Daily Astrological Forecast, October 1–31, 2023
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday.
Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Unless otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Sunday, October 1
Practical measures bring fortune.
Still on portal of the Full Moon in brave Aries, today’s numerology of 1, also ruled by Mars, fuels initiative. Moon is in Taurus, sign of her exaltation, bringing abundant results from actions related to practical endeavors such as finance, real estate, business, home improvements, or something involving security.
Evening is particularly fortunate starting at 6:37 pm (9:37 ET), when Moon joins Jupiter, planet of luck, expansion and prosperity. This wonderful transit fuels good feelings, continues to favor practical actions in the realms suggested above. It also brings success through action on behalf of education, spirituality, ecology, publicity, or a sales campaign.
Angels and Spirit Guides, please direct me to use my opportunities with focus and courage now.
Monday, October 2
Creativity is high this morning, while afternoon favors people connections and communication.
Moon is exalted in Taurus, while her conjunction to rebel Uranus makes morning good for independent activities related to art, intuition, spiritual healing, or finance.
Mercury in Virgo, the problem solver, opposes Neptune in mystical Pisces, favoring creative thinking and intuition. We can use of words for devotion and healing, and have a romantic and charming interchange. Avoid confusion, strive for clarity and save new commitments, or actions related to documents, for another day.
People connections go better after 1:07 pm (4:07 ET), when Moon squares ruler Venus, favoring romance, business and shared enjoyment. The benefits extend through the afternoon thanks to Moon’s sextile to charming Neptune, which is good for knocking on a key door, working on publicity or media, or taking some sort of action to further our dreams.
Late afternoon and evening are particularly good for communication and creative writing, thanks to Moon’s trine to Mercury, planet of words.
After 6:20 pm (9:20 ET), the tone gets serious as Moon trines intense Pluto. This can fuel sensuality and is great for emotional and spiritual healing, journaling or taking therapy or a coaching session. At 10:03 pm (1:03 am ET), Moon enters talkative Gemini.
My finances are made of divine substance, and only good can come to me through them now.
Tuesday, October 3
Connections can be deep, powerful, creative and even romantic.
Today’s numerology of 3, ruled by Venus, accents the extroversion of Moon in loquacious Gemini. Ruler Mercury trines transformational Pluto; our thoughts and words become imbued with power. This transit favors spiritual healing and inner work.
Venus, planet of love and beauty, makes a quincunx to fanciful Neptune, sparking a flame of romance, enlivening the inner muse and awakening a higher octave of heart energy that we can pour into spiritual work, angel contacts or acts of compassion.
From 5:03 pm (8:03 ET), our confidence is supported by a trine from Moon to Sun, making this a good afternoon and evening to express our feelings.
I speak from the heart, and this energy heals my world now.
Wednesday, October 4
Morning and midday are good for practical communications, afternoon for teamwork, and evening for lowkey, independent physical activities.
Moon in verbal Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and this planet of thought is now at the tail end of his stay in Virgo. This last, so-called anaretic degree of a mutable sign accents intuition, in this case amping up our ability to solve problems and find practical solutions.
At 5:09, Mercury enters Libra (8:09 ET), triggering the critical Aries point. We can initiate a new cycle of networking or communications. With today’s practical numerology of 4, we can especially focus on teamwork, on a project for justice, or on another collaborative endeavor.
At 8:33 pm (11:33 pm), Moon trines Mars. Contacts with others may become emotionally stressful. We can enjoy time alone for a hot bath or for doing something requiring energy at home—like cleaning the fridge, moving furniture, or sweeping behind the bookcase.
At 9:37 pm (12:37 am ET), Moon’s intuitive powers are accented by her square to psychic Neptune, great for visualizing, prayer, connecting with light beings and programming our dreams.
Get things done before 11:34 pm (2:34 am ET), when Moon goes VOC.
I am a great manifester, now and always.
Thursday, October 5
We can find new ways of doing things in business, home, family, and creative activities.
At 5:32 am (8:32 ET), Moon enters fertile Cancer. Today’s restless numerology of 5 accents the adventuresome impulse of this placement, moving us to explore new paths.
Mercury the messenger makes a quincunx to constructive Saturn, stimulating practical communication while dynamic Mars is in quincunx to Neptune, planet of fantasy; complementing Cancer Moon’s intuitive gifts and subtle guidance for our actions.
At 7:33 am (10:33 ET), Moon squares mental Mercury, making morning great for quiet, for writing down and analyzing our dreams or just listening within for guidance. Twenty minutes later, Luna trines Saturn, good for planning and writing down action steps.
The combined influences of the Cancer Moon and the dynamic numerology of 5 make the rest of the day good for trying new strategies in:
- Empathy
- Emotional healing
- Family
- House and home improvements or reorganization
- Real estate
- Business
I am guided to the best ways of doing things, and I heed my guidance now.
Friday, October 6
As we center in self-esteem, connections with others can be deep, joyous and successful.
Venus, planet of love and values, makes a quincunx to Pluto. An event or situation can trigger a need for emotional healing, to set a limit, or to clarify our values. Journal, heal yourself, or seek out a coach or another empowering ally.
At 6:48 am, Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter (9:48 ET), beginning the last week of the lunar cycle. We can release distractions and focus on finishing things we started previously.
Morning is particularly favorable for people connections as at 8:30 am (11:30 ET), Moon sextiles Jupiter, ruler of today’s prosperous numerology of 6. This combination precipitates opportunities and supports pleasant encounters with individuals, groups or the public. We can engage in an altruistic project or apply this highly fortunate influence in teaching, business, or gatherings with family, friends or a flame.
Spirit is present in all my situations, supporting me actively in them and through them. Everything and everybody helps me now.
Saturday, October 7
Our minds expand, and early morning is great for people connections, sharing our message, and exchanging information.
The Sun rises to boost our confidence after a wee-hour quincunx to Jupiter. This massive planet expands our fortune, sense of purpose, and luminosity.
Both Jupiter and today’s numerology of 7 relate to information, learning, and teaching. We can apply these mental gifts early, for business, pleasure, or a cause. They are best before 10:25 am (1:25 pm ET), when Moon’s intense aspects begin with a square to pushy Mars, followed less than two hours later by an opposition to Godfather Pluto. These confrontative aspects make the rest of the day better for independent work on things that take drive: decluttering, weeding, cleaning the oven, editing an essay, researching an intense subject or something important for your defense or well-being, or doing light exercise.
Archangel Michael, please move me to apply my drive constructively, now and always.
Sunday, October 8
Our bravado is fired up. Reaching molten temperatures, it can boil over. Avoid direct confrontation and apply your nerve to strategize steps for taking back your power over yourself and your destiny.
As bold Pluto slows to its ominous station, it takes a square from daring Mars. A revelation can trigger our warrior spirit. This transit is potentially explosive and can be best used to take a time-out and meditate on how we can retrieve self-mastery. A session with a coach, therapist or our journal can bring clarity about actions we can plan for and limits we can set. Keep a low profile, leave the car in the garage and avoid direct confrontations, crowds and gatherings.
After Moon’s wee-hour harmony to Sun, morning is the best time for people connections and moving on the opportunities that surface. This evening, Moon’s square to adventuresome Jupiter favors spiritual, inspirational and altruistic activities. However, with the Mars-Pluto standoff, it’s best to select harmonious connections and if we meet with resistance, avoid the temptation to push things.
Divine power expresses through me to bring forth good for all involved, here and now.
Monday, October 9
Still on the portal of Mars-Pluto square, it’s best to keep a low profile. Today’s numerology of 9 favors inner work and healing. Venus, planet of love and values, opposes Pluto’s ruler, strict Saturn, bringing perspective on our values and what we really want to work for. This combination may feel lonely, but it can free us from confusion so that we can move out of stagnation.
People connections go better this morning, although it’s wise to avoid confrontation. Starting at 1:36 pm (4:36 pm), tensions from Moon to Uranus and Neptune favor spiritual service and independent activities for creativity, intuitive guidance and self-healing.
I love getting clear guidance from the angelic realms, now and always.
Tuesday, October 10
New doors open as Pluto goes direct, moving us to see how we can apply the inner processes of the last five months. Review how you’ve been healing, assimilating change, and discovering your power.
Still on the portal of the Mars-Pluto square, the empowerment this station brings has something to do with moving out of our comfort zone. Today’s numerology of 1 is ruled by Mars, sparking the impulse to move forward.
At 2:37 am (5:37 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering effective Virgo at 5:02 am (8:02 ET).
Venus, ruler of the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Libra, opposes strict Saturn. A tense situation in finances or love may have us feeling pressured or unfairly bound. Don’t get pulled into a fight or take on new commitments. In money and connections, don’t go into panic mode. Focus on chewing what you’ve already bitten off and follow through on your commitments. It may feel as though karma will permanently hold you in its grip, but like the recent square, this too will pass.
The best time for people connections is after 7:46 am (10:46 ET), when Moon joins Venus.
I give thanks the support that flows to finish what I’ve started, here and now.
Wednesday, October 11
Right after Pluto’s station and within close earshot of Saturday’s Eclipse, we get a day of calm that’s great for spiritual, healing and work activities. Morning brings a balance of practicality and inspiration, as Moon in picky Virgo trines optimistic Jupiter. We can get organized and make headway in people connections, as well as expanding our heart radiation. Try to finish something you started previously.
Today’s numerology of 11 triggers a portal that angels can use to access the love energy of humans and use it to lift the planetary frequency.
Late tonight, Mars switches from careful Libra to intense Scorpio, sign of the red planet’s corule, where he brings boldness to our actions and goals.
Guardian Angel, please light my heart flame, and fill me love for myself and for all sentient beings, here and now.
Thursday, October 12
Today we have times that are good for work, prayer, and communication—and some afternoon downtime.
Early morning favors work, as Moon in Virgo is great for getting our space, documents and business in order, while ruler Mercury connects with expansive Jupiter, bringing fortune through study, research, and writing, as well as from prayer, communications, and contacts with light beings.
At 8:42 am (11:42 ET), Moon opposes imaginative Neptune, accenting our sensitivity, empathy and openness to spirit, but with a possibility of emotional confusion. From this time on, we can interpret our dreams, connect with angels, or work on something creative.
At 1:10 pm (4:10 ET), Moon goes VOC. Save key actions and connections from now until 5:22 pm (8:22 ET). People connections go well, or we can plan our New Moon intentions for Saturday’s Solar Eclipse. Do something sweet for your love object, take care of a negotiation or legal matter, connect with friends, share on social media, beautify your space. Leave confrontations and major commitments for a month or more from now, as Eclipse energy can take unexpected directions.
I am a powerful channel for divine messages that flow through me now and always.
Friday, October 13
On tomorrow’s Eclipse portal, we can organize and act to ground something.
Mars in bold Scorpio trines Saturn in relaxed Pisces, breathing courage into our dreams of building. We can do research or gather visualization materials related to our intentions for the present New Moon, begin a bureaucratic process related to long-term goals, and renew our commitment to a creative or spiritual project.
Today’s numerology of 4 is ruled by Saturn and is capable of diligent effort. If there seems to be a delay, keep moving. Today’s actions can leave a lasting mark.
My visualization opens a space for the best possible results in this situation now.
Saturday, October 14
We want to make a new start in relationships, and today’s Solar Eclipse in Libra is a great time to get concrete with this intention. Today’s New Moon Solar Eclipse is exact 10:55 am (1:55 pm ET).
The Sabian symbol for 21-22 Libra is:
A CHILD GIVING BIRDS A DRINK AT A FOUNTAIN. The concern of simple souls for the welfare of… beings who thirst for life-renewal… SOLICITUDE.
The Eclipse ruler is Venus, goddess of love and values. She’s still within orb of her opposition to Saturn, giving us a look at how our finances and relationships connect and affect what we are building for, as well as also offering an opportunity to reset relationship karma. The closest aspect in the Eclipse chart is an opposition from Mercury, planet of thoughts and communication, to Chiron, the wounded healer. We can gain perspective on the wounds we carry and create more harmonious, constructive thoughts and habits. Communication can be especially therapeutic.
In terms of daily activities, morning is best for connecting with others, and afternoon and evening for doing research or something mystical or creative.
I declare myself free from karmic attachments, and embrace the new, happy connections that appear for me now.
Sunday, October 15
Independent, creative activities foster prosperity today. Evening favors people connections. Today’s numerology of 6 expands our fortune and sparks joyful relationships.
This morning, Moon connects with Saturn and Mars, planets of work. We can get organized, declutter our space and postpone interactions with others for after 3:51 pm (6:51 ET), when Moon’s sextile to sweet Venus brings opportunities in connections for socializing, romance, finance—and, with Moon in Scorpio, lust. Gather with friends or family, reach an agreement, make a sale, reignite a spark or contact, go on a romantic getaway.
A quincunx from Sun to independent Uranus in stable Taurus stimulates originality and favors working on research for our goals of security, on activism or on something creative.
At 12:01 am (3:01 ET), Moon goes VOC. Still on the Eclipse portal, she enters brave Scorpio at 4:03 am (7:03 ET).
Divine love manifests happy relationships, and I allow myself to receive them now.
Monday, October 16
Intellectual and emotional cognition are both strong and can be channeled in a new life direction.
This morning, Moon in deep Scorpio opposes extroverted Jupiter. We can express our passion, lease or rent property, prepare for a major deal, and find the courage to consider an important change. In the heart of Eclipse season, we don’t want to act rashly, but we can identify a new north in our inner compass.
Late tonight, Moon opposes Uranus, a great influence for faith healing of emotions and body.
My life cannot be limited, my energy cannot be limited, my wellness cannot be limited.
Tuesday, October 17
Early this morning, Moon in deep Scorpio trines psychic Neptune, great for prayer, meditation, dream work, and contacting light beings.
At 8:44 am (11:44 ET), Moon goes VOC. Take some down time charge your batteries until 12:36 pm (3:36 ET), when Luna enters Sag. This dexterous, extroverted placement combines with today’s empowering numerology of 8 to favor connections for professional, business, and political goals.
At 2:02 pm (5:02 ET), Moon squares Saturn. It’s not that things get bad, but this is a serious, antisocial aspect that is best for independent activities and especially for organizing our space, personal effects and papers, and for strategizing for emotional well-being.
I am a conscious being, and this awareness expands the consciousness that I am, here and now.
Wednesday, October 18
A great day for inspiration, romance and fun.
Moon in affable Sag connects with benefics sweet Venus and jolly Jupiter. Today’s numerology of 9 has a spiritual vibration. We can express our warmth and gratitude and make enriching connections.
Most kinds of interaction go well, although there may be an element of confusion with Sun in quincunx to mysterious Neptune, spotlighting romance and spiritual perception. So we want to keep our feet on the ground, follow our intuition, and save bar-hopping, signing a contract, or anything slightly risky for another occasion.
I give thanks for the divine love and bless the channels it flows through to me now.
Thursday, October 19
We can make breakthroughs towards our dreams.
Boldness and intuition join as today’s assertive numerology of 1 combines with Moon in visionary Sagittarius and an imaginative tension from mental Mercury to mystical Neptune. Morning is best for inner work, connecting with angels, making vision boards, and creativity.
At 11:25 am (2:25 pm ET), sextiles from Moon to Mercury the messenger and confident Sun precipitate opportunities for positive communication. Knock on a key door or somehow get the word out.
At 6:55 pm (9:55 ET), Moon enters practical Capricorn, a great influence for getting organized, doing business, structuring things for lasting success.
A bit over an hour later, Luna sextiles ruler Saturn: our work and business initiatives go great, as do connections with a boss, elder, teacher or authority figure, and actions to assert our own authority over our life, space, schedules, and projects.
Angels of Success, please direct me to visualize and ground my best results, here and now.
Friday, October 20
Thoughts are deep and words powerful: choose good ones.
Mental Mercury squares Pluto, stimulating us to take back our power. From the ego, this can look like competition with others. From the soul, we can face a shadow, work on our thoughts and healing, remove ourselves from a disempowering dynamic or speak—carefully—with courage.
Moon makes sexy harmonies to Mars, Venus and Jupiter. This morning, we can direct our energy in exercise, and promote a product, service or cause.
This afternoon and evening, get off the couch and connect with a person or group that matters. Contacts go great and can be sweet, exciting, harmonious, and enriching.
Angels and Goddesses of Words, please restore my voice of power now.
Saturday, October 21
A day of deep inner work, prosperity, love, and play.
Pluto’s contacts with Sun and Moon can help us harvest alchemical dross from the work we do on ourselves, in healing, therapy, journaling, and spiritual practice.
A trine from Venus to Jupiter protects our interactions and fills contacts with people and angels with joy and harmony. This same trine expands financial good fortune, favoring investments, business, sales and promotional activities.
From 9:21 am (12:21 pm ET), Moon’s harmonies to Uranus and Neptune favor connections for creativity, innovation and with unusual people. We might go to an art exhibit, share an adventure or class, participate in a spiritual, political, or altruistic gathering, or connect with others in a way that’s off the beaten path or beyond our daily comfort zone.
At 7:33 pm (10:33 ET), Moon joins Pluto, favoring inner work and healing and shedding light on family secrets.
An hour later, at 8:29 pm (11:29 ET) she reaches her Second Quarter, favoring review of our progress on the intentions we seeded at last week’s Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra.
At 28-29 Capricorn, the Sabian symbol says:
A WOMAN READING TEA LEAVES. The ability to see the Signature of hidden meaning in every occurrence drawing one’s attention… The reading of tea leaves is only a commonplace modern version of a certain type of procedure used by priests of all ancient religions… true CLAIRVOYANCE…
At 11:00 PM (2:00 am ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Aquarius just six minutes later.
At 11:49 pm (2:29 am ET), Mercury the messenger enters Scorpio, sign of the depths. Communications become less cheery, more intense, and our minds become inquisitive.
I invoke the angel of my family tree to bring to light whatever needs to be healed now.
Saturday, October 22
A day both joyous and productive—if we choose to use it. Connections flow, business is good, communications are constructive.
Sweet Venus continues in trine to expansive, fortunate Jupiter, expanding our experience in such areas as teaching, relationship, finances, beautification, or promotional endeavors.
Master number 22 expands the reach of our actions to the masses, especially when we do things in a spirit of service. In trine to straight-laced Saturn, Mercury the messenger adds a businesslike tone. We can get lasting results in communications, study and mental work.
Moon in Aquarius is also good for study and favors people connections, except for a couple of hours starting at 11:21 am (2:21 pm), when Moon squares feisty Mars. Take a break and focus on an independent, creative activity.
This evening, good will prevails, as Moon squares enthusiastic Jupiter. As long as we don’t get into an argument about beliefs, it’s a great night for people connections, activism, teaching, publicizing and research.
At 9:17 pm (12:17 am ET), Moon connects with Venus, enjoy a romantic dinner or interlude, call someone to share love, connect with your guardian angel.
Guardian Angel, please open my heart and unleash my love for myself and others now.
Monday, October 23
Morning favors moving on our path of power.
At 9:21 am (12:21 ET), Sun enters Scorpio. Connect with the hero within; visualize the change you want to bring and to receive. Moon’s trine to executive Saturn in Pisces supports a new level of order in our space, emotions, and schedule. Declutter to focus on what you really want.
At 12:04 pm (3:04 ET), Moon goes VOC for the rest of the day. We can use the rest of today’s Moon in Scorpio for emotional healing or to enjoy a psychological drama, deep movie, or a good book.
Tuesday, October 24
At 1:33 am (4:33 ET), Moon enters Pisces.
This morning, Sun and Moon connect with one another and with constructive Saturn, while a Moon-Mercury trine enriches the potential for success in business, work, teaching or something related to security. Today’s numerology of 6 brings prosperity and warm connections.
We can organize, strategize, and act to build on our dreams. Make calls, send messages and see others before 3:58 pm (6:58 ET), when Moon trines Mars that can fuel courage but can slip into unnecessary aggression. We can use the energy for declutter our journals, library or prayer space.
With a trine from Moon to coruler expansive Jupiter, evening is great for promoting something and for a gathering or connections to expand joy, prosperity, and good feelings.
I give thanks for the supply that flows through expected and unexpected channels, now and always.
Wednesday, October 25
With can receive clear guidance, find new ways to follow our dreams, share our research, or study with someone.
Moon in gentle Pisces takes an opposition from lover Venus, for a morning of sweet connections. These can be romantic or spiritual in nature; and with the pensive numerology of 7, good for shared intellectual or psychic activities.
At 1:35 pm (4:35 ET), Moon sextiles innovative Uranus. We can find new light or sudden help for our finances or a project.
Tonight, Moon joins mystical ruler Neptune. Do dream yoga, connect with your angels and guides, make a vision board or similar tool, analyze your dreams, work on healing.
Guardian Angel, please steer me clear of distractions and make this day an act of power now.
Thursday, October 26
Work to finish something.
At 3:02 am (6:02 ET), Moon enters hyper Aries, creating minor tensions that fuel impatience. Rather than pushing others, we can direct our restlessness by pushing ourselves to finish things we started previously.
Today’s numerology of 8 favors tangible consolidation.
Spirit works to finish what it starts, for me and through me, here and now.
Friday, October 27
On the portal of tomorrow’s Eclipse Full Moon in fertile Taurus, we can focus on consolidating something related to security.
This is not a calm lunation, with pushy Mars opposing bossy Jupiter. However, there’s a lot of energy for promotional activities, and today’s Moon in dynamic Aries emboldens us to do that, while Luna’s quincunx to Venus brings warmth, grace and diplomacy.
Today’s numerology of 9 favors inner work, meditation, journaling or prayer can help us start the day from our center.
Then we can direct our spirit of adventure by reaching out to others, sharing ideas and inspiration, promoting a product, service or cause.
I invite the spiritual warrior forces to support my path of self-mastery, here and now.
Saturday, October 28
A day to fuel new alliances and pathways to security.
Today’s numerology of 1 moves us to start something new, while the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus—exact at 1:24 pm (4:24 ET)—spotlights abundance. Pluto squares the nodes, signifying evolutionary change, while the Moon conjoins fortunate Jupiter and triggers the North Node, pointing to new directions. Ruler Venus is in Virgo, the problem-solver, and trines innovative Uranus.
There may be some challenges, as assertive Mars conjoins Sun and perfects his opposition to loud-mouth Jupiter. If we can keep an even keel, there’s great potential for fortunate action and ability to publicize, sell and promote our cause. Eclipse energy is strong, and it’s wise to avoid the impulse to raise one’s voice, get in a fight, or force something through. Instead, set things in motion, stand back, and let ‘er roll.
We can upgrade our consciousness of abundance and find new ways to secure it, ways that have to do with publicity, communication, promotion. The Sabian symbol indicates that our projects may be shared. At 5-6 Taurus, it says:
CANTILEVER BRIDGE ACROSS A DEEP GORGE. The conquest of separativeness through group cooperation. The person who has suffered… loneliness can give new substance to his or her emotional life by participating in a collective project. All great evolutionary challenges imply the overcoming of basic difficulties. A step ahead must be taken yet an abyss confronts…, a chasm that is an integral part of the “land” on which… evolution must proceed… a link must be built on the power of the collective mind… the legacy of the past… to make a bridge over the canyon… “Substantiation”… to CONQUER OBSTACLES.
I have a divine right to prosperity and I exercise it in consciousness, here and now.
Sunday, October 29
A day to rest and meditate.
This morning, the Eclipse energy is quite strong. Tensions from yesterday perfect, including Mercury’s conjunction to pushy Mars.
With today’s numerology of 11, angels can more easily use our love energy for the planetary good. We can apply a heart-centered spiritual practice, which will also help us process the Eclipse vibrations in peace.
Connections with others go better this afternoon, thanks to Moon’s trine to Venus. One-on-one, small groups, and meetings online are a safer way of connecting than with a large group in person. The energy gets potentially tense again at 5:36 pm (8:36 ET), when Moon conjuncts Uranus the rebel, favoring independent activities that focus on creativity, intuition or new avenues of abundance.
The kindness I radiate holds me on the wavelength of angels, now and always.
Monday, October 30
Focus on abundance, organize your ideas.
Moon in Taurus makes an early trine to Pluto: we can work on our emotions around abundance, and act on our options for material gain, real-estate or security.
Venus, planet of values and love, is approaching a trine to revolutionary Uranus, preparing us to try a new and freer path in love, abundance and with Venus in Virgo, work or healing.
At 8:08 am (11:08 ET), Moon enters communicative Gemini, and soon thereafter squares structured Saturn. We may feel like talking, but it’s best to organize our ideas, documents and communications.
I resonate with divine riches and allow them to flow to me, here and now.
Tuesday, October 31
New directions in love, healing and work.
Happy Samhain and Celtic New Year!
In the dark of autumn, we can honor our ancestors, call on our spirit guides and seed new beginnings.
Venus, planet of love and values, perfects her trine to innovative Uranus. We can step out of our comfort zone and find freedom in new ways of relating, of investing and of loving ourselves. With Uranus in Taurus, sign of prosperity and Venus in conservative Virgo, the changes may involve new approaches and projects for work and healing.
Moon in Gemini supports communication, while today’s numerology of 4 spotlights practical progress.
Angels of deep autumn, please move me to envision and act in resonance with divine change, here and now.
I visualize divine outcomes, and the Universe opens the way, now and always.

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
for the past three days you didn’t mention the moon sign? what was it Leo?
Hi DT. Thanks for your feedback. Sometimes the outer planet or special lunations prevail over the daily Moon signs and minor transits. I try to go with what’s strongest. But I’ll make sure to include the Moon signs for you anyway. Eclipse blessings.