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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the 2019 Annual Astrological Travel Planner, the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, August 1–31, 2019
This free forecast is updated every Monday.
Thursday, August 1
A freshly minted Moon in Leo makes early connections to Jupiter and Saturn, favoring progress on intentions for yesterday’s Leo New Moon portal.
Today’s aspects may bring out Leo’s authoritarian side, and today’s numerology of 1 won’t take “no” for an answer, so make a special effort at diplomacy, and in conversations practice mindful listening to others.
What does go well are independent efforts at organization, goal-setting, psychic consultations, creative headway and—with Venus in trine to Chiron—therapy or altruistic endeavors to help someone in need.
Try to tackle keys efforts before 1:48 pm (4:48 ET), when Moon goes VOC. If you can, take the rest of the day off, get a foot rub and share a nice dinner just for fun.
This day is an appointment with divine good, and I give thanks for it now.
Friday, August 2
Moon is VOC until 6:20 am (9:20 ET), when she enters analytic Virgo.
Venus, planet of love and money, squares Uranus the liberator early this morning, putting some tension on relationships as we become aware of our need for independence. This is great for discovering a limit we need to set, for a creative breakthrough, and for releasing attachment to the approval of others or an expenditure that’s not really worth it.
Today’s energies may impel us to attend therapy, a 12-step group, work on writing, design or something creative, go to a cutting-edge museum exhibit, research and blog about the environment, journal about our authenticity… however, we should release the temptation to sermonize or confront another; that’ll go better on another, more harmonious day.
Morning is particularly good for healing, and afternoon for finding a new level of mental independence.
Don’t let people or money situations alarm you: things will settle down.
The Universe doesn’t make me depend on people or conditions. The Universe has infinite ways of bringing forth my good, and naturally does so now.
Saturday, August 3
This morning’s transits are worth rising for. Moon in focused Virgo connects with expansive Jupiter and trines constructive Saturn, supporting us in working on something practical, reviewing and tweaking our writing or a promotion, doing business, organizing papers or space, and moving to complete a project.
At 11:30 am (2:30 pm ET), we can take a respite as Moon shifts into a mystical mode on opposing Neptune. We might enjoy a concert or a tranquil walk, call on our angels or spirit guides, work on art, or enjoy a matinee.
Save work or business that didn’t get done earlier for after 4:35 pm (7:35 ET), when Moon trines Pluto the powerful and can help burn through obstacles to create tangible results. Prayer or healing go well, too.
At 9:27 pm (12:27 ET), Moon goes VOC on a sextile to Mercury in Cancer. In view of tomorrow’s Mars-Pluto contact, it’s best to keep a low profile and hang out at home.
I’m not alone or without support. The One Power and the One Presence has my back, and no condition can bind me.
Sunday, August 4
Moon is VOC in Virgo until 6:30 am (9:30 ET), when she enters wanting-to-be-easygoing Libra. A quincunx from demanding Mars in regal Leo to Pluto the pushy in Capricorn, sign of bosses, doesn’t accent the harmonious side of Moon in Libra, and neither do her aspects.
We’ll do best today to keep a low profile, create a space for relaxation, tackle some bothersome paperwork, put some flowers in a vase, do armchair activism. Save key encounters and high-risk sports for another day. Avoid stressing or getting attached to your point of view.
Things finally chill around 11:00 pm (2:00 am ET), when Moon makes a sextile to Libra’s ruler, Venus. Out of the entire romantic dinner, the dessert (you) may be sweetest!
Or we might stay up late sending communications, re-launching a promotion, or visualizing prosperity.
I’m accepting, I’m accepting all the love and supply that the Universe has for me now.
Monday, August 5
Early and late are today’s best windows.
If we have people connections, PR, creative work, or promotions to do, it’s worth rising at or before dawn to catch the harmonies of Moon in social Libra with Sun and Jupiter. The fun is over, though, by 7:46 am (10:46 ET), when Moon squares stern Saturn, followed by tensions to mysterious Neptune and intense Pluto that can accent creativity but don’t support the nice people connections we can have earlier.
At 7:26 pm (10:26 ET), Moon makes a sextile to dynamic Mars. Romantic excitement is in the air, and we can promote a product, service or cause.
My connections are under spiritual law, so they flow in perfect order now.
Tuesday, August 6
Moon is VOC in Libra until 8:31 am (11:31 ET), when she enters Scorpio. Her tensions with Chiron and Uranus can make for breakthroughs in healing or independent work. The planetary energies now favor individual transformative activities like journaling, facing our shadows, going to therapy, doing dream yoga, researching something, designing an activist strategy, or starting a fast or detox.
Save key connections for after midnight or tomorrow morning and midday (check tomorrow’s forecast for specific times).
I am worthy of wellness, and I take time to heal now.
Wednesday, August 7
Sun connects with Jupiter and Saturn, making this a great day to forge ahead with something requiring charm, confidence and focus.
Choose something essential, since Moon in Scorpio won’t settle for fluff. She reaches Second Quarter at 10:31 am (1:31 pm ET), triggering the following Sabian symbol at 14-15 Scorpio:
First level (of series called Faith from Scorpio 16 to Scorpio 30): Action.
A GIRL’S FACE BREAKING INTO A SMILE. The fervent reaching out on the part of the young of heart to new experience… faith in life and in other human beings… WARMTH OF FEELING.
The Second Quarter favors review of the intentions and goals we set on or after the New Moon of July 31, and tweaking our strategy for progress. Scorpio brings us new courage.
Moon’s morning square to Venus and Sun accents creativity, helping us give form to or polish an idea, presentation, artwork or social initiative, and share it after 11:02 am (2:02 pm ET) when Moon moves to harmonize with executive Saturn and intuitive Neptune.
Moon’s sextile to ruler Pluto makes tonight great for research, emotional work, and enjoying a deep movie, or a partner’s skin under the sheets.
Any change in my life or body can only be for good, because divine love touches me through them all, here and now.
Thursday, August 8
Venus—the so called “Lesser Benefic”—trines Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, while today’s numerology of 8 helps us manifest achievement. Moon in Scorpio give us the courage to direct today’s good fortune to connect with someone dear (or whom we’d like to be dear), or move on an initiative for finances, altruism or promotion that we’d thought of—but not acted on—before.
Use this energy before 7:58 am (10:58 ET), when Moon goes VOC, or after 1:28 pm (4:28 ET), when she enters gregarious, adventuresome Sagittarius, picking up the best of the trine from Venus to her ruler. We can work on forgiveness, be spontaneous, laugh, hold a business meeting, lend or borrow money, follow up on a legal affair, spend time with friends, buy a lottery ticket, do something requiring diplomacy, throw a party, or meet new people.
“Untie the knots of failure binding us, as we release the strands we hold of others’ faults.” (Translation from the Lord’s Prayer, direct from Aramaic by Neil Douglas Klotz in his book, Desert Wisdom: A Nomad’s Guide to Life’s Big Questions from the Heart of the Native Middle East.)
Friday, August 9
Moon in Sagittarius may come on a bit strong this morning. We can channel the optimism in resonance with the contact from Venus to disciplined Saturn, by focusing on work, business or financial gain.
Afternoon and evening are great for people connections of all kinds. At 4:25 pm (7:25 ET) Moon in affable Sag joins ruler Jupiter, radiating optimism, empathy, generosity, and facilitating fortunate encounters. She then trines sweet Venus and bright Sun, a charming alignment that’s worth using to promote something, throw a party, enjoy a romantic dinner, or gather with friends for personal, altruistic or work endeavors.
Love fills my world, which is why I lead a charmed life.
Saturday, August 10
Sun connects with subtle Neptune, making today great for enjoying music, art, film, healing, or psychic and spiritual activities.
Be selective, keep a low profile and avoid crowds—this aspect and Moon’s connections to Mars and Neptune can open us to unfiltered energies and situations.
Leave business or work for tomorrow or after 9:50 pm (12:50 am ET), when Moon enters grounded, productive Capricorn.
Angels fill my world, and I receive their high vibrations now and always.
Sunday, August 11
This is a cosmic Sunday, with several major shifts.
- Jupiter, planet of fortune, goes direct. If something related to luck, promotion, and life’s meaning seems to have been stuck since early April, it can now start to move. Check 15 degrees of Sag in your chart and the aspects it makes to see where you’re most apt to feel this trigger.
- Conversely, revolutionary Uranus stations to turn retrograde, detonating 6 degrees of Taurus and beginning a period of focus on inner, rather than outer change.
- Mercury enters Leo, generating warmer and more extroverted communications.
Today’s numerology of 11 marks a day when humanity’s love radiation fuels the angels’ work to lift the planetary vibration. Moon in Capricorn helps us ground these shifts in a tangible, productive way.
Use the day to re-launch something significant related to your life mission or a major dream. This could range from a program of healing, to a group close to your heart, making a vision board or treasure map, or persisting in a new phase of business.
Guardian Angel, please ignite my divine heart and free up my love of myself and others now.
Monday, August 12
Moon in diligent Capricorn makes for a productive day. Her aspects to Venus, Neptune and Sun help us generate charm and beauty. Direct it in connections related to goals you clarified at yesterday’s cosmic portal (or for that matter, any time before Summer Solstice), beautify your space or work, pursue a creative endeavor, connect with people and angels.
Get things done before 3:11 pm (6:11 ET), when Moon goes VOC. After that, read a historical novel, reach out to an elder, help old people, or research archeology just for fun.
I am a powerful agent of success, and I visualize and act in this certainty now.
Tuesday, August 13
At 8:35 am (11:35 ET), Moon leaves her VOC to enter independent Aquarius, where she makes tense contacts that deepen rebellious tendencies and put intellect and communications in the forefront.
This energy contrasts to the conjunction of sweet Venus to Sun in warm Leo, a usually romantic combination that—in the light of contacts from Venus and Sun to Pluto—works better today for creative projects, setting limits, healing self-esteem, pampering oneself and working on something meaningful either on our own or with those of a like mind. Avoid dramas and power struggles.
I care about me, and I show it with attitudes and actions now.
Wednesday, August 14
In the afterglow of last night’s Venus contacts, we get another highly creative day, but one that’s also great for connecting with others. Today is the day to break out of a rut, try something different, go on an adventure, contact a key person, promote your original idea, compose a song, invent something new that helps the world, organize a surprise party, rearrange the furniture, volunteer at the local school, or have a fun, stimulating lunch with friends.
Investigative research into a new career path or place of residence can also be rewarding.
Guardian Angel (or spirit guide), please direct me to use my time and talents in the best way, now and always.
Thursday, August 15
The day begins on the portal of the Full Moon in Aquarius, exact at 5:29 am (8:29 ET). (See the General Astrological Influences for tips for this portal for your Sun and Rising signs.)
Venus, Sun and Mars are conjunct in the chart for this lunation, and they all take hits from this moon. It concentrates charm, yet pushes us to defend a group or cause. At the same time, a trine from Mercury to Chiron stresses discussion of wounds and the healing power of words.
The Sabian symbol for 22-23 Aquarius is:
A BIG BEAR SITTING DOWN AND WAVING ALL ITS PAWS. The self-discipline which results from an intelligent development of individual faculties under proper training.
The image of the “bear sitting down and waving all its paws” also seems to resonate with nature’s cries to stop climate change.
Known as the Barley Moon, this Full Moon is a portal to give thanks for the first grain harvest, and for the harvest of talents and light bequeathed on each of us by our predecessors. This is a good time for therapy, prayer, and ecology-centered activism. With Mercury newly direct, today’s Full Moon can be a sort of turning point that thrusts us forward in initiatives for change.
At 6:02 pm (9:02 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Pisces at 8:49 pm (11:49 pm).
I give thank my ancestors for my opportunities and talents, and enjoy sharing them now.
Friday, August 16
Thoughtful Mercury squares brilliant Uranus, complementing today’s perceptive numerology of 7 to enliven the inquisitive mind. Moon in psychic Pisces harmonizes with Uranus and also contacts Mercury, so both left and right hemispheres, intuition and reason, are active.
Read something mystical, take in a deep film (and discuss it afterwards), write, prepare a class or video, study for an exam, participate in an altruistic group, connect with the angels…
Before going to sleep, have a journal or pages on hand to write down dreams or morning thoughts during tomorrow’s early window of intuition.
I have a luminous and happy mind.
Saturday, August 17
The day begins with a conjunction from Moon in psychic Pisces to ruler Neptune. We might use these deep and flowing influences to sleep in, do dream work, visit a psychic, contact angels or spirit guides, meditate, pray, work on forgiveness and visualize, or attend a spiritual group, or go to a special gathering.
At 3:35 pm (6:35 ET), Moon sextiles transformative Pluto, extending this morning’s mystical portal, but also favoring emotional healing and projects that involve imagination, from settling a dispute, writing a proposal, working on an artistic endeavor or design for a house, a production or anything we wish to build, to an intimate, cosmic encounter. Altruistic efforts can really leave a mark.
This combination is not so great for substance-induced journeying or iffy channeling situations, as it can also open portals.
Mars enters Virgo tonight, motivating us to put our energy into something useful.
I am an agent of positive change, and I’m divinely guided to use my power now.
Sunday, August 18
If you have something to promote or someone to connect with, try doing it early, before 9:33 am (12:33 pm ET), when Moon leaves the gentle waters of Pisces and takes Aries’ hot highway, making a tense contact with her ruling planet Mars, freshly into Virgo.
The rest of the day favors decluttering. This Moon can help us get rid of things we don’t use but just can’t seem to part with. We can organize closets, cupboards, or garage. Or make a tough decision, work on the car, go to a sports event or watch one at home, or work independently on a short-term goal. When driving or using equipment, exercise caution, and have a double helping of patience.
Angels of patience, please hold me in calmness and peace, here and now.
Monday, August 19
Note: With Moon in her Third Quarter and the transits described below, Monday through Thursday are great for moving forward on something we began during the Moon’s waxing phase, before last Thursday’s Full Moon. On Friday, Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning her phase of winding down. Use it while you can.
With today’s entrepreneurial numerology of 1 and Moon in out-there Aries, this is a great day to share our ideas and promote something.
Also, Moon trines both communicative Mercury and enthusiastic Jupiter, improving her skills of persuasion. Focus on trading, take advantage of opportunities and situations, and push through resistance to get something done—particularly in the areas of communications, sales, publishing, and promotion.
Moon also makes a square to Saturn, so try to get organized before acting, hold your course and don’t let impatience or frustration get you distracted or flip you into the Aries anger zone.
“I am not afraid; I was born to do this.” ~ Joan of Arc
Tuesday, August 20
Yesterday’s throughways remain open, with a brief pause during Moon’s early square to Pluto.
We’re back in business at 6:00 am (9:00 ET), and Moon’s midday trine to Sun fuels our confidence and accents today’s lunar numerology of 2, favoring connection with others.
We can follow through on initiatives and activities we began yesterday, reach out to someone in a position to make a difference, connect with upbeat, confident colleagues, improve our competitive edge, or work on a health issue.
Late night favors romance, communications and business, after Moon goes VOC on a trine to sweet Venus at 9:06 pm and then enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation, at 9:37 pm (12:37 am ET).
I recognize my opportunities and allow myself to use them now.
Wednesday, August 21
In Taurus, Moon continues in her exaltation. Her prosperous vibrations find a charismatic outlet in a trine from Mercury the messenger to Jupiter the publicist. Today’s numerology of 3 helps us craft beautiful, uplifting words, helping us make a presentation, give a class, do a video for social media, write, take on a legal challenge, knock on a key door, or close a sale.
With Moon joining Uranus, follow your intuitive guidance, share your genius, innovate, heal the planet.
My words are doors of power that allow Divinity to bless me and others now.
Thursday, August 22
Moon in abundant Taurus harmonizes with creative Neptune and deep Pluto, giving this day an inspired quality. By finding our center and acting from it, we can leave a mark.
Suggestions for powerful, tangible achievement: do business, take care of money, make an investment, lease, rent or promote property, take on new staff, work on something related to your home or that requires lasting results.
Avoid the possible confusion of an evening quincunx from Mercury to Neptune by getting practical things taken care before 7:26 pm (10:26 ET), when this quincunx becomes exact. From that time on: go star watching, enjoy music, have a sexy dinner, take your love object to a boutique hotel.
Divine love sends me the best experiences, and I resonate with the best, here and now.
Friday, August 23
At 3:02 am (6:02 ET), Sun enters diligent Virgo, and we’re called to shine our shoes, release Summer’s golden dreams, and get back to the school of life. This energy works quite nicely with Moon in Taurus, so if you have any business or communications to attend, try getting it done before 7:35 am (10:35 ET), when Moon enters busy Gemini, reaching her Fourth Quarter at 7:56 am (10:56 ET).
At 0-1 Gemini, Moon triggers the following Sabian symbol:
A GLASS-BOTTOMED BOAT REVEALS UNDERSEA WONDERS. The revelation of unconscious energies and submerged psychic structures.
Moon moves on to square Venus and Mars, arousing our love nature yet also putting us on the defensive.
If you can, go on a spiritual or writer’s retreat through Sunday morning. Otherwise, find a way to keep your mind busy that doesn’t involve gossip, dramatizing problems, trying to manipulate, superficiality, or picking on someone. You could write a hundred affirmations, catch up on correspondence, messages or crossword puzzles, edit and review a presentation or your texts, study a language.
Guardian angel (or spirit guide), please direct my mind in ways that contribute to my healing, here and now.
Saturday, August 24
If you wanted a day to hang out and socialize, wait for another weekend. Moon in Gemini makes stressful aspects to heavies Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune, while her ruler Mercury takes on Pluto, the mob boss of the solar system.
Keep a low profile, go to therapy or a support group, journal, spend the day repeating mantras or affirmations, write to heal, edit your writing, tweak a sales strategy.
At 11:58 pm (2:58 am ET), Moon finally makes a harmonious aspect (to ruler Mercury), and goes VOC.
Angels of Communication, please align my words with divine intelligence, now and always.
Sunday, August 25
Moon is VOC in Gemini until 2:05 pm (5:05 ET). Out of sheer kindness, reach out to a sibling or colleague. Use prayers and mantras. Enjoy light reading, journaling or table games.
After Moon goes into Cancer, she makes a lovely sextile to Sun in diligent Virgo, getting us realigned with our purpose. Now we might be moved to do something to improve our home, help a family member, go to the local Farmers’ Market or health food store, or work on business.
A couple of tense contacts involving Chiron make this evening good for armchair activism, praying for the world, and making decisions that can precipitate healing. After that, use the Moon’s romantic aspects to have a no-pajama party, or stay up working on something creative.
Divine love touches us through all situations, so only good can come to us, now and always.
Monday, August 26
Moon in savvy Cancer provides a wise ambience for the creative explosion of Venus as she trines Uranus, planet of surprises. This is a brilliant, charming aspect that can spring open doors and multiply the loaves and fishes. Tweak your website design or cyber-image, have your car repainted or finish something related to finances, love, or beauty that you started any time before the last Full Moon.
This trine also has an Aphrodite effect, spontaneously sparking love and friendship. Its buzz is slightly subdued in earth signs and by the Moon’s opposition to well-starched Saturn, but it does give a high charm quotient and friendliness that can renew our social, business and love life. So circulate and follow your intuition to contact familiar or new people.
If you drink this evening, keep it to less than two and avoid bar or drug scenes.
Divine love flows through me to connect me with others in joyous, harmonious ways, now and always.
Tuesday, August 27
Moon in Cancer goes VOC on a wee-hour opposition to Pluto. Pluto also rules today’s numerology of 9. While VOC in Cancer, Moon still performs, and the Pluto connection favors emotional healing, organizing, studying metaphysical topics, fasting, and if you just want to get down and dirty, pulling weeds.
Work and business also flow, but there may be some tensions with others; contemplate taking some times-out to reconnect with your center.
At 4:53 pm (7:53 ET), Moon enters Leo, triggering yesterday’s sociable transits. Work on developing personal talents and encourage others to do the same, enjoy friends, express feelings creatively, ask for support, knock on a key door, or otherwise take a leap of faith.
Spirit loves me, reality loves me.
Wednesday, August 28
Mars in diligent Virgo trines Uranus in prosperous Taurus. Consider new ways of getting something done, as this aspect is great at shortcuts. Also use it to go directly to the person who has the authority to facilitate the results you want, and promote something in an original way. With Moon in her balsamic phase, focus on finishing something, even if it’s not perfect. In earth signs, this trine particularly favors tangible results in work, material progress and in a service endeavor.
Get it done early. At 5:07 pm (8:07 ET), Moon goes VOC. Her contacts with Jupiter and Neptune favor enjoying music or film, meditating, and connecting with light beings.
The divine representative goes before me, opening right doors and forging true connections for me now.
Thursday, August 29
With balsamic Moon VOC in Leo most of the day, try taking some time off for fun, visualizing and meditating. Today’s numerology of 11 is particularly good for radiating spiritual love.
At 4:57 pm (7:57 ET), Moon enters practical Virgo, kicking off a dynamic evening as she joins ruler Mercury, while Sun in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus, sign of abundance. These influences open our minds to new ways of pursuing our personal purpose as well as advancing in work and financial freedom.
Declutter the desk, bookcase and space, think about the intention you’ll establish at tomorrow’s New Moon, get rid of old visualization materials, and begin to prepare new ones. Follow through on a commitment or somehow close a cycle you’ve resisted facing.
(Note: With the New Moon exact at 3:37 am tomorrow (6:37 am ET), you might enjoy clarifying your intentions tonight.)
I release all thoughts of condemnation and center in love to myself and others now.
Friday, August 30
The New Moon in Virgo is exact at 3:37 am (6:37 am ET). (See our General Astrological Influences for concrete tips for your Sun and Rising signs for this portal.) Rise early to connect with this portal and clarify your intent. With ruler Mercury fully direct, we finally get a New Moon that favors setting intentions and starting something that’s entirely new.
In the chart for this lunation, Moon trines Uranus the liberator, helping us release whatever has been holding us back.
At 6-7 Virgo, the Sabian symbol says:
IN A PALATIAL HAREM, BRIGHT EYED WOMEN LAUGH HAPPILY. Early stage of development of individual soul, with full yet binding life protection. Freedom from responsibility or restraint.
This lunation in the chaste sign of Virgo is particularly promising for intentions related to health, work, efficiency, service orientation or mission, and releasing perfectionism (see examples below).
After becoming new, Moon makes a string of conjunctions to the personal planets, followed by a trine to constructive Saturn and a square to expansive Jupiter. These latter two are considered to be success planets, so the lunar transits facilitate tangible results from whatever practical steps we take to manifest our New Moon intentions. Personal, romantic and business contacts all flow favorably.
Sample intentions for the New Moon:
- I see myself completely healthy, with my (organ or part of body) in perfect condition.
- I see humanity moving to work in a spirit of service.
- Guardian Angel, please direct me to complete the mission of service that’s designated for me now.
- I see myself doing exercise four times a week for 40 minutes.
- I’m ready to be free of loads and responsibilities that are not my own.
- I call on the angels to help me release paralyzing perfectionism.
- I am grateful that I am divinely guided to work in effective and productive ways.
- I see myself doing joyful work with prosperity flowing continually and lavishly for me, now and always.
Saturday, August 31
With Moon VOC in Virgo and ruler Mercury in trine to Chiron, the wounded healer, this is a great, low-key day for working on healing.
The tone changes at 4:08 pm (7:08 ET), when Moon enters Libra. Still on yesterday’s New Moon portal, the energy’s great for making new connections, negotiating, or doing something related to justice. Go to a party or gathering of some kind, send your partner roses, take your flame out to dinner, write a letter to Congress, reach a compromise, make love with a new partner. You could even get married or hold a handfasting ceremony.
The invisible law of justice is at work in every situation, producing right outcomes, now and always.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
You’re welcome, Ellie. I love this translation, it really gets the feel of the energy of forgiveness and how it works. There are many “translations” of this prayer, but each word in Aramaic can have various meanings and Douglas-Klotz really understands the historic and cultural climate of that period in Middle East. Glad it enriched you and your sister. My sister, Daykeeper editor Susan actually shared this translation with me years ago!
Yes, Crystal- there’s more gentleness and humanity in this phrasing… I don’t believe in “sin” per se (or hell, either), but in experience on Earth (and elsewhere!). Not to say there are not affronts, but none of us is without knots and threads…. One Love E
Beautiful put Ellie. For me the untying is a perpetual effort. Blessings and many thanks for your kind input.
Re August 9- This translation, “Untie the knots of failure binding us, as we release the strands we hold of others’ faults.” is so much better than “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us. Thanks for the book link, ordered one for me and one for my sis.