Free Daily Astrological Forecast, April 1–30, 2022
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated each Monday.
Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Friday, April 1
Late last night, Moon became new at 11:24 pm (2:24 am ET), and is in full force today. In Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, and with today’s numerology of 1—related to Mars—this Aries New Moon carries a strong energy for beginnings.
This is also the last New Moon before Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow. From now until June, the present portal may be the best time to set an intention and blaze a new trail. In the chart for this lunation, Moon and Sun conjunct wounded-healer Chiron and Mercury. We have a chance to connect with a positive masculine archetype, to reclaim our strength and use it, and our voices, to heal, rather than to harm.
The Sabian symbol for 11-12 Aries describes:
A TRIANGULARLY SHAPED FLIGHT OF WILD GEESE… An idealistic reliance upon a mental image of universal order… The principle of COSMIC ORDER polarizes the all-too-human reliance on the social concept of law and order.
Moon in Aries moves us to break through inertia and perfectionism and to move ahead. Luna sextiles ruler Mars and grounded Saturn, great aspects for work, action, and knocking on doors to promote a cause, product, service or idea.
Spirit has plans to protect Ukraine and the entire planet. No human plan can keep Spirit from following through on Its plan to support us now.
Saturday, April 2
Today’s early window is great for personal, spiritual and work communications.
At 3:24 am (6:24 ET), Moon sextiles sweet Venus. We can express our emotions with charm, and people connections go well—for work, romance, and friendship. Sun joins loquacious Mercury, adding to the power of yesterday’s New Moon, and giving added force to our initiatives. This is the moment to reach out and get our message across to a person or a group.
We could enjoy cuddling, sharing a sunrise breakfast, or we can send emails, a presentation or a proposal. Investments and creative projects go well; we can journal about our feelings. Ride this wave before 6:51 am (9:51 ET), when Moon in brave Aries goes VOC on a square to intense Pluto in executive Capricorn. At this point, we might just as well go back to bed or, if we stay up, do something independent like balancing the checkbook, taking a hot bath (avoid burning), transmuting feelings, or decluttering a workspace, or family pictures.
At 9:50 am (12:50 pm ET), Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation, where she favors connections for pleasure or for profit. Close a sale, enjoy nature, go on a picnic.
This afternoon, we can use the conjunction from Sun in assertive Aries to Mercury the communicator to get our message across or promote something.
Infinite good supports my results with ease, harmony and success, now and always.
Sunday, April 3
Moon is exalted in Taurus, where she favors enjoying good company, a meal, and music.
However, with Moon joining groundbreaker Uranus, which is also in Taurus, sign of material manifestation, from mid-morning through midday, we can find a new way to invest, use cryptocurrency, handle our money, or do business—particularly web-related business.
Keep a low profile and if you meet resistance, be patient, review your efforts and tweak them with an eye to lasting results. Jumpy Mars is moving to join slow and stubborn Saturn; this is not the time to fight or force things. Independent projects are apt to be less frustrating than shared endeavors.
Source sends my supply through infinite channels, and it cannot be limited now.
Monday, April 4
If we can remain harmonious and patient, today’s opportunities can move us past any roadblocks. Moon is exalted in Taurus, sign of lasting results. She harmonizes with three biggies: fortunate Jupiter, flowing Neptune, and powerful Pluto, opening doors for positive change.
On the other hand, pushy Mars perfects his conjunction with stalwart Saturn. We can focus on our goals, but as this combo comes into play, we may feel stuck.
The number 4 is associated with Saturn, so today’s numerology strengthens this aspect. Start the day with visualization, meditation or prayer, and then focus on promoting your services, product or cause, without getting worked up if things go more slowly than planned.
At 8:04 pm (11:04 ET), Moon leaves the magical land of Taurus and enters Gemini, where she favors: sending messages, catching up on emails, writing affirmations, doing crossword puzzles, or connecting with neighbors, colleagues or siblings.
I give thanks for Infinite Intelligence that shows me how to manifest prosperity and serve others, now and always.
Tuesday, April 5
We get one of the year’s best vibrational shifts as love-planet Venus leaves the dry airs of Aquarius and enters the magical blue waters of Pisces, where she lends her sweetness to the field of kindness generated by Jupiter and Neptune, who are also in this sign.
As for our daily activities, Moon in Gemini favors communications of all kinds, from messaging to giving a presentation, making sales or calls, writing letters, playing word games, or voicing a new idea. We can also start a new project, plan a trip or buy computer or phone equipment.
Normally this placements favors contacts with authority figures and clients, but we’re still on the portal of yesterday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction, which can be cold, although it continues to favor thorough and diligent efforts.
Avoid superficial conversations, gossip, and con men.
Guardian Angel, please help me choose my words to support positive manifestations now.
Wednesday, April 6
Today starts out on a confident, expressive note as Moon in verbal Gemini sextiles Sun in bold Aries at 5:32 am (8:32 ET). This influence is worth rising early for so that we may dive into assertive, productive communications: speaking our feelings, giving an effective presentation, closing sales, obtaining and signing a contract, or sharing our ideas with clients, authority figures, or colleagues.
This afternoon, the stars continue to smile as at 2:57 pm (5:57 ET), Moon sextiles ruler Mercury, making our communications even more personable, close and effective.
At 5:26 pm (8:26 ET) Moon makes a trine to structured Saturn. In air signs Gemini and Aquarius, this harmony is great for organizing our bookshelves, researching something, studying, or doing work that’s somehow related to information.
At 5:42 pm (8:52 ET), Moon squares Jupiter and two hours later, Neptune. Intuition awakens, vision opens, connections with light beings flow. We can use these two hours for meditation, visualization or our preferred inner practice. Or we can focus on creative work and sharing ideas on social media, through a podcast or an audio or video production.
Whatever key actions or contacts we haven’t made by 8:15 pm (11:15 ET), when Moon goes VOC on a trine to restless Mars, we can save for tomorrow. Now, we can focus on crossword puzzles, play Scrabble or Wordle, or enjoy a hot tub, bath or foot massage. Avoid unnecessary fights.
Archangel Michael, please activate my throat chakra and empower my self-expression now.
Thursday, April 7
With Moon VOC in loquacious Gemini, the early hours are good for using affirmations and writing intentions.
At 8:30 am (11:30 ET), Moon enters sensitive Cancer, where she favors family connections, expressing empathy, puttering around the house, cooking for dear ones, gardening, and acting on our intuitive business sense.
A sextile from Mercury the messenger to Saturn the builder favors communication with an authority figure, whether for business, for work, or for anything requiring lasting results. Organize the inbox and papers, take care of taxes, take initiative in a relationship that you want to last.
At 1:20 pm (4:20 ET), Moon trines sweet Venus. Love is in the air—and with Moon in Cancer, in the water! The rest of the day is great for cuddling, enjoying your honey, attending family, and connecting with the public.
This home is filled with divine love, and there can be no discord between us now.
Friday, April 8
Today’s powerful numerology of 8 fills out today’s hand, which is stacked in favor of success in all things promotional—from promoting something to receiving a promotion—and facilitating concrete results.
Moon in fertile Cancer sextiles innovative Uranus in abundant Taurus. Moon, Cancer and Uranus are all intuitive, suggesting that we follow our intuition and take action on something related to finance, investments, business or self-esteem. Mercury the messenger gets energized by a sextile to assertive Mars. Our minds are sharp, our tongues quick, and our self-expression strong: we can communicate our needs, promote something, or close a sale.
At 11:48 pm (2:28 am ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter. Pause to review your progress on the intentions you seeded at last week’s New Moon and if desired, tweak your approach.
The Sabian symbol for this lunation at 19-20 Aries says:
A YOUNG GIRL FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTER… Overcoming crisis through compassion… Through creative imagination [one]… can discover means not only to escape from the fatality of seasonal decay or deprivation but to assist other living entities to survive… [we] can maintain the life of the spirit (symbolized by birds) steady through all crises if, like a “young girl,”… [we are] widely open to the promptings of love and sympathy… human activity motivated by sympathy overcoming the seasonal phase of impotency… the theme is THE TRANSMUTATION OF LIFE INTO LOVE.
I refuse to believe that age can bring us (you, me) down, Spirit prevails over time and acts to lift us up and hold us up in strength and wellness, now and always.
Saturday, April 9
This morning, Moon in sensitive Cancer trines Jupiter and Neptune, planets of compassion, inspiration, vision and angels. These influences accent intuition and spiritual love. They also bless our interactions with harmony, goodwill and a generous spirit, making morning the best time for people connections: romance, healing, spiritual groups, sales, promotional activities and garnering support for a cause.
The charm fades at 1:01 pm (4:01 ET), when Moon begins to make a series of tensions to toughie Mars, nervous Mercury and intense Pluto. These courageous but bristly influences are apt for independent activities like tackling intimidating projects—decluttering our papers or kitchen, washing the car, or cleaning the oven, refrigerator, or garage.
At 9:00 pm (12:00 am ET), Moon enters party sign Leo.
When I look at others, I am love looking at love.
Sunday, April 10
A wee-hour square from Mercury the messenger to Pluto the transformer may keep us awake or get us up early. We can analyze our dreams, work on thought patterns, journal and find novel ways of retrieving information. Communications may be tense, especially with Moon in strong Leo and today’s alpha numerology of 1.
However, at 7:37 am (10:37 ET), Moon’s contact with Venus sweetens the airwaves, fueling heart connections—with family and friends, with groups for altruistic activities, and between partners—and favoring Leo’s generous tendencies.
I am a magical expression of the goddess, and I feel my radiance now.
Monday, April 11
With Moon in confident Leo, we can throw ourselves into our work or a creative project. Luna’s wee-hour square to Uranus fuels our pioneering spirit but reduces our tact quotient, favoring independent activities.
At 4:01 pm (7:01 ET), Moon makes a trine to Sun, expanding our warmth and expressiveness in romance or any connection we wish to develop. The fun only lasts for a couple of hours as at 5:50 pm (8:50 ET), Luna opposes cold Saturn. Unless you happen to be with someone who’s exceptionally sweet, conflict and guilt trips may arise.
However, with the help of Moon’s connections to fortunate Jupiter and smooth Neptune (who are approaching tomorrow’s exact conjunction), the rest of the evening is very good for work, particularly work in spirituality, art or media. Music is especially elating.
Today’s numerology of 11 opens a door for angels to connect with human heart energy and use it to lift the planetary vibration.
I radiate love to myself and others, and angels use this radiance now.
Tuesday, April 12
At 3:16 am (6:16 ET), Moon goes VOC, then enters grounded Virgo at 7:07 am (10:07 ET).
For the rest of the day, we can enjoy the lovely vibrations of a most rare conjunction from fortunate, expansive Jupiter in Pisces, sign of its dignity, to ruler Neptune in dreamy Pisces.
The last time this transit occurred was 156 years ago, and its influence is much wider than a single day. (Read more about this in our April General Influences.) In the Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, this conjunction gives us a chance to wrap up a karmic or spiritual cycle. There is confusion in the world, a surge of fake news, and Jupiter can have a sort of Joker effect—expanding the confusion and—fortunately—bringing what’s hidden into view.
Jupiter expands whatever it touches, and Neptune is a portal to the subtle dimensions that can be magical and miraculous or deceptive and confusing. This an especially fertile time to look within and face our shadows. By looking at our true beliefs (not those we’d like to have or do theoretically, but what we really place our faith in), and working to align them with divine truth, we can reach a very high wavelength and be among the pillars of miracles that are awakening around the world. As we do this work on ourselves, we open morphic fields for others to do the same
Although this conjunction has been building and will remain in force for several weeks, these energies do make today special and merit a break from routine. We can do a mini-retreat, turning off the TV, disconnecting from social media and focusing within: on healing, connections with spirit guides, shadow work, heart radiation and prayer for the world. If you do have necessary outer actions, try remaining in your center and be selective of your connections so that your inner flame stays bright.
Moon trines Mercury, facilitating communications and opposes Venus, amping up the already strong love-vibrations.
Sun makes a sextile to Saturn, giving staying power to our actions and—with Saturn in Aquarius—favoring people connections.
Divine substance surrounds journalists and others who work to reveal the truth, guaranteeing their safety and freedom now.
Wednesday, April 13
Moon in practical Virgo trines audacious Uranus in Taurus, sign of manifestation. These are great energies for grounding the high vibrations of yesterday’s Jupiter-Neptune conjunction.
Virgo is about devotion, service and work. We can declutter our space—and our lives—to focus on our highest priorities. Taking action on new lines of work, investments, and financial endeavors is favored.
I allow myself to focus on what really matters, here and now.
Thursday, April 14
At 3:11 am (6:11 ET), Moon in devotional Virgo makes an opposition to Jupiter, followed half an hour later by another to Neptune in mystical Pisces, sign of their rule. If you want extra punch from your prayers or meditation, these aspects are worth rising early for.
At 11:11 am (2:11 pm ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to intense Pluto. Focus on deep healing, cleaning or menial tasks.
Save key connections and initiatives for after 1:23 pm (4:23 ET), when Luna enters Libra, a social placement made sweeter still by the proximity of the recent Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. See friends, express your love, promote justice, make a court appearance, focus on romance, compromise, or teamwork.
I hold space for self-care, and healing connections flow to me now.
Friday, April 15
Moon approaches fullness in Libra, calling us to give our best for key relationships—with a partner, spouse or the public. Enjoy a first date, support a cause for justice, pamper your honey, reach out to your customers, followers or clientele.
With today’s prosperous numerology of 6, we can make connections for business, negotiate or get our bank statement in order.
I give thanks for the people and angels in my divine network, now and always.
Saturday, April 16
Happy Paschal Moon!
At 11:55 am (2:55 pm ET), Luna becomes Full in Libra. In a close T-square with Sun and powerful Pluto, we feel pushed and likely pushy to achieve change in relationships and negotiations. In conjunction with the bold Aries Sun, asteroid Pallas Athena also gets in on this cardinal act. Schoolmarm Saturn and assertive Mars harmonize with Sun and Moon, putting us in a no-nonsense, let’s-get-this-done mode. Venus, the sweet ruler of this Moon, is sextile Mercury, so there are opportunities for loving communication or, in the case of negotiation, harmonious accords.
Relationships come to a head of some kind. If we don’t want to get abused or pulled into drama by Pluto, it’s good to review our key relationships or negotiations (ideally before this lunation occurs), consider what we want to receive, what we can adapt to or offer, and what our limits are.
The Sabian symbol calls us to lift our perception entirely above the drama. At 26-27 Libra, it says:
AN AIRPLANE SAILS, HIGH IN THE CLEAR SKY… A consciousness able to transcend the conflicts and pressures of the personal life… the capacity, latent in every individual, to contemplate the stress of existence in our world of duality from a higher level. Through the use of… [our]… mind[s]…, backed by the efforts and struggles of past generations and the cooperation of other[s]…, the individual can gain a new perspective on human problems and reach freedom and peace in a supernal realm of being… TRANSCENDANT REALIZATION.
We can increase our ability to listen to others, improve our communication and refine agreements and cooperation in key connections.
Under Sun in Aries, we are reborn on some level. At this Paschal Full Moon in Libra, our relationships can be recodified in resonance with that change.
Take a break at 11:57 am (2:57 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC, to 5:23 pm (8:23 ET), when she enters powerful Scorpio, putting the punch back into the Full Moon portal.
Angels of Happiness, please direct me to share love in constructive ways now.
Sunday, April 17
It’s Easter Sunday, and harmonies from Moon and Mercury to Venus all favor loving interchanges. That said, we want to be selective regarding who we spend our time with. Moon in private Scorpio opposes renegade Uranus and Mercury the messenger; in the wrong company, things could get unpleasant.
These aspects fuel certain spiritual experiences. They sharpen intuitive perception; we can consult our higher selves, an oracle or medium. If you consult someone else, be selective to insure constructive feedback.
Today’s Mercury-Venus sextile favors the expression of good feelings and the use of words—prayers, mantras and affirmations—to generate universal harmony. Share the love you carry.
A new humanity rises, and with it new forms of relationship now.
Monday, April 18
Today’s numerous aspects reactivate the energies of Saturday’s lunation. Moon in deep Scorpio emboldens us to seek change. Sun in restless Aries perfects his Full Moon square to powerful Pluto, and something has to give.
Uranus, planet of surprises, opens doors of inspiration, love and prosperity. The genius planet takes a conjunction from mental Mercury, optimizing our faculties and verbal expression. He gets a sextile from Venus, who rules him as he transits Taurus. There can be sudden opportunities in relationships and finance.
Interactions with others go better after Moon trines magical Neptune at 9:40 am (12:40 pm ET), followed by another trine to generous Jupiter that makes this afternoon great for inner work, for visualizing, and for reaching out to the public.
Take a break at 4:55 pm (7:55 ET), when Moon goes VOC, entering Sagittarius at 7:16 pm (10:16 ET).
I exclude myself from dire predictions, and visualize divine outcomes, here and now.
Tuesday, April 19
Moon in enthusiastic Sagittarius blends with today’s interesting Sun to favor diplomacy, negotiation, holding a business meeting, and working on trade or a legal matter.
Sun, poised at the last degree of Aries, radiates the ram’s strength and the bull’s prosperous instinct, enriching today’s numerology of 1 (related to Mars) and fueling our courage to start something or push forward on our goals. Act on your hunch for success.
At 7:24 pm (10:24 ET), Sun enters the sign of the bull, combining with Moon in Sagittarius to favor action on potentially prosperous endeavors.
With Moon’s square to Venus at 9:33 pm (12:33 am ET), this evening we can cuddle, create romance, or just enjoy good company.
All of creation wants me to fulfill my purpose, and support flies to me from all directions now.
Wednesday, April 20
Moon in Sagittarius lifts our spirits and favors activities like:
- Taking or giving a seminar
- Promoting something
- Connecting with friends
- Following up on correspondence
At 10:18 am (1:18 ET), Luna makes a wonderful sextile to executive Saturn, bringing her business aptitude into relief. We can lend or borrow money or work on trade, on a legal matter, or on something requiring diplomacy.
This afternoon and evening, Moon squares fortunate Jupiter and creative Neptune, fueling charisma. Enjoy or make music, go outdoors, connect with forgiveness, promote something, retrieve data, do prophetic dreaming, socialize.
These squares can bring confusion, distraction or a lack of limits, so avoid carelessness or overdoing.
At 8:52 pm (11:52 ET), we come off our cloud and can do practical things as Moon enters grounded Capricorn.
Archangel Michael, please seal my intuition so I receive only good energies, now and always.
Thursday, April 21
We can take initiative on practical goals with Moon in productive Capricorn making an early sextile to brave Mars. This assertive, executive combination brings opportunities for applying our leadership and making headway as we:
- Assume responsibility
- Connect with a boss or someone in a leadership role
- Organize an area of life that’s become scattered or disrupted
- Delegate for efficacy
- Ask for a promotion
- Set down rules or guidelines
- Work on career, goals and accomplishments
At 8:18 pm (11:18 ET), Moon makes a trine to innovative Uranus. We can try something new in a practical arena or make inroads with our most recent direction in work or finances.
I give thanks for the divine activity that flows through me and through my world now.
Friday, April 22
This is a wonderful day for people connections, particularly those aligned with the Capricorn Moon: business contacts, clients, teachers, elders, and a boss or authority figure. Connections can also flow with a love partner or serious romantic prospect. Moon spends the day harmonizing with the likes of charming Venus, Mercury the messenger, charismatic Jupiter, and hypnotic Neptune.
Today’s numerology of 22 expands the results of our efforts, and they can reach the masses. Stay focused on service and the big picture. Use this last day of the Third Quarter Moon to make concrete headway on your true priorities.
Get your connecting done before 8:53 pm (11:53 ET), when Moon goes VOC on a conjunction to intense Pluto, freezing out the charm. We can take a hot bath, watch a suspense movie, pray, or meditate.
At 11:17 pm (2:17 am ET), Moon enters friendly Aquarius.
Oppressed peoples are not alone, the Divine Liberator is with them, work in every way to free them and defend them now.
Saturday, April 23
At 4:56 am (7:56 ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning her week of wind-down, when we want to simplify, focus on finishing things, go within and rest.
At 3-4 Aquarius, the Sabian symbol says:
A HINDU YOGI SEMONSTRATES HIS HEALING POWERS… The disciplined use of spiritual energies in restoring the natural harmony… the spiritual duty of individuals who haves been able to tap the vast reservoir of spiritual forces pervading our planet to use these energies for healing their less-fortunate comrades… Self-discipline, purity of motive, compassion, faith in the divine order are required and the FOCUSING OF SPIRITUAL ENERGY.
Moon in Aquarius favors activism and intellectual or creative activities. Break out of a rut, try something different, fight for a cause, go on a walk and pick up garbage, lunch with friends, break the rules, set a limit, close a cycle.
I give thanks that I am guided to stay on a divine frequency, now and always.
Sunday, April 24
This is a highly creative day. Moon in original Aquarius frees us to heed our unique inspiration. But the aspects want something more: Mercury the messenger squares demanding Saturn, pushing us into making something concrete out of our thoughts and words. The messenger planet also makes a lovely sextile to Neptune, planet of dreams, triggering opportunities for spiritual and creative connections and progress.
So follow your muse, express yourself and connect with those who somehow resonate with your dreams.
Take action and make connections before 5:33 pm (8:33 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
I focus on my true priorities, and trust Spirit to handle what I can’t , now and always.
Monday, April 25
At 3:15 am (6:15 ET), Moon enters mystical Pisces, with aspects that lend courage to Fishy’s creative intuition.
At 1:09 pm (4:09 ET), Moon sextiles Sun in prosperous Taurus. Opportunities arise to ground our dreams. With Jupiter in Pisces, they can be major, but require action or they may fade.
At 5:51 pm (8:51 ET), Moon conjoins assertive Mars. This can be a pushy influence, but it gives us courage to move beyond shyness and perfectionism so we can share and promote our art, spiritual service, product or humanitarian cause.
I enjoy being assertive and watching doors open now.
Tuesday, April 26
This is a great day for progress, pleasure, people and happiness. It’s worth our while to rise early and stay up late. (With an afternoon nap in between, if necessary.)
Today’s numerology of 8 supports finished results in finances or a professional goal.
Moon in angelic Pisces makes a morning sextile to innovative Uranus in Taurus, sign of manifestation, that can suddenly open doors. Be mindful of them and ready to move on your dreams.
Mercury the messenger—also in Taurus—makes a sextile to expansive Jupiter who’s forte is to get the word out. We have opportunities to express our goodwill, promote something, inspire others, connect with a teacher, share our knowledge, contact angels and spirit guides, and get our word out. With Jupiter on board, these opportunities are ripe with meaning and success.
With Venus, planet of love and abundance, moving to conjunct expansive Jupiter—Pisces’ coruler—joy and goodwill are in the air. Right connections flow, it’s easy to be on their best side. Matters of the heart and purse are divinely shielded, so this is the time to make a move.
Affirmations and meditations of love can greatly expand our heart vibration, as can angel connections, gratitude and spontaneous acts of kindness.
Romance, charm and goodwill continue into the night as Moon joins affectionate Venus and enchanting Neptune.
Divine substance fuels my financial situation, manifesting abundant supply from the infinite realm of Spirit.
Wednesday, April 27
Kindness, warmth and romance are in the air as Venus, planet of love and values, joins magical Neptune in sweet Pisces. With fortunate Jupiter nearby, there’s a flood of good feelings and inspiration, and a shower of blessings in our relationships, creative projects, finances and love-consciousness.
Jupiter, Neptune and Pisces all relate to angels, while Venus facilitates personal love experiences. We can connect with our dearest spirit guides and loved ones on the other side.
Early this morning, Moon in Pisces joins Neptune and Jupiter and makes sextiles to Mercury the messenger and powerhouse Pluto. Angels can also be people who open doors, so knock on them.
At 9:10 am (12:10 ET), Moon enters brave Aries, emboldening us to declutter in preparation for the upcoming New Moon Eclipse.
With this portal approaching and Moon well into her fourth and final quarter, we probably don’t want to start something new. But we can get abundant results as we throw ourselves into an endeavor we’ve already begun in the areas mentioned above.
Infinite love touches me (touches us) through everything, so all influences are favorable for me (us) now.
Thursday, April 28
Mental Mercury trines Pluto the Godfather, complementing Moon in bold Aries and emboldening us to declutter our minds and lives.
We can clean out the garage, closet and desk; discard old papers, emails, files, images and visualization materials, and use today’s pioneering numerology of 1 to formulate intentions for Saturday’s New Moon Eclipse in Taurus.
I let go past hurts and joys, and give thanks for the doors of new god that open for me now.
Friday, April 29
Courage is at an all-time high, with Moon in brazen Aries and powerful Pluto perfecting its station to retrograde.
Moon makes a morning sextile to organized Saturn, a great aspect for delegating, making executive decisions, organizing our goals, and pushing to finish work.
At 2:38 pm (5:38 ET), Moon goes VOC, what we didn’t finish earlier can be left until after 5:19 pm (8:19 ET), when Luna enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation.
Greater is the power that is with me than all the power of the world.
Saturday, April 30
The first Eclipse of 2022 marks a major power day. With a New Moon in Taurus at 1:28 pm (4:28 pm ET), this is also a Solar Eclipse in Taurus.
Moon and Sun join forward-thinking Uranus, supporting intentions we set and roads we open in areas related to Taurus including: prosperity, self-esteem, security, how we receive, earn and handle money, gratitude, enjoyment of life, setting appropriate boundaries, moving out of one’s comfort zone, self-acceptance, values, and our relationship with Mother Nature.
Today’s lunation activates the North Node, bringing an influx of new energy; and Uranus brings sudden change. Eclipses are triggers that push us in whatever direction we’ve been going, or trying to go in.
The Sabian symbol for 10-11 Taurus is:
A WOMAN WATERING FLOWERS IN HER GARDEN… Development of the powers of the mind on which ego consciousness is based.
Dane Rudhyar warns of the woman’s attachment to her garden, which he calls a reflection of the ego. With all due respect for Rudhyar, we may note that flowers are beings of subtle power, and gardening can be a seen as a spiritual activity.
That said, the image of being limited to one’s garden seems cryptically connected to the Ukraine situation. Can we see beyond our own immediate sphere and find a larger pattern that connects us all? Uranus rules the divine plan: may the rebel god throw a wrench in the works of the status quo so it may unfold.
I give thanks that Spirit is present and acting to open paths of rich good for me and for all beings now.

Get Crystal’s book!
Angels and Goddesses
Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence
by Crystal Pomeroy
Connect to the Sacred Feminine with Archangels and their Companion Goddesses
Angels are here to help us deepen our hidden powers—from healing, compassion, and transmutation to faith, courage, focus, and manifestation. But these light beings are not alone. Crystal Pomeroy shares their ancient connections to goddesses worldwide. Learn who they are, how they can help, and what you can do to receive their support.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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