Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins.
(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Time (UTC-8).
A “Void Moon” or “Void of Course Moon” (or “VOC moon” for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.
According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon’s rulership), Taurus (Moon’s exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) “performeth somewhat.” Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and “you can take it to the bank.” Another way of putting how this works in an astrological forecast is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get “unanswered success.” That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
Daily Astrology Forecast, October 2018
Monday, October 1
The day begins with Moon VOC in Gemini, calling us to do something mental, yet open-ended… browse through a stationery or book store, do crossword puzzles, straighten the desk, or if we have the chance, sleep in.
At 11:00 am (2:00 pm ET), Moon enters fertile Cancer. She makes stimulating, potentially productive aspects that are worth a special effort to use, particularly since this is the last day of the Third Quarter Moon and as such, the most propitious day for progress from now until next week.
Moon’s opposition to Saturn isn’t particularly warm, but it can help us organize, focus and get concrete. Her sextile to Uranus helps break new ground, inviting us to take a bold, focused step and work on a business strategy, embark on a new course of spiritual study or personal development, start work with a coach or consultant, knock on a key door, or search for new living quarters.
The Power within me is greater than the world around me. I believe it, I feel it and I open to its victory, here and now.
Tuesday, October 2
Before dawn, Moon reaches Last Quarter. It’s time to tie up loose ends, close a cycle and regroup. With today’s numerology of 2, Moon in family-oriented Cancer particularly favors following up on family-related plans and intentions.
Moon’s morning trines to Venus and Neptune, planets of personal and impersonal love, favor practicing forgiveness, listening with empathy, bonding, doing something altruistic or going to therapy.
A square from Mercury the messenger to deep Pluto can trigger power struggles, but it also favors getting to the bottom of something intellectual, legal or emotional. Besides therapy, it’s great for journaling and research.
Afternoon tensions from Moon to deep Pluto and mental Mercury are good for transmuting thought patterns and healing memories. Save business and other key communications for tomorrow morning.
I am not alone or limited to my own perceptions or those of others, Spirit’s light is with me and in me, and Spirit’s light shows me whatever I need to see for my wellness and freedom now.
Wednesday, October 3
This morning, Moon in sensitive Cancer trines noble Jupiter and wounded-healer Chiron. It’s a day to send nurturing vibes far and wide: pray for children at the border and in other challenging situations, and radiate love to yourself and to the world.
This is also a great time to declutter and rid your space of fluorescent lights or any objects or substances that don’t support wellness.
At 2:02 pm (5:02 ET), Moon enters Leo. Tense aspects to Uranus and Saturn help us focus on something creative. Avoid pressure-filled people or situations, and release an obsolete goals, dreams, and visualization materials. Save key connections or risky diversions for another day.
Angels and Goddesses of completion, please help me finish what I’ve started, and open the way for new good now.
Thursday, October 4
Morning is the best time for people connections. Moon in expressive Leo connects with Venus and Sun. Reach out to someone to express your appreciation, share positive recognition, send thank-you notes or share an opulent or romantic brunch.
This afternoon, Moon makes tense contacts to imaginative Neptune and intense Pluto, favoring art therapy, journaling or another creative, healing activity.
Save negotiations for another day.
Divine Love fills my mind and connections, and only good flows through them now.
Friday, October 5
If we have something urgent to communicate, we can use a brief, early window. At 4:20 am, Moon in extroverted Leo sextiles Mercury the messenger. Just 14 minutes later, she goes VOC. After that we might as well go back to sleep, play a game, go for a walk, or connect with a child.
Save key actions, purchases and connections for after 4:19 pm, when Moon enters Virgo. The interim is not exactly quiet, as Venus stations to turn retrograde. Venus retrograde in Scorpio triggers a 42-day period that favors inner healing, with special emphasis on projections and other issues in relationship and finance. (See your sign’s tip for this important transit in our October General Influences.) During this period, focusing on existing connections, business, and inner issues around them is apt to prove more satisfying than starting something new.
At 4:19 pm (7:19 ET), Moon enters practical Virgo. She trines jumpy Uranus and constructive Saturn, favoring business, organization, editing and giving something the finishing touch. As the lunar cycle winds down, she also helps us release clutter, purge the bookshelf, and take a realistic look at where we are and what we need to start again at the upcoming New Moon portal—which is precise next Monday but whose influence begins tomorrow.
As i observe my interactions, they begin to heal now.
Saturday, October 6
Morning is good for tying up a business deal, putting our space in order, retouching work with an eye to beauty, or sharing a romantic brunch, thanks to a sextile from Moon in diligent Virgo to loving Venus.
If you need minor surgery to eliminate tissue, now’s a good time.
Try to have to fun, as this afternoon’s energies are on the serious—if psychic—side, apt for consulting an oracle, channel, or intuition, meditating, attending a low-key support group or working on healing.
We can use tonight’s trine from Moon to deep Pluto to forgive ourselves or someone else in preparation for Monday’s New Moon.
Divine love flows through my world in a golden stream that touches me through everyone and everything, including (name a person you wish to release).
Sunday, October 7
Even if it’s Sunday, if you have something to promote, express or consolidate, it may be worth rising before 7:03 am (10:03 ET), when Moon in focused Virgo goes VOC on a sextile to charismatic Jupiter.
A quincunx from Sun to Neptune favors inspirational and psychic activities, enjoying music and contacting angels. This aspect combines with a lunar opposition to Chiron, good for healing and praying for border families and other groups at risk. It can also cause confusion. Avoid driving while under the influence and save key communications for another day.
As for things tangible, Moon finally leaves her VOC at 6:10 pm (9:10 ET), when she enters Libra. Although this placement can be charming, a quincunx to Uranus brings out its argumentative streak. It also favors creative thinking, getting rid of obsolete furniture and décor, and releasing concern for the opinions of others. Avoid unnecessary arguments.
I invoke my angels and spirit guides to empower my path of healing now.
Monday, October 8
Use this dynamic day to intend and to act, as Moon will be VOC for most of tomorrow.
Today’s numerology of 8 pushes for power. A morning trine from Moon in Libra, sign of connection, to bold Mars in friendly Aquarius favors collaborating on an intellectual or idealistic project. This combination also empowers us to make a break with limiting social situations. The break may include saying goodbye or it may be of an inner sort, like practicing release and forgiveness.
The New Moon in Libra perfects at 8:47 pm (11:47 ET). If you have something new to start, use this last New Moon of the year with Mercury completely direct—that is, not in retrograde or shadow.
It’s particularly favorable for goals related to beautification, justice and relationship. With ruler Venus in retrograde, such beginnings would be about something we’ve started before, such as completing a divorce procedure, renegotiating a deal, enforcing a contract, continuing to heal a relationship or a way of relating, finishing or retouching an improvement of our image or beautification of our space. For more details on this lunation, see our October General Influences.
Write down your intentions, beginning with the words, “I see…”. For instance: “I see a fair outcome as though it has already been produced in this situation.” “I see myself in a happy, healthy relationship with (name of person).” “I see myself signing the contract for this deal.”
The New Moon is quincunx imaginative Neptune in Pisces, sign of its rule, so this is truly a great portal for making a vision board or contacting the angels for help in our relationships.
I praise divine love that there’s a perfect direction for this relationship and it’s being revealed and facilitated now.
Tuesday, October 9
In the early wee hours, Moon goes VOC in Libra, and will be there for most of the day. Both Moon and Mercury quincunx Chiron, favoring journaling about and healing our issues around relationship and communication. In the wake of yesterday’s New Moon portal, we can get a look at how our interactions—or isolation—may be blocking the flow of our good.
To the extent it’s possible, put key actions and connections on hold until tomorrow afternoon.
Today the messenger planet Mercury enters Scorpio, sign of shadows, connecting our minds to Autumn’s work of transformation. At 9:09 pm (12:09 am ET), Moon also enters deep Scorpio, where she conjuncts Mercury and opposes Uranus, planets of lower and higher mind.
If you can stay up, this combination is great for investigating a mystery, having a deep talk and making a life-altering change.
Angels of clarity, please help me discern my divine direction now.
Wednesday, October 10
With Moon in brave Scorpio, Mercury opposing rebel Uranus, and the pioneering numerology 1, brawn tends to overshadow brain through midday. Journal, draw up a daring plan, consult with a coach, but resist the urge to flex your muscles, avoid unnecessary arguments, and save key action for the afternoon.
Scorpio Moon is still intense, and Venus squares Mars, her pushy co-ruler. But the love planet takes the evening off as she joins Moon and trines compassionate Neptune. We can get in sync with the waxing Moon by moving on a goal or doing something artistic. We can also apply this combo in our personal sphere by having a sexy dinner, an intimate encounter or deep talk, working on forgiveness and prayer or consulting a psychic about a relationship or connection.
I release myself and others from condemnation, and I let divine justice unfold in this situation now.
Thursday, October 11
Sun squares Pluto, making us anxious for transformation and triggering a call of destiny, while Moon in powerful Scorpio harmonizes with ruler Pluto to make this a power day. We can act boldly on our New Moon intention or another cherished goal. This is a day to support something we feel strongly about, take action for a pet cause, make a major, life-altering decision or act on an important change.
The numerology of 11 marks days when angels can more easily access humanity’s love and use it to lift the planetary vibration.
I take a stand for kindness, and I am part of the planet’s healing now.
Friday, October 12
A wee-hour sextile from mental Mercury to structured Saturn helps us close the week productively. Now is the moment! Apply for a permit, present a proposal, push through with paperwork or documents.
There’s been an intensity in the air since Monday’s New Moon, which finally subsides as Moon enters expansive Sagittarius at 2:53 am (5:53 ET). An extra dose of morning mindfulness will help us get on the good side of her contact with Uranus: write down and share your brilliant ideas, but avoid getting preachy or doing something reckless.
Sagittarius Moon suggests that we take or give a seminar, course or lesson, make a vision board for a book, seek out a colleague or a contact abroad, do something related to a college, the law or publishing companies, start a promotion, throw a party or do anything requiring optimism or confidence.
The highest good is manifesting in all my situations, and in the situations of others now.
Saturday, October 13
Today’s numerology of 4 connects with Saturn, Saturday’s planet, accentuating the constructive potential of Sagittarius Moon and—with a square to imaginative Neptune—making this a good morning to accomplish something visionary or inspirational. We can combine business with pleasure, or follow through on plans to create more adventure in our lives.
Moon goes VOC this evening, although in Sagittarius it still performs, and a sextile to Sun in sweet Libra makes this a good evening for a romantic dinner, concert or other shared fun.
I am irresistibly attractive to the true people and I allow myself to accept happiness now.
Sunday, October 14
This morning, Moon in Sagittarius squares Chiron, the wounded healer. Work on spiritual healing, participate in an ecological cause or shamanic gathering, and pray for the world.
At 12:17 pm (3:17 ET), inspiration puts on her business shoes as Moon enters practical Capricorn. An afternoon trine to talented Uranus keeps the candle of fun burning, and we can ground our brilliance in a cause or project.
This evening, Moon joins ruler Saturn, and the urge to organize sets in. This influence dampens romance and socializing, but favors independent progress. Make plans, strategize for a successful week, do business, reorganize investments, fill out a credit application, build the balance in a bank account, get on track with goals. Or start a diet, exercise program or any activity requiring discipline. As for connections with others, visit the elderly or consult with a coach. Remember to make it fun and avoid hurting someone’s feelings through an excessively business-like attitude.
I am worthy of the best, and I strategize for wellness and success now.
Monday, October 15
This morning is good for connecting with others, but not just anyone.
Moon in directed Capricorn sextiles Venus in deep Scorpio, while Venus herself takes a hit from Mercury the messenger. Under these influences, we should avoid trivial pursuits, and seek out a person connected to goals of change and healing. It could be a coach, therapist, consultant, existing or potential business partner, or someone we can help on their way to wellness or progress.
Guardian Angel (or Spirit Guide), please shield me from distraction and hold me on my path of power now.
Tuesday, October 16
Today’s intelligent numerology of 7 accents the strategic aptitudes of Moon in Capricorn, who reaches her First Quarter on a square to Sun in intellectual Libra. We can apply ourselves to reviewing our progress on goals and intentions established at last week’s New Moon, tweak our approach and get back on track.
Productivity in business or anything tangible is favored until 2:49 pm (5:49 ET), when Moon goes VOC on a sextile to Jupiter, making afternoon good for watching a funny movie, studying for pleasure, or some other form of fun.
Goddesses of strategy, please clarify my path and move me successfully forward now.
Wednesday, October 17
Moon enters independent Aquarius in the wee hours, making a pre-dawn square to ruler Uranus that sparks her genius but doesn’t favor a cozy breakfast, heart-to-heart chat, or for that matter, anything requiring diplomacy or warmth.
Try something different. Break out of a rut, express your uniqueness, explore your options, read the fine print, check the details of an independent move, research a career change or plan to refinance your home.
Save key connections for this afternoon when her square to Venus is not entirely harmonious but will bring out people’s good will. This contact also favors creativity.
The same Mind that knows my best options knows how to reveal them to me, and is working to do this now.
Thursday, October 18
Moon in purposeful Aquarius joins heroic Mars, giving us the courage to cut loose from limiting situations. We can do something on behalf of nature, a vulnerable group, or our own creative project.
This influence also favors seeking out a person or organization that empowers your mission. Be assertive, but avoid getting pushy or dogmatic.
Before going to bed tonight, leave a notebook by your bed to capture tomorrow’s intuitive gifts.
I move forward in whatever way I can, and the path becomes clear, here and now.
Friday, October 19
With today’s combination of yin and yang, creativity surges, Mercury the messenger makes a wee-hour trine to angelic Neptune, opening the intuitive mind and with it receptivity to guidance in dreams. This aspect also favors rising very early (around 3:30 am) to write to someone’s guardian angel so they may receive divine guidance.
Moon makes an early square to Jupiter, the other angel-planet, an influence that also favors publicity. If you manage to be up, use it before 5:27 am (8:27 ET), when she goes VOC. Then, enjoy a good read, take in art or browse the Internet until 1:20 pm (4:20 ET), when Moon enters Pisces.
Taking this break will spare us the high point of mental Mercury’s square to jumpy Mars, which perfects at 10:23 am (1:23 pm ET). This antisocial contact in fixed signs can fuel the argumentative streak of even a Tibetan monk. However, it can also embolden us to move beyond our comfort zone, cut through distraction and act on our ideas. Capture the spirit by writing down your plan, or just plain writing.
This afternoon and evening, Moon in imaginative Pisces makes two helpful sextiles: to freeing Uranus and constructive Saturn. These harmonies are great for breaking through limitations, shaking off perfectionism and building towards our dreams.
Although the Mercury-Mars square reduces our chances of harmonious connection with others, our own inner dialogue and vision can reach new levels. Make a treasure map or similar tool to visualize your goals, create a scene of a key conversation in which you hear the news or response you hope for, or finish something related to your dreams.
Spirit says yes to my success. I see it, I believe it and I receive it now.
Saturday, October 20
Harmony prevails as Moon in flowing Pisces trines sweet Venus, joins ruler Neptune and trines Mercury, making this a good day to connect with others, particularly for romantic, spiritual or creative activity. We might harmonize with these influences by attending a concert or spiritual gathering, or by sharing time, resources or attention with someone in need. We can also meditate, pray, practice forgiveness, give or receive a psychic reading. Or, we can immerse ourselves in the Neptunian element physically and/or spiritually by going for a swim, mud-bath or sauna, blessing water (see below), or contacting light beings.
Affirmative water blessing (repeat 3 times mindfully while you hold a bottle, glass or another vessel of water):
I recognize the Omnipresent Good that fills this water and uses its liquid molecular structure to cleanse and bless whatever it touches, wherever it is dispersed.
Sunday, October 21
We have another easy day, as Moon in Pisces harmonizes with co-ruler Jupiter. Today we might connect with an inspiring group or activity, work on art, attend an exhibit, go watch whales, support a cause to protect or help the oceans, enjoy music, do dream yoga, invoke the angels.
Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio enrich today’s energies to favor reconciliation and healing of relationships. Tonight, Moon quincunx Sun and conjunct Chiron make a great window for healing self-esteem.
At 11:58 pm (2:48 ET), Moon enters Aries.
My good flows to me easily, happily and abundantly now and always.
Monday, October 22
Sun makes a quincunx to Chiron, echoing yesterday’s healing energies. An early square from Moon in confident Aries to demanding Saturn rubs in the need to heal, particularly issues of guilt or feelings of unworthiness.
The best way to start the day is by making an early date with ourselves to heal: journal, meditate, use positive affirmations, participate in a support group or schedule an early therapy session. This will take the edge off these influences and lift us up to a sense of worthiness.
This will also empower us to use the rest of the day’s influences—which help break new ground—and connect with others in brave, productive ways. We’ll be favored to obey the urge to act on a challenge, apply for a job, submit a proposal, or push to finish something we’ve been postponing.
We can direct an evening sextile from Mercury the messenger to Pluto, planet of change, in communications or research that require a magical touch.
Tomorrow’s influences are rather belligerent, so it’s best to take care of calls, connections, or sales efforts now.
I listen within and come from that center in all my interactions now.
Tuesday, October 23
At 4:22 am (7:22 ET) Sun enters Scorpio, charging the air with vibrations of change. Co-ruler Mars also rules Moon in Aries, who happens to sextile the warrior planet, opening a window for courageous action this morning, the only hour that helps us promote our cause, service or product.
A midday square to Pluto sets Moon on a potentially explosive VOC, punctuated by Sun’s opposition to radical Uranus this afternoon. From midday on, meditate to keep your cool, stretch your tact muscle, and exercise caution while driving or using tools of any kind.
Save key connections and anything risky for another day. For now, declutter, weed, clean the garage, determine to set a limit and write it down, but save for another day the announcement, making key connections with others and anything involving risk.
Nothing can harm us, because there is no power to harm, only Spirit’s loving power that lifts us to wellness and freedom, now and always.
Wednesday, October 24
Today’s electrical intensity can shake things up, with a couple of windows for connection and productivity—thanks to a sextile from charming Venus to executive Saturn. These windows are just after 7:33 am (10:33 ET), when Moon leaves her VOC to enter Taurus, sign of her exaltation, and this afternoon, when she trines Saturn, planet of manifestation, helping consolidate work, business, or something related to our prosperity.
From 8:31 am (11:31 ET) through 3:00 pm (6:00 ET) things get unpredictable as Moon pulls some forceful magic. She joins Uranus just before becoming Full on an opposition to Sun in intense Scorpio. Known as the Blood Moon, this Full Moon portal increases the power of just about any intent, but particularly those related to endings and beginnings. Her conjunction to Uranus helps make a break with obsolete habits, ties or conditions. Choose a chapter you wish to close, so you can start anew.
I call on the Angels of Renewal to clear my way to a new phase of light, wellness and success, here and now.
Thursday, October 25
This morning, make a date with your thinking chair or cushion. Today’s intelligent numerology of 7 accents our powers of reason, while an early sextile from Moon to psychic Neptune opens us to intuitive guidance. We can see and think our way through to the freedom triggered by yesterday’s lunation, whose portal remains open.
This morning, create visualization materials for romance, prosperity or another goal related to your freedom—and connect with others, as a square from Moon to Mars will decrease our relational IQ this afternoon.
With the help of a trine to transformational Pluto, Moon in abundant Taurus recovers her momentum this evening, and we we can return to doing business, reorganize a stock portfolio or retirement plan, renegotiate a contract or loan, finish that vision board, sing, make music, and have a power dinner.
Infinite Good is present in my life and situations, and I am free from attachments toward or from people and situations now.
Friday, October 26
This is a fertile, sexy, transformational morning. Today’s powerful numerology of 8 intensifies the force of Sun in Scorpio, who joins with sweet Venus to receive an extra dose of charm. Moon opposes magnanimous Jupiter, favoring promotion, education and altruistic endeavors—presenting ideas or product, promoting something, working on art, making a move to reconcile with someone, having a romantic brunch with a side of lust, healing our love nature, forgiving, filing for divorce, closing a cycle.
Whatever activity you choose, do it before 12:41 pm (3:41 ET), when Moon enters Gemini.
The intensity softens, but afternoon is still good for work or play. Gemini’s quick mind and communicative nature suggest we write a letter, work on sales and promotion, take care of something that requires inventiveness or a quick solution, purchase or update a phone or computer equipment, contact siblings, run errands, throw a party, or play table games.
Infinite Good works in my life to bring forth right relationships with the best people for the good of all concerned, here and now.
Saturday, October 27
Sun in transformational Scorpio sextiles disciplined Saturn: we can apply ourselves with purpose on anything from business to healing, relationships or spiritual development. Moon in Gemini favors the realm of ideas and communications. We can align with these influences with activities such as transmitting, connecting, closing a sale, promoting something, approaching someone influential, writing an article, repeating affirmations, going to therapy, reviewing a contract, re-negotiating something or structuring a plan for business or manifestation of change. These influences work from dawn through dusk, though morning and afternoon keep us out of the way of a square that takes place at 12:48 pm (3:48 ET), from Moon to subtle Neptune, that will increase subjectivity and may generate confusion.
At 9:37 pm (12:37 am ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to active Mars. If you happen to be restless tonight, try writing affirmations, doing crossword puzzles, or repeating your favorite mantra.
Affirmation to use during and after prayers:
My words are not just nice ideas, they’re doors of power that allow Spirit to work miracles here and now.
Sunday, October 28
Moon is VOC in Gemini, inviting us to play scrabble, do crossword puzzles, read the news, write decrees for healing.
Things get dynamic at 4:27 pm (7:27 ET), when she enters fertile Cancer, harmonizing with brilliant Uranus and charming Venus to favor creativity and breakthroughs in our relationships.
Now we’ll be able to entertain friends and family, look at and work out doubts and fears, spend time with loved ones, share a romantic dinner, create a business strategy, do business, make a dream board, search for new living quarters, beautify space, declutter, or embark on a new course of spiritual study,.
I can have no harmful thoughts because Spirit only sends helpful, joyous, successful thoughts to me and through me now.
Monday, October 29
Empowered by a wee-hour trine to Sun in strong Scorpio and Mercury’s conjunction to expansive Jupiter, also in the sign of power, Moon in Cancer gets the work week off to an entrepreneurial start. Now is the moment to write down a vision for the week, create a business strategy, do business, follow intuition to promote or sell something, or search for a new home.
We should get practical concerns covered this morning, and use this afternoon and evening—when Moon trines psychic Neptune and Mercury harmonizes with Chiron—for visualization, prayer, forgiveness, an intuitive consultation or healing.
Omnipresent Love radiates through my cells, and only good is expressed in them and through them now.
Tuesday, October 30
Moon in intuitive Cancer makes a series of trines that help direct her potential. Look at and work on your doubts and fears, act on a business strategy, focus on personal growth and self-empowerment, make a dream board, promote something, reach out to family, and bless your home or personal space.
At 7:31 pm (10:31 ET), Moon goes VOC, though in Cancer she still performs.
At 7:42 pm (10:42 ET), she enters playful Leo. Squares to rebel Uranus and social Venus in fixed signs may not favor business or romance, but can find an outlet in stay-at-home fun such as table games or watching comedy.
Spirit loves me, Spirit guides me, Spirit shows me the way.
Wednesday, October 31
Halloween gets off to an unusual start, as both Venus and Mercury make tense contacts to Uranus, planet of surprises.
With Moon in dramatic Leo, we can expect theatrical costumes and Halloween antics.
Moon winds down to her Last Quarter, triggering a lunar week of release and cleansing, in resonance with the energies of change associated with today’s pagan feast of Samhain.
At 12:42 pm, Venus backs into Libra. The planet of love will shine her spotlight on our love-life, justice concerns and key connections, supporting us to review, revise and rework them.
An evening quincunx from Moon to Neptune increases intuition and romantic inclinations. Get in early and bless your home, your surroundings, and whoever knocks on the door, with a shield of divine protection.
I call on the angels of protection to fill my home and surround my community, city, country and planet with their brilliant blue shield, now and always.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
I value the encouraging and eloquent feedback, Jo. Warm blessings for you.
Since before the 90’s, Maya was one of my guides. I am so thankful that Crystal has continued Daykeeper Journal’s Daily Success Guide, always a gentle reminder of how we fit into the big picture. Thank you, Crystal!
Thank you, Jo!