Free Daily Astrological Forecast, June 1–30, 2023
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday.
Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Unless otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Thursday, June 1
Today’s bold numerology of 1 fuels our will to act, combining with intense transits to strengthen our courage. Independent activities go best now. As for people connections, they’ll be better tomorrow afternoon.
This morning, Moon in Scorpio makes transits to anxious Mars and slow Saturn, both strong, pushy planets that quincunx one another. We are ready to move ahead, but something may seem to hold us up. Don’t let it get under your skin. We can pause to review our priorities, take care of bureaucracy at a distance, reorganize, simplify our space, and streamline for our goals.
My progress cannot be blocked; the power that supports me is greater than any appearance and my progress continues in divine order now.
Friday, June 2
Most of the day is best for independent activities, with a small window this afternoon that favors connecting with people. Moon in deep Scorpio makes an early opposition to rebel Uranus, sharpening intuition, fueling creativity, and accenting research skills.
By midday, we’ll be feeling the benefits of a trine from sweet Venus to dreamy Neptune that fuels creativity, romance, and compassion. We can connect with our love object, with the public, with a cause, a person in need, and with light beings.
Afternoon and evening are enjoyable, though we’ll want to make important connections and take key actions before 5:41 pm (8:41 ET), when Moon goes VOC. After this, we can enjoy music, practice metta or forgiveness, or take in a romantic film.
At 10:19 pm (1:19 am ET), Moon enters adventurous Sag.
My good can’t be separated from me, it can’t be in another place or time. My good is always where I am and appears from Spirit’s infinite substance that surrounds me, now and always..
Saturday, June 3
This is an intense day that favors reflection, spiritual activities, and independent work—with the exception of an early window that favors interaction.
At 4:48 am (7:48 ET), Moon in affable Sag connects with Sag’s ruler, enthusiastic Jupiter, supporting people connections whether one-on-one, with a group, or promoting something on the web.
At 10:07 am (1:07 ET), diplomacy takes a back seat as Moon squares strict Saturn; we may be tough on ourselves or others. This rather cold aspect strengthens us to declutter our space and, on the portal of an intense Full Moon that trines assertive Mars, reorganize for our true priorities, and release distractions.
The Strawberry Moon is full at 8:42 pm (11:42 ET), Luna’s placement in Sagittarius spotlights the value of meaning. Her aspects to serious Saturn and no-nonsense Mars emphasize work.
At 13-14 Sagittarius, the Sabian symbol points to efforts of a spiritual nature:
THE GREAT PYRAMID AND THE SPHINX. The enduring power of occult knowledge and of its quasi-divine Custodians, seed-men of a previous existence… The belief in a spiritual tradition based on the perfect knowledge based of the archetypal principles and the forms which underlie all manifestations of life on this earth (and by extension in the cosmos) is deeply rooted in… [human] consciousness… occult knowledge and the traditional process of acquiring it is still available and by accepting their principles, modern… [humanity] can best meet the challenge of our present world crisis. The symbol, interpreted from a personal point of view, points to the greatness of a Soul’s past achievements and the value of trying to re-evoke this past… THE POWER OF SPIRITUAL ANCESTRY.
This portal is a great time to pause and remember moments when we’ve experienced spiritual mastery or elevation. We may even create an outline of our spiritual biography—in any case, we can use the recollection to reconsider our higher goals and sublime experiences, connect with spirit guides, and recommit to or upgrade our inner practice.
I give thanks for Spirit’s presence, love and guidance in my past, present and future. My gratitude allows this presence to grow and prevail, here and now.
Sunday, June 4
Moon in Sagittarius spotlights our spirit of adventure, while Luna’s aspects and proximity to yesterday’s Full Moon are best for adventures of an inner sort. We may do astral travel, read something inspirational, participate in a guided regression to past lives, time travel (for instructions see my book, Angels and Goddesses, Llewellyn 2022), or go to a retreat, workshop, or shamanic gathering.
Early this evening, loquacious Mercury conjuncts genius Uranus in earthy Taurus. We can do research and send messages about financial innovation or something unusual, and connect with idealistic friends who resonate with our purpose.
I give thanks for the divine activity that flows richly through my finances and my life, now and always..
Monday, June 5
Still on the portal of the intensely spiritual Strawberry Moon, Luna moves into Capricorn, putting our feet back on the ground.
Venus leaves Cancer and enters Leo: we’re less focused on nurturing and more on romance, creative expression, and passion. Venus, planet of love and values, opposes Pluto, spotlighting change in our relationships and finances in support of personal and spiritual empowerment. We can save tough encounters for another day, but journal or talk to a counselor so we can get our priorities clear and prepare to set limits when the time is right.
Moon’s morning connections to Venus and Jupiter are great for focusing on PR, promotions and sales, connections in work, or personal relationships we wish to last.
At 12:12 pm (3:12 ET), Moon sextiles Capricorn’s ruler, constructive Saturn. We can organize our space, make business connections, take care of bureaucracy, ror each out to the boss, a teacher, or an elder.
Make contacts before 4:00 pm (7:00 ET), when Moon connects with Mars, decreasing the sweetness quotient. Now we can clean out the garage or oven, wash the car, steep ourselves in a hot bath, clean our feet, declutter the kitchen, watch an action movie.
The one power that touches me is divine, so all people and all situations benefit me, now and always..
Tuesday, June 6
This is a great day to do research for business or a for a special project, and for self-expression.
Moon in practical Capricorn harmonizes with Uranus and Mercury, planets of higher and lower thought, in Taurus, sign of security. We can gain clarity or insight on something related to our goals, finances, or stability. Communications for business and work are favored.
Today’s numerology of 6 brings ease and optimism to our interactions, and protection and fortune to whatever we do.
Act before 9:40 pm (12:40 am ET), when Moon goes VOC.
I praise the divine activity that takes place for me, in me and as me, now and always..
Wednesday, June 7
A great day for collaborating on a study or research project and connecting with friends.
Moon in high-minded Aquarius facilitates mental activities, and her contacts to sociable Venus and ebullient Jupiter increase the likelihood of positive interaction.
We can study, teach, or connect with others to exchange information. And, although the energies are more cerebral than romantic, there’s a warmth to them that makes them especially pleasant.
Make connections before 7:11 pm (10:11 ET), when Moon opposes pushy Mars. After this we can go for a walk, do stretching exercises, or declutter the bedroom or kitchen. Save key contacts for tomorrow morning.
I am not alone or separated from my true connections. My good is always where I am, and it appears completely and richly, here and now.
Thursday, June 8
Today’s ambitious numerology of 8 works nicely with this morning’s trine from Moon to Sun, which fuels confidence and help us express our emotions.
Number 8 helps consolidate material and professional plans. Reach out to others before 11:37 am (2:37 pm ET), when Moon in Aquarius contacts her ruler, wild Uranus, accenting our rebellious streak. Avoid getting fanatical or dogmatic about your ideas.
Armchair activism, research, and independent creativity go best this evening and tomorrow. At 9:24 pm (12:24 ET), Moon goes VOC. After this, save key contacts and actions for tomorrow.
I give thanks for the finished results of divine activity that are appearing miraculously, here and now.
Friday, June 9
Morning through midday are great for connecting with others. There’s a sweetness in the air and creativity is unleashed, thanks to the combined influence of Moon in sensitive Pisces, her contacts to benefics Venus and Jupiter, and a sextile from Mercury to gentle Neptune. All of these combine with today’s deep numerology of 9 to favor spiritual study and practice, forgiveness, healing, and transmutation.
The sextile from Mercury the messenger to sensitive Neptune brings opportunities to communicate with inspiration, compassion, and creativity, especially in romance, or in something related to music or media. We could give (or take) a class on meditation, intuition, or angels.
Moon’s contacts to sweet Venus and charismatic Jupiter bring joy to the spirit and charm to interchanges, making for fun and success in romance, PR, sales efforts and campaigning. There’s magic in the air that can improve our connections and relationships.
The charm lasts until 3:16 pm (6:16 ET), when Moon joins cool Saturn, shifting the focus to work. We can organize our spiritual discipline, our visualization, a creative endeavor, or a part of our space that’s getting chaotic.
Divine order prevails in my life and situations, here and now.
Saturday, June 10
Sensitive Pisces Moon combines with today’s pioneering numerology of 1 to support action on our dreams.
At 12:31 pm (3:31 ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning the last week of her cycle: seven days to finish things we began before. At 19-20 Pisces, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
A TABLE SET FOR AN EVENING MEAL… in the end and at the appointed time the individual’s needs will be met among those to whom he [or she] is linked by a spiritual (or biological) web of energies… a satisfying or fulfilling end to whatever one has been undertaking… As the life closes, the Soul-consciousness finds NOURISHMENT in the harvest of whatever, during the whole life, has been relevant to the archetypal purpose and destiny of the Soul.
This afternoon, Moon sextiles exciting Uranus. We can connect with friends, have a cultural adventure and—with Uranus in practical Taurus—follow our intuition for investment or innovative financial activity.
I give thanks for the divine support I receive in this and in all situations, now.
Sunday, June 11
On this day of change, there’s excitement in the air.
Early this morning, we get three shifts. Pluto the transformer reverses course back into Capricorn. Mercury the messenger leaves the firm ground of Taurus to enter talkative Gemini (air sign of its rule). And, Moon leaves sensitive Pisces to enter dynamic Aries.
We also experience some strong transits as Mercury trines powerful Pluto and sweet Venus squares Jupiter, who expands everything he touches. Our words carry extra power and as we connect with others, our relationships can experience an upgrading.
It’s worth activating our heart energy as the day begins, so that the square between the two relational benefics, Venus and Jupiter, unfolds its highest potential, and our relationships can rise to a finer frequency. Use your favorite spiritual practice of prayer, meditation, or metta (Buddhist practice of loving kindness). Today’s numerology of 11 opens a portal for angels to use our love energy and with it lift the planetary frequency.
Declutter your time today to bypass superficial connections so you can focus on those that matter. With Moon in assertive Aries from 6:20 am (9:20 ET), we can initiate contact. Work on a partnership, call on a friend or dear one, have an intimate lunch or an event for your clients; speak your hidden truths, share your ideas, promote your service, cause or business, and use your words to heal.
My heart is a doorway for infinite love that pours out to me and to all sentient beings through me, here and now.
Monday, June 12
Moon in Aries unleashes an active, restless energy that we can direct to finish things we’ve begun before. We are still in orb of yesterday’s Venus-Jupiter square, so these things can involve people, promotion, and finance.
Moon makes an early trine to Aries’ ruler, Mars. This is a pushy influence that can spark rudeness and that calls for extra attention to diplomacy and patience.
Nighttime is more harmonious, thanks to Moon’s sextile to Sun. Personal connections feel good.
Archangel Michael, please guide, focus and move me to finish what I’ve started, here and now.
Tuesday, June 13
The day starts with Moon in Aries, later shifting into Taurus. With today’s constructive numerology of 4, these influences favor practical efforts throughout the day. The first part of the day (Aries Moon) favors pushing to finish something, while afternoon and evening (Taurus Moon) support doing business and taking practical actions to build for security.
Venus, planet of values, makes a quincunx to strict Saturn. This is great for going into one’s closet and tossing out items of clothing we no longer use, blessing and organizing the ones we decide to keep, and making a list of those we’d like to own. We can do something similar for our behaviors and beliefs around relationships, self-esteem and money, making inventories and sorting out the chaff from what we want to keep and develop.
Waning Moon in Aries empowers us to focus and finish a project or task. At 11:27 am (2:27 pm ET), Luna goes VOC for 4 minutes; at 11:31 am (2:31 pm ET), she enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation.
Do business, take care of money, work on efforts begun previously that require long-lasting results involving stability, security and protection, home affairs, or remodeling.
Late tonight, Moon’s contacts to Jupiter and Venus favor sharing our emotions, contacting angels, sending out promotional emails or messages, and having an intimate encounter.
Spirit is present in all my situations, and I am being supported in them, now and always..
Wednesday, June 14
Moon exalted in sensual Taurus offers a great window for people connections and to enjoy the good life. Luna’s connection to ruler Venus unleashes vibrations of love and harmony. We can enjoy music, nature, art and—with today’s exciting numerology of 5—a picnic or adventure of some kind.
Connect with others before 2:15 pm (5:15 ET), when Moon squares pugnacious Mars, fueling reactivity. After this, focus on independent initiatives and finishing a task or project.
I give thanks that I have of relaxation and of productivity, today and always.
Thursday, June 15
Moon in prosperous Taurus blends beautifully with today’s fortunate numerology of 6, ruled by abundant Jupiter (as is this day of the week), to make this a moment of fortune.
Mercury the messenger squares orderly Saturn, moving us to organize our thoughts and communications. Especially with Moon at the end of her cycle, this influence is great for editing, purging our emails, decluttering papers, and organizing our communications or ideas.
Clear the decks and use this afternoon’s harmonies to magical Neptune and Pluto to work on healing, ask for guidance, eliminate self-sabotage, and begin gathering images to make a vision board or visualization tool at this weekend’s New Moon.
At 6:46 pm (9:46 ET), Moon enters loquacious Gemini.
I’m grateful, and my gratitude allows Spirit to sustain me in rich blessings, now and always..
Friday, June 16
Today’s numerology of 7—related to intelligence—blends with Moon in Gemini, sign of thought, to favor study, research, and gathering information.
Morning is better for independent discipline, with Moon making a square to demanding Saturn. At 12:12 (3:12 ET), the energy shifts as Moon joins communicative Mercury. We can write affirmations, share ideas, give voice to our emotions and creativity.
People connections are favored and enriched by an afternoon sextile from Moon to sweet Venus that brightens our charm and opens doors of opportunity in love, romance, friendship, and interactions of all kinds.
The substance of my connections is divine and it works to benefit me and all involved, now and always..
Saturday, June 17
With a New Moon, today’s successful numerology of 8, and Saturn stationing to turn retrograde, this is a day of power.
As it stations, Saturn, the planet of authority, spotlights discipline and self-sufficiency. We’re moved to review what we’re building, and our work, discipline, and structure. On the portal of the New Moon in mentally active Gemini, Saturn’s station brings wisdom. We can reconnect with our inner teacher and review the teachings we’ve received in the light of our personal authority.
Mercury the messenger rules Moon in Gemini and now sextiles Venus, which is great for communication and combines with Saturn’s station to favor teaching and tangible results in connections for love or business, or with friends, neighbors, colleagues, students, siblings, or clients.
The New Moon perfects at 9:37 pm (12:37 am ET). In Gemini, it supports starting something in relation to knowledge, siblings, colleagues, neighbors, clients, sales, commerce, and how we use our thoughts and words. Saturn station to retrograde gives added substance. We can seed intentions and put a new project in motion that relates to any of these themes—a project that we wish to last.
At 26-27 Gemini, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
A GYPSY EMERGING FROM THE FOREST WHEREIN HER TRIBE IS ENCAMPED…. Reaching out toward participation in a larger whole of mind-structured existence… a conscious attempt to leave behind the tribal-instinctual stage of earthbound existence and to emerge into the realmd of mind and complex, tense interpersonal relationships (… the city)… a period of transition, a more or less clear yearning for a new state of consciousness, and thus for inner transformation. It is a phase of REPOLARIZATION.
All day is good for progress in things involving communications, business, and knowledge. Take key actions and make important connections before 11:27 pm (2:27 am ET).
My cognition cannot be diminished, I am a divine being and I stand in light, intelligence and clarity, now and always..
Sunday, June 18
A great day to nurture and enrich our New Moon goals.
At 3:58 am (6:58 ET), Moon leaves her VOC and enters sensitive Cancer, enriching the still-active New Moon portal. We can nurture what we set into motion yesterday, or start something new related to our home, family, real estate, kitchen, mother, or soul-path. This last possibility is strengthened by today’s numerology of 9, related to spiritual healing, esoteric study, and transmutation. It also resonates with today’s Sun-Neptune square.
Tomorrow, Saturn, master of discipline, sextiles Jupiter, planet of abundance, bringing opportunities to increase our self-reliance, strengthen our success, deepen our knowledge, and solidify our good fortune. We can begin to use these influences today. Sextiles bring opportunity, and Saturn and Jupiter are considered the two primary planets of success. Ask for a promotion, publicize your work, knock on a key door, and commit to and act on your dreams.
Tonight, Moon harmonizes with Jupiter and Saturn, favoring contacts and promotions for business, teaching and learning, and organizing our space, bookshelf and schedules to support our path of wisdom.
I am not alone or without support to promote my work and projects, the Divine Promoter is with me, working in every way to reach my true public, here and now.
Monday, June 19
Today’s numerology of 1 favors bold action, and the transits support tangible progress.
Saturn’s sextile to Jupiter perfects, triggering opportunities for lasting good fortune and continuing to favor action towards our vision. We can structure and share our work, promote ourselves, strengthen our commitment to a meaningful purpose, take concrete steps in business, deepen our positive beliefs.
Moon in Cancer awakens our entrepreneurial intuition: ignore the little stuff, and follow yours.
Today’s Universe collaborates with my success, and I collaborate actively with the Universe, now and always..
Monday, June 19
Today’s numerology of 1 favors bold action, and the transits support tangible progress.
Saturn’s sextile to Jupiter perfects, triggering opportunities for lasting good fortune and continuing to favor action towards our vision. We can structure and share our work, promote ourselves, strengthen our commitment to a meaningful purpose, take concrete steps in business, deepen our positive beliefs.
Moon in Cancer awakens our entrepreneurial intuition: ignore the little stuff, and follow yours.
Today’s Universe collaborates with my success, and I collaborate actively with the Universe, now and always..
Tuesday, June 20
Today’s numerology of 2—related to the Moon—blends with our nocturnal light’s placement in sensitive Cancer to favor connections with dear ones and for sharing to share our compassion or empathy.
This intuitive influence is accentuated by Moon’s trine to psychic Neptune. We can consult an oracle or the angels, interpret our dreams, enrich visualization materials for our New Moon goals, and do spiritual healing or anything requiring imagination.
People connections flow before 2:43 pm (5:43 ET), when Moon opposes determined Pluto. This aspect favors independent activities like decluttering in general and in particular, cleaning the pool, bathtub, or refrigerator. On a deeper note, it helps us look at buried emotions and work on self-acceptance and healing.
The divine substance of my mind works to bring forth whatever needs to be revealed from my unconscious, here and now.
Wednesday, June 21
Happy Solstice!
Summer gets off to a dynamic start (here in the Northern Hemisphere) on this day of intuition, assertiveness, and potential warmth.
Sun brushes lightly against brave Pluto before triggering the Aries degree and entering Cancer at 7:58 am (11:58). Our intuition awakens and inspires us on new paths of action.
Mercury the messenger sextiles assertive Mars, so the action we take may express itself in assertive communication. We can sell, promote, or campaign for something, motivate others, or reach out to someone who can actively support our goals. With Mars in strong Leo, this could be a coach, boss, leader, rescue worker, or artist. In synchronicity with this energy, Moon squares promoter-planet Jupiter: we can appeal to the emotions of others or of the public.
An evening conjunction from Moon to sweet Venus accents today’s numerology of 3, ruled by the love-planet. We can enjoy romance, beautify our space, and elevate others through kind words. These energies also add a touch of charm to the Mercury-Mars sextile—charm which is available if we remember to use it.
Guardian Angel, please awaken me to divine guidance and direct me to act on it, now and always..
Thursday, June 22
The early part of the day is good for independent work, while afternoon and evening favor fun.
Moon joins Mars in strong Leo, strengthening us to declutter or push through resistance to finish something. This combination can fuel egos and trigger obnoxious outbursts, so it’s best to leave people connections for Saturday. Moon’s sextile to messenger Mercury can be applied to communications from a distance, creative writing, and repeating affirmations or mantras.
At 10:01 am (1:01 ET), Moon goes VOC: we can take a break for the rest of the day. Get in touch with your inner child, draw mandalas, hang out with kids, go to the park, take in a film or concert. Whatever you do, go with the flow and don’t get obsessed with a particular outcome. Avoid your own and other people’s drama.
Message for the inner child:
I invite you to play and to dream in me, here and now.
Friday, June 23
Moon in organized Virgo combines with today’s dynamic numerology of 5 to favor entrepreneurial activities.
This morning, Luna sextiles Sun, strengthening our confidence. Before Monday’s Mars-Uranus square gets any closer, we should seize the moment to make people connections—for work, service, healing, or in a committed (or desired) relationship. We can troubleshoot and help somebody out, present accounts, and work on finances, practical manifestation, structure, and productivity.
At 6:07 pm (9:07 ET), social skills fade as Moon opposes strict Saturn. We may feel pressured and emotionally tense. We can journal, get our space in order, throw away memorabilia, and clear out old clothes and kitchen items.
At 7:53 pm (11:53 ET), smiles return as Moon trines cheerful Jupiter. This aspect can be sensual, and also favors manifestation, business, and people connections.
I give thanks that there is a divine solution for this situation, and that it’s appearing, here and now.
Saturday, June 24
Moon in diligent Virgo combines with today’s numerology of 6, making this a highly productive day.
Six is ruled by Jupiter and promotes prosperity and an atmosphere of happy connection, in groups or one-on-one, lightening the attitude of Moon in picky Virgo, accentuating her gifts, and softening her nerdy edge. We have the ability to work, to organize, and to be of tangible service.
In two days, pushy Mars perfects a square to rebellious Uranus, and is already starting to make connections tense. So we can use today to reach out to others for personal, service, or work connections.
Before each connection, I center in love, now and always..
Sunday, June 25
Intuition is accented. We can apply it particularly in healing, spiritual or intellectual activities.
Moon connects with quick Mercury, psychic Neptune, and deep Pluto, while Mercury squares sensitive Neptune.
Moon in analytical Virgo is good for study and solving problems. Today’s numerology of 7 relates to Moon’s ruler Mercury, to cognition, study, and reflective solitude. Answers come as we interpret our dreams, do research, journal or consul an oracle, a medium or our spirit guides. Spiritual practice, visualization and healing go well.
Sensitivity is high, so avoid crowds and substance abuse.
Moon has a short VOC at 3:24 pm (6:24 ET), entering artistic Libra at 3:57 pm (6:57 ET), where she mingles with the Mercury-Neptune square to awaken creativity and strengthen our writing skills.
Angels and Goddesses of Creativity please strengthen my confidence and release my expression, here and now.
Monday, June 26
A day to gather information, keep a low profile, review our goals, find new ways of doing things and regroup.
Moon reaches her Second Quarter in the wee hours, inviting us to begin the day with a pause to review our progress on what we set in motion at last week’s New Moon.
Today Mars, planet of direct action, squares rebel Uranus. We’re inspired to find a shortcut or do something different. We have confidence in our inspiration, but need to watch for being obsessive, pushy, impulsive, or stubborn about doing things our way. This is a feisty aspect and it’s best to leave direct contact with key people or groups for Wednesday, when things cool down.
At 4-5 Libra, the Sabian symbol for today’s lunation says:
…[TEACHER] REVEALING TO… STUDENTS THE FOUNDATION OF AN INNER KNOWLEDGE UPON WHICH A “NEW WORLD” COULD BE BUILT… “seed ideas”… When the pupil is ready, the Master appears… the essential, withal mysterious, process of TRANSMISSION… What is transmitted is not merely knowledge. It is actual “beingness”.
I give thanks for having a practice that brings coherence to my vibration, now and always.
Tuesday, June 27
Early morning is good for people connections. Still on the portal of yesterday’s Mars-Uranus square, we get a little window this morning for harmonious interaction thanks to an early sextile from Moon in sweet Libra to ruler Venus. Enjoy cuddling, show your affection, or reach out to a person you need to contact.
The rest of the day is best for independent work. Be diplomatic, particularly after 9:58 am (12:58 ET), when the sweetness fades as Moon makes a quincunx to independent Uranus, followed by a sextile to Mars that can feel sexy but end up hurting. Use the energy for independent activities like decluttering or finishing something related to the home.
Divine substance manifests a healthy, happy partnership for me, here and now.
Wednesday, June 28
Today’s dynamic numerology of 1 blends with Moon in courageous Scorpio. Harmonious aspects favor taking an action we’ve been planning or considering for some time. At 1:19 am (4:19 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering bold Scorpio at 1:55 am (4:55 ET).
Cosmic assistance kicks in at 8:32 am (11:32 ET), when Moon trines Mercury, the messenger. Luna moves on to harmonize with confident Sun and practical Saturn, and to oppose expansive Jupiter. These influences favor communications, especially for business, teaching, or garnering support for a cause.
The day’s influences are crowned by a trine from Sun to Saturn—great for getting organized and grounding our intentions.
Still within earshot of Monday’s Mars-Uranus square, it’s best for us not to act on a whim, but rather to take a step on something that’s been on our minds, but that for one reason or another we’ve put off. It may have to do with getting an official permission or documents, launching a publicity campaign, or setting a limit so we can focus on what really matters. Think of something that takes courage and produces tangible change.
Spirit has me ensured for safety, security and wellness, now and always..
Thursday, June 29
In the afterglow of yesterday’s Sun-Saturn trine, Mercury follows suit with a harmony of his own, enforcing clear, practical communication. Moon in bold Scorpio continues to strengthen us to build something new, while Venus throws in some fairy dust.
Morning is great for follow-up on yesterday’s concrete actions. At 2:32 pm (5:32 ET), Moon squares sweet Venus, giving us a three-hour window that can be romantic, sociable and—with Moon in passionate Scorpio—even lusty.
Make people connections before 5:22 pm (8:22 ET), when Moon opposes independent Uranus. People may be feeling weird, and act in unpredictable or cold ways. Soon thereafter Moon makes an even less-harmonious aspect to restless Mars. The rest of the evening is great for such diverse, independent activities as spiritual healing, research, watching a boxing match or action film, and creative endeavors.
Today’s numerology of 11 triggers a portal for angels to access human heart energy more easily and with it lift the planetary frequency.
I wish great good for all beings, and my heart radiation is used by angels, here and now.
Friday, June 30
A day for deep perception and productive communication.
With psychic Neptune stationing to retrograde, our inner senses are stimulated. The still-effective Mercury-Saturn sextile gives clarity to our thought processes and communication. Today’s numerology of 3 facilitates harmonious connection.
At 7:20 am (10:20 am), Moon in Scorpio goes VOC, entering upbeat Sag just 40 minutes later. Luna harmonizes with coruler Neptune and makes a hot sextile to sexy Pluto, transits that support deep perception, psychic contacts and opportunities for powerful communication and connections that can make a difference.
Do the kinds of things related to Sagittarius that are more social, spiritual and productive. We can:
- Take or give a seminar.
- Work on trade, promotions, or correspondence.
- Hold a business meeting.
- Lend or borrow money.
- Take care of a legal matters or something requiring diplomacy.
- Connect with an important friend.
- Socialize, meet new people.
- Do prophetic dreaming or astral travel.
Connect with people before 8:08 pm (11:08 ET), when Moon makes a square with cold Saturn.
Avoid sermonizing, carelessness, or overdoing things.
I move in a field of infinite good that supports my actions with right outcomes, now and always..

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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