Daily Astrological Forecast, January 1–31, 2024
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Unless otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Monday, January 1
With today’s dynamic numerology of 1 and practical energies, we can declutter and plan follow-up in money and relationships.
Moon in scrupulous Virgo favors cleaning, getting organized and giving ourselves some loving care. Luna’s trines to Sun and Uranus support inspire new strategies for meeting goals and new roads in finance. We can sort out and let go of objects that tie us to the past.
Venus, lady of love and values, squares Saturn the builder, pulling us off of our holiday party-cloud and down to earth. With Mercury still in shadow, we can review our values and commitments. What key relationships may need support or a check-in? How can we organize to build for our true priorities? What steps can we take towards financial freedom in the new year?
Affirmation: Angels guide me to new horizons, and I strategize to act on their guidance now.
Tuesday, January 2
Moon in practical Virgo favors independent focus on healing and spirituality. After a short VOC, evening is more sociable.
We can focus on self-care and, with Moon in square to Neptune, connect with angels and spirit guides, get a New Year’s reading with a medium or astrologer, analyze our dreams, meditate, and visualize.
Moon’s tensions to Neptune and Mars can reduce our social intelligence. Moon goes VOC at 3:36 pm (6:36 ET), so save people connections for after 4:47 pm (7:47 ET), when she enters Libra, activating the cozy numerology of 2 that favors connection with family and living companions.
Affirmation: I am naturally connected with the people and angels that resonate with me, and I give thanks for their presence, here and now.
Wednesday, January 3
Positive influences involving Venus and Jupiter favor connecting with others for joy, for love, and for finance.
Today’s cheerful numerology of 3, ruled by warm Venus, lifts our spirits. A contact from the goddess planet to fortunate Jupiter brings charisma, expansiveness and a touch of magic in people connections, publications, publicity, parties, investments, and promotional activities.
Moon in socially adept Libra connects with ruler Venus and with grandiloquent Jupiter, accenting today’s charm and blessing our connections with others on any scale, large or small.
But Venus, planet of love and values, is still in orb of her square to Saturn, so keep a check on the impulse to empty your wallet or take home an attractive stranger. With Mars hovering at the critical degree of 0 Capricorn, whatever we do can have wide-reaching effects.
At 7:30 pm (10:30 ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning her week of winddown, time to finish what we’ve begun and declutter our minds and our lives in preparation for next week’s New Moon in Capricorn.
At 13-14 Capricorn, the Sabian symbol for today’s lunation says:
AN ANCIENT BAS-RELIEF CARVED IN GRANITE REMAINS A WITNESS TO A LONG-FORGOTTEN CULTURE… The will to unearth, in our culture as well as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of nonessentials… to separate permanent values and great principles or symbols from the many individual habits and the socio-political developments which more often than not have perverted or even negated the original ideals of the culture. We must strive to free these ideals from the wild growth of personal and class selfishness, from the greed and ambition so prevalent in human nature, and learn to appreciate the excellence of what is the immortal seed-foundation, as well as the spiritual harvest, of any culture — and by extension of every sustained and complete work produced by a [wo]man’s indomitable effort to achieve creative perfection.…we are… to gain a deep and thorough appreciation of socio-cultural processes in their most enduring forms. What is needed is a penetrating and courageous insight founded upon a valid HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE. This applies to the past of an individual’s life as well as to the history of a nation or a group.
Affirmation: Guardian Angel, please direct my thoughts, vibration and actions to express my highest legacy, here and now.
Thursday, January 4
The ingress of active Mars to aspiring Capricorn puts us on our path of power.
Entering his sign of exaltation, Mars triggers the critical Aries degree (zero of a cardinal sign), where the warrior planet gets us on track with our goals. His ingress unleashes dynamic forces, which Mercury in shadow directs in things we started previously, giving them a better chance of progress. With the New Year’s numerology supporting consolidation, today represents a major shift.
Like Sun and Mars in Capricorn, today’s number 4 is ruled by organized Saturn. Our practical vision kicks in, as do our executive abilities. We can find the strength to delegate some extraneous activities and to release dead-end projects.
With Moon in sextile to Mercury, afternoon is the best time for communications.
Affirmation: My progress is divine, and it can’t be limited.
Friday, January 5
Doors open, and we have the nerve to knock.
At 3:41 am (6:41 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering courageous Scorpio at 4:39 am (7:39 ET). Today’s dynamic numerology of 5 emboldens us to act. This number is ruled by Mars, who’s still hovering around the critical, zero degree of ambitious Capricorn.
This morning, our will to act is further fueled by a sextile from Moon to Mars, which can open doors in things related to competition, promotion, a boss or another authority figure. In fact, this contact can come on too strong. Move assertively, but avoid stepping on someone’s toes—or ego.
Moon’s placement in Scorpio is also emboldening. We can make whatever change is necessary to get a breakthrough, whether it’s setting a limit, moving to a new location, resigning a job, or leaving an old situation.
Moon trines practical Saturn and opposes fortunate Jupiter… bringing good fortune and consolidated results in practical concerns.
Even if you’re still on vacation, find a way to use today’s potential for powerful change.
Affirmation: I enjoy acting as an agent of positive change, now and always.
Saturday, January 6
Today’s numerology of 6 brings fortune, while Moon in Scorpio fuels creativity.Moon sextiles Sun in productive Capricorn, facilitating tangible results and with the charismatic numerology of 6, facilitating connections with others for intimacy, deep conversation or a lucrative deal. This highly creative energy facilitates change and tangible results. The number 6 is protective, so we could apply Moon’s penetrating, crisis-solving influence to follow up with a dental or surgical intervention that we initiated previously (thanks to Mercury in shadow).
People connections go better before 5:24 pm (8:24 ET), when Moon opposes independent Uranus. The signs involved, Scorpio and Taurus, relate to wealth, so we could unblock limiting beliefs, research financial options, and declutter to make a space for new good.
If we keep a journal or notebook on hand, we’ll be ready to write down messages received from dreams we remember in the morning.
Affirmation: Deep inside, I know the best path for this (name situation), and I see it in a clear, positive dream I remember on waking.
Sunday, January 7
A day for study, creativity, gathering information, mysticism and activating our intuition.
Today’s numerology of 7 favors intellectual and intuitive activities.
An early trine from Moon in perceptive Scorpio to psychic Neptune favors dreamwork, meditation, prayer, visualization and, with the Moon in its balsamic phase, releasing resentments, guilt and other knots from our heart space.
At 12:22 pm (3:22 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering expansive Sag at 1:06 pm (3:06 ET). The next few hours are good for inspiration, taking or giving a class, and participating in meditation or a mystical activity.
Connect with others before 8:11 pm (11:11 ET), when Moon squares strict Saturn, a cold aspect that is anti-charming but that can be good for taking therapy, preparing a lesson, decluttering our bookshelves, organizing the week ahead or some other independent activity that produces order in our space and/or emotions.
Affirmation: Divine love touches me through all influences and all aspects, which is why they’re all favorable for me, now and always.
Monday, January 8
With today’s numerology of 8 supporting tangible results and assertive Mars moving to sextile constructive Saturn, our actions have power to build for our dreams.
Moon in expansive Sagittarius opens our vision, and at 10:44 am (1:44 pm ET), Luna conjoins sweet Venus, prompting us to empathize with others, and inspiring positive emotions. A sextile from assertive Mars exalted in Capricorn to ruler Saturn, adds opportunities for constructive action.
With mental Mercury in square to imaginative Neptune, we can visualize a miracle, but this aspect can also bring confusion. Think things through, reach out to others—and when you do, be audacious but keep your feet on the ground and the rose-coloreds safely stored in your memorabilia drawer.
Affirmation: My inner work generates a shield of light-power that surrounds and protects me, now and always.
Tuesday, January 9
This is a dynamic day that favors inspired action to build something.
Today we experience one of January’s best aspects, a sextile from Mars exalted in Capricorn to Capricorn’s ruler, practical Saturn. We can ground our drive to make headway in something practical, or in building something we want to last.
Our courage is sparked, thanks to a trine from Sun in practical Capricorn to Uranus in prosperous Uranus that moves us to create or try something different, to move on an innovative project we started last year.
We’re also on the portal of Thursday’s New Moon in constructive Capricorn, that includes a trine from active Mars to expansive Jupiter, another marker that favors action.
Today’s Moon in visionary Sag lifts our vision, increases our charisma, and improves our negotiating skills, until 5:33 pm (8:33 ET), when she enters practical Capricorn, making evening a productive time for solo work.
Affirmation: Guardian Angel, please hold my inner vision to my true path and on my rich results, now and always.
Wednesday, January 10
On the portal of tomorrow’s New Moon, today’s numerology of 1 gives energy for progress.
With Mercury still in post-retrograde shadow, our focus is best applied to something we started before. We now get a burst of initiative and support for focus that can bring new energy to a past project or goal.
Moon is in boss-sign Capricorn, supporting headway in work, organization, and planning. Luna’s early trine to Jupiter in abundant Taurus sets a very productive tone for the day. It connects with the energy of an important trine from Mars, planet of action, to Jupiter that will perfect in two days, and graces tomorrow’s New Moon portal with assertiveness, courage, confidence, and the ability to promote just about anything.
Affirmation: Archangel Michael, please imbue me with the power to act with faith and victory, now and throughout the New Year.
Thursday, January 11
The New Moon in Capricorn comes online with a bang. With today’s numerology of 11, our progress may include spiritual concerns.
The New Moon is exact at 3:37 am (6:37 ET) in Capricorn. This moon strengthens our efforts for progress. Her aspects make this lunation special: by taking the reins of our lives, work, and pathways, we can break free of previous restrictions.
- A close trine from Mars to Jupiter unleashes a wave of confidence and opens the way for assertive, effective and fortunate action.
- Moon and Sun trigger a close t-square with the Nodes, indicating a change for karmic adjustment through action—the modality of the cardinal signs involved.
- Mercury lingering in post-retrograde shadow spotlights projects from the past.
Even the Sabian symbol resonates with unbridled movement forward. At 20-21 Capricorn, it describes:
A RELAY RACE… The value of competition in developing group-consciousness… we are no longer dealing with competition between individuals, but with competition between groups of individuals who take turns successively in order to maximize the group effort and the possibility of outstanding results. The whole of civilization is a vast kind of relay race in which groups of people and generations carry the torch of what we call “progress.” Major achievements result from the sum total of human strivings… “group performance,”… the value of group cooperation and of necessary give-and-take. One must seek to relate and adjust one’s strength to the challenge presented by competitors in DYNAMIC INTERCHANGE.
This lunation can be a new starting point for something big we started, or sort-of started, previously. Spotlighted are:
- Communication
- Work
- Activism
- Starting and promoting petitions
- Mastery of our trade
- Spiritual mastery
- Promotional activities
- Sales
- Sports and contests
- Getting the word out
- A campaign of some kind
- Heroic intervention
Capricorn brings strength to ground our enthusiasm, with savvy, executive skills, ambition, foresight, strategy, sustained effort, and leadership. The powerful and energetic tenth sign strengthens us to set a goal and also to set limits with ourselves and others to achieve tangible results.
Today’s numerology of 11 opens a door for angels to connect with human hearts and use our love vibration to lift the planetary frequency. This energy is accented by an approaching square from Venus, planet of personal love, to Neptune, planet of compassion.
Set your intention and take action before 6:33 pm (9:33 ET), when Moon goes VOC. She enters Aquarius at 7:01 pm (10:01 ET). After thus, we might enjoy reading, socializing or a creative activity.
Affirmation: I am made in the image and likeness of magic, and I use it to bring forth my chosen intentions now.
Friday, January 12
Exceptional intuition guides us in bold action, and people connections go well.
Still on the New Moon portal, bold Mars perfects his trine to expansive Jupiter. We get the big picture: our vision is pulled out of perfectionism, insecurity, and all the other excuses we use when procrastinating. This is the time to fly, to do whatever we can to open a major door. We can go after something that matters, particularly something related to our New Moon intentions and goals.
Mercury is at the last, so-called anaretic degree of mutable Sagittarius, where the planet of thinking sharpens our intuition. Moon in sociable Aquarius combines with today’s numerology of 3—ruled by Venus—to favor people connections, especially for friendship, culture or shared ideals.
Late this evening, Moon sextiles sweet Venus. We can have a heart to heart, good connections with women, or an amorous encounter.
Affirmation: Spirit acts through me, with me and for me, and nothing can limit my progress now.
Saturday, January 13
Today favors independent activity on something creative, with a window this evening for connections.
Moon is VOC from the wee hours, throughout the day and into the evening. During this open-ended, low-key time, we can use the inspiration of Moon in Aquarius to read or research something for fun.
At 7:28 pm (10:28 ET) Moon enters gentle Pisces, and immediately sextiles Mercury. The messenger planet has just entered Capricorn, activating the critical zero degree, and making tonight great for constructive communication in creativity, romance, empathy, for business, or for our dreams.
Affirmation: I am a powerful manifester, and I seed only good visions now.
Sunday, January 14
Today’s numerology of 5 fires our spirit of adventure, while the aspects made by Moon in imaginative Pisces move us to act.
Moon in Pisces triggers our imagination, sensitivity, and intuition. But this Sunday offers more than mystical connections. Venus, goddess of values, connects with Uranus in Taurus—which Venus happens to rule—sparking us to try new things in creativity, relationships. and finance. Moon sextiles restless Mars and enthusiastic Jupiter, reactivating their trine and the recent New Moon portal, and favoring action, especially for:
- Our New Moon intentions and goals
- Changing home décor
- Acting on our most innovative financial project
- Putting a unique touch on a creative project
- Promoting something, especially something spiritual or a cause or campaign of some kind
- An adventure
- Making a sales call
- Putting ourselves in a strategic position
- A goal we had previously
- Doing everything within one’s power to act on our vision
- Reaching out to the public
Evening is particularly favorable for people connections, garnering support, enjoying romance.
Affirmation: I am not alone in my efforts, the Divine Helper is with me, backing me up and supporting my path of progress now.
Monday, January 15
Today’s numerology of 6 favors people connections, and Moon in Pisces makes aspects that fuel intuition, charm and romance.
The day begins with a square from Moon to sweet Venus, making morning a great time for people connections with family, in business, or on a date. The tendency continues throughout the day as Moon and Sun connect with hypnotic Neptune. Besides favoring connection, today’s numerology of 6 brings protection and abundance, so it’s worth taking initiative to connect—either with a group or one-on-one.
These energies also enrich dream work, creativity, psychic consultations and connections with our angels and spirit guides.
At 8:49 pm (11:49 ET), we emerge from the sea of connection as Moon shifts to restless Aries. If you’re still up, take in an action movie or declutter your space.
Affirmation: I am surrounded by divine forces that surround me and shield me. I see them, I feel them and I thank them now.
Tuesday, January 16
Today’s numerology of 7 favors mental progress while Aries Moon supports independent action.
This morning, Aries Moon squares mental Mercury, sharpening intuition and fueling creativity, but creating tension in communications.
Things get even tenser this afternoon as Moon squares Aries’ ruler, feisty Mars, making Moon in Aries even pushier than she already is. This combination can be rather obnoxious, but it does strengthen our nerve. We can take independent action related to today’s numerology of 7 to: gather information, sign up for a course, research something, hone our skills, sign up for a competition, or update or edit our resume.
As much as possible, save social, romantic and business connections for tomorrow.
Affirmation: I am extraordinarily blessed with all the abilities I need for the present phase, and I am grateful for them now.
Wednesday, January 17
Supported by the powerful numerology of 8, we can direct the bravado of Moon in Aries to consolidate something.
At 12:22 pm (3:22 ET), Moon trines sweet Venus, enriching the passion of Aries Moon with a touch of charm to make for exciting connections.
At 7:53 pm (10:53 ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter. We can pause to review our progress towards intentions set at last week’s New Moon, and tweak our approach.
At 27-28 Aries, the Sabian symbol says:
A LARGE AUDIENCE CONFRONTS THE PERFORMER WHO DISAPPOINTED ITS EXPECTATIONS… The necessity for mature preparation and self-criticism… Great hopes, excited expectations cannot be sustained… The issue is how to handle this situation. In one form or another, it is an often recurring situation in the life of an individual person. The manner in which it is met determines the individual’s future possibilities of development and achievement… the need to be more than “obsessed by potentiality” and subjectively involved in the use of the new powers. The objective results have to be considered, i.e. what this use will do. The individual is not alone concerned, for in a sense mankind as a whole will be affected. What is required, therefore, is… a sense of RESPONSIBILITY for what one’s actions will produce in people who have been made to expect significant results.
Affirmation: Angels and Spirit Guides, please direct my attention on using my opportunities successfully and fully, now and always.
Thursday, January 18
We can make headway in practical concerns, thanks to Moon in Taurus, sign of her exaltation, and a sextile from Mercury the messenger to Saturn the builder.
After a 5-minute VOC in the wee hours, Moon enters Taurus, gracing the day with her energy of abundance. She harmonizes with Mercury in organized Capricorn and Saturn the builder and conjoins, planet of expansion and abundance. The Mercury-Saturn sextile opens doors of opportunity in business, bureaucracy and just about anything involving documents, practical communications, teachers, or authority figures.
Venus, Moon’s sweet ruler, is in orb of a square to hypnotic Neptune, releasing waves of compassion, fueling empathy, and favoring heart-centered meditation, spiritual healing, angel connections, volunteer activities and reaching out to someone with empathy or support. This aspect also fuels creativity and romance, although it’s wise to avoid acting on a sentimental impulse in ways we might later regret.
Make people connections before 7:28 pm (10:28 ET), when Moon trines tough Mars, potentially causing hurt feelings.
Affirmation: Thank You, Divinity for backing up the good you’ve put in motion until it consolidates fully now!
Friday, January 19
Today’s numerology of 1 fuels our pioneering spirit; major aspects make morning great for people connections. Later, we have some good hours for financial action.
Today’s numerology of 1 makes today a new beginning—in consciousness and/or action. There’s a shift in the air, as Sun and Pluto both poise to enter Aquarius, sign of innovation. Venus perfects her square to Neptune, activating our heart energy in preparation for the shift. We can connect with angels and spirit guides, meditate or affirm to expand our love radiation, and from this energy enter Aquarius on the highest frequency tomorrow.
Mercury the messenger trines facile Jupiter, bringing great ease to our communications and, with both planets in earth signs, business connections. This is the last day of Mercury’s pos-retrograde shadow, especially good for review and follow-up on past initiatives and communications.
At 10:11 am (1:11 pm ET), Moon joins rebel Uranus. With both in fixed Taurus, dogmatic attitudes are likely. On the upside, intuition and creativity surge. We can enjoy independent activities for ecology or to research a financial option or strategy, improve our creations, blast through stuck beliefs around prosperity, and beautify our creative expressions.
Around 1:00 pm (4:00 ET), people connections again flow, as do our intuition and healing powers. We get a special window to apply them or consult with a channel or healer after 9:40 pm (12:40 am ET), when Moon sextiles mystical Neptune. We can also consult angels or spirit guides, enjoy music or film, and program our dreams.
Affirmation: I center on the love in my heart and send it to myself and all creation, here and now.
Saturday, January 20
Today is a key link in the shift associated with 2024. We can shake off the labels of the past and awaken to our power, as both Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius, sign of breakthroughs. Mercury finally emerges from shadow and goes completely direct.
At 6:58 am (9:58 ET), Moon enters loquacious Gemini, emphasizing a more mental connection.
Sun and Pluto join hands this morning minutes before jumping off of Capricorn’s mountain and into the wild and starry skies of Aquarius. We’ve already been vibing into this influence since Pluto visited the Eleventh Sign last March through June. We are shifting into a new season of freedom, of idealism, and at the same time, of a more authentic connection with others.
This is a morning to tie down our sails before the storm, to organize something, to make sure we contact key people, that we send something before a cut-off date, and do whatever we can to take care of practical concerns.
People connections go best before 3:32 (6:32 ET), when Moon makes a potentially stressful square to demanding Saturn. But don’t let it stress you out… Channel the inner pressure in organizing: a kitchen cabinet, your self-care products, your metaphysical book collection, or your journals.
Affirmation: The angels of change fill the planet and support us to move into a higher vibration, here and now.
Sunday, January 21
After yesterday’s ingresses and Mercury station, today is good for down time.
Moon in verbal Gemini makes minor tensions to ruler Mercury and assertive Mars. The rest of the day favors inward-directed activities involving words, like using affirmations or mantras, or reading or journaling about your processes of change related to the influx of Aquarian energies.
Affirmation: My words are doors of power and Infinite Good moves through them to recodify appearances and restore wellness, here and now.
Monday, January 22
Morning is great for mystical activities; business goes better this afternoon.
With Moon in mental Gemini squaring Neptune, planet of fantasy, we feel compassion, intuition, and mystical energies strongly, but there may also be confusion. Master number 22 augments the reach of our work, both inner and outer. Meditation and prayer can elevate the planetary vibration.
On an opposition to sweet Venus, Moon goes VOC at 12:40 pm (3:40 ET). She enters dynamic Cancer at 1:51 pm (4:51 ET), with aspects that are rather cold for socializing but OK for business.
Affirmation: My vision opens a quantum space for the best and highest results, here and now.
Monday, January 22
Morning is great for mystical activities; business goes better this afternoon.
With Moon in mental Gemini squaring Neptune, planet of fantasy, we feel compassion, intuition, and mystical energies strongly, but there may also be confusion. Master number 22 augments the reach of our work, both inner and outer. Meditation and prayer can elevate the planetary vibration.
On an opposition to sweet Venus, Moon goes VOC at 12:40 pm (3:40 ET). She enters dynamic Cancer at 1:51 pm (4:51 ET), with aspects that are rather cold for socializing but OK for business.
Affirmation: My vision opens a quantum space for the best and highest results, here and now.
Tuesday, January 23
Morning is good for people connections and great for business, while afternoon and evening favor decluttering.
In the wee hours, Venus enters strict Capricorn. With both love and money, we will find ourselves becoming less enthusiastic, and more careful and conservative. This influence can favor business, elders, institutions, and things that we want to last.
With a sextile from Moon to Jupiter in Taurus, sign of abundance, opportunities can flow in people connections, especially for business.
At 12:53 pm (3:53 ET), Moon opposes Mercury, reducing our emotional intelligence and favoring decluttering our papers and inbox.
At 5:44 pm (8:44 ET), Moon opposes tough Mars, a potentially aggressive, antisocial aspect whose intensity is increased by the upcoming Full Moon portal. It creates a tense kind of energy that we can direct in watching sports or in independent physical tasks like washing the tub, cleaning the oven or the fridge. or intense decluttering.
Affirmation: As I clear out things, angels sweep through and clear out the energy, here and now.
Wednesday, January 24
Today’s fortunate numerology of 6 makes the most of Moon’s sweet influence.
Moon in sensitive Cancer triggers a sextile with exciting Uranus in Taurus, bringing sudden opportunities in business, friendship, and finances. With Uranus ruling Sun and Pluto, the opportunities could have great potential, so it’s worth knocking on doors.
At 2:58 pm (5:58 ET), Moon trines Neptune, the angel planet, expanding our spiritual radiation. This harmony fuels empathy, compassion, intuition, and our powers of prayer and meditation. It can also make for lovely encounters, particularly related to these areas. It’s a great time for a ritual or preparation for tomorrow’s Full Moon in Leo.
At 11:37 pm (2:37 am ET), Moon enters warm, dramatic Leo.
Affirmation: I wish the best for every being, and my own best good appears, here and now.
Thursday, January 25
Today’s numerology of 7 brings mental clarity to today’s Full Moon, supporting our conscious use of her energies, which can put us in touch with our heart values and update our self-expression.
The Full Moon in Leo is exact at 9:54 pm (12:54 ET).
On the one hand, there’s a potentially explosive struggle of wills. Moon in regal Leo opposes Sun and Pluto in rebellious Aquarius and makes a t-square to boss-planet Jupiter. The fire is fueled by an exact square from feisty Mars to wounded-healer Chiron in irritable Aries, indicating a potential for strong aggression.
On the other hand, a series of harmonies creates a high potential to harness this energy for practical progress. These benificent influences include a trine from Jupiter in grounded Taurus to Mercury, Venus, and Mars, all in practical Capricorn. This trine is joined in the middle by a sextile with stable Saturn.
Increasing the intensity of all this, Uranus is stationing to turn direct.
On the peaceful side, Moon trines angelic Neptune and makes a quincunx to sweet Venus, bringing in the harmonizing force of forgiveness, compassion, and good will.
At 5-6 Leo, the Sabian symbol describes:
A CONSERVATIVE, OLD-FASHIONED LADY IS CONFRONTED BY A “HIPPIE” GIRL… The need to transcend our subservience to fashion, in morals as well as in clothes… one generation facing in the next an antithetic picture of what it has been brought up to consider worthwhile and decent. The confrontation may lead to great bitterness, yet it should show us the impermanence of most of what society impresses upon our collective mentality… cultural values and the emotional impact they have upon our character formation… THE RELATIVITY OF SOCIAL VALUES.
Leo spotlights creativity and where we put our hearts. This lunation invites us to question custom, release concern for the approval of others, and find a more authentic expression.
If we apply Moon’s spiritual harmonies in our own inner work, hopefully we can avoid the more chaotic potential and integrate our changes in a constructive, lasting way.
As for daily activities, we do best to keep a low profile this morning, at least until after 12:46 pm (3:46 ET), when Moon’s t-square with Jupiter is exact.
Affirmation: I concern for the approval of others and seek my own approval and respect, here and now.
Friday, January 26
Today’s numerology of 8 makes today productive; while Moon in Leo and Uranus stationing direct accent independent financial and creative endeavors.
Inspiration is in the air. Leo Moon bestows confidence in our creations, as does a square from Leo’s ruler Sun to expansive Jupiter spotlighting promotion, teaching and manifestation.
Innovative Uranus is on the portal of its station to go direct. With Uranus ruling the Sun and Pluto newly into Aquarius, this turn is particularly empowering. Since late August, our search for authenticity, freedom and—with Uranus in Taurus—financial options, has been mainly an inside job. Now, the light that’s been building within over the last five months can suddenly break through. We can express our talents in new ways. With combined relief, excitement, and inspiration, we can apply our sharpest perception to new paths and unleash the shackles of outworn habits and situations. Especially highlighted are finances, spiritual healing, creativity, activism, and humanitarian projects. Also check wherever Uranus happens to sit, trigger, and rule in your natal chart.
Moon’s aspects are tense, and with leader signs Leo, Aquarius and Capricorn involved, it’s wise to keep our tempers in check and apply diplomacy.
Today’s numerology of 8 is empowering, and helps get things done, but independent activities and contacts from a distance are more promising than up-close-and-personal people connections. Take key action and reach out before 1:19 pm (4:19 ET), when Moon goes VOC for the rest of the day.
Invocation: Angel of the Dark Rose, please come before me and apply your magnetism to extract the fixation with other’s approval from me, here and now.
Saturday, January 27
Uranus stationing direct empowers the shift into the Aquarius season, while Virgo Moon and key aspects support practical progress.
Moon is VOC in Leo until 11:11 am (2:11 pm ET), when she enters diligent Virgo, combining with aspects that favor assertive communication and strengthening ties, structures, and lasting, tangible results.
Virgo Moon’s ruler Mercury is in Capricorn and joins assertive Mars. Venus, also in Capricorn, sextiles Saturn, triggering opportunities to build something of value in relationships, creativity, self-esteem and business.
And, Venus, planet of love, is in orb of one of her best aspects: a trine to Jupiter that perfects tomorrow. The big planet expands whatever he touches. When harmonizing with the goddess, he increases warmth, kindness, prosperity, creativity, charisma, beauty, love and talents. Jupiter unleashes Venus’ flow while Saturn solidifies her gifts, together making today fantastic for lasting improvements. That is, if we act on the opportunities.
Invocation: Angels of Success, please move me to recognize and use my opportunities with focus, now and always.
Sunday, January 28
With the pioneering numerology of 1 and four major aspects, today is exceptional for practical action and fortunate connection.
Moon in practical Virgo can get things done, making a grounded backdrop for the shifts facilitated by four productive harmonies:
- Mental Mercury and boss-planet Mars both trine Uranus, harbinger of freedom. Our cognition is sharpened and our creative strategies for action facilitate shortcuts.
- Venus, planet of love and values, enriches our connections as she harmonizes with the two success planets, Saturn the builder and Jupiter, planet of abundance.
These combined influences can open doors for progress in business, relationships and something we want to build, especially with people, art, or in finance.
Affirmation: I give thanks that the Universe converges to support my success, here and now and always.
Monday, January 29
Yesterday’s influences remain in force, favoring people connections and brilliant action. Today’s numerology of 11, ruled by Neptune, adds a mystical touch.
Moon in focused Virgo and harmonies involving Venus, Saturn and Mercury, support happy results from strategic communications and efforts. The trine from active Mars to brilliant Uranus is exact today: our actions can bring key breakthroughs. [A warning involved with Mars-Uranus: avoid speeding and slippery roads and take special care when using machines or sharp implements.]
Moon’s wee-hour trines to Uranus and Mercury accent intuition, enhance communication and strengthen our financial intelligence, particularly this morning.
Make contacts before 3:20 pm (6:20 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
Master number 11 multiplies the effects of our heart radiation, offering easier action to the angels in their work of planetary healing.
Affirmation: I am a tower of success, divinely sustained in the best condition, now and always.
Tuesday, January 30
Most of the day favors creativity, strategic connections and practical initiatives, thanks to today’s numerology of 3 and Moon in Libra, both ruled by sweet Venus, and today, poked out of their slumber by tense aspects.
Moon in Libra has a way with people and a touch to beautify. Her tense aspects to strict Saturn and savvy Jupiter stimulate her practical talents favoring more down-to-earth Libran activities, like those involving justice, compromise, teamwork, negotiation, bank statements, or a court appearance.
At 7:34 pm (10:34 ET), Moon squares Libra’s ruler Venus, so this evening brings us the cozier, more romantic, charming and personal side of Libra Moon.
Affirmation: Divine love flows through all my connections, blessing all involved with right outcomes, now and always.
Wednesday, January 31
Today’s numerology of 4 puts us in a productive mode. Moon in Libra connects with Uranus and Mars, reducing the sweetness quotient of this placement but increasing creativity and audacity.
We can make headway on a creative project, renew our home décor, or explore an option for financial growth.
Take key actions and make key contacts before 6:00 pm (9:00 ET), when Moon squares Mars. Feelings can get hurt more easily now, so it’s best to direct our tension in independent activities around the house like rearranging furniture, cleaning the carpet, or scrubbing a greasy surface. Avoid an unnecessary argument.
Affirmation: I do my best and leave the rest to Goddess, here and now.

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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