Free Daily Astrological Forecast, May 1–31, 2022
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday.
Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Still in the eye of yesterday’s Eclipse, Venus perfects her sextile to Pluto. Opportunities arise for transformation of relationships, self-esteem, and finances. With Pluto retrograde, these opportunities can be healing.
Someone influential can be decisively supportive: knock on a key door. We can make positive changes in business, in financial administration, with a profitable investment, or through a connection that leads to improvement in the above areas. Since we’re on the Eclipse portal, it’s best not to come on like a storm or put our life savings in a new venture just yet. Take a small but firm step to set things in motion.
This is the last full day Venus will be in Taurus, earth sign of her rule. Also, Moon is on a roll tonight, triggering harmonies to romantic Neptune, fortunate Jupiter, powerful Pluto and Venus herself through dawn tomorrow. So if we have the stamina (or enough strong coffee), we can stay up into the wee hours and do business, journal for healing, create a dream board, write affirmations for prosperity, connect with angels, message with our honey, or make love.
Divine love is at work in all my situations, and only good can come from them now.
The tone shifts as Moon leaves mysterious and sensual Taurus, at 3:47 am (6:47 ET), entering bright and busy Gemini, and joining ruler Mercury at 8:50 am (11:05 ET).
Communications flow. We can study, take care of paperwork, connect with neighbors, colleagues and siblings, promote something, close a deal, craft words.
We’re in a vortex of power portals that include the Solar Eclipse, yesterday’s sextile from Venus to Pluto, and tomorrow’s sextile from expansive Jupiter to Pluto. Try to stay focused on priorities and avoid frittering the precious energy away on gossip, distraction, or superficial connections.
At 7:10 pm (12:10 ET), Venus, goddess of love and values, enters assertive Aries, combining with Moon in Gemini to favor communications for sales and promotion.
I visualize new good, and hold a quantum space for its manifestation now.
Tuesday, May 3
The Eclipse portal is still in effect, bringing opportunities to move on our path of power as Jupiter, planet of expansion, fortune, and new horizons, perfect his sextile to intense Pluto.
Courageous, bold initiatives can open doors. We can move past blocks to long-standing challenges. Despite shyness, resistance, or self-doubt: reach out to a coach, someone you wish to reconcile with, or a potential colleague, patron, or market.
This influence can also be applied to deepen our spiritual gifts, although tomorrow’s sextile from dynamic Mars to erratic Uranus will be moving us to take brilliant action.
Moon in Gemini stresses communication.
Spirit moves me in confident, successful action now.
Wednesday, May 4
We can make great headway in work or something practical.
Bold Mars in dreamy Pisces sextiles wild and brilliant Uranus. This is a day to go off the beaten path and try a different approach to meet our goals. Pause to review options; listen to intuition. An alternative approach can bring a breakthrough.
Morning and midday are particularly good for communication, that is. before 1:37 pm (4:37 ET), when Moon goes VOC. Take a break to do wordles or crossword puzzles, send messages to friends, or read for pleasure. After 4:05 pm (7:05 ET), Luna enters Cancer, a placement that adds to the already intuitive mix and—like the rest of today’s energies—also favors business. Or, we might also organize the home or family activities.
Nighttime favors romance and sweet connections in general, as Moon squares Venus, planet of love.
I am firm in manifesting a divine outcome and my decision strengthens my actions and opens all doors now.
Thursday, May 5
It’s Cinco de Mayo, and a conjunction from Sun to rebel Uranus stokes our revolutionary spirit, or at least our need for independence.
This transit makes an interesting combination with Moon in domestic Cancer and today’s adventuresome numerology of 5. With it, we can:
- Break out of a family role
- Have an adventure with relatives
- Work on self-empowerment
- Embark on a new field of metaphysical or scientific study
- Look for a new place
- Declutter our existing one
- Move the furniture or try something new related to our living space.
Angels of evolution, please direct my inner and outer progress and move me to the best context for my current phase now.
Friday, May 6
Today’s numerology of 6 carries an optimistic Jupiterian influence that favors everything from partying and romance to business and enjoying family.
Mercury in Gemini, air sign of its rule, sextiles Venus in passionate Aries, putting energy, fire and charm into our connections.
Today’s Cancer Moon harmonizes with creative Sun, assertive Mars, and psychic Neptune, we can act on behalf of a loved one or a marginalized group, express our feelings or promote a spiritual or artistic project.
Nighttime is particularly favorable for meditation, prayer and connecting with spirit guides, dear ones that have moved on, and angels.
The love I radiate triggers true connections that appear naturally, here and now.
Saturday, May7
Today great for connections in love, business, teaching or artistic or cultural pursuits. At 4:50 am (7:50 ET), Moon enters passionate Leo. Leo’s ruler, Sun, makes a wee-hour sextile to assertive Mars, while Moon harmonizes with diplomatic Jupiter, expressive Mercury and sweet Venus, activating our full relationship potential.
Don’t just sit around waiting for things to happen—this is a day to follow an intuitive attraction for positive chemistry or shared ideals, and to stretch our confidence muscle as we reach out to others.
Also, this is the last day for great communication before fortunate Jupiter leaves Pisces, domicile of his dignity, next Tuesday. Let’s make those connections!
If you plan to celebrate Mother’s Day, today is more propitious than tomorrow.
Guardian Angel, please move me to connect in loving, effective ways now.
Sunday, May 8
If possible, celebrate Mother’s Day early—as in, yesterday—since today’s transits can stimulate productivity, but(!) they’re about as fun as cleaning the garage and as delectable as medicinal tea for your liver. Moon in “It’s me” Leo makes tensions to ruler Sun, feisty Mars and Uranus, the activist planet.
Stubbornness, arguments and cold self-interest may raise their ugly heads. The best thing is to focus on an independent project that takes willpower, or on armchair activism.
We can also research alternative viewpoints, do weeding, or clean the oven. The only “goodish” time for people connections is morning before 10:41 am (1:41 pm ET), when the Sun-Uranus squares starts today’s fires.
Moon reaches her Second Quarter at 5:21 pm (8:21 ET). This lunation favors a review of the intentions we set at last week’s Eclipse. The Sabian symbol for today’s lunation at 18-19 Leo says:
I give thanks for the time I have to work, pray and play, now and always.
Monday, May 9
If there’s a key connection to make or action to take, do it before 5:39 am (8:39 ET)—when Moon goes VOC—or after 3:53 pm (6:53 ET), when she enters Virgo.
The hours in between are good for journaling, doing art therapy, playing table games, taking in a funny movie, and enjoying one’s inner child.
After 3:53 pm (6:53 ET), we focus on self-care or follow through on work, a service initiative or pending communications.
Spirit renews my wellness, and I pause to connect with my divine healing now.
Tuesday, May 10
Mercury stations to go fully retrograde, while Jupiter is on the last, “anaretic” degree of Pisces until 4:22 pm (7:22 ET). Both influences accentuate intuition. We can consult a medium, our favorite oracle or our spirit guides, and apply our guidance in action steps. Moon in Virgo facilitates practical efforts and her contact to sweet Venus blesses our minds and relationships with loving energy.
Today’s numerology of 1 is strongly assertive, while Mercury retrograde is great for retrieving something we started previously. With Venus involved, that something might be a monogamous relationship, or other people-connections.
After Jupiter enters Aries, we can do follow up on promotional or sale efforts we began previously.
Divine substance manifests promotion of my services, here and now.
Wednesday, May 11
Moon in focused Virgo makes predominantly tense aspects that favor independent efforts to troubleshoot, work, and reorganize and complete old projects.
Luna’s early opposition to Mars can be irritating. If you can’t postpone people connections until tonight or tomorrow, the best window is the three hours starting at 7:02 am (10:02 ET), when Moon is trines Sun in grounded Taurus.
At 3:17 pm (6:17 ET), Luna makes an opposition to sensitive Neptune, setting the tone for prayer, angel connections and other modalities of spiritual healing. The number eleven opens a portal for angels to collect the love radiated by humans and use it to lift the planetary frequency, and this opposition fuels compassion and other forms of spiritual kindness.
At 9:00 pm (12:00 am ET), Moon goes VOC, entering sweet Libra at 11:34 pm (2:34 am ET), harmonizing relationships and favoring cuddles and passion.
I use my heart to love, and angels use this vibration in perfect ways now.
Thursday, May 12
This is a great day for people connections. Moon in socially adept Libra harmonizes with Mercury the messenger and connects with fortunate Jupiter and ruler Venus.
Good feelings flow, and benefit romance, socializing, teamwork, negotiating, handling a legal situation, or getting a good response for our ideas and social initiatives. See friends, send flowers, take someone out to dinner, make love.
I give thanks that angels bless my relationships with harmony and happiness, now and always.
Friday, May 13
Moon in Libra, sign of beautification, makes some minor tensions to feisty Mars, rebel Uranus and purposeful Sun. These aspects can dampen Libra Moon’s charm and accent her feisty side. People connections aren’t necessarily bad, but social waters may be a little choppy.
Independent, creative activities go great, as do efforts to decorate or beautify our space or add a special touch to our work.
Divine love permeates my world and generates beauty around me and through me now.
Saturday, May14
At 1:07 am (4:07 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Scorpio at 3:34 am (6:34 ET).
We are in the portal of Sunday/Monday’s Lunar Eclipse.
Moon makes tense aspects to ruler bold Pluto, to Jupiter and to Mercury, accenting the antisocial side of her placement in Scorpio. We may feel bold, but our communications may not be kind or effective. What does go well is digging: in our garden for weeds, in our family history for hidden information, in a channeling session for messages from beyond, at an archeological site, and within ourselves for patterns to be healed—with therapy, journaling, positive prayer, dream interpretation and/or shadow work.
Let the truth be revealed in this situation now!!!
Sunday, May 15
On tonight’s Eclipse portal, Full Moon in Scorpio deepens our emotional experience.
We feel courageous, but since Eclipses can be drastic, it’s advisable to give ourselves a breather before doing something rash. However, Scorpio’s deep perception can help us face a problem, and—asking for guidance—take simple action to set a solution into motion.
Sun makes a square to Saturn, a stern aspect that can trigger guilt trips and that is somewhat offset by Sun’s lovely sextile to magical Neptune, which fuels creativity and—with Sun in fertile Taurus—brings opportunities for positive manifestation.
Altogether, it’s a constructive day for creativity, re-organization and tangible progress towards manifestation.
The best hours for people connections (preferably constructive, creative, or spiritual) are from the Neptune sextile at 12:15 pm (3:15 ET), until Moon trines pushy Mars at 6:02 pm (9:02 ET), when we’re better off retreating into our own, quiet space, working in the garden or taking a distance coaching session.
The Eclipse is exact at 9:14 pm (12:14 am ET). In the chart for this lunation, Moon harmonizes with ruler Pluto, magical Neptune and fortunate Jupiter, facilitating freedom from limitation, dark secrets, hidden wounds and long-standing karmic issues.
However, Mars is sneaking up on Neptune, and we may discover that rather than Prince Charming, we’re sleeping with the enemy. Aggressions can be sugared-coated, or an apparently nice situation can turn slippery. Avoid crowds, driving on wet highways, swimming in a shark zone, participating in a seance, or walking in a dark alley. Save partying, using mind-altering substances or visiting a stranger’s loft for another occasion.
At 25-26 Scorpio, the Sabian symbol says:
AMERICAN INDIANS MAKING CAMP AFTER MOVING INTO A NEW TERRITORY… The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements… She who lives in harmony with nature, moving on as new needs arise, finds herself intuitively at home everywhere. She does not make demands upon life, for she has identified herself with the great rhythms of the biosphere and she functions at peace with what they produce. This is the message of the American Indian culture which European invaders so wantonly and meaninglessly destroyed nearly everywhere. Western man has lost faith in life because he wants to dominate and enslave manifestations.
My world is made of divine substance, so I’m in the best place, now and always.
Monday, May 16
Moon goes VOC at 3:28 am (5:28 ET), entering expansive Sagittarius at 4:50 am (7:50 ET), making an emboldening combination as she perfects her harmonies to Pluto and Jupiter. Last night’s Eclipse activated the South Node, related to the past. We can finish something, close a cycle, move on to a new phase. Be bold, but gentle.
The harmonies begin early, at 3:28 am (5:28 ET), making morning the best time to connect with others, before 10:19 am (1:19 ET), when she makes an opposition to Mercury, planet of communication.
I am worthy of confidence and success, so I move on my path of power now.
Monday, May 16
Moon goes VOC at 3:28 am (5:28 ET), entering expansive Sagittarius at 4:50 am (7:50 ET), making an emboldening combination as she perfects her harmonies to Pluto and Jupiter. Last night’s Eclipse activated the South Node, related to the past. We can finish something, close a cycle, move on to a new phase. Be bold, but gentle.
The harmonies begin early, at 3:28 am (5:28 ET), making morning the best time to connect with others, before 10:19 am (1:19 ET), when she makes an opposition to Mercury, planet of communication.
I am worthy of confidence and success, so I move on my path of power now.
Tuesday, May 17
Morning connections from Moon to independent Uranus and Venus, planet of love and money, facilitate business and people connections that resonate with our new, chosen direction.
Moon in Sagittarius triggers optimistic vibrations, combining with power-number 8 to favor: work on trade, a promotion, correspondence, a legal matter, diplomacy or holding a business meeting.
Around 8:00 pm (12:00 am ET), Moon’s squares to Mars and Neptune can bring conflict, and after that, Moon will go VOC. Leave key actions and connections for another day and focus on low-profile, independent Sagittarius activities like enjoying nature, a hot tub, prophetic dreaming, or study.
Divine love flows through my life path like a river, touching me through the best and highest channels, now and always.
Wednesday, May 18
Moon in resourceful Capricorn helps ground the potentially slippery influence of sharp Mars as he joins mysterious Neptune. Present in Sunday’s Eclipse chart, as we said about it then, “aggressions can be sugared-coated or an apparently nice situation can turn slippery. Avoid: crowds, driving on wet highways, swimming in a shark zone, participating in a séance or walking in a dark alley. Save partying, using mind-altering substances or visiting a stranger’s loft for another occasion.”
On the upside, this conjunction is great for promoting something related to spirituality, healing or creativity. Mars can give fantasy-prone Neptune some needed testosterone; we can release perfectionism and share our inspiration. Add a pinch of Capricorn strategy and put your ideas out just like you have ‘em—you can always go back to fix and correct. With Mercury retrograde, you probably will anyway.
I call on the angels and goddesses of protection to shield me in their protective, blue light, here and now!
Thursday, May 19
On this high-energy day, we can make progress in business, enjoy loving exchanges, use words to promote something, and have high-vibrational prayer.
Sun in prosperous Taurus trines godfather-planet Pluto in Capricorn, infusing us with confidence and courage that we can apply in practical ways.
This morning, Moon in executive Capricorn trines innovative Uranus—also in Taurus—blending with the Sun-Pluto trine to thrust us ahead on our evolving path, particularly in relation to the material world and our personal empowerment.
At 1:02 pm (4:02 ET), Moon squares Venus, planet of love, awakening heart energy, sweetening our vibrations, and harmonizing our connections. This is a great afternoon to share with family, with a loved one, or in nature with plant spirits. Communications and encounters have a special magic, as do metta and other heart-centered meditations and affirmations.
Perhaps the most beneficial of all today’s aspects is a sextile from Mercury the messenger to can’t-shut-‘m-up Jupiter. Our thoughts and words flow with ease. We can study, teach, give a talk, make a presentation, hit and inspire the right audience… This harmony is great for promotion and communication of all kinds. Mantras, affirmations and prayers open doors of higher beliefs and connect us with spirit guides and angels.
I call on plant spirits everywhere to spread their healing energies around the planet now.
Friday, May 20
At 5:00 am (8:00 am ET), Moon goes VOC in Capricorn, entering curious Aquarius at 5:53 am (8:53 ET).
The rest of the morning and midday are great for communication, giving a presentation, going live on social media or promoting something. Moon trines Mercury the messenger and sextiles outgoing Jupiter, planet of publicity and good will.
Afternoon favors connecting with friends, going to a new place, thinking outside the box, trying a new way of doing things.
At 6:23 pm (9:23 ET), Sun shifts from Taurus, sign of manifestation, to Gemini, sign of communication.
Archangel Michael, please touch my throat chakra and unleash my voice of power now.
Saturday, May 21
This morning and midday, creativity is high and people connections may be difficult. Moon in rebellious Aquarius squares ruler Uranus. We can get in touch with our own authentic feelings and focus on self-care, contemplate and explore our options, come up with original material, or throw ourselves into research for an impending move, a career change, or home refinancing. Our rebellious spirit surges and can help us gain clarity for limits we can set, and close a cycle.
This somewhat radical influence tends to throw the baby out with the bathwater, which is why it’s better to process, create, and work on our own. At 12:18 pm (3:18 ET), socializing gets easier as Sun in loquacious Gemini joins ruler Mercury.
Tonight, things get sweet, as Moon makes a sextile to Venus, planet of love. We can have a heart-to-heart or enjoy a romantic interlude.
I turn to my inner well of peace and leave the rest to Spirit, here and now.
Sunday, May 22
At 12:19 am (3:19 ET), Moon goes VOC. Focus on low-key, creative activities or enjoy a good read with your coffee or tea, until 8:49 am (11:49 ET), when Moon enters sensitive Pisces. This placement makes an inspired atmosphere for this afternoon’s sextile from Mars to Pluto, a locomotive transit that facilitates courageous action and powerful progress. Get focused on your true priorities, those that inspire and lift you to a new level of confidence and fulfillment. If necessary, journal or consult a coach for this. Take some kind of action to get it in motion. Today’s numerology of 22 favors a service orientation and can expand the reach of our actions to touch the masses.
Focus on something you’ve had going for a while, or that you started before Mercury entered pre-retrograde shadow on April 23.
At 11:43 am (2:43 pm ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning the last week of her cycle, a time to finish things, wrap them up, and rest.
Angels of consolidation, please release me from distraction and move me to finish what I start, now and always.
Monday, May 23
This can be a highly productive day, good for independent action, creative inspiration, assertive communication and building lasting ties, values and financial improvement.
Sun makes a sextile to good-natured Jupiter, boosting our confidence, increasing our charm and infusing us with the ability to inspire and convince. Moon makes a sextile to innovative Uranus: follow your intuition to pursue cutting-edge trends in business, write down your brilliant ideas, and connect with original thinkers. Mercury the messenger makes a sextile to dynamic Mars, suggesting that we knock on doors, release perfectionism, and do assertive follow-up on communications, campaigning or sales and promotion we began sometime before April 23.
It’s worth focusing on relationships and business activities that matter. Venus, planet of love, approaches a sextile with firm Saturn, precipitating opportunities for lasting improvement in love, self-esteem and finances.
My seeds of faith bring a full harvest now.
Tuesday, May 24
This is a wonderfully dynamic day and one we don’t want to waste in distraction or—goddess forbid—doing housework.
Today’s numerology of 6—related to Jupiter—brings in vibrations of optimism, protection and prosperity.
Venus, planet of love and values, perfects her sextile to Saturn, planet of permanence. We can beautify our work and find a new level of love for it. And, we can make lasting improvements in our relationships, image and financial situation—for instance, we can straighten out a tax or legal concern.
An elder, teacher, coach or someone in a position of authority can be quite supportive.
Moon’s sextiles to Pluto and Mercury also bring opportunities. So focus on key communications and, with Mercury in retrograde, something begun previously that you want to ground more fully.
At 2:59 pm (5:39 ET), Moon enters restless Aries, strengthening our nerve. We can continue to take advantage of the opportunities triggered by today’s sextiles, take the reins of a situation, work on a short-term goal, push through resistance to get things done.
At 7:27 pm (10:27 ET), Moon joins expansive Jupiter. In Aries, this pairing is great for sales, promoting or campaigning.
I give thanks for my work and do it with love for myself and others now.
Wednesday, May 25
Moon in Aries gives us energy to move and take on a task. Today’s numerology of 25 spotlights mental activities like editing, re-reading a contract or decluttering the desk, papers, contacts, or bookshelves.
A trine from Mercury—planet of mind and words—to deep Pluto, gives power to our voice, combining the assertive energy of the waning Moon in Aries. We’re empowered to:
- Communicate our needs
- Research behind the scenes
- Use therapy, journaling and affirmations for healing
Remember an idea you’ve been trying to get across, write it down, if necessary—back it up with research—and get it across in whatever way is best (or whatever way you can), whether that is in writing, an email, a call, or message.
My words are not just ideas, they’re doors of power that Spirit uses to heal my world now.
Thursday, May 26
Today’s numerology of 8 pushes for results and Moon in Aries can take us there, but retrograde Mercury and Moon in her Fourth Quarter are best for things begun previously.
Moon sextiles constructive Saturn: we can get organized to take on a challenging task or make that final push to get something done, even if we need to simplify our approach in order to wrap it up.
At 8:00 pm (11:00 ET), Moon makes a lovely conjunction to Venus, planet of love. Get it while she’s hot, or at least cozy, since just 20 minutes later, Moon goes VOC on a square to intense Pluto. This uncomfortable transit is not conducive to romance or harmonious interaction, but, flavored by the contact with Venus, it can help us reach a deeper level of love for ourselves and forgiveness of others. Following Moon’s VOC at 8:00 pm (11:00 ET), save key connections and actions for after 11:22 pm (2:22 am ET), when Moon enters Taurus.
I see myself and others with love, and my sight has healing powers now.
Friday, May 27
Moon is exalted in Taurus.
Ruler Venus squares Pluto, making this a day of healing power. Be selective about who you spend time with, as relationships may be a testing ground.
Take courageous initiative to manifest a new level of self-esteem, renew a good flame, go to personal or couples therapy, or organize money or work on security and stability as acts of self-care.
Angels of love, please protect me from toxic connections and free me to divine relationships now.
Saturday, May 28
Moon in Taurus, sign of her exaltation, and a great influence for manifesting abundance and making tangible headway. On the portal of Monday’s New Moon, today’s numerology of 1 awakens our entrepreneurial or pioneering spirit. With Mercury in retrograde, and still under influence of ruler Venus’ square to Pluto, we can look at our issues around love and money: self-esteem, control issues, healing, need to grow our sense of worthiness. We can take assertive action to transform such concerns and reaffirm a direction we initiated—perhaps tentatively, perhaps repeatedly—sometime before April 23—when Mercury entered retrograde shadow.
This is also a good day to enjoy nature, review our relationship with the earth and with financial strategies (or lack thereof), in preparation for the upcoming New Moon.
I have a divine right to happiness, and I allow myself to accept the love and fulfillment that are here for me now.
Sunday, May 29
Our confidence expands and with it our facility to go for what we want and promote whatever we get behind, as promoter planets Mars and Jupiter join forces in assertive Aries.
This morning’s connections from Moon to Mercury and Pluto put us in touch with our feelings. We can start the day by journaling, taking therapy, and repeating positive prayers to transmute our vibration, and then acting on something related to business, finance, ecology or creativity—all domains of the Taurus Moon.
At 10:23 am (1:23 pm ET), Moon enters Gemini—favoring communications, self-expression, messaging, calls, and business trips. At 5:12 pm (8:12 ET), Luna makes a sextile to magical Jupiter, followed shortly after by another to assertive Mars. These sextiles add focus and confidence to Gemini’s verbal skills and are stellar for reaching out to individuals or the public in a fresh way to motivate, inspire, promote, persuade, and/or sell. Although it’s a holiday weekend, find a way to focus on getting your ideas across or rather—with Mercury retrograde—get them across again. For instance, we can make calls or messages, a video or podcast, or an email campaign.
We can also throw a party for associates, neighbors, or siblings.
Guardian Angel, please put me in touch with my feelings and so that I can speak my truth while releasing others to their own truth now.
Monday, May 30
At 4:30 am (7:30 ET), Moon becomes new in Gemini, beginning a cycle of mental patterns, self-expression, daily activity and communications.
At 9-10 Gemini, the Sabian symbol describes:
AN AIRPLANE PERFORMING A NOSE DIVE. A superior ability to challenge nature and play with danger… Through controlled use of mental powers… [one] is able to challenge the most basic force in nature: gravitation… what [one] challenges is both within [the self]… as well as outside…[We prepare ourselves]… to reach beyond the physical and to reach higher realms of existence… [We] may lose the struggle, but that prospect makes the effort more exciting… [We] might gain ‘immortality’… No possibility of half-measures exist… MIND OVER MATTER…will… against fate.
In the chart for this lunation, Moon sextiles promoter team Mars and Jupiter, energizing us to get our message across and our voices heard. Ruler Mercury is retrograde, spotlighting intentions we set in motion sometime between last April 23, when he entered retrograde shadow. The messenger planet is in trine to Pluto the transformer, also retrograde: we can look at our shadows around communication and work to heal them in order to retrieve the power of our words.
Pause and write down your intention for this portal, which can also be inspired by the suggestions from the list below.
Bear in mind that the Mars-Jupiter energy of this lunation wants to rush forward, but with Mercury in square to taskmaster Saturn, the actual manifestation is apt to come in layers. The most dexterously to handle this is to throw ourselves into our project of self-expression (in work, family, spiritual practice or for emotional wellness), in the awareness that there will be a need for pauses to review and periodically tweak our inner connection and approach.
Besides the new cycle that begins at this lunation, the day itself is great for putting new energy into something related with getting the message out:
- Sign up for a writing class
- Buy or reread a book on redaction
- Attend a 12-step group
- Renew a journaling practice
- Retrieve an intention to work with certain affirmations, prayers or mantras
- Take up a previous project of video, audio or podcast production
- Take up a project to grow your social networks or promote your work
- Act on your good intentions to connect with siblings
- Follow through on a campaign to promote or support something through email, teaching, writing to Congress or another form of broadcasting
My words are not mere thoughts, they’re divine law in action that overrides and transmutes all limitation.
Tuesday, May 31
The influence of today’s builder-number 4 favors taking concrete baby steps to ground our intentions for empowered communications. We can come down to earth, roll up our sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty.
Refer to yesterday’s bullet list to confirm the areas still highlighted by today’s Moon in Gemini.
Do what counts early, because at 1:10 pm (4:10 ET), Luna goes VOC. After that time, save key efforts and connections for tomorrow and focus on fun or pastimes related to words:
- Read poetry
- Do wordles or crossword puzzles
- Play Scrabble
- Read the dictionary or thesaurus
- Research etymologies and mantras
- Organize your journals
- Write affirmations
My words carry the power of Spirit to accomplish what they’re sent to do.

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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