Gather your materials:
- Matches
- A stick of incense, preferably floral
- A white or cream-colored candle.
- A picture of Archangel Gabriel and his twin flame Hope, and/or Isis.
- A white flower or a picture of one.
- Two sheets of white paper and a writing implement.
- A fireplace, patio or fireproof dish for burning.
The Ritual

- Light the incense and watch the smoke rise, repeating: This is an offering to Gabriel, Hope, Isis and all the angels and goddess of rebirth, who I now ask to guide and assist my rebirth to my true identity now.
- Light your candle, repeating: The pure, white light of the angels of rebirth fills my mind, body and space, bringing forth my true identity now.
- On a sheet of white paper, take an inventory of how you have grown in this lifetime as an individual, conscious being and what new identity you have chosen or taken on—in contrast to social or family labels.
- Take another piece of paper, and put it next to the candle, asking the angels to bring to light the labels and identities you have inherited or taken on that no longer resonate for you.
- Roll this sheet up, and light it, burning it in the fireplace, patio or a fireproof dish.
- To your first list (step 3), add the aspects of yourself that you wish to conserve or make grow.
- Imagine that two white angels or goddesses are standing, one on either side of you, putting a large, white ring of flowers over your head. Visualize the ring glowing brightly, like the ring of this Sunday’s Solar Eclipse.
- Feel them bring the wreath down over your head, as though the white flowers were pressing against you as you pass through the flower birth channel of the Divine Mother, who is rebirthing you to your new, true identity now.
- Put your hands on your body, your arms, your thighs, or a special area you’d like to bless, and during 6 minutes repeat: I bless my body as a vehicle for my new, true identity. My origin is divine, and the code of divinity is awakening in my body now. I bless this sacred vehicle for my chosen identity. I claim my freedom to reject any limiting corporeal identities, labels or technology. This awareness and this freedom enter the collective mind, opening doors of freedom and renewal for all beings now.
- To your list from Step 3, add what new aspects of identity you would like to expand or grow in the new cycle ahead.
- Above your list, write: My true origin is divine, and I only carry confidence, angelic connections and spiritual empowerment (or similar things that arise for you), now and always.
- From now until the July New Moon, look at your list of chosen characteristics three times daily and repeat the above affirmation during 6 minutes (6 being a goddess number) each day.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Agradecida contigo y la luz divina que siempre nos compartes… Te amo. Mucho crys…
Muchas gracias Rosaura, por tu cariño y mensaje, que son calor para mi corazón y aliciente para mi camino. Te abrazo desde el corazón.