Free Daily Astrological Forecast, January 1–31, 2022
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Saturday, January 1
Moon in Sagittarius kindles the party spirit, which continues to burn until 3:02 pm, when Luna enters serious Capricorn. Now a trine from Sun to freedom-loving Uranus emboldens us to try something new. We might do a release ritual, writing down activities, routines and thoughts that we would like to release and be released from as we move into the New Year. This transit is also great for decluttering.
At 4:13 pm (7:13 ET), Moon sextiles Jupiter, great for connections and opportunities with people and groups. There’s an atmosphere of charity, charm, and goodwill in our feelings and connections. We can work on a cause or promotion, garner assistance, lift someone’s spirits, bring sweetness to our connections, and simply enjoy our dear ones.
Afternoon is also great for thinking about the intentions we wish to set at tomorrow’s New Moon.
I clarify my intentions, and the New Year brings renewal in me and my world now.
Sunday, January 2
The day begins on a frequency of abundance. At 8:20 am (11:20 ET), Moon in practical Capricorn trines Uranus—planet of awakening—in Taurus, sign of prosperity. We can pause to listen to our intuition and imagine new ways of manifesting money, family, security, and other long-term goals.
At 10:33 am (1:33 ET), Moon becomes new, making today a great portal to reconnect with our New Year’s goals, to outline action steps to manifest them, and to organize our schedule.
At 12-13 Capricorn, the Sabian symbol reminds us to include goals of a higher kind:
A FIRE WORSHIPPER MEDITATES ON THE ULTIMATE REALITIES OF EXISTENCE. The subjective quest for ultimates beyond the interplay of life and death processes. Beyond cultural enjoyment and the passion for accumulation of often unusable data of sense knowledge, stands the ultimate and determined “adventure in consciousness” of the occultist, the yogi and the mystic. The mystery of fire… is the ultimate mystery of all transformations. In a time when collective, perhaps total death could be in store for [hu]mankind, the process of subjective meditation is fascinating an ever-greater number of people… WILL TO TRANSCENDENCE.
With a trine to Uranus and a sextile to Neptune, this lunation is highly intuitive. Since entering abundant Taurus in 2019, Uranus has been shaking up financial systems and our sense of security. With Mercury in pre-retrograde shadow, the focus now is on goals we have already acted on sometime in the past. Uranus can open our minds to releasing what’s in the way of the transcendent goals of the Sabian symbol, and help us get on the best side of the apparently seismic shifts that have taken place in the last three years.
As for Neptune, it rules Jupiter, planet of fortune, currently dignified in Pisces. We can connect with our spirit guides, receive guidance from beyond, and make positive people connections that support our spirituality, our creativity, our dreams and our ability to reach the public through music, images or video productions.
Angel invocation:
Angels of new beginnings, please direct my intentions so they trigger the best and highest good for myself and others now.
Monday, January 3
Take key actions and reach out to others before or after today’s long VOC Moon that starts at 8:21 am (11:21 ET) and lasts until 2:44 pm (5:44 ET), with Moon’s entrance in creative, expressive Aquarius.
Early morning, before the VOC starts, is great for people connections, as Moon in productive Capricorn joins Venus, planet of love, charm and finance.
At 6:37 pm (9:37 ET), communications are again enlivened as Moon joins messenger planet Mercury. Evening is great for connecting with friends, doing research and exchanging offbeat ideas.
Spirit is at work in my connections, holding them on the best and highest frequency, now and always.
Tuesday, January 4
With sweet Venus in orb of her recent sextile to dreamy Neptune, love is in the air. Today, we have two great windows for relating—one early this morning and another this afternoon. These windows are good for romance, sales, spiritual practice, visualizing financial supply, connecting with angels and goddesses, working on a humanitarian cause, or focusing on business activities related to healing, love, art or intuition.
Make connections before 8:25 am (11:25 ET), when Moon in Aquarius squares ruler Uranus, followed by a conjunction to co-ruler Saturn, giving us several hours that enhance independent, rather than social, activity. We can structure our ideas, do research, and invent something. We might make plans for activism or creative development for the year ahead and declutter to clear the decks for action.
People connections go great (especially those described above) from 12:45 pm (3:45 ET) to 4:45 pm (7:45 ET), when Moon begins a long VOC that lasts through most of tomorrow.
Spirit is present in this relationship, working to heal it now.
Wednesday, January 5
At 8:03 am (11:03 ET), sweet Venus perfects her sextile to romantic Neptune. With Moon VOC in Aquarius almost all day, this delicious aspect is best applied in heart-centered spiritual practice, angel connections, visualization, and enjoying art or music.
We might choose to sleep in, rest and read, as the best time for action is after 7:17 pm (10:17 ET), when Moon enters sweet Pisces, two hours later conjoining expansive Jupiter, and combining with the Venus-Neptune sextile to make tonight absolutely great for people connections that involve charm, kindness and generosity. Take your love-object to dinner, fuel romance, send messages, have a heart-to-heart talk, inspire a person or people, go on a date, do an email campaign for sales or a charitable cause, or perhaps go live on social networks.
Love pours through my life and connections. I see it, I believe it and I receive it now.
Thursday, January 6
This is a day of practical progress and happy connections.
Moon in Pisces, sign of dreams, sextiles audacious Uranus in prosperous Taurus, a great combination for tangible progress in something involving creativity, spirituality, and key connections. We can work on art, media production or a proposal, renegotiate an agreement, settle a dispute, or follow up on an email campaign.
With a nighttime sextile from Moon to Sun, connecting with others is warm and easy, that is until 10:55 pm (1:55 am ET), when sensitive Moon squares feisty Mars. If we have insomnia, we can get up and focus on a low-key activity, like making headway with routine work or decluttering the closet or kitchen shelves.
I love myself, and I allow myself to flow with my subtle cycles, now and always.
Friday, January 7
The day starts off on a sweet, harmonious note with Moon’s early sextile to Venus, planet of love, and conjunction with ruler Neptune, orb of compassion.
Get up before dawn and write to someone’s angel, visualize happiness, write down your dreams, consult a goddess oracle, have a romantic breakfast or exchange kisses between the sheets. These energies also favor sales and business connections, though with Moon in idealistic Pisces, be sure to take off the rose-colored glasses and watch out for your own interests.
At 2:23 pm (5:23 ET), Moon sextiles powerful Pluto in productive Capricorn. Knock on a key door (with Mercury in pre-retrograde shadow, one you’ve tried previously) or make some kind of bold move on your dreams.
At 9:26 pm (12:26 ET), Moon enters restless Aries.
Guardian Angel, please give me a clear, loving perspective in this situation now.
Saturday, January 8
Sun joins Venus, planet of love—we can heal our self-esteem, shine with confidence, and enjoy sweet connections with others. Today’s numerology of 8, a number of power and consolidation, stokes our ambition and works well with Moon in brave and restless Aries. This is a fine time to push forward on projects requiring a dash of boldness: set a limit, work on trade, take advantage of a situation, retrieve a pioneering project, collect a debt, push through resistance to get something finished.
At 11.:27 am (2:27 ET), Moon in bold Aries sextiles Mercury, favoring assertive communications. Use the Aries energy: collect a debt, close a sale, clarify your own needs and desires, and ask for what you want.
Avoid Aries’ downsides: coming on too strong, or being abrasive or overly competitive.
I am divine love expanding in everything I do.
Sunday, January 9
Moon in Aries gets us up and about and her square to Venus, goddess of love, makes morning apt for a romantic brunch, family get-together, or doing something creative or humanitarian.
At 9:58 am (12:58 ET), Moon trines ruler Mars, fueling our courage and ability to act decisively. We can defend a loved-one, pet or cause, tackle a project like cleaning the garage, carpet or oven, or push ourselves to finish pending work.
At 10:11 am (1:11 ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter. This is a great moment to review our progress on the intentions we set at last week’s New Moon.
At 19-20 Aries, the Sabian symbol for this lunation offers a new direction for our warrior instincts:
A YOUNG GIRL FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTER. Overcoming crisis through compassion… Nature’s seasonal rhythms imply an oscillation between living and dying. Through creative imagination [wo]man can fly over the cycle and discover not only means to escape from the fatality or deprivation, but to assist other living entities to survive through crisis… [wo]man can maintain the life maintain the life of the spirit (symbolized by birds), steady through all crises… [by following] the promptings of love and sympathy… human activity motivated by sympathy overcoming the seasonal phase of impotency… THE TRANSMUTATION OF LIFE INTO LOVE.
Moon in restless Aries increases our drive. Direct it by doing exercise, washing the car, cleaning out the garage, finishing a work project or going on an adventure.
At 11:23 pm (2:23 am ET), Moon goes VOC. Take a hot bath or sleep through it.
I am divine love touching my world in the situations I encounter, now and always.
Monday, January 10
Moon is VOC until 6:47 am (9:47 ET), when she enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. Her sextiles to Jupiter and Neptune bring out the best of this placement, facilitating opportunities for:
- Business
- Promotion
- Media production
- Spiritual progress
- Working on investments or something involving security and protection
- Reviving a romantic relationship
Today’s numerology of 1 supports focus and direction. Mercury in pre-retrograde shadow favors working on things we began previously rather than something completely new.
With Mars—planet of action—approaching an exact square to mystical Neptune, it’s wise to consult our spirit guides or intuition before acting. Don’t go looking for Mr. Goodbar or try to set things in stone; put off major commitments for another time, as the results of what we do may turn out differently than expected.
Guardian Angel, please guide me to act in the most effective, safest way in this situation now.
Tuesday, January 11
With Moon in prosperous Taurus joining Uranus, planet of innovation, morning can be great for courageous action in business or another project that we want lasting results in. Move forward, but along tried-and-true lines, since active Mars perfects his square to mysterious Neptune, and things could get slippery or end up involving deceit of some kind.
Also, with Moon squaring stern Saturn, guilt trips can arise. Steer clear of toxic interactions or situations that lower your vibration.
At 4:34 pm (7:24 pm), Moon trines ruler Venus. The rest of the afternoon is great for connections with others. Do business, enjoy a nice dinner with family or your honey, journal, and work on self-esteem.
Romantic vibrations continue into the night, with a sextile from Moon to imaginative Neptune at 12:38 am (3:28 ET), which also favors prayer, meditation, contacting spirit guides and dream work.
Affirmation to program your dreams for guidance:
Deep within, I know what I need to, and I see it in a clear dream that I remember on waking.
Wednesday, January 12
Moon in verbal Gemini trines Sun and Pluto, strengthening our confidence and facilitating assertive connections. Follow up on last year’s sales calls, edit a presentation or copy, review text, reach out to siblings, give a speech, go live on social media, present a proposal, set a limit, voice your ideas.
I love myself and I allow myself to do and ask for what I need now.
Thursday, January 13
Moon in Gemini blends with today’s constructive numerology of 4 to favor:
- communications related to business and administration
- writing or editing
- making a business trip
- journaling about our plans and projects
Afternoon and evening—with trines from Moon to ruler Mercury and productive Saturn—are particularly great for connecting with others. We can get in touch with siblings, do crisis management, or get caught up on correspondence, emails, and calls.
Goddess Sarasvati, please shine your golden light into my mind and communications, activating them with divine intelligence now.
Friday, January 14
After three weeks of pre-retrograde shadow, today Mercury stations to go completely retrograde. A vortex is activated and our timing may seem off, yet we can look our mental patterns in the face and work effectively to transmute them.
This morning, Moon connects with Venus: we are supported in a more loving mindset, working on self-esteem and forgiveness, reconciling with someone, and enjoying harmonious, sweeter connections.
This afternoon, a square from Moon to Neptune can bring confusion. But it also awakens our intuition, fueling imagination and creative thinking, and lifting prayer powers and angel connections to a higher level.
At 6:22 pm (9:22 ET), Moon goes VOC on an opposition to bellicose Mars. Not exactly a sweetheart aspect, this can make people defensive-aggressive, so try to leave key contacts and conversations for tomorrow. This aspect does support independent activities like de-cluttering an old box of papers, using assertive affirmations, or writing down options for limit-setting.
Archangel Michael, direct me in confident thoughts and actions, here and now.
Saturday, January 15
Moon is VOC in Gemini until 8:11 am (11:11 ET), when she enters Cancer. This is a good placement for practicing forgiveness, empathy and compassion, entertaining family and renewing our metaphysical studies.
Luna’s afternoon trine to Jupiter is great for sales, promotional activities or garnering support for an altruistic cause.
I naturally attract the people and opportunities that resonate with my true path, now and always.
Sunday, January 16
Sun joins intense Pluto, reaffirming our path of power. We may wish to go on a spiritual retreat, visit a therapist or in one way another nurture our inner being.
With Moon in imaginative Cancer in sextile to cutting-edge Uranus in prosperous Taurus, morning is great for doing something innovative in business, particularly in real estate or investment. Try getting it done before 11:42 am (2:42 pm ET), when Moon makes a tense aspect to demanding Saturn, combining with the approaching Full Moon to put people on edge.
At 12:50 pm (3:50 ET), things mellow out as Moon opposes sweet Venus, fueling sociability, family connections, romance and, with Venus now in practical Capricorn, business instincts.
I allow myself to watch the signs and seize the moment, now and always.
Monday, January 17
This a mystical day. Full Moon in Cancer sextiles the North Node and Sun conjoins Pluto, triggering our path of power.
Uranus, planet of higher mind, readies itself to turn direct, awakening us to the unique perceptions we’ve been having since the planet of illumination turned retrograde last August 19. We may seem to emerge from a stupor and reconnect with our unique understanding and calling.
At 27-28 Cancer, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
A GREEK MUSE WEIGHING NEWBORN TWINS IN GOLDEN SCALES. …two ways are now open… Intuition is able to show… what the choice is… Perhaps there can be a way of combining the two alternatives… forces deeper and higher than the intellect are at work… at the very threshold of a new cycle there is an INNER PRESENTATION OF ALTERNATIVES.
As for our daily activities, the most propitious time for connecting with others is this morning, before 10:24 am (1:24 pm ET), when Moon connects with Mars, fueling controversy and favoring independent actions directed at self-care or a humanitarian cause.
There is a true path in this situation, and I give thanks that I am shown that path clearly now.
Tuesday, January 18
Uranus stations to turn direct, an electrical transit that gives us a look at how we’ve developed our authentic, independent identity since the rebel planet went retrograde last August 19, and how we can express it now. With Uranus in Taurus, sign of prosperity, we can also review how our idea of prosperity has evolved and what new approaches or project we wish to cultivate.
Moon in passionate Leo makes an early contact to Jupiter, expanding our creativity and favoring romance and other warm connections. We can touch someone’s heart and get through to a group.
Today’s numerology of 9 is about transmutation, philosophy and esoteric knowledge and combines with these influences to favor study and teaching.
People contacts flow more easily before 12:39 pm (3:39 ET), when Moon opposes Mercury, making communications interesting but potentially challenging and stimulating independent creativity, as Moon continues to do in transit to rebellious Uranus this evening, as well as sharpening our intuition.
I give thanks that my spirit guides work to open their communication with me, now and always.
Wednesday, January 19
If you have practical stuff to do, use Sun’s last day in Capricorn and Moon in energetic Leo to push through obstacles and make headway.
Tackle them before 6:39 pm (9:39 ET), when Sun switches to independent Aquarius, beginning a month of creative, adventuresome energies that favor social connection and expressing one’s authentic truth.
At 12:15 am (3:15 ET), Moon goes VOC.
Divine support reaches me in and through all situations, here and now.
Thursday, January 20
Moon is VOC in Leo until 6:02 am (9:02 ET), when she enters diligent, organized Virgo, contacting Sun and getting us on track with our purpose.
Use the morning for reprioritizing wellness. We can organize our spiritual tools and physical means for healing: from visualizing, meditating and using affirmations, to getting back to a favorable diet, exercise strategy and daily schedule.
Sun in smart Aquarius works with Moon in Virgo to favor research, study and sharing ideas.
This afternoon and evening, Moon’s tensions to ruler mental Mercury, and to Jupiter, planet of dissemination, favor communications on every scale: personal, group and for the masses. With Moon in Virgo and considering the aspects are tense, focus on practical communications: for work, editing, organizing or contributing to the healing of others.
I am a walking force of healing, now and always.
Friday, January 21
This morning, Moon in diligent Virgo harmonizes with Venus in conservative Capricorn. Today’s numerology of 3, also related to Venus, works with this trine to harmonize our connections and fuel creativity. Strengthen your marriage or a committed relationship; lift your partner’s spirits or those of loved ones; take tangible, creative action in work or business. Personal contacts go even better this morning, while business and practical concerns are favored this afternoon.
At 6:43 pm (9:43), Moon opposes Neptune, and the emphasis shifts to healing, intuition and contacts with light beings.
No situation or plan against me can keep Spirit from manifesting the support It has planned for me now.
Saturday, January 22
With a trine from Moon to deep, courageous and powerful Pluto, morning is great for:
- Taking decisive action
- Setting limits
- Putting an end to a draining situation or agreement
- Digging up family secrets
- Enjoying an effective therapy session
- Obtaining key information for investments or healing
The energies become tense at 11:46 am (2:46 pm ET), as Moon goes VOC on a square with pushy Mars. This aspect can be quite pugnacious; it’s best to focus on relaxing, independent activities like working in the garden or taking a hot bath.
At 2:03 pm (5:03 ET), Moon enters Libra, making the rest of the weekend warm and sociable.
At 7:43 pm (10:43 ET), Moon trines Sun and an hour later loquacious Mercury, making evening great for communication, sharing our emotions, and other creative types of self-expression.
I speak with the power that I am, now and always.
Sunday, January 23
Today is great for connecting with friends, for activism and for working on something creative. Sun joins Mercury, the communicator, in original Aquarius.
The best time for connecting with others is after 11:22 am (2:22 pm ET), when Moon squares sweet Venus, generating harmony and emotional attraction.
At 4:26 pm (7:26 ET), Moon trines Saturn in social Aquarius. We’re motivated in constructive initiative—for activism, as entrepreneurs and for friendship. The influence is also great for organizing the week ahead, and writing down the knowledge, the information, and the type of collaboration we would like to receive.
My clear intent has spread across all realms of existence, connecting me with the knowledge and support for its manifestation, here and now and always.
Monday, January 24
At 7:53 am, Mars enters practical Capricorn. This placement isn’t easy, but it can support focused, constructive and strategic action with a decisive, unapologetic attitude that cuts through the crap to reach our aspirations and pull our team into formation.
This morning, write down guidance from last night’s dreams and reconnect with your intentions.
Today’s numerology of 6 brings in the energy of Jupiter, benefactor of the solar system that blends with Moon in sweet Libra to facilitate connection with family, for romance and for business.
Connections go best before 2:10 pm (5:10 pm), when a square from Moon to Pluto can make us fight with shadows, real or imagined. This tough but potentially healing energy can be used in journaling, therapy, prayer or a hot bath.
At 7:57 pm (10:57 ET), Moon enters bold Scorpio. Considering that she’s in her Third Quarter, and making a nighttime sextile to assertive Mars, this placement favors decluttering, setting a limit, or making an adjustment in a situation or relationship to avoid being drained or derailed.
Angels of divine order, move me to uphold healthy limits in all my situations now.
Tuesday, January 25
At 8:41 am (11:41 ET) Moon in definitive Scorpio reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning our week of winddown.
At 6:01 am (9:01 ET), she trines Jupiter, planet of release. This is a freeing, diplomatic influence that, with Moon in Scorpio, sign of endings, we can apply to say a diplomatic good-bye or take action to sever a draining attachment.
At 6 degrees Scorpio, the Sabian symbol says:
THE GOLD RUSH TEARS MEN AWAY FROM THEIR NATIVE SOIL… The passionate search for new values which, at any level, promise a more abundant life… “greed” can more easily be aroused by whatever promises more wealth, more power, and ever greater achievements at all levels, spiritually as well as materially.
Take a pause at or around 2:52 pm (5:52 ET). Moon opposes Uranus, the awakener, bringing feelings to light. Our intuition is activated but so may be our rebellious streak, so independent activities are best, particularly for connecting with our intuition or creativity or doing research.
At 3:41 pm (6:41 ET), Moon sextiles love-planet Venus, making this afternoon good for romance, people contacts in general, creativity, or taking care of your investments. One-on-one communication goes easier this afternoon and evening than tomorrow.
I release ways of working that pull me out of my center, here and now.
Wednesday, January 26
This is a deep, creative day, great for therapy, attending a 12-step group or meditation and connecting with angels.
Moon in intense Scorpio makes a trine to psychic Neptune. We can find a new level of inner wellness and with a sextile from Moon to Pluto, strengthen an empowering liaison. Seek out people who make a positive difference and with such sensitive influences, avoid people, places and situations with questionable vibes.
Moon goes VOC at 9:28 pm (12:28 am ET), entering Sagittarius at 11:34 pm (2:34 am ET).
In every way, I experience the heights of living now.
Thursday, January 27
This is an upbeat day, with Moon in Sagittarius in square to ruler, jovial Jupiter in Pisces, sign of its dignity. Moon nearing the end of her cycle, connecting with confident Sun and freeing Uranus, favors inner work, calm activities, time outdoors, and releasing situations diplomatically.
We can also finish something related to a promotion, trade, a legal matter, negotiation or business.
Avoid sermonizing, carelessness or overdoing things.
Angels of completion, please support the harvest of my positive, past efforts, here and now.
Friday, January 28
Mercury the messenger joins come-on-strong Pluto. Today’s assertive numerology of 1 works with this conjunction in Capricorn, sign of business and organization, to help us review loose ends and situations needing clarity and act to put them in order. Moon in Sagittarius helps us do this in a diplomatic way.
Morning and evening are the best time for action and connections with others.
At 11:00 am (2:00 pm ET), Moon squares Neptune. This aspect can create confusion. We can take a couple of hours of down time to do spiritual work, visualize, contact our spirit guides and cleanse our space or energy.
Angelic Home Blessing:
Fields of angels sweep through my home, cleansing and harmonizing, here and now.
Saturday, January 29
We can rise early and connect with Moon’s conjunction to restless Mars, take a cold shower and get in gear with this blessed day.
Moon in constructive Capricorn makes a trine to dynamic Uranus and a sextile to Jupiter, planet of protection, vision and prosperity, and an evening conjunction to Venus. Also, the planet of love stations to go direct.
These influences are great for making positive connections. Today’s numerology of 11 expands our heart radiation, opening a portal the angels use to harvest this energy and with it lift humanity’s frequency. Affirm and/or meditate in this connection, and then reach out to others for connections of a personal, practical or altruistic kind.
Angels surround me and I radiate love to them, to myself and to others, here and now.
Sunday, January 30
Sun squares Uranus, planet of freedom, revealing new ways to manifest and move forward.
At 11:48 am (2:48 ET), Moon in constructive Capricorn sextiles Neptune, planet of inspiration. We can enjoy or create art or music, participate in a spiritual gathering, lift someone’s spirit, work on social media, connect with our dreams and act on them.
This evening, Moon joins Mercury the messenger, and we can connect our feelings about our goals, create positive affirmations them and clear out old visualization materials or clutter, in preparation for Tuesday’s New Moon.
Get key communications and actions taken care of before 8:44 pm (11:44 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
Lovingly, I clear my garden and support my own goals now.
Monday, January 31
At 1:43 am (4:43 ET), Moon enters Aquarius, sign of friends and ideals. Today’s numerology of 1 awakens our pioneering spirit, presaging tomorrow’s New Moon.
We can feel infused with the energy and vision to try something different—fight for a cause, connect with friends that resonate with our ideals, learn a new dance, rearrange the furniture, volunteer at the local school, go on a walk and pick up garbage, have lunch with friends, explore options, begin to connect with your intentions for tomorrow’s New Moon, and research how you can act to manifest them.
Make people connections before 7:25 pm (10:25 ET), when Moon makes a square to ruler Uranus, accenting our rebellious spirit. Avoid being fanatical, rebellious without reason or breaking tradition just for the sake of it.
Angels of renewal, please direct me to grow in new ways and ever-expanding knowledge, now and always.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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