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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, October 1–31, 2020
Thursday, October 1
The Full Moon in Aries makes for an intense day. With ruler Mars retrograde, also in Aries, Luna brings to light hidden motivations and desires and, in conjunction to Chiron, healing needs.
Today’s numerology of 1 fuels this portal’s dynamic energy. We want to start something. But the influences are low on objectivity, calm and charm, and getting others on board with our suggestions may not be easy. What we can get going is a new strategy for ourselves, figuring out how to take care of and negotiate for our wellness, needs, and true desires. These desires may include deepening our healing abilities. We can also release attachment to the approval of others, or projections we have made on people who seem to be holding us back. Take a time out, journal, consult a therapist or coach, release perfectionism and finish something.
The Sabian symbol for 9-10 Aries is:
A TEACHER GIVES NEW SYMBOLIC FORMS TO TRADITIONAL IMAGES… the beginning of a new cycle of experience… the problem of focusing one’s energies on the emotional drives and cultural values that exclude far more than they include… a new dimension of consciousness is discovered, revealing higher possibilities of experience and mental development.
I let go of obsolete goals and focus on the intentions of my soul, now.
Friday, October 2
Still on the Full Moon portal, the air is charged with other-worldly vibrations as Pluto stations to go direct. Mysteries can be revealed, we are empowered to uncover and share the truth.
Morning is the best time for connecting with others. Sun in tasteful Libra makes a quincunx to Uranus in earthy Taurus, stimulating creativity and excitement. With Moon square noble Jupiter, promotions and socializing can go well. In one-on-one interactions, apply diplomacy.
Plan to take the evening off. At 5:00 pm (8:00 ET), Moon begins scraping against tough guys Pluto, Mars and Saturn. Soak in the tub, give yourself a pedicure (take care with the scissors), meditate, write, watch an action movie.
At 10:47 pm (2:27 am ET), Moon goes VOC in Aries.
Angels of truth, please dissolve confusion, so what I need to see in this situation (my feelings, my best direction, the solution, this person, etc.) be revealed now.
Saturday, October 3
With Moon in stable Taurus and Pluto turning direct, we can take the pieces of life’s changes and begin to reassemble them into a new whole.
Moon’s trine to Venus in solid Virgo boosts confidence and good feelings, facilitating contacts for work, romance, healing and business. Make a list of pending communications and begin to move on them, collaborate in a practical or service endeavor, and/or upgrade your love life.
Divine love cannot be kept from me; divine love appears in my life in the highest and best partnership connection now.
Sunday, October 4
Pluto the powerful turns direct. Provoke a pause to journal about the changes you’ve been experiencing since April 25. Have you made headway with your evolutionary goals? Did you discover areas you still need to heal? Did you hone down on your plans to pray, to meditate, or love yourself more deeply? We can complement this introspection by throwing the I Ching or consulting a channel or a favorite oracle.
Moon in abundant Taurus contacts Sun, fueling creativity, and trines Jupiter and Neptune, planets of vision and of angels. This is a great day for:
- Doing artwork
- Developing heart radiance
- Helping children, the elderly or another population with special needs
- Working on an audio or video production
- Making new visualization materials
- Enjoying music
- Leasing or renting property
- Adding spice to a love relationship
- Consulting the angels
- Renewing a promotion
- Remodeling your home or garden
Goddess Kuan Yin, please draw near and put your orchid heart of compassion in mine.
Monday, October 5
Moon in abundant Taurus harmonizes with creative Neptune, powerful Pluto and constructive Saturn, making this a great day for progress. With Mercury in pre-retrograde storm, we can move ahead on something we want to last, particularly:
- Doing business
- Working on a creative project or self-esteem
- Efforts involving stability
- Increasing the bank balance
- Reorganizing a stock portfolio
- Relaunching a promotion
- Or otherwise taking care of money, property, or an investment
At 9:03 pm (12:03 am ET), Moon enters communicative Gemini. This lively energy may impel us to connect with words (or simply connect words!)—make a call, connect with colleagues, clients or siblings, do crossword puzzles, or use affirmations.
Spirit loves me through all situations and conditions, turning everything around me into divine substance now.
Tuesday, October 6
Moon in lively Gemini squares sweet Venus and harmonizes with Chiron, working nicely with today’s prosperous numerology of 6 to give a touch of charm and fortune to our communications and endeavors. We might use this quick-thinking mental energy to:
- Go on a business trip
- Catch up on correspondence and messaging
- Refurbish
- Present an idea, services or product
- Do crisis management
- Make sales
- Write and edit
- Go live on social networks
Avoid: getting distracted or scattered, making superficial assessments, participating in superficial conversations, gossiping, trying to manipulate, getting duped by conmen.
Guardian Angel, please surround me with your light and power, and direct me in divine actions and connections throughout this blessed day.
Wednesday, October 7
Today is highly mental. Today’s intelligent numerology of 7 accents Moon in Gemini, sign of thought. With her trine to Sun and quincunx to optimistic Jupiter, morning is the best time for business, promotions and contacts with others.
At 10:51 am (1:51 pm ET) Moon squares surrealistic Neptune, followed by more tense transits, including an opposition from Mercury to electrical Uranus. Communications may get confusing or tense. On the other hand, creativity surges, we can brainstorm with someone trustworthy, pray, solve a problem, design a petition or letter to Congress, do research, write down our ideas, and consult the angels or our favorite oracle.
I call on the goddesses of wisdom to awaken my intuition so I may serve as a channel of divine light now.
Thursday, October 8
At 8:45 am (11:45 ET), Moon leaves her VOC and enters sensitive Cancer. Aspects involving Chiron, the wounded healer, with Venus and Moon, point to healing, particularly of women’s issues, conditions and concerns, as well as self-esteem, forgiveness, and things related to one’s mother.
Journal, analyze dreams, and/or have therapy early, because Moon in Cancer and today’s number 8 also favor business, and we can use the rest of the day for sales, something related to real-estate, or decluttering our home or work space.
Late night is good for cuddling, spending time with family, going on an inner journey, and/or working on forgiveness.
I let go of hard thoughts and memories, and I trust divine justice to work for all, in all and through all now.
Friday, October 9
Moon in sensitive Cancer spends the day and evening making aspects that favor positive emotions. We can use them to generate gratitude, joy and forgiveness, since a square from belligerent Mars to immovable Pluto can take all the healing vibrations it can get.
Putter around the house, spend time in the garden, walk barefoot on the grass, touch trees, rocks and plants. Meditate on empathy, work on personal growth or self-empowerment, intensify metaphysical study, bless a home, or pray for world peace. Avoid direct confrontation and situations that might turn risky or explosive.
At 5:40 pm Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter. At 17-18 Cancer, her Sabian symbol says:
I live in a spirit of gratitude for the blessings that flow continually, now and always.
Saturday, October 10
Morning may be a bit tense, as Moon in tender Cancer opposes stern Saturn.
A trine from sweet Venus to exciting Uranus fills the rest of the day with creative, sociable and idealistic vibrations. This trine takes some of the edge off yesterday’s Mars-Pluto square as it releases a charge of joy into the atmosphere. Connections can go well for romance, friendship, business, and altruistic endeavors. We could meet a new flame or renew an existing or past spark. Focus on positive company and avoid situations that might devolve into power struggles or emotional blackmail.
At 5:24 pm (8:24 ET), Moon leaves the sensitive mists of Cancer and enters Leo, where she favors socializing, development of personal talents, showmanship, and fun.
Joy, joy, joy. Joy lives in my heart and I allow it to fill me, here and now.
Sunday, October 11
Sun connects with angel planets Jupiter and Neptune as the latter two approach a sextile, accenting the angelic vibration of today’s number 11 and making this a great day for:
- Meditation
- Dream work or yoga
- Visualization
- Media production
- Contacting light beings
- Promoting something on the web
- Publicity
Moon is in warm Leo, yet her aspects are tense, and one-on-one connections may not go so smoothly.
Archangel Zadkiel, please center my heart in forgiveness for myself and others now.
Monday, October 12
Rise before dawn and dust off your dreams! Expansive Jupiter makes a sextile to creative Neptune, a highly fortunate joining that brings opportunities of a mystical, magical, now nature. Neptune eases some of the pressure Jupiter’s been feeling as he transits Capricorn, sign of restriction, and helps restore his natural optimism. Fortunate opportunities can flow in business, or the manifestation of a long-held dream. Media productions and promotions can charm the public. Creative and spiritual projects also go well; we can connect tangibly with our angels and spirit guides.
The most productive hours are before 7:29 am (10:29 ET), when Moon goes VOC, or after 9:56 pm (12:56 am ET), when Moon enters Virgo.
In the hours between, Mercury the messenger makes a sextile to Venus in Virgo, sign of service. Use healing mantras or affirmations and share kind words with others.
The cells of my body are charged with divine love, and only good can come from them and through them now.
Tuesday, October 13
This is a highly charged, potentially productive, yet possibly frustrating day.
Moon in diligent Virgo supports thoroughness in work, duties, diet, and health concerns. She trines brilliant Uranus and sextiles Mercury, accenting her problem-solving abilities and favoring communication for business and service.
However, don’t be surprised if you end up feeling annoyed. Sun opposes feisty, assertive Mars. This isn’t just your normal Mars. He happens to be retrograde in fiery Aries, sign of his rule. (If lately you’ve felt uncommonly blocked, irritated or angry, take a look at that heavyweight sulking in the middle of the living room.) Also, still glowing radioactive after his recent square to Pluto, he’s not exactly in low-profile mode. This transit can bring confrontation. We’re hard on ourselves, and may project this onto people and circumstances. So, it’s best to focus on a simple, high-energy task like decluttering the closet, stripping old paint off of furniture or cleaning the garage, oven, or desk.
On the doorstep of Friday’s New Moon, we can review our visualization materials, give thanks for what has manifested, throw away or burn (with care) what is no longer current, and obtain images for our new or enriched intentions.
If you handle knives or sharp tools, take care, and avoid communications that require diplomacy or could turn confrontational.
This evening, a conjunction from Moon to sweet Venus softens up the energy, favoring healing of self and others, creativity and warm encounters with your family or love-object.
In addition, Mercury stations retrograde today.
Omnipresent Good fills my mind and world and there is no conflict in me or for me now.
Wednesday, October 14
Seize the day! At 5:12 am (8:12 am ET), Moon in diligent Virgo trines expansive Jupiter, and six hours later trines Pluto the powerful. The latter two are in constructive Capricorn, making this a great day to move on a practical goal that we set in motion sometime before Thursday, September 24, when Mercury entered pre-retrograde shadow.
We can also:
- reorganize
- prepare a detailed account
- put feet on our dreams
- work on a database
- make a budget or plan for financial growth
AT 3:47 pm (6:47 ET), Moon goes VOC. Take a break, enjoy nature, do housework, soak in the tub. Put important tasks and contacts on hold until after 10:54 pm (1:54 ET), when she enters Libra.
Blessing for old visualization materials (repeat 3 times mindfully):
I bless these symbols of higher vision, in gratitude releasing them, as I open new windows of good for myself and my world now.
Thursday, October 15
Sun in pensive Libra squares intense Pluto in strict Capricorn, bringing our inner powers of transformation to light.
This is an intense aspect that generate stern attitudes, particularly toward oneself. Moon is also in Libra, and she makes tense contacts to Chiron, the wounded healer, and rebellious Uranus. It’s good to have a safety net of harmonious company, a therapy session, or support group.
Enjoy beautiful, healing music, surroundings and art, meditate, visualize and focus on your immediate world and tasks.
There is no condemnation in Spirit and there is no condemnation in me or for me. I release myself and others in loving kindness now.
Friday, October 16
With Mercury now in retrograde, the New Moon in Libra—exact at 12:31 pm (3:31 ET)—opens a fertile door to renew an intention or goal related to partnership, negotiation, and/or how we relate to others.
Perched in a T-square involving heavies Pluto, Saturn and Mars, this lunation doesn’t reflect the warm and fuzzy side of Libra. In its retrograde through Aries, Mars has been nudging us to own our hidden desire for self-direction. Pluto relates to empowerment, and Saturn to self-reliance: as they walk together through Capricorn, sign of goals and structure, this pair has been precipitating our spiritual maturity. The present lunation invites us to rework our relationships to suit these evolutionary processes.
We may wish to resume a process of recovery from codependence, align our behavior with higher ideals, take back our voice—or our silence—and allow ourselves to negotiate for what we want. Whatever improvements we seek in our relationships and negotiations, today’s tensions can be harmonized by clarifying them and writing them down.
Sort things out in your mind, pray or affirm, and listen for guidance. Save key contacts for tomorrow afternoon.
At 3:11 pm (6:11 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Scorpio at 10:05 pm (1:05 am ET).
The Sabian symbol for the New Moon at 23-24 Libra says:
A BUTTERFLY WITH A THIRD WING ON ITS LEFT SIDE. The ability to develop, for inner strengthening, new modes of response to basic life situations… a special development of an aspect of the spiritual life is shown. Three is a symbol of fulfillment, some power has been added to the normal spiritual life of the individual person. The left side usually refers to the instinctual…, but it’s also the heart’s side… the appearance of a new faculty, the use of which may not as yet be consciously evaluated.
Sample intentions for today’s New Moon in Libra:
I imagine myself in relationships that resonate with my spiritual evolution and identity.
I see myself expressing my needs and preferences with respect, clarity and self-esteem.
I want to reach a fair negotiation with _________, for the good of all concerned.
I see myself relating in balanced ways that contribute to the well-being of all involved.
I wish to be free from attachment to the approval of others.
I see myself relating to others from a place of self-respect, love and strength.
I imagine myself valuing my own approval over that of others.
I see myself free from feeling like I always give more than I receive.
I wish to be free of victim labels I have put on or absorbed from others.
I see myself following my intuition and setting limits in a timely, appropriate way.
I want any neurotic fixation with fairness lifted from me.
I see myself helping those who need it without getting taken advantage of or manipulated.
I am ready to be free of manipulative dynamics from me toward others and from others to me.
Saturday, October 17
The newly waxing Moon has entered Scorpio, where it emboldens us to move on our intentions and goals.
Morning, midday and early afternoon are best for introspection, decision-making, psychic consultations, independent research, inner healing, or creative activities. Avoid jealousy or brooding over an imagined slight.
Contacts with others go better after 2:52 pm (5:52 ET), when Moon joins Mercury. Make a major deal, sign documents, face a challenge, solve a problem, seek out an adviser or wise confident, put a major goal in motion.
Consider going to bed early so you can rise and use tomorrow’s early harmonies.
Divine love has freed me and others from karmic attachments. All involved move into new happiness and riches, now!
Sunday, October 18
Rise early to make love, visualize, contact the angels, turn on your heart of compassion, or work on something requiring taste or charm. Moon in deep Scorpio makes sextiles to benefics Venus and Jupiter and trines sensitive Neptune. Not only do we feel good, we can make joyous and prosperous connections with others. Visualize the results you want in romance, in business, or in a spiritual endeavor. Retouch and re-launch a promotion or sales effort.
Reach out to others before 5:08 am (8:08 ET), when the influences remain fertile, but three major aspects begin to generate tension.
- A square from Sun to stern Saturn is good for organizing work and re-structuring a project, but it can bring stress and guilt trips.
- Also, sweet Venus opposes enchanting Neptune, fueling the fires of romance, compassion and creativity that were sparked in the wee hours, but potentially bringing confusion, particularly in finances and one-on-one connections.
- A square from Mars to Jupiter is great for promotional activities, as long as we don’t promise more than we can deliver. This is a lot of energy that may be best channeled in independent efforts and contacts from a distance. Avoid arguments about beliefs and coming on too strong.
At 2:43 pm (5:43 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Sagittarius at 9:43 pm (12:43 ET).
I am not alone or without effective promotion, the Divine Agent is with me, opening key doors, boosting my image and awakening new, successful networks for me now.
Monday, October 19
Inspiration is in the air, we feel confident, and we can get something off the ground. Moon in Sagittarius awakens our vision, while ruler Jupiter squares salesman-planet Mars and trines Venus, goddess of love and money, bringing a special energy to our image, relationships and messages.
An evening opposition from Mercury to Uranus, rulers of higher and lower mind and both retrograde, can dramatize our differences. With these energetic planets in fixed signs Scorpio and Taurus, arguments may get heated, particularly with Mars still in square to Jupiter. Avoid sermonizing, coming on too strong or getting involved in an unnecessary argument. This opposition also sharpens our intuition, fueling brilliant research and insight. Favored activities include:
- Spending time outdoors
- Researching something
- Work on editing, trade or correspondence
- Relaunching or tweaking a promotion
- Holding a business meeting
- Lending or borrowing money
- Going live on social networks
- Giving or taking a class or seminar
- Doing prophetic dreaming
The substance of this situation is divine, and my recognition reveals the truth about it now.
Tuesday, October 20
This is a great day for progress, promotion, and people connections.
Moon in outgoing Sag makes an early trine to assertive Mars in Aries, sign of its rule. We reconnect with our inner warrior and can take bold initiatives to renew a promotion, fight for a cause, or move on an alternative path that—with Mercury now retrograde—we had first set in motion before September 23.
Soon after the trine, Moon squares Venus, followed by a sextile to Sun in affable Libra. Connections of all kinds go great, from romance to business and everything in between. We can make tangible progress in creative and promotional activities.
- Be spontaneous
- Laugh
- Go on a picnic or share an adventure (with social distancing)
- Work on trade, promotions or correspondence
- Hold a business meeting
- Lend or borrow money
- Attend a legal matter
- Help a children’s group
- Connect with friends, your love object or a flame from the past
- Do PR or something requiring diplomacy or luck
At 11:44 pm (1:44 am ET), Moon enters Capricorn.
I invite the Christ Mind to serve and prosper through me now.
Wednesday, October 21
This morning, Moon in strict Capricorn squares Chiron. People connections may be tense, while independent activities like journaling, therapy, decluttering, and working on bone health can go well.
At 12:49 pm (3:49 ET), the stars begin to support empowering connections. Moon sextiles Mercury in Scorpio, sign of change, followed by a sextile from love-goddess Venus to intense Pluto. Consult a coach or an oracle, work on your inner dialogue, research something related to romance, self-esteem or finance, reach out boldly to someone in a position to make a difference in your life, your work or your business.
The energies can be productive, but their intensity is best directed in connections with oneself or other key individuals. They’re not so great for PR, dealing with the public, or light social activities.
My progress cannot be stopped; my progress cannot be sabotaged. Spirit doesn’t stop or sabotage me and Spirit doesn’t make me depend on people and situations for my progress. Spirit moves me forward with Its infinite means to my best place, with the best connections and the best income now.
Thursday, October 22
We get another intense day. Moon in Capricorn spotlights goals and responsibilities, and her conjunctions to Jupiter and Pluto connect our emotions with this year’s evolutionary movement.
Concentrate on building for change in beliefs, business, family concerns. With Mercury retrograde, we can reorganize work spaces, a home-building project, or financial plans, and tweak our strategies. Our patient efforts open the way to renewal.
At 4:00 pm (7:00 ET), Sun enters Scorpio, moving us into the year’s deepest cycle of change.
Contacts with humans go best after 6:09 pm, when Moon trines Venus the harmonizer, combining with the energy of today’s Master Number 22, broadening the reach of our actions, words and heart energy. Connect with an authority or elder, listen patiently, ask for a promotion, tend the family business, participate in a team effort, get a retouch on reconstructive surgery, call on the ancestors.
Get things done before 9:35 pm (12:35 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
Invoke the ancestors:
I call on my wise ancestors and spirit guides to direct my evolution in victory and love now.
Friday, October 23
At 5:17 am (8:17 ET), Moon enters Aquarius, sign of freedom, reaching her First Quarter at 6:23 am (9:23 ET).
Provoke a pause to review progress on the intentions you set for relationships and negotiations at the last New Moon. Apply all your acuities, rational and intuitive, to see whether your connections and ways of interacting are in sync with your spiritual and personal goals.
- Have you gained clarity about your needs and limits?
- Are you considering the needs and limits of others?
- Do you need help to continue restructuring your relationships?
Today is good for researching your options and reaching out to a support group, a counselor, a new circle of contacts, a lawyer, or a strategic advisor.
At 0-1 Aquarius, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
AN OLD ADOBE MISSION IN CALIFORNIA. The power inherent in all great human works to endure far beyond the worker’s lifespan… the enduring character of human achievements ensouled by a great vision… THE CONCRETIZATION OF AN IDEAL.
Spirit loves us, Spirit guides us, Spirit is showing us the way.
Saturday, October 24
This is a great day for getting back on track with a creative project and people connections for finance, healing or service. Venus in practical Virgo trines Saturn, lord of manifestation, in Capricorn, sign of his rule.
Today’s numerology of 6 favors prosperity, good fortune and congeniality. Moon in independent Aquarius puts our personal needs and ideals in the spotlight. Reach out to someone who has been there for you, take concrete steps on a business, financial, social or creative project, tighten the bonds you wish to make last. Avoid the distraction of superficial contacts.
Make your move or moves before 2:54 pm (5:54 ET), when Moon goes VOC. After that, declutter the bookcase and enjoy friends or a good read.
Affirmation to protect fire zones:
Omnipresent love fills the atmosphere, and it cannot transmit or carry any harmful substance or activity. Only good, good, good comes through the atmosphere of (name of place), now and always.
Sunday, October 25
We have a mystical, magical Sunday. Our local star joins Mercury in deep Scorpio, making this morning great for journaling, using healing affirmations, working on forgiveness and consulting an oracle or medium.
Save key contacts and actions for after 2:18 pm (5:18 ET), when Moon goes back on course as she enters sensitive Pisces. She trines Mercury and Sun in deep Scorpio: Work on healing or forgiveness, do automatic writing, participate in an outdoors or online spiritual activity or gathering, contact the angels and light beings. Do something altruistic, reach out to spiritual family, enjoy music.
Divine love fills our world, bringing forth rich, joyous good for all beings now.
Monday, October 26
Moon in imaginative Pisces makes a sextile to Uranus in Taurus, sign of abundance. We can visualize new ways of manifesting supply for ourselves and also to share. And we can take daring action to materialize it.
The astrological energies favor making a vision board, listening to and applying intuition, settling a dispute with family or friends or a struggle within yourself, writing or editing a proposal, agreement or contract, or sending out tweets or emails.
At 6:33 pm (9:33 ET), Mercury enters sweet Libra, followed 8 minutes later by Venus. Together they shift the tone of our connections from practical to social.
Avoid being too easily influenced, and before jumping into something, analyze it.
I am not exposed to toxic or negative influences. I have a Divine Companion whose presence fills my world and it’s harmonious, beneficial, kind, supportive and enriching, now and always.
Tuesday, October 27
We can direct our spiritual and creative powers to manifest our goals.
Moon in inspired Pisces sextiles the Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn alignment in diligent Capricorn. Invoke the angels and spirit guides for help in your path of mastery, follow your intuition, organize a strategy to work on your dreams, tweak a contract or a design for a building or production, repair equipment, reach out to a potential collaborator or someone who’s in a position to help you.
Guardian Angel (or spirit guides), please direct me in focused, effective actions for my divine purpose now.
Wednesday, October 28
At 1:45 am (4:45 ET), Moon enters dynamic Aries. The numerology of 1 favors starting something. With Moon opposing Venus in Libra, at the critical first degree of cardinal signs, the something relates to people, the public, a partner, or a negotiation.
At 1:39 pm (4:39 ET), the focus shifts from others to ourselves. Moon in tense Aries joins Chiron, the wounded-healer, who takes another hit in the form of a quincunx from Sun about an hour later. We’re apt to be self-involved and somewhat on the defensive. These are good transits for praising our bodies, blessing our health, going for a brisk walk and picking up trash, doing an intermittent fast, blessing the car, or seeing a therapist. Morning and midday are the best times for connecting with others.
I praise the healing intelligence that flows through my body, heart and soul, lifting me up in wellness now.
Thursday, October 29
Today’s numerology of 11 connects with angel vibrations, favoring meditation on compassion, metta (Buddhist loving-kindness), and using affirmations of love and forgiveness.
If we do one of these practices early, we can take the harsh edge off today’s intense energies: Moon in feisty Aries joins ruler Mars and squares explosive Jupiter and Pluto. The proximity of Saturday’s Full Moon increases our subjectivity, and it won’t take much to light a fuse. Besides prayer and meditation, today’s numerology of 11 favors reading, metaphysical study and cultural pursuits.
Avoid potentially aggressive encounters and situations; and drive and use machinery, knives and other sharp implements with care.
Love, love, love. Love radiates naturally from my heart, blessing and releasing me and others now.
Friday, October 30
Moon’s stint with tense aspects in restless Aries continues this morning, as she makes an early square to demanding Saturn. Arrange an early appointment with a coach -to get on course with a strategy for progress- or a physiologist or trainer, to help define your goals for improved physical condition and discuss how to reach them.
Declutter the garage or a work area. At 9:12 am (12:12 pm ET), Luna goes VOC on an opposition to Mercury in Libra, sign of argument. Keep a low profile and save key contacts or conversations for after 2:30 pm (5:30 ET), when Moon enters stable Taurus.
After that we can do business, take care of money, check on our investments, show empathy, work on something we started before September 23, develop our self-esteem, reorganize stock portfolio, remodel or decorate.
A late contact with ruler Venus brings out Taurus’ sensual side. Make love, add spice and romance to your partnership, renew an old flame.
I give thanks for the rich good that flows from the infinite realm of spirit and manifests tangibly, here and now.
Saturday, October 31
Today is Samhain, the name of the goddess of the Celtic New Year. Her feast day marks the beginning of the year’s darkest days. The veil between dimensions become thin and fairies, spirits, and magic prevail.
At 7:29 am (10:29 ET) today, Moon becomes full for the second time this month, this time in sensual Taurus. This is the Hunting Moon, in resonance with the Samhain slaughter. It’s charged with themes of change, of death, of rebirth, and of honor to the beings who have made their transition from the physical.
Full Moons intensify emotions, and this one brings up the bull’s issues of security, supply, and values, the solidity that anchors Scorpio, balancing out its fixation with dissolution, transformation and the mysteries that lay beyond the tangible world.
Luna conjuncts Uranus the liberator, who’s been shaking us out of our comfort zone as it too transits the sign of the bull. It evokes themes detonated by last May’s New Moon in Taurus and can support consolidation of new types of business and new avenues of supply that we started or thought about then. Think creatively, pursue an unusual line of action or intention that’s been on your mind for several months, or that you’ve been moving on since before last September 23.
Infinite Intelligence has made plans for my supply, and I give thanks for my ever-expanding channels now!

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
I know that you may be trying to be PC with your post, but please remember that the polarized ideas sometimes encourage healthy debate when argued respectfully..and this is your page not a democracy- allow your voice rule here!