The annular Solar Eclipse in Libra of Saturday, October 14 is a special celestial event, the last visible eclipse of its kind in until 2046.
Whether or not the weather or your location or schedule allow you to view this “ring of fire” eclipse, it will trigger a new beginning in how we relate—with a partner, the public or another key connection.
This Eclipse activates the South Node of the Moon, associated with the past, and brings an important opportunity to release karma and ties and habits that have limited our happiness and fulfillment.
The Solar Eclipse Ritual
- Light a purple candle, and decree, “I call on the angels of release to dissolve any patterns, habits or ties that have limited my self-esteem and fulfillment in connections (partnership, relationship with the public, ability to negotiate, key relationships).”
- On a purple sheet of paper, write down situations, habits and relationships that have brought a sense of restriction in the past, such as:
- Codependence
- Attachment to the approval of others
- Failure to set clear limits
- Hiding your feelings
- Selfishness
- Power struggles
- Failing to come through on a commitment
- Staying when you said you would leave
- Feeling unworthy
- Lack of assertiveness
- Not asking for what you want
- Letting others run over you
- Being slow to act on your plans for emotional healing, building positive connections, promoting your work, etc.
- Fear of abandonment
- Codependence
- Roll your paper up and burn it as you say, “I call on the angels of release to dissolve disempowering ties and habits from this and previous lives… Thank you angels, for gathering round and doing your freeing work”.
- Light a blue candle and repeat, “Archangel Michael, cut through any karmic ties, dark thoughts or intentions put on me, and ingrained habits, and shield me so that I am completely free.”
- Imagine that you have a blue sword in your right hand, and for a couple of minutes sweep it around your head and body, feeling as though you were cutting threads and completely clearing your aura. If a behavior or tie comes to mind repeat, “I cut myself loose.”
- Light a pink candle and declare, “I allow myself to receive the happiness and success that are here for me now.”
- On a sheet of pink paper, write down how you can imagine feeling when you are in happy relationships, in a fully expressive and successful mode with the public, a developed negotiator or whatever your dream interactions are.
For example: I can imagine myself feeling secure and free, valuing myself and others and feeling valued by those I’m close to. It’s so great to be able to close deals and speak up for my interests. I love listening to and empathizing with others. It feels so great to be able to express my feelings easily. It’s so great set limits and feel respected. It’s powerful to respect and like myself and to really not care much what others think of me.
From now until the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, we can start the day by reading what we wrote for step 7, closing our eyes, and imagining we are experiencing these feelings, and then repeating the affirmation in step 6 during five minutes.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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