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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast packagebefore the month begins, along with the 2020 Annual Astrological Travel Planner (coming soon), the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, February 1–29, 2020
This free forecast is updated every Monday. To get the entire month at once, become a Premium subscriber.
With Moon exalted in Taurus and Taurus’ ruler Venus in sextile to Pluto, this is a powerful day for tangible accomplishment. In the worldly realm, we can do something like open a bank account, launch a new marketing strategy, or work on something that requires long-lasting results. In the social sphere, we might show empathy, meet someone new, take a relationship to the next level, or renkindle an old flame.
Morning and midday are a bit better for independent activities, while evening is great for connections with others.
At 5:52 pm (8:42 ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter, calling us to review the intentions we fixed and the things we started at last week’s New Moon. At 12-13 Taurus, this quarter triggers this Sabian symbol:
A PORTER CARRYING HEAVY BAGGAGE… He is the strong man, the man of ambition who has to take care of the inward turned “woman” aspect of is consciousness, the aspect that seeks to grow a beautiful garden of individual selfhood.
Guardian Angel (or Spirit Guide), please direct me to care for my inner garden now.
A quincunx from Moon to Mars at 9:14 am (12:14 pm ET) can make interactions a bit tense this morning, but it helps us get in touch with a new level of courage.
Around 11:30 am (2:30 pm ET), one of the year’s best days begins: today is Imbolc, when Sun reaches a half-way point on its climb toward Spring Equinox. Goddess Brigit motivates us to believe in and share our light.
Moon is exalted in Taurus, and she harmonizes with powerful Pluto, sweet Venus and constructive Saturn. Also, Moon’s ruler Venus is still in orb of her sextile to Pluto the transformer. The energy is particularly good for building. Apply it in anything—a creative project, a reconciliation, a cause, work or business.
We can also share good food and enjoy art, but the harmonies to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn are so constructive that it’s worth finding a way to move on something that we want to last.
Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow. This favors reviewing, redoing and retrieving something started before, rather than initiating something completely new.
I allow the light that I am to shine, here and now.
This is a day for applying creative thought, communication and work in creative ways to something of lasting value. At 3:29 am (6:29 ET), Moon enters Gemini. Minutes later, ruler Mercury leaves the light airwaves of Aquarius and enters sensitive Pisces, fueling our imagination.
Morning is good for using affirmations to heal or for visiting a therapist, thanks Moon’s sextile to Chiron.
And now for today’s starring aspect: sweet Venus sextiles constructive Saturn. With Mercury in retrograde shadow, we don’t want to sign new contracts, but we can make headway is something we started before relating to finances, relationships, creative work, sales, interior design or decorating, architecture and in just about anything involving a key person or people.
I’m divinely directed to consolidate my intentions, and I act on my guidance now.
Moon in Gemini and Gemini’s ruler Mercury make sextiles to Uranus, facilitating breakthroughs in creative thinking. Doors can spring open in communications, sales, study, promotions, or something related to your siblings. Morning is the best time to use this influence to connect with others and push through barriers.
At 11:50 am (2:50 pm ET), Moon squares Neptune, and interactions can become confusing for the next couple of hours. If you can, take a breather, meditate, visualize, practice dream yoga or pray.
The confusion clears around 3pm (6 pm ET), and we get another six hours that are great for rejoining the fray.
Around 9:00 pm (12:00 pm ET), the tense aspects start again, so we might want to low-profile it until tomorrow.
I don’t have negative thoughts because the only true thoughts that flow to me and through me are divine thoughts, that are freeing, luminous and helpful, now and always.
After a string of tense aspects, Moon in Gemini goes VOC at 6:20 am (9:20 ET) on a square to Venus. Journal, do crossword puzzles, use mantras or affirmations.
At 11:03 am (2:03 pm ET), Luna enters Cancer. Today’s numerology of 5 accents the Crab’s dynamic nature. We can support a cause for mothers, family or children, bless our house, work on business or real estate, or search for new living quarters.
This afternoon and evening, harmonies to Uranus in Taurus, sign of supply, and Mercury in sensitive Pisces make this an opportune time for communications, activism, creative activities, doing business, and giving or getting a psychic reading.
Angelic home blessing:
I bless this space with the white light of angels and with the energy of hope in my heart that I press into these walls now.
Vibrations of success flow today, as Moon in Cancer opposes fortunate Jupiter. The big planet also rules today’s numerology of 6, favoring the Cancerian realms of prosperity, family, marriage, and protection.
Moon also trines psychic Neptune. With the Full Moon only two days away, we can use the tail end of its waxing cycle do business, or to take action in favor of mothers, children, families or the ocean. Or we might retrieve a project begun sometime in the past related to self-empowerment, intuition, metaphysics or angels (both Jupiter and Neptune rule the latter).
Steer clear of negative surroundings and avoid making a drama or taking things personally.
I give thanks for my opportunities and move to use them now.
Today’s numerology of 7 stimulates brain-power, and we can use all the clarity we can get with Mercury in spacey Pisces and also now in pre-retrograde shadow.
After a wee-hour bout with Mars, Moon in sensitive Cancer goes VOC on an opposition to demanding Saturn. Luna in the sign of the crab still performs, although this aspect can stifle spontaneity and foment insecurity and guilt trips. It does favor reorganization, whether in home, business, stock portfolio, a ritual for tomorrow’s Full Moon, or how to best use the Mercury in shadow and retrograde that will continue through the month.
Just after noon (3:02 pm ET), Venus leaves Pisces’ sweet waters and enters intense Aries. Overall, this isn’t a harmonious placement, but it can foment positive competition and team efforts to overcome a challenge.
At 2:45 pm (5:45 ET), Moon enters warm Leo, where she trines Venus for a romantic afternoon. This is a fine day for a late lunch date or to attend a gathering, express your feelings in style, and give and receive recognition.
Plan to get home early: at 7:43 pm (11:43 ET), Luna squares Uranus in stubborn Taurus for one of those fixed sign stand-offs that can ruin the party. On the portal of a rather intense Full Moon in Leo, it’s best that we keep a low profile
This evening, keep your ego under your vest and meditate, read or take in political commentary.
I resonate with angels, and their presence prevails, here and now.
Moon in Leo makes slightly stressful contacts that bring out its creative potential, while today’s numerology of 8 pushes for tangible progress.
But with Moon reaching fullness tonight, we don’t want to push too much. Better to work on emotional healing or something creative, have a personal retreat, participate in a ritual with a small group of trusted friends.
Contacts with others and work are okay if we give them the light touch.
The Full Moon is exact at 11:33 pm (2:33 am ET). This moon, known as the Chaste Moon, is a portal of purification, simplification, and reconnection with our inner child. It facilitates release of everything that’s not joyous or useful.
In Leo, it can help us release control and ego trips, and/or fear about letting our light shine.
At 20-21 Leo, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
INTOXICATED DOMESTIC BIRDS FLY AROUND IN DIZZY ATTEMPTS. Unsteady, first realization of spiritual being. Forced inspiration which the ego cannot sustain. False self-intoxication.
This lunation also favors finishing something started sometime before February 1 related to children, a creative project, romance, art, or a hobby.
Angels of innocence, please cleanse me of low vibrations and restore my radiant essence now.
Leo Moon makes some tense aspects this morning, before going VOC on a trine to eager Mars. We may feel up for adventure, but the influences are better for visualizing, enjoying the garden, going on a low-key walk, taking ourselves out to breakfast, reading poetry, philosophy and drama, playing table games or doing something creative just for fun.
With the entrance of Moon in productive Virgo at 3:39 pm (6:39 ET), we suddenly want to do something useful. Luna’s nighttime trine to Uranus in Taurus favors decluttering, troubleshooting, helping someone, taking stock, and completion of old projects.
I move to release attachments, and new good flows to me now.
With Venus joining Chiron the wounded healer in Aries, this morning is great for a visit to the gynecologist; and also for journaling, therapy, and any initiative that helps heal self-esteem.
Creative thought flows, favoring writing, preparing a promotion or a letter to Congress. But actual communications can be a bit confusing until around 10:00 am (12:00 pm ET).
The rest of the day is great for work, publicity, giving a class or seminar and service activities.
That is, until 7:29 pm (10:29 ET), when Moon’s opposition to Neptune can make for confusion. However, the intangible, imaginative Neptunian influence favors work on spiritual healing, consulting our intuition, or programming our dreams.
Affirmation to incubate a dream:
Deep within, I know the answer I seek, and my inner being reveals it in a clear, positive dream I remember on waking.
With Moon in diligent Virgo in trine to organized Saturn and powerhouse Pluto, we can make great, practical headway in the first part of the day on such tangible projects as reorganizing desk or papers, presenting an account, taking concrete steps to manifest our dreams, and working on finance, structure and completion of something begun before February 1.
However! Avoid ruining things by getting picky or neurotic. Use these influences early, since Moon goes VOC at 10:26 am (1:26 pm ET). At this point, take a break (against the urgings of pesky Virgo), wash clothes, call someone just to show you care, and meditate or pray until 3:27 pm (6:27 ET), when Luna enters Libra.
From now until 9:00 pm (12:00 am ET), we get a good window to see friends, go to a concert, send your partner roses, buy something for the house, make a court appearance, work on your bank statement, PR or something involving justice, compromise, teamwork or negotiation.
Anywhere I go, whatever I do, all I encounter is infinite good.
Moon in social Libra makes contacts that stimulate creativity but can also generate tension.
Have lunch with friends, download new music, give yourself a hair treatment or go for a manicure. (But don’t make major changes to your image unless you started that before February 2, when Mercury entered shadow.)
Seek people out for work or socializing, but remember to be diplomatic. Use today’s numerology of 3 to choose your words carefully, and only say what lifts people’s spirits and contributes to mutual good will.
Contacts with spirit guides and angels are favored.
Infinite Intelligence sends kind, empowering words to me and through me, now and always.
Pay attention to this morning’s window for people connection. Moon in Libra makes a morning trine to Sun, whose benefits kick in after an early tension to Pluto wears off, at around 9:00 am (12:00 pm ET). making for a short hour-plus spell that favors people-connections. During this window, see friends, take your honey to brunch, work on a negotiation or reach a compromise, do teamwork, act on a legal process, fix your hair, hold a ceremony.
At 10:46 am (1:46 pm ET), sweetness fades as Moon squares stern Saturn. This can bring guilt trips, a sense of overload or that we’re somehow not enough; so independent activities go better, like organizing our space, clothes, correspondence, or plants.
At 1:40 pm (4;40 ET), Luna goes VOC on a sextile to Mars. Now we can enjoy beauty and do casual socializing. Save important connections until after 4:37 pm (7:37 ET), when she enters Scorpio, or better yet, wait until tomorrow afternoon and evening.
Now, we might use this Scorpio energy to do research, work on a long-range goal seeded before February 1, solve a problem, get closure, or work on inner change.
Spirit’s love flows like a river through my life path, bringing forth only good from my past, present and future now.
Moon in Scorpio makes an early connection to romantic Venus, followed by harmonies to Mercury the messenger, Jupiter the publicist and later tonight, Neptune the mystic. A Valentine’s Day date is apt to go well, particularly with a current or old flame, since Mercury is now in storm.
Socializing and seduction go well, and so do activist and work initiatives. Although Scorpio can be intense, these aspects are great for communications, promotion, teaching and sales. In one way or another, we can get closer to others.
Lady luck blesses courageous actions on something started before February 1.
I am infinite being, and I am connected to all the good that the divine mind sends me, now and always.
If you ended up sleeping with the boss last night (or if you’re the boss that got slept with), you might move in together this morning.
Yesterday’s energies helped us merge with others, and this morning’s sextile from Moon in Scorpio to ruler Pluto just might close the merger, or the deal, or the gap that kept us from our love.
With today’s prosperous, protective numerology of 6, this sextile is dynamite for moving courageously to build something or somehow firm up a change we’ve been working for. Try to do it before 2:17 pm (5:17 ET), when Moon makes her Fourth Quarter, starting her monthly cycle of wind-down. At 26-27 Scorpio, she triggers the following Sabian symbol:
A MILITARY BAND, FLASHY AND NOISY, MARCHES ON POMPOUSLY. Desire to impress upon others the glory of one’s social eminence. Materialization of normally subjective values. Show.
Combined with the Fourth Quarter Moon, this is a good moment to review our postures, release concern for the opinions of others, and return to our authentic selves.
At 2:20 pm (5:20 ET), Luna goes VOC on a sextile to Saturn that favors taking a break to get our inner work (books, journal, visualization tools, etc.) in order.
At 8:07 pm (11:07 ET), she enters Sagittarius. Watch a humorous movie, get caught up on correspondence, promote something, work on forgiveness or to retrieve data, socialize or incubate a dream.
Affirmation to incubate a dream:
Guardian Angel, please show me what I need to see about (describe the situation), in a clear, positive dream that I remember on waking.
Hero planet Mars enters Capricorn, sign of work. His intensely focused mode may actually come as a relief, helping mobilize us in actions related to the goals that have been absorbing us under this year’s alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Pallas in Capricorn. (See our General Influences for more on the Red Planet’s placement.)
Moon in visionary Sag makes a trine to Venus that’s great for people connections! Have an adventure or a picnic, take or give a seminar, seek out friends, throw a party, socialize. Even though it’s Sunday, be creative and think of something you can do for business, applying this combination of visionary and practical influences in promotion, PR or an interaction requiring charm and diplomacy.
Mercury goes fully retrograde today, so remember to focus on something begun before February 1.
At 7:10 pm (10:10 ET), Moon squares Mercury the messenger in sensitive Pisces. Communications may be confusing. Enjoy art, a film, or music, or connect with light beings.
I have an appointment with greater good and I move to demonstrate it now.
Today’s numerology of 8 moves us to consolidate power, and the Moon in Sagittarius keeps our vision wide open.
Optimism is in the air! We can engage in a team effort, spend time outdoors, make headway in trade or a legal matter, hold a business meeting or seminar, lend or borrow money, give a tutorial, get a long-overdue answer, relaunch or do follow-up with a promotion.
The force behind my life loves me and moves on the best and highest path, now and always.
At 2:37 am (5:37 ET), Moon enters serious Capricorn. She makes an early conjunction to Mars that can accentuate conflict, but it also strengthens our courage to fight for a cause, a loved one or our dreams. At 8:45 am (11:45 ET), Moon trines Uranus, moving us out of our comfort zone.
As it’s the Sun’s last day in sociable Aquarius, these combined influences are especially appropriate for:
- Sharing an original idea
- Connecting with stimulating friends
- Fighting for a cause
- Gathering with like souls
- Knocking on a key door
- Moving boldly in something related to business or work
Guardian Angel (or name your Spirit Guides), please connect me with my authentic self so I may think, speak and move from my center, now and always.
With Moon in Capricorn joining fortunate Jupiter and making a sextile to imaginative Neptune, today is great for putting our hearts into finishing something, especially activities related to high finance, administration, business, or work. Ask for a promotion, entertain the boss, seek out an authority figure, reapply for credit, have reconstructive surgery, or organize an area of life that’s become scattered or disrupted.
With Moon waxing and Mercury retrograde, focus on finishing or redoing something started previously. If you’re up to it, the approaching sextile from Jupiter to Neptune enhances the Moon in Capricorn and favors working into or even through the night, either on business or spiritual activities.
Angels of progress, please direct me to follow through on my true priorities now.
At 6:18 am (9:18 ET), Moon goes VOC in Capricorn. If you’re up before then, you can make great headway in work.
Otherwise, check on an elder or sleep in until 11:42 am (2:42 pm ET), when Luna enters Aquarius. In the meantime, Jupiter in practical Capricorn will have made a lovely sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Sextiles bring opportunities and this team favors concrete projects involving:
- Altruism
- Compassion
- Service
- Creativity
- Media production
- Publicity
- Business
- Music
- Spiritual or group activities
- Anything related to our dreams.
At the same time, dynamic Mars is closing in on a trine to liberating Uranus. This is great for inspired action, seeing our way clear and finding shortcuts. It’s time to act on inspiration, knock on a key, high-up door, offer support, and seek out others who are related to or in resonance with your direction.
This heavenly window is open wide open until 6:13 pm (9:13 ET), when a square from Moon to ruler Uranus may spark unnecessary arguments and exaggerate our self-righteousness.
Evening favors art and journaling.
I am guided in synch with the forces of positive evolution now.
Balsamic Moon in Aquarius is great for moving out of our comfort zones and practicing release. Tthe approaching sextile from Sun to Moon’s ruler Uranus is harbinger of good results. Dynamic Mars perfects his trine to liberating Uranus: direct, bold action can open a big door. Use these influences today, since tomorrow Moon will be VOC ‘til late.
- Get closure.
- Break out of a rut.
- Quit your job!
- Make an offering or donation with no strings attached.
- Ask for what you need.
- Knock on a door you’ve approached before.
- Break the rules.
- Set a limit.
- Do investigative research involving a major life change or refinancing your home.
- Speak your mind.
- Work on forgiveness or something creative.
At 8:08 pm (11:08 ET), Moon goes VOC on a sextile to Venus. Enjoy friends or a romantic novel or movie.
The angels of renewal guide me to release obsolete attitudes, things and situations, and I act on their guidance now.
Moon is VOC in Aquarius until 10:37 pm (1:37 am ET on Sunday). This doesn’t keep the Sun from perfecting its sextile to Moon’s ruler Uranus.
Journal or meditate to release limiting beliefs and attachments (Uranus is good at this). Declutter a bookshelf or other space; enjoy some downtime with friends and a good book.
I am worthy of rest, and I pause to enjoy it now.
If the airs have seemed a bit heavy since the last Full Moon, today they clear. At 7:32 am (10:32 ET), Moon becomes new in Pisces. Pisces is about imagination, spirituality, inner happiness, compassion and releasing helplessness.
Although Mercury retrograde doesn’t favor completely new beginnings, Moon’s sextiles to go-getter Mars and liberator Uranus are great for combining Piscean imagination with effective action that facilitates a breakthrough. A square from Venus to Jupiter can fuel romantic fantasies and overspending, but it accentuates our kindness and brings luck in finances and people connections.
All in all, this is a great portal for dusting off our dreams and putting feet on them, finding high-vibration connections and getting our daily life in synch with our spiritual ideals.
The Sabian Symbol for 4-5 Pisces says:
A CHURCH BAZAR… RITUALIZED BENEFICENCE… the possibility of the presence of God in even the most material human activities.
Write down an intention and create tangible reminders to stay on track—a spiritual datebook, post-its around the house and office, a picture of an angel or spirit guide in sight of the bed so you remember to start the day in gratitude or connection, an hourly alarm on your phone, and so on.
With Mercury retrograde, the Pisces New Moon is the best portal to review and redo treasure maps, vision boards and related materials.
Remember to focus on something begun before February 1, when Mercury entered pre-retrograde shadow.
Sample intentions for this portal:
- I see myself replacing fantasy with effective, daily steps towards my dreams.
- I want to renew my visualization practice in an orderly, effective manner.
- I wish to be centered in love for myself and others.
- I want self-pity entirely lifted from me.
- I can see a high percentage of people leading spirit-centered lives.
- I imagine myself sharing with others who sincerely resonate with my spiritual preferences.
- I see myself living from a consciousness of love and faith.
- I wish to be in conscious, frequent contact with the angels and my spirit guides.
- I can see myself following my intuition with persistent, successful actions.
- I imagine world leaders that come from a place of kindness.
On the front porch of yesterday’s New Moon, the next 24 hours are great for manifesting the intentions we established yesterday. Moon in intuitive Pisces joins Neptune and sextiles Jupiter. These are the two angel planets and this morning is great for invoking them. It also favors dream work, consulting our intuition, and making a dream board, treasure map or related tools for visualization.
Sun in Pisces sextiles dynamic Mars in focused Capricorn, facilitating confident, effective action to ground our dreams. Tonight and early tomorrow, Moon sextiles the Pluto and Saturn duo in constructive Capricorn.
Stay up as late as you can and push to finish something creative or work-related.
My good is here, and I’m ready to receive it now.
This morning, Moon goes VOC on a sextile to Saturn. In Pisces, she still performs and with this aspect, continues yesterday’s productive roll.
Morning and late afternoon and evening are the most harmonious times for people connections, since Moon enters Aries at 10:47 am (1:47 pm ET), a fun, quick placement that tends to be low on diplomacy and patience.
Aries’ pioneering spirit does compliment the newly waxing Moon. We can re-launch a business or marketing plan, take advantage of an opportunity may not have noticed ‘til now, initiate change, or work on the car or a health issue. Avoid an unnecessary argument or a testosterone display.
With Sun joining Mercury in Pisces, and Mercury approaching a sextile to Mars (that perfects later this evening), sensitive communication can lift other’s spirits and persuade customers.
Moon joins Chiron, tread softly because people may take things personally.
My sales are made of divine substance, and only good can come from them, now and always. (If you don’t do sales of any kind, you could affirm this in third person for a dear one.)
Today’s powerful numerology of 8 fuels our drive, combining with Moon in assertive Aries to favor trading, implementing a tough measure, acting with courage and leadership, collecting a debt and pushing through resistance to get things done.
Have an extra helping of diplomacy and/or do your dealings from a distance, as this position is rather weak on PR.
Divine love flows through my relationships, facilitating harmonious connections now.
Make people connections early. Moon in restless Aries joins sweet Venus, a charming fusion for work or personal relationships.
At 11:47 am (2:47 pm ET), the honeymoon is over when Moon squares immovable Pluto, and then goes VOC at 7:25 pm (11:25 ET) on a square to police-planet Saturn. Aries and Capricorn are both boss signs, so these squares can be pretty pushy.
Vent aggressions by weeding, scouring the oven, getting rid of clutter or cleaning out the garage. But whatever you do, exercise caution, pace yourself and avoid overlooking details or, if you must deal with others, coming on too strong.
Try leaving the contacts you weren’t able to make this morning for after 11:30 pm (2:30 am ET), when Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation.
Or, get to bed early to make the most of tomorrow’s lovely influences.
Love, love, love. Love flows from me to fill my path and harmonize my connections, now and always.
Today sounds a call for change and gives us the tools to make it happen. Today’s numerology of 1 favors our bold initiatives. Moon is exalted in Taurus and joins Uranus this morning, shaking us out of our comfort zone.
Luna harmonizes with Mercury the messenger, Mars the mover and confidant Sun. Ruler Venus makes a square to Pluto, triggering change in relationships and finances. And Mercury sextiles Uranus, sparking brilliant communications that can open doors and sell just about anything.
Plan to focus in actions for:
- Ecology
- A musical production
- Art (completing, selling, promoting)
- Business, including finances, real-estate, home affairs, promotions
- Adding spice to a romantic or intimate relationship
- Renewing an old flame
- Something that requires long-lasting results
- Your abundance mentality
I am divinely attractive to my best and highest good, which is drawn to me and appears here and now.
The month closes on a high wavelength, as Moon, exalted in Taurus, harmonizes during waking hours with Neptune and Jupiter, planets of compassion, vision, fortune, and angels. And, this is Leap Day—a day “out of time” that doesn’t appear on our calendars every year!
Today’s numerology of 11 opens a portal for angels to use humanity’s love energy to lift the planet’s vibration, and these aspects fuel our hearts.
Share a nice meal, give an opulent gift, show empathy, do something to help animals or a group in need, pray for world food supply, listen to or make music, record a guided meditation, enjoy nature, appreciate art, do business, take care of money, work to build self-esteem or take a tangible step towards your dreams.
My heart is a center of divine love that releases and forgives all now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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