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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, November 1–30, 2020
Sunday, November 1
Still on the doorstep of yesterday’s Full Moon, whose conjunction to rebellious Uranus triggered activist sentiments, the air is thick with political passion.
Moon in Taurus can help us keep grounded. She makes trines to the stellium in Capricorn (Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Pallas), facilitating practical progress in business, work and politics.
A couple of tensions add spice to the cauldron: a square from Mercury the messenger to strict Saturn that can create guilt trips and momentary blocks in communication, and an opposition from love-planet Venus to Chiron, the wounded healer. Both Mercury and Venus are in Libra, the sign of scales that gets worked up about injustice and, with Saturn and Chiron on board, may possibly be into victim trips.
We can start the day by meditating on compassion, and getting centered to stay cool in the face of potential hold ups. If we keep our heads clear and persist patiently, we can make important headway.
Moon goes VOC at 6:29 pm (9:29 ET), although in Taurus she still performs and continues to favor tangible results.
I look beyond appearances and see the essence of good in all people now.
Monday, November 2
At 2:00 am (5:00 am ET), Moon enters loquacious Gemini. With ruler Mercury retrograde, we are apt to feel bombarded by confusing news.
Moon in sextile to Chiron favors journaling, therapy, participating in a 12-step group, prayer and using healing affirmations. Our harmonious words get through to others.
At 4:31 pm (7:31 ET), Luna trines Venus. Reach out to loved ones, clients and colleagues. One-on-one persuasion can flip the Senate tomorrow.
There is good in the voters. The good in them is moving them and will not let them rest until they act to exercise the power of their vote judiciously.
Tuesday, November 3
It’s Election Day and the energy is intense as Mercury stations to turn direct. At 9:57 am (12:57 pm ET), Moon sextiles Mars: people are apt to be pretty riled up in defense of their causes. At 2:43 pm (5:43 ET), Luna squares imaginative Neptune. Intuition is high and reason may be clouded. This is a good time to pray for the outcome of the elections and for peace at the polls and afterwards.
Last-minute efforts to get the vote out and flip the Senate can pay off.
Personal communications and business dealings can also go well. Venus makes a quincunx to Uranus in Taurus, earth sign of the goddess planet’s rule. This is a highly creative aspect that fuels innovation in finances and artistic pursuits and in relationships, a need for freedom. In can bring a stroke of luck in love or business, and a surprising turn of events involving the people, promoted by a woman or women.
Controversy about the election outcomes will go on into the late night.
The people are not alone or without representation and protection. The Divine Representative is with us, defending our needs and standing up for our interests now!
Wednesday, November 4
Today is good for business and connecting, that is, before 5:49 am (8:49 ET), when Moon in communicative Gemini goes VOC, and after 1:45 pm (4:45 ET), when she enters creative Cancer. Take a break and detox from the news, take a walk in nature, meditate, and repeat affirmations while the media chatters during that 5-hour VOC.
After Luna enters Cancer at 1:45 pm (4:45 ET), we get some mileage out of today’s constructive numerology of 4 and yesterday’s Venus-Uranus contact, which is still in force. We can:
- Focus on business
- Promote something
- Beautify and bless the house
- Tend the garden
- Renew our metaphysical studies
- Do something related to real estate
I focus on the highest and best, and it manifests naturally, here and now.
Thursday, November 5
Today is good for pursuing Cancerian interests such as business, altruistic and intuitive activities, activism, research and close relationships.
- Attend family, children or your mother
- Garden, buy plants for your house
- Sell and promote something
- Show empathy
- Entertain family
- Work on psychic development
- Enjoy food
- Spoil your sweetheart or seek out an old flame
Contact others and get things done before 8:08 pm (11:08 ET), when Moon squares restless Mars, fueling defensive/offensiveness.
My world is made of divine substance, that generates good for me, now and always.
Friday, November 6
This is a good day to take some time for ourselves. This morning: analyze dreams, call on the angels, visualize, listen to intuition and meditate on forgiveness.
At 9:41 am (12:41 pm ET), an opposition from Moon in sensitive Cancer to intense Pluto, followed by another to bossy Saturn—with both of the latter in demanding Capricorn—may bring tension, pressure, insecurity, guilt trips, or a power-struggle.
What does go well is independent reflection and meditation. We can provoke a pause and make an intuitive review of our goals. Are we approaching them in a wholesome way? What can we do to visualize and organize them more effectively? Write down your thoughts and priorities. Search for balance between outer, productive goals and your family and emotional needs.
Try to put people-connections and key communications on hold until tomorrow after midnight or Sunday.
At 11:18 pm (2:18 am ET), Moon enters warm Leo.
I am not alone or limited to my personal thoughts, Spirit’s light is with me and in me, and it shows me everything I need to see for my wellness, balance and progress now.
Saturday, November 7
With ruler Sun in powerful Scorpio and quincunx to bellicose Mars, Moon in strong Leo may go into tough mode.
She trines meaningful Chiron, a good aspect for therapy, psychodrama, and working to transform our ingrained roles. However, today’s tensions, including Moon’s square to Uranus, may feel like we’re wearing a barbed wire vest. Independent, creative activities are apt to go much better than dealings with others.
If we must connect, we can avoid unnecessary abrasiveness and upsets by thinking of what we can give rather than what we can get, and making an extra effort to be patient, considerate and supportive.
If you’re up for it, the energies shift in the wee hours. At 12:36 am (3:36 ET), Moon harmonizes with Venus and a bit later with Mars. This sexy, warm window is great for making love, contacting a heartthrob, or working on creative or promotional activities.
I give thanks for the healing forces that are working in my mind, body and world, now and always.
Sunday, November 8
This is a day worth rising early for. Today’s numerology of 8 motivates us to consolidate our progress, and Moon in confident Leo can pull it off. As the day begins, Luna reaches her Fourth Quarter, triggering a week for finishing things and releasing obsolete patterns and situations.
At 16-17 Leo, the Sabian symbol says:
A VOLUNTEER CHURCH CHOIR SINGING RELIGIOUS HYMNS. The feeling of togetherness that unites men and women in their dedication to a collective ideal… the attempt to give a transcendental character to a feeling of community… The fellowship of common work needed for substance and security in a dangerous world is exalted in periodic rituals… consciousness… and feelings flow into a common mold… the experience of shared values and beliefs.
Cryptically, the symbol seems to speak to our times. This is a good day to gather—virtually or however we safely may—in a spirit of service to the forces of good, in our own preferred way.
Sun connects with mystical Neptune and noble Jupiter, the two planets of angels. Morning and midday are great for devotional activities or connections with light beings. Or enjoy art or romance.
Afternoon and evening favor social connections and tangible progress in something for work, service, creativity or your children.
My intention to serve opens the door for angelic presences that guide and support me, now and always.
Monday, November 9
Today’s influences are potentially productive, as long as we make time for magic.
At 3:05 am (6:05 ET), Moon goes VOC in Leo… sleep in, visualize or meditate on compassion until 5:30 am (8:30 ET), when she enters diligent Virgo.
An opposition from sweet Venus to hot Mars adds some excitement to this conservative lunar placement, stoking the fires of creativity and romance.
A trine from Sun in passionate Scorpio to romantic Neptune sharpens our intuition, empowers our visualizations and sparks a special magic in our connections with angels and people.
Moon in Virgo favors serious, traditional love relationships, and with all this sweetness flowing, our significant companionship can reach a deeper level. Even if you live with him or her, you might send flowers, sing a serenade, have a picnic in the woods, sprinkle rose-petals around the love-bed, or exchange sensual massages.
You can make treasure map for marriage or your dream partnership, or devote today’s passion to spiritual study or an altruistic or metaphysical endeavor.
This evening, intuition is especially sharp and oracles are particularly eager to reveal their secrets.
Isis, goddess of love and family, please inspire me to enjoy my present relationships and to manifest new, wonderful connections now.
Tuesday, November 10
This morning, Moon in Virgo makes tense aspects that accentuate nerdiness. Put off connections with others for the afternoon and focus instead on journaling, or engage in productive activities no matter how humble: schedule a therapy session, exfoliate your feet, or declutter papers. In the afterglow of last night’s trine from Sun to Neptune, meditation and prayers for healing are particularly powerful.
At 1:55 pm (4:55 ET) Moon sextiles Sun in focused Scorpio, before making a trine to fortunate Jupiter and powerful Pluto, both in Capricorn, sign of mastery. Also, Moon’s ruler Mercury enters Scorpio.
This practical, deep combination combines with the bold numerology of 1 to make the rest of the afternoon and evening great for finishing work or a business endeavor, tackling a pending project, decluttering email contacts, getting rid of old visualization materials in preparation for making new ones on Saturday’s New Moon, or solving a nagging problem. We can also make a breakthrough in healing.
N o event or condition of the past or present can keep Spirit from expressing Its perfect life through me, now and always.
Wednesday, November 11
At 2:58 am (5:58 ET), Moon goes VOC in Virgo. Save important actions and connections for after 8:09 am (11:09 ET), when she enters sweet Libra.
Moon’s ruler Venus contacts Neptune. Venus and Neptune are the planets of personal and spiritual love, and their aspect expands our heart energy and works to harmonize our relationships. In addition, today’s numerology of 11 opens a portal for angels to access humanity’s love emanation and lift the planetary frequency. Meditate on compassion and forgiveness. Journal or attend therapy to heal self-esteem. Treat your special other to flowers or a nice dinner. Connect with someone you find elating. Go out of your way to express affection or kindness for the simple joy of giving.
Activities like these will also soften the effects of expansive Jupiter’s perfecting conjunction to evolutionary Pluto that is one of this year’s signature aspects.
Libra, Venus and Neptune are also high on creativity: download new music, buy something for the house, create a space for relaxation, or finish a creative project.
I choose loving perspectives, and the angels use this energy to heal the planet now.
Thursday, November 12
Today can be a watershed of some kind. Expansive Jupiter perfects its final conjunction to powerful Pluto, one of the year’s signature aspects. This aspect isn’t only felt today, but as part of this year’s ongoing focus on walking our path of power. However, the opportunities for tangible progress this path are now brought into relief.
Allow yourself to focus and apply all your creativity to ground them. If they come with apparent challenge, remember: in some dimension, on some level, you chose this situation as a step on the ladder of self-mastery and ultimately empowerment.
The Moon in Libra accents creativity, as does today’s numerology of 3, which is connected to Venus.
The opportunities are as important for your life mission as you have secretly sensed, so put all your imagination and charm to bear on them (see our November General Influences for details for your sign). Also, we’re at the doorstep of Saturday’s New Moon, accenting the growth potential. Our intentions and actions are fertile seeds.
Morning and late night are best for independent work. People connections go better between 1:37 to 8:45 pm (4:47 to 12:45 ET).
Guardian Angel (or name of your chosen spirit guide), please direct me to focus and act on my most important mission now.
Friday, November, November 13
Intense influences make this a day to:
- Solve a problem
- Break through inertia and perfectionism and move to finish something
- Make an important decision
- Release a draining activity, expense or attachment
- Take courageous action
The most productive hours start at 8:19 am (11:19 ET), when Moon enters Scorpio (after her VOC in Libra that began at 3:32 am (6:32 ET).
With Mercury entering bold Scorpio, and co-ruler Mars stationing to turn direct, passions may put our reasoning abilities on pause. At the same time, we can reconnect with our positive instincts and get something done. Focus the intensity on what really matters: a cause, letters to Congress, or doing something that’s necessary for your growth, something which you’ve been postponing. Make an appointment with a coach, support group or therapist so that you think things through and clothe your boldness in diplomacy, a quality which today’s starwaves are low on.
Act before 4:30 pm (7:30 ET), and after that meditate, work on forgiveness, repeat positive affirmations, radiate forgiveness, make art, do something altruistic.
I release hard thought towards myself and others and trust the power of divine justice that works in all and for all now.
Saturday, November 14
Early morning is best for self-care: getting a massage, interpreting our dreams and working on inner healing.
Connect with others after 11:48 am (1:48 pm ET), when Sun sextiles ruler Pluto. This is the first of several harmonies from Moon and Sun in Scorpio, to the powerful stellium in constructive Capricorn, harmonies that activate today’s potential for positive change.
The New Moon is exact at 9:07 pm (12:07 am ET), although her force can be felt all day and directed with the help of these harmonies.
At 23-24 Scorpio, the Sabian symbol says:
AFTER HAVING HEARD AN INSPIRED INDIVIDUAL DELIVER HER SERMON ON THE MOUNT, CROWDS ARE RETURNING HOME. The need to incorporate inspired experiences and teachings into everyday living… the great CHALLENGE TO TRANSFORMATION.
With Mercury still in post-retrograde shadow, today’s New Moon in Scorpio gives force to an intention, goal or project first set in motion sometime before September 24.
Write down your intention and move on it on whatever way you can, small or large. The spotlight is on progress in daily spiritual practice, such as:
- Self-mastery
- Empowerment
- Realigning with our evolutionary goals
- Choosing between good and evil
- Being our best and highest self
- Forgiveness of oneself and others
- Using our power in conscious, high-frequency manners
- Achieving a new level of congruence with our deep beliefs
This lunation also favors straightening out something related to taxes, inheritance and joint finances.
Scorpio waters flow deep, so however you choose to align with this lunation, focus on something important.
Archangel Michael, please cut away distractions and keep me focused on my inner goals, now and always.
Sunday, November 15
Last night’s New Moon is still in force and today’s energies support our progress.
At 3:13 am (6:13 ET), Luna goes VOC, entering sociable Sag at 7:47 am (10:47 ET), where she resonates with today’s numerology of 6, related to Jupiter, prosperity, optimism and warmth. We can direct this beneficial energy in practical follow-up on the intentions we clarified at yesterday’s lunation. Sagittarius favors learning, teaching, promoting, publishing and interactions for friendship or business. However, this placement can be prone to distraction. Today’s transformational potential is high; it’s worth a special effort to focus on gathering whatever resources, information or allies we need as we press for positive change—within and without.
Venus, goddess of love and money, squares powerful Pluto and expansive Jupiter. She can help us heal issues related to self-esteem, work out something involving justice or the legal system, and improve our financial situation.
I am surrounded by divine doorways and I move to walk through them now.
Monday, November 16
This morning, Moon in enthusiastic Sag trines driven Mars, sparking our protective instincts towards loved ones. Intervene to help someone, or direct this energizing aspect in work, particularly on trade, promotional activities, correspondence, a business meeting, or lending or borrowing money. Or seek out a class or course of study to support your positive changes.
At 1:07 pm (3:07 ET), Moon squares mystical Neptune. Steer clear of negativity, call on your angels and spirit guides, and take a break to design a visualization strategy for the intentions you clarified at Saturday’s New Moon.
Around midnight (2:55 am ET), a sextile from Moon to artistic Venus and an opposition between Mercury and Uranus—planets of higher and lower mind—fuel creativity, intuition and brilliance.
I accept my intelligence and declare myself free of any unconscious resistance to shine, now.
Tuesday, November 17
Mental Mercury’s wee-hour opposition to brilliant Uranus stimulates our rational and intuitional gifts, and today’s powerful numerology of 8 gives us drive to apply them in something practical.
This morning, Moon in Sagittarius favors contacts: with friends or for a cause, promotion, or educational purpose, until 8:35 am (11:35 ET), when she enters Capricorn.
The rest of the day we can disconnect from the news that floods our attention with reports of limitation, and focus our mental powers and actions to make headway. Focus on:
- Work
- High finances
- Administrative activities
- Requesting a promotion
- Organizing a new business or career project
- Applying for credit
- Building the balance in our bank account
I hold to my vision, and the cosmos works to manifest it now.
Wednesday, November 18
Scorpio-Capricorn contacts make for a highly constructive day. They include a sextile from purposeful Sun to diligent Saturn, promising good results from applied efforts related to our life mission or solving problems (which are apt to be intertwined). Moon in the sign of the mountain goat accents our business sense and executive skills.
Save contacts with others for after 3:34 pm (6:34 ET), when Moon sextiles creative Neptune. Before that, a square from Moon to restless Mars can make for touchiness, and is best applied in decluttering our files, email, papers and space. Or we can push through bureaucracy to be free to focus on our goals.
Venus, goddess of affection and finance, is moving to square strict Saturn, helping us set healthy limits in these areas.
The rest of the afternoon and evening is good to:
- Reorganize life, budget or a building project
- Release an unnecessary expense
- Work (with journaling, therapy, affirmations, a support group) on healing co-dependence
- Promote your product or service
- Close sales
- Patiently listen and learn
- Work on career, goals, and concrete accomplishment
- Do something requiring sacrifice, logic, and strategy
- Focus on a work project or team effort
- Get reconstructive surgery
If you happen to be up while the world sleeps, these constructive aspects will optimize your productivity throughout the night. Or, get some shut-eye and plan to rise early.
I release attachment to the approval of others, and recognize my needs and feelings now.
Thursday, November 19
Yesterday’s constructive potential continues this morning, favoring independent work and organizational efforts. Use these energies early, before 8:30 am (11:30 ET), when Moon goes VOC in Scorpio.
At 12:25 pm (3:25 ET), Moon enters Aquarius. We can:
- Try a new approach in healing or work
- Fight for a cause
- Work on a helpful invention
- Volunteer
- Set a limit
- Throw ourselves into investigative research involving a career change or refinancing property
- Take a close look at how things affect our best interests
The angels guide me in new ways of manifesting success, and I follow my intuition now.
Friday, November 20
Finally! Mercury emerges from his post-retrograde shadow, giving a green light to communications, shopping, and new projects! Reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself and your pathway since late September, when the messenger planet first entered pre-retrograde shadow.
Moon in Aquarius, sign of freedom, makes an early square to ruler Uranus, encouraging our inner rebel. Morning favors independent activities to:
- Break out of a rut
- Try something different
- Focus on personal freedom
- Read a new kind of book
- Take an online course in astrology or some new topic
- Make a date with the artist within
- Pamper yourself
- Read the fine print
- Take an inner journey
Contacts with others go better after 12:15 pm (3:15 ET), when Moon squares Mercury. Get connections established and exchange ideas with others before 4:49 pm (7:49 ET), when Moon goes VOC for the rest of the afternoon and evening.
My heart guides me in authentic intentions, and I pause to hear it now.
Saturday, November 21
For most of this mystical, magical day, Moon is VOC in Aquarius, spotlighting intellectual, creative and spiritual activities.
Tonight supports valuable connections. Venus enters Scorpio; shifting our focus in values, affections and finances to a deeper, more passionate mode.
At 12:40 pm (3:40 ET), Sun enters inspirational Sagittarius, fueling our enthusiasm for new horizons and fraternal connection.
At 8:06 pm (11:06 ET), Moon enters imaginative Pisces. Less than an hour later, at 8:45 pm (11:45 ET), she reaches her Second Quarter. Provoke a pause to review your progress on the intentions you set at last week’s New Moon.
The Sabian symbol reminds us to fortify alliances and build our network in strategic ways related to our goals for these exceptional times. At 0-1 Pisces, it says:
IN A CROWDED MARKETPLACE FARMERS AND MIDDLEMEN DISPLAY A GREAT VARIETY OF PRODUCTS… The process of commingling and interchange which at all levels demonstrates the health of a community… the time has come to take full advantage of the social opportunities to bargain and to trade.
Review what you can give others and what you can ask for in exchange.
At 9:43 pm (12:43 ET), a trine from Moon in romantic Pisces to sweet Venus in hot ‘n heavy Scorpio, favors seducing your preferred victim or at least holding a cuddle session. For the chaste and solitary, it’s a great night to meditate on forgiveness and connect with angels.
My intention to give my best opens me to receive the good the Universe wants to send me, now and always.
Sunday, November 22
Master number 22 amplifies the results of the actions we take and prayers we say, connecting with the masses.
This morning, Mercury the messenger in bold Scorpio contacts assertive Mars. We can use words in assertive ways—to set a limit, say something we’ve been holding back, write a letter to Congress, work on a promotion, or develop a more empowering inner dialogue. This influence can also be directed in prayer by repeating our decrees or affirmations with a firm, determined voice.
Write down your dreams and take a brisk walk.
Moon in sensitive Pisces sextiles electrical Uranus, accenting intuition, stimulating creativity and favoring a mystical adventure. This is also a great time to connect with spiritual family.
My words are divine law and my affirmations transmute my world now.
Monday, November 23
Morning and afternoon favor spiritual and creative activities, while tonight’s communications can help manifest our deepest wishes. Psychic perception flowers as Moon, mental Mercury and intuitive Neptune connect in harmony. Analyze dreams, write to the angels, make a vision board or treasure map. Light a candle and reach out to a loved one who has moved to the other side.
Throughout the day, steer clear of negativity and mind-altering substances. Focus on something creative, settle a dispute with family or friends, draw up a proposal or agreement, or connect with spirit guides and people you find encouraging.
If you’re planning a Thanksgiving celebration, this is the best day to finish shopping, coordinate with friends and family, or plan a gratitude ritual. In view of the upcoming transits, you may even prefer to skip Thursday and share a meal today or wait until Saturday.
Starting with a sextile from Moon to Pluto in productive Capricorn, late afternoon and tonight are exceptional for reaching out to potential colleagues, clients or others that can help you manifest your dreams. With Mercury fully direct, the waxing Moon bring strength to new beginnings. Knock on a key door.
If you have the energy, stay up and keep creating, visualizing, promoting and connecting with the angels throughout the night.
I give thanks for the plenty that surrounds me, and I allow myself to enjoy it, here and now.
Tuesday, November 24
Yesterday’s magically productive influences continue today.
Use the last of Moon’s transit through Pisces to write down and interpret last night’s dreams.
At 7:05 am (10:05 ET), Luna enters active Aries, trining Sun in enthusiastic Sag at 1:13 pm (4:13 ET) to give our confidence a major boost. Sun’s ruler Jupiter also rules today’s numerology of 6, indicating protection and success. We can:
- Work on trading
- Implement a tough measure
- Discover a hidden opportunity and act on it
- Launch a new strategy
- Set up a new business
- Initiate change or a new beginning
- Show our leadership victory
- Working on a short-term goals
- Take care not to skip over details
The best hours to act are all day up until 5:24 pm (8:24 ET), when Moon joins wounded healer Chiron. In Aries, this transit can bring ego wounds into relief. Schedule therapy or a coaching session, journal, do mirror work to give yourself love and healing, reconnect with your drive.
I move in what ways I can, and my path becomes clear now.
Wednesday, November 25
This morning, Venus in deep Scorpio contacts Chiron in Aries, sign of identity. Program therapy or a coaching session, do journaling, work on forgiveness or self-esteem, make a payment on a debt, settle an account or somehow heal money issues.
Moon joins ruler Mars, activating our fighting spirit. All in all, today’s influences are low on the diplomacy quotient, although they do favor pushing through our perfectionism and resistance to get something done. Today’s intelligent numerology of 7 particularly favors mental endeavors such as study, research, analysis, writing, editing and negotiation.
I bless others and release them to their true place in the divine plan for our lives and relationship.
Thursday, November 26
Today’s influence favor an alternative Thanksgiving. Moon in active Aries squares powerful Pluto, visionary Jupiter and demanding Saturn in Capricorn, sign of goals, generating restlessness and tension. Today’s numerology of 8 pushes for tangible progress, yet these squares generate tension and potentially, frustration.
Sun in Sagittarius—sign of faith—trines Chiron, favoring spiritual healing and connections with angels. They can help us direct today’s tensions positively, as can participation in a Thanksgiving blessing or ritual. A great way to combine the heroic impulse of Aries Moon and this lovely trine is to participate in some sort of altruistic effort: a community kitchen, donation for those in need, and prayers for global healing.
If you’re on the West Coast, you may opt for a late celebration: At 7:43 pm (10:43 ET) Moon enters Taurus and the influences become peaceful and propitious for sharing good food.
I praise Infinite Good that surrounds all beings with plenty, now and always.
Friday, November 27
Today favors inner work, business, creative activities, and change in our relationships, finances and sense of self-worth.
Powerful Pluto seeps into today’s energies. He rules today’s numerology of 9, and also Mercury and Venus, both currently in Scorpio. Venus rules Moon in Taurus and opposes Uranus, while Mercury sextiles Pluto himself. These transits support breaking through limitation and breaking away from resistance to change.
This web of transmutation helps us to:
- Ground intentions for self-empowerment
- Release obsolete attachments in preparation for more fulfilling ties
- Establish an influential connection
- Find your voice of power for communication, self-healing and prayer
- Heal doubts about your worthiness
- Act independently on a new financial project or intention
To make the most of these energies, it’s important to come from our center. We might start the day analyzing last night’s dreams, or patterns you we observe from recent dreams. Journaling, therapy or an online 12-step group can also help us perceive our deeper motivations and changes, giving ourself permission to move in new, more rewarding directions.
You may also prefer to spend the day working on yourself in preparation for tomorrow’s energy of beginnings.
My words are charged with divine power and they open new paths of good for me and others now.
Saturday, November 28
We can begin a new cycle today in spirituality, creativity, manifestation and prosperity . The numerology of 1 favors starting something.
Neptune stations to turn direct. Since late June, the mystical planet’s retrograde has directed our spiritual attention inward, awakening new experiences in dreams, visualization and in connection to spirit guides. Today we can provoke a pause to assess those connections and if we feel so inclined, find a way to share them with others and enrich them with materials such as new books, sacred or motivational music, a teacher, course and so on. The Sabian symbol for the degree of this station, at 18-19 Pisces says:
A MASTER INSTRUCTING HIS DISCIPLE. The transfer of power and knowledge which keeps the original spiritual and creative Impulse… active and undeviated. Keyword: INVESTITURE.
Mercury, planet of mind, sextiles expansive Jupiter, signifying an opportunity to expand our mental gifts. We can impart or sign up for a course of study, find a new teacher, broaden our cultural perspectives and contacts, enrich our belief system, open new channels to motivate others, and contact spirit guides. On the portal of Monday’s Eclipse in Gemini, the changes triggered by Neptune’s station relate to a new direction in thinking. Tomorrow’s quincunx from Sun to Uranus gives it an independent flavor. We will want to own our psychic powers and experience.
This transit also facilitates breakthroughs in communication and promotional activities. In fact, Moon in Taurus is propitious for business and financial activities. Her trines to Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto give staying power to the results of our initiatives in spiritual and financial progress.
I bless the teachers whose legacy of light has enriched humanity’s evolution now.
Sunday, November 29
Sun’s quincunx to Uranus becomes exact in the wee hours, spurring us to adapt our mission to a changing reality and economic system.
If you can be up early, use the last hours of Moon’s transit in Taurus to explore new financial strategies and finish something you started or developed while the Moon was waxing during the last two weeks.
At 8:16 am (11:16 ET), Moon enters communicative Gemini, pulling us into tomorrow’s Eclipse portal.
The rest of the day favors corresponding, messaging, sales, working on puzzles, riddles, and word games, finding a short cut, having our ideas well-received by associates, authority figures or clients, obtaining and signing a contract, voicing new ideas, presenting a proposal, planning a trip, or purchasing computer and phone equipment.
An evening sextile from Moon to Chiron also favors using healing affirmations and planning physical activity to support goals of wellness.
The substance of my body (name area or organ you wish to heal) is divine, and it works to help me and lift me up now.
Monday, November 30
At 1:30 am (4:30 am ET), we get a Full Moon Eclipse. In Gemini, sign of the North Node, it’s a doorway that can propel us into a new mental direction. With ruler Mercury in Scorpio, the energies involved are intense, so there’s a lot at stake. Like Alice before the two magical bottles, our choice to grow or to shrink will have a palpable outcome. If we reaffirm our choice of positive, higher perceptions, we get a cosmic boost. If we stay stuck in low vibrational, reactive patterns, we may end up sliding down that path for another evolutionary round.
Mercury in sextile to Saturn and asteroid Pallas, facilitates lasting results from our efforts, and the strategic and cultural resources we apply. Use your creativity, sign up for a course or two, start therapy; gather books, dream and prayer journals; seek out teachers and like-minded others. Pallas is a goddess of victory and we are called to assert ourselves with confidence, taking the reins of our mental goals. Saturn and Pallas are conjunct Jupiter and Pluto, so this portal has to do with our long-term evolution and the lessons of these exceptional times, that have been called a societal reboot.
Besides being a watershed in our perceptual goals and patterns, morning favors working on self-esteem, forgiveness, reconciliation, romance and changing beliefs around money. The rest of the day supports promotional activities, legal and work communications, teaching and editing.
Considering the sometimes volatile nature of Eclipses, we may want to put off major outer changes and decisions for another moment, until at least a week after this lunation.
The Sabian symbol for 8-9 Gemini says:
A MEDIEVAL ARCHER, WITH BOW AND ARROWS, READY TO FIGHT. Superiority and ease based on training. Sure marksmanship. Certain self-direction. Invisible help in trouble.
I am not alone in my desire for mental mastery, the Divine Teacher is with me, facilitating resources, guidance and information and working in every way to support my divine perception, now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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