Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, June 1–30, 2020
Monday, June 1
Mercury in emotional Cancer enters pre-retrograde shadow, marking the rest of the month with increased intuition and multiplying the results of our efforts to visualize, to heal our inner selves, and to rework something related to the Cancerian domains of family, home, or business.
Early today, Moon in Libra makes an early rub against feisty Mars. Connections go better after 8:20 am (11:20 ET) when Luna trines her ruler, harmonious Venus. Diplomatic and domestic endeavors are favored. Negotiate, engage in teamwork, do PR, call on friends or a romantic prospect, download new music, buy something for the house, send your honey flowers, go out to brunch, or if you’re still in lockdown, order out a special brunch to share.
This evening, Moon makes a quincunx to creative Neptune, and we may want to work on art, listen to new music, or enjoy a movie.
The substance of this relationship is a divine, loving substance that works to produce good for both of us now.
Tuesday, June 2
Most of today will be on the intense side, so if you have key messages to send or contacts to make, try getting up to do them before 3:40 am (6:40 ET), when Moon in pleasant Libra goes VOC on a square to playful Jupiter. After that, go back to bed or enjoy a morning walk with pauses to praise the flowers.
At 9:06 am (12:06 pm ET), this charm fades as Moon enters deep Scorpio, squaring bossy Saturn and accenting the challenge presented by a tension from Venus to bellicose Mars. Independent activities are favored, although things can still go well in a therapeutic setting, such as with the dentist, a coach, a therapist, or a 12-step group.
Now is a great time to declutter your space with an eye to beauty, throw out old papers, write in your journal, or work on something creative. And, with sensitive Scorpio in the mix, we must make a special effort to avoid jealousy, being suspicious, or taking something personally in a negative sense.
This evening, a trine from Moon to Mercury in Cancer harmonizes the starwaves. Focus on important and possibly serious endeavors like:
- Prayer
- Reconciliation
- An oracle consultation
- Deep research
- Reaching out to family.
The Same Mind that knows what I need to see in this situation also knows how to bring it to light and is working to do this through infinite channels now.
Wednesday, June 3
This morning, Moon in intense Scorpio connects with Sun and Venus and trines co-ruler Mars, unleashing our creative powers and triggering hormones.
In the sign of transformation, Moon boosts our courage, especially with this trine to bold Mars. We’re closing in on Friday’s Eclipse, so a degree of caution is recommended in outer actions. However, we can get in touch with our inner boldness, do research, and take a small step towards a long-range goal that we set in motion before June 1.
Also, sweet Venus joins Sun in communicative Gemini. This contact lifts our spirits, beautifies our self-expression and favors connections of all kinds, from learning, romance and business to just plain fun.
A late trine from Moon to Neptune supports psychic activities and connections with light beings.
Guardian Angel (name of spirit guide), please direct me in strategic action for my life mission now.
Thursday, June 4
On the doorstep of tomorrow’s Lunar Eclipse, Moon in Scorpio makes a sextile to ruler Pluto. If you’re up quite early, message someone in a position of power, or move to solve a problem, before Luna goes VOC on a sextile to Jupiter at 4:36 am (7:36 ET). Also favored are intimacy, research, psychic activities and problem-solving.
At 10:17 am (1:17 pm ET), Moon enters optimistic Sagittarius, making a sextile to Saturn the builder. This aspect accents the constructive numerology of today’s number, 4, favoring:
- Work on trade or a promotion
- Business meetings
- Attending a legal matter
- Retrieving data
- Obtaining a long overdue response
- Signing up for school
- Taking or giving a class
- Or with Saturn in progressive Aquarius, an activist initiative
Prepare for tomorrow’s Full Moon by cleaning your space, procuring a candle, meditating on forgiveness, or connecting with light beings.
Violet flowers of the planet, touch me with your transmuting power, and release me from resentments and attachments now.
Friday, June 5
The Eclipse Full Moon in Sagittarius, exact at 12:12 pm PT (3:12 pm ET) makes today a trigger of change. This Full Moon can be helpful in releasing dogmas and limiting beliefs, so that we may find a new, freer level of awareness and self-expression.
A sextile from Mercury to Uranus, planets of higher and lower mind respectively, indicates a renewal of our rational capacity. We can make a breakthrough in research, connect with someone who facilitates change, and release our inner genius in writing, creativity or business. Eclipses can bring surprises, so it’s best to avoid conflict or trying to force things, particularly in the light of a lunar square to deceptive Neptune and feisty Mars, which can propel us into deluded schemes or vulnerable situations.
Review your bookcase and move out what doesn’t resonate with you, review your heart and move out resentments, review your way of relating and declare your freedom from people-pleasing. Reconnect with your values and take practical measures to release extraneous activities and interactions. Clarify the beliefs and direction that truly resonate for you.
The Sabian symbol for 15-16 Sagittarius is:
SEAGULLS FLY AROUND A SHIP IN EXPECTATION OF FOOD. The easily acquired dependence on psychic desires on the stimulus of social circumstances… The seagulls symbolize the more wild and normally untamable energies of the human soul, but they… can develop a kind of domesticated dependence upon the byproducts of man’s adventures into the realm of the unconscious… DEPENDENCE.
Check our General Influences for a tip for your sign.
I give thanks for the divine light that guides me on the highest and best path, now and always.
Saturday, June 6
Moon is VOC in Sagittarius, where she still performs, while Sun squares Mars, planet of action. Still on yesterday’s Eclipse portal, this is an emotionally charged day that favors therapy, meditation, journaling, participating in a support group, and/or taking a hot bath.
Avoid confrontation. Channel any restlessness into weeding the yard, cleaning the oven, decluttering, or some other low-risk physical activity.
At 12:44 pm (3:44 ET), Moon enters practical Capricorn, cooling the steam. Now we can act responsibly, organize an area of life that’s become scattered or disrupted, set down rules or guidelines, patiently listen and learn, make an extra effort to work on a goal, develop a strategy, organize investments, and build up the bank account balance.
Affirmation to program tonight’s dreams (repeat 3 times before going to sleep):
I know I am here at this place and time for a reason, and I call my angels to guide me to the best place, with the best work and the best situation now.
Sunday, June 7
This morning, Moon in organized Capricorn opposes Mercury in sensitive Cancer, triggering intuition. Write down last night’s dreams and any other intuitive guidance you can identify, particularly in relation to self-love, relationships and finances. Then write down some steps you can take to apply this guidance.
Most of the day is best for independent, productive activities, until after 7:07 pm, when Moon sextiles dynamic Mars and touches Sun. Now we can take assertive action in business, to help a loved one, or to follow through on a responsibility.
I am not alone or without support, infinite good fills this situation and it’s helping me in every way now.
Monday, June 8
Use the morning for work; take a bold step on something begun in May, renew a promotional effort, or reach out to someone who can make a difference. Do it before 11:06 am (2:06 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC in Capricorn.
At 5:54, Moon enters independent Aquarius. A couple of hours later she connects with co-ruler Saturn, accenting the water bearer’s more serious side. It’s the perfect time to organize books or computer files. We can focus on independent research, review options for an agreement or impending change, read the fine print, or research alternative versions.
Stern Saturn may darken our mood and put a damper on socializing, but in this connection it does support study and collaborations for a political, humanitarian or cultural cause. Avoid being cold or too businesslike.
Infinite Intelligence directs me in focused thoughts and effective actions, now and always.
Tuesday, June 9
Moon in Aquarius stimulates the higher mind. Morning is good for journaling, or reading on philosophy, politics, inventions or an offbeat topic that interests you.
Moon’s square to ruler Uranus can exaggerate our fervor and fuel dogmatism, so it’s best to leave key contacts and discussions—except for a visit to the therapist—for after 12:15 pm (3:15 ET), when Luna trines socialite Venus, a great aspect for kindness and connection. Connect with friends, a client, superior, colleague or heartthrob, do PR, promote a cause, work on creativity, get a haircut, help someone, or pay it forward.
The one true plan for me is the divine plan, and it sends me true information, inspiration and contacts now.
Wednesday, June 10
Rise early! Make key contacts and do work before 7:35 am (10:35 ET) before Moon in freewheeling Aquarius goes VOC. Today’s assertive numerology of 1 will probably keep us feeling like an alpha female or male, but it’s best to save outer initiatives for tomorrow.
Today, we might read, learn a new dance, go for a walk or bike ride, or take a (virtual) class for fun.
I live and move and have my being in omnipresent harmony now.
Thursday, June 11
Today’s Moon in mystical Pisces expands our compassion quotient. Sun squares ruler Neptune, an influence that can make for confusion, but also fuels creativity, intuition, and connections with light beings. Love-planet Venus sextiles wound-healer Chiron, favoring reconciliation and improving self-esteem. Meditate on forgiveness and kindess, pray, go on a shamanic journey, settle a dispute with a friend or relative, attend a spiritual group or gathering, contact with light beings. Projects involving imagination, visualization, and art also go great.
Avoid substance abuse, and pay special attention to any situation that activates your BS detector. Be mystical, but keep feet on the ground and brain connected, and stay within your comfort zone.
Today’s numerology of 11 marks days when the angels use our love radiation to lift the planetary frequency.
I connect with my pleasure for the good of others.
Friday, June 12
Moon in Pisces accentuates the creative propensities of today’s numerology of 3. Early morning is great for promotion and for connecting with humans and angels.
This is the last morning before the Fourth Quarter Moon, so it’s potentially more productive that the next seven days. Try to do any promoting and connecting before 7:13 am (10:13 ET), when Moon in Pisces joins pushy Mars and a bit later, ruler Neptune. These conjunctions facilitate breakthroughs in artistic and humanitarian pursuits, but they also call for extra care to avoid people and situations that bring down our vibration.
Avoid mind-altering substances. At 11:24 pm (2:24 am ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning a lunar week of wind-down.
At 22-23 Pisces, the Sabian symbol says:
A ‘MATERIALIZING MEDIUM’ GIVING A SÉANCE. The ability to give of one’s own vital energy to substantiate one’s ideals or unconscious desires. The person who believes he or she has a mission or mandate, or any special gift that can be of value to the community, must substantiate this belief. He has to produce results. Sometimes this involves difficulties, and special conditions or circumstances; it always demands to some extent the gift of some power of value which is deeply ones own… Something precious involved in a deeply personal experience has to be… offered to others. The medium’s psychic substance provides the material made visible in the phenomena if the latter are genuine. After the séance, the medium is usually exhausted. The performer gives of her very life to the performance… SUBSTANTIATION.
Decree for consolidating the results of your affirmations:
Spirit follows through on what it begins, and is seeing this through to finished results now.
Saturday, June 13
With focused Mars joining foggy Neptune at 7:13 am (10:13 ET), this is a surreal yet intense day. Moon in Pisces, ruled by Neptune, brings out the mystical element of this aspect. Her sextiles to powerful Pluto and helpful Jupiter help us direct its potential by moving boldly on our magical vision.
Moon goes VOC this morning, but continues to be effective in Pisces. Consult your intuition, release perfectionism and take whatever steps or step that you can. There is a potential for confusion or abuse, so postpone new agreements and avoid characters that are in any way dubious. Also, between eclipses it’s best to steer clear of struggles or being pushy. But whether it’s on a production or another creative or spiritual endeavor that’s close to your heart, move forward.
Also provoke a pause for inner work, since at 2:05 pm (5:05 ET), Moon enters Aries and the rhythm picks up, emphasizing the busier side of this morning’s conjunction.
An afternoon sextile from Moon to constructive Saturn brings positive results in work.
I am surrounded by divine love, in which nothing negative can abide. My world is filled with good now.
Sunday, June 14
With Moon in driven Aries, today isn’t particularly harmonious. Moon’s early conjunction to Chiron can be touchy, but does favor pursuits related to our life mission or healing of body, mind, and soul. Sun’s quincunx to intense Pluto is good for working on ourselves, whether in journaling, meditation or therapy.
Tonight, Moon squares Mercury in sensitive Cancer, an aspect that can fan the flame of conflict, particularly at home. Keep a low profile, and occupy the mind with crossword puzzles, work on a text, or writing affirmations or a gratitude letter to a relative.
I am deeply grateful for the health, peace and love we have now.
Monday, June 15
Moon in restless Aries makes an afternoon square to deep Pluto, not so high on the harmony quotient but good for recycling, disposing of garbage, weeding and decluttering. Focus on independent activities and take special care when using knives, equipment, or other sharp implements.
Starting at 5:11 pm (8:11 ET), we get a short window that favors connection when Moon makes a sextile to confident Sun, going VOC just 38 minutes later. So choose something you want to do during this interlude. Suggestions include:
- Work on trade
- Set a limit
- Initiate change
- Collect a debt
- Replace the weather stripping or central air filters in your home
- Work on a health issue or your car
- Push through resistance to get something done
- Work on a short-term goal
However you decide to use this nice little window, think it through beforehand (you have all day), and if it involves other people, make a special effort at diplomacy
At 5:49 pm (8:49 ET), Moon goes VOC. It’s time for a hot bath or cold shower, to play a table game, and relax for the evening.
Infinite good fills all my situations, lightening my load and harmonizing my vibration now.
Tuesday, June 16
A connection from Sun to expansive Jupiter gives us the confidence to use today’s Moon in abundant Taurus, and the good cheer to enjoy it. Connections to Uranus and Saturn are good for clearing the decks so we may begin anew at this weekend’s Solar Eclipse. Work on something begun before June, related to:
- business
- security
- stability
- protection
- home affairs
- remodeling or redecorating
- organizing finances or investments
- bank account
- something else that requires lasting results
Omnipotent Good sweeps through my life, clearing out old situations and letting new good in now.
Wednesday, June 17
Moon in grounded Taurus sextiles Mercury the messenger and Neptune the dreamer. Today’s numerology of 8 facilitates tangible progress. Yesterday’s suggestions are still in force. In addition, with today’s artistic and connective energies added to the mix, we can:
- Share beautiful written and/or spoken words
- Work on art
- Renew a past flame (with the appropriate sanitary considerations)
- Add spice and romance to an intimate relationship
- Receive positive recognition
- Follow up on a communication initiated sometime before June 1.
Tonight Mercury stations to go fully direct, turning our gaze inward and facilitating clarity about the intentions we wish to set at this weekend’s New Moon Solar Eclipse.
Guardian Angel (name Spirit Guide), please direct me to establish the best and highest intentions for a new life, now.
Thursday, June 18
We can use today’s balsamic Moon and propitious aspects to tie up something we began before June 1.
A sextile from active Mars in sensitive Pisces to intense Pluto in constructive Capricorn supports effective, intuitively guided action. The day starts with Moon exalted in abundant Taurus. She makes early harmonies with Mars, Pluto and Jupiter, before going VOC at 6:02 am (9:02 ET). In Taurus, she still performs. Still carrying the charge of these aspects, Luna facilitates tangible progress in business, finance, work and practical contacts for things initiated previously.
At 2:06 pm (5:06 ET), Moon enters communicative Gemini. This is a more spontaneous, social placement, although her trine to Saturn in Aquarius roots her potential and increases her focus. We can direct this alignment in such focused, necessary tasks as::
- Work
- Reorganization
- Discipline
- Taking care of bureaucracy
- Structuring a class, text, meeting or presentation
- Strategic follow-up on correspondence, emails, messages, calls and communications of any kind
My life is under the law of love, and only good can come to me, now and always.
Friday, June 19
Still on the portal of last night’s Mars-Pluto sextile, the planet of action now sextiles Jupiter. This is one of the year’s best aspects to promote, publicize, sell, or initiate something.
Moon in Gemini joins Venus and sextiles Chiron. Affirmations and mantras lift our vibration. Activities involving words, like journaling, meditation or therapy, help us heal and to clarify the intentions we will seed at tomorrow’s Summer Solstice Eclipse.
Active suggestions to use this constructive vitality:
- Follow up on a promotion or sales effort you started sometime before June 1
- Work on correspondence and strategic messaging
- Reorganize papers and desk
- Give a presentation
- Manage a crisis
- Find a short-cut to finish something or redo something begun before June 1
- Study
- Bless the car
- Give a speech
- Present an idea to associates, an authority figure, or clients
Archangel Gabriel, please help me appreciate the power of my words and use them to open light portals, now and always.
Saturday, June 20
Morning is good for:
- Using decrees, affirmations and mantras
- Making minor computer repairs
- Following up on yesterday’s communication efforts
- Decluttering papers
At 2:44 pm (5:44 ET), Sun enters sensitive Cancer, reaching the zenith in its annual path through the sky, known as Summer Solstice. This point is known as the cusp of magic, when the daylight hours are longest, incurring into the night’s terrain. Our rational acuities—associated with Gemini—mingle with our Cancerian intuitive senses. As bees buzz busily around June flowers, nature spirits are at play, awakening the inner child.
Cancer rules incarnation, and this is the time to somehow rebirth ourselves. We might choose a new name or clarify how we might express a more authentic, divine version of ourselves. This isn’t about our public image, but rather our feeling nature. The seeds of our I AM, planted at Spring Equinox, are now growing into an individuated, emotional being. Like the Sun ascending in the sky, we are moved to ascend in radiant soul expression. We can select the qualities of our roots that we wish to keep, identify and release those that we wish to release, and graft on new patterns of vibration and feeling that we wish to develop.
At 2:48 pm (5:48 ET), Moon goes VOC. She enters Cancer at 11:02 pm (2:02 am ET), becoming new on the Solstice degree of zero Cancer at 11:41 pm (2:41 am ET), and generating a powerful Solar Eclipse. Its location on the critical degree of a cardinal sign makes it one of the most potent lunations in over a century.
This combined Solstice-Eclipse portal optimizes Cancer’s inclination to cultivate new, more conscious emotional patterns. In the Eclipse chart, the close sextile from Mars to Jupiter awakens vision and confidence and signifies opportunities to move forward. Not only can we identify the patterns we wish to cultivate, we can take action to break with the past, and create new alliances and situations that strengthen our wings and support us in new levels of freedom.
Sample intentions for this portal include:
I wish to keep the blessings I received from my family (describe), and release those that don’t resonate with me.
I see myself responding to others from a place of inner security.
My inner expansion and soul growth are central to my daily activities.
I see myself living a life I have chosen, including (describe its aspects….), whether or not my family is comfortable with it.
I call on the help of angels to persist in my intention of (name intention) until it manifests.
I see myself collaborating with a network of people who are creating a new, more wholesome human experience.
I wish to live in a beautiful, harmonious space that’s apt for healing my inner child.
I give myself permission to beautify my home so that it nourishes my soul.
I visualize myself free from the need to look to others for my security and approval.
I wish to hear, honor and follow my internal guidance, without attachment to the opinions of others.
I see my body as a vehicle of spirit, that can only carry good influences and energies, now and always.
I declare myself free from karmic attachments of this incarnation, and I am free to live a healthy, empowered life now.
Check our Solar Eclipse rebirth ritual.
Sunday, June 21
Moon and Sun in sensitive Cancer connect with executive Saturn in Aquarius, giving us a look at the work needed to ground our Solstice Eclipse intentions.
From a physical perspective, these potentially uncomfortable influences favor low-key, independent activities like working in the garden, taking a long bath or shower, baking a casserole, and making lists of what we want to manifest and of the inner and outer steps we need to take in order to consolidate them.
Save family connections and work communications for this evening, when Moon’s sextile to Uranus frees up our mental airwaves and connections.
I am not alone in my intention for renewal, Solstice Angels are with me, supporting my soul-growth now.
Monday, June 22
With Moon joining Mercury in Cancer and trining Neptune at 1:22 pm (4:22 ET) (right as this mystical planet stations to retrograde), morning is great for designing a visualization strategy to support our Eclipse intentions. Make a treasure map, dream board or similar tool. Create scenes in your mind that confirm the experience of your dream come true. Establish a program of daily spaces to apply these images.
Connections can flow with family, a romantic flame or spiritual companion. However, be selective since this is a receptive window. We can also connect with the angels, listen to our intuition or express empathy.
Evening may be tense, as Moon opposes pushy Pluto.
At 8:29 pm (11:29 ET), Luna connects with Jupiter, opening another good window for visualization, connection with people and spirit guides, promotion, humanitarian actions or programing your dreams.
My eye is a portal, and I set it on my highest intention now.
Tuesday, June 23
If you’re up very early (or stayed up very late), you might grab Moon’s final moments in Cancer—in trine to go-getter Mars—to promote something or fight for a loved one or cause.
At 5:33 am (8:33 ET), Luna enters expressive Leo, where her mid-morning opposition to Saturn may come off as manipulative, guilt-tripping, or bossy. Focus on independent efforts to organize a hobby, a creative project or situation with your kids.
Save people connections for this afternoon, one of the most propitious times for contacts from now until Friday morning. Her sextile to Venus brings out her fun side. Connect with friends, colleagues or clients, give and receive recognition, be romantic, give a gift or express your feelings in style.
Later tonight, we might want to escape with a good read or tuck ourselves in early. At 10:34 pm (1:34 am ET), Moon goes VOC on a square to rebellious Uranus.
Spirit is present in my relationships, and only good can come from them, now and always.
Wednesday, June 24
This is a creative but silly day, with Moon on a long VOC in Leo and Venus turning direct in Gemini. Today’s numerology of 6 favors socializing.
Do something fun—crossword puzzles, table games, dress in costume, watch comedy—and give things a light touch.
Close to midnight, Venus goes direct, helping finance and relationships flow more easily.
No event or circumstance can withhold my divine supply now.
Thursday, June 25
At 10:05 am (1:05 pm ET), Moon finally ends her long VOC in Leo and enters productive Virgo.
Most of the day favors independent work, with a quincunx from Moon to Saturn that can be stressful but at the same time, accents Virgo Moon’s productive potential. Keep busy to avoid the depressive streak this combination can generate. Reorganize desk, papers or work, prepare a detailed account, review communications, take stock of progress, make lists, take steps to complete an old project. If that stuff sounds dull, you can always use this practical Virgo energy to solve a nagging problem, or to clean, scour, fix, or mend.
Avoid being judgmental towards yourself or over-critical of others.
Save socializing, romance, negotiation and other key contacts for after 6:23 pm (9:23 ET), when Moon’s sextile to Sun, followed by a square to Venus, energizes our confidence and softens our interactions.
I am not lacking for effective support. The Divine Assistant is with me and Its intelligent, effective and enthused, now and always.
Friday, June 26
With Moon in efficient Virgo in sextile to Mercury in gentle Cancer, morning is great for thinking, editing, and people connections. It also favors starting a new diet, hygiene program, or daily schedule. Reach out to clients or work contacts, send a love note, do something to help someone.
At 9:56 pm (12:56 am ET), Moon opposes Neptune. Before going to bed, get some alone time. Visualize, pray, connect with spirit guides, program your dreams.
Affirmation to program your dreams (repeat 10 times):
Deep within I know how to manifest wellness, and it becomes clear in a constructive dream I’ll remember on waking.
Saturday, June 27
Great day for practical progress! Moon in diligent Virgo trines powerful Pluto and expansive Jupiter in Capricorn, sign of manifestation.
- Take practical steps to ground your opportunities
- Do follow up on a promotion you began before June 1
- Get your act together and make a presentation
- Knock on a key door that you first approached sometime before June 1
- Push ahead on an old project
We’re on roll! Use it before 1:02 pm (4:02 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
At 1:44 pm (4:44 pm ET), Moon enters sweet Libra. She trines serious Saturn, facilitating focus. We can organize our space with an eye to beauty, work on the bank statement, or do something involving justice, compromise, teamwork, and/or negotiation.
I make a space for beauty, and beauty responds by manifesting now.
Sunday, June 28
Second Quarter Moon in Libra invites us to review progress on intentions seeded at last week’s Eclipse, and to adjust our manifestation strategy. Promoter-planet Mars freshly into its home sign Aries impels us in bold initiatives, while a beautiful sextile to solid Saturn facilitates lasting results.
Moon in Libra is people-oriented, and moreso with her ruler Venus in Gemini. Her aspects are tense, so avoid an unnecessary spat, or getting huffy or overly defensive. Use your smarts and diplomacy to make the most of today’s great sextile.
At 7-8 Libra, the Sabian symbol for today’s lunation says:
A FIREPLACE BURNS MYSTERIOUSLY IN A DESERTED FARMHOUSE. Constant presence of unseen, sustaining agencies in every worthwhile activity. Great depth of initial effort. Providence.
Grace is present in this situation, and it acts to help me in every way now.
Monday, June 29
In one of the year’s major aspects, expansive Jupiter moves to join powerful Pluto. With Mercury retrograde and in the wake of the recent eclipses, we don’t want to push too hard. But we can use this injection of confidence and courage to break through inner limitation and get back on track with something we were fighting for or working on before June 1.
This conjunction is in Capricorn, highlighting work, goals, bureaucracy, a boss, or other authority figure, institutions, and our path of mastery. Check 24 Capricorn in your chart to the house and any points that triggered by this aspect. The conjunction is exact late tonight and will be felt all day.
However, Moon makes tense aspects and a VOC from 6:02 am (9:02 ET) to 3:48 pm (6:48 ET), so tomorrow is probably better for action. Today, we can meditate on love (in resonance with today’s numerology of 11), and on what we want to do with this great portal, writing down our thoughts and objectives so that we’re ready to move on them tomorrow.
Divine love flows to me and through me, and I radiate it to all that enter my field of perception now.
Tuesday, June 30
Promote, promote, promote!
For the second time this month, Mercury in sensitive Cancer sextiles intuitive Uranus in abundant Taurus. These are the planets of higher and lower mind, and their harmony facilitates intellectual breakthroughs and mental connections, while the signs involved both favor family, food, real estate, home and business. Reach out to a collaborator, client or the public related to these areas. The Jupiter-Pluto sextile is still fully effective, so think big, and aim beyond your comfort zone.
We might also use this aspect to request a permit, campaign for a cause, research an elusive fact, work on writing or homework, prepare a new class, innovate on the web, re-launch a promotion or knock on a key door that we tried sometime before June 1.
This high energy is strengthened by Sun’s conjunction to Mercury, facilitating radiant encounters of the intuitive and sensual kind, particularly this evening.
I am not alone in my intention to promote (name cause, service, business or product). The Divine Promoter is with me, directing me, funding me and moving me in every way to reach my true contacts, here and now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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