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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, July 1–31, 2020
Wednesday, July 1
We’re emboldened, and can come off smooth.
Moon in Scorpio harmonizes with creative Neptune, noble Jupiter, and charming Venus, and connects with the empowering energies of the recent conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto, and today’s pioneering numerology of 1.
With all of this energy, connections are better at a distance. Mercury is retrograde, and we’re in the middle of Eclipse season. Save quitting your job or painting graffiti on the town hall for another day. We can channel our audacity by breaking through procrastination and pressing forward on something we began before June 1.
Taskmaster Saturn, as he backs into his ruling sign of Capricorn, strengthens our discipline and moves us to build for self-reliance, particularly related to work, goals, bureaucracy, a boss or authority figure, institutions, and our path of mastery.
Help comes in the form of a sextile from Sun in intuitive Cancer to Uranus in prosperous Taurus. We must follow our hunches, fill out that form, do business, review investments, work on something creative, and knock on a door that didn’t open last time.
At 6:21 pm (9:21 ET), after a quick one-minute VOC, Moon leaves Scorpio and enters gregarious Sagittarius. Now it’s time to work on promotion, share a nice dinner, or give a class. Communications are easier tonight than tomorrow, so make a key call and get the word out (on something started before June 1).
The Universe supports my success and multiplies the fruits of my efforts, now and always.
Thursday, July 2
With Moon in adventuresome Sagittarius, this is a philosophic and creative day, but with her tense aspects to Mercury the messenger, Venus the connector, wounded-healer Chiron and Sun, today is not so high on diplomacy.
Anyway, at the doorstep of Saturday’s Eclipse, it’s best to keep a low profile. We’ll be well served now to walk outdoors, read something uplifting, use positive affirmations, enjoy an easygoing friend, do dreamwork, consult an oracle, take a class, or enjoy some downtime to recharge our batteries in preparation for this weekend’s Eclipse portal.
Save a daring adventure, a key meeting or the extra drink for another day. Avoid sermonizing, carelessness, coming on too strong or overdoing.
The angels guide me and inspire me in my own special work, now and always.
Friday, July 3
Intuition is high, as Moon in Sagittarius squares mystical, creative Neptune. Consult the angels or spirit guides, do dream work, enjoy music, focus on a promotion, artwork or media production.
Within range of tomorrow’s Eclipse, don’t push things, avoid unnecessary fights, and meditate on forgiveness.
At 9:46 pm (12:46 am ET), Moon enters Capricorn, setting the serious tone of tomorrow’s lunation.
Infinite love forgives my dark secrets, and I forgive others for their dark secrets now.
Saturday, July 4
This is not just any Fourth of July, and we don’t want to waste it on partying.
A Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn is all about focus and progress on our path of power. This eclipse, in conjunction to the US Sun, triggers movement in relation to the country’s direction, and all things related to Capricorn: institutions, hierarchies, goals, professional concerns, mastery, discipline, bosses, directors, and figureheads, including the president.
The Solar Eclipse of June 21 reignited our soul energy, and today’s lunation moves us to consolidate something we channel that energy into, related to our life’s work or, considering Pluto’s presence in Capricorn, our path of power.
With a bossy line-up of Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in late Capricorn, Mercury retrograde and the South Node connected this Eclipse, it’s something we’ve been building on for some time—something that has to do with confidence and personal authority. (Look at the placement of Capricorn, Saturn and Pluto in your natal chart for further insights on how this plays out for you personally.) Taskmaster Saturn, newly retrograde in this sign of his rule, can help us retrieve our focus to bring that project or intention to fruition.
With eight planets currently in cardinal signs and in square to Mars and Chiron in Aries, there is a restlessness today that could turn feisty. Avoid getting impatient with people and situations that seem to hold you back. Plan to journal or do therapy, stay organized, and apply yourself to your independent work in paced, focused, small steps.
Don’t waste the productive energy awakened at this portal on a scrimmage that might also distract us from the doors of financial opportunity that can fly open as the Eclipse trines Uranus in Taurus, sign of prosperity. Particularly, focus on a type of work or business that you began or expanded since Uranus entered Taurus last year (for more detailed suggestions of lines of business see the list we shared for the last New Moon in Taurus).
At 13-14 Capricorn, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
AN ANCIENT BAS-RELIEF CARVED IN GRANITE REMAINS A WITNESS TO A LONG-FORGOTTEN CULTURE. The will to unearth, in our culture as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go non-essentials… it becomes necessary to separate permanent values and great principles or symbols from the many individual habits and the social-political developments which more often than not have perverted or even negated the original ideals of the culture… What is needed is a penetrating and thorough insight founded upon a valid HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE. This applies to the path of an individual’s life as well as the history of a nation or group.
I call on my guardian angel and spirit guides to direct me in concrete progress on my path of power now.
Sunday, July 5
With Moon sextile Neptune and joining Jupiter, morning and afternoon are creative times for visualization and activities that ground this Eclipse potential. Both Neptune and Jupiter relate to faith and angels, favoring spiritual connections, reading or watching something inspirational, meditation, and use of mantras or affirmations.
From 4:14 pm (7:14 ET) on, we can use the conjunction of Moon to Pluto in executive Capricorn to clear the decks and organize for a productive week.
Infinite Good supports my simple efforts, turning them into acts of magic now.
Monday, July 6
At 2:35 am (5:35 ET), Moon goes VOC in Capricorn, entering idealistic Aquarius at 3:08 am (6:08 ET). We can use her contacts to Mars and Mercury to promote something or participate in a cause.
At 5:22 pm (8:22 ET), Luna makes a lovely trine to sweet Venus in loquacious Gemini, so this evening is favorable for PR, romance and reconciliation—with ourselves or others.
With her magical lotus, Lakshmi touches my relationships, restoring harmony in them now.
Tuesday, July 7
Moon goes VOC in intellectual Aquarius in the wee hours and will stay in that mode all day.
Meanwhile, she’s quincunx to Sun in creative Cancer, encouraging our artistic and intuitive intelligence to surge. We might find ourselves…
- Learning a dance
- Rearranging the furniture
- Volunteering at the local school, hospital or park
- Teaching something online
- Pampering ourselves
- Consulting the angels or an oracle to see how things affect our best interest
With VOC Moon, and Mercury in sensitive Cancer at the doorstep of a square to bellicose Mars, it’s best to leave key interactions for tomorrow afternoon or Thursday.
Whether or not people seem to respond, the kindness I share lifts my vibration and that of the planet, now and always.
Wednesday, July 8
This morning, VOC Moon in rebellious Aquarius favors independent research or creative occupations. A pre-dawn square from Mercury the messenger to pushy Mars can fuel unnecessary conflict.
Save promotional activities and key interactions for after 11:13 am (2:13 pm ET), when Moon enters charming Pisces, or if possible, for after 10:13 pm (1:13 am ET) tonight or anytime tomorrow.
Today’s numerology of 8 relates to success: visualize it! Consult angels, spirit guides, or intuition. Work on something requiring imagination, creativity or artistry. Edit a proposal or concentrate on a design or production begun before June 1, consult a therapist or life coach, clean out a closet, get rid of obsolete belongings, repair equipment, work on forgiveness.
Avoid being too easily influenced, or failing to recognize a situation that needs to be faced.
I release people and situations and trust the divine plan that unfolds for all involved now.
Thursday, July 9
Today can be magical.
Today’s metaphysical numerology of 9 accents the mystical vibrations of Moon in Pisces as she contacts sweet Venus and harmonizes with Uranus and Sun. Avoid the temptation to sleep, and instead focus on healing past lives, or focus on activities anchored in the intangible, nuanced, and numinous realms:
- Spiritual connections (with people or light beings)
- Romance
- Promotion and sales
- Taking a step towards a cherished dream
- Meditation, prayer
- A shamanic journey
- A project involving imagination, inspiration, creativity, or art
- Harmonizing a tense connection
- Editing an agreement or contract
- Sending out tweets or emails
- Sharing knowledge or spiritual support
I am made in the image and likeness of joy, and my happiness cannot be limited or taken from me.
Friday, July 10
We can close the week in style and take concrete steps to manifest a dream.
Moon in Pisces continues to enliven our imagination and creativity. With sextiles to fortunate Jupiter, powerful Pluto and constructive Saturn, she generates opportunities to consolidate our Eclipse project and produce tangible results. Today’s numerology of 1 gives the dreamy Pisces Moon a touch of boldness. We can focus on pragmatic activities to manifest the intangibles of our imagination, such as:
- Work on something requiring inspiration
- Present a proposal, project or idea that was first shared sometime before June 1
- Settle a long-standing dispute, or a struggle within yourself
- Draft or edit a proposal, agreement or contract
- Design a house, promotion or media production
- Declutter
- Beautify a meditation space, altar or prayer corner
- Renew a promotion
The productive potential continues this evening after Moon goes VOC (in Pisces, where she still performs) on her sextile to executive Saturn. At 10:06 pm (1:06 am ET) she enters restless Aries.
Angels of manifestation, please move me on my best path for the current phase of my success, prosperity and happiness now.
Saturday, July 11
Moon is waning—as does our diplomacy quotient—as she enters impatient Aries. Luna also joins Chiron and Mars, both of whom tend to take things personally, particularly when they are, as now, in Aries. There is a lot of “me” focus here that doesn’t favor communications with others, but can be good for activities requiring a bit of “oomph”:
- Self-care
- Setting limits
- Trading
- Making a decision
- Taking advantage of a situations
- Relaunching a scheme
- Sending a curriculum or proposal sent before.
- Participating in a competition
- Collecting a debt
- Replacing the central air filters at home
- Working on the car
- Pushing through emotional resistance to get something done
Focus on independent activities or those at a distance. Go out of your way to avoid unnecessary confrontations. Save key interactions for after 6:21 pm (9:21 ET), when Moon sextiles affable Venus. With sexy Mars ruling Moon, this can be nice for a hot encounter.
I believe in my inner voice and act on my instincts now.
Sunday, July 12
Mercury goes direct, although it remains in post-retrograde shadow, acting in a similar manner as when in outright retrograde. However, its station puts us in a position to review what we’ve learned about communications since June 1, and to ponder how we’ll apply it. Look for 5 degrees Cancer in your natal chart to see what house, planet or point this station spotlights.
Sun makes an early trine to psychic Neptune, allowing us to access intuition to manifest our purpose. With Sun in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces, this is a soothing connection that empowers our dreams, intensifies the results of our visualization, dissolves discord, and fuels romance.
Favored activities under these sensitive, watery influences? Consult an oracle, begin a new course of spiritual study, channel a light being, work on something creative, meditate on love and forgiveness, hone psychic or esoteric skills. Do any of these before 4:29 pm (7:29 ET), when Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning her week of wind-down, a time to release, declutter, and wrap things up.
At 21-22 Aries, the Sabian symbol reads:
THE GATE TO THE GARDEN OF ALL FULFILLED DESIRES. Abundance made possible by human togetherness and cooperation.
In contrast to the cruel and crude road to fame and power symbolized by the prize fighter, we now see a wide-opened and effortless fulfillment… COSMIC OPTIMISM.
Nighttime brings both enthusiasm and power trips. Meditate, do yoga or other low-key exercise, avoid arguments and risky situations and handle cars, blades and machinery with special care.
There is no lack in Spirit, so there can be no lack of happiness, vibrations or prosperity here and now.
Monday, July 13
This is a good morning to sleep in, enjoy a hot bath—or declutter the garage. Today’s numerology of 4 wants to build something, and Aries Moon wants to move, However, Luna squares Saturn, planet of patience.
Sun is moving to oppose Jupiter tonight, shedding light on our soul path. We can get on track at 10:34 am (1:34 pm ET), when Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. After this, we can apply ourselves to Taurean activities like:
- Work on music, art or something creative
- Do business
- Take care of money
- Review an investment, a lease
- Work on something involving stability, security or protection or that requires long-lasting results
- Open a bank account
- Reorganize stock portfolio
- Remodel or redecorate
Go to sleep with a journal or sheet of paper and pen on hand to write down tomorrow’s dreams.
The following affirmation is designed to promote confidence and clarity for your mission in dreams. Repeat it three times, feeling the presence of your guides, just before going to sleep:
I call on my guardian angel and personal spirit guides to come near and direct me with confidence on my path of power now.
Tuesday, July 14
This morning, write down your dreams or, if you don’t remember them, jot down the first thoughts in your mind on wakening. Before getting into your mobile phone or computer, pause and consult the angels, a spirit guide, or your intuitive guidance system for clarity and confidence on your soul path or mission.
Connections with others go better after 9:14 am (12:14 pm ET), when Moon’s connection to Uranus, exact 2 hours earlier, will have softened.
Moon exalted in prosperous Taurus helps ground the beneficial vibrations of this morning’s opposition from Sun to magnanimous Jupiter, promising good results for our efforts in business, creativity and finances. With Mercury in post-retrograde shadow and Moon waning in her Fourth Quarter, it’s best to focus on finishing something started previously.
These influences also favor enjoying nature, music, good wine, food and company. With Jupiter (opposing Sun) at the picnic, avoid excesses!
My prosperity cannot be limited. Spirit doesn’t limit me, and Spirit doesn’t make me depend on people or circumstances. Spirit manifests my supply richly through infinite channels, now and always.
Wednesday, July 15
Plan to rise early and make the most of today’s portal for progress.
Today’s numerology of 6 brings a stroke of luck and prospers whatever we do.
Moon is exalted in Taurus, facilitating positive results, and she harmonizes with expansive Jupiter, confident Sun, powerful Pluto and productive Saturn, making the most of the current Cancer-Capricorn emphasis on lasting productivity and soul priorities.
This is a day to take concrete action on a central goal or intention.
An opposition from Sun to retrograde Pluto calls for focus on essentials and release of distractions and details. It also brings to light our inner processes of healing. Plan on a bit of downtime to journal, talk with a therapist, walk barefoot on the earth, or focusing on your own favored strategy for emotional self-care.
At 10:19 pm (1:19 am ET), Moon leaves the fertile, prosperous terrain of Taurus to enter light-hearted, communicative Gemini.
Archangel Michael, please shield me from distraction and hold me to my path of power now.
Thursday, July 16
Today’s analytic energy of number 7 enriches the mental inclinations of Moon in Gemini. She favors:
- Study
- Using mantras or affirmations
- Journaling
- Editing copy or other texts
- Decluttering the desk
Tonight Luna sextiles Mars the promoter, favoring:
- Closing a sale begun previously
- Following up on a petition, letters to Congress or a similar initiative involving ideals and activism
Moon’s late conjunction to Venus favors whispering sweet nothings into your honey’s ear or texting flirtatious messages.
From morning to evening, apply mindfulness to avoid gossip, petty criticism and distraction with alarmist or superficial news.
Affirmative word blessing:
My words are not just ideas, they’re doors of power that allow divinity to manifest great good, now and always.
Friday, July 17
This morning and through midday, concentrate on efforts for work and key communications of all kinds.
At 2:14 pm (5:14 ET), Moon goes VOC, making the rest of the afternoon and evening propitious for downtime. Luna’s evening quincunxes to Jupiter and Pluto favor introspection, spiritual practice, and enjoying a moving book or film.
I release appearances and focus on my inner harmony, now.
Saturday, July 18
Early morning favors reading, journaling, and repeating affirmations and mantras. Save productive activities or anything requiring a specific outcome for after 7:24 am (1:24 ET), when Moon leaves her VOC and enters Cancer. We can focus on such Cancerian activities as:
- Decluttering the kitchen cupboards
- Simplifying living quarters
- Connecting with family, children, your mothers
- Reaching out with empathy to another
- Cooking
- Puttering around the house
- Working on emotional issues or psychic development or journeying
The Divine Mother is present in my life and situations, sustaining, nurturing and supporting me in all ways now.
Sunday, July 19
An early square from Moon to Mars can be prickly. If you’re up early, enjoy the garden, yard or potted plants, get some rays and do light exercise. Drive and use equipment with care, and avoid physical risks.
The tension subsides around 8:00 am (11:00 am ET), and, on the doorstep of tomorrow’s New Moon in Cancer, today’s numerology of 1 favors:
- Starting a new path of psychic, metaphysical or personal growth.
- Working on self-empowerment, forgiveness
- Following up on real estate business
- Renewing handfasting and wedding vows
- Blessing your home or personal space
- Family reconciliation
- Writing your intentions for tomorrow’s New Moon
- Persisting in a business you began or planned on before June 1, particularly one related to food, babies, women, real estate, houses, metaphysics, intuition, nursing or gardening.
Tonight’s Moon connects with angel planets Jupiter and Neptune, accenting the intuitive gifts of Cancer Sun and Moon. This is a great evening for:
- Divining
- Consulting spirit guides, a medium or favorite oracle
- Meditation, visualization and prayer
- Spiritual healing
- Forgiveness
- Programing dreams
- Making a treasure map.
Affirmative blessing for the home:
This home is full of divine substance, a loving, sentient force that generates good for us, now and always.
Monday, July 20
Reiterating the energy of last month’s Solar Eclipse, today’s New Moon in Cancer gives a chance to seed intentions related to the sign of the crab.
However, the energy of beginnings, or restarts, seems to be under a sort of siege. Mercury is in shadow, emphasizing things begun in the past. More significantly, Sun and Moon oppose Saturn exactly, and more widely oppose boss planets Jupiter and Pluto.
In the wake of the recent Eclipse in Capricorn, we’re getting another strong dose from Saturn, planet of work and mastery. If we take Pallas-Athena (an asteroid related to Capricorn) into account, the Moon opposes a stellium in the sign of the mountain goat, and the planets involved are direct kin of the Corleone family.
As above, so below, as within, so without. This formidable lineup might cower the sensitive Cancer Moon, who’s all about babies, magic and cuddles. Where’s the cosmic gift in this configuration? First of all, the focus we saw at the Full Moon Eclipse—on consolidating mastery and long-standing work projects—continues to call us. And this New Moon’s special charm energies will help us make a space for emotional and soul care as we climb our path of power.
Make a plan to support your tender, intuitive self, to stay in touch with your feelings, to care for your rest, body and family. Your safety net may include time for yourself, going to bed earlier, appointments with a therapist or someone who can listen with empathy, taking a break from draining people and situations, work-free meal times with family, turning off the phone or internet… or whatever other supports you can put in place to maintain balance while taking advantage of the wonderful opportunity brought by Saturn. It’s a chance to pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and make some tangible progress towards empowerment.
Sample intentions for the present lunation include:
I see myself in a lovely, warm home space in which I am cheerful and focused on my current priorities.
I want to use my time well so I take care of me as I consolidate with my present mission.
I imagine myself applying my intuition and talents to a successful business.
I see myself working with a therapist (or group) that keeps me on track with my inner wellness.
I want to journal about my feelings each morning so I can come from a place of wellness.
I see my soul growth continuing in parallel to my worldly ascension.
I want to heed and follow my inner guidance system in a confident, quick and successful manner.
I envision myself free from childhood conditioning to manifest healthy confidence.
I release others to their own chosen incarnation and I and release myself to my own chosen incarnation.
I see myself being strong, free and confident when relating to my family.
I want to be there for (name of family member) without neglecting my own inner and outer needs.
I see myself with a strong inner life that sustains me as I accomplish my goals.
I wish to go to bed early and work on my healing each morning at (time you wish to rise) so that I am focused and peaceful throughout the day.
The lunation is exact at 10:33 am (12:33 pm ET), and at 28-29 Cancer triggers the following Sabian symbol:
A GREEK MUSE WEIGHS IN SCALES JUST BORN TWINS. The human soul as intercessor between primordial natural forces and the intellectual order. Self-integration.
Today’s energies are not particularly sociable. There may be guilt trips or feelings of inferiority. We can arrange for a therapy session, plan to journal and meditate, be in comforting nature—and do what helps Cancer energies perhaps more than anything else: do positive visualization. Cut out and paste on brightly colored cardboard, draw or otherwise create pictures of light beings, of your ideal personal space, physique, garden and financial supply. You may prefer to draw these pictures or create the images in your mind.
At 1:16 pm, Moon enters Leo, tuning down our hypersensitivity. However, her ruler Sun perfects his opposition to Saturn this afternoon, so be selective when connecting with others. Organize a creative project, finish putting together a treasure map or vision board, invoke the ancestors, call an elder, take on online workshop in speaking, organization, business or acting.
My vision of wellness and success allows divine good to manifest easily, now and always.
Tuesday, July 21
This morning, Moon squares rebel Uranus and wound-licker Chiron, bringing out the feisty side of Moon in Leo. We can do pleasing, non-stressful things now… read fiction, enjoy a nice brunch, work on something requiring innovation.
Connections are better after 12:23 pm (3:23 ET), when Moon trines assertive Mars. The injection of confidence and nerve works well with the approaching sextile from messenger Mercury to genius Uranus that facilitates breakthroughs in communication. The latter perfects early tomorrow, but since Moon will be VOC, the best time to use it is now. If we remain mindful of diplomacy, we can make headway in promotions, sales, activism, and connections with family, clients or collaborators.
We can also add a touch of drama to a presentation or anything we plan to share with people or the public.
At 5:27 pm (8:27 ET), Moon goes VOC on a lovely sextile to sweet Venus. Play table games, make love, send flowers, enjoy your love-object or a romantic novel or movie.
Infinite intelligence expresses through me in unique ways and I trust my voice now.
Wednesday, July 22
We go from a little Leo to a lot, as at 1:37 am (4:37 ET) Sun follows Moon into the sign of the lion and we move into the sign of deep summer.
With Moon VOC most of the day, we can connect with Leo’s playful spirit by:
- Having an opulent brunch or picnic in the yard
- Drawing or painting mandalas
- Singing
- Expressing our feelings in style
- Going swimming or hosing ourselves off
- Working to refine a talent
At 4:40 pm (7:40 ET), Moon enters Virgo and we get back to business. Virgo energy is perfect for roubleshooting, solving a problem, working or reorganizing work, taking stock of assets and liabilities, and finding a way to help.
I invite the angels of joy to touch my heart and fill my space, here and now.
Thursday, July 23
Morning can be tense, as Moon in nervous Virgo connects with Chiron. Journal, have health labs done, or otherwise focus on healing.
At 10:16 am (1:16pm ET), our minds and communications perk up when Moon trines Uranus the awakener in Taurus, then a bit later harmonizes with Mercury the messenger in Cancer. We get a few very productive, propitious hours to:
- Knock on a door that seemed closed
- Invent something
- Find a new way to solve a problem
- Follow up on communications with family, friends or for business or activism
At 4:55 pm (7:55 ET), the charm subsides as Moon’s tension with Mars untethers the inner nerd. This is great for such unlikely activities as decluttering the medicine chest, bathroom cupboards, and supplement drawer. Fill out those forms, take care of bureaucratic necessities, make a schedule for your New Moon priorities, or tackle that dusty pile of papers.
I see myself and others with love, and my gaze has healing powers, now and always.
Friday, July 24
Plan to rise early and make the most of today’s mystical and practical gifts.
At 3:23 am (6:23 ET), Moon still in focused Virgo opposes Neptune, followed by a trine to Jupiter. These two are the planets of faith. We can use our energetic focus to write to the angels; meditate, use mantras and positive affirmations, review, purge, organize and renew visualization materials, or give ourselves a healing treatment.
The Jupiter trine also facilitates mental work, promotions and productivity, particularly as Moon trines transformative Pluto at 8:05 am (11:05 ET), which also favors deep healing.
At 4:08 pm (7:08 ET), Luna goes VOC. It’s time to self-nurture! Get or give yourself a shave, a pedicure or a massage, rub your acupressure points, care for a pet.
At 6:54 pm (9:54 ET), Moon enters Libra, and shifting us into into a more outgoing and beauteous mood. Enjoyable activity suggestions? Download new music, send your partner roses, order a romantic dinner, create a space for relaxation, work on the bank statement or something involving justice or compromise, make love, socialize, do PR.
My life path is opportunities and resources to evolve in love, joy and freedom now.
Saturday, July 25
Make key connections early, when Libra Moon’s sextile to Leo Sun favors romance, socializing, PR, and negotiation. With publicist Jupiter approaching a sextile to hypnotic Neptune, this space also favors promotion, designing an esoteric course or service, and working on something altruistic.
At 10:31 am (at 1:31 pm ET), Moon begins a chain of tense aspects that last into the night and accent Libra’s feisty side. We can put energy into a redecorating effort begun before June 1, do independent editing or mental work, format or otherwise beautify a project, or consider and write down negotiation strategies.
As for connections we didn’t make before 10:31 am, save them for early tomorrow, Monday morning, or almost anytime on Tuesday.
Infinite intelligence guides me in effective, harmonious strategies and I pause to heed it now.
Sunday, July 26
Mercury finally emerges from its shadow period, giving the green light to communications, purchases, and new beginnings.
Contacts go best early, when sweet Libra Moon trines ruler Venus and connects with romantic Neptune and affable Jupiter. Today’s numerology of 8 facilitates accomplishment, making this window propitious for promotion, sales, and personal or public connections that can open our way.
Spiritually, it’s a great morning to connect with angels and meditate on loving kindness.
But charm goes out the window at 10:12 am (1:12 pm ET), when Moon squares Pluto. After that, we’ll do best if we focus on independent activities: read a detective novel, design a contract or study banking options, re-structure or edit a creative project. Save connections for early tomorrow morning or Tuesday.
At 6:09 pm (9:09 ET), Moon goes VOC in Libra. Read for pleasure, pet your cat, and watch a romantic movie. Luna enters Scorpio at 9:12 pm (12:12 ET). Go to bed early and connect with your guardian angel or spirit guide; program your mind for a healing sleep.
Roses of the planet, weave your light into my aura and root my love-vibration firmly now.
Monday, July 27
Moon reaches her Second Quarter at 5:33 am (8:33 ET). Her waxing phase supports beginnings and growth, while this lunation calls for review of our progress.
At 4-5 Scorpio, her Sabian symbol says:
A MASSIVE ROCKY SHORE RESISTS THE POUNDING OF THE SEA. The inertia of all institutionalized procedures.
Neptune, planet of dreams, angel connections, compassion, creativity and art, receives contacts from the two “benefics”: fortunate Jupiter in Capricorn, sign of institutions, and love-planet Venus in communicative Gemini. Venus herself also connects with Jupiter, making this a day of high vibrations, romance, heart energy and harmonious communications.
The signs involved, constructive Capricorn, dreamy Pisces and verbal Gemini, facilitate promotion, music, media production, key contacts for business or personal life, effective writing, and practical steps on long-term goals we’ve been visualizing. If we need to get a permit, apply for something, or push through bureaucracy, this morning is one of the year’s best windows.
Also favored are humanitarian pursuits and spiritual activities or groups (virtual, to maintain social distancing).
Once again, morning is the best time for communication and things involving others. An afternoon square from Mercury to Mars can interrupt the harmony.
At 3:04 pm (6:04 ET), Scorpio Moon opposes freedom-fighter Uranus. Emotions can be wild, subjective and feisty. Try an afternoon fast, enjoy an action movie, hot tub or bath, journal, and meditate on love, compassion and forgiveness.
Infinite good fills my path, generating perfect contacts for me, now and always.
Tuesday, July 28
A great day for progress and powerful connections.
Moon in bold Scorpio harmonizes with communicative Mercury, noble Jupiter and kick-butt Pluto (as Susan Pomeroy calls him), and connects with charming Venus.
Today’s numerology of 1 increases our impetus and blends with the waxing Moon to favor starting a new project or pushing through inner and outer resistance to finishing something.
Avoid distraction or ineffective connections. Focus on work, a productive collaboration, emotional intimacy, making love and healing sexual memories or issues.
At 9:01 pm (12:01 ET), Moon goes VOC on a square to Saturn. Get some rest.
My contacts are made of divine substance, which actively works to benefit me and all involved, now and always.
Wednesday, July 29
Moon enters confident Sagittarius in the wee hours, boosting our self-esteem as she trines Sun.
This buoyant energy might send us on a trip (in accordance with sanitary suggestions), or make us want to take or give a virtual class, be spontaneous, laugh, or spend time outdoors.
Moon’s afternoon trine to Chiron in Aries, sign of I AM, helps heal issues around identity, self-expression and love.
I am not a product of time or matter, I am infinite being, connected with the good that flows from Spirit for me now.
Thursday, July 30
With Mercury in sensitive Cancer opposing big-hearted Jupiter and trining magical Neptune, morning is great for healing words. We can use them in prayer, empathic conversation, kind remarks, intuitive business calls and publishing soul messages.
I speak with loving intent, and my words are charged with healing power now.
Friday, July 31
At 4:58 am (7:58 ET), Moon enters diligent Capricorn.
A trine from Sun in confident Leo to Chiron in assertive Aries, facilitates healing of self-esteem and increasing our sense of worthiness.
Persist in making progress in a key project or an intention of spiritual mastery.
My assertive actions reinforce my commitment to reach my divine potential now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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