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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, September 1–30, 2020
Tuesday, September 1
The Full Moon in Pisces is rich with aspects, opening one of the year’s most helpful portals.
Usually this lunar phase is about completions rather than beginnings. However, the present lunation is so dynamic that, combined with today’s numerology of 1, it can help initiate, follow up on or finish a project.
Wrapped into the portal we find a grand earth trine, a kite, a mystical rectangle and a t-square. This multi-layered configuration can fuel our intuition, favor tangible progress in material and spiritual goals and facilitate solutions to seemingly complicated problems.
Harmonies between earth and water combine with just enough tensions to move us to seize our opportunities. That is, we hope those tensions are enough. If necessary, serve yourself an extra dose of self-motivation for breakfast. And eat it early; don’t pass on the chance to make a breakthrough in a problem you’ve been trying to solve, or to move on something that’s close to your spirit and/or bank account.
With Luna in psychic Pisces and in close sextile to Uranus, planet of awareness, intuition is particularly strong and we’re apt to receive a flash or sudden sign. Moon’s harmonies to ruler Neptune and co-ruler Jupiter amplify the potential of this sensitive, visionary portal. We can apply the organizational dexterity of Virgo and Capricorn to get on track with spiritual goals: establishing a time and place for our practice, procuring books, contacts and resources of wisdom, setting up an altar or decluttering our meditation or prayer corner. We can do dream yoga, use oracles and consul angels and spirit guides. (If you’ve been evacuated from fires or for another reason seem to have limited physical space or means, focus on writing down your intentions for inner strength, growth and mastery, and take whatever step you can to set them in motion.)
In the chart for this lunation, numerous harmonies in earth signs widen the spectrum of support, also favoring material results. Mercury the messenger in Virgo, earth sign of his rule, trines Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in executive Capricorn, facilitating progress in business, work and finances. If you’re planning on promoting something, do it today.
Whatever practical things you work on, make sure to take a break from the mental rut of the pandemic and listen to divine inspiration. This may come from dreams, from consulting an oracle, teacher or coach, from a sign or opportunity that unexpectedly appears or, with Uranus on board, from a flash of understanding or inspiration. Before taking action, be mindful, scan your intuition and world, and write down your vision.
The Sabian symbol underscores the inner gifts of this portal. At 10-11 Pisces it says:
(WO)MEN TRAVELING A NARROW PATH SEEKING ILLUMINATION. The capacity inherent to every individual to seek at whatever cost entrance to a transcendent realm of reality… the ancient and eternal symbol of the path of discipleship… The path is always open to the pure in heart, the mentally aware, the conqueror of emotions and the spiritual self-mobilized… WALK ON.
At this highly sensitive portal, do your best to steer clear of draining people and situations.
The Full Moon perfects at 10:22 pm (1:22 am ET), and her influence reigns all day and through early Friday.
Spirit’s love fills my world, and precipitates all the spiritual and material support I need, here and now.
Wednesday, September 2
Last night’s lunation is still in force. Sun’s trine to Uranus the awakener, along with Moon’s harmonies to Uranus, fortunate Jupiter and powerful Pluto, trigger revelations and opportunities related to our life purpose, and embolden us to take concrete action.
An opposition from Venus to Saturn tends to cool affections, so today’s not so great for one-to-one contacts or romance, particularly this morning. However, this aspect helps us appraise what we have and what we need to manifest in order to meet our goals in love, finances, self-esteem, and image improvement.
Afternoon and evening are particularly propitious for psychic, spiritual and creative activities. Apply yesterday’s spiritual suggestions, make a vision board, treasure map or related tool, radiate empathy, contact your angels or spirit guides.
I have a direct connection with Infinite Intelligence, and it guides me in spiritual and material abundance, now and always.
Thursday, September 3
Morning is best for creative work, PR, media productions and personal connections.
The charm factor is amplified by today’s cheerful numerology of 3, complimenting Moon’s trine to lovely Venus.
Mercury the messenger perfects his trine to Saturn the builder; we can structure our ideas and our interchanges can produce lasting improvements.
At 1:22 pm (4:22 ET), Moon enters assertive Aries. After that, push to finish a presentation, declutter, close a deal, take the reins of a situation, negotiate, sign an agreement, or activate business connections.
I allow myself to connect with the wonderful people who appear on my path, now and always.
Friday, September 4
With Venus the beautifier squaring hot Mars, this is a highly creative day. Interactions are apt to have a sparkly kind of magic, particularly this afternoon.
With Moon in bold Aries joining wounded-healer Chiron early this morning, we can make a date with a therapist, virtual 12-step group, or with our journals.
With Mercury in practical Virgo in quincunx to leader-planet Mars, morning is best for structuring work communications, using healing affirmations and organizing documents.
At 1:32 pm (4:32 ET), the messenger planet sextiles sweet Venus, picking up the magic of the love planet’s early square to Mars. Clarify your message and before sharing your words and ideas, put love into them. Focus on assertive communications for romance, work or a creative project.
Affirmation to seal our prayers:
My words are not just ideas, they’re doors that open on infinite good, allowing it to prevail here and now.
Saturday, September 5
This is restless day and rather short on diplomacy. Today’s numerology of 5 relates to Mars, planet of action that also rules Moon in Aries.
We want to do things, but Moon squares bossy planets Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, and as if we needed more confrontation, she also joins Aries’ ruler, feisty Mars, before going VOC at 9:45 pm (12:45 am ET).
Independent work and creative activities go better than socializing. Or we can declutter, go on a low-key hike, weed the yard, pick up garbage at the park, swim a few laps. Save extreme sports or edgy adventures for another day, avoid speeding and unnecessary arguments, and refrain from burning someone’s hair off.
Spirit takes care of what I can’t do, and divine activity produces perfect results, here and now.
Sunday, September 6
At 1:43 am (4:43 ET), Moon enters abundant Taurus. Her ruler Venus climbs out of the misty waters of Cancer and into the bright sunshine of Leo, where this planet of love is warmer, confident and more outgoing. This mix makes for a luxurious day, the perfect time to:
- Enjoy food and nature
- Listen to or make music
- Appreciate art
- Lease or rent property
- Share your empathy
- Work on self-esteem
- Add spice and romance to intimate relations
- Remodel or decorate
- Go out with someone new (or renew a flame)
Love fills the air, and precipitates abundant good for me and for all others now.
Monday, September 7 (Labor Day)
Today’s influences still favor creative activities and having a good time, but despite this being a holiday (Labor Day in the U.S.), they’re also great for work, business, and making practical progress on whatever we already set into motion by seeding intent at last week’s Full Moon portal.
Moon in prosperous Taurus makes wonderful trines to Sun in diligent Virgo, and to fortunate Jupiter and powerful Pluto in productive Capricorn. These trines bring confidence and harmony and support practical endeavors.
This afternoon, a sextile to creative Neptune favors romance, media or creative production, promotion, empathy and any situation requiring charm quotient. With Moon in her waning cycle, it’s best to focus on follow-through rather than starting something completely new.
- Do business or something involving finances
- Re-launch a promotion
- Take on new staff
- Show empathy
- Set up a new business
- Work on something related to stability, security, protection or that require long-lasting results
- Focus on home affairs, real estate, remodel or decorate
- Go on a date
I invoke my guardian angel (spirit guides) to open my way and move me to live this day with power now.
Tuesday, September 8
With Moon in abundant Taurus trining constructive Saturn, the stars continue on their productive roll.
Check yesterday’s list. Saturn gives staying power to Taurus’ prosperous inclinations, and the efforts we make today can get things off the ground. Also, today’s numerology of 8 can help us achieve a new level of success, prestige or achievement.
At 2:28 pm (5:28 ET), Moon enters communicative Gemini. Her connection skills are accented by a sextile to sweet Venus. It’s a day to speak, in whatever form—get caught up on emails and messages, give a presentation, voice a new idea to associates or authorities, present a proposal, record a video, write letters, reach out to siblings, colleagues and clients.
Tonight, have a romantic dinner, call on a love prospect, or beautify your work.
My good comes in expected and unexpected ways, and I act to receive it now.
Wednesday, September 9
This morning, mental Mercury sextiles wounded healer Chiron. We can achieve results by journaling, connecting with a therapist or group, using healing affirmations, and/or changing our inner dialogue.
At noon, Sun in effective Virgo trines Jupiter in executive Capricorn. Jupiter empowers Virgo’s practical focus, and Virgo brings Jupiter’s expansive energy down to earth in pragmatic, helpful ways. Now, the time is right to finish a work project, collect money, serve others through teaching, structure a program of self-care, or connect with the angels of healing. We might also solve a problem, find a shortcut, invent something, work on writing, or purchase computer and phone equipment.
Today’s numerology of 9 is wise, mystical, even magical. Don’t waste it on superficial conversation, trivial news, or listening to gossip, as Gemini Moon may tempt us to.
At 3:22 pm (6:22 ET), Mars goes retrograde, beginning a two-month period during which we can review our hidden desires and our ways of pursuing what we want. (See our General Influences for more on this transit.)
The Divine loves me in and through every cell of my body, awakening their healing properties now.
Thursday, September 10
Today’s numerology of 1 moves us to take the reins of something, and with Moon reaching her Fourth Quarter before dawn, this can mean finishing a project, or releasing a situation. Rather than connecting with people, we can focus on independent creative work, therapy, journaling and using healing affirmations.
At 18-19 Gemini, the Sabian symbol says:
A LARGE, ARCHAIC VOLUME REVEALS A TRADITIONAL WISDOM… Contacting the all-human, planetary Mind… exteriorization of archetypal knowledge and wisdom… SEED KNOWLEDGE, the knowledge of cyclic and cosmic manifestations of life on this planet.
Moon in mental Gemini moves us to share our viewpoints, but she makes a series of tense aspects that don’t guarantee the share will come off as intended. With Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, opposing wounded-healer Chiron, save conflict resolution for another day. What we can do now is write about our wounds, followed by positive self-dialogue or affirmations.
At 9:48 pm (12:48 am ET), Moon goes VOC.
Divine love flows like a river through my life path, touching me in and through all situations and insuring that only good can come to me in them now.
Friday, September 11
At 1:23 am (4:23 ET), Moon enters intuitive Cancer. This sensitive, empathetic placement is enhanced by Sun’s opposition to Neptune, which isn’t great for clarity but does favor compassion. Today’s numerology of 11 indicates a day when the angels use humans’ love energy to lift the planetary vibration.
Confusion may arise, and it’s best to follow our intuition and avoid closing a deal or getting ourselves into iffy situations of any kind. What we can focus on is meditating, personal growth, going on an inner journey, self-empowerment, forgiveness, embarking on a new course of metaphysical study, and discarding old visualization materials as we begin to think of what we want to seed in our imagination at next Thursday’s New Moon.
Listen to inspiring music, enjoy home and garden, talk to nearby plants, and radiate love.
Key interactions with humans go better at night, particularly after 8:57 pm (11:57 ET), when Moon sextiles exciting Uranus.
Archangel Zadkiel, please show me what I need to forgive and help me release it now.
Saturday, September 12
Moon in sensitive Cancer connects with angel-planets Jupiter and Neptune, making this a highly intuitive and spiritual day.
Jupiter turns direct, accenting these vibrations and for that matter, good fortune, in whatever we choose to do. Although the turn is precise at 5:41 pm (8:41 ET), we will be feeling it all day.
Morning is particularly good for activities that expand our spirits, minds and connections with light beings—studying, teaching, inspirational reading, visualization, art and psychic consultations. Media productions and promotions also go well, particularly those we began before Mars went retrograde on Wednesday, September 9.
At 3:44 pm (6:44 ET), Moon sextiles Sun in efficient Virgo, a highly productive aspect. Do business, work on healing, cook for or help someone, declutter the kitchen, focus on real-estate or apply intuition to solve a problem.
If you have key calls or connections to make, do them before 7:19 pm (10:19 ET), when Moon opposes tough Pluto. We can get into our feelings about power and change, but relating may seem heavy. Take a breather, soak in a hot tub, journal and affirm for prosperity.
There is no lack in Spirit, so there really is no lack but only abundant good, now and always.
Sunday, September 13
Start and finish the day with love-centered self-dialogue and affirmations. This morning, their healing effects are multiplied as sweet Venus makes an early trine to Chiron.
As for relationships, with Moon square feisty Mars, we’re apt to be touchy, so it’s best to keep a low profile.
At 8:32 am (11:32 ET), the mist lifts as Moon enters Leo, and connections become warmer. We can reach out to a friend, have fun, start a new relationship, develop our talents, work on something creative, be romantic, express our feelings in style—and lease or rent property.
Later tonight, Moon follows Venus’ footsteps, trining Chiron and then catching up to the love-planet herself.
My divine child-self, you deserve love and respect, and I will do my best to give them to you, now and always.
Monday, September 14
This is a treasure of a day for people connections and finishing work and business projects.
Moon in expressive Leo connects with Mercury the messenger and Jupiter the promoter, making today great for connections for PR, friendship, romance, publicity and work.
Moon’s ruler, Sun in diligent Virgo, trines powerful Pluto in productive Capricorn. We can push through resistance or inertia and make significant headway on a project for work or business. We can also present it and have it well-received. Get your act together and knock on a key door!
Tonight’s aspects are creative and potentially sexy, but not as productive as the influences this morning, afternoon and early evening.
Spirit has lifted my up in strength, confidence and victory, and nothing can pull me down or stop me now!
Tuesday, September 15
Early this morning, yesterday’s charm and power continue to flow, with the added blessing of today’s fortunate numerology of 6. If you’re up for it, connect with key people for business or pleasure, or push ahead on work before 8:09 am (11:09 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
Take a break to enjoy a fun brunch and read about art or an artist.
At 11:37 am (2:37 pm), Moon enters productive Virgo. Virgo’s nerdy side is accented by a square from Venus the beautifier to innovative Uranus, to which this lunar placement lends some welcome structure and practicality. Your brilliance is magnified and you can come up with a great idea, design or approach to something creative.
With this demanding, independent combination, relationships may be a bit strained. Independent efforts to beautify, enrich or finish something go best. Avoid being over-critical.
I have a direct connection with Infinite Intelligence, and I receive a continual flow of rich ideas, now and always.
Wednesday, September16
On the doorstep of tomorrow’s New Moon, this is a great day to start something practical. In Virgo, Luna makes a beautiful trine to innovative Uranus in abundant Taurus, and another one to fortunate Jupiter in constructive Capricorn. These transits infuse Virgo’s diligent realism with vision and creativity. Think big and initiate or move on something related to work, practical manifestation, stock-taking, finance, structure, and productivity.
At 7:03 pm (10:03 ET), Moon’s productive roll comes to a halt as she opposes Neptune. There can be some confusion. Enjoy some down time, exchange massages with your partner, give yourself a foot rub with reflexology, do an intermittent fast, express compassion, pray or meditate.
The substance of my finances is divine, a loving, dynamic substance that generates only good for me, now and always.
Thursday, September 17
The New Moon in diligent Virgo blends with today’s powerful numerology of 8, inviting us to ground, constructively and personally, some of the evolutionary tests of our times. Luna makes a close trine to Saturn the worker, pulling in his buddies Pluto and Jupiter, the trio of mob bosses who have been pushing us to transform our structures, redo our goals and master ourselves, as together they’ve been plowing through Capricorn, sign of achievement, since last February.
From a mundane perspective, we can use this lunation to begin something related to work or wellness; the trine to Saturn will give it staying power.
However, its potential goes beyond the mundane, as indicated by Moon’s trine to the Capricorn line up. We can get a sort of personal handle on how we wish to participate in and serve in the changes this evolutionary conjunction has wrought. This can play out in a line of work or vocational activity, and the results we wish to achieve there. Besides such activities themselves and their results, it can influence how we live those activities or the mindset with which we go about our daily existence.
At 25-26 Virgo, the Sabian symbol is cryptically aligned with the chart for this New Moon. It says:
A BOY WITH A CENSER SERVES THE PRIEST NEAR THE ALTAR. The first phase of actual participation in the great ritual of planetary evolution… Whether we think of ancient mysteries, or a Catholic Mass or of some still more transcendent ceremony in which great Beings charged with planetary responsibilities are involved, we are dealing with a type of archetypal activity. The ritual… represents a field of activity, a portion in the evolving structure of the cosmos… the individual is lead out into the world of transcendent activity… menial as it may be, it acquires a sacred meaning… She must learn to serve humbly and with intense attention… to perform every action superpersonally… to PRACTICE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD.
On another level, the symbol of the boy serving the priest may allude to issues of child abuse that are likely to come out of the shadows at this time.
The New Moon is exact at 4:00 am (7:00 am ET), going VOC at 4:42 am (7:42 ET).
At 11:56 am (2:56 ET), Moon enters Libra, lending charm and social dexterity to this portal. With an afternoon trine from Sun to Saturn, we can direct this wonderful energy by adding love to our connections for work, service and business, reviewing the bank statement, making a court appearance, or doing something involving justice.
Invocation (repeat 3 times before going to sleep):
Guardian Angel (or spirit guide), please embrace me, fuse your energy with mine and direct me with focus in my divine purpose now.
Friday, September 18
With the New Moon fresh behind us, the week comes to an inspirational close.
At 9:41 am (12:41 pm ET), Luna sextiles ruler Venus in gregarious Leo, facilitating people connections of all kinds. This is a charming aspect that’s worth using, since tomorrow’s not so sociable. Share brunch with your honey or a new flame, or connect with someone who can further your New Moon intentions.
Beginning at 1:05 pm (4:05 ET), Moon and mental Mercury make tense aspects to visionary Jupiter and imaginative Neptune, fueling intuition and creative thinking but also a potential for confusion. Save partying for another evening and focus on low-key romance, spiritual study or teaching, media production, publicity, altruistic activities, meditation, connecting with the angels, enjoying music or a film. This is also a great afternoon to make a vision board or treasure map for New Moon intentions.
Divine love fills my evolutionary moment, so mine is a good time, now and always.
Saturday, September 19
This morning, Moon in Libra has a grump attack as she makes tense aspects before going VOC at 7:29 am (10:29 ET). Read a detective novel, watch a movie about law and justice, or enjoy some quiet time in the garden.
With Sun in quincunx to independent Mars, things don’t get more affable after Luna enters Scorpio at 11:33 am (2:33 pm).
Clear inner and outer decks for action: journal about feelings, work on forgiveness, go on a fast, make a tough decision, declutter the desk, work materials and calendar. Save key communications for tomorrow afternoon or Monday.
Nothing and no one can bring me down from the place of freedom, peace and wellness that Spirit has lifted me to now.
Sunday, September 20
This morning, Moon in deep Scorpio opposes rebel Uranus, a great aspect for digging into emotions, making a discreet enquiry and uncovering hidden information.
At 1:42 pm (4:42 ET), Moon squares sweet Venus, then sextiles abundant Jupiter and trines intuitive Neptune. This afternoon can be sexy, creative, romantic and favorable for promotional activities. We can accomplish a goal, participate in teamwork, act courageously, solve a problem, and set a long-range plan into motion.
With Moon squaring ruler Pluto, avoid power struggles and save confrontations for another day.
Nothing is hidden for Spirit, and Spirit works to show me what I need to know, here and now.
Monday, September 21
This morning, Moon in brave Scorpio makes a sextile to disciplined Saturn in Capricorn, the sign of his rule. Work communications go great. We can push through our resistance to getting something done. Speak, call and act before 11:13 am (2:13 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC.
After that, take a break until 12:32 pm (3:32 ET), when Luna enters adventurous Sagittarius.
This afternoon, benefics Jupiter and Venus connect in a quincunx. This joyful and abundant transit brings out the best of the Sagittarius Moon.
Spend time outdoors, take or give a seminar, work on trade or something requiring diplomacy, launch a promotion, hold a business meeting, lend or borrow money, take care of a legal matter, socialize, and meet new people.
I allow myself to connect with the best people for my wellness and happiness now.
Tuesday, September 22
At 6:31 am (9:31 ET), Sun enters Libra, marking the beginning of autumn and the year’s last quarter.
This is an archetypal time to review the intentions we established as the year began, symbolically placing them on Libra’s scales to weigh our progress, tweak it and retrieve our focus for wise use of the fall season ahead.
Sun triggers the Aries point of zero degrees of a cardinal sign, favoring new beginnings, while master number 22 widens the reach of the prayers we say and the actions we take, which can now reach the masses. Libra puts the spotlight on our key ties, negotiations and relationship with the public. With the Moon still in the First Quarter, this is a good day for starting something involving design, beauty, business, education, or people.
Moon’s nighttime trine to ruler Venus fuels good feelings and romance and accents the social aptitudes of Moon in Sagittarius. Do an Equinox blessing in petit comité or online, wine and dine your honey or love-prospect (if necessary to respect social distance, you could send them take-out), seek out friends.
Equinox blessing:
As the year reaches its final quarter, may the leaves of distraction fall away and my true intentions flourish now.
Wednesday, September 23
Logic, intuition and passion mingle on a day that favors various activities.
A square from Mercury to structured Saturn stimulates serious thinking. We can review the intentions we established at yesterday’s Equinox or, with Moon reaching her Second Quarter this evening, at last week’s New Moon.
Sweet Venus makes a quincunx to mystical Neptune, fueling romance and compassion and enlivening our creative senses. Work communications can seem magical, and social connections can end up supporting us in our goals.
Organize documents, make a list of contacts and follow up on them, mix business with pleasure, launch a promotion, share a fun lunch, meet someone new, or find a practical strategy for a creative or altruistic intention.
At 4:16 pm (7:16 ET), Moon enters practical Capricorn, and the atmosphere becomes more business-like. At 6:55 pm (9:55 ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter.
The Sabian symbol for 1-2 Capricorn says:
THREE ROSE WINDOWS IN A GOTHIC CHURCH, ONE DAMAGED BY WAR. The necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration.
Rose windows are related to Mary, the divine feminine element integrated into Gothic temples. The damages of war can be seen as the effects of patriarchy on the female psyche and presence in spiritual practice.
As we apply today’s suggestions to review the intentions we’ve been seeding and working for, may we honor our need for healing and empowerment.
I am whole, I am radiant, I am powerful!
Thursday, September 24
You may choose to sleep in this morning. Not that it’s a bad one, but cardinal tensions can make for frustration. By late tonight the influences will have turned harmonious and productive.
An early opposition from mental Mercury in Libra and assertive Mars in Aries favors independent mental work over interactions with others. Take extra care to avoid unnecessary arguments. This aspect is great for journaling, taking a bold look at opposing viewpoints, preparing for a legal case or debate, and editing with an eye to objectivity. With Mars retrograde, it also helps us look at our underlying motives and reaffirm or redirect them.
Moon in practical Capricorn favors productivity, though its morning square to wounded healer Chiron can foster guilt or emotional blackmail.
At 10:20 am (1:20 pm), the airwaves are somewhat freed by a trine from Moon to liberating Uranus in prosperous Taurus, favoring progress in business or financial expansion. Today’s fortunate numerology of 6 accents this gift.
If you’re up to it, you may wish to work into the night, when Moon in Capricorn joins kind Jupiter and sextiles compassionate Neptune. Start a promotion, make creative headway, make visualization materials, write to the angels.
I visualize divine outcomes, and the Universe opens the way to their manifestation, now and always.
Friday, September 25
Moon is in productive Capricorn, and the best time to use it is early morning. After her early sextile to imaginative Neptune, at 7:29 am (10:29 ET), Moon connects with Venus. Creative work goes well, as do contacts with others for pleasure, altruism or business.
At 9:09 am, things take a darker turn as Moon joins intense Pluto, followed by hard aspects to tough guys Saturn and Mars. For most of the day, we may feel like we’re in Dickens’ Bleak House. Save key contacts for tomorrow morning or Monday. Research ancestors, or something related to inheritance. Read self-help literature, assist an elder. This somewhat bumpy stretch ends when Moon goes VOC at 8:36 pm (11:36 ET) on a square to Mercury.
At 11:08 pm (2:08 am ET), things finally lighten up when Moon enters congenial Aquarius.
Angels of protection, please shield the US Post Office and ensure its continued success now.
Saturday, September 26
With a quincunx from sensual Venus to deep Pluto, Moon in sociable Aquarius may not be as innocent as she looks. Luna trines Sun in Libra, strengthening our confidence, and her sextile to wounded healer Chiron offers opportunities for healing. We can apply them in therapy, conversation with a partner, or with inner permission to make joyful connections or meet someone new.
Today’s mix is quite favorable for research related to: options for financial growth and budgeting, refinancing a home, an impending move, or relationship and career options. Also, we can fight for a cause related to women, learn a new dance, get a haircut or massage or rearrange the furniture.
Avoid being fanatical, rebellious without reason, or getting into power struggles.
This evening, exchange alternative viewpoints, brainstorm, enjoy a book.
I was made with joy, by Joy and for joy, and I center in the joy that I am now.
Sunday, September 27
Mercury the messenger enters deep Scorpio and our thinking becomes deeper, more intuitive and penetrating.
This makes a great combination with Moon in Aquarius, sign of questioning. Together they create another great day for researching. Today’s numerology of 9 likes mysteries of spiritual transformation. Study or teach an esoteric subject, explore ancient mysteries, enjoy an usual conversation.
Nothing is lost in Spirit, who brings all things to light and restores what seemed to be lost, here and now.
Monday, September 28
Moon is VOC in Aquarius this morning—get a manicure or pedicure, or read for pleasure.
We’re getting a major shift today as Saturn, planet of work, stations to go direct. We can begin to appreciate the inner strength we’ve acquired since last May, when the planet of effort turned retrograde. We probably want to apply that strength, but it just so happens that we’re on the doorstep of Mars’ square to Saturn, and for the moment, progress may seem complicated.
At 8:34 am (11:34 ET), Moon enters sensitive Pisces. This placement facilitates introspection. We can provoke a pause to look at the area of our charts where Saturn moved from 1 degree Aquarius to 25 Capricorn. Can you identify some kind of repeat lesson that you went through and that has finally made you more self-reliant in the life areas related to the house or houses in those degrees, and any planets that you have in that path? Saturn lessons take a while to sink in, but when we finally get them down, bring a sense of achievement and relief. Write down your answer to the above question, and any related discoveries that come to mind. This will serve you as we move more fully into the Mars-Saturn square.
Venus is involved with this aspect, through a trine to the former and a quincunx to the latter. This will soften the tension, as will loving, human interactions connections, which can be energized and fortified at this time. So check in and express your interest. The love planet’s energy also accents the already high compassion quotient of the Pisces Moon. Settle a dispute with friends or family or a struggle within yourself; cultivate empathy.
Moon’s trine to Mercury in Scorpio facilitates communication, particularly for transformation, forgiveness, finances, a psychic enquiry or healing. We may dialogue with another or with our own inner self. Or write a proposal, agreement, or contract.
Evening is good for romance, making love, or doing something creative.
At 10:11 pm (1:11 ET), worker planet Saturn turns direct.
Infinite Good fills my life, triggering true connections, here and now.
Tuesday, September 29
We’ll be experiencing some cardinal tensions, as Sun opposes Chiron, bringing wounds to light so they can be healed, and pushy Mars in the sign of his rule perfects his square to stalwart Saturn.
Resist the temptation to put someone in their place, and if you come upon a closed door, don’t force the lock. There are times to push through obstacles: this isn’t one of them.
If they do arise, relax and regroup. Review your notes about Saturn retrograde lessons (see yesterday’s influences), and write down ways in which you might more fully apply your newfound strength.
The Pisces Moon supports introspection, meditation and, with her contacts to Neptune and Jupiter, visualization and calling on spirit guides and angels.
I thank the angels and guides that support my spiritual growth, now and always.
Monday, September 30
The square from dynamic Mars to Saturn, planet of limits, is still in effect and this Mars vibration is intensified by tomorrow’s Aries Full Moon. Keep a low profile and in the face of potential frustration, be prepared to breathe deeply, provoke a pause, and focus on organization for future action.
Help comes through today’s Moon in gentle Pisces. She sextiles powerful Pluto and constructive Saturn in organized Capricorn, and makes a quincunx to sweet Venus. Reach out to spiritual family, a coach or anyone who can encourage and support your progress in creative and intuitive activities, which go well today. Participate in or start a positive prayer or meditation circle. Use your preferred spiritual practice to get centered in peace in preparation for tomorrow’s rather intense Full Moon.
At 7:47 pm (10:47 ET), Moon enters Aries, triggering restless energies. Declutter.
As I free others in love, my true, divine network appears, here and now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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