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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast packagebefore the month begins, along with the 2020 Annual Astrological Travel Planner (coming soon), the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts (also coming soon) too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, May 1–25, 2020
Friday, May 1
The Sun has entered the second decanate of Taurus, where the productive energies of Virgo support tangible manifestation of the Bull’s abundant gifts.
This fertile promise is traditionally celebrated as Beltane, the ancient beginning of summer (from which Labor Day was adapted after industrialization), when fires were lit in honor of the Sun in its climb towards the Summer Solstice zenith, and the growth of Springtime is in full glory. Among other ancient ceremonies, the Celts would light two fires and walk cattle between them to protect against livestock illness. (See our adaptation of this ceremony below.)
As for today’s transits, Moon in expressive Leo makes early connections with Venus and Neptune; morning is good for romantic connections and creative activities. Today’s numerology of 1 benefits assertive initiatives.
We should use this proactive influence before 9:04 am (12:04 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC on a charged opposition to warrior Mars, inviting us to take social distancing to its maximum expression.
We might satisfy Mars’ desire for action by watching exercise videos, an action film, or if it’s your cup of tea, maybe Gordon Ramsey haranguing restaurant owners in old episodes of “Kitchen Nightmares.” We can also spend time outdoors, do heart-centered meditation and visualize the positive results we desire in our figure and muscle tone.
But, keep a low profile, avoid dramatic dynamics and extreme sports, practice extra care when handling knives or anything sharp and save key interchanges for another day.
At 10:35 pm (1:35 am ET), Moon finally swims to the edge of this intense cocktail and climbs into grounded Virgo.
Stay-at-home Beltane ceremony:
Use photos, draw pictures or make strips of paper with the names of what you want to protect, your home, your family, the elderly, souls in transition, etc. Light two white candles and say:
Angels of Beltane, please shine your fiery light around us and with it burn away physical, mental and spiritual threats, opening the way for universal wellness, harmony and prosperity now.
Saturday, May 2
Moon in diligent Virgo makes for a productive day. Luna’s early connection to Saturn favors organizing our work area and priorities. Write a list of steps you can take to generate abundance, and next to each one the results you wish to achieve. Then use Moon’s contacts to Uranus and Chiron to journal about your unique desires, intentions and healing processes.
This afternoon and evening, harmonies to Mercury the messenger and purposeful Sun favor self-expression, promotion, and reaching out to others.
I have a right to choose abundance, and I use it now.
Sunday, May 3
This morning, creative and romantic inspiration flows, though Moon’s opposition to mysterious Neptune may also bring confusion. Enjoy music; work on healing, art or a spiritual practice.
Save connections with others for this afternoon or evening. Moon’s trine to Pluto can make for a powerful therapeutic or sexy encounter.
At 7:25 pm (10:25 ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to Jupiter, and we can enjoy a healthy dinner, or use visualizations and affirmations for healing.
I give thanks for the healing forces that are working around the planet now.
Monday, May 4
Complementing today’s constructive numerology of 4, Moon in sociable Libra makes a trine to Saturn the builder. People connections go well, especially for work, business or something we want to make last. Apply these energies early, since they’re less amenable after 11:32 am (2:32 pm ET), when tense aspects favor independent creativity and meditation.
After 2.41 pm (5:41 ET), communication flows again as Mercury the messenger joins Sun in prosperous, sensual Taurus. We’ll find ourselves supported in activities like:
- Giving or receiving a massage (etc.).
- Working on writing, music, or the bank statement.
- Negotiating or closing a deal.
- Making headway on a beautification project.
- Connecting with a partner, friends or clients.
I am naturally connected with my true network, which appears naturally now.
Tuesday, May 5
With a lunar contact to mystical Neptune, morning is good for prayer, invoking light beings, and creativity.
Moon in Libra trines both its ruler Venus, and sexy Mars, bracketing the afternoon and evening. The rest of day is great for fun and people connections, fueling romance, improving communication, and adding spice to a partnership.
Between these two lovely trines, Moon squares Pluto, so avoid power struggles, jealousy or sarcastic jokes that can go the wrong way. At 7:31 pm (9:31 ET) Moon goes VOC on a square to Jupiter. Watch a romantic movie and enjoy easy connections at home (just in case you happen to be there).
At 12:05 am (3:05 ET), Luna enters intense Scorpio. If you happen to be up, don’t expect things to flow in the easy-breezy way they did earlier. Meditate, journal, transmute your beliefs, work on forgiveness, research hidden truths.
Whatever I’ve done, thought and said has reflected my consciousness at the time, and whatever you’ve done, thought and said reflected your consciousness at the time, so I forgive and release all involved.
Wednesday, May 6
With Moon in Scorpio on the portal of tomorrow’s fullness, morning isn’t propitious for people-connections, but it works well for independent activities such as meditation, changing our self-dialogue, and forgiveness. Moon’s opposition to Uranus also facilitates decluttering and release of obsolete situations, habits, and things. Review closets, drawers and desk, and let go of documents, items of clothing, letters, and whatever else doesn’t resonate with your current preferences and path. Avoid wasting time on suspicious thinking or brooding over a past offense.
The last of a series of tense lunar aspects is a quincunx to Chiron at 12:20 pm (3:20 ET). This afternoon we can journal, make a virtual call to the therapist or support group, visualize and affirm for healing.
This evening, share a passionate encounter, a psychic experience, or set a long-range goal in motion.
I am ready for renewal, and in response to my intention, the angels bring positive change to my mind, body and circumstances now.
Thursday, May 7
The day starts with an intense Full Moon in Scorpio, exact at 3:45 am (6:45 ET). In its transit through Taurus, sign of security, rebel Uranus has shaken up all that seemed predictable, and this Moon draws us to look at what really matters underneath it all: our need to get do our deepest work, to shed layers of false personality, and to reaffirm our dearest ties. We can reconnect with our inner feeling nature, our courage and our ability to change.
Moon’s trine to sensitive Neptune and sextile to ruler Pluto give a spiritual spin to these resources, favoring occultism, psychism and magic. Secrets come to light. Dreams and visions bring clarity, and Mercury in conjunction to Sun strengthens our ability to discern the truth behind our own visions and behind media hype. Time alone and one-on-one connections with positive others will help us receive the influx of healing energy brought by this Full Moon.
We can push through to consolidate an important project or endeavor, while the sextile to Pluto brings in an influential ally.
At 17-18 Scorpio, the Sabian symbol is:
A PATH THROUGH WOODS MULTICOLORED SPLENDOR. The exalted feeling of a work well done and a truly consummated life… The person who has lived with faith the transpersonal life can -the life through which spirit radiates creatively- can experiences blessedness and peace, even though his or her cycle nears its end… we see the smile of youth brought to a more mature experience, more spiritual culmination.
The woods also remind us of the healing powers of plant spirits, whom we can call on for help. It resonates with the influence of this pagan Dyad Moon, when masculine and feminine essences fuse in an explosion of creativity, visible on the flowering earth. This forceful portal can be directed to blast through problems that seemed impossible, and can be tapped for collective and personal solutions.
Get work done and connections made before 7:39 pm (9:39 ET), when Moon goes VOC on a sextile to Jupiter, planet of spirit guides. Evening is a good time to invoke them. At 12:15 am (3:15 ET), Moon enters Sagittarius, favoring promotions, connections with friends and diplomacy.
I call on plant spirits around the world to imbue us with their victorious healing power, here and now.
Friday, May 8
Today’s powerful numerology of 8 blends nicely with Moon in visionary Sagittarius, while Moon’s sextile to Saturn facilitates tangible progress.
Luna’s afternoon trine to Chiron favors calling on the angels of healing. We can focus on:
- Trade
- Promotions
- Correspondence
- Business meetings
- Lending or borrowing money
- A legal matter
- Data retrieval
- The attainment of a long-overdue answer
- Something requiring luck
- Studies (take or give a class)
- Diplomacy
The Source of my success is infinite, and it flows in every situation, now and always.
Saturday, May 9
Morning is great for activities involving spirituality or imagination. Today’s numerology of 9 favors transmutation and generosity. Tense aspects to Sun and Neptune can create confusion and accentuate Sag’s tendency to sermonize, but they do favor creativity and contacts with spirit guides. We can work on forgiveness, dream yoga or visualization. Reach out to the angels.
At 2:13 pm (5:13 ET), Moon opposes sweet Venus, and contacts with humans also flow. We can do those things requiring warmth, conviviality, or tact:
- Be spontaneous
- Laugh
- Reach out to friends
- Meet someone new (online if necessary)
- Give or take a class
- Do something requiring diplomacy
A late sextile to Mars gives this Moon an injection of boldness and focus, and insomniac or night-owl readers may enjoy:
- Trade
- Negotiation
- Fighting for an altruistic or cultural cause
- Legal matters
- A business meeting
- Lending and borrowing money.
Our wellness cannot be limited, our success cannot be limited, our supply cannot be limited.
Sunday, May 10
Happy Mother’s Day. Celebrate your mom in your own preferred way, or if she’s moved on to other side, you might do a gratitude ceremony to honor her.
Today is propitious for many things, and Moon in Capricorn gives it a practical bent. Mercury trines Jupiter, facilitating promotion, education, inspiration and communication of all kinds. Sun in Taurus, sign of manifestation, makes a sextile to imaginative Neptune, facilitating tangible results in art, romance and spirituality. The combination favors media production, promotional activities, visualization, promoting our ideas, and sharing or receiving spiritual inspiration.
Connections with others go well, particularly for business. We can use today’s numerology of 1 by taking the reins of a situation or project. We could also tap this great flow by producing and programing social media shares for the week ahead.
Today, Moon’s ruler Saturn turns retrograde, favoring initiatives to further previous efforts in the Saturnian domains of work, discipline, or self-mastery of some kind.
Each time I use will power, my self-mastery grows, now and always.
Monday, May 11
Yesterday’s roll continues, as Moon harmonizes with Sun and Neptune, keeping their sextile alive. Her midnight conjunction to Pluto holds the productive window open into the wee hours.
Not all is business, as today’s numerology of 11 puts kindness in the limelight. We might pair kindly intentions and productive energies by:
- Working overtime
- Selling
- Closing a deal
- Making your boss or clients feel important
- Tending the family business
- Organizing an area of your life that’s become scattered or disrupted
- Working on career, a team effort or goal accomplishment
- Doing something requiring sacrifice
- Generating a new strategy for an old project and take a step, however small, to act on it
- Applying for credit
- Organizing investments
- Helping someone else get organized, apply for credit, make a sale, etc.
I visualize all beings as happy, healthy and free, and my heart crystal is activated now.
Tuesday, May 12
At 3:30 am (6:30 ET), Moon goes VOC in Capricorn. Today we can sleep in or take an early breather, before Moon enters Aquarius at 8:39 am (11:39 ET).
Although this is a sociable placement, Luna’s conjunction to Saturn, trine to Mercury and the trine between the latter two favor a practical focus, and communications and research for business or work.
We might buy a computer, set a limit, close a cycle, try an innovative approach to work or business, read the fine print, throw ourselves into investigative research involving options for business or work, or write texts, messages or promotions to clients or prospects. Edit with an eye to warmth, as this combination is productive and lucid but can come off as cold.
Action is best before 9:17 pm (12:17 am ET), when Mars enters Pisces, diffusing our focus.
I am the substance that generates beauty, success and prosperity, now and always.
Wednesday, May 13
Moon in Aquarius favors social connection, although with Venus stationing to retrograde, the best kind are reconnections with existing friends, a club, partner or group, or connections we wish to revive. Seek out those that resonate with your authentic or new direction.
We can also use Aquarian genius to:
- Fight for a cause
- Invent something the world needs
- Learn a new dance
- Rearrange the furniture
- Volunteer our knowledge or time
- Go for a walk
- Pamper yourself
- Contemplate and explore your options
- Look at how things affect your best interests and maybe take an inner journey to facilitate that.
A wee-hour trine from Moon to Venus is particularly propitious for people connections.
I radiate love to all, and my true connections are renewed now.
Thursday, May 14
We get a tiny, early window for people connections. Make them before 7:03 am (10:03 ET), when Moon in Aquarius goes VOC on reaching her Fourth Quarter.
The Sabian symbol for 24-25 Aquarius says:
A BUTTERFLY WITH THE RIGHT WING MORE PERFECTLY FORMED…The capacity to develop the rational and fully conscious aspect of the mind ahead of normal evolution. What seems implied is a kind of mutation and more specifically the special development of whatever’s symbolized by the right side of the organism. Here, however, the spiritual body (the butterfly) is what the image represents. A strong process of conscious individualization is suggested, perhaps at the expense of the instinctual-emotional aspect (left side) … overcoming negative or ego-based challenges… TRANSMUTATION OF EMOTIONAL ENERGIES.
Jupiter turns retrograde today, inviting us to review what the following Jupiterian themes mean to us: luck, fortune, education, distant lands, diverse cultures, promotion, enthusiasm, opportunities and how we use them, and connections with light beings.
This is a long VOC, so we can journal, connect with light beings, and enjoy ourselves.
Sun in prosperous Taurus makes a midnight trine to empowering Pluto in constructive Capricorn. After Moon enters Pisces at 6:24 pm (9:24 ET), use the evening to write down what you perceive to be your life purpose and take some sort of bold action in that direction.
I give thanks for present happiness and allow myself to enjoy it, here and now.
Friday, May 15
With Moon in Pisces, today is great for creative activities, spiritual and emotional healing. and intuitively guided action.
Moon’s square to Mercury may bring confusion. Her sextile to Uranus means that connections with others work better at a distance and when focused on unique, unusual or altruistic contacts.
Last night’s trine from Sun to bold Pluto empowers us today to break through perfectionism and finish something.
Guardian Angel, please guide me and move me in right action now.
Saturday, May 16
With Moon in sensitive Pisces joining ruler Neptune, our intuition is at an all-time high this morning. Consult a favorite oracle, get a reading, interpret dreams, connect with spirit guides.
This afternoon, Luna’s square to Venus stimulates romance, facilitates people connections and fuels creativity.
With a sextile from Moon to transformational Pluto, tonight is great for finishing something and for decluttering visualization materials in preparation for the upcoming New Moon.
I give thanks that divine guidance directs me on the best course of action, now and always.
Sunday, May 17
Thanks to a sextile from Moon in creative Pisces to expansive Jupiter, early morning favors contacting the angels or following up on a promotion we’ve been working on. That is, if you’re up to do it before 6:36 am (9:36 ET), when Luna enters hyperactive Aries. Not that things get bad then, but we’re apt to feel restless, particularly being shut in while Sun makes a sextile to adventuresome Jupiter.
Go for a run or walk, do exercise at home, engage in a virtual spiritual gathering or generate one yourself. Give or take a class. If you have work pending, you can push to finish, particularly something related to publishing, promotion, competition, trading, negotiating, or a short-term goal.
Steer clear of an unnecessary fight and avoid coming on too strong.
I cannot be weakened or tired, because Spirit never wears me down; Spirit lightens my load and lifts me up, now and always.
Monday, May 18
Moon continues in Aries. Her sextile to analytical Mercury facilitates mental tasks and communications.
Today’s numerology of 9 fuels our powers of transmutation. To dissolve an apparent block, speak to it firmly. Include someone else in your prayers and affirmations, or apply your words to lift their spirits. It’s a fine time to take advantage of a situation, ask for help to finish something, collect a debt, attend to a health issue, and in general, to push through resistance to getting something done.
Begin to think about the intentions you wish to establish at the upcoming New Moon in Gemini.
I refuse to believe that this appearance is more powerful than the Almighty Force of Good that’s working in us, for us and around us, now and always.
Tuesday, May 19
Unless you happen to be up around 1:00 am (4:00 ET), this morning is not propitious for connections with others. If they are unavoidable, be on the watch for touchiness and avoid taking things personally or engaging in an unnecessary fight.
Instead, we can work on forgiveness and clear out papers in preparation for the upcoming New Moon. At 1:33 pm, Moon goes VOC. Clean the oven, weed the yard, watch an action film, do yoga, take a long shower with body scrub and shaving cream.
At 7:10 pm (10:10 ET), Luna enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. Enjoy a nice meal and music, make calls you couldn’t during the VOC, exchange a massage.
Guardian angel, please direct me in focus and shield me from distraction, now and always.
Wednesday, May 20
Moon is in abundant Taurus, Sun enters loquacious Gemini, Moon joins innovative Uranus, and Venus squares Neptune. This is one creative day! Begin thinking about the intentions you’d like to seed at the upcoming New Moon.
However, today’s atmosphere is not especially harmonious, and independent activities are more promising than direct contact. Craft a text, give rein to your inspiration, do something altruistic, cultivate compassion, write a thank-you or make a card or another handcrafted gift to give someone later.
An afternoon square from Venus, planet of personal love and compassionate Neptune, facilitates forgiveness and heart-centered meditation.
My hands are channels of power, and I send love to all I touch, now and throughout this day.
Thursday, May 21
Moon still in Taurus, sign of her exaltation, makes lovely harmonies to magical Neptune and alchemical Pluto, bringing out her more spiritual side. We can combine these influences to:
- Enjoy nature, art, food, and music
- Show empathy
- Work on your self-esteem
- Push through bureaucracy and take care of something related to finance
- Add romance to an intimate relationship
- Connect with a new love prospect
- Gather images to make a dream board for tomorrow’s New Moon
I am the love expressed in all my actions now.
Friday, May 22
This is our last New Moon (10:39 am PT, 1:39 pm ET in Gemini) before Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, so it’s a key time to start something new.
In Gemini, this New Moon is ruled by the Mercury, the messenger planet. Mercury happens to be quite active today, joining Venus and squaring Neptune, both planets of romance and artistry.
These influences fuel creative thinking and can lift our communications to a higher level of kindness. A trine from Sun and Moon to Saturn the builder points to an urge to produce something concrete and—in air signs—achieve mental mastery.
The Sabian symbol for the New Moon at 2-3 Gemini says:
The garden of the Tuileries in Paris. The formalization of ideals through the act of reason and order to newly discovered aspects of nature.
These gardens are, ‘typical representations of the classical spirit and its need for order and symmetry… FORMALISM.’
The image evokes government rule over natural life, and this lunation is propitious for cultivating self-expression, communication and creativity within the strictures of confinement. New ways of connecting, promoting and working, and new art forms will arise. We can find unique, attractive ways to expand the reach of our message, service or market. The “newly discovered aspects of nature” may include holistic treatments for immunity. What is your way of participating?
Sample intentions for this fertile lunation:
I see myself finding and reading the write book(s) to learn more about (subject).
I want to begin and sustain a daily practice of writing my journal for 20 minutes daily.
I want to take an online class to learn (chosen subject) …
I see myself getting (coaching, tutoring, counseling) to consolidate (name of project).
I want to discover my voice and use it to successfully (promote my services or product, give online classes and seminars, publish an article or book, etc.).
I see the doors opening so that I can easily complete (degree, course of study, training) online.
I visualize myself communicating with (name) in loving, harmonious ways.
I see my website looking beautiful and working to effectively support my mission and business.
I want to establish myself in several social networks with (name number) of followers.
I see myself listening to others’ point of view without the need to agree or push my own ideas on them.
I want to give and receive the best in my relationships.
I see myself conversing with others easily, with attention, wit and confidence.
I want to communicate in loving, healthy ways with my (siblings, colleagues, clients, neighbors).
I envision myself using my mind in ways that bring peace to myself and others.
I see myself communicating with confidence, clarity and wit.
I want to begin and sustain a daily habit of (affirmative prayer, mantras, communication with my spirit guides).
I see myself mastering the power of my words to heal and bless myself and others.
Besides writing down an intention, take practical steps to expand self-expression, heal connections, and use your mental and technological resources to share the word.
Archangel Jophiel, please direct me to new levels of confidence, harmony and success in my connections now.
Saturday, May 23
The healing potential of this New Moon surges as she sextiles Chiron and joins loving Venus.
- Buy a new notebook, begin a cycle of journaling or of work with a coach or teacher.
- With an eye to beauty, edit a text, advertisement, letter to Congress or some other written communication.
- Make a live transmission on social media.
- Reach out to a sibling, colleague, neighbor or client who could use a lift.
- Show your love to a partner.
- Use affirmations of healing love.
Divine Love, radiate through my heart to heal the world now.
Sunday, May 24
Starting at 4:09 am (7:09 ET), Moon goes VOC in Gemini for most of the day. Play table games, write affirmations, enjoy a foreign film.
At 4:09 pm (7:09 ET), Moon enters Cancer. Still on the New Moon portal and with today’s prosperous, fortunate numerology of 6, pioneering Mars makes a sextile to innovative Uranus. We can bring something new to our family connections, or initiate a new course of spiritual study or a new approach to healing an emotional issue. Or we can try a new path of personal growth or psychic development. We can also search for living quarters or simplify our current space, act on our intuition in business, or propose marriage or hold a wedding or handfasting ceremony.
Act before 7:32 pm (10:32 ET), when Moon begins a series of tense aspects, and frustration or guilt-trips may arise. Be easy on yourself and others and avoid getting mopey or taking things personally.
The divine force in all beings moves us to release unkind intentions and directs us to act in kindness now.
Monday, May 25
Last night’s sextile from active Mars to exciting Uranus brings out the dynamic potential of Moon in cardinal Cancer.
Research and reflection can reveal shortcuts to achieving something in business, activism, a change in family or home circumstances, self-empowerment, and ways to help a loved one.
I am divinely authorized to move forward and doors open easily, here and now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Hello Crystal. That’s amazing.
I am interested in your Divine Empowerment.
The “Project Resolution” I participate in is a free call facilitated by Matt Kahn on the first Thursday of every month starting at 11:11 a.m. Pacific time (2:11 New York time). The next one is June 4th.
If you sign up with your email he sends a free link to participate live. If you don’t want emails I think they’re posted and available free to listen to for anyone very soon afterwards. I linked to the replay page above. It still contributes/transforms the energy of the planet regardless of when you listen, of course.
One story about that: on August 1st of last year (the very first Project Resolution call), I was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on a small sailboat, sailing from New York City to Portugal (I’m dedicated to trying to travel in ways that do not use fossil fue/destroy our planet as much as possible).
I had no idea the call was happening, but on that day, the day of a New Moon and also Lammas, I did a quiet ritual in the calm sea, surrounded by dolphins, at the bow of the boat at 11:11 to honor. I hadn’t set out to pray for the children but I ended up doing just that, and dedicating my practice to freeing them.
Later, I learned that Matt Kahn had begun Project Resolution, that the first call was that day, and that it was dedicated to freeing the children.
Today, again, May 25, again your affirmation is perfect. It is time for me to move apartments for a much better chapter in my life to begin, and I don’t know where, I don’t know how, but I trust that today is the day doors open (I am supposed to move June 1st, all of my energy has been going towards going inwards and healing these past months).
Thank you so very much
With love
Oh lovely Crystal, thank you for these amazing insights every day. As I write this on May 7, I just participated in a “project resolution” call (free replays here if you or anyone is interested: ), a first-Thursday-of-every-month call for all lightworkers to aid in the resolution of imbalance and the creation of fifth dimensional reality on Earth.
Today we began healing the quantum field with green heart-centered light.
Then I read your affirmation: I call on plant spirits around the world to imbue us with their victorious healing power, here and now.
Your affirmations are always so spot-on.
Thank you
Thank you Esmé! I’m honored to be present on your healing path. I’d enjoy listening to your session sometime. What time is it? I facilitate a Divine Empowerment and healing on Thursday nights,
Keep up the great work.