Free Daily Astrological Forecast, August 1–31, 2021
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Sunday, August 1
Creativity is strong today as Moon in abundant Taurus harmonizes with imaginative Neptune and powerful Pluto. Today’s numerology of 1 incites us to start something, and the energy of the pagan fest of Lammas favors doing a ritual of gratitude for the gifts we’ve received this year so far.
This morning, Sun in radiant Leo conjoins Mercury the messenger, followed by oppositions from both Sun and Mercury to strict Saturn. We want to communicate, yet it may seem as though something or someone limits our self-expression. Interactions may be tense or uncomfortable. With Saturn in wise Aquarius, we can use the occasion to separate ourselves from others, and research and gather knowledge to back up or enrich our ideas.
These aspects also favor straightening our bookshelves and structuring investigation, studies or any activity requiring discipline.
I give thanks for the rich results of divine activity in my life, now and always.
Monday, August 2
At 1:46 am (4:46 ET), Moon enters loquacious Gemini, starting the day off on a tense note as she moves to square feisty Mars. We feel assertive, but connections may not be smooth. Save key interactions until after 11:00 am (2:00 pm ET).
We can then use the liberating energies of Uranus, who receives a trine from Venus, planet of love, beauty and money. Our creative expression and work can be inspired, even brilliant. Arrange for an exciting date, meet someone new, or act on an innovative financial venture.
Evening is the most propitious time for people connections, and is actually great for burning the midnight oil. A late trine from Moon to executive Saturn in wise Aquarius is wonderful for research, reading and writing. Mercury the messenger trines Chiron, the wounded healer; journaling, therapy and art can be transformative.
Archangel Gabriel, lift my communications to an angelic frequency now.
Tuesday, August 3
This morning’s aspects strengthen our mental powers and acuities, and favor healing, communication or promotional efforts. Moon in restless Gemini makes wee-hour sextiles to Sun, Chiron and ruler Mercury. Rise early to organize thoughts, to journal, use mantras or positive affirmations, follow up on emails, promote something, do creative work, or communicate with clients.
Morning and midday are best for people contacts.
This evening, mental Mercury squares Uranus, planet of genius. Communications may be tense but cognition is sharpened. Apply it in independent activities like writing, study, channeling or research. Explore options—and read the fine print.
My mind is not limited to the material plane, it’s part of the One Mind and receives infinite inspiration, now and always.
Wednesday, August 4
This morning, waning Moon in communicative Gemini connects with decisive Pluto. Follow through on communications, sales or bureaucracy; declutter email and papers. Do this before 12:38 pm (3:38 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
At 2:17 pm (5:17 ET), Luna enters Cancer, a compassionate placement that compliments Sun’s afternoon trine to Chiron, which activates our path of healing and purpose. We can get in touch with our own needs, nurture our spirits through reading and study of metaphysics, walk barefoot on the grass or earth, connect with trees, invoke nature spirits, and care for our garden, body, emotions, and positive family connections.
I call on the spirits of trees (if a particular comes to you, focus on it), that I may grow tall and strong and luminous like you do, now and always.
Thursday, August 5
Fourth Quarter Moon in creative Cancer connects with demanding Saturn. We can organize a home or room with an eye to comfort and emotional inspiration, finish reading a book, or consolidate an intention for spiritual study. This is also a lovely time to gather and share intuitive wisdom.
Evening is the best time for people contacts, business and financial initiatives, particularly those that take us in new directions.
Omnipotent love touches me in all changes, and only good can come to me now.
Friday, August 6
With today’s prosperous numerology of 6, this morning’s Moon in Cancer harmonizes with sweet Venus and compassionate Neptune. We might enjoy a romantic brunch, practice forgiveness, connect with friends, angels or spirit guides, begin to imagine our New Moon intentions.
People connections go best before 3:12 pm (6:12 ET), when Moon goes VOC on an opposition to intense Pluto in structured Capricorn. Although the VOC doesn’t neutralize Moon’s power when she’s in the sign of Cancer, the opposition to Pluto can be low on diplomacy and it may even spark power struggles. One thing it’s good for is releasing obsolete fantasies and visualization materials as we clear the decks for the new lunar cycle.
At 4:57 pm (7:57 ET), Sun squares Uranus the liberator: the rebel comes out of the closet. Take a look at both your desire for, and your subconscious resistance to, change.
- Reflect on major shifts you’ve made in the past
- Discuss your feelings with a coach or a loved one who supports your originality
- Take in an online or physical art exhibit
- Read the US Constitution or another archetypal manifesto of freedom
If you’re on vacation, have a low-key adventure. Otherwise, go for a walk. Save quitting your job or leaving your roommate for another day.
Spirit is present in this situation, and only good can come from it now.
Saturday, August 7
At 12:31 am (3:31 ET), Moon enters passionate Leo. She combines with today’s pensive, gifted numerology of 7 to favor mental tasks that require creativity. Work on developing your talents, take a course with a friend or loved one, take control of a situation, or do something that requires a lucky break.
Morning, midday and afternoon are the easiest times. This evening, an opposition from Moon to strict Saturn can make contacts tense and fuel guilt-trips with others or on ourselves. Prepare for tomorrow’s New Moon by organizing your emotional priorities.
The angels of renewal are with me, and they open doorways of freedom, here and now.
Sunday, August 8
Morning comes with a bang as Moon in Leo makes an early square to Uranus the liberator before joining Sun to become new at exactly 6:50 am (9:50 ET).
This particular portal weaves together tensions and harmonies that enrich the spectrum of possibilities.
- It squares Uranus, planet of freedom, activating the T-square with strict Saturn.
- It connects with imaginative Neptune, who also receives an opposition from sweet Venus in the chart for this lunation, augmenting the romantic potential.
- Leo is highly expressive, and Mercury joins this lunation; we are feeling radiant and want to share it.
With the Uranus square, we are also feeling ready to break out of previous limits and try something new. Leo can bring the force needed to reconcile the Saturn-Uranus tension, to roll up our sleeves and put out the effort required for lasting change.
Use the Saturn energy to do a reality check and plan your action steps. Avoid jumping into the fires of passion or making a sudden investment. Uranus can get carried away, and Venus-Neptune is an expert at building castles in the air: let Saturn temper the enthusiasm just a bit.
At 16-17 Leo, the Sabian symbol for this lunation seems cryptically in resonance with our times:
A VOLUNTEER CHURCH CHOIR SINGING RELIGIOUS HYMNS. The feeling of togetherness which unites men and women in their dedication to a collective ideal… the fellowship of common work needed for substance and security in a dangerous world… the consciousness and feelings of human beings blend into a common mold in which they become refreshed by the experience of shared values and beliefs… the idealized aspect of TOGETHERNESS.
This is the time to write down our New Moon intentions, particularly for all things related to the sign of the lion, and weaving in some of the above elements of freedom, change, discipline, love and realism. Sample intentions might include:
I see myself in a romantic relationship with someone that resonates with my current, authentic values and direction.
I imagine myself consolidating a creative endeavor that fuels unity
I would like to know the truth about my current tie(s) and clearly choose a sincere, appropriate, fun relationship
I imagine myself in a new, more balanced relationship with my daughter
I wish to enjoy sports (number of times) weekly
I imagine myself winning (name a spot on a team, a competition or a tournament)
I would like to apply my leadership in loving, encouraging ways
I imagine humanity awakening in a shared circle of kindness
I see myself fueling group activities that channel the kindness and desire to serve of all involved
I wish to give and receive sincere, positive recognition
I imagine my inner child being strong, spontaneous and expressing confidence
I would like to have the stamina to finish my work
I imagine myself applying my leadership with patience and love
I would like to develop my talents by (studying, reading, practice, diligently applying a structured method
Morning is the most auspicious time for working on something requiring innovation; afternoon is best for spirituality and creative projects; and evening, for business.
If you have trouble sleeping, stay up and continue to work, or enjoy romance or creative activities.
Joy, joy, joy. I love joy, I appreciate joy and I welcome divine joy into my being, here and now.
Monday, August 9
Still on the portal of the New Moon in Leo, this is a mystical, magical day. Mercury contacts Pluto, increasing the power of our words and blending with today’s transformative numerology of 9 to deepen our alchemical mind powers. Edit a text, write out mantras and affirmations, get to the bottom of something, do research or esoteric study.
At 5:23 am (8:23 ET), Moon goes VOC in Leo. With kind Venus in opposition to compassionate Neptune, it’s worth rising early to meditate on love and forgiveness until 7:56 am (10:56 ET), when she enters diligent Virgo. The chaste sign helps us keep our feet on the ground before the deceptive potential of this otherwise sweet opposition.
Troubleshoot and help, visualize and work on practical manifestation, take stock of your long-term romantic desires and needs, and of the visualization, healing, and patience that you can apply to manifest them. Or work to ground and promote a creative project.
The divine prevails through all times, so I’m the best time of my life now.
Tuesday, August 10
This morning, Moon in Virgo, sign of wellness, connects with wounded-healer Chiron. We can work on emotional or physical healing.
At 10:19 am (1:19 pm ET), the energies become more dynamic as Moon trines Uranus the liberator in Taurus, sign of abundance, while Mercury the messenger opposes Jupiter the publicist: we can get the word out. Take initiative to gather knowledge, to publish, to promote a cause, brand or service, or to explore new avenues of financial growth.
Plan to rise early (see tomorrow’s transits).
Devas of sunrise, please imbue me with your power so I may seize this day now.
Wednesday, August 11
If you can, rise at or around 3:19 am (6:19 ET) to take advantage of a lovely conjunction from Moon to Venus. Work on finances or business, pray for the healing of children or a group in need, enjoy a close encounter with your true love.
Do all this before 4:22 am (!), when Moon goes VOC in Virgo. Now, go back to sleep, take a hot bath or shower, and exfoliate your skin. With Moon contacting Jupiter, enjoy an inspirational read or connect with spirit guides.
At 1:08 pm (4:08 ET), Moon enters Libra. Libra’s ruler Venus trines Pluto, emboldening her to display her charm and acumen. If we apply ourselves, this can be a transformative afternoon for self-esteem, relationships, and finances. Send your partner roses, take your flame to dinner, or work on something involving justice, compromise, teamwork, negotiation, romance, beauty, an investment or a business deal.
Today’s numerology of 11 opens a portal for angels to use humanity’s energy of love to lift the planetary frequency.
I hold to thoughts of love, and this frequency fuels the work of angels now.
Thursday, August 12
Today, morning is the best time to connect with others, particularly for work, as Moon in charming Libra trines Saturn the builder, still within influence of last night’s Venus-Pluto trine that facilitates positive, harmonious improvement.
Things start getting tense again at 11:02 am, when Moon opposes wounded healer Chiron in touchy Aries and later contacts rebel Uranus. After the former transit, our best bet is to focus on self-healing and independent activities related to justice, armchair activism, or creativity.
If you’re up for them, late night energies are even more creative.
I listen to my evolving needs and the evolving needs of others, now.
Friday, August 13
Today is good for conducting a detailed analysis of our knowledge, bookshelves, and resources, or for choosing classes to take this fall, thanks to a quincunx from assertive Mars in analytic Virgo to work-planet Saturn in mental Aquarius.
With Moon in tasteful Libra squaring tough Pluto, morning also favors independent activities for self-healing or decluttering the office, home or yard.
At 1:39 pm (4:39 ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to expansive Jupiter, making for a few pleasant hours to rest, read or make casual social connections.
At 5:01 pm (8:01 ET), Luna enters deep Scorpio. This placement adds boldness to the magical quincunx of benefic Venus and fortunate Jupiter, which perfects early tomorrow. We can seize the moment and take a big, meaningful step: enjoy a passionate encounter, make a life-altering decision, close a deal, sign documents, solve a problem in relationship, PR or finance, or set in motion a long-range goal.
Infinite good pours through the doors of change, triggering excellent results for all involved, here and now.
Saturday, August 14
This morning is worth rising early for. Meditate, pray, inhale the fresh morning air, or somehow get into resonance with the harmonizing potential of sweet Venus as she connects with joyful Jupiter.
Morning and midday are also good for doing work, starting a practical project or taking assertive action.
At 2:29 pm (5:29 ET), things may get tense as Moon in deep Scorpio makes a quincunx to Chiron, followed by an opposition to rebellious Uranus. These contacts spark our independence, can bring perspective and—with Sun contacting imaginative Neptune—favor creativity and intuition. However, they aren’t particularly high on social graces.
I am One with the love of the Mother, I am One with all harmony, now and always.
Sunday, August 15
At 8:20 am (11:20 ET) Moon reaches her Second Quarter, inviting us to review and tweak our progress on the intentions we set at last week’s New Moon.
At 23-24 Scorpio, the Sabian symbol says:
AFTER HAVING HEARD AN INSPIRED INDIVIDUAL DELIVER HER “SERMON ON THE MOUNT”, CROWDS ARE RETURNING HOME… The need to incorporate inspiring experiences and teachings into everyday living.
Today is great for psychic and spiritual activities, with Sun contacting Neptune, and Moon in perceptive Scorpio harmonizing with the planet of intuition, as well as ruler Pluto and Jupiter, planet of angels.
People contacts can also flow well, though Scorpio Moon tends to be picky. Focus on connections that can be deep, healing, intimate, or powerfully beneficial. Afternoon and evening are particularly apt.
At 8:05 pm (11:05 ET), Moon makes a brief VOC before entering Sagittarius as 8:12 pm (11:12 ET). We can be spontaneous, laugh, work on trade, promotions, correspondence, business meetings, lending or borrowing money, or anything that requires good luck.
At 9:27 pm (12:27 am ET), Venus enters sociable Libra.
Divine love touches me through every situation and event, which is why I lead a charmed life, now and always.
Monday, August 16
Moon in adventuresome Sag squares Mercury in analytical Virgo and sextiles constructive Saturn in intellectual Aquarius, while Mercury too, contacts Saturn. This combination is great for study, research, editing, business administration, and writing.
At 3:31 pm (6:31 ET), the vibe becomes more tense as Moon squares pushy Mars. We can be mindful of our own bossy or dogmatic tendencies—and rather than push others, push ourselves in organizing papers, the bathroom cupboard, or our bookshelves.
A couple of hours later, Moon trines Chiron, followed by a contact to Uranus. Our independent spirit stirs, and we can work on healing, business or something else that’s meaningful to us.
My life cannot be limited, my wellness cannot be limited, my freedom cannot be limited.
Tuesday, August 17
Sun in radiant Leo connects with Pluto, compelling us to focus on healing and empowerment.
At 10:19 am (1:19 pm ET), Moon squares Neptune, favoring intuitive, inner work and creative work.
This afternoon and evening, Moon makes wonderful harmonies with Sun and ruler Jupiter, increasing her confidence—already strong in Sagittarius—and facilitating good feelings and opportunities for great contacts and successful promotions. Now we can:
- Be spontaneous
- Have fun and laugh
- Spend time outdoors
- Work on trade, promotions, or correspondence
- Visit with friends
- Go back to school
- Meet new people
At 6:43 pm (9:43 ET), Moon goes VOC, although in the sign of the archer she continues to perform.
At 10:58 pm (1:58 am ET), she enters responsible, executive Capricorn.
I have confidence in my abilities and enjoy using them now.
Wednesday, August 18
With Moon in executive Capricorn, we would usually want to work and apply our leadership. However, with several tensions involving Chiron, people are apt to be touchy this morning and afternoon. Take a pause to journal or give yourself love before focusing on independent efforts for creativity, business or a cause of some kind.
The fog lifts this evening, and we can make great headway in business, promotions, financial expansion and activism, as messenger Mercury joins assertive Mars and Moon makes a string of lovely trines, to assertive Mars, communicative Mercury and innovative Uranus.
Attending the inner connection, the outer flows naturally, now and always.
Thursday, August 19
Moon in Capricorn, sign of manifestation, sextile dream-planet Neptune, while Sun opposes visionary Jupiter. Put feet on your dreams: ask for a promotion, set up a spiritually centered business, reorganize your life, retrieve a dream.
Whatever you take on, do it before 4:59 pm (7:59 ET); Moon goes VOC for the rest of the day.
At 6:40 pm (9:40 ET), Uranus the liberator goes retrograde. The search is on for a more authentic, personal kind of freedom.
I define my own freedom, and attract more authentic experiences now.
Friday, August 20
The day gets off to an electrical start. At 1:49 am (4:49 ET), Moon enters liberating, creative Aquarius, just after her ruler, Uranus, receives a wee-hour trine from Mercury.
Through this afternoon, the water bearer`s sociable side is accented by Moon’s trine to sweet Venus. Fight for a cause, organize a surprise party, learn a new dance, volunteer at the local school, hospital or park, share lunch with friends.
At 4:55 pm (7:55 ET), the tone shifts as Moon joins strong Saturn. The rest of the evening favors work and structuring a path of manifestation and learning.
I vibrate higher, and receive the best from in all situations now.
Saturday, August 21
We have another electric day, starting with a wee-hour square from Moon in independent Aquarius to ruler Uranus that shouts freedom at sunrise.
Then, Moon connects with Mercury in discerning Virgo, sharpening our acuity. We can do brilliant research, solve a challenging problem, or come up with a new option or invention.
The benefits are not only mental: assertive Mars in practical Virgo trines innovative Uranus in abundant Taurus. By applying our sixth sense, we can find shortcuts to our goals in finance, business, or work.
Spirit prevails over time and space, so I’m in a divine cycle now.
Sunday, August 22
Yesterday’s trine from Mars to Uranus is still active, and it completes a grand trine in earth signs that graces the chart for today’s Full Moon in Aquarius. During this Full Moon portal, innovative action facilitates manifestation.
The Full Moon, exact at 5:02 am (8:02 ET), also joins expansive, fortunate Jupiter. The Full Moon helps finish or consolidate something. In Aquarius, that something can relate to our ideals, friendships, and cultural or group activities. Mars, Uranus and Jupiter indicate action, promotion and, with the latter two in earth signs, business. The strong influence of Uranus and Jupiter indicates cosmic energy.
At 29 degrees Aquarius, the Sabian symbol is very cosmic indeed. It says:
DEEPLY ROOTED IN THE PAST OF A VERY ANCIENT CULTURE, A SPIRITUAL BROTHERHOOD IN WHICH MANY INDIVIDUAL MINDS ARE MERGED INTO THE GLOWING LIGHT OF A UNANIMOUS CONSCIOUSNESS IS REVEALED TO ONE WHO HAS EMERGED SUCCESSFULLY FROM HIS METAMORPHOSIS. The ability for the person with an open mind and a deep feeling for self-transcendence to come in contact with higher forms of existence. In this spiritual Whole each… is a recognizable form…; but when seen through a unified spiritual vision or from a distance, the Whole appears to be one single area of radiant light… This is the last and culminating cycle of Scene 22 of the cyclic ritual… the number 22 symbolizes all forms of mastery. At any level, it is a symbol of spiritual group fulfillment…
The symbol’s mention of the number 22 seems particularly significant on the twenty-second day. Besides the aforementioned application, we can use this portal to develop our connections with the higher realms, and enter into them more consciously.
At 5:43 am (8:43 ET), Moon enters sensitive Pisces, and we open to subtle messages and beings connected to this portal. It’s best to avoid parties and potentially feisty encounters, keep a low profile, and focus on spiritual activities, a shamanic journey, and in general, work on forgiveness or do something requiring inspiration and creativity.
At 2:35 pm (5:35 ET), Sun enters discerning, practical Virgo, helping ground Luna’s strong influence and increasing our service orientation.
I am surrounded by light beings, and I am ready to see them now.
Monday,August 23
Venus, planet of love and values, makes a trine to stable Saturn. We can work on a relationship that we want to last, improve the image of our business, do PR, write a proposal, and organize our taxes or finances. Connections with a boss, teacher or elder can go well.
Before connecting with others, take a moment to pause and think what you want to happen in the exchange. Clarity and patience help soften the edges of oppositions from Moon in touchy Pisces to sharp Mars and talkative Mercury.
At 9:50 pm (12:50 ET), Moon joins ruler Neptune. Still on the doorstep of yesterday’s Full Moon, this influence is great for channeling, automatic writing, visualizing, practicing forgiveness or metta (Buddhist meditation of compassion) and connecting with angels.
Angels, please in the midst of appearances, please hold me in the peace-center of my heart, now and always.
Tuesday, August 24
Today’s numerology of 6 radiates convivial and prosperous vibrations that enrich this morning’s fortunate sextile from Moon in creative Pisces to powerful Neptune in pragmatic Capricorn, all of which bring opportunities to ground our dreams. We can use them this morning to work on a dream or on a project requiring imagination or inspiration; write a proposal, agreement or contract; work on home or production design; send out tweets or emails, or sign documents.
Do some or any of this and contact others before 11:57 am (2:57 pm), when Moon enters dynamic Aries. With Mercury in opposition to dreamy Neptune, creativity remains high, and a quincunx to Sun strengthens our confidence. But these influences are short on diplomacy, and also there may be confusion. Listen to intuition, focus on independent work, and if you plan on making an agreement or contract, save it for next Friday or Saturday.
My connections are made of divine substance, and they generate good for all involved now.
Wednesday, August 25
People connections and work go best this morning and afternoon, when Moon in pioneering Aries harmonizes with executive Saturn and opposes Venus, planet of love and money. We can direct Aries’ nerve to tackle a short-term goal, work on trade, set up a new business, collect a debt, close a sale, promote something, or enjoy a romantic lunch.
At 11:00 am (2:00 pm ET), a conjunction from Moon to Chiron in defensive Aries sounds a touchiness alert. This, along with nighttime tension from Moon to ruler Mars can make for strained interactions. With Mars in conscientious Virgo, it’s time to switch gears and apply our drive to scrubbing the bathtub or decluttering.
Higher Self, please awaken my sacred masculine powers and move me to act assertively now.
Thursday, August 26
With Venus in opposition to wounded healer Chiron, and Mercury in trine to transformative Pluto, morning is great for speaking forth wellness. We can do this in therapy, journaling or by repeating mantras and affirmations.
Independent study or research also go well.
The best time for people connections is from 11:33 am (2:33 pm ET) to 2:14 pm (5:14 ET), when Moon goes VOC, or after she enters Taurus at 9:27 pm (12:27 am ET). In the interim, we can wash the car, go to the gym, for a walk or for a run or enjoy or casual sports.
I bless my throat chakra and visualize it glowing now.
Friday, August 27
Mercury the messenger connects with Jupiter the promoter, a great combination for teaching, advertising or motivating others. Morning is particularly upbeat, as Moon gets a dose of confidence and we can accept our feelings as she trines Sun.
At 2:04 pm (5:04 ET), a square from Moon to stern Saturn can make for emotional lows. We can take some down time now, and get back in gear a couple of hours later, when Moon in Taurus, sign of her exaltation, combines with today’s transformative numerology of 9 to make for a magical, productive evening. Enjoy nature, appreciate art, do business, show empathy, work on self-esteem, add spice and romance to intimate relations, or go out with someone new (or renew a flame).
I receive an inrush of good through expected and unexpected channels, here and now.
Saturday, August 28
Venus, planet of love and money, connects with revolutionary Uranus, activating our interest in trying new ways of relating and new avenues of financial expansion.
Moon in abundant Taurus trines Mars in steadfast Virgo, giving us the drive to act on our instincts of abundance, of protection for a loved one, or for service.
Today’s numerology of 1 also fuels drive and sparks the pioneering spirit. We can find success doing business, promoting something, expanding or trying a new investment, leasing or renting property, taking on new staff, setting up a new business, working on efforts that require self-esteem, buying a home, or opening a bank account.
At 5:56 pm (8:56 ET), Moon sextiles Neptune, planet of dreams. With Moon in fertile Taurus, this is a great aspect for manifestation in romance or a creative project. Use an opportunity, or create one!
If you can stay awake, use Moon’s late trine to powerful Pluto and expansive Jupiter to make headway in business, promotional activities, and connections with light beings.
I am a channel of divine opportunity and I act on my vision, here and now.
Sunday, August 29
You may wish to rise early and make the most of a productive trine from Moon in rich Taurus to Mercury in Virgo, earth sign of its rule. We can take care of business documents, organize papers, follow up on communications for service and work, apply online for a loan, or push through paperwork and writing.
Use this meticulous and productive vitality before 9:42 am (12:42 pm ET), when Moon enters communicative Gemini.
Today’s numerology of 11 triggers a portal that allows angels to access humanity’s energy of kindness more easily. Charge your heart with mantras and affirmations, and then share this energy in people connections and sharing ideas, through corresponding, messaging, giving a presentation, working on sales, or making calls.
Kuan Yin, you who behold all beings with love and empathy, please put your orchid flower heart in me.
Monday, August 30
At 12:13 am (3:13 ET), Moon reaches Fourth Quarter, beginning the final week of the lunar month, a week to finish things we started previously.
At 7-8 Gemini, the Sabian symbol says:
AROUSED STRIKERS SURROUND A FACTORY. The disruptive power of the ambitious mind upon the organic wholeness of human relationship. REVOLT AGAINST PRIVILEGES.
With a trine from Moon in loquacious Gemini to structured Saturn in wise Aquarius, morning is good for planning or going on a business trip, working on negotiation, research, buying books, presenting an idea to a teacher or authority figure, or purchasing computer and phone equipment.
At 10:14 am (1:14 pm ET), Moon sextiles wounded healer Chiron: there’s energetic support to get or give therapy and write and speak healing prayers and affirmation.
I give thanks for the consolidated results of my past, present and future intentions, now.
Tuesday, August 31
Moon makes an early square to Neptune, planet of angels. Prayer and contacts with light beings go better than trying to get through to humans.
At 11:37 am (2:37 ET), Moon makes a quincunx to deep Pluto. If we direct it positively, we can uncover a secret, make deep, meaningful connections, do great research, or connect with someone influential.
At 1:48 pm (4:48 ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to jovial Jupiter. If possible, save key connections and activities for another day and take the afternoon off. Play word games, connect with siblings, and have fun.
At 10:26 pm (1:26 am ET), Moon enters sensitive Cancer… just in time for sweet dreams.
I’m not alone or limited to my personal thoughts or those others try to push on me. Spirit’s light is with me and in me, and it shows me whatever I need to see about this situation now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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