When Uranus entered Taurus in Uranus, we knew our idea of security was about to be revisited. Could we have possibly imagined the size of the shake-up? The last time the planet of surprises transited the sign of stability was from 1934 to 1942, during the Great Depression and the beginning of WWII. The world as it was then known was shaken, and so it is now. Uranus can turn things upside down, and ideally when it’s done it will have liberated us into a new phase of evolution. By consciously participating in its cycles, we can choose this freedom.
From a collective perspective, the current changes don’t seem precisely liberating. On the contrary, the quarantine, social distancing, limitations on travel and for many, on productive activity and education, seem quite confining. Quarantines are ruled by Saturn, ruler of the stellium in Capricorn of Saturn, Pallas-Athena, Jupiter and Pluto, the latter also ruling viruses.
However the stars, and life, continue to offer options for conscious participation and intentionality. With two rational lunations, a bustling Mars, and peak experiences involving Uranus in Taurus, August brings to light our changing relationship with security, inspires our vision to act, and supports inner and outer steps in a new direction.
As the month begins, try to get some downtime, recharge your batteries and do inner work. A pause can help prepare us prepare for the upcoming waves of activity. We’ll get a chance to organize our thoughts and work on creating or affirming new inner patterns as Mercury in sensitive Cancer opposes Pluto (Saturday, August 1) and Saturn (Monday, August 3), and to assimilate the electrical energies brought in at the Full Moon in Aquarius, also on Monday.
In any case, this first weekend of August isn’t so hot for socializing. The Mercury oppositions can make for power-struggles and emotional manipulation. They also facilitate clarity about our feelings, fears and old mental patterns, along with the ability to express them in therapy or writing. We can organize for progress, research something or sign a contract (particularly related to family, home or real estate), de-clutter papers, set limits on draining or superficial communications and most importantly: make lasting progress as we work to modify self-dialogue (our current and past Daily Success Guides include daily affirmations to enrich this practice).
On Sunday, August 2, Sun in Leo squares Uranus, fueling stubbornness and triggering issues around our processes of change. On Monday, August 3, the Full Moon in Aquarius makes a T-square with this pair. As ruler of this lunation, Uranus is coming on strong. We’ll start feeling this portal….
… soon, and it will be a doozy. Get Full Moon portal tips for your Sun and Rising Sign—by becoming a Premium subscriber right now! SUBSCRIBE!

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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