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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins.
(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Time (UTC-8).
A “Void Moon” or “Void of Course Moon” (or “VOC moon” for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.
According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon’s rulership), Taurus (Moon’s exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) “performeth somewhat.” Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and “you can take it to the bank.” Another way of putting how this works in an astrological forecast is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get “unanswered success.” That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
Daily Astrology Forecast, July 2018
Sunday, July 1
Moon in Aquarius, sign of freedom, favors taking a new route to a familiar place or in some way trying something different. It blends with the pioneering numerology of 1 to favor expressing your uniqueness and creativity or mapping out the details of an independent move or pathway.
With Venus–Lady of Love and Cash—in quincunx to powerful Pluto, we can work to transmute our programmed beliefs about romance and prosperity, heal issues related to these areas, call or write to Senators, or take another initiative to awaken a spirit of love in power circles. Creativity can be therapeutic.
However, be selective about who you hang out with as these energies are not casual or light-hearted and could relate to power struggles.
This afternoon, we can enjoy nature, a good read or a long nap, as Moon goes VOC on an opposition to Venus at 3:56 pm (6:56 ET), and connections with others may not work out as we plan or desire.
I radiate love to myself and others, and all levels of creation receive the vibrations and grow in kindness, here and now.
Monday, July 2
The first part of the day favors independent, creative activities—or just enjoy yourself and read the news. Save key initiatives, contacts and purchase for after 10:31 am (1:31 pm ET), when Moon leaves her VOC and enters Pisces, where she favors meditation, swimming, creativity of any kind, or closing a cycle.
Moon’s subtle vibrations mingle with a very practical quincunx from Mercury the messenger to Saturn the worker. We are empowered to mobilize to move through bureaucracy, declutter the desk or file cabinet, and organize a creative project or visualization materials.
Divine love radiates into my space and situations, and I trust its perfect action now.
Tuesday, July 3
Inspiration and good will flow as Moon in sweet Pisces makes two lovely trines: to purposeful Sun and fortunate Jupiter. This is a great day for healing, forgiveness, and connecting with light beings and people.
Use it well, before tomorrow’s holiday, when Mercury will enter pre-retrograde shadow, and communications are apt to become more complicated.
I invoke my angels (guides, light beings) to open my way and move me to seize this day of power now.
Wednesday, July 4
This is not just another fireworks-and-hotdogs 4th of July. Chiron turns retrograde and also takes a hit from the Moon.
This retrograde, occurring on the solar return of the U.S., brings to light the country’s contradictions and the shadow side of its influences for mothers and families. Is the Statue of Liberty a faithful reflection of a compassionate persona, or is it an anachronistic adornment on what has become a child-eating machine? The retrograde is in Aries, within orb of the zero point, so the asteroid’s wounds and healing relate to our essence, masculine, aggressive energies, the military and its underside, and simply being ourselves.
Fourth of July celebrations are apt to turn into protests, and may not be so peaceable.
I attend my need for wellness, and…
Thursday, July 5
The trine from purposeful Sun to vociferous Jupiter perfects. As discussed in our Astrological Influences section, revelations of abuse of children will arise not just today, but throughout the U.S. Solar cycle.
On a more personal level, promotional activities or something requiring confidence will also tend to flow, particularly if it’s related to kids, mothers, homes, and business. We should focus on diplomacy, and avoid a tendency to slip from confidence to pushiness, triggered by an opposition from Mercury the messenger to feisty Mars.
Afternoon and evening are smoother than morning. We can promote our services, products or cause, send messages, and make key connections.
Angels of harmony, please pour your vibrations into my world to override any apparent discord and support the results of my confident action now.
Friday, July 6
Moon in restless Aries gives a dynamic touch to today’s prosperous numerology of 6, helping us get things done and finish the week successfully. Use it while you can, as Mercury will enter retrograde shadow on Monday.
Moon reaches her Last Quarter in the wee hours, triggering the Sabian symbol for 14-15 Aries:
AN INDIAN WEAVING A CEREMONIAL BLANKET. Projecting into everyday living the realization of wholeness and fulfillment.
…Jesus’s “seamless robe” … in Asia… the spiritual vesture… This is the ultimately kind of weaving… implied is the profound fact that every individual has as her ultimate task the weaving of her immortal body, her Gnostic Robe of Glory.
Moon goes VOC after midnight on a trine to Venus.
I pray and I act in light, and my Sun-body radiates, here and now.
Saturday, July 7
At 5:51 am (8:51 ET), Moon enters abundant Taurus. Her morning conjunction to Uranus fuels creative inspiration and helps us unblock our prosperity. We can do inner and magical work to improve our self-esteem, or enjoy a concert, a political gathering, or brunch with an out-there friend.
Moon is exalted in Taurus, sign of abundance, and her afternoon trine to Saturn in executive Capricorn favors doing business or structuring our work.
My supply pours forth from the infinite realm of Spirit, and my supply cannot be withheld from me now.
Sunday, July 8
The numerology of 8—related to power—further intensifies the flow of good fortune on this mystical, magical day.
Sun in empathetic Cancer trines psychic Neptune in Pisces, the sign of its rule, while Moon in abundant Taurus harmonizes with Neptune, Sun and Pluto. This is the perfect time to make a donation, or a healing gift (of words, a treatment, book, prayers or something else directed to another’s wellness), or to enjoy music, nature, art, and share a good meal. Or, we could weed the yard, go on a sensual date, or participate in a spiritual gathering that centers on nature or singing.
Afternoon and evening are good for work and business. Also favored are contacts with angels and getting a psychic reading.
Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, spotlighting inner work and actions focused on things previously begun.
I bless my actions with healing intent, and they unfold on the highest wavelength now.
Monday, July 9
This morning, make a date with the thinking chair and come up with ways to give a dramatic touch to a promotion, or to express your affection warmly, before Venus slips beyond the reach of Leo’s warm rays and into Virgo’s cool terrain at 7:22 pm (10:22 pm ET).
Take action on prosperity, love or art before 9:58 am (12:58 pm ET), before Moon leaves prosperous Taurus and enters Gemini. After that, we can work on writing or something else intellectual, run errands, send a letter to our Senator, go on a walk or bicycle ride, follow up on calls to siblings and friends, break a habit, bless and consecrate a wand or car, clear the desk and purge old visualization materials in preparation for new intentions at the upcoming New Moon Eclipse. Avoid wasting time or talking too much.
Angels of Intuition, please help me trust my inner guidance and move me to act on it in whatever way I can, here and now.
Tuesday, July 10
Jupiter turns direct at 13 Scorpio. Today, we’ll derive great benefit from reviewing what we’ve learned since early last March. With the planet of meaning in Scorpio, the lessons and viewpoints absorbed would be in relation to power, beliefs and hidden areas of our lives. Open your vision to redefine your life mission or update your approach to a vital goal.
Balsamic Moon in Gemini favors decluttering desk or bookcase, following up on a sale or promotion, connecting with siblings, or retouching an idea presented previously.
Focus on key actions and purchases before 1:00 pm (4:00 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC for the rest of the day. After the VOC we’ll be more comfortable playing a mental game, doing a crossword puzzles, writing affirmations for forgiveness and release, or calling someone just to check in.
My kind actions open my being and world to a new inflow of love now.
Wednesday, July 11
Moon is VOC in Gemini: journaling and writing affirmations of forgiveness and release are still favored.
At 10:59 am (1:59 pm ET), Moon enters Cancer with harmonies to lovely Venus and liberating Uranus. She compliments a trine that is occurring between these two, and can open new vistas in prosperity, love and altruistic endeavors.
We’re being called to pay an account due, shake off a limiting belief, or move beyond a fear that’s been keeping us from acting on something we’ve dreamt of, particularly in creativity, love, a service activity, or finances.
I acknowledge my fear and move forward anyway.
Thursday, July 12
Morning favors creative work and calling on the angels. Connections with others can also flow, particularly for humanitarian purposes. With Mercury contacting Neptune and on the doorstep of tonight’s intense lunation, it’s best to leave challenging dealings for another day.
At 7:48 pm (10:04 ET), we get one of the year’s key astrological events: a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer. Directly opposite Pluto in Capricorn and in orb of yesterday’s trine from Venus to Uranus, she’s dripping in transpersonal energies.
With Mercury in pre-retrograde shadow, this portal triggers issues around healing or transformation that we’ve looked at before and can now retrieve for resolution. The disappearance of children and hidden, inhumane treatment of immigrants and youths that have been coming to light are symptomatic of a system that puts great import on Capricorn concerns such as knowing the right people and keeping your tie straight for TV, while underneath your soul (ruled by Cancer) quietly suffers. Where are the children? And what about the lost child within?
The New Moon in Cancer is a great portal to establish intentions related to motherhood, memories, the family tree, home, families and the soul. Yet Pluto calls for deep healing. Clarify your innermost intent in one or more of these areas and write it down.
I embrace my inner child and this connection helps dignify children around the world now.
Friday, July 13
Still on the portal of yesterday’s Eclipse, today’s transits continue to favor low profiles. The best time to contact someone is before 10:31 am (1:21 pm ET), when Moon enters dramatic Leo, where she makes a series of tense aspects that may elicit her Leonian growl. The most propitious activities are independent creative work, meditation, and a visit to a therapist, 12-step group, or spiritual healer.
My heart is a portal of love, and I radiate it to myself and others now.
Saturday, July 14
Our creativity quotient is higher today than our emotional intelligence. Moon in Leo continues with tense aspects that can fuel ego trips. Applied with focus and combined with a highly practical trine from Venus to Saturn, it can also offer some gifts: giving a dramatic touch to our work, preparing a presentation, doing magic for self-expression, taking a class or online workshop to develop one’s talents, and connecting with trustworthy friends.
At 4:12 pm (7:12 pm ET) Moon goes VOC, followed by a parting shot in the form of a quincunx to Pluto the powerful. Watch an engaging movie, soak in the tub and get to bed early.
I act with loving intent, and release the outcomes to a Higher Power now.
Sunday, July 15
As Moon enters practical Virgo at 10:31 am (1:31 pm ET), the Eclipse drama cools down and we can move forward more confidently with the energy of the waxing Moon. She harmonizes with Uranus the liberator and Saturn the worker, giving our efforts a touch of brilliance and staying power.
If this is a day of rest for you, direct the energy into helping your family, designing a plan to act on your healing intentions, or organizing your stock portfolio, financial strategy or the new week’s work.
I give thanks for my talents, and use them to serve the angels now.
Monday, July 16
With tense aspects from creative Venus to sharp Mars and mental Mercury to deep Pluto, our wits sharpen and—with the help of Moon in productive Virgo in sextile to Jupiter—we can direct them in effective efforts to promote or teach.
Leave diplomacy, negotiation and closing deals for another day, or at least until after 7:29 pm (10:29 ET), when Moon’s trine to powerful Pluto helps ground her potential. Since she’ll be VOC tomorrow morning, we might stay up late to work or pray and sleep in tomorrow.
Keep a notebook by your bed to write down your dreams upon waking.
The stars inspire me with light-thoughts, now and always.
Tuesday, July 17
At 3:50 am (6:50 ET), Moon goes VOC in Virgo on a sextile to Sun in Cancer. Sleep should be refreshing and dreams full of light.
At 12:42 pm (3:42 ET), she enters Libra. Stressful aspects accentuate this sign’s feisty side but also help her get off the couch of complacency and get moving. Favored: preparing a strategy for a legal case, a negotiation, or dealing with someone challenging. (But save the actual encounter for Thursday morning or Friday afternoon.)
I am not alone or lacking for wisdom; the Divine Strategist is with me, counseling and inspiring me, now and always.
Wednesday, July 18
Moon in charming Libra makes a quincunx to Neptune, planet of imagination, favoring art, media production, screenwriting, decorating, garden design and doing PR for a humanitarian or oceanic cause.
Save negotiations or agreements requiring clarity for another day.
Light beings are with me, harmonizing my mind and world now.
Thursday, July 19
Finally, a day that favors communication and cooperation! With Moon in social Libra and in sextile with Mercury the messenger in warm Leo, morning is best for both modalities, or for nurturing a partnership, negotiating, renewing a shared project or agreement, making peace with an ex, enjoying a romantic breakfast, and teamwork of all kinds.
Do it while you can, as Moon goes VOC at 12:52 pm (3:52 ET), on reaching her First Quarter, triggering the Sabian symbol for 27-28 Libra:
A MAN IN DEEP GLOOM. UNOTICED, ANGELS COME TO HIS HELP. Spiritual sustainment given her who opens to her full destiny. Slow realization of betterment. Unsolicited help.
Moon stays VOC until 6:13 pm (9:13 ET), when she enters deep Scorpio, with contacts short on charm but high on healing power. We may be prompted to research alternative news or beliefs, talk with a therapist or 12-step group, meditate, pray, work on forgiveness, or make an important decision.
I give thanks for the help of angels that surround me and help lift my vibration, here and now.
Friday, July 20
Moon in intense Scorpio makes an early square to co-ruler bellicose Mars, not exactly a dainty or light combination. Morning is best for doing low-key exercise, going on a walk, enjoying nature and arm-chair activism. We’ll do best to save key interpersonal contacts for this afternoon, and then close the week in style as Moon sextiles sweet Venus and joins jolly Jupiter, pouring charm-powders into our connections—whether they be for romance, promotion, business or altruism.
Waxing Moon helps multiply our good; Mercury in pre-retrograde storm favors efforts on things seeded previously.
Divine love flows through my connections, creating new good for all involved now.
Saturday, July 21
We can make up for what may seem like a recent lack of progress on this power day. Moon in Scorpio is still waxing, and she sextiles ruler Pluto in Capricorn, sign of tangible advancement. Favored: do key research or something daring, investigate a mystery, back up something you feel strongly about, support a pet cause, go to therapy, get or give a psychic reading, push forward on an important goal.
I am not alone or without support, I have a Divine Patron who backs me up with all the support and all the resources to achieve my goals now.
Sunday, July 22
Today’s constructive influences can help us make the changes we want in a relationship or in a collaborative endeavor, so we should make an effort to focus on what’s important.
This morning, Sun is in the final, anaretic degree of cardinal sign Cancer, optimizing our intuition. And it’s worth listening to, as sweet Venus in practical Virgo sextiles Jupiter in profound Scorpio, giving a stroke of fortune to our interpersonal contacts, particularly those that are for business, healing or another type of positive, tangible change.
Jupiter also rules the Moon in expansive Sagittarius, which happens to favor friendship, contact with light-beings, obtaining a long-overdue answer, rekindling a flame, or renewing a foreign contact. At 2:00 pm (5:00 ET), Sun shifts into romantic Leo, accentuating the adventuresome side of Sagittarius—prompting a turn towards the festive—planning a party, sharing an excursion, or perhaps a sports activity.
The substance of this relationship is divine, and I give thanks that it is working to help us now.
Monday, July 23
If you have to get something done, or to put out a special effort, use this day of the waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Particularly: take or give a seminar or course, speak your mind, do a media production, make a vision board for a book, spiritual growth or something related to foreign countries, or apply for a permit or some other legal advantage.
I can’t have any limiting or fearful thoughts; Infinite Intelligence sends only thoughts of harmony and success to me and through me now.
Tuesday, July 24
At 1:22 am (4:22 ET), Moon goes VOC in Sagittarius, where she still performs. And does she! Elegant Venus opposes Moon’s co-ruler, imaginative Neptune; the connection between these planets of personal and angelic love inspires compassion, creativity and romantic inclinations. This bottled potion has a “caution” label on it, though. It can lead to confusion in matters of the heart and purse, so enjoy yourself but stay grounded and don’t elope to Hawaii just yet.
It is a great day to appeal to the public’s imagination and spirit of compassion, to work on art and to make a vision board for love and prosperity.
At 2:49, Moon enters disciplined Capricorn, with aspects that favor progress on something related to the web, an original project, or financial freedom.
I visualize abundance, and trust the details to the Universe now.
Wednesday, July 25
On the second-to-the-last day of her waxing cycle, Moon in Capricorn helps us organize, review and retrieve a goal seeded previously, apply our smarts in a career move, or re-launch a business venture. We could also schedule a coaching appointment with someone we’ve worked with before, reorganize an investment, reapply for credit, build the balance in a bank account, get back on a diet or exercise program and practice mindful listening.
Sun in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Avoid an unnecessary power struggle and take care not to hurt someone’s feelings with Capricorn’s overly cold or business-like manner.
At 10:01 pm (1:01 am ET), Mercury dives fully into its retrograde cycle.
My success is under spiritual law, so it flows in perfect order now.
Thursday, July 26
If you’re up for it, there’s a great window for romance, creativity or business early this morning, as sweet Moon in builder sign Capricorn trines Venus, lady of love, beauty and money. Use it or lose it, as Moon goes VOC on a conjunction to mighty Pluto at 6:41 am (9:41 ET).
We just might want to use it, even if we decide to go back to bed afterwards. The rest of the day’s contacts are tense, and not cheerful, harmonious or fun, although they can help us organize for deep-retrograde review and renew, or for a ritual at tomorrow’s Full Moon Eclipse.
I view my life with love and faith, and it is lifted to the highest frequency now.
Friday, July 27
Today’s sky is filled with an extra pulse of electromagnetism today, thanks to a total Eclipse Full Moon. At 5 degrees Aquarius, sign of freedom, she closely joins Mars, bringing the virile principle into relief. The red planet happens to be retrograde, giving us a chance to redo our use—or neglect—of assertive energies. The Eclipse triggers the South Node, signifying release of something from the past. Aquarius relates to the future, making this a true doorway to let go and also move on.
The time has come to reconnect with our life mission and move on it. The Sabian symbol for 4-5 Aquarius reminds us that we are not alone:
A WORLD LEADER IS SEEN GUIDED BY HIS ANCESTORS’ SPIRITS. The rich ancestral heritage of every individual which is the potent foundation of character. Direct, real inspiration.
This rather intense portal is not so great for daring action—in fact we should make an extra effort to avoid direct conflict. Rather than taking immediate action, dare to prepare: journal, meditate, consult with a coach. Lunar Eclipse portals give great potency to inner work and magic. Check our ritual and tips for your sign in the July Astrological Influences.
I am not alone or without guidance, light beings accompany, guide and assist me to walk my path of power now.
Saturday, July 28
The numerology of 1 combines with today’s astrological influences to help us move on our intentions for greater freedom and authenticity. Moon in Aquarius, sign of spiritual family, connects with fortunate Jupiter and charming Venus, focusing on empowering connections.
This combination is also fun. Enjoy yourself, yet try to stay focused, take the time to make a few, key calls, share your ideas, and reach out to someone that somehow resonates with where you want to go. We are still in the Lunar Eclipse portal, and today’s contacts can make a lasting difference.
I am guided to divine connections, and I act on my guidance, here and now.
Sunday, July 29
With Moon VOC in Aquarius, we can take in an art show or unusual cultural event, join with friends, socialize with street artists or enjoy a good read.
At 4:28 pm (7:28 ET) Moon enters mystical Pisces: meditate, visit a psychic, contact the angels, or attend a spiritual group or gathering. But don’t fall asleep in the monastery! Moon’s sextiles to exciting Uranus and constructive Saturn in earth signs can open doors to ground our inspiration. Whether romantic, artistic, spiritual or altruistic, dare to do something that can seed lasting results.
I allow myself to connect with those who love me and empower my dreams, here and now.
Monday, July 30
Moon in Pisces may want to stay in bed, but her contact to Sun in radiant Leo sounds an inner alarm, calling us to review last night’s dreams, connect with our creative imagination, make a vision board, work on art, a media production or web promotion, and radiate compassion.
Tonight, Moon trines Jupiter, perfect for calling on light beings, writing to someone’s guardian angel, and praying for yourself, for others, and for immigrant families.
The immigrants are not alone or without effective help and representation. The Divine Defender is with them, protecting them and working in whatever ways are necessary to help them, guide them and free them now. No situation or influence can keep the Divine Defender from manifesting their wellness and success through Its infinite channels and with Its almighty means now.
Tuesday, July 31
This month of midsummer comes to a close with Moon in compassionate Pisces. A sextile to powerful Pluto pulls us out of the fish’s dreamy complacency and helps us connect with others for lasting change. The connection may be with a therapist, healer, 12-step group, politician, investor, or a humanitarian network. Today’s constructive vibration of the number 4 moves us not only to unite, but also to build.
At 3:42 pm (6:42 ET), Moon goes VOC on an opposition to love-planet Venus. In Pisces, it stills performs, helping feelings of love—both personal and transpersonal—flower.
Divine love flows through my life in a deep, ongoing stream that touches me through the highest and the best channels, now and always.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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