Daily Astrological Forecast, November 1–30, 2023
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday.
Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Unless otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Wednesday, November 1
Reach out and make connections for prosperity. Work before and after today’s long VOC.
Still on the portal of the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, today’s pioneering numerology of 1 and the energy of Samhain, the Celtic New Year, bring a burst of beginnings. They fuel the loquacious inclinations of today’s Moon in Gemini and favor renewing or sparking people connections.
If you’re up for it, Moon makes a wee-hour square to snuggly Venus and dreamy Neptune, good for romance, socializing, creative writing, and preparing communications for clients or public.
At 5:36 am (8:36 ET), Moon goes VOC and will be for several hours. We can read, play word games, and use Moon’s quincunx to alchemical Pluto to do inner work such as spiritual practice, journaling, or faith healing.
Things get more comfortable and predictable after 2:30 pm (5:30 ET), when Moon enters sensitive Cancer. A trine to Saturn the builder accents Luna’s business sense and favors practical concerns like organizing the home, working with real estate, and following up on potentially profitable projects.
My good cannot be withheld. My good comes from Spirit who has infinite substance and uses it to bring forth my good as (name what you wish to receive), here and now.
Thursday, November 2
The next two days are ripe with constructive potential.
Today’s numerology of 2 relates to the Moon, and she happens to be in Cancer—her cozy ruling sign. She makes empowering harmonies with Sun in strong Scorpio and with fortunate Jupiter in prosperous Taurus; we can connect with our emotions and those of our colleagues, dear ones, clients, or public.
Thanks to practical Saturn, these usually sweet and social energies take on a note of seriousness, as this planet of effort is in the process of stationing to turn direct. We want to apply the inner life lessons of the last five months in order to move ahead in self-sufficiency. As Saturn stands to turn forward, the planet of solidity gives staying power to what we do. We can apply our authority in ways that work with today’s lunar tones and Jupiter’s expansive, fortunate touch. For instance:
- Adapt or make a space for work or study at home
- Professionalize some aspect of home-based work
- Find a new way to offer teaching or counseling services
- Work on real estate
- Do something concrete to honor your ancestors or elders
- Follow your intuition to build for progress
- Work on a production or publicity of some kind
Connections and constructive action are best before 7:01 pm (10:01 ET), when Moon harmonizes with pushy Mars. We may feel energized but are apt to be impulsive and undiplomatic. We can direct this burst of energy by watching an action film or tackling challenging cleaning, like decluttering the fridge or scrubbing the stove or tub (without ragging on someone for getting it dirty).
Archangel Michael, direct me to new levels of strength and self-sufficiency, here and now.
Friday, November 3
A great day for people connections, with a strong Saturn influence for lasting results.
Sweet Venus opposes compassionate Neptune, a luscious influence whose potential downside, social and romantic illusion, is reduced by Saturn’s station. So we get the inspiration, romance, kindness, and heighted creativity while Saturn’s strength holds our feet to the ground.
Moon in tender Cancer harmonizes with these two planets of love and creativity, as well as with lively Mercury the messenger and innovative Uranus, while Sun opposes fortunate Jupiter. This is a great line-up for exciting, successful, happy connections. The recent Eclipse in Libra triggered changes we have been wanting in relationships and connections with the public, and today’s influences help us ground those changes.
Most of the day favors interaction, until 8:28 pm (11:28 ET), when Moon makes a standoff with imposing Pluto and the tone changes dramatically. After this we can go deep with solitary endeavors—spiritual or emotional healing, working for manifestation, a soak in the tub, reading a mystery, researching the family tree, or watching a dramatic film.
I thank the angels and guides the support my healing and connect me to the best people for our shared success and happiness, here and now.
Saturday, November 4
Connect with our inner adult and find new authority over our lives.
Since mid-June or before, we’ve been wanting to restructure certain areas of our lives. Saturn’s retrograde through early Pisces and late Aquarius brought us to restructure our spirituality, ideals, healing, media-productions, social life, and activism—as well as the areas of our personal charts that are covered by these degrees. Pisces has brought a degree of confusion as we’ve see-sawed back and forth wondering whether we should make a total change or restructure a current situation. Although we may have at times felt like Frodo pushing his way through the Dead Marshes, in our mental wanderings we have actually been gaining authority.
Today, Boss-planet Saturn completes his station to turn direct. With today’s station, the ground becomes firmer and we can assert our strength in outward endeavors.
Creativity is fueled by Moon in artistic Leo and by an opposition from mental Mercury to innovative Uranus. Independent activities go best, such as attending an art exhibit, studying alternative approaches to marketing, or getting our feet wet in a direction we’ve been contemplating.
Activities involving others go best after 8:46 pm (11:46 ET), when Moon squares expansive Jupiter, an aspect that favors teaching, marketing and sales. This contact can also fuel romance and angel connections, and it expands our enjoyment of music.
I am free, and I enjoy creating the life I want for myself, here and now.
Sunday, November 5
Find the beat of your own drummer; try a different path.
At 12:37 am (3:37 ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning her last week—time to focus on wrapping up what we’ve already started.
At 12-13 Leo, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says;
AN OLD SEA CAPTAIN ROCKING HIMSELF ON THE PORCH OF HIS COTTAGE… The quieted mind’s recollections of crises and joys long past… QUIET RECOLLECTION.
Moon in strong Leo squares indomitable Mars and rebel Uranus, mingling with today’s adventuresome numerology of 5 to spur us to independent action. Creativity surges. So does brawn, and if we’re not careful, we can come on too strong or get involved with unnecessary emotional struggle.
In this last week of the lunar cycle, we can find bold and novel ways to cut through distraction and finish something.
Also, we can enjoy spirited but low-risk fun, like playing table or online games or watching sports or an action film. Avoid physical risks, extreme activities, and unnecessary confrontations.
God in me cannot be taken down, God in me holds me up emotionally, physically and spiritually, now and always!
Monday, November 6
Our spiritual powers awaken and can be directed constructively.
Today’s numerology of 6 protects us at the other-worldly portals that are opened today.
Venus trines Pluto the powerful, bringing intensity to our relationships and financial concerns. We can start something new or upgrade our love life, partnerships, people connections, and prosperity.
Mercury the messenger trines imaginative Neptune, inspiring thoughts and words of compassion, imagination, intuition, and creativity, and triggering connections to subtle realms. We can use mantras, prayers, affirmations, creative writing and other means to connect words with images, left and right brain hemispheres, the rational and the mysterious. These two trines make for some earth-shaking interactions, cosmic connections, and increased powers of manifestation. Sensitivity is heightened, so be selective about who you interact with and what enters your mind.
Moon is VOC until 11:39 am (2:29 pm ET). We can use the morning to take some downtime or do inner work. After that, Luna will be in constructive Virgo. Her opposition to Saturn may be stressful, yet our practical instincts can support wise use of today’s cosmic power to enrich connections, spirituality and financial results.
My progress cannot be limited. Spirit doesn’t limit me or make me depend on people or circumstances for my progress. Spirit lifts me up and places me in my best place with the best people and the richest supply, here and now.
Tuesday, November 7
Charming connections, romanced constituency.
Thanks to Venus in diva mode, the atmosphere is sweet. Poised between yesterday’s trine to Pluto and tomorrow’s quincunx to Saturn, the love planet hovers at the critical Aries point as she prepares to enter Libra, air sign of her rule. Moon harmonizes with Sun and Jupiter, increasing confidence and charm.
At the polls, this translates as voters who are apt to favor female candidates and feel more enraptured than usual with their choices.
In the personal sphere, the strong Venus energy combines with the harmonies made by Moon in practical Virgo to favor building intimacy and helpful connections. The focus is on depth, lasting value, and emotional and material riches.
The angels of love fill my world with their pink light and lift my relationships to the happiest frequency, here and now.
Wednesday, November 8
We can reap the rewards of the efforts we’ve made in self-esteem, relationships and finance.
Knock on that door, express that desire, have that encounter, make that call!
Venus enters Libra, air sign of her rule, triggering the critical zero degree of a cardinal sign and sparking a new beginning in relationships, one related to last month’s Libra Eclipse—an event that threw us into a new phase of relating. She makes a quincunx to Saturn the worker, so our beginnings and results will involve some kind of structural adjustment.
With today’s numerology of 8, our actions consolidate a new level of success and prosperity.
Moon in focused Virgo makes aspects to cosmic planets Uranus, Pluto and Neptune, while ruler Mercury makes a quincunx to godfather Pluto, breathing power into our words and triggering opportunities to connect with those who wield influence. Look for the doors and knock on them.
Make key connections before 8:55 pm (11:55 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
I am one with the power behind my success; I behold and unfold the power that I am, here and now.
Thursday, November 9
Relax with enjoyable company, reach out to key connections.
Moon in socially adept Libra connects with ruler Venus and affable Jupiter, facilitating sweet, harmonious connections. This is a good day to follow up on key interactions, before Saturday’s opposition from feisty Mars to rebel Uranus perfects and takes our warrior spirit over the top.
Today’s numerology of 9 favor empathy, esoteric study, healing, expressing gratitude and altruistic activities.
At 10:25 pm (1:25 am ET), Mercury takes a turn for the lighter as the messenger planet leaves intense Scorpio and enters enthusiastic Sag.
I declare myself free from karmic bonds and I move into new, happy connections now.
Friday, November 10
Take time for yourself; strategize for change; do armchair activism and other independent activities.
We’re already feeling courageous, but feisty Mars is about to perfect his opposition to rebel Uranus, and we can be unconsciously hurtful. Mars thinks he’s alpha and Uranus feels like God’s gift to humanity, and they’re both quick to act. Problem is, others are apt to be in this same mode and universal Uranus can end up involving a crowd. Moon in Sag adds to the drive; there’s a strong likelihood of hoof-in-mouth syndrome.
Today’s numerology of 1 is good for starting things, and with the New Moon in Scorpio drawing near, we can get on track for positive change. We are emboldened, and if we can keep our feet on the ground and our heads clear, today is great for releasing obsolete situations that were weighing us down and for bringing new paths into relief.
Mercury in square to Saturn is low on emotional intelligence but it does fuel independent organization, creative strategizing, decluttering documents and bookshelves, and with Moon in tasteful Libra, beautifying our spaces.
All of these energies also help us set limits, but given today’s potential for sudden aggression, it’s better to figure them now, but act on them later.
I give thanks for the divine guidance that flows to me, now and always.
Saturday, November 11
Expand your heart radiation, look for new ways to do things, keep a low profile.
With today’s numerology of 11, angels can more readily work with humanity’s heart radiation to lift the planetary frequency.
Fueling this heart radiation is a great strategy for us, too, in the face of an opposition from belligerent Mars to rebel Uranus that can use all the harmonization we can give it. This aspect is one of the lowest on the scale of diplomacy, so it’s best to keep a low profile and avoid crowds as well as risks involving machinery, fire, vehicles, or tempers.
This morning, Moon is VOC in Libra from 7:05 am (10:05 ET) and makes tensions to sensitive Neptune and transformative Pluto. These influences favor spiritual healing and inner work, and are not so great for people connections.
At 10:39 am (1:39 pm ET), Luna enters intense Scorpio and soon thereafter trines executive Saturn, a good influence for organizing a spiritual or creative project, or doing something involving our dreams, discipline, and organization.
Angels and goddesses of love, please pour your bright, pink essence through my heart and free my love radiation towards myself and others now.
Sunday, November 12
We can get into our feelings and open our minds to a new vision.
Moon in deep Scorpio helps us get into our feelings in empowering ways. Scorpio Moon opposes expansive Jupiter, opening new vistas, moving us to go beyond our comfort zone, awakening our compassion beyond our personal bonds and group and, if we’ve been restless to travel or change our address, fueling our courage to act on this desire. We can also review, purge and renew our visualization materials in preparation for seeding new intentions at tomorrow’s lunation.
Poised between yesterday’s Mars-Uranus opposition and tomorrow’s intense New Moon, we may feel restless for a fight. It serves us to keep a low-profile and stay focused on our emotions, dreams, and vision.
Guardian Angel, please direct my desires in resonance with my highest good, now and always.
Monday, November 13
Our impulse to shake off the shackles of complacency and limitation is sparked.
Coming on the heels of the recent Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, today’s New Moon in Scorpio is a force to be contended with. It can bring out that side in us, too, awakening the force that we are.
In powerful Scorpio, this lunation is joined by coruler, feisty Mars. With the planet of knives also in Scorpio, sign of waste materials, it strengthens us to “cut the crap”. Mars closely opposes rebel Uranus, triggering the spirit of freedom in a determined, bellicose way. At the same time, charming Venus sextiles Mercury the messenger. In diplomatic Libra and Sag. Their harmony improves our negotiation skills and our chances of reaching agreements.
However, continue to act with care: Mercury is near fixed star Antares, associated with war. The events in the Middle East are connected to today’s Moon.
- Asteroid Israel is in Scorpio, opposing explosive Jupiter, while
- Asteroid Palestrina makes a close T-square to Sun and Moon.
With this lunation’s force, determination and polarization—including the Sabian symbol shared below—people will be standing up for their ideals, rather than towing the official line of war. Insistence on peace can end up fueling confrontation.
How can we connect constructively? Besides praying, signing petitions, writing to Congress, and other harmonious measures… we can take part in this Moon’s promise of transformation by looking within, facing our need for emotional evolution, and being clear on actions to get out of our comfort zone and move on our path of power.
We can clarify and write down our intent, such as:
- I see myself using the first hours of the day for inner work.
- I visualize that I’m attending therapy (a 12-step group, meditation activity, etc.).
- I’m so relieved to be radiating forgiveness toward all.
- Gone are the feelings of unworthiness, and money and success flow fully.
- I’m excited to finally be able to express my feelings in a non-accusatory way.
- It’s such a relief to be free of the fixation with the approval of others.
- I imagine myself with my prayer group, concentrating on world peace.
- It’s amazing to no longer participate in power struggles or manipulation dynamics.
- I’m grateful for my freedom from the obsession about …. (or from jealousy, need to control situations, etc.).
- It’s exciting to know that I’m applying my power in the fullest and highest way, in (specify if you know what that way is).
- In terms of daily activities, the Uranus opposition contributes unpredictability to this already intense portal. It can be great for research, creative work, a therapy session, decluttering and faith healing. As for interactions: romance, socializing, group activities and business, they’ll go better tomorrow or Thursday 16.
The Moon becomes exactly new at 1:27 am (4:27 ET), activating the Sabian symbol for 20-21 Scorpio:
PHASE 231 (SCORPIO 21°): OBEYING HIS CONSCIENCE, A SOLDIER RESISTS ORDERS… A readiness to face the results of a refusal to follow the authoritarian patterns of an aggressive society… As a person finds himself involved in activities which are traditional in his particular culture — and in many instances in all societies at this stage of human evolution — he often faces a conflict between his own individual sense of value (his conscience) and the demands of society. The conflict may be most typical in terms of the armed services — thus this symbol. In it we find the individual asserting his own values… In such a case he has to be quietly ready to face these consequences, whatever the cost… Society in this situation seems to be all-powerful; yet the individual need not be spiritually bound, even if imprisoned. He still can display INNER FREEDOM and prove himself an “individual.”
At 3:03 pm (6:03 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Sag at 6:23 pm (9:23 ET).
I invite the angels of transmutation to dissolve my resistance to positive changes, and to spring open new doors of good for me and for all beings now.
Tuesday, November 14
We can make good connections and improve communications.
Still on yesterday’s New Moon portal, today’s numerology of 5 supports beginnings, while Moon in silver-tongue Sag improves our diplomacy quotient.
Moon’s aspects to sweet Venus and fortunate Jupiter bring charm to our connections with family or friends, in business, or for a cause.
The One Mind connects us in joyous, healing ways, now and always.
Wednesday, November 15
Connections with people and light beings are fortunate.
Today’s numerology of 6 brings protection, fun and abundance.
The number 6 is ruled by Jupiter, and the planet of fortune takes two favorable hits today. One is from mental Mercury, filling our thoughts with optimism and adding charm to what we say, publish and promote. Venus, planet of attraction and values, also connects with Jupiter, expanding feelings of love and financial opportunities. Additionally, Venus receives a sextile from Mercury, triggering opportunities to connect for socializing, finance and love. These influences bring out the best, most social side of Moon in Sagittarius. We can:
- Be spontaneous
- Laugh
- Work on trade, promotions, correspondence
- Have a business meeting
- Lend or borrow money
- Handle legal matters
- Spend time with friends, throw a party, socialize
- Do something requiring diplomacy
All of this flows before 2:57 pm (5:57 ET), when Moon goes VOC She enters practical Capricorn at 11:41 pm (2:41 am ET).
The true substance of my connections is divine, and only good can come from them now.
Thursday, November 16
A day for constructive connections.
Moon in Capricorn supports concrete results, and she harmonizes with ruler Saturn and abundant Jupiter, considered the two planets of success. Sweet Venus is still in orb of her aspect to Jupiter, and today she also gets a kiss from the Moon.
There’s charm and gold dust in the air. Opportunities flow, while the Saturn influence supports discipline and tangible results.
I allow myself to receive the good that life has for me and sends to me now.
Friday, November 17
We can make a breakthrough in progress and creative expression.
Moon in constructive Capricorn combines with today’s empowering numerology of 8 to facilitate tangible rewards.
Mars and Sun conjoin, fueling our courage. They trine dreamy Neptune, while Moon trines ingenious Uranus: we can try a new approach to manifest our dreams.
Seize the moment, move assertively. But keep your feet on the ground and avoid risks involving water, drugs and mysterious offers or situations…
Moon goes VOC at 12:27 am (3:27 ET), and it’s finally time to relax.
Angels and spirit guides, please direct me to move on divine opportunity now.
Saturday, November 18
Altruistic and intellectual activities harmonize our energy.
Today’s numerology of 9 triggers an opportunity to appreciate what we’ve received and to give something back: gratitude, an offering, altruistic actions, knowledge, esoteric study, inner work, or prayer.
At 3:28 am (6:28 ET), Moon enters altruistic, intellectual Aquarius. After yesterday’s intensity, this energy comes as a kind of relief, taking some of the pressure off of the connections from Sun and Neptune to antsy Mars.
Evening is the best time for socializing, making business contacts and connecting in general, with Moon in square to Jupiter, planet of fun and promotion.
I give thanks for the divine connections I’ve had, the divine connections I have and the divine connections that are about to appear, here and now.
Sunday, November 19
Morning is great for connecting with friends and those of like interest.
Moon in friendly Aquarius makes wee-hour harmonies with warm Venus and loquacious Mercury. We can share brunch, reach out to others, start a petition, or take initiative to forge social bonds.
People connections go best before 2:53 pm (5:53 ET), when Moon squares ruler Uranus, accentuating know-it-all attitudes and favoring independent mental, intuitive, and creative activities.
I give thanks for time with others and for time with my own higher self, now and always.
Monday, November 20
We can organize our dreams and make key connections.
Moon in high-minded Aquarius goes VOC on reaching her Second Quarter at 2:50 am (5:50 ET), then enters Pisces at 6:29 am (9:29 ET). This lunation invites us to pause, reflect on our progress with intentions set at last week’s New Moon, and regroup for another week of growth, until next week’s Full Moon.
This morning, Moon joins structured Saturn, good for organizing our work or, with Moon in imaginative Pisces, spiritual activities and visualization materials. This somber conjunction can feel cold, although a sextile from Sun to powerful Pluto is favorable for strategic communications with someone influential. Keep your spirits up and knock on a key door.
Tonight is great for connecting with groups or individuals, with Moon in compassionate Pisces sextiling expansive Jupiter, an aspect that helps us reach people’s emotions through teaching, socializing, or promoting a cause, product, idea, or service. We can also do channeling and contact light beings. Whatever and whoever we connect with, caution is advised: pushy Mars is about to perfect a sextile to forceful Pluto. Sextiles bring opportunities but this pair is intense.
At 27-28 Aquarius, the Sabian symbol for today’s lunation says:
A TREE FELLED AND SAWED TO ENSURE A SUPPLY OF WOOD FOR THE WINTER… Knowledge and skill used in its natural surroundings for the satisfaction of vital, basic needs… the human capacity to prepare for the future… strength, efficiency and intelligence are needed… INTELLIGENT FORESIGHT.
Guardian Angel, please guide me to discern my best path and to step ahead now.
Tuesday, November 21
During a powerful month, this is one of the most potent days.
We can break through procrastination, shyness, and doubt to take definitive action on our dreams of positive change.
Moon in imaginative Pisces awakens our vision and keeps us open to higher guidance.
Mars, coruler of itself and of Sun in Scorpio, sextiles powerful Pluto. Our inner drive stirs, and we can direct it assertively. Pluto, Scorpio’s other ruler, is at the end of his stay in constructive Capricorn, and is moving us to build for self-mastery and future security. Sextiles bring opportunity, and opportunity usually involves others. Reconnect with your dreams and reach out to a person, group, company or institution, for potential collaboration. Take a concrete step; as you do, pay attention to the wishes, feelings and needs of others.
Early morning is the best time for people connections, late evening for activism and business online or at a distance.
I am irresistibly attractive to my highest good, which loves me and flies to me now.
Wednesday, November 22
Connect with your vision, do spiritual healing, take strategic action.
At 6:03 am (9:03 ET), Sun leaves the black shadows of Scorpio to enter the starry, bright skies of Sagittarius, beginning a solar month of cheer, sociability and vision. We’re inclined to reach out and share our search for meaning.
Morning is great for spiritual activities, connecting with spirit guides, writing affirmations, and visualizing.
At 9:19 am (12:19 pm ET), Moon enters restless Aries. Sixteen minutes later, at 9:35 am (12:35 pm ET), Luna trines Sun, lighting our enthusiasm, boosting our confidence and moving us to act. We can take care of a smaller project or push past perfectionism to finish something we’ve been dragging our feet on.
Today’s master numerology of 22 expands the scope of our influence; our service-centered actions can reach the masses.
We can finish preparing for Thanksgiving, with an eye to lifting the festive quotient.
Angels of service, move me to share my light in effective, appropriate ways now.
Thursday, November 23
A high-energy, potentially tense day, with a propitious evening for connections.
With Moon in restless Aries and the adventuresome numerology of 5, we want to get stuff done. But, a square from Saturn to Sun can make us doubt ourselves or get stuck in procrastination. The solution? To the best of our abilities, we can focus on organizing our time and using morning through midday for independent activities, and to gather the information, elements and resources we need to finish something.
People connections and festivities go better after 2:57 pm (5:57 ET), when Moon opposes sweet Venus, followed by a trine to Mercury the messenger. Besides being harmonious, with Moon in hot Aries and Venus in the mix, this evening and afternoon can be exciting, romantic, and sexy.
Still, with Saturn in Pisces receiving a square from Sun in Sag, avoid overdoing it on the eggnog, refrain from discussing religion. If you go to a gathering, have a plan B, because this square can be a guilt-tripper or make us feel closed-in.
I give thanks for the abundance of good that fills our lives, now and always.
Friday, November 24
Focus independently on inner and outer work.
Today’s numerology of 6 spreads a blanket of protection over today’s somewhat tense energies, which include a quincunx from mental Mercury to intense Pluto, and Moon in restless Aries with tense aspects to Pluto and to ruler, pesky Mars.
Early morning is good for: getting to the bottom of something, introspection, intermittent fasting and decluttering documents, papers and books.
Moon goes VOC on a square to bold Pluto at 9:40 am (12:40 ET), a good influence for journaling, shadow work and spiritual and emotional healing.
At 12:29 pm (3:29 ET), Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. She brushes against Mars, continuing to favor independent activities until 2:00 pm (5:00 ET), when she finally settles down in a sextile to Saturn, very favorable for opportunities in the bull’s more constructive and practical fortes. For instance, we can:
- Do business
- Take care of money
- Make investments
- Lease or rent property
- Open a bank account
- Reorganize stock portfolio
- Remodel or decorate our home
We could do even bigger things along these lines, yet with action-planet Mars about to square Saturn the builder, they might not move as planned and there may be setbacks. Use these influences, but don’t get too attached to immediate outcomes. Apparent roadblocks may provide a chance to review, regroup, and restructure.
Nothing can delay my good. All that has been done against me helps me now.
Saturday, November 25
We can study our options for abundance and manifestation.
Moon in Taurus supports tangible results and enjoying the good life. Fast Mars, however, can feel frustrated as he squares Saturn, planet of roadblocks. Things may seem stuck.
Today’s numerology of 7 relates to cognition, awakening our intelligence, and intuition. We can complement the Taurus Moon and the pause caused by Saturn by undertaking independent mental activities that support our intentions: doing research, gathering information, organizing contacts, studying something.
Save negotiation and key connections for another day, like Wednesday or Thursday of next week.
We can enjoy nature or a nice meal. To avoid unnecessary stress or potential confrontation; it’s best to keep things low-key and select relaxing company.
The angels of harmony gather around us, and we’re protected, now and always.
Sunday, November 26
The stars favor creative and intuitive activities, armchair activism, or connections at a distance.
Today’s numerology of 8 supports consolidated results, yet between yesterday’s Mars-Saturn square and tomorrow’s Full Moon, it’s better to apply a strategic approach rather than simply throwing ourselves and our energy at people or goals.
Morning is the best time for people connections, as a sextile from Moon to diaphanous Neptune brings opportunities in romance, creativity, publicity, musicality, and for intuitive or compassionate activities. This harmony connects with a Venus-Uranus quincunx to facilitate contacts that are unusual but pleasant and stimulating. Do something different with friends, your date, or a group aligned with your ideals.
This aspect also fuels creativity and can open new channels of abundance.
This afternoon it’s best to keep a low profile, enjoy our home and yard, declutter, journal, read, work on emotional healing. Moon trines shadowy Pluto and makes tensions to stern Saturn and pushy Mars… dramatically suppressing emotional and social intelligence.
Infinite good prevails, and all influences and situations favor me, now and always.
Monday, November 27
Reclaim your voice.
Moon becomes Full in the wee hours, at 1:16 am (4:16 ET). In communicative Gemini, Luna opposes pushy Mars who’s huddling up on Sun in frisky Sagittarius, a boisterous coupling. Moon trines Pluto, the planet of power, that in this harmony gives force to our words and helps us insist on expressing them even if Mars’ makes us feel pressured.
Ruler Mercury sextiles sweet Venus and squares subtle Neptune. We can find charming ways of saying things, although there can also be confusion, deceptive messages, or information that looks nicer than it is. In personal settings, this may not be intentional. We want things to be nice and may find ourselves blurting out promises or acquiescing to a proposition when we didn’t really want to. On a larger scale, watch for fake news.
Even if there is true romance, the pushy energy of Mars can be best handled by keeping our wits about us and using our gifts of persuasion to stick to our ideas and what we need to say.
At 4-5 Gemini, the Sabian symbol describes:
A REVOLUTIONARY MAGAZINE ASKING FOR ACTION. The explosive tendency of repressed feelings and root emotions… What is rigidly bound in form and convention tends to explode into formlessness. It may do so violently if socially oppressed — through revolution — or at the psychological level in psychosis; or it may withdraw inwardly into the mystical state in which one identifies with an unformulatable Reality.
…it is the experience of a world of being so far unperceived by the everyday consciousness which starts the process. In the same sense a psychedelic experience may momentarily make the mind transparent to a non-ego-structured realm of consciousness, and may lead to a sustained attempt at understanding what has been revealed of a transcendent Reality. Whether the revolutionary action is violent or peaceful, bitterly resentful or loving, the one desire is TO REACH BEYOND ESTABLISHED FORMS.
The Full Moon supports consolidation of something involving communication. Gemini provides focus on detail and individuals, focus needed to ground Sag’s grand vision and avoid ending up with a popped balloon in our hands.
Additionally, we are seeing the polarizing effects of the events in the Middle East, as a revolution of violence for some and for others, of love consciousness. Check our General Influences for more on this connection and the asteroids involved.
In these exceptional times, what is the message you bring to life’s table? Is it a website, a letter to Congress, a petition, a workshop, a prayer, a book…? However challenged you may feel, don’t suppress it. Perhaps you don’t feel ready to make it public, but get clear on your words, write them down or somehow make your message tangible. Used with focus and savvy, this lunation brings power to your voice.
I love being a channel of the ideas that angels pour to me and through me, now and always.
Tuesday, November 28
Morning and midday are good times for people connections; the rest of the day favors independent creative or spiritual activities.
Today’s numerology of 1 picks up on the Mars vibration of yesterday’s Full Moon, making us want to start something. And if it’s related to connections or words, it can go well. Moon in loquacious Gemini makes a morning trine to charming Venus in sociable Libra, air sign of her rule. Communications flow with clarity and warmth.
At 1:30 pm (4:30 ET), connections may become chilly or confusing, as Moon squares mysterious Neptune. We get a half hour that favors working on an independent creative project before Moon’s opposition to Mercury at 5:03 pm. Our intuition is heightened and if we can get some time to ourselves, the rest of the afternoon is great for doing dream yoga or interpretation, for visualizing, or for healing with spiritual means.
At 10:54 pm (1:54 am ET), Moon enters Cancer.
Affirmation: I am the divine life that heals me and others now.
Wednesday, November 29
We may be on edge this morning. This afternoon we blossom in compassion, teaching and prosperity.
Moon in sensitive Cancer makes a morning tension to tough Mars, we’re apt to be touchy. We can use this energy to do personal or private things that require energy. For instance, we can declutter our spiritual library, soak in the tub and scrub our feet, or do online activism for animals or other vulnerable groups.
Things brighten up at 12:21 pm (3:21 ET), when Moon sextiles cheery Jupiter in Taurus, sign of abundance. This is a great combination for doing business, teaching, and promoting something. The sextile picks up on the good vibes of today’s quincunx from Sun to Jupiter, extending the benefits into the evening and helping us apply a quincunx between love planets Venus and Neptune, in ways that enrich our inner work and outer relationships.
Today’s numerology of 11 fuels intuition and opens a portal for angels to more easily access humanity’s heart energy and lift the planetary vibration.
Affirmation: I desire the best for myself and others, and this fuels my heart vibration now.
Wednesday, November 30
A happy, harmonious day. Use the opportunities for new paths of prosperity.
Sweet Venus makes a quincunx to romantic Neptune, fueling dreams of perfect connections and awakening vibrations of unconditional kindness. Today’s numerology of 3 is ruled by Venus, and also fuels our ability to generate harmony, beauty and love.
Moon in fertile Cancer sextiles Uranus in abundant Taurus. Be mindful of an unexpected or novel opportunity for abundance and prepared to act.
Affirmation: I give thanks for the good that flows through expected and unexpected channels, now and always.

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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