Free Daily Astrological Forecast, May 1–29, 2023
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday.
Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Unless otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Monday, May 1
The star of today’s show is Pluto, lord of intensity, who perfects his retrograde station. Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, makes us look below the surface. The retrograde, and even more the station (the slow-down and stop before a planet changes directions), accents this effect. We can get a deep look within, journal, heal our emotions, return to therapy, review our self-dialogue, write a hundred affirmations, or research something that’s important for our success, confidence or self-determination.
Virgo Moon helps ground this power so we can face and solve a problem, declutter, and work on healing. Virgo Moon’s ruler Mercury joins Sun, emphasizing communication, while lunar contacts to Mars and Venus add sexy sparkles to the mix.
The Pluto energy is deep, intense, and potentially dramatic so this is not a day for a blind date, or for that matter, any risky scenario or encounter, from extreme sports to dark alleys or a secret rendezvous. If you’re going to connect, focus on comfortable intimacy and armchair activism.
At 4:30 pm (7:30 ET), things lighten up a bit. Moon makes a quincunx to cheery Jupiter, favoring promotional and financial endeavors. Go for it before Luna goes VOC, which starts 23 minutes later on an opposition to Neptune, making evening good for mystical activities and enjoying music.
At 11:09 pm (2:09 am ET), Moon enters Libra, spotlighting relationships and fueling creativity.
No person or condition can hold me in bondage. All people and situations benefit me now.
Tuesday, May 2
Moon in social Libra moves through tense aspects to Mercury the messenger and strict Saturn, and combines with newly-retrograde Pluto to make this a good day for analyzing relationships, negotiations, contracts, and agreements.
Pluto strengthens us to look at our interactions, hash them over, and seek fair agreements. It’s not a light day, but it’s much better than tomorrow for people connections. We can take on legal matters, review a prenup agreement, and find new practical ways of cooperating with others for mutual benefit.
My interactions are made of divine substance, and they work to benefit me and all concerned, now and always.
Wednesday, May 3
Moon in people-sign Libra and today’s numerology of 3, ruled by Venus, make us feel like connecting. However, on the portal of Friday’s Eclipse Full Moon, near the portal of Pluto’s station, and with today’s Moon squaring pushy Mars, today is low on emotional intelligence, favoring independent, creative activities.
We can write positive affirmations, declutter our space with an eye for beauty, retouch interior décor or a creative project, or work on our way of expressing ourselves and our needs.
Angels of Focus, please shield me from distraction and direct me in my highest priorities now.
Thursday, May 4
An intense but rich day, with influences that bolster courage and at the same time harmonize relationships.
At 2:17 am (5:17 ET), Moon goes VOC in affable Libra, where it favors enjoying beautiful surroundings, music, or literature. Leave key actions and contacts for after 7:32 am (10:32 ET), when Luna enters Scorpio, placing us strongly in the Eclipse portal that’s exact tomorrow.
Morning’s best for independent activities that require determination. Moon in brave Scorpio squares ruler Pluto, giving us nerve to face and release emotions, belongings, situations, do shadow work, research a new place of residence or another life change, or make a consequential decision.
Venus, planet of love and values, softens today’s energies and those of the Eclipse portal. She squares compassionate Neptune, opening us to an influx of cosmic love. This square stimulates creativity, romance, compassion—and love addictions. It also fuels our love of angels and light beings, spiritual beauty, and the reach of our heart-centered prayers and meditation.
The love planet also makes a sextile to Jupiter, planet of abundance. This fortuitous aspect expands our charm and social intelligence and triggers opportunities in personal and group relationships, in love, through publicity and in finance.
People connections go best this evening, thanks to a trine from Moon to constructive Saturn, exact at 5:53 pm (8:53 ET). This is great for business and for connecting with relationships of lasting value.
My heart is a bright star of love that radiates to angels, to myself and all beings now.
Friday, May 5
The Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio is exact at 10:34 am (1:34 pm ET).
The Sabian symbol for 14-15 Scorpio reads:
CHILDREN PLAYING AROUND 5 MOUNDS OF SAND… A pentagram or 5 symbolizes mind in its most creative and penetrating aspect… Our Western civilization has realized only the lower level of… 5, i.e. mind contaminated by compulsive instincts and emotional involvement. Some individuals, however, are born with a special potential for development of the higher, creative mind, and in… circumstances favoring this development. In most cases, they are still “playing around” with their unusual capacity. They are in the kindergarten stage of this higher development… the transcendent possibilities of mental evolution, which require interpersonal communion consciousness, are evoked. The free spirit of true scientific inquiry is only a foreshadowing of such a type of mind… FUTURE-ORIENTED GROWTH.
Today’s interpersonal flavor is accented by the strong Venus aspects described yesterday and that are still in effect. Additionally, Neptune and Jupiter are the two planets of angels, imparting a sweet and mystical flavor to this lunation that favors a new level of connection with people and with light beings. Scorpio faces the shadows, and with the South Node involved, can close outdated patterns. Neptune facilitates forgiveness and Jupiter, gratitude. Forgiveness and gratitude are forms of transmuting love that can wipe out karma and recodify our relationships. However you choose to work with it, this Eclipse deepens our inner work in support of the independence triggered by the Solar Eclipse that began the present lunar cycle.
Besides transmutation, this lunation continues the legacy of the recent Solar Eclipse in Aries, whose effects propel us out of situations that don’t resonate with our evolving identity. Scorpio gives us courage to end what’s not working. We can take on a challenging situation, or act to consolidate our connection with a positive person, community, or group.
Morning through afternoon are the best times for connecting with others. At 5:13 pm (8:13 ET), Moon opposes rebel Uranus, followed by a late trine to Mars. These influences can be exciting but their social intelligence quotient is minus 0. However, they fuel our spirit of independence, favoring research to look at our options, reviewing and retouching online business activity, decluttering our email and armchair activism.
Guardian Angel, guide me to feel and release whatever needs to go now.
Saturday, May 6
If you have to do something early, get it done before 7:38 am (10:38 ET), when Moon goes VOC. After this, Luna makes minor, sweet transits that favor self-care and inner practices such as metta, forgiveness, and heart-centered prayer or meditation. And we can enjoy some low-key down time with cuddles.
At 1:04 pm (4:04 ET), Moon enters optimistic Sag, then sextiles powerful Eclipse ruler Pluto, bringing Sag’s diplomatic skills to bear on our decisions regarding change.
Today’s numerology of 6 brings blessing and protection in connections for business or pleasure. Make these connections before 11:12 pm (2:12 am ET), when a late square from Moon to Saturn dampens the charm.
We can use the time before then to:
- Renegotiate an agreement
- Pursue a project
- Assert our leadership
- Reach out to a foreign contact
- Work on trade or a legal matter
- Borrow money
- Obtain an overdue answer
- Connect with empowering others
- Improve a deal
All events are doorways to infinite good, and that’s all that’s here for me in this situation now.
Sunday, May 7
The Eclipse portal shines on, as ruler Pluto takes a quincunx from Venus, goddess of love and values. We can work for change in relationships and act assertively to organize our finances or retrieve a plan for financial growth.
Today’s numerology of 7 favors researching, reading about, and devising strategies for these areas.
I release myself and others from karmic ties, and we go free to new good now.
Monday, May 8
Today’s numerology of 8 supports consolidation of our goals.
Moon has morning tensions with pushy Mars and mysterious Neptune. This can bring confusion or irritation, making the first hours of the day best for independent activities like getting in touch with our personal goals and dreams, and writing down the results we want to have this afternoon.
After 1:28 pm (4:28 ET), we can move on our goals, give a class, enjoy good company, or promote a service, product, or cause, thanks to a beautiful trine from Moon in Sag to ruler, fortunate Jupiter, that boosts our luck, our charisma and our confidence.
At 4:33 pm (7:33 ET), Moon enters pragmatic Capricorn, fusing with today’s numerology of 8 to bless our actions with material and professional results, and as she opposes Venus, favoring people connections.
My actions and connections are charged with divine intelligence that produces perfect results, now and always.
Tuesday, May 9
This morning, Moon in diligent Capricorn trines Mercury the messenger in Taurus, sign of abundance. We can make productive connections for work and business, and strengthen personal relationships.
Sun in abundant Taurus joins Uranus the innovator, putting our will in alignment with future-oriented paths for prosperity and manifestation.
Guardian Angel, please guide me to new ways of living and working, and direct me to act on them now.
Wednesday, May 10
Moon in diligent Capricorn harmonizes with electrical Uranus and radiant Sun in Taurus, sign of manifestation. We can make headway in work, gardening, organizational activities, bureaucracy and finance. Act early: at 9:38 am (12:38 pm ET), Moon opposes pushy Mars, reducing our social intelligence quotient.
After this, focus on decluttering, exercising the body, or some other productive activity that requires drive. Avoid using machines and sharp implements, and be especially cautious if you drive. At 2:03 pm (5:03 ET), this energy softens as Moon sextiles relaxed Neptune. We can now make headway in a media production or a spiritual or creative endeavor related to the public.
Take action and connect with people before 4:53 pm (7:53 ET), when Luna goes VOC. After this, we can enjoy a cup of tea or listen to an elder or a teacher until 7:05 pm (10:05 ET), when Moon enters independent Aquarius. Shortly thereafter she joins deep Pluto, a combination that’s great for research and getting to the bottom of something.
Spirit knows what I need to see in this situation and is showing it to me now.
Thursday, May 11
The day begins with Moon in intellectual Aquarius in square to mental Mercury, accenting our aptitudes and stimulating mental creativity.
Today’s master number 11 sharpens intuition and supports us to follow through on our responsibilities. It also opens a vortex that allows angels to more easily use the kindness radiated by human hearts to lift the planetary frequency.
We can practice metta (Buddhist meditation of unconditional kindness), heart-centered meditation, and repeat affirmations of love. And we can use the cognitive stimulation to invent something the world needs, fight for a cause, do something requiring creativity, edit our writing or a proposal, read the fine print, or throw ourselves into investigative research to make a career change or refinance a home.
I am the force of love that softens the energy in me and around me now.
Friday, May 12
An independent spirit and positive communications… this is what we get from Moon in rebel Aquarius, squaring ruler Uranus and making a minor aspect to Sun.
At 7:28 am (10:28 ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning her week of wind-down: it’s time to release distraction and focus on finishing what really matters. At 21-22 Aquarius, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says that:
A RUG IS PLACED ON THE FLOOR OF A NURSERY TO ALLOW CHILDREN TO PLAY IN COMFORT AND WARMTH… The warmth of understanding which comes to those who, early in life, are open to new possibilities.
Wo/man is never left without assistance when eagerly seeking to grow emotionally and spiritually. Even if s/he does not consciously realize the intent and value of what sustains…, still the assistance is there.
… Through a warm APPRECIATION of …opportunities and even small comforts, we can safely and happily grow into spiritual maturity.
Mercury the messenger sextiles Saturn the builder, precipitating opportunities to take care of bureaucracy, or connect with clients, an elder, a boss, or other authority figure. But the planet of connection doesn’t stick to business; he also sextiles Venus, sweetening our words and facilitating harmonious agreements, expanding affection, and favoring positive, prosperous results from spoken and written communications. These harmonies are crowned by a lovely trine from sweet Venus to constructive Saturn that accents all these benefits and gives solidity to our what we value—in relationships, in affection, in creativity, and in finance.
We can reach out to others, knock on doors that are familiar or that, with Mercury in retrograde, we’ve tried sometime in the past. Do this before 8:15 pm (11:15 ET), when Moon goes VOC, or after 9:39 pm (12:39 am ET), when she enters sensitive Pisces.
I give thanks for the positive forces that guide my spiritual path, now and always.
Saturday, May 13
Today’s numerology of 4, ruled by Saturn and related to building, strengthens Saturn’s influence as it receives a trine from magnetic Venus and a conjunction from Moon.
We can enjoy people, but today’s strongest impulse is to solidify a more loving experience, in self-esteem, in relationships, and in financial opportunities. We can value our work, put passion into our discipline, and beautify what we’re building.
I am grateful for the opportunity to make the world a more beautiful place.
Sunday, May 14
Happy Mother’s Day!
With Moon in Pisces, morning is harmonious, although Luna’s sextiles to independent Uranus and purposeful Sun move us to do something different and leave a light-mark. We can go on an adventure, resume our involvement in a cause, open new roads in creativity or finance, and in general. try something new.
Moon in Pisces also increases intuition and artistic appreciation: we might take in a concert, a play or an art exhibit, or move on our dreams in an innovative manner. We don’t want to waste these fresh, mystical energies as couch potatoes or with boring company. Get up and follow your bliss.
Do this before 7:30 pm (10:30 ET), when soft Moon trines sharp Mars and joins slippery Neptune. Better now to keep a low profile and focus on strategies and visualization for our independent goals. Avoid a dark alley, an unnecessary argument, a scene involving alcohol or drugs, a blind date, and driving on wet roads.
I surround myself in sapphire light, into which nothing negative can penetrate and out of which only good can come.
Monday, May 15
Assertive Mars perfects a trine to fanciful, intuitive Neptune. This is an intense transit that can make for passionate romance, fuel our heroic instincts, and increase creativity. Those who have a spirituality-related service, cause, or business can make great headway with promotion.
This transit can also be slippery, so we want to steer clear of manipulation and of risky or uncertain situations, avoid actions that might sabotage clarity, and get crystal clear with our intent.
As Friday’s New Moon approaches, we can review and discard old visualization methods and materials, and consult a psychic about our action plans. With Moon now in square to sweet Venus, evening is good for a sexy encounter.
Divine substance fills my world and only good can abide in it now.
Tuesday, May 16
We get an energy shift as expansive Jupiter leaves the eager fires of Aries to land in the fertile fields of Taurus. This could have a calming effect, if it weren’t for the fact that the eager planet is squaring intense Pluto, who’s still in orb of yesterday’s trine from driven Mars. These combined influences open doors to other realms, and we may feel restless to walk through them. But this is not a day to use hallucinogenic substances or do psychic reading.
Today’s numerology of mental 7 supports directing these potentially ominous forces through research, teaching, armchair activism, prayer, and connecting with angels.
I give thanks for the beneficial influence I receive from the stars, now and always.
Wednesday, May 17
At 2:10 am (5:10 ET), Moon goes VOC. If you’re up early, wait to make key contacts or take important actions until after 5:28 am (8:28 ET), when Luna enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation.
It’s worth getting up and going for it: use this early window of Moon’s conjunction to fortunate Jupiter before Moon’s 6:00 am (9:00 am ET) square to intense Pluto. The latter is not a harmonious aspect, but it is good for diving into our mysteries: journaling, seeing a therapist, doing a regression to childhood, and researching financial options, the family tree, or our DNA.
It’s an intense day, but besides quiet activities, today’s numerology of 8 brings a promise of consolidated results from professional and material efforts begun previously. That said, it’s not a day to rush around on auto-pilot. It’s wise to take things slow, avoid impulsive outbursts and drama, and with smoldering Pluto in the spotlight, have the exits mapped out in advance, and be prepared to breathe deeply, get some distance, and talk to a rational confidante. Both rowdy Jupiter and godfather Pluto can overdo it, and this is not a good day to go to a rally, do extreme sports, speed while driving or to try to hash it out with a gang member or fundamentalist zealot—particularly not in your living room.
I call on the guardian forces to hold me in the power that I am, throughout this day.
Thursday, May 18
In the middle of an intense week, as bellicose Mars approaches an opposition to heavy Pluto, this morning offers opportunities for harmonious connections. Sun in grounded Taurus sextiles sensitive Neptune. Our intuition guides us to act on our dreams, and following it brings tangible results. And, Moon sextiles sweet Venus, facilitating good feelings in love, in romance, with people in general and with women in particular.
Enjoy these influences until 4:28 pm (7:28 ET), when Moon joins rebel Uranus, sparking independence. Our intuition awakens and illuminates our consciousness of abundance and financial pathways. We find stimulation in research, psychic activities, and our own company. It’s better to enjoy the latter than force ourselves to socialize.
I give thanks that I am guided on new paths of abundance, now and always.
Friday, May 19
Today’s creative, constructive and prosperous New Moon comes imbued with the pioneering numerology of 1 to give force to our most current direction. With Mercury in post-retrograde shadow, the direction isn’t entirely new, but with the North Node conjoining visionary Jupiter, it is future-oriented and in keeping with our growth.
Moon in abundant Taurus is exalted and supports tangible, lasting results. At 28-29 Taurus, the Sabian symbol describes:
TWO COBBLERS WORKING AT A TABLE… The twofold character of… mature understanding… feet are the symbol of understanding. Understanding differs from mere knowledge because it implies at least some degree of identification in depth with what is being understood… PERSPECTIVE; a new perspective becomes the foundation upon which to build a new approach to life.
The chart for this lunation sports a T-square between Pluto, Mars and Jupiter, planets that have been critical to or ruling all major lunations since Spring Equinox. The winds of change continue to blow strong, as does our drive to do something new: this T-square isn’t exactly the quiet type. But, if we need to move out of our own comfort zone, people or circumstances may seem to blow up. If we’re able to detach from drama and keep centered in our positive, new direction, any apparent crisis will be freeing and relatively short-lived.
A strong line-up in Taurus includes a close conjunction between fortunate North Node and visionary Jupiter, pointing the way to new directions. Uranus is conjunct the New Moon, another trigger of change. Harmonies between Venus and Saturn, Sun and Neptune, can help us ground our dreams and work to preserve that which matters.
The configurations around this New Moon are a vortex for decluttering. The stars blast away obsolete situations and ties that might block the unique, bold direction that was precipitated by the Equinox New Moon and the Eclipses since then. We can make bold decisions and take small steps in our best and highest direction.
Still in the wake of the recent Eclipse in Scorpio, we probably want to wait on drastic actions. Our clear intent, positive imagination and small steps ground the promise of new good.
Morning is the best time for contacts with others; that is until 10:51 am (1:51 ET), when diplomacy fades and strong aspects set in, starting with Moon’s sextile to pushy Mars and followed by her trine to heavyweight Pluto. Save romance, negotiation, and key communications that you haven’t already made earlier for another day, and focus instead on decluttering, deep research, shadow work, and making a vision board for financial prosperity. One kind of communication that can go well is a consultation with a coach or promoter.
I say yes to the new possibilities opening for me now.
Saturday, May 20
Moon in loquacious Gemini fuels our taste for conversation. However, we don’t want to use words lightly, with driven Mars perfecting his opposition to indomitable Pluto. Struggle is in the air, and we can give our all to get what we want.
But, avoid being pulled into a challenging or competitive situation, as engaging in aggression or manipulation can lead to dire outcomes.
We can prepare for this potentially intense day and facilitate the perspective offered by the opposition by setting up an appointment with a coach, counselor, astrologer, or spiritual healer. Use any apparent pressure to look more deeply at your goals, desires and New Moon intentions. Journaling can also be quite valuable.
It’s worth going out of our way to avoid confrontation and bellicose situations.
I give thanks for the protective forces that surround us and hold us in our true position, now and always.
Sunday, May 21
Sun enters Gemini at 12:09 am (3:09 ET). Moon is also in this loquacious sign, and we want to gather and share information and ideas. Yesterday’s Mars-Pluto opposition is still in force, but with a harmony from Sun, the energy becomes easier to direct.
It’s still wise to keep a low profile and avoid direct or indirect confrontation, except to confront the beliefs that might be self-limiting. If there seems to be a collective crisis, stay out of the fray. We can ground our energy by writing down our ideas, and exploring options to act later—when the heat is off.
If you want a predictable outcome from your actions (that aren’t confrontational), act before 3:12 pm (6:12 ET), when Moon goes VOC, or after 8:28 pm (11:28 ET), when she enters sensitive Cancer, favoring family connections or enjoying a tender film.
The power that I am radiates through my inner and outer actions, now and always.
Monday, May 22
It may take a major act of will to avoid a fight, but we can get things done. The warrior planets are still at it, as testosteronal Mars squares Sheriff Jupiter. However, both planets receive sextiles from Moon and Sun, and Moon also harmonizes with Saturn and Mercury. These are great influences for business, and especially for promoting something. If we apply our talents and focus on service, today’s master number 22 expands the reach of our efforts to the masses.
I give thanks for cosmic help to focus on my true vision, now and always.
Tuesday, May 23
Today’s energies remain intense, but opportunities abound. Focus on connections that are apt to be harmonious, and on promotion—but avoid getting pushy. Moon, still within the portal of the Mars-Jupiter square, connects with sweet Venus, making morning the best time for people connections—from romance and socializing, to PR, or with the public.
At 11:07 am (2:07 pm ET), Moon sextiles Uranus. With Uranus in Taurus, sign of abundance, doors can open for innovative financial options we may have explored in the past.
Today more than ever, follow your intuition. Moon in Cancer offers guidance to move on our New Moon intentions.
I give thanks for the positive spiritual forces that guide me, now and always.
Wednesday, May 24
At 7:35 am (10:35 ET), Moon leaves the sweet waters of Cancer and walks into the roaring fires of Leo, where at 8:04 am (11:04 ET), she opposes forceful Pluto. We can do independent, creative activities or, if we have kids, visualize their progress.
People connections go better for the hour after 11:13 am (2:13 ET); that is, until 12:21 pm (3:21 ET), when Moon joins rowdy Mars. In Leo, the combination can get pushy and it might be best to take a cold shower, water the plants, and review that plan for an exercise routine.
Things get more harmonious after 2:31 pm (5:31 ET), when Moon sextiles ruler Sun. However, we’re still on the portal of the Mars-Jupiter square that, like Leo Moon, is quite fiery. We can put confrontations on hold for another time and keep our pride in check. Remaining harmonious, we can make headway in promotional activities, and apply creativity to enrich them.
I draw from the Source of boundless serenity, now and always.
Thursday, May 25
Moon in Leo squares Mercury, made more stimulating by today’s numerology of 7, accentuating the messenger planet and mental activities.
Sexy, opulent Venus sextiles electrical Uranus, bringing excitement in love and finance, and snapping doors open. Knock on one you tried before. With Moon in Leo, this harmony can be romantic and highly creative. Reach out to friends, or hold a party, shareholders’ meeting, or some kind of stimulating or lucrative gathering. (The sextile’s exact after midnight, but Moon will be VOC, so this aspect is more useful today than tomorrow, the last effective day of Moon’s First Quarter.)
Make key connections and movements before 11:38 pm (2:38 am ET), when Moon goes VOC.
I am divinity expressing in ever-brighter ways, now and always.
Friday, May 26
With Moon VOC in Leo, we can enjoy life and have fun. Play table games, watch romantic movies, make mandalas, do something creative and let your inner child out to play. We can also express positive recognition and gratitude.
Today’s numerology of 8 favors consolidation of professional or financial projects, although it doesn’t really work effectively until Moon leaves her VOC and enters practical Virgo at 8:31 pm (11:31 ET).
At work and play, I live the joy that I am.
Saturday, May 27
With Moon in Virgo, today has some great slots for certain kinds of connection. They are: before 10:53 am (2:53 ET), and after 8:07 pm (11:07 ET).
The best connections are of the nerdy, Virgo kind: for work, finance, and completion of old projects, presenting accounts, serving others, and romantic endeavors where traditional values are important.
At 8:22 am (11:22 ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter, inviting us to pause and review our progress on the intentions we set at last week’s New Moon.
At 10:53 am (2:53 ET), Moon squares stern Saturn. Avoid getting down on yourself or others and focus on independent activities to get organized, clean, fix, scour and review your practical manifestations. As stated above, harmony returns after 8:07 pm (11:07 ET), when Moon trines ruler Mercury. With Sun moving to square Saturn, the emphasis is still on work, study and practical activities.
Angels of success, please direct me to visualize and ground finished results, here and now.
Sunday, May 28
This morning’s energies are not warm or fuzzy. Sun squares Saturn; we may feel inhibited or self-conscious about our own light. With Moon in Virgo, we can get on track with our discipline—and today’s numerology of 1 loves getting on track.
At 12:12 pm (3:12 ET), inhibitions soften as Moon trines Uranus in Taurus, sign of manifestation. We can think outside the box, find an original solution in work and creativity, and get in touch with simple pleasures like enjoying our yard or the local flora, going on a picnic, picking up trash at the local park, or participating in an ecological movement.
Save key connections for after 5:19 pm (8:19 ET), when Moon sextiles warm Venus. We can participate in lucrative relationships, or enjoy friends, family, or romance.
I allow myself to enjoy my light and the light of others, now and always.
Monday, May 29
Moon goes VOC in the wee hours, so save key actions and connections for after 7:51 am (10:51 ET), when she enters socially adept Libra.
She trines Pluto the powerful, deepening our emotions and strengthening our courage. We can set limits, negotiate, or—in a warmer vein—take brave initiative to connect with a key person. This transit can be sexy and also helpful for digging up a secret.
The airwaves lighten and people connections flow more easily after 1:33 pm (4:33 ET), when Moon makes a quincunx to optimistic Jupiter. Share information, promote a cause, product or service, connect for fun. Do it before 6:21 pm (9:21 ET), when Moon makes a sextile to Mars that can push through inertia and get something done, although this aspect isn’t high on diplomacy or sweetness.
Guardian Angel, please help me connect my feelings and ask for what I need, now and always.

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Thank you so much for carrying on the Daykeeper Journal. I miss Maya and her readings, and now, I so appreciate you and what you bring to us. Keep up the good healing work!
Dr. Jo
Thanks so much, Jo, for your kind words and appreciation! We miss Maya too! Continuing to offer Daykeeper Journal helps us feel closer to her caring and expansive spirit, and Crystal and I love doing it.
I feel deeply moved by your generous and considerate message, as though something of our dear mother were in it, and connecting you with us too. Thank you for the encouragement in this labor of love that Susan and I carry on. Believe me, it feels strengthening. Heart hugs from Mexico.