Free Daily Astrological Forecast, May 1–31, 2021
Daykeeper’s free daily astrological forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Saturday, May 1
Happy May Day!
Sun is in the middle decanate of fertile Taurus and is charged with today’s forceful numerology of 1, making this pagan fest of Beltane a great day for manifestation. Celebrate Spring, enjoy the local trees and if you can get some work done, focus on business, investments, real estate or anything potentially profitable.
Morning is particularly productive, as Moon in executive Capricorn trines Sun in abundant Taurus, supporting confidence and solid results from our practical efforts. Mercury the messenger is building to trine intense Pluto, giving energy to our minds and power to our words. Small talk can seem frustrating, and this is probably good since, if we focus, we can overcome some sort of block or challenge through research, analysis, healing or communication.
Tonight, Moon harmonizes with Venus and Neptune, planets of romance. If you have someone to share it with, enjoy a trip to a sexy hotel. Or entertain your love object at home, take out the satin sheets, light a candle in the bedroom and exchange a massage and more. If you happen to be alone, these influences are good for giving yourself a foot rub or staying up late to contact spirit guides or work on business or art.
Praise to the forces of abundance that beautify the earth and bless us all with plenteous good now!
Sunday, May 2
Yesterday’s productive, intense energies prevail through early morning. Use them before 7:38 am (10:38 ET), when Moon goes VOC. At this point, we may enjoy sleeping in, resting, or reading for pleasure until 12:31 pm (3:31 ET), when Moon leaves her VOC and enters friendly Aquarius,
After this, we can use the lovely, harmonious vibrations of a spectacular trine from sweet Venus to dreamy Neptune that is the culmination of the romantic, artistic influences unleashed yesterday. This trine brings even more harmony to the practical assertive consonance between mental Mercury and bold Pluto that perfects today. Communications can be loving, transformative and mark a watershed of some kind.
Under these rosy influences, we can:
- Propose a romantic commitment
- Sign an agreement
- Forge an alliance
- Take therapy for two
- Reconcile with a key other
- Empower our prayers
- Share a heart-message in effective ways
- Close a sale
- Make love with a new partner or your twin flame.
My true relationships are divine, and they work to elevate and benefit all involved now.
Monday, May 3
Still in orb of yesterday’s Venus-Neptune trine, we may feel like watching romance movies. However, morning can be productive if we can focus. This evening, Mercury will be leaving Taurus, sign of abundance, and Moon is about to reach her fourth and final quarter. So seize the first part of the day.
Two dynamic squares, one from communicative Mercury to publicist-planet Jupiter, and another from purposeful Sun to taskmaster Saturn, stimulate creativity and push us to get organized. With Moon, Jupiter and Saturn all in futuristic Aquarius, we can release any blocks to our new direction. With Sun and Mercury in Taurus, this recalibration can relate to finances, nature, or art.
Sun square Saturn can feed guilt trips and is better for independent work or study rather than socializing. If necessary, leave the bed unmade, turn off the phone, and organize your strategy, because we won’t want to let this morning slip through our fingers without taking an audacious step on a project we’ve been dreaming about.
At 12:50 pm (3:50 ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter. At 13-14 Aquarius, her Sabian symbol says:
A TRAIN ENTERING A TUNNEL. The ability to shortcut the natural process of evolution by an exercise of will, mental skill and physical self-discipline.
After the lunation, we can focus on finishing things we’d started previously.
At 7:49 pm (10:49 ET), Mercury enters Gemini, air sign of his rule. Communications will be quicker. We’ll be less focused on practical affairs, and more on connection for its own sake.
As a handmaiden of the goddess, I enjoy creating abundance for myself and others now.
Tuesday, May 4
This morning, heart and head are joined as Moon in friendly Aquarius squares love-planet Venus. Today’s numerology of 4—associated with Saturn—accents Aquarius’ more logical, structured side. We can make headway on a creative or humanitarian project, beautify our work, do PR for business and strengthen our ideal network.
Focus on results until 5:05 pm (8:05 ET), when Moon goes VOC in conjunction to affable Jupiter. Under this expansive yet relatively goal-free influence, we can visualize, read for pleasure, or go for a walk until 7:09 pm (10:09 ET), when Moon enters sensitive Pisces.
We might finish the day in Piscean fashion by enjoying music and meditating, praying or invoking light beings.
I dare to recognize and apply my gifts fully now.
Wednesday, May 5
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
This morning, Moon in dreamy Pisces trines assertive Mars, an odd coupling that brings audacity to intuitive, creative and compassionate endeavors. Provoke a pause and consult spirit guides or intuition for how you can act on your inspiration. This is a wonderful combination for promoting a creative project. If you prefer to direct this energy on others’ behalf, you can do something heroic for a loved one, for the incarcerated, for the institutionalized, or for ocean conservation.
An afternoon sextile from Moon to Uranus keeps us on the intuitive wavelength. With Uranus in Taurus, sign of abundance, we can trust our instincts and move beyond our comfort zones to develop new paths to prosperity. We might knock on a key door, disconnect from another’s limiting opinions, or promote an independent project.
With relational Venus moving to trine powerful Pluto, this is the time to steer clear of naysayers and reach out to a coach, therapist and others who appreciate our potential.
This evening, enjoying music, nature, or a favorite spiritual practice.
I release limiting beliefs and trust the magic that is guiding me now.
Thursday, May 6
Venus, planet of values, perfects her trine to transformational Pluto. We can deepen our sense of self-worth, release obsolete habits in finances and love, and create a more organized and empowering relationship with money.
Pluto is currently retrograde, and associated with deep inner healing. The trine from Venus supports us in integrating self-love on this path. With the love-planet in Taurus, earth sign of her rule, we can overcome a new layer of self-sabotage and allow ourselves to receive our good. Breakthroughs can be made by engaging in therapy, journaling, taking a coaching session, or participating in a 12-step encounter (check online options),
Apply Pluto’s courage to release old belongings, organize your financial situation, restructure a loan, and release concern for the approval of others. Moon in sensitive Pisces accents our intuition.
Night-owl advisory: At 10:34 pm (1:34 am ET), Moon sextiles Pluto and Venus. Opportunities arise to apply our inner progress in outer ways, through business, people connections, creative work, and deep and effective spiritual practice.
I release myself and others from disempowering relationship dynamics now.
Friday, May 7
If you happen to be up and functional before 4:52 am (7:52 ET), Moon in sensitive Pisces continues to favor spiritual practice, dream work, and creative inspiration.
Luna then enters assertive Aries. Though not high on patience or diplomacy, this forthright influence, combined with the still operative Venus-Pluto square, is great for setting limits and putting distance on situations, dynamics and activities that have been draining or simply distracting us. We can release goals that don’t necessarily resonate with our highest values, and clear out belongings, disarray, or visualization materials in preparation for the upcoming New Moon.
For most of the day, independent activities are easier than interactions with others. This changes at 6:01 pm (9:01 ET), when Moon in direct Aries makes a lovely sextile to Mercury in Gemini, air sign of his rule. We can communicate assertively to express our ideas and feelings, and promote a product, service, or cause.
I listen to my evolving needs and the evolving needs of others, now.
Saturday, May 8
This day holds great potential for personal progress and also for spreading kindness.
Today’s numerology of 8 motivates us to make recognizable progress towards our goals, and Moon in dynamic Aries increases our leadership quotient. Sweet Venus squares expansive Jupiter, and although squares create tension, these planets are considered the lesser and greater Benefics, and their connection expands prosperity, kindness, and charisma.
In assertive Aries, Moon sextiles productive Saturn. Acting on our bold instincts can produce lasting results. Our goal may be for finance, promotional activities, a service cause of some kind, or simply to expand the radiation of kindness.
If you’re consolidating something related to business, try to finish it before 7:01 pm (10:01 ET), when Venus leaves abundant Taurus and enters the dry airs of Gemini.
I hold to thoughts of love, and this frequency allows the best outcomes, here and now.
Sunday, May 9
Connections with others (like Mother’s Day celebrations) go better this afternoon or evening. Earlier in the day, the aspects favor independent activities and overcoming personal limitations.
At 10:16 am (1:16 pm ET), Moon in strong Aries squares intense Pluto; the inner hero stirs. Today’s numerology of 9 also relates to Pluto, to endings, to altruism and to donation. We have the nerve to:
- Face our shadows
- Delete distractions
- Streamline for inner and outer progress
- Get rid of clutter
- Review, purge and organize our visualization materials in preparation for the intentions we’ll set at the New Moon of Tuesday, May 11.
We can also:
- Support a charity or cause
- Write a persuasive letter to Congress
- Weed the garden
Get it done before 3:50 pm (6:50 ET), when Moon goes VOC on a sextile to party-planet Jupiter. We will feel more cheerful, although things may go differently than planned.
At 4:46 pm (7:46 ET), Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. This is a great placement for sharing a nice dinner and enjoying music or nature. An evening picnic would be great. If you want to celebrate Mom but are socially distancing, you could send her a takeout dinner and share music on Zoom. If you have work to do or investments to attend to, the Taurus Moon favors that too.
I bless the divine connections I received through my mother, and the Mother presence that watches over humanity, guiding, supporting and protecting us now.
Monday, May 10
On the doorstep of tomorrow’s New Moon, today’s numerology of 1 favors starting something.
Moon is exalted in Taurus and makes aspects that favor shaking things up. She sextiles assertive Mars and conjoins rebellious Uranus. At the same time, Mercury in loquacious Gemini harmonizes with Chiron, the wounded healer, facilitating authentic self-expression. This combination favors the more assertive activities associated with Taurus Moon, and doing them boldly. We can:
- Promote something
- Try a new sales close
- Set up a new business
- Try a new solution or approach in an existing business or work
- Take care of money
- Make an investment
- Assume more leadership of a business or in a shared project
- Find our inner voice and bring it to the table
- Lease or rent property
- Hire new staff
- Remodel or redecorate
- Try a new bank
- Go out with someone new
Drop off your date and return your glass slippers before 7:44 pm (10:44 ET) when Moon squares strict Saturn, freezing the magic and sending the fairies into hiding. Now, the ball is over and the energies lend themselves to ironing, radiating love to ourselves, taking a bracingly cold shower, or taking a good honest look at the bank balance and overall financial strategy.
I speak from the heart and my words are filled with healing power now.
Tuesday, May 11
New Moon in Taurus makes a strong beginning to an important lunar month. Exact at 12:00 pm (3:00 pm ET), she comes with several harmonies and little tension. Whatever we set in motion today will tend to flow easily, but it won’t necessarily go far unless we push ourselves out of our comfort zone and apply ourselves. Our clarity, determination, and actions at this particular portal can connect us with the highest possible outcome of the upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius that will soon begin this year’s Eclipse season.
The present lunation favors an interesting spectrum of intentions and projects. Taurus has to do with values, finances, self-esteem, security, self-worth, gratitude and persistent effort. Moon’s close sextile to Neptune brings opportunities in spirituality, intuition, visualization, healing, art, and angel connections. If you have been hoping to develop your talent, deepen your intuition or expand your spiritual life, this is a great time to clarify the intention, and with Moon in Taurus, we can attract resources that support our new direction. Moon also trines transformative Pluto, which is currently retrograde and supporting inner healing.
Another key harmony is the exact sextile from active Mars to innovative Uranus that brings opportunities for initiative in new directions. With Mars in Cancer, intuition guides our actions. In the New Moon chart, Mercury the messenger trines structured Saturn, giving staying power to the agreements, negotiations and commitments we make and the intentions we choose to write.
The only tense aspect is Mars in square to Chiron. With Mars in touchy Cancer and Chiron in me-first Aries, there’s a tendency to take things personally. Avoid arguments and apply diplomacy in negotiations. If frustrations come up, don’t try to force things. Rather, look at what they’re telling you about your inner wounds, and take a pause to journal, talk with a therapist, astrologer or counselor, and with Pluto retrograde, recommit to your path of healing.
At 21-22 Taurus, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
WHITE DOVE FLYING OVER TROUBLED WATERS. The spiritual inspiration that comes to the individual in the overcoming of crisis… This symbol scene can be applied to personal crises… -if the crisis has been faced in the right spirit… A REWARD TO THE FAITHFUL.
Sample intentions for the present portal include:
I want to work effectively on my self-esteem and financial freedom.
I can see myself with fully developed healing (psychic) powers.
I visualize myself starting each morning in gratitude and sustaining this focus throughout the day.
I imagine the world full of people who have awakened their inner light and healing powers.
I visualize the joy of connecting tangibly with my spirit guides.
I imagine myself free of painful family dynamics and doubts about my self-worth.
I see myself enjoying financial freedom as I persist in building wellness for myself and others.
I wish to spend time each day studying and developing my gift of (name talent or gift).
I see myself enjoying a positive, orderly relationship to money.
I am ready to start each day with my spiritual practice of (write your chosen practice/s).
Besides writing down an intention, today is excellent for making a vision board, treasure map or similar tool to support our goals in finances, business and success.
I give thanks for the spiritual forces that support my positive intentions and the positive intentions of people around the world now.
Wednesday, May 12
Moon is in Taurus, sign of her exaltation, until 5:43 am (8:43 ET) this morning, when she enters curious Gemini. Today, the full spectrum of our mental gifts is strengthened, from logic, realism and reason to imagination, fantasy, and intuition.
At the same time, yesterday’s psychic portal is extended by a sextile from Sun in grounded Taurus to magical Neptune in Pisces, sign of its rule.
Gemini Moon’s ruler, loquacious Mercury, perfects a trine to stable Saturn; what we study, communicate or commit to can stand the test of time. With Jupiter entering dreamy Pisces tomorrow, and Mercury entering pre-retrograde shadow the next day, take advantage of the current influences to act on New Moon intentions, begin something, and plan and organize the rest of the month.
Today’s combined influences merit making an extra effort to cultivate our connections with both and inner worlds. For instance:
- Consult the I Ching, a medium, the angels, or your own favorite oracle for guidance in manifesting New Moon intentions.
- Complete a treasure map or similar visual tool to support them.
- Make an agreement.
- Close a business deal.
- Draw up a contract or proposal.
- Get married or hold a handfasting ceremony.
- Enroll in a course of spiritual, artistic or business study.
- Start a metaphysical study or reading group.
- Organize bookshelves or found a library.
- Organize strategy and activities for the rest of the month.
I give thanks for positive spiritual forces that surround and guide me, surround and guide us, now and always.
Thursday, May 13
Moon in verbal Gemini trines Saturn the organizer in objective Aquarius, and joins Gemini’s ruler Mercury, making today great for productive communication and study. With Jupiter in his last hours in Aquarius, it also favors publication, promotion and study.
At 3:36 this afternoon, we get a major shift as Jupiter, planet of expansion, knowledge, meaning, and good fortune, enters Pisces, sign of his co-rule. We become more open to the underdog, to life’s subtle side, and more prone to addictions and escapism.
This is a highly spiritual, humanitarian, charismatic and artistic placement. Take time out to review mystical or creative objectives, whether those set at Tuesday’s New Moon, or other, ongoing ones. Tweak or write down what you want to learn as you advance, and begin to gather knowledge: sign up for a class, apply for admission to a school, and order books on your chosen subject. Define a daily program of study. (See our May General Influences for more tips for your sign at this transit.)
Besides this interval for self-improvement, afternoon and evening favor people connections, promotion, sending messages and emails, and connecting with colleagues, neighbors, clients and siblings.
Guardian Angel (or names your spirit guide/s), please direct me to continue learning and developing my highest potential, now and always.
Friday, May 14
With Mercury entering pre-retrograde shadow and Moon VOC in loquacious Gemini for most of the day, focus on follow-through for mundane communications.
Save key actions and connections for after 6:30 pm (9:30 ET), when Moon enters tender Cancer and makes a trine to expansive Jupiter that imbues this lunar placement with confidence, accenting its natural compassion and propensity for financial and spiritual growth. This wonderful combination favors:
- Heart-centered meditation and prayer
- Forgiving oneself and family
- Entertaining family
- Going on an inner journey
- Working on psychic development, personal growth, self-empowerment
- Embarking on a new course of metaphysical study
- Inspiring others
- Supporting a cause for families or spiritual growth
- Proposing marriage or a long-term commitment
- Interpersonal contacts of all kinds—especially for education, business, a foreign concern or with spirit guides and angels.
Make a special effort to avoid dramatizing a perceived slight.
My world is filled with a loving force that works to support me richly, now and always.
Saturday, May 15
Today’s numerology of 6 favors inner and outer work related to prosperity, and the aspects favor independent activities over people connections.
A quincunx from Mars in intuitive Cancer to Saturn in wise Aquarius gives us a chance to stop—perhaps involuntarily—and review our action strategy. Does our strategy take into account our intuitive promptings, our powers of reason and research, our need for wellness?
Moon in sensitive Cancer triggers tensions with both feisty Mars and stern Saturn. On the harmonious side, her sextile to cosmic Uranus can make for intuitive breakthroughs in creativity, and in resonance with the Mars-Saturn quincunx, in strategies for business and finance.
Direct these energies in independent activities or well-pondered contacts at a distance. Save closer connections for tomorrow afternoon.
I move forward in ways that support my wellness now.
Sunday, May 16
This morning, Moon in sensitive Cancer carries the influence of wee-hour contacts to Mars and Saturn, favoring independent, physical activities such as straightening the bedroom, washing sheets, stripping furniture, decluttering bookshelves, excavating the fridge to organize grocery shopping, or walking barefoot on the grass.
At 3:42 pm (6:42 ET), Moon trines Neptune, planet of compassion. We can work on healing, meditate on lovingkindness, join a spiritual gathering, connect with loved ones or support a group or person in need.
Night owls can apply Moon’s contacts to Sun and Pluto for journaling and inner healing.
Although things aren’t perfect, I center in my love for others now.
Monday, May 17
This is great day to reaffirm our confidence and make tangible, positive change. With today’s numerology of 8, we are moved us to new levels of achievement.
At 5:44 am (8:44 ET), Moon enters proud Leo. It’s time to apply our talents and avoid wasting time through seeking the approval of others.
Sun in Taurus makes a wee-hour trine to powerhouse Pluto. Focus on the bull’s specialties: developing gratitude, bringing forth beauty, and activities related to material manifestation, affirming self-worth, and persistent efforts to cement our security. These will support our path of power.
Nothing can suppress, weaken or limit me. I am a being of power, and I rise in victory now.
Tuesday, May 18
Today’s numerology of 9 supports generous thoughts and actions. Moon in passionate Leo supports expressing our warmth.
A sextile from sweet Venus to wounded-healer Chiron can help mend bridges and fuel dharma. Under these influences we can:
- Show gratitude to someone
- Share a gift or donation
- Give and receive positive recognition
- Use our words and messages to empower others, particularly women
At 7:29 pm (10:29 ET), the warmth subsides as Moon opposes cold Saturn. Then at 7:55 pm (10:55 ET), connections come back online when Moon makes a sextile to communicative Mercury.
From the heart chakra in the center of my chest, I radiate the kindness that all beings long for now.
Wednesday, May 19
Venus in communicative Gemini makes a trine to Saturn in wise Aquarius. This harmony supports our efforts to connect with others, substantiate our knowledge, express our ideas, values and talents, and strengthen our personal and business ties. Choose those that really matter and reach out.
At 12:13 pm (3:13 ET), Moon goes VOC on reaching her Second Quarter. At 29-30 Leo, the Sabian symbol says:
AN UNSEALED LETTER. The realization by the individual that all thoughts and all messages are ultimately to be shared with all people…. Communication and SHARING must prevail over the will to glorify oneself by claiming sole possession of ideas and information.
Moon’s Second Quarter is great for reviewing progress on intentions we set at the New Moon. Since this Moon goes VOC in fun Leo, we can take a break and do that review at or after 1:59 PM (3:59 ET), when Luna enters diligent, organized Virgo.
A contact with Jupiter expands Virgo’s reach beyond its frequent tendency to fixate on detail, bringing out its nobler gifts. We can:
- Troubleshoot and help.
- Reconnect with our underlying spiritual and service goals
- Reorganize our work
- Press for practical manifestation
- Complete an old project
Angels of divine missions, please hold me in acts and thoughts of service now.
Thursday, May 20
With Moon in Virgo connecting with wounded-healer Chiron and innovative Uranus, morning and early afternoon support efforts to heal and to ground new avenues of prosperity.
At 12:37 pm (3:37 ET), Sun enters Gemini, bringing in a lighter, more mental and social energy.
This afternoon, Moon’s tensions with constructive Saturn and Venus, planet of money and beauty, favor independent activities to ground our knowledge, self-esteem, or a creative or business project.
At 7:57 pm (10:57 ET), a sextile from Moon to active Mars facilitates physical activity like doing exercise or cleaning the closets. It’s also good for promoting something or intervening to help a cause, person or group.
All creation responds to my bold actions, and the path before me opens, here and now.
Friday, May 21
This morning is great for prayer, connecting with spirit guides, visualization or promoting something, particularly after 8:03 am (11:03 ET), when Sun squares expansive Jupiter.
Any transit involving Jupiter has positive potential, and the good thing about this square is that it can expand our vision, empower our sense of purpose and increase our faith, enthusiasm and charisma.
That said, it’s a good thing Moon is in service-oriented Virgo, since Sun-Jupiter can trigger a diva syndrome and other excessive tendencies, like overspending, overindulging (in gossip, with Sun in Gemini), and in general, overdoing.
Our best bet is to connect with the spirit of service behind our goals or vision, and hold to that thought through the morning, particularly in grounded yet meaningful activities, such as:
- Healing ourselves or others
- Reorganizing
- Working on practical manifestation
- Taking stock
- Completing an old project
- Volunteering for a cause
At 12:56 pm (3:56 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Libra at 6:35 pm (9:35 ET). Her evening contacts to Jupiter and Sun can make for meaningful, low-key exchanges with others, and aid effective promotion.
Light beings are all around me, and I perceive their guidance now.
Saturday, May 22
Today’s number, 22, is a Master Number that can expand the reach of our actions beyond our personal sphere, touching the masses.
Morning and midday are good for people connections, with Moon in Libra making for a social, polite atmosphere.
At 2:15 pm (5:15 ET), interactions may become prickly, with Libra Moon’s argumentative streak triggered by her opposition to wounded-healer Chiron and a quincunx to rebel Uranus. These feisty influences are good for planning a negotiation strategy, writing a letter to Congress, or defending the underdog.
Aside from the aforementioned battlegrounds, and considering this afternoon’s square from mental Mercury to mysterious Neptune, it’s best to focus on independent healing, getting therapy, prayer, and meditation (great ways to reach the masses), or working on/researching something creative. With Moon in trine to stable Saturn, our results can be lasting.
Avoid making new commitments. If an opportunity for romance arises, a midnight trine from Moon to ruler Venus will sweeten hearts and warm the sheets. Make it a quickie, as at 12:51 am (2:51 ET), Moon squares tense Mars.
My first priority throughout this day is to stay in a place of love.
Sunday, May 23
With Moon in social Libra harmonizing with Mercury the messenger in Gemini, air sign of his rule, morning is great for people connections.
Before dawn, Saturn turns retrograde, creating a serious atmosphere that’s best applied in study, work, attention to elders, teachers and family, and review of our life-lessons, goals, and consistent efforts.
At 2:36 pm (5:36 ET), Moon goes VOC. We can enjoy a good read, beautiful art or nature until 8:00 pm (11:00 ET), when Luna enters intense Scorpio. Our intuition expands as she trines Jupiter in psychic Pisces at 9:37 pm (12:37 am ET). We can consult an oracle, connect with ancestors and light beings, pray or meditate, and work on positive inner change.
I am infinite being, naturally connected with the positive spiritual forces that surround me and guide me, now and always.
Monday, May 24
Moon in intense Scorpio makes tense aspects that can put strain on communications. If for work or social reasons you must connect with people, morning is the best time.
Moon’s tensions to wounded-healer Chiron, rebel Uranus and strict Saturn can bring to light hidden emotions around our wounds, our security, and our resistance to change. This can be a great time to go deep, with a spiritual retreat, or a day off to connect with a therapist or healing group, and journal.
My intention to heal attracts supportive energies to me now.
Tuesday, May 25
This is a good morning for physical and emotional intimacy, spiritual healing or helping animals and people. Moon in brave Scorpio connects with sweet Venus and harmonizes with gentle Neptune, fueling closeness and elevating our compassion quotient.
At 2:20 pm (5:20 ET), she goes VOC. Leave productivity on hold and enjoy the outdoors or exchange a massage.
At 7:39 pm (10:39 ET), Moon enters Sagittarius. On the doorstep of tomorrow’s Eclipse, we can focus on the archer’s gentler activities, like doing prophetic dreaming, supplying ourselves with forgiveness, and enjoying spontaneity and laughter.
Avoid sermonizing or overdoing things.
I give thanks for the forces that work to heal the planet now.
Wednesday, May 26
Today starts with the first Eclipse of the year: a Full Moon in Sagittarius, sign of beliefs, expansion and education. Exact at 4:14 am (7:14 ET), it activates the South Node, indicating an ending or conclusion of past tendencies or attachments. Sun and Moon make a T-square with Sag’s ruler, Jupiter, a creative influence that awakens awareness and prompts us to act. Mighty Jupiter is currently in Pisces, sign of faith, and of the Big Guy’s co-rulership, accenting the strongly Jupiterian influence of the present portal.
Jupiter and Pisces both relate to spirit guides, and this lunation activates two fixed stars associated with archangels. Moon joins Antares, connected with Uriel—archangel of providence and grace—while Sun joins Aldebaran, connected to Michael, angel of faith, mastery and victory.
These are two of four stars that due to their intense brightness, were called Celestial Guardians by the ancient Persians. The combined angelic archetypes speak to protection: there is help from on high to close an era, and release us to new, freer beliefs. This will trigger growth in education, self-development and spiritual practice.
Neptune, planet of spirit and the final dispositor of this Eclipse, is receiving a square from Venus, activating cosmic heart energy and signaling a turn towards more gylanic, feminine beliefs that will be particularly empowering to women and sensitive men.
For more on this lunation and a tip for each Sun and rising sign, see our May General Influences.
At 5-6 Sagittarius, the Sabian symbol for this Eclipse says:
A GAME OF CRICKET. The development of skills in group situations testing collective goals… GROUP SOLIDARITY.
This evening, eased by a sextile from Moon to stable Saturn, is the best time for interaction with others. As with all Eclipses, the energy is intense, and it’s better to leave major decisions or sweeping actions on hold until two weeks from now.
I declare myself from limiting beliefs that I have absorbed, inherited or adhered to in this life in past incarnations, now and forevermore!
Thursday, May 27
This morning, spiritual vibrations remain strong, with Moon in Sagittarius connecting with Venus and Neptune. Besides spiritual practice and gatherings (online or with social distance), we can enjoy low-key connections with others, creative visualization and something related to education (looking into college or graduate work, signing up for a course, sharing our knowledge).
The square from Venus to Neptune perfects and we may feel a little spacey. Avoid taking on personal commitments, making a major expense, or going on a picnic in the woods with a sexy Centaur or a hot nymph. Stick to your territory and as much as possible, focus on tranquil pursuits.
At 7:23 pm (10:23 ET), Moon enters practical Capricorn and we’ll be landing back on Earth. Two hours later, she sextiles Jupiter. We can apply the mountain goat’s strategic sense by sitting down and organizing our time to support progress on our Full Moon intentions. Tonight is also good for promotional and business efforts. (With Mercury in pre-retrograde shadow, try to focus on things that that were started previously).
Spirit fills my world and there is no lack in Spirit, only plenteous, rich good, now and always.
Friday, May 28
Today’s bold numerology of 1 supports closing the week in style. With Moon in executive Capricorn, we can reconnect with our goals and take action to finish something.
Mercury the messenger joins sweet Venus in Gemini, sign of communication. Words come easily and there’s a magic to our interactions. Mend a bridge, express your gratitude, give a present, lift someone’s spirits, go on a date, promote your ideas.
Morning and afternoon are particularly good for work connections and business. The Mercury-Venus conjunction is exact at 10:13 pm (1:13 am ET), making this evening great for more personal connections.
Divine love fills my world, and harmonizes my connections, now and always.
Saturday, May 29
Still in orb of Mercury’s conjunction to Venus, Moon in dynamic Capricorn makes a morning opposition to Mars. We may feel like connecting, but people are apt to be touchy and maybe even pushy, so save key connections until after 9:13 am (12:13 ET), when Moon makes a lovely sextile to magical Neptune before moving to contact social planets Mercury and Venus.
This savvy Capricorn Moon awakens the inner strategist; we can apply today’s influences in positive communications for work, business, real-estate and dealings with elders, a teacher or authority figure of some kind.
Mercury enters full retrograde today. Focus on connections and efforts begun sometime before May 14. Ride the wave before 3:15 pm (6:15 ET), when Moon goes VOC on a conjunction to big mama Pluto. Now we may feel motivated to declutter our personal space, seek out a tree to hug, or visualize our next professional accomplishment or our dream house.
At 9:04 pm (12:04 am ET), Moon enters easy-breezy Aquarius. If you’re up for it, connect with friends, do research, read an edgy viewpoint, or work on something creative.
I’m open to new information, new people and new experiences, and my good grows, here and now.
Sunday, May 30
Love-planet Venus in verbal Gemini makes a minor tension to Pluto while this planet of transformation is on its retrograde, aka healing, path. Inner work, particular self-dialogue, can be very empowering, as can expressing our true concerns and doing something on behalf of our own best interests.
After awakening our power, we can focus on creativity and people connections. Today’s numerology of 3 accents both, while Moon in experimental Aquarius likes to try something new. Tonight, she trines Saturn the builder, accenting Aquarius’ rational abilities and supporting lasting results.
Best of all, assertive Mars in sensitive Cancer trines imaginative Neptune. This often-undervalued but important contact makes for breakthroughs in creativity, and artistic success. The red planet empowers the inner artist by cutting through perfectionism, pushing to bring our inspiration into form, and to promote it! This transit can also be applied in production of music, videos and advertisements, and in directing or supporting a spiritual or ecological cause.
I dare to believe in and promote my magic now.
Monday, May 31
Although today is a holiday, the constructive numerology of 4 moves us to build tangible results. With Moon in rebellious Aquarius, we can get them by:
- Trying a new approach to an existing project
- Moving on an activist connection
- Participating in a volunteer effort
- Supporting online petitions
- Setting a limit
- Doing investigative research to enrich your current knowledge or information
- Scrutinizing a situation to see how it effects our own best interests
If we’re in more relaxed, holiday mode, some lighter activities are true to the free, Aquarian spirit but still leave a positive mark, such as:
- Learning a new dance
- Rearranging the furniture
- Going on a walk and picking up garbage or identifying wildlife or vegetation
- Lunching with friends
- Going on an inner journey to seek answers
- Connecting with an online group for alternative lifestyle or spirituality
I give thanks for the contributions of warrior spirits who continue to shine in the light realms now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Hope you are safe and well.
Doing good, Janice, thanks. Same for you.