Daily Astrological Forecast, February 1–29, 2024
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Unless otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Thursday, February 1
We get a few hours that favor socializing, acting on our altruistic impulses and enjoying beauty, art or film. The rest of the day favors decluttering and taking bold action to finish or end something.
Until 12:37 pm (3:37 ET), Moon is VOC in sweet Libra. She makes a minor aspect to Neptune, accentuating the artistic and romantic inclinations of both bodies. It’s the perfect time to read a romance novel, listen to music, take in a film, or work on something creative just for fun. Enjoy the healing vibrations of a beautiful space, outdoors or in.
At 12:37 pm (3:37 ET), Moon enters passionate Scorpio, followed by a square to sweet Venus. We can have a transformational encounter involving partnership, finance, or healing. An approaching sextile from mental Mercury to sensitive Neptune accents intuition and can potentiate hypnotic connections, publications, and communications.
Be selective: Scorpio Moon rejects superficiality. We can connect deeply with ourselves or others, do something bold in finance or relationships, empower women, or confront and transmute our limiting beliefs.
Invocation in two steps for guidance in dreams. Repeat in bed before going to sleep: (1) Archangel Michael, please surround me with your hosts and shield me with your sapphire blue light, so that only the good comes near. (2) Angels and spirit guides, please encircle me and guide me in (name situation).
Friday, February 2
This is a great day for successful promotions and blissful, hot, and transformational connections.
Moon in deep Scorpio fuels passion and transformation, while Mercury the messenger in practical Capricorn sextiles charming Neptune in Pisces, its dreamy ruling sign. Words used for spirituality or business now exert a fascinating effect.
Sweeter still are Moon’s aspects to charismatic Jupiter and sweet Venus. Knock on a key door, go on a date or a romantic weekend, woo your honey, launch a promotion.
Reach out to others, campaign for something and share information, ideas, requests, and affection before 3:18 pm (6:18 ET), when Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning her week of winding down. This time is better for finishing things than for starting something new.
At 7-8 Scorpio, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
A CALM LAKE BATHED IN MOONLIGHT.A quiet openness to higher inspiration.One could stress the romantic suggestions such an image evokes, but even at the level of a love relationship what is implied is a surrender of two personal egos to the inspiration of transcendent feelings which are essentially impersonal. Love expresses itself through the lovers, for real Love is a cosmic undifferentiated principle or power which simply focuses itself within the ‘souls’ of human beings who reflect its light. The same is true of the mystic’s love for God. Man strives hard to achieve great things through daring adventures, but a moment comes when all that really matters is to present a calm mind upon which a supernal light may be reflected… beyond all efforts lays the need for peace and the readiness to accept the illumination from above. The Keyword is QUIESCENCE.
Affirmation: I invite divine love to expand its presence in me, through me and as me now.
Saturday, February 3
Combined with today’s socially adept numerology of 3, this morning’s transits favor independent activities, while afternoon is romantic and tender.
Morning contacts from Moon in strong Scorpio to rebel Uranus and warrior Mars favor independent creative activities and taking heroic action, like beach clean-up, or volunteering for emergency or crisis work. This energy is also great for sending out a curriculum or proposal, buying a lottery ticket, watching sports (participating could be a bit risky), or entering a contest.
At 2:42 pm (5:42 ET), a trine from Moon to Neptune softens the starwaves and fuels empathy, psychism, artistic inspiration, and intimate encounters. We can enjoy contacts with angels, journal, declutter our visualization materials, do spiritual and emotional healing, and work on something creative. Sensitivity surges, and we want to avoid crowded environments, and save imbibing liquor or using hallucinogenics for another day.
Take key actions and make important connections before 7:24 pm (10:24 ET), when Moon goes VOC, entering Sagittarius at 10:28 pm (1:28 am ET).
Affirmation: I enjoy the treasure of solitude and use it richly, here and now.
Sunday, February 4
Today’s constructive numerology of 4 combines with Sagittarius Moon to facilitate practical results in promotion, diplomacy, commerce, justice or negotiation.
A wee-hour sextile from Moon to godfather planet Pluto makes Luna’s current sojourn in Sagittarius more forceful, determined, and effective. The first part of the day favors activities that require both nerve and diplomacy, such as:
- Negotiation
- Promoting something
- Working on trade
- Resolving a legal matter
- Holding an important event
At 11:10 am (1:10 pm ET), smiles may morph into frowns as Moon squares stern Saturn. Take a break to declutter your calendar, your research, legal materials, and the images you use to visualize—in preparation to make new ones at this week’s upcoming New Moon.
At 12:39 pm (3:39 ET), we get back in the flow thanks to a quincunx from Moon to Sag’s ruler, Jupiter. After this, we might use the expansive Jupiterian influence to take, give, or sign up for a class, work on a promotion or correspondence, lend or borrow money, enjoy friends, and connect with foreign lands, peoples, or culture.
At 9:10 pm (12:10 am), Mercury the messenger leaves the cold mountain paths of Capricorn for high, blue airs of Aquarius. Thinking becomes more independent and communication, more frank.
Affirmation: I allow myself to be my own support system, here and now.
Monday, February 5
We can make breakthroughs in communication and research, thanks to Mercury’s conjunction to profound Pluto, and a connection from Moon in adventuresome Sag to independent Uranus.
Today’s numerology of 5 makes us restless for change, while Mercury newly in Aquarius and conjuncting intense Pluto gives us laser-like perception.
As Luna contacts Uranus, she fuels revolutionary sentiments. In vociferous Sag, she increases our fervor to share the word, push the issue, and pursue promotional activities.
These combined influences make today great to:
- Circulate a petition
- Write to Congress
- Negotiate
- Ask for what we need
- Stick up for our beliefs
- Join with others of like mind
- Pursue a legal matter
- Get to the bottom of something
- Promote a unique idea
- Think our way out of a challenge
With a late square from Moon in Sag, sign of faith, to mystical Neptune, tonight is great for inner work, visualization, and connecting with spirit guides.
Affirmation: I choose good outcomes, and I access the angelic network, here and now.
Tuesday, February 6
Today’s fortunate numerology of 6 joins with Moon in constructive Capricorn to support prosperity and meetings for business, study, or with elders.
At 4:08 am (7:08 ET), Moon leaves the expansive horizons of Sag for the cool, dry slopes of Capricorn, where she favors all things related to leadership, responsibility, strategy, and organization. This combination is great for finance, trade, real estate, bureaucracy, sales, business, planning sales, projecting lucrative or practical activities, or reaching out to people in positions of authority.
We can achieve lasting results, especially after 4:18 pm (7:18 ET), when Moon sextiles Capricorn’s ruler Saturn. At 5:41 pm (8:41 ET) Luna trines affable Jupiter, magnifying our ability to connect with people’s good will, enthusiasm, and emotions—a great aspect for garnering support and attracting clients or followers.
On the doorstep of tomorrow’s cosmic aspects, we find special success in a cause, activity or product related to women, art, sex, or spirituality.
Invocation: Precious Goddess Lakshmi, please open my mind to receive the divine riches that flow to every area of my life, here and now.
Wednesday, February 7
Sparks and magic fly, with two cosmic harmonies that make for exciting connections and positive change.
Venus, goddess of love and values, trines Uranus. The rebel planet happens to be ruling Sun and Pluto in Aquarius, and, in Taurus, is himself ruled by Venus. There can be breakthroughs in our ways of relating and doing business, breakthroughs that are particularly exciting for women.
This trine is accompanied by a sextile from bold Mars to imaginative Neptune that blends assertiveness with charm. Our actions can have a hypnotic effect, and we can make sudden headway in a media production, creative project. or sales campaign, especially something involving spirituality or connecting to our dreams.
Think big, try something new, take bold action. The combination can also bring a new influx of erotic or romantic excitement. With Venus and Mars both in stable Capricorn, try to apply the energy in something you wish to last.
A late sextile from Moon to Neptune favors connecting with spirit guides and programing dreams for guidance. Wrap things up before 11:52 pm (2:52 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
Affirmation to program dreams (repeat three times before falling asleep): My higher self knows the way in this situation and reveals it to me in a clear, positive dream I remember on waking.
Thursday, February 8
Strong Uranus and bold Pluto energies motivate us to a new level of results in finance, research, or our personal path of power.
Today’s numerology of 8, ruled by godfather Pluto, supports tangible improvement. Moon is in freedom-loving Aquarius, as is Sun, who squares ruler Uranus in Taurus, sign of abundance, fueling our creativity and our will to manifest in new ways.
This morning, Moon joins Pluto: we can make a life-changing decision, set an important limit, declutter the closet—or simply dump everything to set out on a new path. This pair is also great for muckrucking: we can do brilliant research and uncover an elusive secret.
As for people connections, things go more smoothly after 3:25 pm (6:25 ET), when Moon joins loquacious Mercury and a bit later squares easy-going Jupiter.
Affirmation: I take back my power to choose and complete divine results, here and now.
Friday, February 9
New Moon in Aquarius favors starting something related to freedom.
This lunation lights a fire under the tendencies set in motion on January 20, when Sun and Pluto entered Aquarius, triggering our potential for freedom, for coming out from under someone’s thumb, and for no longer repressing our unique tastes and inclinations.
Define, discover, or determine what these key phrases mean to you: authentic ideas, evolving identity, intellectual, activist or cultural horizons, and/or true friends. A look at the house occupied by 21 Aquarius in your birth chart can shed light on how and where you need to assert your freedom.
Write down your intentions. Then use the mystical numerology of 9 to search for knowledge and esoteric tools that can support its manifestation.
We can consider our options, set our intentions and take key actions earlier in the day, since Moon goes VOC just as she becomes exactly new in Aquarius at 2:59 pm (5:59 ET). The New Moon triggers the New Chinese Year of the Dragon, associated with prosperity, power, wisdom, and success. Until the VOC, Mars will be supporting the results of our actions during his final hours in Capricorn, sign of his exaltation.
Affirmation: I believe in my heart-call, and prove it with action now.
Saturday, February 10
Still on the portal of yesterday’s New Moon and Chinese New Year, today’s numerology of 1 brings energy to move on new beginnings. (You may see mentions of today being the Chinese New Year, but that’s because of the time difference with China. We discuss this shift in more detail in our February General Influences.)
At 5:32 am (8:32 ET), Moon enters sensitive Pisces, expanding our imagination and facilitating connections with spirit guides and angels. Mercury the Messenger also squares expansive Jupiter, opening our minds and supporting communication, publication, and all activities related to words and information. It’s a cheerful aspect that accents the intuitive gifts of Moon in Pisces. We can get a psychic reading or join with friends to consult our favorite oracle as we start the Chinese New Year. Bold actions will be supported by Mars, who’s about to say goodbye to constructive Capricorn, sign of his exaltation.
At 5:45 pm (8:45 ET), joviality subsides, emotional intelligence enters deep freeze, and the day’s tone shifts from fun to serious, thanks to Moon’s conjunction to strict Saturn. Pisces’ sweet spirit may feel dampened. However, we can use the force of Saturn to organize a creative or spiritual project.
At 7:05 pm (10:05 ET), tensions again evaporate as Moon sextiles Jupiter, a highly favorable aspect for empathy, emotional intimacy, promoting something, and connecting with the public.
Affirmation: Angels of action, please direct me and move me on my highest path, here and now.
Sunday, February 11
With today’s master number 11 and Moon in Pisces both ruled by angelic Neptune, today’s energy supports beautiful results.
We can have a blissful experience and get in touch with our spirit guides and angels. Still on the portal of the Chinese New Year, Pisces Moon favors reconnecting with our dreams and making a vision board. Today’s numerology of 11 opens a door for angels to more easily access our heart energy and with it. lift the planetary vibration.
At 12:07, Moon sextiles progressive Uranus. We can connect with an enlivening person or group and inject energy into an internet, research, or creative project, or into something focused on invention or financial innovation.
At 8:31 pm (11:31 ET), Moon sextiles Venus, planet of love. Reach out to others, particularly to women or for romance. Share feelings and nurture ties that you wish to last.
Affirmation: I invite the angels of freedom to release me from obsolete situations, habits and contexts, here and now.
Monday, February 12
The strong energies of Mars and Pluto mingle and contrast with a gentle sextile between romantic Venus and Neptune. The combination supports headway in connections, for independence, and in a spiritual project.
At 4:32 am (7:32 ET), Moon enters bold Aries, favoring independent action to finish something or make decisive headway.
Today’s numerology of 3 is ruled by Venus, accenting the lovely sextile from sweet Venus to sensitive Neptune that makes for dreamy, even hypnotic connections. Romance can blossom, and there’s a special charm to connections involving women, spirituality, creativity, promotions, and compassion.
It’s wise to focus on the harmonious potential, since Moon in restless Aries makes some brazen sextiles to ruler Mars and decisive Pluto. These two tough guys of the solar system can embolden us to take firm action: reaching out to someone in power, sharing something we’ve been holding inside, closing a deal.
With Mars poised to leave Capricorn, sign of its exaltation, it’s worth focusing on something we really want, and acting boldly to make it last. With Moon in Aries, an extra dose of diplomacy and patience are advisable. Today’s energies can be pushy, and may be best used to act directly but from a distance. Tap into the harmony, apply PR skills, and follow up with more brave action.
At 10:05 am (1:05 am ET), Mars enters free Aquarius, moving us to explore new horizons and act on our ideals of freedom.
Affirmation: Angels of Wellness, please move me to care for others and of myself, now and always.
Tuesday, February 13
Two cosmic aspects fuel libido and brawn, and today’s practical numerology of 4 gives staying power to our inspired connections and creative works.
Moon in vigorous Aries fires our spirit and moves us to cut through perfectionism and get things done.
At the same time, sweet, benefic Venus perfects her sextile to Neptune, bringing wonderful opportunities for connections, romance, creativity, humanitarianism and finance. Reach out to those who matter, consolidate connections, express your love, share your talents.
It’s wise to avoid controversial or aggressive encounters. Very early tomorrow morning, one of the year’s most intense aspects, pushy Mars joins demanding Pluto. We feel ready to fight for the freedom promised by the godfather planet since his recent entrance in rebellious Aquarius. Whatever you do, whoever you connect with, move in resonance with the new power of authenticity that emerges from within.
Affirmation: Guardian Angel, please mobilize me to act dexterously and boldly, here and now.
Wednesday, February 14
Yesterday’s window for empowered actions and magical connections is still open, although connections can still be prickly.
At 3:21 am (5:21 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Taurus at 7:02 am (10:02 ET), where she supports confidence and abundance.
Yesterday’s combination of boldness, independence, and sweetness remains in force, although Moon’s tensions to Mars and Pluto increase the potential for interpersonal struggle, particularly this morning. We want to be bold but also selective and strategic when connecting.
Nighttime is particularly constructive, thanks to Moon’s sextile to worker Saturn at 8:57 pm (11:57 ET), followed soon thereafter by her conjunction to expansive Jupiter.
Affirmation: Guardian Angel, please free from doubts about my right to act courageously and move me on my path of power, here and now.
Thursday, February 15
Moon exalted in Taurus makes aspects that favor independent work for social, cultural or academic progress.
Today’s numerology of 6 enriches Luna’s potential for positive manifestation, while tensions with Mercury and Uranus, planets of cognition, aren’t so great for connections but do stimulate intellectual, academic, and creative abilities.
We can best focus on independent initiatives or contacts from a distance, directed towards lasting abundance or cultural and intellectual progress, such as:
- Business
- Take care of money
- Making investments
- Leasing or renting property
- Setting up s new business or cultural project
- Self-esteem
- Studies
Affirmation: The angels guide me to move ahead, and I follow their guidance, here and now.
Friday, February 16
The first part of the day is great for practical progress on our dreams, with afternoon favoring research, writing, and assertive communications. When it comes to arguments, it’s better to prepare for one than to actually take it on.
Moon exalted in Taurus sextiles Neptune before reaching her Second Quarter at 7:01 am (10:01 ET), making this morning great for reviewing our progress since last week’s New Moon and taking concrete action on our dreams.
At 27-28 Taurus, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
A WOMAN, PAST HER ‘CHANGE OF LIFE,’ EXPERIENCES A NEW LOVE… capacity to rise in consciousness and feelings above biological limitations…,… to rise above the limitations which both biological nature and the ‘normal’ social pattern of behavior have tried to impose… he or she should freely open his or her mind to the possibility of always new REBEGINNINGS. Ideally, the new beginning should imply a more mature response to the new possibility of experience.Also supporting new beginnings is a conjunction from Venus to Pluto. The goddess of love invites us to update our values and relational style in accordance with the evolutionary cycle initiated by the dark planet’s entrance into revolutionary Aquarius last month. We can shake off the shackles of obsolete relationships, set limits, and step out of our comfort zone to step into our power.
At 11:39 (2:39 pm ET) Moon enters wordy Gemini, making trines to sexy Venus, driven Mars and invincible Pluto. We want to connect, yet our feelings are strong and we’re apt to be forceful. This alignment is great for assertive communication, but if you’re feeling confrontative, choose your fights. We can also use our talents to research something hidden or take decisive action discretely.
Tonight, mental Mercury squares brilliant Uranus, sharpening our thought processes, stimulating originality, and fueling our independent, potentially argumentative streak.
Today’s numerology of 7 stimulates learning. Another way to direct today’s potential is by taking a course in financial planning, effective relating, or personal development.
Affirmation: I give thanks for the inspiration I receive in my communications, now and always.
Saturday, February 17
Well-chosen communications can empower our freedom.
Venus perfects her conjunction to Pluto, strengthening independence in relationships, values and finance. We can close a cycle, release a draining situation, and act in accordance with our evolving inner directives.
Moon in Gemini nurtures verbal abilities but her square to strict Saturn can make connections somewhat frosty.
However, we don’t want to avoid them, as today’s numerology of 8 supports tangible progress. The aspects’ serious tone is best applied with a cool head and a dose of objectivity. Save light socializing, partying, and casual dating for another day. This is a time to get our thoughts in order, our journal on hand, and if we can, make a date with a coach, therapist, adviser, or astrologer so we can direct today’s intensity in useful ways.
Affirmation: This person and this situation can only impact me divinely.
Sunday, February 18
On Sun’s last day in Aquarius, today’s numerology of 9 favors reflection and release of obsolete attachments.
Moon in mental Gemini makes a midday square to psychic Neptune, accenting sensitivity and favoring inner work over people connections—which can be confusing, unless they’re for a clearly positive, mystical purpose.
Sun will enter Pisces tonight, beginning a shift from the Aquarius grouping that accompanied Pluto’s ingress into the sign of the water-bearer last month.
Today’s numerology of 9 (ruled by Pluto) helps close a cycle, and Moon in Gemini likes words. We can gather information, journal, study our birth charts and lives, and in general use thoughts and words to reaffirm the new age of freedom offered by Pluto’s shift.
After a four-minute VOC, Moon enters Cancer at 7:25 pm (10:25 ET), where she favors family connections and, with Sun entering sensitive Pisces at 8:43 pm (11:43 ET), enjoying music, film, empathetic connections, and listening.
Affirmation: I release myself and others of condemnation, and give thanks that divine justice works is at work in this situation now.
Monday, February 19
Morning favors inner work and decluttering, and afternoon is great for starting a new cycle—in business, for spiritual evolution, with family, or in our living space.
On Sun’s first full day in Pisces since Pluto’s recent entrance into Aquarius, we experience a new, more aware type of intuition. We are channeling forces of freedom, which touch our unconscious and spiritual lives.
Moon in Cancer is also intuitive, and her tense morning aspects can best be used in low-key, independent activities like decluttering, taking a hot bath, giving ourselves a pedicure and foot massage, and doing inner work.
At 12:02 pm (3:02 ET), things pick up, as Moon trines Saturn in Pisces, followed by a sextile to Jupiter. Both planets support success and their harmonies connect with today’s dynamic numerology of 1 to bring fortune in our efforts to build or organize something, particularly in areas related to Moon, Pisces, and Taurus, such as:
- Family
- Gardening
- Spirituality (renewing one’s metaphysical library or organizing one’s inner work)
- Business
- Music
- Finance
- Relationship with nature
- Campaigning for a cause
- Teaching
Affirmation: I release myself and others from past expectations and allow my present priorities to become clear now.
Tuesday, February 20
Charm is in the air, bringing excitement and magic in connections.
Moon in emotional Cancer rules today’s numerology of 2, which likes company.
This morning, Luna’s sextile to innovative Uranus in prosperous Taurus favors bold action in business, finance, or real estate.
Uranus also rules sweet Venus and hot Mars, both in orb of a conjunction in freedom-loving Aquarius and charged with the energy of their recent visits to Pluto. Relationships feel powerful, irresistible, and intensely charming. With Moon in tender Cancer, the combination favors intimacy and connections that can be highly fertile.
Affirmation: Angels fill my world, awakening divine connections, here and now.
Wednesday, February 21
With Moon in passionate Leo and Venus and Mars in close embrace, romance and creativity pour forth like river rapids—but tensions make most of the day better for independent endeavors.
Moon enters confident Leo at 5:40 am (8:40 am), fueling creativity and drama.
At 7:37, Luna opposes tough Pluto, an intense connection that fuels passion and can expose emotions that have been in the shadows. It can also fuel power struggles and exaggerate conflict. After this, our talents are best directed in independent activities: beautifying our space, or working on a project that requires passion.
Save key communications for another day or for after 7:03 pm (10:03 ET), when Moon opposes sweet Venus and a few minutes later, fiery Mars. This isn’t a low-key encounter, but when they join, the feminine and masculine planet unleash a wave of charm that combines with Moon in Leo to provide extreme fuel for romance or, if you prefer, for creative brilliance.
With Venus and Mars in Aquarius, this isn’t romance as usual. It has a fresh, exciting, and free vibration that can upgrade our experience and create something altogether exciting and new.
Affirmation: Divine substance comes forth in joyful and inspiring ways, here and now.
Thursday, February 22
Romance and creativity continue to prevail, while master number 22 lifts them to a cosmic level of expression.Continuing yesterday’s trends, Moon in warm Leo combines with the Venus-Mars pairing to fan the flames of romance and optimize creative expression. By sharing our heart-light we can warm our world. Today’s master number 22 has a cosmic electricity that can broaden our influence beyond the personal realm. Our efforts of service can reach the masses.
Moon’s square to Jupiter expands emotional connections with people, with angels, with our vision and with a cause or promotion of some kind.
Tackle key actions and communications before 8:18 pm (11:18 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
Mercury enters Pisces at 11:29 pm (2:29 am ET). For the next two and half weeks, intuitive thoughts and connections will prevail.
Affirmation: I invite the angels to love, serve and prosper through me, here and now.
Friday, February 23
A long VOC makes for a reverse Friday: party all day and work at night.
Moon VOC in Leo, ruled by the Sun, favors heart-centered meditation practices and having fun, until 5:38 pm (8:38 ET), when the Sarge shows up in the form of Moon in Virgo.
With Mercury in sensitive Pisces and Moon in minor aspect to psychic Neptune and deep Pluto, intuition and creativity are enriched. We can do hear-centered meditation or prayers, consult the angels or our favorite oracle, do journaling, transmute our feelings. Today’s numerology of 5 likes adventure, and with Moon VOC for most of the day we can have fun, take ourselves or our love-object to brunch, take in a film or an art exhibit, and go about whatever we do in a spirit of fun.
We can retrieve a productive mode at 5:38 pm (8:38 ET), when Moon enters oh-so-diligent Virgo. Still in orb of yesterday’s Venus-Mars conjunction, we can direct our diligence to improving creative work or focus our passion in healing, a service activity or a relationship we wish to last.
Invocation: Guardian Angel, please reconnect me with the joy within and around me, here and now.
Saturday, February 24
Today’s fortunate numerology of 6 enriches the Full Moon in Virgo with an energy of abundance, while Pluto and Saturn push us to take hold of our passion and achieve tangible progress.
The Virgo Full Moon is exact at 4:30 am (7:30 ET), helping us reap a tangible harvest from February’s cosmic potential. The chart for this lunation includes a strong and restless Venus, who joins bold Pluto and Mars, and squares expansive Jupiter. Venus rules values, talents and relationships: current intense experiences and revelations in these areas spotlight areas calling for change. With Virgo’s craftmanship, we can integrate our gifts in healing, in work and/or in devotional activities and move forward with our values, including finance, authenticity, strength, and love-energy.
Saturn conjoins Sun and opposes Moon. Passions may surge, but the predominant focus in on work, both spiritual and practical. Jupiter integrates Sun, Moon and Saturn, in a harmonious half-kite configuration that indicates support from Jupiterian forces, such as faith, angels, spirit guides, promotions, publications and sales, and the ability to connect emotionally with the public, with co-workers, with government officials, with a teacher, and with authority figures.
At 5-6 Virgo, the Sabian symbol—with its mention of “mastery” and “disciple”—reaffirms the Saturnian tone:
A MERRY-GO-ROUND… The first experience of the dynamic intensity of life processes and of the possibility of using them to reach a characteristic ego-satisfaction.… As the horse always represents the vital energy (later understood as libido or ‘psychic energy’), the merry-go-round at this stage symbolizes or prefigures the awareness of the cyclicity and the ups and downs of the emotional life… cyclic release of life energy provides us with the opportunity of demonstrating some type of skill and mastery… a characterization of what the developing consciousness (and at a certain level, the ‘disciple on the Path’) experiences: AN OBJECTIVE APPROACH TO THE LIFE FORCEAvoid dubious company. If some kind of emotional tsunami were to arise, stay focused on healing, on your spiritual intentions and on work.
Evening is best for people connections.
Affirmation: Angels and spirit guides, please direct my passion in my highest and best work, here and now.
Sunday, February 25
Today’s numerology of 7 brings illumination, and Moon’s trine to intuitive Neptune guides us through the intense, still-active Full Moon.
Moon in practical Virgo favors practical chores, work, and healing. It supports practical follow-up on the concerns brought to light by yesterday’s Full Moon. Ruled by analytical Mercury, this placement accents Virgo’s ability to methodically choose, gather, and organize whatever information we require to use the changes triggered by yesterday’s Full Moon.
Virgo Moon trines innovative Uranus, favoring business, creativity, and trying something new.
Luna goes VOC at 11:35 pm (2:35 am ET): it’s time to relax.
Invocation: I call on the angels to enliven my joy in service, now and always.
Monday, February 26
Pluto emboldens Moon in charming Libra to push for results.
Luna leaves her VOC to enter the sign of the scales at 6:29 am (9:29 ET). This sweet, talented, placid placement receives a dose of power from her trine to Pluto, the godfather planet, and from today’s numerology of 8, ruled by Pluto.
Turn on the charm and take bold action to consolidate something you’ve been working on or picking over. This can be for work, justice, creativity, negotiation, romance, or organizing an event of some kind.
Invocation: Archangel Michael, please cut me free to share the light that I am, here and now.
Tuesday, February 27
In one of the season’s strongest aspects, assertive Mars squares expansive Jupiter. Our nerve surges and we can promote just about anything. There is a potential for going overboard and getting pushy or exacerbated. A long VOC gives us a small window for action.
Today’s numerology of 9 calms the airs a bit; meditation, journaling and study help ground us to use this energy in productive ways. Moon in Libra helps us do it with charm.
The time for action is before 10:22 am (1:22 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC until tomorrow evening, so we want to use this window while we can.
The rest of the day is great for reading, enjoying beauty, and hanging out with easygoing company.
Affirmation: I trust my vision and move to share it now.
Wednesday, February 28
Mercury and Saturn favor study, journaling and using words to structure helpful mental patterns during today’s long VOC Moon.
Moon in Libra brings beauty, while conjunctions involving Mercury, Saturn, and Sun favor constructive communication. During most of the day, their energy favors inner work.
We can direct the energy outward after 7:09 pm (10:09 ET), when Moon enters brave Scorpio, activating yesterday’s Mars-Jupiter square to favor decisive action on positive change.
Affirmation: Infinite Intelligence works in me to build constructive thoughts and connections, here and now.
Thursday, February 29
Leap Day combines with Master Number 11 to move us into a higher dimension.
Magic is in the air, and Mercury’s sextile to expansive Jupiter triggers opportunities in communications, education, broadcasting, and success in general.
Moon in bold Scorpio gives us the nerve to make a life-changing decision and gather our tribe to move in a new direction. Ruled by Pluto in daring Aquarius, Scorpio Moon supports our initiatives for freedom.
Affirmation: I believe in my power, and this certainty attracts new opportunities, here and now.

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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