Free Daily Astrological Forecast, July 1–31, 2023
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday.
Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Unless otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Saturday, July 1
Today on the portal of Monday’s Full Moon, Mercury and Sun both sextile fortunate, jovial Jupiter. We can end this week by having fun or, if we prefer to focus on progress, we can use these Jupiterian opportunities to make and reinforce positive connections, especially for: education, publicity, promotion, sales, motivating or inspiring others, and foreign, spiritual or political concerns.
The charm continues this evening and, with Moon in Sagittarius harmonizing with Venus, brings warmth to socializing or romance.
Archangel Michael, direct me express myself with confidence, now and always.
Sunday, July 2
If we have social, spiritual, or promotional activities to do, morning is the best time. This morning, sweet Venus squares exciting Uranus, freeing us from obsolete patterns in relationship and finance. We can follow our inspiration (but best wait for couple of weeks before quitting your job or flying to Costa Rica with a stranger).
Moon enters practical Capricorn at 10:20 am (1:20 pm ET), where it favors work, making plans, and focusing on long-term goals.
Tomorrow’s Full Moon adds a dose of intensity to whatever we do. If you feel shaky or pressured, breathe deeply, pause to get perspective, and use today’s Uranian electricity to add an innovative touch to something that you’re working on. When Uranus visits, things can get shaken up, but will end up settling according to a higher plan.
My life is under the law of love, and things manifest in the best and highest order now.
Monday, July 3
Today’s strong Full Moon in Capricorn facilitates tangible progress on a long-term project or something related to work, profession, structure, teaching, or a path of mastery. With Sun and Moon in sensitive Cancer, this lunation makes a series of harmonies, including a close trine to Jupiter in abundant Taurus and a sextile to ruler Saturn in sensitive Pisces.
Saturn and Jupiter both relate to wisdom and are considered decisive for success. Today, the Saturn sextile brings opportunities for lasting results and in relation to authority figures: a boss, bureaucrat, business person or teacher. The Jupiter trine brings ease to efforts, and expansion of good results.
From now through Wednesday afternoon, our focused, organized efforts in these areas can upgrade our harvest. Today and tomorrow morning are the most constructive, practical part of this portal.
At 11-12 Capricorn, the Sabian symbol for today’s lunation says:
AN ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON NATURAL SCIENCE REVEALS LITTLE-KNOWN ASPECTS OF LIFE. … The ability to explore unfamiliar realms and understand the laws underlying the complex processes of nature… the acquisition of extensive knowledge, the satisfaction of intellectual curiosity.
I give thanks for the good (supply, healing, solution, clarity) that is in the process of complete manifestation, here and now.
Tuesday, July 4
Even in the US, where today is a national holiday, morning is a great time to make tangible headway on our dreams. At 6:49 am (9:49 ET), imaginative Neptune sextiles Moon in able Capricorn, still on her portal of fullness. Connections, productions, and communications that involve creativity, healing, compassion or spirituality, can produce lasting, positive results.
If you’re in a low-profile holiday mode, you might spend some time beautifying your space or yard, or making a vision board for a creative or business project.
Do this early, as at 9:45 am (12:45 pm ET), Moon goes VOC. Enjoy decluttering or just down time until 10:33 am (1:33 pm ET), when Moon enters freedom-loving Aquarius, also a great placement for creativity. Or we can connect with friends who resonate with our ideals or oddness, or participate in activism.
I give thanks for the divine activity that’s taking in place in my life, in my finances and in my spiritual path, here and now.
Wednesday, July 5
This morning, we’re still on the portal of Monday’s Full Moon. Today’s adventuresome numerology of 5 combines with today’s Moon in Aquarius to move us to take innovative action on a long-term goal we wish to consolidate.
This afternoon, we can follow through on those actions or do something else innovative or futuristic, like:
- Focus on personal freedom
- Fight for a cause
- Invent something the world needs
- Throw a surprise party
- Buy a computer
- Learn a new dance
- Volunteer at the local school, hospital or park
- Go on a walk and pick up garbage
- Set a limit
- Throw ourselves into investigative research involving a career change or to refinance property
With pushy Mars moving to quincunx confusing Neptune, we want to avoid mixing liquids or mysteries (Neptune) with machines or anything risky (Mars). Driving on a wet highway, drinking while driving or operating a machine, bar-hopping, arguing in a dark alley, or going on a blind date with a stranger are all apt to misfire right now.
And because today’s combined influences are more passionate than grounded, also avoid being fanatical, rebelling without reason, or breaking tradition just for the sake of it.
I declare myself free from the labels I’d taken on, and I express my own true essence, here and now.
Thursday, July 6
At 6:42 am (9:42 ET), Moon goes VOC. If we have something urgent to do, we can rise and act before the VOC, and once Luna moves into VOC, unplug ourselves until 10:33 am (1:33 pm ET), at which time Moon enters Pisces, sign of creativity, intuition, angels, and dreams.
Also fueling intuition and creativity is a harmony from mental Mercury to Uranus, planet of genius. Our higher mind is triggered, communications can be brilliant, and doors can spring open—so knock on them!
Not only do we ourselves awaken; we can also sell this to others. Bold Mars perfects a quincunx to Moon’s ruler Neptune, combining with today’s prosperous numerology of 6 to bring success to promotions and sales of things or ideas related to spirituality, creativity, petroleum, or biology.
Yesterday’s warnings about potential risks associated with Mars-Neptune contacts are still in place; if an offer sounds too good to be true, take off the rose-colored glasses.
My perception cannot be limited, my mind cannot be limited, my clarity cannot be limited.
Friday, July 7
Moon in sweet Pisces makes productive, pleasurable harmonies, first a sextile to Jupiter in Taurus, sign of prosperity, then a trine to Sun in fertile Cancer.
This is a sensual day, while the mental vibration of today’s number 7 sharpens our minds.
We can:
- Work on a project involving imagination
- Act on intuitive leads in business
- Draw up a proposal, agreement or contract
- Sign documents
- Sell something
- Share on social media
I am unlimited being, and I am in touch with the ideas and connections that flow from the field of infinite good, now and always.
Saturday, July 8
Today we can move towards our dreams, heal, and enjoy romance. Moon in imaginative Pisces joins ruler Neptune and sextiles deep Pluto. Luna also makes minor contacts to sexy Mars and sweet Venus.
This combination can fuel romance and bring breakthroughs in emotional and spiritual healing. Combined with today’s numerology of 8—which can bring an upgrade in finance and professional goals—it also brings us good results if we act on something we’ve been visualizing or reach out to a powerful contact.
At 12:19 pm (3:19 ET), Moon enters dynamic Aries, where she helps us finish a job. Mars, which is the Aries’ Moon’s ruler, is within orb of a contact with intense Pluto and strengthens us to set a limit, enter a competition, make a decision, or do deep decluttering.
Avoid crowds and heated confrontation, take special care when using machinery, knives and sharp tools and save a dubious or blind date for another weekend.
My world is charged with omnipotent love, so I’m in a divine space, now and always.
Sunday, July 9
Today is good for physical and mental decluttering. Moon in restless Aries can get behind chores or decisions we’ve been putting off, and Mercury the messenger in trine to sensitive Neptune, helps recodify thought patterns in love, compassion, and forgiveness.
This is a great day to finish work or a chore, clean out the garage, closet, or extreme clutter of some kind; give away books, clothing or other items you no longer use.
Follow your intuition to take care of yourself and if you happen to get cornered by a stranger, get out.
At 6:48 pm, Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning the last week of her cycle, a time to finish what we’ve started before.
The Sabian symbol for 17-18 Aries describes:
AN EMPTY HAMMOCK STRETCHED BETWEEN TWO TREES. A constructive alternation of activity and rest… the ability to balance outer vitalistic activity and withdrawal… and relaxation. The owner of the hammock is active, but in her consciousness s/he can hold the image of rest in the midst of reenergizing nature… Potency may be preserved and extremes avoided. Time is found for recuperation… a middle path between total involvement in instinctual or social drives, and withdrawal in impotent silence and narcissism… LIVING RHYTHMICALLY..
A nighttime trine from Moon to sweet Venus favors romance and journaling for self-esteem.
Guardian Angel, please guide me to restore my wellness, now and always.
Monday, July 10
Today we get an interesting shift. In the last work week of Moon’s waning cycle, just when things should be winding down, today’s numerology of 1 strengthens our pioneering spirit. Mars leaves passionate Leo to enter dramatic Virgo, bringing energy to our work projects and strengthening our will to find solutions.
Morning is the best time for harmonious connection, before Mercury the messenger perfects a stand-off with bold Pluto, and Moon in restless Aries squares them both.
At 4:11 pm (7:11 ET), Moon makes a brief VOC, entering Taurus at 4:55 pm (7:55 ET). This is a prosperous placement, yet Moon’s evening trine to feisty Mars is apt to hype us up and doesn’t favor PR, socializing, or relaxing. We can declutter, review and retouch a sales project, clean the oven or the car, do armchair activism, finish a task, or volunteer for some sort of heroic action.
At 9:11 pm (12:11 ET), Mercury leaves shy Cancer and enters expressive Leo, fueling effusiveness.
I am not alone or without support, my angel team directs me and assists me in successful results, now and always.
Tuesday, July 11
This is a great day for practical progress and intuitive experiences. Moon in prosperous Taurus sextiles constructive Saturn and also joins Jupiter, planet of fortune, supporting tangible, lasting fruits of our efforts.
Today’s numerology of 11 fuels intuition and blends with the Moon-Jupiter conjunction to support connections with light beings. Center within, pray or meditate; then act on your vision.
The power in me is greater than any external influence and it’s supporting my victory, here and now.
Wednesday, July 12
Moon in Taurus, sign of manifestation, favors progress in something practical, particularly if we:
- Do business
- Take care of money
- Follow up on investments we made before the last Full Moon
- Lease or rent property
- Work on something involving home, stability, security and protection
The tone sweetens this evening as Moon connects with Taurus’ ruler, sensual Venus. We can enjoy food and nature, listen to or make music, show empathy, add spice and romance to intimate relations, or renew a flame.
I am irresistibly attractive to my highest good. I feel it, I believe it and I receive it now.
Thursday, July 13
This is good day for independent mental work, editing, decluttering papers, cleaning out the bookshelf or inbox, interrupted by a late-morning interlude that favors connection.
At 12:36 am (3:36 ET), Moon goes VOC in Gemini. After a wee-hour rendezvous with bossy Pluto and bold Mars, she doesn’t rise with a smile.
So save calls and people connections for after 9:40 am (12:40 pm ET), when Luna sextiles communicative Mercury, and before 1:06 pm (4:06 ET), when she squares stern Saturn, which makes the rest of day rather dry.
Today’s numerology of 4 is good for applying sustained effort on something we want to last.
Angels of persistence, please sustain me in effective effort, here and now.
Friday, July 14
For practical purposes, this is the last day of Moon’s waning, balsamic cycle. It’s a time to finish things we started previously.
Today, Moon in communicative Gemini connects with organized Saturn: we can organize our notes, books and documents, follow up on messages, emails, and calls, and follow through on a proposal or other practical connection with colleagues, clients, neighbors, and siblings.
Nighttime can be productive or fun, as Sun in fertile Cancer sextiles rebel Uranus, combining with today’s restless numerology of 5 to move us to try something different. Intuition is fueled and we can find a shortcut to finish something related to finance or business.
No event or circumstance can withhold my supply, that continues to appear through Spirit’s perfect channels now.
Saturday, July 15
Compassion and love pour forth, as sweet Venus and sensitive Neptune make a minor connection.
The early morning hours are especially romantic, at least while Moon connects with these two, until 5:35 am (8:35 ET), when Luna goes VOC. For the next four hours we can practice metta (a form of Buddhist kindness meditation), repeat forgiveness affirmations, or do our own preferred heart-centered spiritual or self-healing practice.
At 10:13 am (1:13 pm ET), Moon enters Cancer, another empathetic influence that combines with Venus-Neptune to favor connecting with our family or mother, and with women or the sacred feminine. We can practice empathy, volunteer to help children or a vulnerable group, exchange energy with plants, do PR, or mend bridges with someone.
At 4:48 pm (7:48 ET), Moon sextiles vital Mars. This puts a sexy edge on today’s influences. We can also go to the gym, for a run or on a brisk walk, help a relative, or connect with someone motivating.
Goddesses of renewal, please lift me up to my highest and best wavelength, here and now.
Sunday, July 16
Moon in fertile Cancer sextiles jovial, fortunate Jupiter, whose talents of publishing, teaching and promoting are fueled by tomorrow’s Mercury-Jupiter square. Follow your intuition to reach out to the public or clients, and promote a cause, service, or product. We can also entertain family, search for new living quarters, sell or lease real estate, give a class, or embark on a new course of spiritual study. On the portal of tomorrow’s New Moon, whatever we start is apt to go well.
I give thanks for the new good that’s manifesting, here and now.
Monday, July 17
Today’s New Moon and the transits make this a great day for starting something related to communications, spirituality, promotion, family, real estate, emotional wellness, or our home base. Today’s numerology of 8 facilitates consolidation of material and professional power.
Morning is a time to reach out with our message, proposal or promotions. Mercury the messenger squares noble Jupiter, amping up our powers of thought and communication.
At 11:32 am (2:32 pm ET), Moon becomes new in Cancer. The usual cuddly flavor of this placement is toughened by an opposition from active Mars to firm Saturn that can make us feel serious and obliged to pause and review our strategies. Fortunately, both planets harmonize with generous Jupiter, so there will be opportunities and luck to support us in overcoming apparent challenges.
At 24-25 Cancer, the Sabian symbol for this lunation reminds us to commit fully to the change we seek:
A WILL-FULL MAN IS OVERSHADOWED BY A DESCENT OF SUPERIOR POWER… The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive will-full endeavors… a man… uses his will and positive imagination in facing his life problems. To him comes a pentecostal descent of power. He receives the ‘mantle of power,’ the grace (baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture… we witness a more transcendent expression of ‘success.’ It is not merely external success, but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT.
New Moons are for new beginnings, and we might make a vision board for a new project, especially in areas of Cancer’s domain:
- A new or refurbished home
- Sales of property
- Expanding our family, or changing family circumstances
Or, in the light of the Sabian symbol (with the timely mention of positive imagination), we could create visualization materials to represent a solution—in an abundant version—to any challenge we happen to be going through.
The energies shift later. At 5:02 pm (8:02 ET), Moon trines mystical Neptune, opening a window to the subconscious. We want to save partying for another day, be choosy about surroundings, and filter our company. We can finish our vision board, visualize, work on emotional healing and forgiveness, or contact angels and guides.
The tone gets serious and even less sociable tonight. At 8:06 pm (11:06 ET), Moon opposes intense Pluto. We can keep a low profile and go deeply inward to journal about our feelings, schedule therapy, do or get spiritual healing—or, declutter the kitchen, the fridge, or our bedroom.
At 9:39 pm (12:39 am ET), Moon enters passionate Leo, fueling romance and warmth.
I give thanks that the vision I’ve seeded is taking form, here and now.
Tuesday, July 18
This is a day to express our gratitude, make a donation, do volunteer work, or somehow practice generosity. Moon in expressive Leo joins with today’s altruistic numerology of 9. We have a chance to follow through on a promise, pay off a debt, apologize, affirm for forgiveness, or in another way show our gratitude.
By somehow giving back to others or to life, we can close prior cycles before resuming our forward movement tomorrow, which is the last day of the New Moon portal.
Before going to bed tonight, we can align with a square from Moon to Jupiter to connect with angels or spirit guides.
Angels and spirit guides, please direct me to complete any karmic adjustments quickly, easily and in peace.
Wednesday, July 19
Now it’s full steam ahead on the New Moon portal, with Moon in confident Leo and today’s pioneering numerology of 1.
Moon’s early conjunction to loquacious Mercury emphasizes the sociable side of this expressive placement. Take control of a situation, solicit support, go out on a first date or to meet new people, network, hold an event, lease or rent property, try something that requires a lucky break.
The combination can come on strong, so it’s good to be mindful of our own prideful, pushy, or overbearing tendencies.
I’m guided to live my new good, which is my true good now.
Thursday, July 20
The day starts out sweetly and ends on a more forceful note.
Early on, Moon in heart-centered Leo trines compassionate Neptune, a great combination for romance or love-centered spiritual practices.
The sweetness continues when, at 7:08 am (10:08 ET), Moon goes VOC on a conjunction to love-planet Venus. For the next three hours we can reach out to show we care, or enjoy beauty, a nice breakfast, and warm cuddles. Save important contacts and actions (that we didn’t make before the VOC) for after 10:13 am (1:13 pm ET), when Moon enters practical Virgo.
During the rest of the day, we may be feeling an opposition from restless Mars to strict Saturn that can hold things up or bring a challenge into view. This configuration is best for activities that require analysis, review, and diligence. We want to move, and we can, but with patience and reality checks.
Affirmation (repeat with attention in the center of your chest):
Love, love, love, I radiate love to Spirit, to myself and to all others now.
Friday, July 21
Moon in practical Virgo strengthens diligence and humility in this portal of challenging transits. Today, we can apply common sense, keep a low profile, and schedule an appointment with a wise teacher or coach to facilitate lasting solutions.
With Sun opposing Pluto the powerful, we can look into the shadows. Hidden information can lead to healing. In resonance with Mars’ still-active opposition to stern Saturn, this Sun-Pluto connection can also fuel a confrontation, and things could escalate. Best to leave arguments, negotiation and any key engagements for another day.
What can work well are prayer, applying common sense, and talking with a counselor, teacher, or coach who can hold us in confidence and vision.
I am not alone or without support. The Divine Companion is with me, guiding, sustaining and supporting me in every way, here and now.
Saturday, July 22
Some of yesterday’s pressure eases up and we have more room to move on our goals. Moon in practical Virgo trines rebel Uranus in Taurus, sign of abundance. Both signs favor tangible progress while the Uranus harmony supports innovative directions in finance, business, and with this trine from Virgo Moon, service projects.
Venus turns retrograde, putting our relationships, self-esteem, finances, and values up for review. We can make changes in our home, office space, or anything tangible that makes progress easier.
Take key steps and make important connections before 6:00 pm (9:00 ET), when Moon makes an opposition to Neptune that can bring hypersensitivity or confusion, but which also favors spiritual healing and practice, connecting with angels, dream yoga, and rest.
At 6:50 pm (9:50 ET), Sun abandons the tidepools of Cancer to move into the radiant skies of Leo, sign of its rule. For the next 30 days we’ll feel more adventuresome, sociable, and expressive as the lion seeks to assert its confidence.
At 9:08 pm (12:08 am ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to intense Pluto. Rest or do spiritual work, avoid mind-altering substances, and keep a low profile until Moon enters Libra at 10:54 pm (1:54 am ET), favoring creativity, negotiation and connecting with our public and with others.
I clothe myself in divine substance and I am shielded from undesirable vibrations and intentions, now and always.
Sunday, July 23
The charm quotient is up today, but there still may be arguments. Today’s restless numerology of 5 brings out the feisty side of Moon in smart Libra. Mental Mercury squares brilliant Uranus, sharpening our minds. However, it can also sharpen our tongues.
We feel sociable, but we’re not quite as charming as we suppose. Despite any impulse to the contrary, save socializing for tomorrow and focus on independent, mental activities today: study, research, write, build a case, design a strategy for social justice, or plan a future negotiation.
No circumstance or condition can limit the divine intelligence that I am, now and always.
Monday, July 24
Today is a great day to catch up on people connections. Today’s numerology of 6 favors harmonious encounters on any scale, shared pleasures, and financial prosperity. Moon in warm Libra supports socializing, PR, and romance. We might see friends, participate in teamwork, go to a concert, call on clients, download new music, send our partner roses, or enjoy a romantic dinner.
I give thanks for the love that flows through the best and highest channels for me now.
Tuesday, July 25
After an early window for people connections, our warrior potential kicks in. This morning, Moon does a final stint in sweet Libra, with transits that favor connection, especially for romance. But sweetness takes a back seat at 8:05 am (11:05 ET), when Luna goes VOC on a square to Pluto, the godfather planet. Take some down time to enjoy plants, to journal, or to soak in the tub.
At 12:55 pm (3:55 ET), Moon enters strong, silent Scorpio, emboldening us to look at our feelings, make a decision, release a distraction, set a limit, quit a job, or change residence.
Luna reaches her Second Quarter at 3:07 pm (6:07 ET). We can pause to review our progress on the intentions we set for last week’s New Moon, regroup, and recenter. Today’s numerology of 7 favors gathering information and listening to intuition.
At 2-3 Scorpio, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
A HOUSE RAISING PARTY IN A SMALL VILLAGE ENLISTS THE NEIGHBORS’ COOPERATION… The feeling of community demonstrated in a basic joint effort. In rural neighborhoods, especially as the American West was being developed, the building of at least the framework of a house was often a collective, friendly enterprise. Newcomers building their home-to-be found friendly helpers in their neighbors. The sense of togetherness and participation in a common enterprise was developed by such collective work. The home remains ‘our’ home, yet the whole community is involved in its erection and the welcome marking its completion… The past and its memories are repolarized in terms of the expanded social consciousness… a new sense of reality will derive… COOPERATION.
With a trine from Moon to constructive Saturn, tonight is great for putting things in order, whether it’s our spiritual and self-healing activities, journals, or personal space.
I am a being of power, and I allow myself to use all my aptitudes, here and now.
Wednesday, July 26
The stars favor strong action and today can be a turning point.
This morning, Moon in brave Scorpio sextiles warrior Mars. Doors open for victorious action on our own behalf or to help others. If we’re in a rut, we can find a way to cut loose, pack up, and get out of Dodge: we have the courage and impetus to remove ourselves from a place or circumstance that holds us down.
This energy is piercing, effective, to the point, and low on diplomacy. We can use it to overcome our inertia and take decisive action, trying to be as gentle as possible and saving direct connections for after 10:48 am (1:48 pm ET), when Moon opposes affable Jupiter, precipitating kinder emotional responses. Even then, stay in courage: this day is meant to be empowering.
I am not here to be marked by the world. I’m here to bring light, and I radiate it, here and now.
Thursday, July 27
Passion is in the air, as sweet Venus connects with romantic Neptune, and Moon in lustful Scorpio connects with both.
With today’s transmuting numerology of 9 and Venus retrograde, this energy can be applied to an ongoing relationship or to one from the past. We can go out, stay in and cuddle, or enjoy nature.
Mercury the messenger also joins love-planet Venus, making all kind of connections go well, although Scorpio Moon prefers the deeper ones.
Reach out, show your interest, and connect before 3:26 pm (6:26 ET), when Moon goes VOC, or after 5:24 pm (8:24 ET), when she enters jovial, charming Sagittarius.
This relationship is made of divine substance, and it works to benefit both of us, now and always.
Friday, July 28
Today’s pioneering numerology of 1 works for taking the reins of a situation, while Moon in Sagittarius brings vision: the sign of the archer sees the big picture and has the social dexterity to engage others.
Luna’s stressful aspects to stern Saturn and pushy Mars show that we may feel challenged. Apply Sag’s strategic vision, hold to your course, and with diplomacy, push for what you know is right.
Goddess Kuan Yin, please hold me in gentleness as I persist in my vision now.
Saturday, July 29
Today’s mystical vibes are strong, thanks to the psychic numerology of 11 and Moon in visionary Sag connecting with cosmic planets Uranus and Neptune.
This is a great day to focus on spiritual practice and visualization. We can also work on a cause with a wide reach. Today’s master number 11 does best when it quietly follows through on its purpose.
Evening is great for romance, socializing, or working on trade. At 8:44 pm (11:44 ET), Moon enters executive Capricorn and we can ground our intentions.
Angels of manifestation, please strengthen me to be silent until my intentions have taken form, here and now.
Sunday, July 30
We can reconnect with our dreams and get tangible results from our efforts.
This morning, Moon in practical Capricorn sextiles Cap’s ruler Saturn, a great combination for getting things organized and tackled.
Love planet Venus connects with fairytale Neptune, awakening romance, compassion, and creativity.
At 5:18 pm (8:18 ET), the romance fades as Moon harmonizes with pushy Mars, and a bit later preachy Jupiter. These energies aren’t romantic, but they are great for acting heroically for a family concern, promoting something, or campaigning for a cause.
I receive the divine substance of all transits, and they can only benefit me, now and always.
Monday, July 31
The work week gets off to a constructive start.
Moon in productive Capricorn connects with innovative Uranus, charming Venus and dreamy Neptune, favoring expedient action in material concerns as well as pleasant interactions. Today’s numerology of 4 strengthens our diligence and focus.
Try to get things done before 7:13 pm (10:13 ET), when Moon goes VOC. After this, we might enjoy a mystery movie or a sexy encounter. At 8:58 pm (11:58 ET), Luna enters friendly, independent Aquarius.
My words, images and actions build prosperous results, here and now.

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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