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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast packagebefore the month begins, along with the 2019 Annual Astrological Travel Planner, the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, December 1–31, 2019
This free forecast is updated every Monday.
Sunday, December 1
Moon in friendly, creative Aquarius sextiles Sun in confident Sagittarius. Importantly, this is the last day that mighty Jupiter will be free to romp in his ruling sign of Sagittarius. Today is great for decorating a tree or sprig, joining with friends for an early celebration or to discuss holiday plans, or having an adventure.
We may also enjoy other expansive, sociable activities like fighting for a cause, organizing a surprise party, learning a new dance or attending an offbeat spiritual gathering.
Guardian Angel, please make a space for joy in my heart and connections now.
Monday, December 2
Gregarious, expansive Jupiter begins a year-long stint in Capricorn, the sign of the schoolmarm. In Capricorn the planet of party cools down, making this holiday’s tone more serious than usual. The upside is that if we have something to finish or produce, we can get into a kind of boy scout mode, heroically focused on the mission at hand and able to leap tall piles of papers or other productive goals in a single bound, one after another, in true Capricorn style.
From now through December 10, this planet of fortune will be triggering the Aries point, which is on and around the first degree of a cardinal sign. This placement gives long-reaching force to all things related to Jupiter and Capricorn. (For more on this transit, check our December General Influences.)
With today’s Moon VOC in Aquarius, our mode is not so productive. However, a fortunate sextile from Mercury the messenger to Pluto the deep does favor creative thinking, journaling, encounters with close friends, researching fringe topics for fun, and transmuting our thoughts.
If you’re up for it, do spiritual work or business after 11:11 pm (2:11 am ET), when Moon enters Pisces, followed by a lovely sextile to Jupiter that favors publicity, commerce, and contacts with light beings.
Angels are with me always, and I pause to heed them now.
Tuesday, December 3
Moon in sensitive Pisces makes dynamic aspects that facilitate action in business, romance, creativity, and in general, contacts with others.
Charming Venus, still on the doorstep of yesterday’s sextile from Mercury the messenger to Pluto the powerful, moves to sextile potent Mars. This combination makes for rich connections that generate something new—a hot date, making love, working on creative expression or sales, or doing something requiring charm.
Mars also receives a harmony from Moon, prompting us to act on a dream, or defend a vulnerable group or loved one.
At 10:58 pm (1:58 am ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter. At 11-12 Pisces, her Sabian symbol says:
IN THE SANCTUARY OF AN OCCULT BROTHERHOOD, NEWLY INITIATED MEMBERS ARE BEING EXAMINED AND THEIR CHARACTER TESTED… The ever-repeated challenge presented to the individual by the group in which she has claimed acceptance… to prove herself and her ability to assume responsibility effectively… Sooner or later life… demands [that one stand] up to the ideal he or she has declared publicly… The initiate has become a constituent part of a… field of mental-spiritual activity… She is no longer seeking, having found her place, she must prove herself able to fulfill the function associated with it…Keyword: QUALIFICATION.
Guardian Angel (or name your spirit guide), please direct me to demonstrate my best and highest place in the divine plan now.
Wednesday, December 4
Today’s constructive numerology of 4 compliments lunar sextiles to Saturn the builder and Pluto the powerful, accentuating the potential of today’s Moon in creative Pisces and making this a day worthy of focus.
Activities that combine focus, intentionality, and creativity in almost magical synergy are favored. For example,
- Organize the month
- Work on art, business or something requiring imagination
- Write a proposal,
- Settle a dispute with family, friends or colleagues
- Design a house or production
- Send out tweets, emails or promotional messages.
Goddesses of power, please connect me with my inner magic and direct me to apply it, here and now.
Thursday, December 5
Yesterday’s window for magical action remains open, as Moon in creative Pisces receives the dynamic vibration of number 5.
Use it before 11:44 am (2:44 pm ET), when Luna enters restless Aries, keeping us on our toes.
Moon’s square to Jupiter and conjunction to Chiron aren’t particularly harmonious, and can bring out the touchy side of this placement. To counteract this tendency, take a walk in nature, pick up garbage in the neighborhood, make a list of independent actions to take tomorrow evening, work on the car or a health issue, or do something bold at a distance. Avoid unnecessary fights, coming on too strong, and taking things personally.
I am an agent of good, and the universe supports my actions now.
Friday, December 6
Moon in trigger-happy Aries makes tense aspects to ruler Mars and relational Venus. Today’s kind, sociable numerology of 6 softens these vibrations somewhat, favoring independent, creative work and getting organized to act tonight, when Moon trines Sun in confident Sagittarius.
The aspect starts at 5:04 pm (8:04 ET), bringing our minds and hearts into alignment and favoring bold initiatives in trading, limit-setting, re-launching a scheme or business begun sometime before October 16, taking advantage of a situation, participating in a competition, sending out a proposal or resumé, collecting a debt, or pushing through inner resistance to get something done.
Nothing can be limiting me because there is no power to limit, only Spirit’s power that lifts me up in wellness, harmony and success now.
Saturday, December 7
Moon in Aries makes us want to move, but her early squares to boss-planets Saturn and Pluto bring out the feisty potential of this placement. And, Moon goes VOC at 7:01 am (10:01 ET), where she’ll be for the rest of the day, leaving us without emotional focus.
Solitary activity spares us some of Aries’ potential abrasiveness. We might do light exercise, weed the garden, apply the perceptual strength of today’s number 7 to study a new topic, plan a competitive strategy, do crossword puzzles, or play Scrabble with someone harmonious.
At 11:29 pm (2:29 am), Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation, where she helps us stay grounded in the midst of tomorrow’s excitement.
I give thanks that I’m divinely guided to apply my courage in positive, appropriate ways now.
Sunday, December 8
Sun squares imaginative Neptune, stimulating our faith, intuition and imagination and making today propitious for enjoying music, art, a spiritual gathering, and contacting light beings or dear ones on the other side.
Although this aspect can exaggerate risks and confusion, Moon in earthy Taurus keeps our feet on the ground.
Her contacts to Jupiter and Uranus trigger altruistic sentiments. A sextile from Venus to Neptune—planets of personal and spiritual love, respectively—fuels compassion. It’s also nice for romance, empathy and healing. A square from Jupiter to Chiron also favors healing.
And, ta-da! Mercury finally emerges from shadow, ending a seven-week retrograde/shadow period and freeing up communications that seemed stuck.
Today, we can do something unusual involving others, particularly in service. But, we’ll do best to avoid making a loan, decision or commitment, or visiting dubious places. Take it easy on the alcohol or mind-altering substances; focus on someone or something close to your heart and soul. We don’t have to hole-up— today’s numerology of 8 contributes to our success—but stay mindful and be selective of activities and company.
I’m not subject to toxic influences, the Divine Guardian is with me, guiding me and shielding my physical and psychic being, now amd always.
Monday, December 9
In the wee hours, Mercury ends his two-month sojourn through Scorpio’s shadows. A veil or even a weight of sorts lifts. With the messenger planet now in out-there Sagittarius, we’re able to speak our minds and share our ideas—even, at times, just a bit much.
This transit works nicely with the Moon exalted in Taurus and harmonizing with Venus, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. With Mercury finally direct, at the tail end of Moon’s waxing phase, just two days before the upcoming Full Moon, these transits make this one of December’s best days for tangible results from our efforts.
Such tangible efforts might include launching a promotion or publication, setting up a business, taking care of money, making an investment, leasing or renting property, hiring new staff, or buying or renting a home. Or, working on home affairs, self-esteem, romance, or something involving stability and security, or that requires long-lasting results, is also favored.
At 5:13 pm (8:13 ET), Moon goes VOC, although in Taurus she still performs.
In spite of my fear I move forward, and my results are magical, now amd always.
Tuesday, December 10
With Mercury the messenger in trine to wounded healer Chiron, morning is a great time to use prayers for healing and forgiveness, to lift someone’s spirits, share motivational messages, or participate in meaningful connection of one kind or another.
At 8:47 am (11:47 ET), Moon enters Gemini, connecting more fully to tomorrow’s Full Moon portal. Gemini loves to communicate. Now we can do errands and business, work on correspondence, send messages, make calls, give a presentation or speech, present a proposal, share ideas with colleagues, authority figures or clients, obtain and sign a contract, do a live broadcast on social networks; work on sales, writing or something requiring inspiration and inventiveness. And—avoid getting distracted or scattered.
No circumstance or situation can keep Infinite Intelligence from expressing through me successfully now.
Wednesday, December 11
With Venus joining Saturn and Mercury connecting with Uranus, this is a relational day, but not necessarily smooth.
On days like today, with the numerology of 11, the angels use humanity’s love vibration to lift the planetary frequency. If we meditate or affirm to generate this energy in the morning, we will connect with the highest and best frequency of today’s Full Moon portal.
Although it comes with some tense aspects, this lunation’s final dispositor is Saturn, whose conjunction to Venus sweetens the work required by the taskmaster planet. The improvements we make in business and relationships can be lasting.
The December Full Moon is connected to the energy of Oak. Known for its strength, Oak’s roots go deep into the earth and her branches reach wide and high, supporting our confidence and our intentions to find balance between material and spiritual existence.
In Gemini, this lunation becomes exact at 9:12 pm (12:12 am ET). It brings to light things related to communication, deals of all kinds, contracts, bureaucracy, siblings and work connections.
By invoking the spirit of Oak, we can conclude things and close cycles in preparation for the upcoming Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn.
At 19-20 Gemini, the Sabian symbol says:
A SELF-SERVICE RESTAURANT DISPLAYS AN ABUNDANCE OF FOOD. Prodigal distribution of life resources. Inner wealth, satiation or discriminative use of natural energies.
Moon goes VOC on reaching fullness.
Spirit of Oak, please imbue me with confidence and intuition so I may work for mastery now and throughout the present cycle.
Thursday, December 12
It would be great if we could each get some down time today. Moon is VOC in Gemini until 3:23 pm (5:23 pm ET), when she enters Cancer. If you can’t get out of work, try sticking routine chores. Or journal, do crossword puzzles and use mantras or affirmations.
A T-square to Chiron and Jupiter accent Cancer Moon’s sensitivity, bringing to light emotional issues triggered by last night’s Full Moon. Also, Chiron itself goes direct in opposition to Jupiter, while these two are both at the critical Aries point. Provoke a pause to work on feelings through meditation, journaling, therapy, or a preferred modality.
An evening sextile from Moon to Uranus makes nighttime easier, and better than today for socializing and communications.
Guardian Angel (or spirit guides), please help me look at my feelings and heal them definitively now.
Friday, December 13
The weekend begins on an intense note, with pushy Mars in intense Scorpio in trine to sensitive Neptune, and Venus, planet of love and money, joining powerful Pluto. This combination is highly creative, perfect for healing emotional and hormonal conditions, acting on one’s intuition, having a sexy encounter, making a heroic effort to help people or causes, and getting to the bottom of our true emotions.
Moon in sensitive Cancer further accents intuition and puts home, family, real estate, business, or one’s country in the spotlight.
Consult your inner guidance system, work on forgiveness, act boldly on your dreams or on behalf of a person or cause. Save direct confrontation for another day and steer clear of potentially dubious situations, places, gatherings and connections.
I’m not subject to toxic or limiting influences. Spirit’s love shines through every situation and condition, bringing only good to me, now amd always.
Saturday, December 14
With Moon in Cancer connecting with Sun and artistic Venus, creativity is in the air. We’re still on the Full Moon portal, and fortunate Jupiter is approaching a trine with Uranus, planet of freedom, so today’s efforts can make a difference at home or in creative, business and entrepreneurial endeavors.
Read our comments for Wednesday’s Full Moon, catch up on an independent initiative, refurbish or decorate your home, help a family member.
At 7:56 pm (10:56 ET), Moon enters playful Leo. Creative inspiration continues to flow, but so does the party spirit.
Infinite good prevails in my world, and I can only pick up the good, now amd always.
Sunday, December 15
We get one of the year’s great gifts in the form of a trine from fortunate Jupiter to Uranus the liberator. Actually, both of these planets have to do with freedom, and this propitious harmony can precipitate an unblocking. With earth signs, the spotlight is on our security, material concerns, and financial freedom.
We can pursue financial good fortune and mental/emotional independence in many ways: advertise a blog or services for psychology, self-help or astrology, impart or take a class, give a lecture related to communications or a technical or new-age topic, seek out oversees connections, buy a lottery ticket, ask for a miracle, file for a patent, do or publicize psychical research, broadcast our message.
If your current priorities are not material, use this transit to enjoy some offbeat, atypical activities—try a bicycle trail, join a brotherhood or boycott, try a new spiritual group or practice, prepare a divorce, engage in spiritual healing, contact angels, gods and goddesses, climb a mountain, visit a phrenologist, do or publicize psychical research, or enjoy a romance.
Midday is the best time to connect with others.
I give thanks for the expected and unexpected blessings that flow to me, now amd always.
Monday, December 16
The trine from Jupiter to Uranus is still active, and today’s numerology of 7 emphasizes mental and intuitive pursuits. Re-read our tips for yesterday afternoon, and take tangible action (particularly for things related to study and communication), broadcast your message. Seek out overseas connections or someone who can teach you or open a key door.
Do this before 2:10 pm (5:10 ET), when Moon goes VOC, where she will be until 11:16 pm (2:16 am ET), when she enters Virgo. This afternoon and evening, take some time off for fun, get in touch with your inner child, color a mandala, dance, do something theatrical, watch a funny movie.
I don’t have to wait for my good. My good cannot in a different place or time. My good is always where I am, and it appears as (name your preferred intent, such as guidance, opportunities, or financial supply) through infinite channels now.
Tuesday, December 17
Today is great for focused work efforts and practical success. Moon in Virgo trines Saturn the builder and Pluto the transformer, facilitating practical manifestation, stock-taking, completion of an old project, and efforts involving finance, structure, and productivity.
Early morning is most favorable for connections with others, while evening is best for troubleshooting, cleaning, organizing and service endeavors.
A nighttime square to Moon’s ruler, Mercury, reminds us to avoid excessive criticism.
I hold to my vision, and divine substance gathers to manifest it now.
Wednesday, December 18
Save socializing for tomorrow. Today is truly extraordinary for moving ahead or finishing something practical. Rise early to seize the last day of Moon’s Third Quarter.
In diligent Virgo, she makes an early sextile to bold Mars in powerful Scorpio. Push through resistance to get something done, approach someone in a position of power, or otherwise apply focus and courage. This energetic Moon also trines Saturn the worker and Pluto the powerful, giving us the mojo to organize and implement productive strategies.
At 8:57 pm (10:57 ET), Moon reaches Fourth Quarter. At 26-27 Virgo, her Sabian symbol says:
ELDERLY WOMEN DRINKING AFTERNOON TEA IN A WEALTHY HOME. Preservation of social and cultural values. Inward, unobtrusive superiority or else pure smugness. Prestige of position.
I discern what resonates with my ideals, and let the rest go, here and now.
Thursday, December 19
This is a creative and potentially productive day. Assertive Mars makes a sextile to executive Saturn, supporting initiatives related to work, business, the elderly or those in authority.
Moon in sociable Libra turns on the charm and aesthetic sense, although her tense contacts may also bring out our argumentative side.
Mercury squares Neptune, favoring creative thinking, though this combo can also lead to confusion.
Charm, artistry, and achievement are the name of the game today. We can move ahead with a practical concern or to finish something creative—decorate for the holidays, or do last-minute Solstice and Christmas shopping. We should take care to avoid an unnecessary argument, and postpone signing contracts or making new commitments. When interacting with others, remember to breathe deeply and clear your head before responding.
The substance of my connections is divine, and I give thanks that this loving, dynamic substance is generating good for all involved in and through my connections now.
Friday, December 20
Venus made a midnight entrance into idealistic Aquarius, and she rules the Moon in sociable Libra. Morning lends itself to creative thinking and activities, as well as to people-connections for socializing or inspiration.
We might choose this time to reach out to dear ones, do something altruistic, or hold a Solstice or holiday breakfast.
At 12:08 pm (3:08 ET), the charm quotient may wane and neurosis may set in as Moon squares Saturn and Pluto in responsible Capricorn. Take a break to meditate, get work done, rearrange the furniture and declutter your space with an eye to beauty.
The Divine Organizer gathers my true contacts and I enjoy sharing with them now.
Saturday, December 21
At 3:45 am (6:45 ET), Moon goes VOC in Libra, then enters intense Scorpio at 4:57 am (7:57 ET).
This morning, her tense contacts are apt to create dark, emotional undercurrents. Keep a low profile: arrange for therapy, a healing session, or a trip to the gym; visit a support group, take a steam bath. Journal about your inner shadows and the limits you wish to set. Work on forgiveness and release.
Plan to resurface at 12:21 pm (3:21 ET), when Moon makes a lovely sextile to Jupiter, softening the airwaves.
The rest of the afternoon is favorable for goal accomplishment, making a discreet enquiry, leasing or renting property or solving a problem.
Social Venus squares independent Uranus. Connections can be exciting, we can come up with attractive, original ideas and designs. However, there may be a stressful surprise in relationships or finances, so tread mindfully and research options before signing on the dotted line.
At 8:19 pm (11:19 ET), Sun enters Capricorn, triggering the beginning of winter and the critical first degree of a cardinal sign. This is the astrological New Year, a time to celebrate the newborn Sun and set our intentions for the 12 astrological months ahead.
With the Moon towards the end of her waning cycle, and in the dark of the upcoming Solar Eclipse, the intentions we establish may have to do with closing a cycle, forgiving ourselves or others, following through on a commitment, promise or good intention, and letting something go.
Toltec Solstice Blessing:
Welcome, Newborn Sun, rising ray of light!
Please fill us will your determination
to give the best of ourselves, and send us support to favor this intent
now and throughout the new cycle now beginning!
Sunday, December 22
It’s a great day to do something assertive or different for business, research, or mystical and healing activities.
Today’s Master Number 22 expands the influence of our energy and efforts, which can reach the masses.
Venus’ square to Uranus perfects, as does a sextile from Mars to Pluto. As the rulers of the Moon in Scorpio, this pair brings out her potential for effective action. Also, she trines intuitive Neptune and constructive Saturn, besides Pluto himself. Under these energies, we’re empowered to dig up important information, meditate, seek angelic guidance, consult an oracle, hold a dream-interpretation group, attend a healing or spiritual meeting, research non-official versions, make a life-altering decision, solve a problem, and/or act on a goal for change we set in motion before October 16.
Spirit knows what I need to see, and guides me to perceive it now.
Monday, December 23
With Moon VOC in Scorpio, use this morning to write down dreams and work on healing. At 8:34 am (11:34 ET), Luna enters Sagittarius, with aspects that continue to favor healing and also altruistic endeavors.
At 4:38 pm (7:38 ET), she makes a pleasant sextile to Venus, great for a holiday gathering and contacts with others—particularly for friendly, intellectual, or activist pursuits.
I am surrounded by angels, and only good vibrations and influences can reach me, now amd always.
Tuesday, December 24
On the doorstep of tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn, the atmosphere is serious. Moon in square to sensitive Neptune may make us touchy, but this configuration favors compassion, empathy, forgiveness—and choosing our Christmas music!
A freshly minted Sun in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus, an aspect that favors altruistic activities like volunteering at the local hospice or soup kitchen, as well as business connections.
The good in hearts around the world is moving us to more compassionate and kinder ways of seeing others now.
Wednesday, December 25
Morning and midday, while Moon is still in Sagittarius, are the best time for inspiration and gatherings.
At 1:45 pm (4:45 ET), Moon enters Capricorn, setting a more serious tone, and pulling us definitively into the portal of the Solar Eclipse.
The New Moon in Capricorn is a great time for setting New Year’s intentions. You might enjoy writing them down by yourself or sharing a holiday Eclipse Blessing with your natural or spiritual family. Either way, take into account that the present lunation triggers the South Node, inviting us to release, offer up, or finish something so that we may begin again.
The New Moon is exact at 9:13 pm (12:13 am ET). It trines liberating Uranus and joins permissive Jupiter, indicating cosmic support for release and freedom. Is there an attachment you need to release in order to move on? Would you like cosmic support to finish a project or follow through on a commitment for business, your credit situation, or work? What area of your life needs a deep reorganization? Is there something you can do for a teacher, an elder, or an institution, or some way you can express your thanks and honor them?
We might also give of our time or money to a cause involving Capricorn rulerships: politics, democracy, Mexico, the Vatican, the economy, an old church, a chamber of commerce, Bosnia, Greece, Tibet, Texas or the islands of the Antarctic Ocean. Selfless initiatives in relation to any of these can be especially effective to trigger positive circulation in our lives. The Eclipse will definitely bring change, and it’s worth our while to keep an eye on Congress, in case they try to slide some strange legislation through during the holidays.
At 4-5 Capricorn, the Sabian symbol describes:
INDIANS ON THE WARPATH. While some men row a canoe, others in it perform a war dance… The need for aggression may be inherent to growth in any social group.
Write down an intent and find a way to start moving on it. Action may not seem so easy during vacations, but the important thing is to take a step—however simple—and set the energy in motion.
This simple ritual is a way to get on the good side of the present portal and be sure that if a cycle closes unexpectedly, it’s clearing the way for a new beginning.
Angels of Circulation, please direct me to do my part in the divine plan, here and now.
Thursday, December 26
Moon, still on the Eclipse Portal, makes a sextile to sensitive Neptune. This is a good day to work, visit elders, and act on New Moon intentions (see Wednesday, December 25).
We can also enjoy music, consult an oracle, hold a dream interpretation group, or contact angels and spirit guides.
I give thanks that the angels are reaching out to me and to all humanity now.
Friday, December 27
With Sun in trine to confident Jupiter, and Moon in directed Capricorn connecting with ruler Saturn and powerhouse Pluto, this morning is great for work, making a treasure map, or connecting with the boss or other influential person. Today’s numerology of 9 and the Sun-Jupiter trine both favor spiritual study, teaching, and altruistic efforts.
At 1:03 pm (4:03 ET), Moon goes VOC. Straighten your space, take a rest, call the grandparents, read a history book. At 9:21 pm (12:21 am ET), Moon enters Aquarius, facilitating people-connections.
The Spirit of Good works in all my situations, generating perfect results now.
Saturday, December 28
With Moon in free-spirited Aquarius and in square to ruler Uranus, most of the day is good for independent activities. Try something different: break out of a rut, close a cycle, learn a new dance, rearrange the furniture, contemplate and explore options, research an impending move, career change or refinancing a home, read the fine print, look at how things affect your best interests, meditate and journal to facilitate this. We may be surprised at what we turn up.
At 6:07 pm (9:07 ET), Moon joins sweet Venus, combining with today’s numerology of 1 and the waning Moon to favor meeting new people or reaching out to a romantic prospect or friend. For socializing, tonight is better than tomorrow.
I’m an idea in the Divine Mind, and I’m now guided to my true place with the true success and the true harmony.
Sunday, December 29
Late last night, Mercury entered pragmatic Capricorn. Today, the messenger planet continues to trigger the critical Aries point, and squares Chiron, the wounded-healer. This powerful communicative and healing impulse can propels us to schedule therapy or some type of healing, fight for a political cause, work to help the elderly, or do armchair activism.
Moon in Aquarius favors joining with friends to work on a cause, taking in an art exhibit, and creative activities. Aside from team or group projects, socializing is better tomorrow.
Green Tara, please put your lotus-heart in me so I may radiate love to myself and others now.
Monday, December 30
Find a way to use today’s influences, which are fantastic for socializing, work and spiritual activities.
Moon goes VOC on a square to pushy Mars, so keep a low profile until after 7:41 am (10:41 ET), when Moon enters Pisces. There she makes sextiles to Mercury the messenger, Uranus the genius, and fortunate Jupiter, while Mercury in practical Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus, sign of abundance.
Our initiatives can open the way for progress in all kinds of communications, transactions and connections, everything from friendship, family ties, business and work relations to making music and sharing spiritual or psychic gatherings.
I radiate love to others, and Divine Love radiates to me through others now.
Tuesday, December 31
With Moon in Pisces joining ruler Neptune, this will be one sensitive New Year’s Eve. Take some time to rest, meditate, listen to your intuition, practice forgiveness, contact light beings, and enjoy or make music. Call someone to lift their spirits, settle a dispute with family or friends, send out tweets or emails, post on social networks, declutter, and clean out closets.
Today’s influences can lead to overload from crowds, substances and vibrations. A low-key celebration at home (or if you’re traveling, wherever you happen to be staying) with a limit on drinks is the best way to go.
The New Year is filled with Infinite Good, and I bless it in that certainty now.

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Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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