Free Daily Astrological Forecast, April 1–30, 2021
This free astrological forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Thursday, April 1
Today’s numerology of 1 imparts confidence, as does Moon in Sagittarius. Since Luna is waning, we can direct this energy by pushing forward in something we started previously.
Mercury the messenger sextiles Pluto-the-deep-and-mighty, imbuing our words with power, and favoring communications with others and with our own psyche. Using these powerful communicative connections, we can:
- Begin a new cycle of affirmations
- Work on healing our self-dialogue
- Present, or post social media videos or content
- Impact others to profoundly look at and heal communication issues
- Reach out to an influential contact
- Make important connections or work more effectively with existing ones
Morning and midday are great for spiritual activities, sharing brunch and enjoying nature.
Evening is actually the best time for work and business. Starting at 5:53 pm (8:53 ET), Moon makes three wonderful trines: to productive Saturn, purposeful Sun, and sweet Venus, while Mercury’s harmony to Pluto perfects at 11:04 pm (2:04 am ET).
My words are not just ideas, they’re agents of power that open doors for me and others now.
Friday, April 2
All day, we are still in range of Mercury’s harmony to Pluto.
This morning, Moon in Sagittarius opposes Mars in Gemini, fueling our inner hero. Write to Congress, help an elder with his or her garden, weed your own. For the most part, independent activities are more promising than teamwork or interactions with others, which are not apt to be especially harmonious. Avoid an unnecessary argument.
Independent activities continue to be favored through early afternoon, when Moon’s square to Neptune enriches creativity and sharpens intuition but can also create confusion. Invite the angels or your spirit guides to bless your home, do a promotion on the web, or work on a media production or an artistic project.
At 2:17 pm (5:17 ET), the game changes again when Moon sextiles ruler Jupiter, planet of good will and good fortune. Our spirit is open, our words empowered, our reach expanded. We can:
- Socialize
- Go on a trip
- Work on trade, correspondence, a business matter or something requiring diplomacy
- Attain a long-overdue answer
- Sign up for, take or give a class or seminar
- Begin a new cycle of affirmations
- Work on healing our self-dialogue
- Make a presentation or post social media videos or content
- Impact others profoundly
- Look at and heal communication issues
- Reach out to an influential contact
- Make important connections or work more effectively with existing ones
At 10:24 pm (1:24 am ET), the euphoria subsides as Moon squares Mercury.
I am not an age, a color or a merely human identity. I am unlimited being, and my reach is infinite, now and always.
Saturday, April 3
Today’s strong cardinal energies favor focused communication and action.
At 1:13 am (4:13 ET), Moon enters industrious Capricorn, accenting the more diligent instincts of Saturday, which is also ruled by responsible Saturn.
Morning is a good time to:
- Reorganize papers, space, a building project, work strategies or an area of life that’s become chaotic
- Work and do business
- Unclutter the inbox
- Release old contacts
At 5:07 pm (8:07 ET), Moon squares Chiron. We’re apt to become touchy, particularly with family. We can provoke a pause, soak in the tub, use a skin rub, take or give therapy, make a plan for healing by writing down our intentions and some steps we can take, or review and structure our goals for success.
At 8:41 pm (11:41 ET), we get a big shift as Mercury leaves intuitive Pisces and enters dynamic Aries. It’s now in mutual reception with Mars, the planet of action that’s been accelerating our minds and communications since he entered his native Aries early last month. We’ll have a hard time keeping our mouths shut… and our hooves out of them.
On the upside, we’ll be more assertive, direct and confident in expressing ourselves and acting on our intentions. With Venus and Sun also in the first sign of the zodiac, the next 12 days are great for reaching out to others on a personal and public scale, and acting on the plans we made earlier in the year.
If you’re up for it, you can start tonight.
Turning from worldly concerns, I make a space for healing now.
Sunday, April 4
Happy Easter!
Although today is considered a holiday, this is not a day of rest.
Before sunrise, Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, so the next seven days are great for tying things up and concluding whatever we’ve set in motion over the last three weeks.
At 14-15 Capricorn, the Sabian symbol says:
Reliance upon one’s inner source of inspiration or guidance… the original creative impulse… the keynote of truly significant creative processes. Their source is above, beyond but also around the original creator… The need for concentration and at least inner quiet. Faith in [one’s]… own SUBJECTIVE STRENGTH.
Capricorn Moon lends staying power to the audacious enthusiasm of Mercury and Sun in Aries. With Moon’s tension from Moon to jumpy Mars, morning is best for independent activities.
If you can, focus on consolidating something related to work or business.
If that doesn’t apply, fix the fence or the closet door, organize the garage and attend to home organization or repairs, either your own or for a parent or elder.
At 2:55 pm (5:55 ET), a sextile from Moon to subtle Neptune softens our interactions and increases our intuition. Enjoy nature, an Easter celebration, a romantic dinner or encounter, a concert, or spiritual activities. Or work on something creative, reach out to others, show empathy, listen, volunteer your time and knowledge, or help an elder with something practical.
Just after midnight (1:58 am ET), Moon goes VOC. Get some rest.
I invite the Christ (Universal) Mind to resurrect my healing power now.
Monday, April 5
The day begins with Moon VOC.
At 6:04 am (9:04 ET), things get moving as Luna enters creative Aquarius. A short while later, a sextile to Mercury sharpens her intellectual gifts and makes today for great people connections.
Fight for a cause, ask for a promotion, write to Congress, start a petition, organize a surprise party, join a club, volunteer at the local school, hospital or park, lunch with friends, set a limit, close a cycle, share your original ideas.
Infinite intelligence expresses through me, manifesting true connections now.
Tuesday, April 6
Today’s numerology of 6 signifies good fortune and prosperity.
For this radiant day, plan special people-connections and creative work.
At 4:18 am (7:18 ET), we get one of April’s best aspects: a sextile from charming Venus to active Mars. In Aries, this aspect ignites a hot flame that we can use to bring romance to a new relationship or fan the spark of an existing one. People contacts in general acquire a certain magic, so for that matter we can connect with anyone who’s important to us, personally, socially or commercially.
Sales and promotional activities go well.
The pairing of male and female energies also fuels creativity, while Aries gives us confidence to follow the inspiration of the inner muse.
Moon in broad-minded Aquarius trines Mars in Gemini and sextiles Venus and Sun in Aries. Opportunities arise with contacts, communication, activism, sales and promotions. Bearing in mind that tomorrow is low-key by comparison: reread today’s influences, decide how you want to apply their electromagnetic power, and act on it.
Feminine and masculine forces work through me to bring forth new creations now.
Wednesday, April 7
After yesterday’s excitement, this morning offers a chance to unwind and enjoy a good read.
Moon in Aquarius goes VOC at 3:05am (6:05 ET). Leave key activities and communications for after 1:30 pm (4:30 ET), when Moon enters Pisces, imbuing our interactions with charm, in resonance with yesterday’s still-active Venus-Mars conjunction. We can light a spark of romance and do things that are Piscean (spiritual/imaginative) and relational, like:
- Go on a shamanic journey or an online spiritual retreat
- Send flowers to or write poetry with your love object
- Take or give an art workshop
- Call on your angels, spirit guides or ancestors
- Work on forgiveness
- Promote a creative project
- Practice compassion and empathy
- Settle a dispute with a friend or relative
I invite the angels of spiritual beauty to manifest in my mind, creations and connections with others now.
Thursday, April 8
We can manifest magic. Today’s numerology of 8 pushes for success and consolidated results.
This morning, Moon in mystical Pisces sextiles Uranus—planet of innovation—in abundant Taurus, opening new possibilities in business, art and manifestation.
On the doorstep of tomorrow’s square from Mars to Neptune, we do well to exercise some caution. An offer or suggestion that seems charming may mask a ploy of some kind, or simply not work out. Avoid bars, substance abuse, speeding at the wheel or driving on wet roads.
The following suggestions combine the energies of today’s successful numerology of 8 with the intuitive, connecting influence of Neptune and Pisces, as well as the assertive impulses of Mars:
- Sign documents (previously reviewed)
- Knock on a key door
- Act on an intuitive lead
- Send out tweets, WhatsApp messages or emails
- Work on something involving imagination, inspiration, creativity or art
- Do a video or music production
- Go live on social media
- Write a proposal, agreement or contract
The Universe wants me to shine my light, and supports me in doing this now.
Friday, April 9
Today’s best activities are independent ones, particularly self-healing, esoteric practices, altruism and creative endeavors.
At 12:18 pm (3:18 ET), confident Mars perfects a square with creative Neptune. This combination gives a great boost to our creative works, and it can help us settle a dispute we’re having with ourselves. However, it can also indicate confusion, deception, or victimization of some kind, so it’s not so good for people connections.
Moon in sensitive Pisces accents intuition, imagination and contact with the divine realm. Her morning contacts to Mars and Neptune strengthen the influence of their square.
If you have to make an important connection, whether personal, for work or service, try doing it after 4:48 pm (7:48 ET), when Moon makes a sextile to empowering Pluto. At 11:11 pm (2:11 am ET), Moon enters Aries.
In general, communications with go better tomorrow through midday or next Monday afternoon.
Angels inspire me in original creations, and I act on their promptings now.
Saturday, April 10
Today’s pioneering numerology of 1 enriches the energy of the New Moon in Aries, which perfects tomorrow. With two socially favorable aspects, today is great for starting something related to friends, physical activity, business or romance.
Mercury the messenger makes a sextile to executive Saturn. Fill out an application, organize thoughts, or a class you plan to give, make a list of ways to build your business. Strengthen the bonds that you would like to see last, whether they’re with clients, colleagues or friends.
Goddess Athena, please imbue me with your strength and strategy, and direct me in true actions, true happiness and true success now.
Sunday, April 11
The energy of newness increases, as Moon becomes new in Aries, sign of beginnings, of confidence, self-assertion and action.
This lunation connects Mercury the messenger and Venus the charmer in a stellium in Aries. Intentions and actions that somehow involve others are particularly favorable, as are those that relate to self-esteem, creativity, romance and love.
The stellium squares Pluto, so there may be power struggles. We can be mindful to avoid getting bossy. However, the square makes a beneficial connection with our path of power, the area of our life where we’re most focused on change and striving for empowerment. Check your natal chart to see the house activated by Pluto at 26 Capricorn. We’re can review this path and apply courage by focusing and acting on it.
Also, we’re still within earshot of the Mars-Neptune square, favoring creativity but also warning us to heed our BS detector and take a close look before accepting an apparently charming invitation, getting involved with a scheme, walking through a dark alley, or signing up for an extreme adventure.
Don’t hold back on your own inspiration, intentions, and endeavors. Mars is the ruler of this lunation, and this warrior god harmonizes with benefics Jupiter and Venus. He also trines Jupiter, planet of confidence, who lifts the heroic energy of this New Moon to its highest decibel. In addition, Mars sextiles Venus, fueling creativity and sparking romance—and for that matter, charisma in all kinds of relationships—friendships, twin flames in our family, the public, and work colleagues or connections.
Another noteworthy influence is today’s date: 11 is a master number that facilitates angelic access to the kindness generated by humans. Light beings can then use this energy to lift the planetary frequency.
This lunation radiates an unusual combination of influences. They accent relationship and at the same time independence, love for self and also for others, creativity and focused action on positive growth. Connect with these energies by thinking of something you would like to manifest or start. Write down your intention and take whatever action you can, large or small, to set your desire in motion.
The Aries New Moon is exact at 7:31 pm (10:31 ET), and her portal remains open through Wednesday morning -at 7:30 am (10:30 ET).
The Sabian symbol for 22-23 Aries is:
Sample intentions include:
I ask for the angels to keep me focused on developing my divine path of power now.
I wish to have healthy self-esteem, while remaining in harmony with others.
I’m ready to release concern for the approval of others, and to seek my own respect and approval.
I visualize myself centered in love and contributing to the work of angels around the planet now.
I give thanks for the support that flows to easily finish my next creative project (name your project).
I see myself moving on my path of power whether or not others understand or approve.
I visualize myself free of toxic shame and enjoying the constructive, happy relationships that are divinely designated now.
I see myself being firm in my needs and vision in loving, harmonious ways now.
I see myself surrounded by angels and radiating love to them, to myself and to all others now.
If you need or want to work on something, you could stay up and do it tonight, when the late transits are more productive than tomorrow morning’s VOC Moon.
The love that I am radiates everywhere, enfolding me and touching all others now.
Monday, April 12
At 5:05 am (8:06 ET), Moon goes VOC.
At 10:44 am (1:44 pm ET), she enters abundant Taurus, sign of her exaltation. This is a great placement for grounding the promise of yesterday’s New Moon.
This combination of pioneering confidence and Taurus’ power of manifestation support us as we:
- Do business
- Take care of money
- Make an investment
- Take on new staff
- Set up a new business
- Go for something involving security, stability or that requires long-lasting results
- Make a plan to build our confidence and self-esteem
- Open a bank account
- Go out with someone new or renew a flame
My strength cannot be limited, my success cannot be limited, my supply cannot be limited.
Tuesday, April 13
Moon is in fertile Taurus. Her morning tensions to electrical Uranus and productive Saturn aren’t so great for communications, but they awaken our creative potential. Focus on independent activities, go for a walk or have coffee on your own. Work on your esteem by journaling, in therapy and using affirmations and visualization. Organize finances.
Around 1:30 pm (4:30 ET), the tensions subside, and a sextile from Sun to confident Mars in Geminis, sign of self-expression.
Listen to your heart, reconnect with your purpose and reach out to:
- Share your voice
- Do business
- Speak up for someone
- Promote a cause, product or service
- Connect with someone enthusiastic
- Lease or rent property
- Add spice to an intimate relationship
The universe needs me as I am and I express my true self now.
Wednesday, April 14
This is a creative, fertile, romantic morning. Moon in sensual Taurus harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. At 11:22 am (2:22 pm ET), Moon’s ruler Venus also enters Taurus, sparking appreciation for the good things in life.
Work in the garden, visit an arboretum, attend a flower show or walk in nature or a park. Give the first kiss in a new relationship or share a sexy brunch with your love object. Call on someone to share your empathy.
At 3:02 pm (6:02 ET), the influences shift into a more dynamic, productive mode as Moon squares expansive Jupiter, followed by a harmony to Pluto the powerful. These influences foment effective connection and expand the reach of Taurus’ abundant touch. We can:
- Take focused action on something important
- Instigate change that we want to last
- Promote something
- Knock on a key door
- Do business
- Take care of money
- Make an investment
- Hire an assistant
- Buy a home
- Remodel or decorate
- Go out with someone new
At 11:35 pm (2:35 ET), Moon enters Gemini.
My progress cannot be blocked. Spirit doesn’t block my progress or make me depend on people or situations to move forward. Spirit acts through infinite channels to support my spiritual and material progress, here and now.
Thursday, April 15
Today’s fortunate numerology of 6 favors connections for business, friendship and with family, exerts a protective influence, and blesses us with abundance.
With Moon in communicative Gemini and a wonderful sextile from Sun in assertive Aries to Jupiter in uninhibited Aquarius, today is great for getting the word out and taking care of ourselves.
Our confidence surges, and if we avoid the distraction associated with Moon in Gemini, we can create new connections and deepen those we have, enjoy companionship, and expand our knowledge, sharing our light with others.
- Take or give a class
- Engage in activism
- Expand our library
- Promote a cause, product or service that’s close to your heart
- Motivate others
- Make an audio or media production
- Meditate to expand our radiation
- Give yourself a gift
Guardian Angel (or name ancestor or spirit guide), please direct me to focus on what matters and make this day an act of power now.
Friday, April 16
Today we have two major aspects, one stressful and the other motivating.
Purposeful Sun squares intense Pluto, challenging us to change. We can reconnect with our path of power, but the signs involved, Aries and Capricorn, are both rather demanding, and we may feel frustrated or get down on ourselves. Read about and work on inner change. Reconnect with an intention from the recent New Moon, and make a list of ways in which you can act on it.
Then tonight, restless Mars trines confident Jupiter. Our confidence surges and we want to rush out and sell something: a house, our old books or whatever we can. Pluto can act in sneaky ways, so try to contain your enthusiasm and direct your energy in planning. Consult a coach, a marketing expert or another professional who believes in your potential and can motivate your path.
Infinite intelligence supports me with knowledge and information, and I act to expand my understanding now.
Saturday, April 17
Still in the portal of yesterday’s Mars-Jupiter trine, today’s influences mirror yesterday’s smoldering intensity. Though still intense, we’ll have an early window to apply them more easily.
Mercury joins the boys’ club, sextiling Jupiter and Mars and squaring Pluto. Our words can make a difference. Shoot for the sky, promote your work and ideas, express yourself, get on a new social media platform or try a new approach to getting your message across. The best time for these activities is very early, when Moon is in expressive Gemini and before she goes VOC at 8:03 am (11:03 ET).
After this, we get a few hours to read, use positive affirmations and meditate.
At 12:25 pm (3:25 ET), Moon enters sensitive Cancer. Although she sextiles sweet Venus, tensions from Mercury to Pluto and Mars may keep us on our toes. These tensions can draw us into power struggles, but they also fuel courage and determination.
Save PR efforts for Monday morning and focus on independent activities. Declutter files, wallpaper the kitchen, do home maintenance, look for that elusive document, call the accountant, finish work, or follow through on something important you’ve been putting off.
Affirmative home blessing:
I give thanks for the positive spiritual forces that fill our home and sustain it in harmony, light and love, now and always.
Sunday, April 18
This morning, in the wake of last night’s quincunx from Mars to Pluto, interactions may be tense. A sextile from Moon to innovative Uranus fuels our intuition and inspires us with original ideas, while Luna’s square to wounded-healer Chiron is also creative (though it accentuates touchiness). Journal, write affirmations, use mantras, work on an article or book, invent a brand or marketing strategy.
By around 3:30 pm (6:30 ET) the tensions have subsided, and we can make the most of a great conjunction from Mercury the messenger to Sun, which perfects at 6:50 pm (9:50 ET). On the last degree of Aries, this aspect offers a chance to seed ideas, initiate contact, reach out to someone, or begin to take care of bureaucracy.
Tomorrow both Mercury and Sun enter Taurus. Although Taurus, sign of manifestation, will support giving things form, today’s Aries’ influence offers potent seed energy, strengthening the results of what we start.
I look at myself and others with love, and my gaze has healing power, now and always.
Monday, April 19
This is a good day to make a plan and move ahead. Today’s pioneering numerology of 1 impels us to act. Before dawn, Mercury enters Taurus, then Sun follows suit this afternoon. If you’ve been feeling hyped up and like you’re too fast for a slow world, this may come as a relief. In fact, you may feel a bit slow yourself. You can sit down on the Spring grass, ponder the ideas you had over the last four weeks, and figure out how to follow through.
This morning, Moon in gentle Cancer trines sensitive Neptune, and we can connect with our heart intelligence and intuitive guidance. These subtle energies suggest that we do inner work, radiate compassion, reach out with empathy, pray for others, cultivate kindness, interpret our dreams, call on and listen to our light guides, and enjoy nature or a garden.
At 4:49 pm (7:49 ET), Moon connects with expansive Jupiter in mental Aquarius. Again, our intuition expands. Listen to yours, and seek out others to share inspiration, exchange knowledge, engage in a spiritual or altruistic activity, or do business.
Get contacts covered and connections made before 5:03 pm (8:03 ET), when Moon opposes Pluto in tough Capricorn. Put interactions on hold and take some time for yourself. We can think about self-care, and organize and write down our steps for that, or we could schedule therapy, or get in touch with feelings about our power and empowerment, and work to heal them.
At 11:11 pm (2:11 am ET), Moon enters passionate Leo. At 11:59 she reaches her First Quarter. The Sabian symbol for 0-1 degrees Leo says:
BLOOD RUSHES TO A MAN’S HEAD AS HIS VITAL ENERGIES ARE MOBILIZED UNDER THE SPUR OF AMBITION. An eruption of bio-psychic forces into an ego-controlled field of consciousness.
I make a space for healing, and support flows through infinite channels now.
Tuesday, April, April 20
Today’s Moon in expressive Leo makes three squares, first to Mercury the messenger, second to Venus the beautifier, and finally, to Uranus the innovator. Our best bet now is independent creative work.
If we need to do business or connect with others, the best time for it is around Moon’s square to Venus at 1:21 pm (4:21 ET) and for around two hours afterward. This influence sweetens the existing tension, and can fuel romance and benefit business.
After this, look for ways to connect with your inner artist. Paint, write, draw, design, decorate or express your talent through rearranging the furniture and cushions, washing the curtains, decluttering, and bringing some color into your space. We might also retouch a project with an aesthetic eye. Alternately, we can focus on developing a talent, through reading, studying or taking an online class.
Avoid being prideful or overbearing, overspending or getting inappropriately close to a colleague.
Angels and Goddesses of creativity, unleash my creativity and lift me up in confidence to express it now.
Wednesday, April 21
Creativity and intuition surge, as today’s numerology of 3 connects with Venus the beautifier while Moon in expressive Leo connects with imaginative Neptune.
In contrast to yesterday, we can continue to develop our talents and beautifying our work and world, yet relationships with others can also flow. Connect with friends, do something for children, take the day off, have fun, clown around.
Avoid substance abuse or getting inappropriately romantic or flirtatious.
Guardian Angel, please make my inner beauty grow, here and now.
Thursday, April 22
Master Number 22 activates our intuition and sparks our potential for wide-reaching service, ideas and projects, a potential supported by today’s stars.
Service suits Moon in Virgo well. She trines purposeful Sun, communicative Mercury and innovative Uranus all in prosperous Taurus, empowering our own unique voice and facilitating tangible support for our efforts.
Magnetic Venus, who happens to be ruling this Taurus alignment, joins exciting Uranus. This aspect lasts through Saturday evening and facilitates breakthroughs in business and service ventures, particularly those related to the web. This is a great day to invest time, creativity and funds in a website, consolidate an email base, and do something bold to expand social media or an online presence. New Age and inclusive ventures are particularly blessed.
Besides ruling finance, Venus is also about relationships. We can enrich a marriage or partnership by starting a joint, service-oriented project. Also, by seeking out others who share an innovative vision, an interest in women’s freedom and/or an unusual kind of spirituality, we can open the door for a new, exciting social network to manifest.
However you choose to apply this wonderful conjunction, move ahead boldly.
I prefer to connect with people who are (describe your chosen characteristics), and this clarity draws them to me now.
Friday, April 23
Moon in Virgo supports diligence and focus on work, healing and service.
As we’re still in the portal of the Venus-Uranus conjunction, read the opportunities for that aspect in yesterday’s Success Guide. Today, Mercury the messenger joins this alignment, activating our intuition and unleashing a flow of creative ideas. Communications in love, business and service activities have a special electricity, and as we share our ideas, new connections are activated. So do share yours and knock on a key door.
Our panorama of action is wider before 4:49 pm (7:49 ET), when Mars enters sensitive Cancer. The sign of the Moon exerts a cooling effect on the hot planet. We’re less revved up and more focused on family and home. That is, with the exception of real estate and women’s causes, both of which can flourish this evening.
At 8:10 pm (11:10 ET), Moon in devoted Virgo opposes mystical Neptune in Pisces, accenting spirituality. To close our day, we can meditate, pray, use affirmations, consult spirit guides, visualize wellness. or program our dreams.
Or if you’re up to it, use the midnight silence and the Mercury-Uranus conjunction to stay up and study, do mental work, organize a marketing strategy, or send emails.
Affirmation to program dreams:
Deep within, I know the answer I seek, and it surfaces in a clear dream I remember on waking.
Saturday, April 24
At 3:50 am (6:50 ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to Pluto: this morning’s dreams can be empowering.
At 4:47 am (7:47 ET), Moon makes a quincunx to Jupiter: connect with angels, devas, ancestors or spirit guides.
A square from Venus to Saturn favors doing business and interactions with an elder or teacher. We can establish financial and affectional goals and create a daily plan for follow through. Creative work is of lasting value.
At 10:19 am (1:19 pm ET), Moon in Cancer squares feisty Mars, a great aspect for defending a loved one, pulling weeds, or cleaning the oven or refrigerator. Save people contacts for after 5:19 pm (8:19 ET), when Luna’s quincunx to Sun in grounded Taurus favors sharing a nice dinner, giving or receiving a massage (etc.), enjoying music, and working on business or finances.
My bank account cannot be limited, it’s filled with divine substance that flows from the infinite plane of Spirit, now and always.
Sunday, April 25
This morning, Mercury follows in Venus’ footsteps and squares Saturn. This contact and today’s intellectual numerology of 7 favor study, editing, organizing a proposal or documents, or reading a self-help book.
After this square, Mercury conjoins Venus. The love-planet also rules today’s Moon, now in sociable Libra, which connects with constructive Saturn, communicative Mercury, artistic Venus, and gentle Neptune. These combined influences make today great for:
- Creative works
- Design
- Redecorating, refurbishing or beautifying our space
- PR, romance and all kinds of people connections
- Afternoon and evening facilitate meditation and meditating to expand our kindness quotient.
I don’t resonate with a low-frequency network. I’m a conscious being, freed by love, and from my true vibration I attract only kind, positive connections now.
Monday, April 26
Today’s numerology of 8 is associated with power, and today’s Full Moon in Scorpio is a powerful agent of change. This lunation illuminates the shadows and brings to light hidden memories, elements and situations so our transformation can be complete.
This morning is Moon VOC in Libra until 5:40 am (8:40 ET), when she enters Scorpio. Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, will turn retrograde tomorrow, and now we’re in its station. Pluto is a plumber, an archeologist, and a miner. When it stations, it digs deep, bringing up what’s been denied, shut out and hidden—everything from dank sewage sludge to bright treasures. Now, Luna shines her light on whatever comes up.
With these influences, we can look at and complete processes of emotional healing and change we’ve been working on. In opposition to the stellium of Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus in Taurus, sign of manifestation, inner alchemy can precipitate the outer changes we seek in support of our purpose, self-expression, finances and freedom. Or turn it around, look at what we want to manifest and then focus on inner changes that will allow it to flow.
A trine from Moon to Scorpio’s coruler Mars boosts our energy and emboldens us to take the reins of our minds and situations.
The Sabian symbol at 7-8 Scorpio speaks to the calm required for deep understanding:
A CALM LAKE BATHED IN MOONLIGHT. A quiet openness to higher inspiration. [We strive]… hard to achieve great things through daring adventures, but a moment comes when all that really matters is to present a calm mind on which a supernal light may be reflected… beyond all lies the need for peace and the readiness to accept illumination from above… QUIESCENCE.
Despite this sweet message, this Moon is magical, but with strong Pluto and Mars, not necessarily tranquil. Save partying for another day, keep a low profile and schedule two or more of the following activities: a session of therapy and/or coaching, journaling, dream analysis, invoking spirit guides, prayer.
I am not alone or without support for wellness and empowerment. Infinite Good is with me and on my path, bringing forth all the help I could need, here and now.
Tuesday, April 27
Today’s numerology of 9 relates to alchemy, as does the Scorpio Moon. Luna’s early square to Saturn in wise Aquarius favors gathering knowledge (acquiring books, planning a sojourn, reaching out to a guide) to consolidate our intentions for deep healing and change.
In dealing with others, be selective. Pluto’s station is exact at 1:04 pm (4:04 ET). Before this, Moon opposes Venus and afterwards, she opposes Mercury. Seek out contacts and communications that uplift you and save potentially challenging encounters for another day.
An evening trine from Moon to Neptune further deepens this psychic portal. Scry, consult an oracle, contact light beings, write down intentions, meditate, pray, work on forgiveness, visualize.
I attend my need for wellness, and in response to my clarity, resources flow to me now.
Wednesday, April 28
If you’re up for it, early morning can be great for inner work or initiating something related to finances, communications or promotion. Use the energy before 5:31 am (8:31 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
Then enjoy a calm breakfast, meditate, or go back to sleep.
At 8:42 am (11:42 ET), Luna enters enthusiastic Sagittarius. The drama of the last few days suddenly fades and we’re apt to feel adventurous. Be spontaneous, make a space for laughter, take a seminar, spend time outdoors. Today’s entrepreneurial numerology of 1 combines with Moon’s optimism and good fortune to favor:
- Making an investment
- Working on trade
- Starting a promotion
- Taking care of a legal matter
When communicating with others, take your time and apply Sag’s strategic diplomacy. Minor tensions to Mars and Sun could trigger the Centaur’s arrogance or bossiness.
I’m an agent for universal good and I act on my power.
Thursday, April 29
Venus, Lady of love and money, in Taurus, the earth sign of her rule, sextiles charming Neptune in imaginative Pisces.
Moon in energetic Sagittarius helps us get big things done. Luna also contacts Venus and Neptune and makes a morning sextile to constructive Saturn.
These energies can be great for business, creative work, publicity, and music and video productions and promoting a spiritual, environmental or humanitarian cause.
Venus and Neptune trigger the personal and cosmic octaves of kindness, respectively. We can meditate on compassion and love on our own or in union with others. Today’s numerology of 11 makes this energy readily available to angels, who use it to lift the planetary frequency.
Goddess Kuan Yin, please put your orchid-heart in me and radiate compassion through it now.
Friday, April 30
With Moon in optimistic Sag in sextile to Sag’s expansive ruler, Jupiter, early morning is great for inspirational activities such as:
- Reading
- Participating in an online self-improvement group
- Taking or giving a class
- Promoting a product, cause or service
- Motivating others
- Contacting light beings
At 9:16 am, Moon enters practical Capricorn, while Sun in prosperous Taurus moves to conjunct Uranus, perfecting at 12:54 pm (3:54 ET). This practical, productive harmony can work to:
- Build new channels of abundance.
- Market on the web.
- Rebuild a website.
- Work on a web-related project.
- Get on track with an important goal.
- Apply for credit.
- Release old ways of doing things.
- Reorganize a home-building project, an investment or your life.
Focus on progress and connections before 4:51 pm (7:51 ET), when defensive Moon opposes offensive Mars. After this, focus on independent activities: structure an argument, plan a strategy, transmute limiting beliefs, go for a walk in a secure area, take a hot bath or a cold shower, and work in the garden. Take extra care when driving or using knives and other sharp implements.
We are surrounded by positive spiritual forces that guide us and protect us, now and always.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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