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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the 2019 Annual Astrological Travel Planner, the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Time (UTC-8).
Daily Astrological Forecast, February 1–28, 2019
Friday, February 1
With Moon waning in organized Capricorn and emboldened by today’s numerology of 1, this is a great day for following through on our good intentions to declutter.
A square from feisty Mars to Pluto, planet of change, gives us extra nerve to cut loose from belongings or a habit or situation that is blocking our energy. We can clear the decks in preparation for next week’s New Moon.
Direct your bravado in low-risk, non-confrontational ways, like pushing through paperwork and bureaucracy. In addition, we should avoid speeding at the wheel and save surgery, confrontations or situations requiring a soft touch for another day.
The all-business tone continues into the evening as Moon moves to conjunct ruler Saturn, although her late sextile to Neptune favors dream work or, if you’re up late, throwing out or burning old visualization materials and thinking about what images you can use for a dream board at the upcoming New Moon.
Affirmation to bless old visualization materials:
I give thanks for the deep river of divine love that has been flowing on my life path and continues to flow, filling me with the good I’ve visualized and joyous, unexpected blessings, now and always.
Saturday, February 2
Yesterday’s businesslike tone stays the night, getting downright intense as Moon joins strong Pluto and then squares pushy Mars. Morning favors independent work, downsizing and organizing our space. If we clear our plates now, we’ll be ready for the visitors that are both likely and propitious at Monday’s New Moon, and we’ll have more time for socializing. A date with a therapist or coach can also go well.
If possible, keep pushing through bureaucracy and finishing up that paperwork. Remember not to get in fights, although we can prepare a case or strategy for later implementation.
I am not alone in my work. The Divine Companion is with me, approving my efforts and supporting my finished results, here and now.
Sunday, February 3
At 2:53 am, Moon goes VOC in Capricorn. However, her early sextile to Chiron can make for healing dreams. Or, if you wake early, program your mind for healing and go back to sleep to absorb the effects.
At 5:03 am (8:03 ET), Moon enters Aquarius and approaches the doorstep of Monday’s New Moon. This is a refreshing placement that supports each of our uniqueness. Express yours by doing something different, fighting for a cause, or connecting with others who stimulate your ideals and creativity. We could also explore options in relation to a deal, contract, or change of career or residence.
At 1:54 pm (4:54 ET), Mercury sextiles fortunate Jupiter. This aspect is great for personal and business communication, as well as for giving a class, recording a video or doing a promotion of any kind. It also opens a window of fun and romance that’s especially great before 2:29 pm (5:29 ET), when the messenger planet leaves the breezy airs of Aquarius to enter dry, executive Capricorn. Late afternoon and evening favor work-related communications and organizing the week ahead.
I visualize the best and highest outcomes, and I take back my life, here and now.
Monday, February 4
With Moon in free Aquarius, in sextile to expansive Jupiter and conjunct Mercury the messenger, this is a propitious day for communications of all kinds, with a special blessing for friendship, for creative, altruistic and intellectual endeavors, and for anything that needs a charming but impersonal touch.
At 1:04 pm (4:04 ET) we get a New Moon with Mercury fully direct. This is great portal for starting something new, and even better if that something has to do with friendships, activism, ideals or the internet. Writing down intentions is particularly powerful at this portal.
This is a highly social Moon that can bring new social activity and contacts. However, at 15-16 Aquarius, the Sabian symbol emphasizes the importance of vision and practicality:
A BIG BUSINESSMAN AT HIS DESK. The ability to organize the many aspects of enterprise involving a large group of human beings… The New Age should be one in which we learn to use the power generated by human togetherness… [humankind] must make a thorough and irresistible attempt if any of us are to survive, except for a creative remnant of seed-persons who would have to begin again from new foundations… there is much to learn from modern large scale management and systems analysis, even in terms of personal endeavors…
In synchronistic resonance with the strong Capricorn energies of 2019, it’s time to put business sense into manifesting our vision of a better world.
Besides whatever intention we choose to establish at this portal, this is a key time to think about and define the type of collaborators, clients and contacts we would like to have in our projects, people we can see ourselves working with on behalf of the collective good.
I retrieve the ideals behind my work, and the universe responds with new contacts, new opportunities and new resources, here and now.
Tuesday, February 5
Happy Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig! This noble-hearted animal relates to wealth and likes the good life. If we harness our efforts to a persistent, long-range project, she will work well with the practical, enduring energies of Capricorn that prevail this year.
This morning, Moon makes a sextile to Mars in confident Aries. Break through doubts or unconscious resistance and move to promote your wares, services or cause. Or, do something different just for fun.
If there’s a Chinatown nearby, you might enjoy the colorful parades (check locally for exact dates). There or online, you can purchase some Chinese red-and-gold envelopes called Ang Pow. In keeping with tradition, they are used to give money to children, teenagers and single adults. You can also use them to bless your own currency so it multiplies richly during the year ahead. The red and gold colors are known to ward off evil spirits. To receive or carry one of these envelopes with cash or with an I Ching coin, is thought to protect good fortune and prosperity in the New Year. If you do attend a parade, you may see people depositing offerings of Ang Pow with money in the mouth of the dragon that goes through the streets. This celebration is related to forgiveness, union, thanksgiving and an opportunity to start anew.
At 3:59 pm (6:59 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering sweet, mystical Pisces at 6:02 pm (9:02 ET). Evening is good for relaxing, enjoying music, prayer, meditation and invoking light beings.
I call on the angels of new beginnings to open my way, psychically and physically now.
Wednesday, February 6
Moon in Pisces works nicely with today’s numerology of 6, related to prosperous Jupiter, to favor gathering our spiritual elements for the new lunar cycle. Choose the light beings you wish to work with, and organize a program of inner work, prayer, meditation, and/or visualization, in support of your intention. We may also enjoy participating in or organizing a spiritual encounter, enjoying a romantic interlude, poetry, or working on something creative.
If you’re behind on sleep, this is a good day to recover.
I am open to the positive spiritual forces that work with me, for me, and through me now.
Thursday, February 7
The subtle vibrations of Moon in Pisces fuse with the dynamic energies of fortunate Jupiter and transformative Pluto, increasing our prayer power and healing potential. This morning we are favored to: contact light beings, connect with a healer, therapist or coach, and act on intuitive vision.
Afternoon sextiles—from confident Sun to expressive Jupiter and communicative Mercury to Mars the promoter—open a great window for assertive communication. These influences favor presenting a proposal, writing letters to Congress, starting a promotion or an activist initiative, giving and filming a class, approaching a desirable collaborator, applying for a job or grant, and offering wares or services. Knock and it shall open.
The substance of my connections is divine, and I give thanks that it is working for me now.
Friday, February 8
Moon in Pisces makes a sunrise conjunction to healing Chiron: if you’re up early, write down and analyze your dreams, visualize wellness and planetary peace, journal.
At 8:34 am (11:34 ET) Moon enters assertive Aries, calling us to finish the week with a stroke of boldness and get things done. Assert leadership, apply for a job, send a résumé or retouch your professional profile.
Muster your energy, release perfectionism and act with decision during the day. The energies shift this evening, when a square from Moon to Venus favors doing something fun or romantic .
Spiritual warrior forces, please embrace me and imbue me with your will to act decisively now.
Saturday, February 9
With Moon in vital Aries, this morning is good for scheduling a physical, tuning up ther car or changing the oil, cleaning the garage, or taking an adolescent to a sports event. Be prepared to take a break to breathe deeply and if necessary, meditate to keep your cool, particularly around 2:06 pm (5:06 ET), when a square to Saturn may produce impatience or inappropriate blame or shame.
Soon thereafter, Mercury sextiles Uranus, increasing our mental skills and opening the way for sudden results from our study and communication. We can be catalyzed to publish or share a new idea, write to Congress, or simply connect with someone stimulating. If you’ve tried promoting something or entering a contest of some kind in the past, you might renew those efforts now. The excitement continues into the evening, when Moon trines enthusiastic Jupiter, increasing good will and the spirit of generosity. It’s a great time to promote a humanitarian cause, request support for yourself, or share support with a group or person in need.
I follow my intuition to assist others, and I have a positive balance sheet with the Universe, now and always.
Sunday, February 10
Moon in dynamic Aries joins ruler Mars and Uranus, making this a restless day. Go biking, visit the gym or have an adventure. But, although these aspects make for fun, they also merit a certain caution. Avoid speeding, drive carefully, take care when handling machinery and save extreme sports for another day.
Also, do your romping early: at 3:48 pm (6:48 ET), Moon goes VOC, and things may not go as planned.
At 5:28 pm (8:28 ET) things calm down when Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. She sextiles Mercury in intuitive Pisces, favoring affirmations, mantras and communication for something practical, artistic or spiritual. Make a dream board for romance or prosperity, enjoy singing and food, apply for a loan, or mingle to meet someone new. If you’re looking to buy a new home, this evening’s a good time to close the deal.
I am worthy of love and prosperity and from within my being, I allow them to flow to me now.
Monday, February 11
Moon in fertile Taurus harmonizes with ruler Venus and dreamy Neptune, bringing out her romantic and artistic side. Connections with others are favored and can produce concrete results for business, finances, love-life and a creative project.
The pragmatism and hard working nature of Taurus, the subtle magic of Neptune, and beauty-loving Venus suggest that we use this day to do inner and magical work to improve self-esteem, work on something requiring patience, practicality and perseverance, or start something we want to last. We can profitably reorganize stock portfolios and retirement plans, or sign a contract. Or, get married or hold a hand-fasting ceremony. Or—simply enjoy the good things in life like food, nature, and art.
Moon’s connections to Venus and Neptune, planets of higher and lower love, increase our sweetness quotient. They optimize the potential of today’s Master Number 11, which marks days used by the angels to direct humanity’s radiation of kindness into lifting the planetary frequency.
I invoke the goddess forces to fan my spark of compassion, so I may radiate love to myself and others now.
Tuesday, February 12
This is a positive morning for dealing with practical concerns. Today’s Venusian numerology of 3 accents the creative promise of Moon in Taurus, allowing us to apply a new approach to a business or an artistic project. Disconnect from distractions—focus produces extraordinary results.
At 2:26 pm (5:26 ET), Moon reaches her First Quarter, inviting us to look at our progress so far on our New Moon’s intentions.
The Sabian symbol for 23-24 Taurus is:
AN INDIAN WARRIOR RIDING FIERCELY, HUMAN SCALPS HANGING FROM HIS BELT. The aggressive of human instincts when fighting for their early base of operations… Alas, our present period has revealed that under far less imperative circumstance so-called civilized man is capable of far crueler tortures and extermination… a deep-seated identification with a culture which insists on regarding those of other cultures as potential enemies.
This evening, a conjunction from active Mars to rebellious Uranus in brave Aries further stimulates our creativity but can also fuel dogmatic attitudes. Plan for innovation and work independently. Avoid unnecessary confrontations and displays of the inner adolescent.
In spite of the differences between me and others, I behold the divine essence in them and radiate love to them now.
Wednesday, February 13
Today, Moon in Gemini squares ruler Mercury in Pisces and contacts Venus in Capricorn, not a particularly harmonious combination but one that does stimulate intuition, perspective and creative thinking.
Independent mental work is favored over interactions requiring diplomacy or PR. We might retouch a proposal, edit, straighten the desk, prepare a Valentine’s greeting to share tomorrow, or give our honey a massage.
We also can take look at the content of our casual conversation: is it building the beauty we want in our minds and lives?
Angels of expression, please direct my words to build beauty and light in my world now.
Thursday, February 14
Afternoon is best time of day for Valentine’s encounters, or for that matter, connections of any kind.
This morning, a quincunx from Moon in fidgety Gemini to strict Saturn favors straightening the desk, doing minor paperwork, and writing affirmations.
At 12:56 (3:56ET), Moon opposes enthusiastic Jupiter, unleashing the party spirit and opening our hearts.
My heart vibration is naturally attractive to the highest and the best people, and they are drawn to me, here and now.
Friday, February 15
If you’re up in time to use this window, you may enjoy your own company this morning, when Moon in mental Gemini goes VOC on a sextile to wild Uranus in fun Aries. Journal, have coffee in the garden, or read for pleasure.
At 6:03 am (9:03 ET), Moon enters Cancer, followed by a sextile to go-getter Mars and a trine to Mercury that bring out her dynamic potential. We can use this dynamic, caring energy to entertain friends we didn’t see yesterday, create a business strategy, search for new living quarters, embark on a new course of spiritual study, propose marriage, tie the knot, or hold a hand-fasting ceremony.
Inner wisdom guides me, and I act on it now.
Saturday, February 16
This morning, Moon in sensitive Cancer trines receptive Neptune. Intuition flowers—get a reading, consult the I Ching or the angels, do psychic travel, or pray for the children of the world.
At 9:40 am (12:40 ET), Moon opposes Saturn. Steer clear of the boss, an intense client or potentially heavy family dynamics. Instead, clean out the closets or kitchen cupboards, or organize a home or business project.
An afternoon quincunx to Jupiter intensifies Cancer’s magic of growth: apply it in promotion or an altruistic or business initiative, or bless your home with angels.
Angelic home blessing (repeat it while walking through each room in your home, touching the walls, and imagining myriad angels dressed in white, accompanying you and also touching the walls):
Angels of blessing, please fill my home with your white light and press your love into every wall, floor, ceiling and space now.
Sunday, February 17
We may prefer to sleep in this morning, as Moon in sensitive Cancer makes a square to jumpy Uranus that can trigger touchiness. It’s also a creative aspect, as is Moon’s trine to Chiron that favors art, dream interpretation and emotional healing.
At 7:21 am (10:21 ET), Moon enters Leo. Creative energy still abounds—as does touchiness with Moon’s square to impatient Mars. The warrior planet rules Uranus, who takes a sextile from Sun, boosting our courage and willingness to shine.
Relax in nature, take in a play, or bite the bullet and push through resistance to finish something. Or take the initiative and connect with an exciting project, person or group.
I allow others to shine their light, and I shine the light that I am, now and always.
Monday, February 18
If you’re pulled in more than one direction, you can thank the stars for today’s aspects. Last night’s forward-thinking sextile from Sun to progressive Uranus motivates us to open trails, while Venus’ conjunction to traditionalist Saturn in Capricorn, sign of its rule, increases the charm of old ways. Most importantly, these aspects find common ground. Both increase productivity in creative projects and precipitate ties with others.
This morning, Moon in Leo makes a series of quincunxes, favoring independent work and exercise.
At 3:04 pm (6:04 ET), Sun enters Pisces, triggering tomorrow’s Full Moon portal and activating its energies. The rest of the day is a window for compassion, service and people connections. Seek out those that matter or move to meet someone new.
In the One Mind, I am already connected to my best and highest network. I know them in the invisible and they appear in the visible now.
Tuesday, February 19
At 5:51 am (8:51 ET), Moon goes VOC in Leo on a trine to Uranus. Take an early break for fun; at 6:47 am (9:47 ET), Moon enters task-oriented Virgo.
At 7:54 am (10:54 ET), she becomes a Supermoon in Virgo. The chart for this portal has many harmonies and an interesting combination of practicality and freedom:
- Moon makes a sextile to rebel Uranus in assertive Aries and active Mars in Taurus, sign of abundance.
- Ruler Mercury joins Neptune, facilitating creative thinking, intuition and contacts with light beings, with a potential for confusion, day-dreaming and lack of objectivity.
- This Full Moon connects with the last three Full Moons that took place at zero degrees,
- As well as with the Winter Solstice chart—with the Sun at zero Capricorn.
- And Jupiter, planet of flight, trines freeing Uranus, a kind of a great-escape aspect.
The Sabian symbol for 0-1 Virgo calls us to look at the image we project and which part of ourselves it comes from: essence, ego, or a mold we’re trying to fit:
IN A PORTRAIT, THE BEST OF PERSON’S TRAIT ARE IDEALIZED. The shaping power of idea or ideal over outer form and behavior. Completeness of realization. Pure aggrandizement. Intent.
My good cannot be limited. I am infinite being, and I am naturally connected with all the good that flows from divine intelligence for me now.
Wednesday, February 20
We can use today’s potential for progress.
This morning, Moon in practical Virgo makes a trine to executive Saturn in Capricorn, sign of his rule. This is great for independent productivity: organizing papers and projects, troubleshooting, finishing a work project, tackling bureaucracy, working on finances, implementing more efficient systems, doing volunteer work or taking a realistic look at what we need—and need to release—for progress and wellness.
Save connections with others for this afternoon, when aspects to Venus and Jupiter bring out Moon’s benefits for a healing encounter, a romantic endeavor based on traditional values, volunteer work, bargain-hunting and caring for animals. The energies are both loving and practical. If we avoid getting nitpicky and dogmatic, we can give the best of ourselves.
At 5:52 pm (8:52 ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to Pluto. Use healing mantras or affirmations and leave key purchases and endeavors for another time.
I am not alone or without support to complete my healing. The power of the divine is working on every level of my being to free me from any negative condition. My wellness cannot be limited.
Thursday, February 21
Moon is VOC in Virgo until 6:17 am (9:17 ET), when she enters relational Libra. Her tense aspects to wounded-healer Chiron, confident Sun and restless Mars, bring out her feisty side.
This is not the best day for PR or smoothing ruffled feathers. But we can use it to get an edge in strategic thinking, plan a negotiation or an activist or legal move, research the needs of a vulnerable person or group, do the rough draft of a sharp article or letter to Congress, review a bank statement or inheritance status, clarify a limit we need to set, or make progress on intellectual or artistic work.
A focus on independent efforts and planning will help us avoid unnecessary arguments and unexpected upsets.
I am not alone or without support. The Divine Strategist is with me, defending me and promoting my interests effectively, here and now.
Friday, February 22
Morning is good for editing, beautifying our space, decluttering the closet, and using mantras and positive affirmations.
Interactions with others may prove distracting or irritating, except for a couple of hours from 4:56 pm (7:56 ET) to 6:46 pm (9:46 pm ET), when Moon in social Libra connects with expansive Jupiter and ruler Venus. Share a nice dinner, activate business or personal connections.
With Venus joining intense Pluto, deep and authentic works better than trivial, but there is a potential for power struggles. With the possible exception of supervised couples therapy, save hashing things out for another day—and if you have any doubts, keep a low profile.
Divine love flows through my life in a deep river that touches me through all, including all people and relationships. Divine love flows through the lives of others, touching them through all, including whatever contact I have had with them. All that has really touched us or can touch us is divine love.
Saturday, February 23
Moon is VOC in Libra until 7:56 am, when she enters deep, passionate Scorpio. A quincunx to Chiron and a sextile from Mercury to Pluto, Moon’s ruler, increases the power of our meditation and words. We can connect with a therapist or coach, do inner work, journal, write affirmations or a text for work, or call a Congressperson.
Social and business interactions and promotions flow better from 4:44 pm (7:44 pm ET) on, when Moon trines Sun in sensitive Pisces. But plan to go home early and avoid dark alleys; at 7:12 pm (10:12 pm ET), Moon opposes her belligerent co-ruler Mars, precipitating testosterone reactions. If you can’t get to sleep, do stretching exercises, declutter the basement, or search for a lost document or object.
Affirmation (to use during and after affirmation sessions):
My words are not just nice ideas, they are doors of power that have allowed the divine to act and heal this situation now.
Sunday, February 24
At 11:29 am (2:29 pm), Moon in emotional Scorpio trines Neptune, planet of oceans and angels, making this a great morning to enjoy a calm spiritual activity, inspiring music, or the beach. At 2:21 pm (5:21 ET), Moon sextiles taskmaster Saturn, opening a great window to make headway with work, business, closing a cycle, fixing the house, or another practical goal.
Angels of mastery, please direct me to act on my spiritual, creative and material potential now.
Monday, February 25
Moon in Scorpio goes VOC at 4:14 am (7:14 ET), on a sextile to Venus that favors enjoying a romantic brunch in bed, journaling, and using affirmations to transmute mental blocks to prosperity.
If you can’t escape the office or other practical concerns, focus on routines that don’t make a big difference.
At 1:19 pm (4:19 ET), Moon enters Sagittarius, lifting her head (and ours) from the depths. We can move ahead, especially to take or give a course, seminar or lesson, promote something, follow up on foreign contacts or overdue responses, or deal with a college, the courts or a publisher.
On a more personal note, we can reach out to friends, express our gratitude, go to the gym, take part in a sports activity, clarify our belief preferences, or do anything that requires confidence. Moon’s trine to Chiron in active Aries increase our boldness, although it may also increase Moon in Sag’s bombastic inclinations.
I release others to their inner guidance system, and I heed my own guidance, here and now.
Tuesday, February 26
At 3:28 am (6:28 ET), Moon reaches her Last Quarter, triggering energies of conclusion and release.
Moon in Sagittarius is inspirational, particularly if we can apply it to a mystical activity, having an adventure, or working to finish something related to education, promotion, publicity or publishing.
An evening square to Neptune can produce slippery results from impulsive or risky adventures and calls for a measure of caution. It’s a great night for contacting light beings, meditating, praying or enjoying a concert.
At 7-8 degrees of Sagittarius, the Sabian symbol is:
WITHIN THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH NEW ELEMENTS ARE BEING FORMED. The alchemical fire which transforms the very substance of woman’s inner life.… Forces are at work in the inner psyche which in their own way respond to the outer stimulation produced by… group ambitions and emotions… and the releases of love. An alchemical process goes on, usually unnoticed by the conscious ego, until it becomes obvious that a kind of mutation has taken place, and a new level of awareness… has been reached.… The very substance of a person’s nature undergoes modifications, on the basis of which a new step may be taken. The symbol draws our attention to the inner changes. We have to become aware of them. What is implied is a kind of PSYCHIC GESTATION.
I give thanks for the deep, positive changes that have taken place within, producing new awareness, new manifestations and new connections with light beings now.
Wednesday, February 27
Moon in Sagittarius joins Sag’s ruler Jupiter this morning, accenting the archer’s promising potential. Reconnect with the power of imagination, visualize, and call on your spirit guides. We might also expand our horizons by consulting a coach or spiritual adviser, or taking a course or lesson.
Making today’s potential for effective action even greater, we have an afternoon sextile from Sun in perceptive Pisces to Mars in prosperous Taurus. We can move to finish something that requires luck, confidence or inspiration. But, avoid getting preachy, being reckless or overdoing things.
At 10:17 pm, Moon goes VOC—although in Sag she still performs—entering Capricorn at 10:48 pm (1:48 am ET).
Spirit invocation for forgiveness (repeat for five minutes at night before going to sleep, while you imagine the embrace of your angel’s arms and wings, or your guide’s tangible presence):
Guardian Angel (or name of Spirit Guide), please imbue me with your presence that I may easily forgive myself and others now.
Thursday, February 28
Moon in strong Capricorn trines bold Mars and sextiles confident Sun, helping to close the month with tangible results.
We can organize, get on track with a long-term goal, focus on a legacy, or investments, institutional activities, or a business or construction project, set a limit, and ask for support. Watch for a tendency to sound too cold or businesslike—and remember to keep it fun.
I allow myself to take the reins of my life and enjoy my progress now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.