avoid getting into manipulative dynamics, gossip or superficial conversations.
No situation or series of circumstances can pull me down from my true place in consciousness now.
Friday, March 15
Moon in chatty Gemini makes sociable contacts, combining with today’s numerology of 6 to bring fortune in one-on-one or group connections.
In an early square to sweet Venus, Moon picks up love vibrations, bringing charm to our interactions. This afternoon, she sextiles ruler Mercury, precipitating opportunities in communications. We can:
- Make a business trip
- Correspond
- Message
- Give a speech or presentation
- Post or transmit on social media
- Make calls and sales
- Connect with siblings, colleagues, clients or neighbors
Make key contacts before 5:06 pm (8:05 ET), when Moon squares chilly Saturn. This inhibiting aspect dampens our cheer. We could go to the movies (avoid a dreary one), take a walk in lovely nature, declutter our drawers or closet, or clean the fridge.
Guardian Angel, please hold me in the joy of simple pleasures throughout the day.
Saturday, March 16
Today’s numerology of 7 favors cognitive activities and combines with Moon in Gemini to accent activities involving words.
We can use and improve our intellect, knowledge, and intuition. Read, study, write, prepare a presentation, handwrite affirmations, do letters to angels and word games, and in general enjoy enriching solitude.
Tonight isn’t so great for connections, with Moon’s trine to sharp Mars, but we can use the pushy energy to eliminate undesirable mental patterns, declutter our documents, inbox, messages, papers and bookshelves as we prepare for Moon’s Second Quarter, which comes at 9:11 pm (12:11 ET), and invites a review of our progress on intentions we set at last week’s New Moon in Pisces.
The Sabian symbol for 27-28 Pisces says:
THROUGH BANKRUPTCY, SOCIETY GIVES TO AN OVERBURDENED INDIVIDUAL THE OPPORTUNITY TO BEGIN AGAIN… A release from unbearable pressures, freeing one for new tasks… Here we have another kind of “leaving behind,” a LIBERATION FROM THE PAST.
At 9:43 pm (12:43 ET), Moon goes VOC.
I declare myself free of past dreams and accomplishments, and begin a new, lighter experience, here and now.
Sunday, March 17
Today’s numerology of 8 facilitates tangible results from accumulated efforts, and the aspects of Sun and Moon fuel intuition, affection, charm and empowerment.
The tangible results of our efforts today may relate to spirituality, intuition, dreams, and creativity, thanks to a conjunction from Sun in mystical Pisces to ruler Neptune. Today’s numerology of 8 has to do with empowerment, so whatever we choose do, we can hold to the idea of tangible results.
Moon in sensitive Cancer brushes against Pluto this morning, allowing us to feel beneath the surface and have a transformative experience by journaling, shadow work, with family, or by doing something related to real estate or our home.
This afternoon, Moon’s trine to sweet Venus favors connections for romance, with family or in other close relationships, and in altruistic activities or initiatives.
Before taking action, I see and give thanks for completed results, now and always.
Monday, March 18
Numerous influences help us wrap things up: Mercury in pre-retrograde shadow, today’s numerology of 9, related to endings, and the Sun at 30 degrees Pisces, the last degree of the last sign of the zodiac.
Moon in dynamic Cancer makes aspects that support concrete progress and a broadening of our influence. They start this morning with harmonies to constructive Saturn and abundant Jupiter, facilitating practical contacts and positive connections with groups to expand our reach. Cancer can be shy, and to make the most of these influences, we must gently step out of the hermit’s shell, and reach out to individuals and the public.
At 7:29 am (10:29 ET), we might wish to take a break to journal and write affirmations, since Moon squares mental Mercury, an aspect that carries the potential for irritability and subjective thinking.
At 5:20 pm (8:20 ET), Moon sextiles disruptive Uranus. We can move out of our comfort zones to update our knowledge or take innovative action for business, finance, or our own independence.
My wellness cannot be limited, my growth cannot be limited, my life cannot be limited.
Tuesday, March 19
We get a burst of new life, with the pioneering numerology of 1 and the first Spring Equinox since Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius.
Morning through midday are great for moving on something we started previously, and for reasserting our updated identity.
Sun triggers the critical first degree of Aries, pulling us out of Piscean dreamland and into a rebirth of confidence and self-affirmation. This is the first Spring Equinox since powerful Pluto’s recent entrance into Aquarius, sign of freedom. It’s putting us in touch with what we choose to be, beyond traditional strictures, structures and labels. As Sun activates Aries, we can apply this power and assert the attributes we wish to expand.
Morning through early afternoon are good for people connections, work, and spiritual activities. Moon in Cancer makes a morning trine to mystical Neptune, accenting intuition and opening our sensitivity to guidance from angels and Spirit. At 11:52 am (2:52 pm ET), Moon trines Sun, kissing goodbye its transit through Pisces and reaffirming our confidence, compassion and psychic perception. It’s a great aspect to use for practicing forgiveness and building self-esteem. Do this before 12:33 pm (3:33 ET), when Moon enters warm, dramatic Leo and we can focus on friends or romance, work on a creative project, and give others positive recognition.
Late afternoon and evening are better for intimate connections or independent activities after 3:49 pm (6:49 ET), when Moon will have set a more serious tone by opposing Pluto, the godfather planet. We can get to the bottom of a mystery, journal, share therapy or an Equinox ceremony on our own or in a quiet place with a small, happy group—to avoid Moon-Pluto’s moody tendencies.
Equinox is exact at 8:06 pm (11:06 ET). It culminates today’s energy of beginnings, although with Mercury in shadow it’s more about a reset and renewal of things we started before. There’s a sense of taking back our self-definition as part of a new phase of power.
I am the power to renew myself, my life and my connection to Spirit, now and always.
Wednesday, March 20
On the portal of Venus conjunct Saturn, the companionable numerology of 2 favors enjoying and fueling relationships we wish to last.
Both Venus and Saturn rule material gain, and these contacts can be for business, but they can also be for something of lasting value, for work involving beauty, charm, money, or women, and—with 2’s predisposition towards close companionship—for personal connections.
With Sun still in range of the critical Aries degree, what we do and with whom we connect can make a bigger impact than usual. Moon in Leo brings warmth and flare that we can apply to strengthen valued ties. At 6:35 pm (9:35 ET), Luna squares Jupiter, favoring business, altruism, and putting our talents, ideas or a cause on display.
The true substance of this relationship is divine, and it works to benefit both of us, now and always.
Thursday, March 21
Still within earshot of the Equinox portal, two major transits make this a landmark day to strengthen our message and connections.Morning is better for independent, creative activities, with Moon in strong Leo making a square to rebel Uranus.
By midday we are receiving the support of two major transits. Sun sextiles Pluto, multiplying the results of our purpose-centered actions and facilitating connections with someone powerful—or at least, powerful for us. Also, Venus, lady of love, beauty, values, and creativity, joins Saturn the worker: we can take a realistic look at draining relationship dynamics, and begin to put them in order. These aspects are more serious than cheerful, and their benefits come with courage and effort. Also, tomorrow bold Mars moves from free Aquarius to mysterious Pisces. So pull up your overalls and seize the day.
At 11:34 pm (2:34 am ET), Moon goes VOC.
Angels and spirit guides, direct me to recognize my needs and be firm in fulfilling them now.
Friday, March 22
Moon in Virgo and master number 22 both relate to service, while the latter can expand the results of our efforts to reach the masses.
Moon in Virgo supports the focus on detail required to solve a problem, provide service, and produce quality work. We can make our best effort to work on building something of service and/or of lasting value. Yesterday’s Venus-Saturn conjunction is still in force, supporting our efforts. The conjunction takes place in Pisces, spotlighting business or efforts in creativity, biology, spirituality, and humanitarian causes.
Strike out with courage before 4:47 pm (7:47 ET), when Mars switches from unbridled Aquarius to mysterious Pisces, where our motivation may get softened in the mists.
I do my best and leave the rest to God, now and always.
Saturday, March 23
Moon in Virgo brings a constructive tone to our connections, which are facilitated by her contacts to benefics Venus and Jupiter.
We’re on the portal of tomorrow’s sextile between charming Venus and gregarious Jupiter—an outstanding aspect for contacts, promotion, and prosperity. Moon in practical Virgo connects with both, and we can direct today’s restless numerology of 5 in developing constructive connections, for socializing, service, business and romance.
To top it off, tonight’s sextile from Moon to independent Uranus favors innovative directions in finance, business, and relationships.
I baptize my connections as a complete success, in the Name of the One Presence and the One Power.
Sunday, March 24
On the portal of tomorrow’s Eclipse Full Moon, today’s fortunate numerology of 6 and a sextile between benefics Venus and Jupiter, help restructure relationships.
With Moon in diligent Virgo, the first hours of the day bring fortune in work and business, until Moon goes VOC at 8:49 am (11:49 ET).
At 1:37 pm (4:37 ET), Moon enters sociable Libra, fueling the promise of expansion brought by the Venus-Jupiter sextile. It’s important to note that Venus is still charged with the serious energy of her recent conjunction to Saturn, taking some bubbles out of our champagne, and calling for us to maintain firm footing. Jupiter expands the potential of Venus, our love, values and finances, while Saturn wants structure and limits.
Any Full Moon Eclipse brings a special opportunity to complete something. This one activates the South Node, that “something” we’ll be drawn to complete is from the past. Libra, the sign of balance, and the present combination of Saturn and Jupiter—old and new, limits and expansion—gives us a chance to end draining relationship dynamics with ourselves, others, or in a certain life area, and step into connections that support our dreams.
At 5-6 Libra, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
A MAN WATCHES HIS IDEALS TAKING A CONCRETE FORM BEFORE HIS INNER VISION. The need to visualize clearly one’s dreams or ideals in order to make them truly effectual. According to a French proverb, “What is well conceived can easily be formulated.” The process of interior visualization can be quite essential… It is a phase of INTERIOR FORMULATION in preparation for a creative projection of one’s ideals or concepts.The symbol confirms the hopeful tone of this Eclipse. It may be tough to set limits, but our vision of—and our determination for—progress will open new paths. The portal is exact at midnight (3:00 am ET), and continues strong tomorrow.
On a mundane level, today’s transits support endeavors that combine charm, luck and work, like: sharing on social networks, relaunching a promotion, reorganizing and acting on a PR strategy, giving a seminar, garnering support, marketing art… and almost anything related to group and personal connection.
Angels and Spirit Guides, please direct me to set limits with myself and others, so that my dream can take root, here and now.
Monday, March 25
Last night’s Eclipse portal remains in force, while today’s numerology of 7 favors solitude and mental activities.
Today’s number 7 relates to cognition, wisdom, intelligence, study, and intuition. With Moon in Libra, connections are in the spotlight, along with the changes in relationships described yesterday for the Eclipse energies. The influence of 7 can help us be separate and apart from others while we sort out our priorities, situation, strategies, and limits. We can pray, meditate, and consult spirit guides and/or worldly resources such as books, an advisor, a coach, a therapist, a medium or an astrologer.
This evening, Moon makes a brush with Saturn—in the form of a quincunx— a minor influence that nonetheless echoes and underscores the serious, effortful tone of the Eclipse portal, and its role in what we’re building for.
Late tonight, Moon connects with Jupiter, planet of faith. If we’re wanting a miracle, the influences can help; we can stay up late and focus on prayers, visualizations, and angel connections.
I give thanks for the miracles I have received and for those that are in the works, here and now.
Tuesday, March 26
Today’s powerful numerology of 8 supports consolidated results, while Moon in Libra and her aspects fuel creativity.
Most of the day favors connection, although at 7:06 am (10:06 ET) Moon’s morning brush with Uranus awakens our originality, and enforces the spirit of independence stoked by the recent Lunar Eclipse. Today’s numerology of 8 supports lasting improvements, and we can focus Libra Moon’s social intuition on something constructive involving justice, compromise, teamwork, negotiation, a court appearance, or a bank statement.
Finish making contacts before 4:09 pm (7:09 ET), when Moon goes VOC on an opposition to Mercury the messenger followed by a minor aspect to mystical Neptune. These influences favor intuitive activities like journaling, reading, writing affirmations, channeling or other spiritual practice involving words.
My words are not just ideas, they’re doors of power that Spirit uses to heal, harmonize and renew, here and now.
Wednesday, March 27
With today’s pensive numerology of 9 and strong aspects involving Moon in Scorpio, sign of transmutation, today favors fertile solitude and if possible, taking some downtime.
We’re in the window between two eclipses in dynamic cardinal signs (the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries comes on April 8). We may be feeling giddy, excited and at the same time pressured. We can use this day to take a time out.
Pluto is strong. He rules today’s numerology of 9 and Moon in Scorpio, and this morning the planet of power receives a square from Moon, reactivating his role in the recent Eclipse and emboldening us to follow through on changes in our relationships.
Moon also trines Pluto’s coruler, Mars, increasing our confidence—but not necessarily our smarts. Interactions with others can easily become dramatic.
On a more cheery note, we’re on the portal of a sextile from Venus to Uranus, refreshing our connections in relationships and—with Uranus in secure Taurus—finances and other long-term values. However, today’s Plutonian backdrop favors using these energies to visualize, strategize, heal our bodies and self-esteem, and research our options in preparation for further action. In fact, the strong Uranus and Pluto energies can dreg up some amazing secrets and gems of wisdom.
I invite the angels of truth to occupy this situation and bring into the light what I need to see, here and now.
Thursday, March 28
Today’s numerology of 1 fuels new beginnings, and we are emboldened by today’s Moon in strong Scorpio and sextile from Venus to daring Uranus.
This is the last of three major aspects involving Venus, ruler of the recent Eclipse. She sextiles Uranus, planet of authenticity, ruler of Pluto the transformer, whose recent entrance into Aquarius has emboldened us to claim our freedom. Moon’s connections with Saturn and Jupiter facilitate success, complimenting the Venus-Uranus sextile to support concrete progress in new directions.
Reach out to someone who might support a breakthrough in love, activism, business, education, publicity or finance.
At 6:46 pm (9:46 ET), Moon opposes Uranus, fueling our contrarian spirit. Take a break from people and do something independent: research something unusual, rearrange the furniture, declutter your space or work on a creative project.
At 8:02 pm (11:02 ET), harmony returns as Moon in sexy Scorpio trines sweet Venus in romantic Pisces. This is a great trine for sharing affection and intimate, emotional connection.
I release others and retrieve my own true vibration and pathway, here and now.
Friday, March 29
Today’s variety of opportunities supports inner work, connections and unplugging.
This morning, Moon Scorpio makes a quincunx to wordy Mercury, favoring dream interpretation, journaling, hugging a tree, and writing affirmations.
At 8:40 am (11:40 ET), Moon goes VOC. We can take time out to rest, read unofficial versions, and meditate on forgiveness.
At 12:52 pm (3:52 ET), Moon enters gregarious, expansive Sagittarius, and three hours later, sextiles Pluto, bringing opportunities for positive change, especially in the Sag areas: philosophy, teaching, learning, negotiation, trade, legal matters, lending or borrowing money, diplomacy, foreign lands or spirit guides.
At 11:43 pm (2:43 ET), we get one of Moon’s most difficult aspects: a square to pushy Mars. After that trigger, save people contacts for tomorrow.
There’s nothing to fear. God’s loving action prevails and I am benefitted by all people and situations, here and now.
Saturday, March 30
Today’s numerology of 3 is ruled by Venus and sweetens our words and interactions with others. The aspects of Moon in outgoing Sagittarius bring times to connect and times to retreat.
The day gets off to a warm start, as at 8:44 am (11:44 ET), Moon trines Sun in enthusiastic Aries. Morning through midday is great for socializing, going out, sports, enjoying nature, and group activities.
At 2:29 pm (5:29 ET), the atmosphere cools as Moon squares stern Saturn. After this, save people contacts for late tonight or tomorrow morning and instead focus on simple, independent tasks like decluttering the closet, straightening drawers, or cleaning the refrigerator.
At 9:26 pm (12:26 am ET), Moon brushes against Jupiter, favoring contacts with people or angels.
“That which I decree for myself I decree for all others, according to each soul’s choice and acceptance.”—John Randolph Price, The Love Book
Sunday, March 31
Happy Easter!
Moon in Sagittarius lifts our spirits, and makes morning and evening aspects that favor subtle activities, with a few great hours between for people connections.
Luna’s morning quincunx to Uranus favors spiritual, healing and intuitive activities. We get several hours for people connections of all kinds, after 11:06 am (2:06pm ET), when Moon squares sweet Venus, followed by a trine to Mercury the messenger. Moon in Sag especially favors outdoor spaces.
The mystical energy kicks in again at 5:16 pm (8:16 ET), when Moon squares psychic Neptune. We can partake of an Easter Ceremony, consult and oracle, connect with angels, get a psychic reading.
I invite the angels of Springtime to renew my assertiveness, my faith and my inner powers, here and now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.