Free Daily Astrological Forecast, July 1–31, 2022
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday.
Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Friday, July 1
The month—and the weekend—start on a bang, as pushy Mars squares intense Pluto. On the upside, tensions and perhaps a confrontation can make us face the need to actively take the reins of our path of power. On the other hand, the bold, warrior nature of both planets may generate a clash so intense that self-awareness may seem difficult.
Fortunately, Moon harmonizes with sweet Venus and noble Jupiter: closer relationships and promotional or altruistic activities go well.
Despite these gentle transits, this is not the day to push a point, get in an argument, take on a tough negotiation, compete with other drivers on the road or for that matter, interact in any physical or confrontational way. The Mars-Pluto square can make the worst of a small problem and have destructive consequences.
That said, today can be great for reviewing how we can integrate more action into our own special path.
My brave actions affirm my faith and open my path of power now.
Saturday, July 2
Sun and Moon in artistic Leo combine with Mercury’s aspects to Saturn the worker and Neptune the dreamer to make today highly creative, particularly for communication or endeavors involving words.
Morning is the best time for connecting with others and sharing ideas, particularly in work or business. The rest of the day is best for independent creative activities.
Mars is still in square to Pluto, and yesterday’s cautions hold. Keep a low profile and make small but concrete moves on a long-term connection or project you want to last.
Nighttime is great for communication, with Moon in sextile in to Mercury at 9:43 pm (12:42 am ET).
Goddess Athena, protect me from distraction so I may consolidate my creative manifestations, now and always.
Sunday, July 3
Moon in Leo goes VOC at 2:59 am (5:59 ET), then enters diligent Virgo at 5:31 am (8:31 ET), where she helps us ground the positive potential of the still-active Mars-Pluto square.
Direct this energy of challenge in practical, independent tasks that call for drive: edit copy, clean the oven, weed the yard, solve a problem, review communications, finish an old project, take care of bureaucracy, declutter the week’s schedule in order to focus on true priorities.
Avoid being over-critical, making an error or judgment, or making a mountain out of a molehill. Save direct confrontation of any kind for another day.
I give thanks that divine love is at work in all my relationships now.
Monday, July 4
Although today is a holiday, the transits are great—not only for play, but also for work, and they’re much better than yesterday or tomorrow for people connections.
This is thanks to Moon in diligent Virgo and her great aspects: a sextile to Sun, square to sweet Venus, and a trine to Uranus.
The timing:
- Morning is great for creative activities, socializing, low-key fun and a romantic connection of a serious type.
- At 4:23 pm (7:23 ET), Moon trines cutting-edge Uranus in Taurus, sign of abundance. This harmony favors persistent efforts to innovate in work, business and investment.
- Late tonight we get two planetary shifts: Mars leaves the restless terrain of Aries and enters into the slow, sensual ground of Taurus, while Mercury leaves quick Gemini, moving into the touchy, intuitive realm of Cancer.
Archangel Michael, please direct my attention and actions in resonance with today’s promise, now.
Tuesday, July 5
Mercury, freshly into Cancer, harmonizes with Mars in Taurus: this morning is propitious for making changes in one’s home, taking intuitively-guided action in business, or promoting something related to women, real-estate, or self-development.
At 11:04 am (2:04 pm ET), Luna goes VOC on a trine to Pluto that combines with this afternoon’s transits to favor inner work, as it helps us get to the bottom of something, find a deeper level of healing, or visualize wealth.
At 4:25 pm (7:25 ET), Moon enters creative Libra. This placement tends to be sociable, but her tensions to Mars and Mercury can accent her feisty side. Focus on independent creative work, prepare a negotiation, or do armchair activism. Save potentially tense encounters for another day.
I’m not alone or without representation and defense, the Divine Defender is with me, working to ensure just outcomes in all my situations now.
Wednesday, July 6
Moon in affable Libra opposes Jupiter, planet of expansion, in assertive Aries, facilitating angel connections, generating charm, and energizing our efforts to publicize or promote a cause, service, or product.
If we can steer clear of potentially heated arguments, this combination blends nicely with today’s numerology of 6—also related to Jupiter—favoring gatherings and bringing a touch of luck to our communications. Fun, romance and business can go well.
At 7:14 pm (10:14 ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter, a great time to pause and review our progress on intentions we seeded and projects we started at last week’s new Moon. In the chart for today’s lunation, Moon makes a grand air trine with Venus and Saturn, supporting lasting connections with people, ideas, communication.
At 14-15 Libra, the Sabian symbol is:
CIRCULAR PATHS. Coming to terms with the inevitability of steady rhythms of social activity… that may either… bind or free the consciousness of the actor. BOREDOM or TRANSPERSONAL PEACE in action.
At 10:54 pm (1:54 am ET), Moon trines ruler Venus, awakening feelings of love and favoring a heart-to-heart talk and even romance.
My path is made of divine substance that supports me and lifts me up now and always.
Thursday, July 7
Moon in thoughtful Libra blends with today’s numerology of 7—emphasizing mental activity—to favor efforts involving justice, compromise, teamwork and negotiation. Make a court appearance, review bank statements, research options in home décor.
At 12:18 pm (3:18 ET), Moon trines stable Saturn, giving us a couple of especially good hours for legal and financial concerns, PR, and business connections.
At 3:03 pm (5:06 ET), Moon makes a quincunx to mysterious Neptune followed by a square to tough Pluto. The rest of the afternoon and evening favors independent spiritual or creative endeavors.
At 6:04 pm (9:04 ET), Moon goes VOC in Libra. Save key actions, communications and purchases for after 10:15 pm (1:15 am ET), when Luna enters deep Scorpio.
There is no lack in Spirit, so there can be no lack for me, here and now.
Friday, July 8
Moon in Scorpio stokes the steam bath of deep emotion. With Scorpio Moon, the best connections are those that go beyond the surface and have to do with intimacy, healing and positive change.
Early this morning, Luna opposes Scorpio’s co-ruler Mars: communications can be tense. They get easier after 10:31 am (1:31 pm ET), when Moon trines Mercury the messenger.
From there she rolls into aspect with expansive Jupiter, making the rest of the day positive for reaching out to others in courageous ways.
Guardian angel (or spirit guides), please help me know what I’m feeling and express it in kind ways now.
Saturday, July 9
Moon is in Scorpio, where she intensifies feelings, making us secretive yet strong on this day of emotional swings. At 4:10 am (7:10 ET), she makes a pleasant trine to Sun, and our confidence flows.
The harmony is broken at 5:34 am (8:34 ET), when Luna opposes rebel Uranus.
Three hours later, at 8:38 am (11:38 ET), life again turns sweet as Luna aspects Venus. We can express our love and passion and enjoy great communication with someone that counts.
At 4:04 pm (7:04 ET), things cool off as Moon makes a square to demanding Saturn, a tough aspect that can fuel guilt trips, and in fixed signs, stubbornness.
At 5:56, Moon trines sensitive Neptune, making for a lovely, dreamy evening. This psychic joining is best shared with select, positive company, or that of angels and spirit guides, which we can call on tonight. It also favors spiritual healing and spiritual activities. Use these energies before 9:34 pm (12:34 am ET), when Moon goes VOC.
I praise the healing forces that work brilliantly in my body, now and always.
Sunday, July 10
At 1:34 am (4:34 ET), Moon enters optimistic Sagittarius and the atmosphere becomes more sociable.
A few hours later, Sun in fertile Cancer sextiles Uranus in abundant Taurus, awakening intuition that guides us on new paths in business, emotional wellness and in general new growth.
Mid-morning, Luna makes a quincunx to feisty Mars, good for activism or organizing an adventure but not so hot on diplomacy, harmony or interpersonal connection.
At 3:02 pm (6:02 ET), the charm and luck of Moon in Sag prevail as she trines Sag’s ruler, Jupiter. Now we can successfully:
- Connect with angels and people
- Promote something
- Go on an adventure
- Motivate others
- Work on a legal matter
- Give a class
- Hold a business meeting
- Negotiate something requiring diplomacy
- Garner support for a cause
- Spend time outdoors
- Throw a party
Omnipotent love touches me through all situations, and everything works to benefit me now.
Monday, July 11
This morning, Moon in bold Sag connects with Uranus, the genius planet, fueling our creativity and opening the way to find new solutions in business, education and investment.
Afternoon and evening favor socializing, romance, PR and promotional activities as Moon opposes love-planet Venus and sextiles constructive Saturn, giving staying power to our conversations, negotiations and work.
These influences are worth jumping on, as at 6:42 pm (9:42 ET), Moon makes a square to mystical Neptune in her home sign Pisces. After this, contact with people may bring confusion. However, contacts with angels can be great, as can spiritual activities in general, particularly those related to light beings, forgiveness, visualization, dream work, intuition, and astral travel.
I give thanks for the positive spiritual forces that surround, guide and support me, now and always.
Tuesday, July 12
At 2:01 am (5:01 ET), Moon enters practical Capricorn. This is a productive, practical placement. We can pause to get grounded and organized, and plan our priorities and action steps.
At 10:12 am (1:12 pm ET), we can act on these steps as Cap Moon harmonizes with assertive Mars in grounded Taurus. This earth trine is great for making tangible headway in practical manifestations.
At 3:07 pm (6:07 ET), Moon squares expansive Jupiter. With Moon in ambitious Capricorn and Jupiter in motivated Aries, we are moved to share motivation, optimism, projects, or a promotion of some kind. Our enthusiasm is contagious and can light a fire under people. Caution: avoid overdoing it or coming off as bossy.
At 9:28 pm (12:28 am ET), Venus, planet of love and values, trines Saturn. This wonderful harmony gives staying power to our social, romantic, and financial initiatives. Decide what matters and move on it.
Divine activity moves through me, producing finished results now.
Wednesday, July 13
Moon becomes Full in Capricorn, pulling us up by our bootstraps, out of Cancer Sun’s emotional tidepool so that we can structure our lives.
Today’s transits and the chart for this lunation support both tradition and innovation:
- A trine from Venus to Saturn facilitates progress in relationships, finance and lasting values,
- A sextile from Mercury to Uranus, planets of higher and lower mind, brings fresh contacts and facilitates new perspectives, and
- Harmonies from Moon to cosmic Neptune and Uranus, planets of faith healing and spiritual brotherhood, facilitate numinous connections, inspiration, and healing.
It’s really a great day to use this lunation, known as the Buck Moon. Traditionally, the Buck Moon marks a season when bucks’ horns have acquired more evident growth, a sign of masculine strength that resonates with Capricorn’s patriarchal prowess. This is a time to father ourselves, applying our spiritual and material wisdom to focus on establishing a secure place in the world. We can choose which activities contribute to our long-term goals and release those that are not so vital, shoring up our infrastructure, professional image and commitment to our own well-being and that of our family.
Ignore the extraneous. Hone in, strategize, organize and set things in motion before 9:17 pm (12:17 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC.
The Sabian symbol for the Full Moon’s degree of 21-22 Capricorn says:
IN A HOSPITAL, THE CHILDREN’S WARD IS FILLED WITH TOYS. The responsibility of society for the welfare and health of the new generation… There is… constant need for TENDER CARE as well as skill to neutralize the destructive tensions of social living.
I find joy in following through for myself and my dear ones now.
Thursday, July 14
This is another mystical, magical day. Still in yesterday’s Full Moon portal, Moon enters Aquarius at 1:13 am (4:13 ET).
Venus and Neptune, planets of personal and spiritual love, make a square, lighting up the heart chakra, fueling contacts with angels, and awakening positive imagination and feelings of compassion and romance.
With Venus still in orb of yesterday’s trine to Saturn, we can experience tangible results in our dreams, spiritual progress, altruistic endeavors, and creative projects.
The most favorable times to make headway are before 11:39 am (2:49 pm), at which point Moon squares feisty Mars, fueling impatience and defensive reactions, or, after 2:30 pm (5:30 ET), when Luna triggers a lovely sextile to fortunate Jupiter, making afternoon and evening great for connecting with people, closing a sale, promoting something of a spiritual or creative nature, or obtaining the support of a key person or group.
Thank You, Great Spirit, for filling my connections and situations with infinite good, here and now.
Friday, July 15
With Moon in rebellious Aquarius sparking a series of tensions, today favors independent creative activities, ideally, an intellectual pursuit or researching something related to our best interests. A focus on independent efforts strengthens discipline, and supports organizing or structuring research and intellectual efforts.
Venus makes a quincunx to intense Pluto, triggering change in relationship, finances and values. This is a great aspect for shadow work, therapy, journaling and healing our self-esteem with the energy of love.
If you must make key contacts with others, try to do it between after 12:25 pm (3:25 ET), and before 3:27 pm (6:27 ET), when Moon joins stern Saturn. In Aquarius, this aspect can fuel dogmatism, stubbornness and depression. Connections can also flower after 9:36 pm (12:36 am ET), when Moon trines Venus, releasing a flow of love.
I give thanks that I am guided and supported by infinite good, now and always.
Saturday, July 16
With Moon in Pisces, this is a creative day, and also—with aspects between Sun, Mercury and Saturn—a practical one.
We can structure our ideas and communications, integrating Pisces’ imagination to inspire us in powerful prayers, creative writing, and charming ways of presenting an idea, proposal or plan. With today’s intellectual numerology of 7, we can enrich these activities by reading or research.
Interactions go best after 12:38 pm (3:38 ET), when Moon joins Mercury.two hours later, her sextile to bold Mars strengthens us to ask for what we want, defend a loved one, or promote something.
Angels of inspiration, please open new mental vistas for me now.
Sunday, July 17
This is an important day. Today’s numerology of 8 favors consolidation of tangible results, while Mercury and Sun have left strict Saturn behind and now move to harmonize with mystical Neptune, ruler of Moon in creative Pisces.
It’s a great day for producing a spiritual event or something related to music or art, something inspiring and other-worldly but that also precipitates a new level of tangible achievement. Think big, and move on your mission.
At 11:43 pm (2:43 am), Moon sextiles Pluto: tonight’s dreams are powerful and can be healing. Also late tonight, Venus enters Cancer, strengthening empathy and inspiring tenderness.
Affirmation for healing dreams:
Forest spirits of the planet, please surround me while I sleep, and fill my dreams with your healing power throughout this night.
Monday, July 18
At 4:17 am (7:17 ET), Moon enters vibrant Aries. Her morning square to Venus sparks an Aphrodite effect, favoring brunch at a romantic spot or breakfast between the sheets. This square also favors people connections in general, while the rest of the day accents our talent but isn’t so high on diplomacy, except for a few hours tonight when charm comes back online.
Today’s numerology of 9 gives a philosophic touch to Aries’ adventuresome energy: we can have a hands-on spiritual experience, like walking in nature, hugging trees, going to a 12-step group, visiting a sacred site or ancient building, or pursuing a quest such as going on a pilgrimage, or hunting for a rare book.
Mercury opposes Pluto, a great influence for research, journaling, shadow work, therapy, and using affirmations or mantras to heal ourselves.
At 7:35 pm (10:35 ET), communications are again favored as Moon joins cheerful, charismatic Jupiter. Moon in Aries is ruled by Mars, who with Jupiter makes a great promotional team. We can make positive connections with special others or the public, who tend to respond with enthusiasm. Also favored are study, teaching, foreign dealings, and publication.
No condition can keep infinite intelligence from expressing through me clearly, now and always.
Tuesday, July 19
Our confidence and leadership grow and give new life to a previous or current project. But, keep tabs on the ol’ ego.
Moon in pioneering Aries fuses with today’s leadership numerology of 1 to favor starting something or taking the reins of a project or of our lives.
At 5:35 am (8:36 ET), Mercury shifts from sensitive Cancer to radiant Leo—the messenger planet comes out of the shadows, imbuing our voices with force and fun.
Against this fiery backdrop, an opposition from Sun to ballbreaker Pluto takes on a tougher edge. We are emboldened to get to the bottom of something, connect with someone powerful, start a petition, participate in an online protest, or write to Congress. The Sun-Pluto opposition can push sense of personal power into ego-overwhelm. Focus on independent or distance endeavors, be prepared to avoid unnecessary arguments, and keep sarcasm and anger in check.
Today’s most productive influence comes late: at 11:28 pm (2:28 ET), Moon sextiles Saturn the builder. If you happen to be up for it, tap into your business instinct and send emails or structure a negotiation or presentation.
The one true power is Omnipotent Love, which benefits everyone I influence, here and now.
Wednesday, July 20
Early this morning, Moon squares intense Pluto. There may be emotional tension, yet we can also face, see, and work on our emotions. Journal, analyze dreams, use positive affirmations. Things get easier at 7:19 am (10:19 ET), when Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning the last week of her cycle—a week to finish what we’ve begun before.
The Sabian symbol at 28 Aries says:
A LARGE AUDIENCE CONFRONTS A PERFORMER WHO DISAPPOINTED ITS EXPECTATIONS. The necessity for mature preparation and self-criticism… The performer… is made fully aware of having promised to the many parts of… [her] own personality as well as perhaps to other human beings, more than [she] can deliver. The issue is how to handle this situation.
In the chart for this lunation, Moon and Sun make a close T-square with intense Pluto, indicating that this final lunar quarter can be deeply transformative. There is a bravery and willingness to confront what seems to block our way. We can face our shadows, set a limit and apply tough love to ourselves and others to get the job done.
Morning is good for decluttering, reviewing our progress, weeding out nonessential activities, and clarifying action steps to tackle our priorities, perhaps to follow through on the promises we’ve made to ourselves and others, as signaled in the Sabian symbol.
Connections with others go better after 11:23 am (2:23 pm ET), when Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. We can also focus on tangible, lasting results, lease or rent property, or take care of home affairs.
At 6:17 pm (9:17 ET), Moon sextiles Taurus’ ruler Venus, planet of love and finance, making tonight the best time for connections. We can socialize, go on a date, do business or share enjoyment of art, food, music or nature.
I praise the joy that flows for me and for all life, here and now.
Thursday, July 21
At 9:06 am (12:06 pm ET), Moon joins pushy Mars. This aspect can bring emotional hurt, so steer clear of iffy connections. On the upside, it can work well with the Taurus Moon—spurring us out of our comfort zone and moving us to take action for improvement of our home, finances, and relationship with nature. The Taurus Moon supports abundant results.
It’s Sun’s last day in Cancer: before acting, pause to consult your intuition.
Divine love works through my financial situation generating rich benefits for me and for all involved now.
Friday, July 22
With Moon exalted in abundant Taurus and Sun enjoying his last hours in fertile Cancer, this morning is good for doing business and getting organized to focus on finishing something, particularly something related to finances, real estate, and home concerns.
At 12:45 pm (3:45 ET), the energies shift as Moon in Taurus makes a sextile to Neptune, planet of dreams. Use the opportunity to promote a spiritual activity, product or service; knock on a key door related to such promotion or to something creative; go live on social networks, or work on a media production.
At 1:07 pm (4:07 ET), Sun enters Leo, fueling romance and self-expression, strengthening our confidence, and supporting Leonian creative and promotional activities.
At 4:45 pm (7:45 ET), Moon trines Pluto—great for doing business, organizing finances, tending to investments, and taking a bold step to consolidate something that you want to last. With Sun in romantic Leo, this aspect can fuel passion and make for a hot date.
The lust subsides at 10:11 pm (1:11 am ET), when Moon enters loquacious Gemini, great for pillow talk, messaging, sending emails, or playing table games.
Spirit expresses through me in healing ways, now and always.
Saturday, July 23
This is a great day for communications in both pleasure and work.
Moon in Gemini favors corresponding, messaging, giving a presentation or speech, redaction, writing letters, sales, obtaining and signing contracts, or making a business trip.
The results of these activities are blessed by a trine from Moon’s ruler Mercury to expansive Jupiter, who loves to broadcast and can capture your public’s imagination as it gives your message a charismatic touch and widens your audience.
Also, Moon will keep this trine fresh as she makes afternoon sextiles to both Mercury and Jupiter, adding emotional charm to the mix and heightening our verbal skills as she favors great results from whatever we decide to publicize, show or promote.
If you don’t have work or a cause to promote, these transits also bring pleasure to study and teaching, and favor throwing a party or connecting in happy ways with others, particularly neighbors, colleagues, clients, or siblings.
My connections are made of divine substance that works to benefit me and all involved, now and always.
Sunday, July 24
On the doorstep of tomorrow’s great love aspect from Venus to Jupiter, Moon in verbal Gemini favors socializing, romance and word-centered spiritual practice.
Today’s numerology of 6 is also related to Jupiter, giving a special protection to whatever we do. Seek out a sibling, colleague or someone else you’ve been intending to contact. Have fun, write notes of appreciation, obtain a contract, use goddess mantras and positive affirmations, and write down your intentions for love and abundance.
My clear intentions open a quantum space for the best and highest outcomes now.
Monday, July 25
Moon is VOC through early afternoon. Apply these untethered VOC energies in metta or another heart-centered spiritual practice, take yourself to brunch or on a nature walk, or indulge in something tasty like dark chocolate, a movie or a romance novel.
At 1:54, Moon enters Cancer, accentuating the emotional impact of a square from Venus, lady of love, values and money, to Jupiter, lord of luck and expansion. This connection between the two benefics of the solar system precipitates waves of kindness and good fortune. Charm, sweetness, romance, and lust are in the air. A creative approach to business and finance can bring great dividends. Artistry surges in promotional activities. We can beautify an ad program or web design. There’s a magic in connections on any level, whether you’re sitting on the couch with your honey, producing a viral post, or cavorting with spirit guides.
Avoid overspending, making a drastic change in your appearance, or getting carried away by a tall, dark Tinder match.
I am not alone, (name of group or person you wish to bless) is not alone. Divine love flows to me and to her/him through the best and highest channels, now and always.
Tuesday, July 26
Yesterday’s Venus-Jupiter square remains in force and is triggered by Moon’s aspects to both planets, and yesterday’s tips still apply.
However, Venus/Jupiter’s charms are somewhat attenuated by Mercury’s square to belligerent Mars, exact at 12:13 pm (3:13 ET). Pay attention to diplomacy and avoid difficult connections, boastful attitudes or inadvertently coming off as arrogant. What this square and a later sextile from Moon to Mars bring is nerve: to say what we really think, to knock on a door, to defend a loved one, and to ask for what we need. Before speaking, think things through, and before snapping at someone, breathe deeply.
We can shut out distraction and finish something, or declutter our datebook, inbox and papers in preparation for Thursday’s New Moon.
I hold to my vision, and divine substance gathers to manifest it now.
Wednesday, July 27
This morning we may feel a bit slow, as Moon in emotional Cancer makes a quincunx to demanding Saturn. Be easy on yourself, put your workspace or bookshelf in order, review bureaucracy that needs taking care of, but do it calmly, almost like going through the motions.
Things start flowing more easily after 1:58 pm (4:58 ET), when Moon trines dreamy Neptune. Intuition, imagination and empathy are activated. Consult your guides, do dream yoga, enjoy music or nature, go to the beach, be there for someone—in prayer, with an empathetic gesture, or just by listening. Visualize, gather images for a vision board in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon.
I center in the will to serve, and angels gather to support my intention now.
Thursday, July 28
The New Moon is exact at 10:55 am (1:55 pm ET).
Giving a spiritual twist to this lunation, Jupiter stations to retrograde. When it comes to faith, inspiration, wisdom and fortune, we’ll be looking within. In Aries, we’ll be more self-motivated. In fact the closest aspect Moon makes in the chart for this lunation is a trine to Jupiter, a protective influence that, with Jupiter in retrograde, relates to retrieving our inner genie—the independent beliefs and confidence that keep us on a high vibration and allow our good to flow unobstructed. Leo is about confidence, and this lunation favors nurturing our spirit and self-esteem in ways that support creativity, luck, joy and the legacy we which to leave.
At 5-6 Leo, the Sabian symbol says:
A CONSERVATIVE, OLD-FASHIONED LADY IS CONFRONTED BY A HIPPY GIRL. The need to transcend our subservience to fashion, in morals as well as in clothes… the impermanence of most of what society seeks to impress on our collective mentality… THE RELATIVITY OF SOCIAL VALUES.
New values, as well as beliefs and confidence are also present through the influence of Venus, planet of values and the sacred feminine. She’s still in orb of her square to Jupiter and sextiles innovative Uranus, active Mars and North Node—related to the future.
Mental Mercury squares rebel Uranus, stimulating our higher acuities along with our urge to question the status quo. This portal lasts for another 2½ days and favors getting involved with a cause—such as reworking the recent Roe v. Wade outcome or another that requires an evolution of social values in general and of women in particular.
Find and voice your values. Gather the resources you need to retrieve your confidence. Go within and reinforce the beliefs that support your light, your life and your joy.
This is a good day to start something and to write down intentions for new manifestations, particularly in relation to:
- Success in creativity
- Freedom from obsolete traditions
- Our children or legacy
- Romance
- Shaking off limiting thought patterns and beliefs
- Speaking our authentic voice
- Self-esteem and expression
- Heart intelligence
The best time to publish our ideas and connect with others is after 5:03 pm (8:03 ET), when Moon makes a trine to Jupiter, planet of promotion and good will.
I connect with my intention, and Infinite Intelligence opens doors of new good through me, here and now.
Friday, July 29
Moon in strong Leo squares feisty Mars and rebellious Uranus. We can clear the decks to open the way for our New Moon priorities, review and tweak our intentions, gather visualization and reading materials, start a new journaling practice, set limits to focus on what really matters, or connect with a coach.
In general, independent activities are more favorable until after 4:49 pm (7:49 ET), when Moon’s conjunction to Mercury supports connections with others—to have fun, share love or heart-centered spiritual practice, hang out with offspring, or work on something creative.
Make key contacts and take productive action before 9:29 pm (12:29 am ET), when Moon goes VOC
Archangel Michael, please direct me in my true priorities now.
Saturday, July 30
This morning, take some time to rest, chill and enjoy. Moon will be VOC until 11:11 am (2:11 pm), when she enters productive Virgo.
This grounded, diligent placement is great for taking practical steps to manifest our New Moon intentions.
We can also reorganize our space, medicine closet, schedule and life, make a list of goals in finance and health and of pending communications, work on cleaning or self-healing, and connect with our spirit of service.
Moon’s tensions to stern Saturn, mysterious Neptune and intense Pluto planets aren’t so great for personal interaction, which tomorrow’s stars favor.
I give thanks for time with myself, and I use it wisely now.
Sunday, July 31
A wee-hour opposition from messenger Mercury to demanding Saturn may cause us to feel stilted when expressing ourselves. However, Jupiter and Venus, the two benefics, prevail to make this a fun, expansive, and perhaps romantic day.
Sun trines Jupiter, bringing a surge in confidence, while Moon also contacts Jupiter and makes a sextile to Venus, planet of love. These influences are highly beneficial for all kinds of interactions: for fun, business, publicity, legal dealings, love and with Moon in Virgo, a service project, healing, a stable relationship or something useful.
My clear intention opens a quantum space and no person or condition can close it now.

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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