Free Daily Astrological Forecast, January 1–31, 2022
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday.
Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Unless otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Sunday, January 1
Passions are strong as Venus the temptress joins intense Pluto. WIth both Venus and Pluto in responsible Capricorn and Moon exalted in abundant Taurus, we can direct this earthy power materially and constructively by connecting deeply with our heart energy, and focusing our love on a relationship, an investment, or some kind of transformation that we want to last.
Mercury sextiles magical Neptune, bringing opportunities for angel contacts, spiritual expansion, intuitive thinking and communications that support our dreams. Avoid superficial interactions or curing a hangover with more eggnog—today’s energies can be compelling and do not mix well with low vibes. We might schedule a New Year’s session with a coach or therapist, journal or show up for someone in need.
Morning through midday are good for interaction with others, and we get another sociable interval this evening. At 1:52 pm (4:52 ET), Moon joins rebel Uranus; not a cozy transit, but it does unleash creativity and support research, armchair activism, and decluttering.
Evening favors sharing good food, compassionate connections or breathing romance into a partnership.
I release drama and put my love-power into my life now.
Monday, January 2
The year’s first official workday can be quite productive. We can focus on investments, take care of money, act on something related to stability, leasing or renting property, banking, home affairs or organizing staff. After last night’s sextile from Mercury to Neptune, we might find ourselves charming the public, a client, or our love object.
If we’re still on vacation, Moon exalted in abundant Taurus highlights holiday pleasures and enjoyment of nature, art and good food. Thanks to the Mercury-Neptune sextile, opportunities arise in communications related to compassion, our dreams, art, creativity, promotion, music or romance. With Mercury retrograde, remember to focus on what you’ve begun previously. Intuition is strong.
At 6:44 pm (9:44 ET), Moon enters loquacious Gemini, followed immediately by a trine to sweet Venus who’s freshly into outgoing Aquarius, and three hours later, by a sextile to charming Jupiter. Night is good for activism, altruism, promoting something, romance and socializing.
I give thanks for that my talents are in demand, now and always.
Tuesday, January 3
With Moon in wordy Gemini, morning favors communications. We can write, message, correspond, study and voice our ideas.
At 11:47 am (2:47 pm), the energies become more stressful and we’re apt to get hyped, as Moon makes a conjunction to jumpy Mars. The next few hours may feel tense and be potentially divisive. We can direct the energy in independent activities like playing crossword puzzles or other word games, researching shortcuts, reviewing a text, presentation or message, inventing something, or blessing our car.
Affirmative car blessing:
I bless you, dear car, as a divine vehicle, surrounded by angels wherever we go, now and always.
Wednesday, January 4
We get one of the season’s best transits today as Venus, planet of love and finance, sextiles fortunate Jupiter. Venus in innovative Aquarius and Jupiter in assertive Aries precipitate opportunities in new directions for constructive associations, success, prosperity, business, women’s rights, finance, law, negotiation, relationships, or attracting positive attention.
Remember, Jupiter in Aries requires action to deliver its fruits. See where this plays out in your natal chart according to our tips for the year for your Sun sign and ascendent.
Moon in Gemini spotlights communication and then at 4:08 pm (7:08 pm), goes VOC for the rest of the day. It’s best to make key contacts and do important things before this, or save them for tomorrow.
Before I knock, the angels have opened the right doors for me, now and always.
Thursday, January 5
At 6:15 am (9:15 ET), Moon enters fertile Cancer. Her square to adventuresome Jupiter and Sun’s trine to independent Uranus accent the creativity of this placement, while tomorrow’s Full Moon intensifies its intuition.
Today’s numerology of 5—ruled by Mars—combines with the strong lunar energy, moving us to create or change something. We can use some elbow room to connect with and act on our inspiration. On this last day of the waxing Moon, we can best direct our energy in something we want to see grow.
With a contact from Moon to Venus, afternoon and evening are best for people connections.
I choose what I want in relationship and allow it to flow for me now.
Friday, January 6
The Full Moon in Cancer makes this a highly sensitive day, good for connecting with family, gathering elements for our independent soul-path, or focusing on our roots, emotional healing, or business—particularly related to women or homes.
In the chart for this lunation, Moon and Sun harmonize with independent Uranus in Taurus and the North Node, indicating new directions in prosperity and self-esteem. Uranus’ ruler Venus closely trines Mars, bringing passion in love and creative activities. Sun is astride Mercury, activating the sextile between the messenger planet and psychic Neptune. This is a spiritual and emotional portal, but it’s also dynamic.
At 16-17 Cancer, the Sabian symbol reads:
Today’s numerology of 6 supports warm gatherings, protection, and prosperity.
This Moon also carries a call to freedom. We can listen to intuition and organize to actively follow it in original, daring, and perhaps even profitable ways.
The divine design of my being naturally unfolds wherever I am, now and always.
Saturday, January 7
This is a great day to gather knowledge to apply to our Full Moon intention. Still on her portal of fullness, Moon makes an early trine to psychic Neptune. Today’s numerology of 7 stimulates thought, as does Sun’s conjunction to mental Mercury. This morning and midday are particularly good for study, research, consulting angels, journaling and communications.
At 2:23 pm (5:23 ET), Moon opposes intense Pluto. We can take some solo time, to get perspective on our deep feelings, soak in a hot bath or tub, clean the oven or refrigerator or work on emotional or physical healing.
Contacts with others can go better before this aspect, or after Moon enters Leo at 6:40 pm (9:40 ET).
No one can withhold what I’ve claimed mentally now.
Sunday, January 8
We can continue to gather knowledge as mental Mercury trines Uranus, the genius planet. Our thinking and words can make breakthroughs.
Thanks to Moon’s connections to noble Jupiter and sweet Venus, the first part of the day is also great for people connections. Make them before 11:10 am (2:10 pm ET), when Moon in bold Leo sextiles strong Mars. Vitality surges, we feel activated to go to the gym, take a walk, pull weeds, volunteer at the local fire department, fix the car, or paint the garage.
This connection can be pushy; give others some space, and we need to give ourselves some space too. By 2:00 pm (5:00 ET), things have cooled down a bit. The Mercury-Uranus trine perfects this evening and with Leo Moon, is great for anything requiring original thinking and expression, including creative work, word games, writing, or enjoying theater.
Guardian Angel, please clarify my intuition and direct me to act on it now.
Monday, January 9
Moon in Leo brings warmth to our interactions. We can socialize, party, ask for support, have fun. Sweet Venus perfects her trine to hot Mars, a sexy, romantic combination that also fuels creativity, and brings a spark to people connections and a shiny touch to self-expression.
This glow can be applied to personal relationships, even though the signs involved, Aquarius and Gemini, are more cerebral than sensual. Today’s numerology of 9 has an altruistic bent. Besides fun, lust and joy, we may have a great meeting of minds or promote positive social change.
Whether we choose to focus on personal, creative or altruistic connections, action goes better before 5:52 pm (8:52 ET), when Moon goes VOC. This evening, enjoy an action movie or read a play or romantic fiction.
Angels of joy, please come into my space and energy, and lift the vibration now.
Tuesday, January 10
At 7:15 am (10:15 ET), Moon enters diligent Virgo, where she favors practical efforts. Venus’ trine to Mars is still active so we can focus on the more social, expressive and prosperous side of the sixth sign: creative work or people connections related to service, finance, and romantic endeavors focused on true love (versus a flirt or fling).
At 12:17 pm (3:17 ET), Moon connects with Jupiter, activating smooth connections and helping us garner positive attention or support.
Late tonight, Moon squares Mars. Go to bed early or if you can’t sleep, stay up and declutter. If we’re looking to cuddle, tomorrow morning is better.
God’s code of love prevails over any other code, and only good can manifest for me in this situation now.
Wednesday, January 11
This morning, with Moon contacting Venus and harmonizing with Mercury the messenger, people connections go well. Mercury in practical Capricorn is great for work communications or efforts to organize and build something. It works well with diligent, focused Virgo Moon to make useful headway.
The devotional potential of Moon in Virgo compliments today’s numerology of 11, opening a portal for angels to use our heart radiation to lift the planetary frequency. We can focus on healing, do something to serve others, and radiate loving kindness.
Afternoon is great for study or working on finances as at 1:17 pm (4:17 ET), Moon trines innovative Uranus in prosperous Taurus. Virgo and Uranus activate our minds; we can set up ideas that generate abundance.
My heart is a center of divine love, and I allow it to radiate toward all, here and now.
Thursday, January 12
Have you been feeling worn out from repeated attempts to move something forward? This is the day to go at it once more. Mars goes direct, activating things that have seemed stuck since October 30, when the planet of motion first went retrograde on October 30. There’s a sense of relief as things move forward: sales, promotions, sex and romance, travel, vehicles, campaigns, sports, work. Where our hands have felt tied, we’ll now feel like we can direct things.
By decluttering and focusing on a concrete action step, diligent Virgo Moon can use this energy well. Her connections with Sun, Neptune and Saturn make morning particularly good for angel contacts, intuitive consultations, creativity and healing.
Take key actions before 3:06 pm (6:06 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
At 3:56 pm (6:56 ET), Luna enters Libra. Her ruler Venus also rules today’s charming numerology of 3, and thanks to her recent trine to Mars and upcoming square to Uranus, we can feel starwaves in the air: our relationships are energized, and we feel motivated to act to connect or reach out in new, dynamic ways.
I am an agent of positive change, and I bless my actions now.
Friday, January 13
Moon in Libra favors connections with others. Socializing, romance, spontaneous acts of kindness… all kinds of interactions are favored. However, other influences support concrete results of promoting our interests, our case, our cause, or creative works, so we may want to focus on those interactions.
Moon’s trine to assertive Mars gives her the nerve to act on a negotiation, legal matter or cause. This placement can come on too strong, and is better for doing something from a distance. With Mars in Gemini, words are our weapons.
Sun harmonizes with Neptune, combining with Libra Moon’s aesthetic sense to boost confidence in our creativity, which can be applied directly in artistic works, or by improving our business space or the appeal of our work.
Moon in Libra can create beauty and birth justice. Today’s transits give her just enough strength to turn her talents into tangible results. Our focus on these today can bear important fruits.
Affirmation to seal our prayers:
My words are not just ideas, they’re divine law in action that has transmuted appearances tangibly, now.
Saturday, January 14
Venus—goddess of love and riches—squares Uranus, planet of surprises. This can stimulate creativity in work and business, and excitement in relationships. Pay attention to your desire to try something new. Harness your creativity, update your style, research your options, connect with a group or person that stimulates forward thinking. However, avoid acting impulsively, since this transit can bring surprises.
At 6:10 pm (9:10 ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning the final week of her cycle, apt for winding down, simplifying and finishing things we’ve already started.
I give thanks for the beauty in my life, mind and relationships now.
Sunday, January 15
At 12:40 am (2:40 ET), Moon goes VOC. If you’re not sleeping through it, take a break until 4:08 am (7:08 ET), when Luna enters intense Scorpio.
Today’s numerology of 6 radiates protection, warmth and prosperity.
Thanks to Moon’s square to ruler Pluto, early morning is great for inner work. The energies become more sociable at 10:07 am (1:07 pm ET), thanks to a contact from Moon to gregarious Jupiter that supports a range of activities. We can focus on long-range plans, solve a problem, share passion and love, connect with angels, and get support for our cause, situation or project.
At 7:47 pm (10:37 ET), Moon in bold Scorpio sextiles Mercury in Capricorn, sign of manifestation, precipitating opportunities in communication. Reach out, make calls, share an idea, send messages, make connections, knock on a door. In the balsamic Moon cycle and with Mercury retrograde, remember to redo and revisit things you had already put it motion, rather than starting something new.
In the one mind, I am already connected to the best and highest people now.
Monday, January 16
With today’s intelligent numerology of 7 and Moon in tough Scorpio opposing rebel Uranus, morning is not warm or fuzzy, but it does strengthen our questioning mentality. We can apply it journaling, research, getting to the bottom of something, and considering alternative viewpoints.
At 11:09 am (2:09 pm), the atmosphere sweetens as Moon makes a square to charming Venus. With Moon in the sign of passion, this favors intimacy, improvements in a key agreement and lusty encounters. Our words and feelings can touch someone’s mind or heart.
Afternoon and evening are good for therapy, exploring our feelings, crisis intervention, helping someone, or decluttering and purging our visualization materials in preparation for the upcoming New Moon.
I release and am released by people and intentions that are not part of the divine plan of my life. The divine plan of my life quickly unfolds, here and now.
Tuesday, January 17
If we have something to get done, we can try to do it before 6:27 am (9:27 ET), before Moon goes VOC, or this evening after 6:33 pm (9:33 ET), when Luna enters fiery Sag. Today’s numerology of 8 likes tangible achievement, and the Sagittarian archer has vision and power of persuasion. Finish something related to trade, promotions, correspondence, business meetings, a deal involving a loan, a legal matter, data retrieval or the attainment of a long-overdue answer.
An afternoon trine from Moon to ruler Jupiter, planet of enchantment, highlights Moon’s benefits in Sag. It facilitates positive connections and gives a magic touch to what we teach, publish, produce or promote.
I’m in the terrain of love, so I’m in a divine place wherever I am, now and always.
Wednesday, January 18
Transformation is in the air.
Today’s numerology of 9 relates to alchemy and Pluto, and this morning, the Sun conjoins this planet of transformation. We can see beyond appearances and get in touch with our inner power, releasing calcified roles and working on ourselves, on healing, on deep change.
Most of these energies are better applied in solitude, as is Moon’s connection with Uranus, planet of freedom this afternoon.
At 7:05 pm (9:05 ET), Moon sextiles charming Venus, making evening great for people connections, including intimacy, romance and hot cuddlies as. Prosperity flows, doors open, electricity flashes.
I love myself and I accept all the support that the Universe has for me now.
Thursday, January 19
A wee-hour sextile from Moon to practical Saturn triggers the constructive side of Moon in visionary Sagittarius. Today’s numerology of 1 ignites our pioneering spirit. Resolve a legal matter, organize a class or production program, focus on trade or business, or give a class or seminar.
At 11:11 am (2:11 pm ET), Moon enters practical Capricorn. Focus on high finance, act responsibly, tend the family business, organize an area of your life that’s become scattered or disrupted, organize your visualization materials in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon, patiently listen and learn, or build the balance in your bank account.
At 5:29 pm (8:29 ET), Moon squares ruler Jupiter, keeping our sites on the big picture and expanding our promotional instincts and compassion. Connect with angels and spirit guides, reorganize your volunteer, spiritual or academic activities, take an initiative requiring luck.
I center in my vision, and release the details to the divine process, here and now.
Friday, January 20
At 12:33 am (3:33 ET) Sun enters Aquarius, shifting our attention from worldly goals to ideals and our sense of mission, although with ruler Uranus in Taurus, even the the idealistic sign of Aquarius keeps our focus on the importance of prosperity for our higher aspirations.
As ruler of Moon and coruler of Sun, Saturn’s influence is strong and favors using this day to focus on discipline, reorganize our priorities, our space, and our team. Work on something requiring sacrifice or that you want to finish in preparation for the new cycle beginning at tomorrow’s lunation and Sunday’s Lunar New Year.
My supply cannot be withheld from me, my supply cannot be limited. My supply comes from infinite substance that makes it appear abundantly, here, now and always.
Saturday, January 21
If we’re up for it, we can finish something related to work, organization, or self-mastery before Moon goes VOC in Capricorn at 7:52 am (10:52 ET).
Then we can take a break before Luna enters independent Aquarius at 10:29 am (1:29 pm ET). New Moon occurs at 1:53 pm (3:53 ET). Conjunct powerful Pluto, on the portal of Uranus’ station, in sextile to confident Jupiter and in trine to assertive Mars, this lunation is truly emboldening. We can update our evolving ideals, identity and mission and find more than enough courage to act on them.
This doesn’t mean we’re ready to throw caution to the winds. Love planet Venus joins serious Saturn. We value what’s lasting and when it comes to love, self-esteem and money, security persuades. This conjunction widely squares Moon’s ruler Uranus; creating some tension between the thrust for change and the need for stability. Mercury is retrograde, so this portal brings what we need to remember and consolidate changes we set in motion previously and that still matter. The best combination may be planning, or rather reviewing plans related to change we’ve been wanting, with an eye to sound, careful implementation.
At 1-2 Aquarius, the Sabian symbol happens to reiterate this lunation’s dual themes:
AN UNEXPECTED THUDERSTORM. The need to develop inner security that will enable us to meet unexpected crises.
Identify your intention, write it down and do something to set it in motion. Mercury in shadow favors intentions we’ve moved on before.
Apt, bold and Aquarian personal goals include:
I wish to update my goals and self-image in authentic, intelligent ways.
I set others free be as unconventional as they choose.
Goddess Sarasvati, please send me books that guide the next phase of my development and activate my understanding now.
I wish to be secure in my self-love and faith in the midst of any appearances.
I see myself free from the fixation with the approval of others.
Archangel Michael, please embolden me to follow my own dreams and revolutionize my life in grounded, wise ways.
I see myself hearing my inner voice and expressing my true preferences, tastes and desires.
I see myself participating in a volunteer activity __ hours per week.
I want to embrace change as an opportunity for renewal and growth.
I am open to receive guidance that leads to my dreams coming true.
As I evolve, I see my social network evolving in positive, joyous ways.
Angels and spirit guides, please help me trust my intelligence and work to apply it now.
On this day of power, get in touch with your intention, write it down or meditate on it, and take an action step to set it in motion.
At 5:08 pm (8:08 ET), Moon perfects her sextile to Jupiter. Contact an angel or spirit guide, share your knowledge, study or promote something.
I connect with my own, authentic desire and it manifests easily now.
Sunday, January 22
Today is tense but potentially productive. Still on the portal of yesterday’s New Moon, Aquarius’ ruler Uranus stations to turn direct. Something that signifies freedom can move forward. Review your strategy and take an action step.
Moon squares ruler Uranus and Venus perfects her conjunction with Moon’s coruler Saturn. Change is in the air and these strong Aquarius and Saturn influences strengthen our planning skills, so we can prepare for it.
This is one of those times that a self-help book, chart consultation, or coaching session can be a wise investment.
I gather the resources that support my progress now.
Monday, January 23
At 2:19 am (5:19 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Pisces at 6:36 am (9:36 ET). After an intense weekend, we may feel relaxed. Connections with humans, angels and spirit guides flow. Pisces Moon also fuels our imagination, which we can use in support of Saturday’s intense lunation, still in force today.
We can develop our vision—and design a visualization—for our New Moon goals. We can edit a proposal, contract or agreement, review plans for remodeling or for a production, send out tweets, messages or emails.
Whatever we do during the day, we probably want to be asleep by 11:56 pm (2:56 am ET), when Moon makes a square to feisty Mars.
In tune with to divine results, I see them, I believe them and I receive them now.
Tuesday, January 24
Sun sextiles Jupiter, boosting our confidence and supporting our abundance, as does today’s numerology of 6.
Moon sextiles both Mercury and Uranus, planets of lower and higher mind, bringing opportunities for learning, activism and—with both planet in earth signs—business and finance. We can study, research, sell something, generate ideas, knock on a door we tried before, teach, publish, get the word out.
Early morning is great for prayer and connections with light beings and people, while the rest of the rest of the day is great for action, transmission, expansion.
Archangel Michael, please connect me with my voice of power and move me to use it, here and now.
Wednesday, January 25
This morning, Moon in sensitive Pisces sextiles powerful Pluto, charging our visualizations with healing power. Also, we can reach out to someone in power that we tried to connect with previously, schedule therapy, interpret our dreams, or make an intimate connection.
At 10:48 (1:48 ET), Luna enters dynamic Aries. This is not a diplomatic placement, but it is good for pushing through perfectionism to finish a job or get something done. With Mercury retrograde, this may be something we started before and have been putting off.
We can also make a decision, implement a tough measure, assume leadership, enter a competition, or collect a debt. With social Venus in her last day of idealistic Aquarius, this Moon is good for taking decisive action in support of a cause.
With Moon joining confident, prosperous Jupiter, tonight is the best time for connecting with people and promoting something.
The Universe calls me to right involvement, and I act on my guidance now.
Thursday, January 26
Moon in restless Aries squares Mercury this morning. Declutter papers, clean out the glove box, and eliminate old emails and messages.
This combination can be a bit jumpy; communications will be a bit smoother after 10:00 am (1:00 pm ET). Diplomacy is not the forte of Aries Moon, but today’s numerology of 8 supports professional and financial goals, and some contact with others is indispensable. Be brave but be considerate and focus on:
- Trade
- Business
- Bypassing perfectionism and acting to finish something
- A short-term goal
- Something requiring nerve
I give thanks for the divine movement that flows unimpeded in my being and affairs, here and now.
Friday, January 27
With Moon in assertive Aries sextiling diligent Saturn, morning is good for knocking on a key door to connect with a teacher, elder, client, boss, bureaucrat or authority figure. With Mercury now in shadow, this will be someone you reached out to, or tried to, sometime in the past. Our connections now can put us on more stable footing.
At 1:01 pm (4:01 ET), diplomacy moves out of town as Moon goes VOC on a square to immovable Pluto. We can save key contacts and initiatives for later and take some time to ourselves to go for a walk, pick up garbage, soak in a hot tub, watch an action film, or work in the yard.
At 3:42 pm (6:42 ET), Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. We can breathe new life into our financial projects, do business, review an investment, work on something involving stability or that requires lasting results, remodel, or redecorate.
Moon’s evening sextile to Venus, goddess of love and values, in sweet Pisces is a great window for business and personal contacts. We can work or if we have a chance, share a nice dinner, go on a sensual date, add spice to our partnership, or elope for the weekend.
I am so grateful for the love and abundance that are in my life, and that I am enjoying them now.
Saturday, January 28
At 7:18 am (10:18 ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter. We can direct today’s assertive numerology of 1 by reviewing our progress on the intentions established and goals promoted at last week’s New Moon portal, and regroup for progress.
At 8-9 Taurus, the Sabian symbol says:
A SLEIGH ON LAND UNCOVERED BY SNOW. The value of anticipating and preparing for expectable conditions. FUTURE ORIENTED IMAGINATION.
Today’s lunation joins the North Node to the degree, and also conjuncts Uranus, freshly direct, and ruler of the recent New Moon. That portal was intense and rather wild, while this one can help us get our bearings and gather our forces for clearer progress. New information makes our way easier. And, Moon in Taurus favors action for manifestation on what we want to last.
Afternoon is best for people contacts, that is until 7:37 pm (10:37 ET), when Moon joins independent Uranus. We can do work online, review investments or do activism from a distance.
I visualize Michael’s blue, angelic hosts filling Iran, Ukraine and all other places of special need, and I praise their protective response now.
Sunday, January 29
Moon in Taurus makes today productive—for work, real-estate, remodeling or redecorating—or in almost anything where we want lasting results. It also favors the good life: enjoying food, nature, art, company, music.
Subtle activities also work, as does romance, with a sextile from Moon to sweet Neptune at 12:02 pm (3:02 ET) that brings opportunities for spiritual, psychic and creative expansion, favoring an online or in-person gathering, or great connections with spirit guides. Today’s numerology of 11 is particularly apt for heart-centered meditation and affirmations, as angels can more easily access the love we generate and use it to lift the planetary vibration.
Not all vibrations are gentle. Mercury makes a trine to exciting Uranus, stimulating high mental activity and Sun trines brave Mars, strengthening our drive and vitality. We are inspired and strengthened to act. We can visit a science museum, go for a brisk walk, start an online petition or promote an original idea, cause or service.
Late tonight, with Moon triggering Saturn and Pluto, we may feel revved up. We can work on decluttering, pray or push to finish a task.
I’m grateful for the chance to serve and I use this opportunity with enthusiasm now.
Monday, January 30
Moon enters Gemini at 12:35 am (3:35 ET). This communicative placement is good for making a business trip, corresponding, managing crisis, giving a presentation or speech, making a call, having our ideas well received, and working on sales.
Most of the day works well for people connections. Moon contacts sweet Venus at 9:24 am (12:24 ET) and 3 hours later sextiles charismatic Jupiter. People respond well to our warmth and message. We can go on a date, share breakfast or lunch, promote something, teach or learn. Opportunities flow for education, publishing and transmitting.
At 8:27 pm (11:27 ET), the charm fades as tender Moon slides up to rough Mars. If you’re up for it, do something independent that requires energy, like wash the bathtub, give yourself a massage, or declutter.
The substance of my connections is divine, and I give thanks that all of them benefit me now.
Tuesday, January 31
Moon in Gemini contacts ruler Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, and blends with today’s focused, productive numerology of 4 to favor making a business trip and taking care of practical communications. Catch up on your messages and calls, prepare a presentation, review a contract, discuss your ideas, work on refurbishing.
Archangel Hophiel, please protect my communications and direct me to listen and speak with attention now.

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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