Free Daily Astrological Forecast, August 1–29, 2022
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday.
Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Monday, August 1
Thankfully, Moon in Virgo gives some grounding to this day of intense vibrations. Restless Mars perfects a conjunction to Uranus, planet of freedom and genius. Meanwhile, meticulous Virgo Moon trines powerful Pluto, bringing up secrets and deepening our emotional experience, as Moon and Mercury make tensions to surreal Neptune.
On the one hand, emotional sensitivity and psychic perception are fueled. Virgo Moon facilitates order and healing. On the other, the Mars-Uranus conjunction can be impulsive or bring accidents or a sudden, unexpected jolt of some kind.
An approaching harmony from Venus to Uranus-Mars can spark a sudden attraction or an opportunity related to relations or money. We can knock on a key door, yet as we do, take care to turn on the charm and approach others gently. Keep a low profile, avoid getting ticked off and save extreme sports or risky situations for another day. Follow your intuition.
These energies are also great for reorganizing a program of spiritual or physical healing, making a hard decision, and purging our space and schedule of the extraneous.
Get key actions and contacts covered before 3:29 pm (6:29 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
At 9:06 pm (12:06 am ET), Luna enters Libra, intensifying the Venusian flavor of today’s aspects, favoring marketing, PR, socializing and renewing one’s love life.
Radiating love, I receive the highest vibrations in all situations now.
Tuesday, August 2
One of the week’s best days for people connections.
Moon in Libra is ruled by charming Venus, who perfects her sextile to Mars and Uranus. Creative genius is precipitated, and we can make amazing innovations in art, public relations, work or business. An important door can open—knock on some! Act courageously, but don’t lose sight of long-term goals; today’s opportunities can leave lasting results and there may be a tendency to get euphoric or carried away by excitement or hormones.
If there’s a contact, teamwork, sale or something else people-related that we’ve been wanting to accomplish, this is a great day to push it through, while keeping our feet on the ground and our touch gentle.
I send the angels before me, and my way is harmonious and safe.
Wednesday, August 3
Moon in charming Libra favors people connections, negotiation and sales. The most harmonious window is from 10:54 am (1:54 pm ET) to 7:51 pm (10:51 ET), when Moon’s connections to sweet Venus and focused Saturn can make for harmonious, constructive results. After this opening, Moon connects with Neptune, and this time is better for mystical activities such as meditation, consulting light beings, or sleeping.
At 11:20 pm (2:20 am ET), Moon goes VOC.
Affirmation to program dreams:
Infinite Intelligence, please show me what I need to see in a clear dream I remember on wakening.
Thursday, August 4
Mercury the messenger enters Virgo, earth sign of his rule, favoring study, organization, and a down-to-earth attitude in communication. Virgo relates to wellness, and loves to improve things, making this a great day to begin a program of healing affirmations, therapy, and a focus on developing positive habits.
At 4:47 am (7:47 ET), Moon enters brave Scorpio, an emboldening placement that favors—with Mercury in Virgo—decluttering and making a pragmatic decision. Get life in order, focus on health and work, do research, perhaps set a long-term goal into motion. Make a discreet enquiry, lease or rent property, sign documents, solve problems.
With a sextile from Moon to Mercury, morning is the best time for people connections, particularly those involving healing or directed at making practical headway.
Angels of divine order, please come into my life and support my efforts to organize it now.
Friday, August 5
This a dynamic yet serious day, good for introspection, for getting back on track with our goals, for decluttering, and for setting limits.
Today’s numerology of 5 awakens our taste for action and excitement. A tension from Venus, planet of love and values, to practical Saturn spotlights what has lasting value in relationships, business, and life.
Moon opposes pushy Mars and erratic Uranus, unsociable aspects that ignite the inner warrior and, with Moon in courageous Scorpio, our ability to make independent decisions and cut away distractions.
As the day starts, Moon reaches her Second Quarter. We can take a moment’s pause and review our progress on the intentions and goals set into motion at last week’s New Moon. At 14 Scorpio, the Sabian symbol for today’s lunation says:
TELEPHONE LINEMAN INSTALLING NEW CONNECTIONS. The need to establish new channels of communication. . the development of constantly more complex means of interchanging feelings and ideas… such channels of communication for the success of any interpersonal relationship. They are not only to be built but to be used significantly and wisely… such communication may not be easy… THE WILL TO ASSOCIATION OR COMPREHENSION.
Considering the Moon in Scorpio and her tensions to independent Mars and Uranus, rather than reaching out to others, we might focus on deepening our comprehension of them: and establishing intentions to later renew and deepen our connections. Writing those intentions will trigger opportunities.
Late tonight, connections flow more easily. At 9:56 pm (12:56 am ET), Moon makes a trine to sweet Venus, followed three hours later by a trine to Neptune. These harmonies favor good feelings, romance and contacts with people and light beings.
My relationships are made of divine substance, which acts to benefit me and all involved now.
Saturday, August 6
At 4:24 am (7:24 ET), Moon goes VOC. Plan on sleeping late, or if you’re up, take a break until 9:39 am (12:39 pm ET), when Luna enters Sagittarius.
Sagittarius, sign of the archer, and today’s numerology of 6 are both ruled by fortunate, affable Jupiter, making this a good day for business and pleasure, and for holding an event or a harmonious gathering. With pushy Mars moving to square stern Saturn, try to go with the flow and if something seems blocked, don’t wear yourself out trying to force it through. Find a way to direct your drive for greater discipline and self-mastery.
A midnight trine from Moon to easy-breezy Jupiter is great for spiritual activities, preparing a production or class, connecting with someone abroad, or sending an email petitions or promotions.
Infinite good is all there is for me in this situation and it’s manifesting now.
Sunday, August 7
Morning is best for people connections and afternoon for independent work, decluttering, and organization.
Goddess Venus is up to some sexy, slippery business, in trine to mysterious Neptune and approaching an opposition with intense Pluto. Love and romance are in the air, relationships are in the spotlight, kisses may bring stars to our eyes—and a seductive investment deserves greater scrutiny.
The Venus-Neptune trine is great for heart-centered meditation; something we want to take advantage of today considering the potentially aggressive square made by restless Mars to Saturn, planet of limits.
Saturn has to do with work. Today, an apparent roadblock can be used to our advantage to stop, reassess our methods, and refine our approach. Avoid unnecessary confrontation and use the pensive numerology of 7 to apply rational reflection to any differences that may arise. Don’t force anything related to knives or other sharp implements, driving, competition or routes of action.
Nothing can harm us, Spirit’s love touches us through every situation and influences so we are only affected in helpful, freeing ways, here and now.
Monday, August 8
With Moon in Sagittarius, sign of angels, connecting with sweet Venus and mystical Neptune, morning favors dreamwork, romance, meditation, enjoying nature, acting from compassion, or contacting spirit guides.
At 11:39 am (2:39 pm ET), Moon enters organized, practical Capricorn, where she combines with today’s empowering numerology of 8 to favor progress in work, business, or finance. We can focus on the big picture, take the reins of our lives, and move strategically.
An opposition from love-planet Venus to transformative Pluto can expose shadows related to money, relationships, and self-esteem, and support their healing. Take some down time for journaling, therapy, or a visit to a 12-step group. Avoid toxic or superficial settings and interactions.
Seeing my shadows, I love myself in them and through them now.
Tuesday, August 9
Today’s numerology of 9 favors inner work, altruism and healing; Moon in Capricorn favors organization. We can gather our resources (buy books, sign up for a course, enlist a healer) and organize for inner work and manifestation of wellness.
Venus in opposition to Pluto facilitates emotional healing of beliefs and patterns around money, and restoring our sense of worthiness.
A quincunx from mental Mercury to expansive Jupiter brings a touch of magic to our communications in relation to teaching, promoting, prayer and contacts with angels. This blends well with tonight’s trine from Moon to intuitive Uranus that can bring a flash of inspiration and a touch of brilliance.
Dear inner child, you can release your defenses as I am here to love you and stand up for you now.
Wednesday, August 10
This morning brings a unique combination of courage and sensitivity. Moon trines assertive Mars and joins Pluto, the godfather of the solar system, imparting bravery, determination, and intensity.
On the other hand, Luna also sextiles Neptune, bringing opportunities for creative or spiritual development and projecting charm in something we produce or create.
If you have something to do, get it done early, before Moon goes VOC at 10:39 am (12:39 pm ET), or after 11:45 am (2:45 pm ET), when Luna enters Aquarius, where she’ll favor people contacts and renewing our social network.
Angels surround me, harmonizing the energies that come to me and through me.
Thursday, August 11
The Full Moon brings balance to the me-ness of Sun in Leo. In Aquarius, it spotlights our ability to share our light in collective service.
Part of this light is our heart radiance. Today’s numerology of 11 opens a portal for angels to use humanity’s love energy to lift the planet’s vibration. These days, most of us have developed our heart energy to one degree or another through spiritual practice, and this Moon is great for radiating this energy to the collective.
The portal carries a promise of karmic shift. Aquarius is often considered to have two rulers, Saturn and Uranus. Saturn relates to tradition, while Uranus breaks old patterns. Today Luna is joined by Aquarius’ ancient co-ruler, Saturn, lord of karma, and squares Aquarius’ modern co-ruler, revolutionary Uranus, who happens to be astride the North Node, pointing to new directions. This pair triggers a Grand Cross involving South Node, also connected with karma. And, a sextile from Mars to Neptune brings opportunities to promote a spiritual or creative cause, service or product.
The influences are rather intense and the fixed Grand Cross can fuel stubbornness. Avoid unnecessary arguments.
We can persist on unique paths within existing frameworks, a theme that resonates with the Sabian symbol for this lunation:
A LARGE, WHITE DOVE. The response of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained and victorious personal efforts… The individual who has gone courageously and with indomitable spirit through his or her crucial crisis receives as it were a deep spiritual blessing from the soul realm. “Mission accomplished. Peace be with you.” And in this blessing a secret prophecy of what is yet to come may be seen by the perspicacious and spiritually sensitive mind of the recipient. Every real spiritual step… is the result of a victory over forces of inertia or destruction. The divine is totally present in the heart of all true victories… CERTIFICATION…
Suggestions for this special portal include:
- Identify your true direction (vs. automated or familiar movements you’ve been reenacting on auto-pilot)
- Write intentions for a new life mission or a type of altruistic activity
- Create a more structured or orderly approach to your path: one you’ve chosen or one you’d like to begin
- Reach out to others who resonate with your authentic direction
- Establish an intention to leave a legacy of knowledge
- Identify the wisdom legacy of your ancestors and do a gratitude ritual
- Do heart-centered meditation
- Follow through on an altruistic intention
- Take an action step to promote a spiritual cause, service or product
I shine my light in the ways I choose, and I am freed from karmic limitations now.
Friday, August 12
At 4:07 am (7:07 ET), Moon goes VOC. We can visualize and meditate on yesterday’s Full Moon reflections, intentions and meditations. VOC in Aquarius is also good for reading or research for pleasure.
Save key actions and contacts for after 11:44 am (2:44 pm ET), when Moon enters sensitive Pisces. She aspects Venus, a mix that favors connections for compassion, creativity or romance, like:
- Developing empathy
- Listening without judging
- Working a on shared creative project
- Going on a date
- Attending a spiritual group
- Praying with a partner
- Settling a dispute with friends or family
- Journaling for self-acceptance
- Sending out emails
- Writing a proposal, agreement or contract
- Working on forgiveness
Divine love fills my connections, harmonizing and healing all involved now.
Saturday, August 13
Moon, now in Pisces, is still on her portal of fullness.
Due to a midday opposition to Mercury, communications are best this morning, or tonight after 6:49 pm (9:49 ET), when Luna sextiles exciting Uranus, fueling great conversation and sudden opportunities.
Enjoy music or spiritual activities, use healing affirmations, visit a lake, stream or the beach. After this evening’s Moon-Uranus sextile, knock on a key door, send out emails, go live on social media, or enjoy a romantic dinner or encounter.
Spirit loves us through every situation and manifestation, and only good can come from this now.
Sunday, August 14
Courage is in the air! Mars the defender trines police chief Pluto. If there were ever day when we could act on a bold decision, today is it.
Fortunately, there’s also harmony in the air. Moon in sweet Pisces makes an early conjunction to ruler Neptune, fueling intuitive intelligence and connections with light beings. This influence is worth using in our favorite spiritual practice, so that we can keep grounded for the rest of the dynamic, potentially forceful day.
Just in case there isn’t enough bravado in the air already, at 1:43 pm (4:43 ET), Moon enters Aries. But even with Aries’ go-get-’em energy in the mix, the Mars-Pluto trine doesn’t have to be destructive. That said, rash outbursts, street protests and fights on any scale might have dramatic consequences. So, it’s best to avoid direct confrontation, speeding on the road, or potentially rowdy scenes.
We can use these influences for constructive intervention: look at options for a change of location or career, declutter the garage (careful with the garden scissors), help someone change residence, volunteer at the local fire department or recycling center… do something brave with a measured risk factor.
It might help to set up a consultation with a coach or have a strong, loving companion around. Sun’s opposition to Saturn can make us tough on ourselves.
Humanity isn’t lacking for protection. Spirit has infinite substance that it uses to manifest protection and peace for us now.
Monday, August 15
Yesterday’s over-confidence continues, and could morph into pushiness as Moon in restless Aries joins preacher-planet Jupiter this morning.
On the upside, today’s numerology of 6 is related to Jupiter’s harmonious side, bringing affability and protection. So this can be a great day to promote something, apply for a job, design a competition, or enter a contest. Or, close a sale, get a signature, share a message. As you do, avoid coming on too strong, getting dogmatic, or participating in situations of direct contact that could become aggressive.
I am not alone or without support. The Divine Promoter is with me, reaching the right contacts for me now.
Tuesday, August 16
Morning is great for work. Moon in direct Aries sextiles constructive Saturn, bringing opportunities in business or with an authority figure like the boss, an elder, an executive, or a teacher. We can structure and present our ideas or proposal.
Mercury, planet of daily thought, trines genius Uranus, inspiring brilliance, while Sun’s trine to Moon fuels creativity and confidence. Today’s numerology of 7 emphasizes intelligence. We can enrich and express our knowledge and prowess.
We get better results from the contacts we make and the actions we take before 1:18 pm (4:18 ET), when Moon goes VOC. After this, take a break and let your inner child out to play until 7:22 pm (10:22 ET), when Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. This placement favors manifestation, productive efforts, and enjoying food, music, and sensuality.
Divine action works through my efforts, producing tangible, positive results, now and always.
Wednesday, August 17
With Moon in fertile Taurus and today’s numerology of 8 favoring tangible results, this day can be very productive.
A trine between the two benefics, sweet Venus and expansive Jupiter, precipitates a rain of love and good fortune and brings magic to our connections. Moon squares Venus, fueling creativity, prosperity and feelings of love and connection, and Sun contacts Neptune, favoring romance, creative imagination, and artistic expression.
Today’s numerology of 8 is great for worldly goals. Reconnect with your dreams and reach out to key persons or your desired public, particularly regarding things related to Taurus, for instance:
- Business
- Finance
- Investments
- Leasing or renting
- Home affairs
- Adding spice and romance to intimate relations
- Going out with someone new
- Renewing the flame in an old or existing relationship
- Efforts involving stability, security or long-lasting results
Angels of consolidation, please direct my attention and actions to manifest finished results, here and now.
Thursday, August 18
As Venus, goddess of love and values, continues in trine to Jupiter the expander, energies of prosperity, happiness and love stream through our minds, hearts and situations,
Moon in Taurus, sign of manifestation, makes contacts that favor positive consolidation. Luna’s conjunction to innovative Uranus blends with this morning’s Venus-Jupiter trine, empowering us to act on our visions for finance or other tangible, long-term results.
Moon’s afternoon contacts to Saturn and Mercury favor practical organization and communication.
Tonight, Luna sextiles magical Neptune. A date can fuel romance; we can visualize, act on our dreams, practice spiritual healing or make an intuitive consultation.
At 9:36 pm (12:36 am ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning her week of wind-down, and initiating an opportunity to focus on finishing what we already have on our plates.
At 26-27 Taurus, the Sabian symbol says:
AN OLD NATIVE WOMAN SELLING THE ARTIFACTS OF HER TRIBE TO PASSERS-BY. Peaceful adaptation to collective needs… ADJUSTMENT to the vital needs of the whole.
At 10:32 pm (1:32 am ET), Moon trines Pluto, great for shadow work or if we’re still awake, pushing to move on courageous change, or to finish a task.
I bless my inherited gifts and share them in what ways I can now.
Friday, August 19
On this first day of the Moon’s fourth and final quarter, we are emboldened to move, and can act to finish tasks we’ve already begun.
Today’s pioneering numerology of 1 combines with Moon’s aspects to promoter-planets Mars and Jupiter, and Sun’s connection to Pluto, to bring out our inner superhero.
At 5:06 am (8:06 ET), Moon enters communicative Gemini, starting the day on a conjunction to Mars that awakens our inner warrior. We can act to defend a loved one, a vulnerable group or set limits to focus on what’s close to our heart.
The rest of the day favors strong, focused, independent action. Communications are best at a distance and direct contact with others go better this evening, when Moon sextiles enthusiastic Jupiter, tempering the influences with a good dose of charm. We can reach out, teach, promote, inspire, and garner support for our project or cause.
Acting on my needs, I care for myself, now and always.
Saturday, August 20
In the wee hours, Mars leaves slow Taurus and enters quick, verbal Gemini, where it will facilitate verbal expression of our assertiveness.
About an hour later, at 2:09 am (5:09 ET), Moon in Gemini sextiles Venus. The goddess of love and finance brings her charm to today’s communications, precipitating opportunities for closeness in relationships, beauty in word-crafting, and success in business. Message, correspond, make calls, give a presentation, go live on social media, work on sales.
Avoid getting scattered or making superficial assessments.
Infinite intelligence pours through me in a stream of beautiful, healing words now.
Sunday, August 21
Though Moon in Gemini energizes verbal cognition, today our thinking tends to be more intuitive. Moon in Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, opposes mystical Neptune… and Moon makes a T-square to them. Thinking and communicating can be confusing yet also sensitive, as we straddle the border between reason and imagination. These energies are great for spiritual healing, using prayers and mantras, channeling, and making angel connections.
Writing can be especially evocative. In work or key connections, consider carefully what you are hearing and saying, and if you have a doubt, review and ask questions.
Moon goes VOC at 3:06 pm (6:06 ET). Connections with friends, clients and family go better after 5:29 pm (8:29 ET), when Moon enters Cancer.
My words of good are charged with divine power that heals my world now.
Monday, August 22
Master number 22 expands the reach of our actions and work, and what we do can reach the masses. Today’s transits point to communication, so the reach is through our words and message. Moon squares Jupiter, the disseminator, and our inspiration can touch people’s emotions.
Mercury in diligent Virgo trines transformative Pluto, giving healing powers to our words. We can use this influence to solve a problem, organize business or finances, make a deep connection, or get to the bottom of something.
With Moon in maternal Cancer, use these energies in ways that support growth.
My words are charged with power that brings forth good in all situations now.
Tuesday, August 23
With Moon in fertile Cancer sextiling Uranus in abundant Taurus, morning is great for acting on intuitive guidance and taking a concrete step in an innovative direction in business or finance.
At 12:30 pm (3:30 ET), things cool off a bit as Moon connects with dry Saturn. We can organize our home, journals, or esoteric studies.
At 7:26 pm (10:26 ET), energy flows again as Moon trines Neptune. Intuition and empathy surge. Call on guides, do spiritual healing, heart-centered inner practice, or creative work. Donate to a food kitchen, reach out with empathy, watch a sweet movie.
Divine intuition is available and divine intuition guides me in right action now.
Wednesday, August 24
Uranus turns retrograde, spotlighting the revolutionary within. Our true direction is now up for review—we can detect elements and situations that don’t resonate, and update our life vision.
Today’s numerology of 6 favors connection, prosperity, protection and a gathering for a cause, for education or for fun.
At 6:09 am (9:09 ET), Moon enters warm, dramatic Leo. This confident, expressive placement gives added force to Moon’s midday sextile to assertive Mars. This sextile is good for working out, meeting with a physical trainer or coach, motivating someone, promoting a creative project, and defending a loved one or cause.
I listen within, and my current identity is released, here and now.
Thursday, August 25
With Moon in warm Leo harmonizing with Jupiter and Venus, morning through afternoon is good for motivating others, sharing positive recognition, holding a party, being romantic, and expressing our feelings in style.
We can apply creativity as we gather the materials for a vision board or similar tool, to be put together on Saturday’s New Moon portal. At 6:03 pm (9:03 ET), messenger Mercury adds to the fun, leaving practical Virgo and entering gracious Libra.
Shine your light and make connections before 7:45 pm (10:45 ET), when Moon squares Uranus, stimulating creativity and diminishing our diplomacy quotient.
At 11:55 pm (2:55 am ET), Moon goes VOC.
I accept the positive connections that manifest for me now.
Friday, August 26
For most of the day, Moon is VOC. She’s in fun Leo, so give yourself a break and do something fun.
Key actions and contacts will be more satisfying after 5:25 pm (8:25 ET), when Moon enters diligent Virgo. Luna will be new tomorrow, and projects we begin tonight carry the vibrance of today’s numerology of 8, which helps consolidate a new level of success or prosperity.
Try getting to bed early and resting up for tomorrow’s buzzy New Moon.
I release my results and enjoy the moment now.
Saturday, August 27
Despite being in low-key Virgo, today’s New Moon comes in the wee hours with a bang.
Venus, planet of love and money, activates the square between conservative Saturn and rebel Uranus, opposing the former and squaring the latter. A cycle in relationships or finances comes to a close, while a new one begins. Apparent limitation can push us to release obsolete situations and explore new pathways.
With surpriser Uranus in Taurus, earth sign ruled by Venus, this transit sends creativity off the charts: our works have a touch of brilliance. An unexpected event can bring benefits in relationships or finance, but grounding these developments requires mindfulness, flexibility, and mental calm so that we can seize the opportunity.
These may not come easily with squares from Sun and Moon to restless Mars. Don’t succumb to rebellious or feisty impulses. Others may seem irritating, but their cooperation is important, even when exiting familiar scenarios or situations.
The intentions we clarify and projects we move on are blessed, particularly those that combine Virgo’s mission of healing and improvement with these individualistic transits, such as:
- Changes in our work situation
- Adjustments in commitments to suit new circumstances
- New, alternative approaches to healing a chronic condition
- Commitment to a new approach to devotion
- Organizing a strategy for work, finance or healing
- Garnering support for a new approach to finance or healing
- Strengthening our ability to express our needs and ask for support
At 4-5° Virgo, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
I give thanks for the positive spiritual forces that surround me, guide me and protect me, now and always.
Sunday, August 28
Together, the numerology of 1 and today’s transits favor striking out with a new kind of action. With Moon in diligent Virgo and strong Saturn influences, today’s tone is serious and its influences potentially constructive.
We may feel restricted in love or finance as fun-addict Venus perfects her opposition to strict Saturn. We can identify our affectual and material needs and make a plan to work for them. We may choose to take a rest from distracting communications or contacts, and perhaps make a budget to support our long-term goals.
Afternoon and evening favor spiritual healing, visualization, enjoying music or film and devotional activities, starting at 4:27 pm (7:27 ET), when Moon opposes mystical Neptune, followed by a trine to transformative Pluto. Psychic sensitivity is triggered, be selective of your company and surroundings.
Make important connections and take key actions before 9:08 pm (11:08 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
Archangel Michael, surround me we your sapphire light and shield me from draining influences now.
Monday, August 29
At 2:45 am (5:45 ET), Moon enters socially adept Libra. Morning is favorable for people connections. We can share breakfast with friends or a love object, do teamwork, work on PR or something involving justice.
At 10:10 am (12:10 pm), Moon joins messenger Mercury, improving our chances of effective connection and facilitating money dealings—reviewing a bank statement, settling an account, or negotiating/closing a contract or deal.
At 12:50 pm (3:50 ET), diplomacy takes a back seat as Moon trines assertive Mars. This is a brave combination that supports doing something heroic for a family member or a defending a vulnerable group. It also favors doing non-extreme exercise, weeding the garden, and decluttering the kitchen or home.
As for more harmonious connections, if we couldn’t make them this morning, we can try again after 4:00 pm (7:00 ET), when Moon opposes expansive Jupiter—flirty Libra meets hot Aries. We can turn up the temperature on a date or at home with our honey. For that matter, this combination sends electricity through any interaction, favoring communications for service, business, friendship, inspiration and love. This is also a great aspect for getting people to support a project or cause.
I am not lacking for support. Infinite love radiates through all situations, supporting me in them now.

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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