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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins.
(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Time (UTC-8).
A “Void Moon” or “Void of Course Moon” (or “VOC moon” for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.
According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon’s rulership), Taurus (Moon’s exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) “performeth somewhat.” Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and “you can take it to the bank.” Another way of putting how this works in an astrological forecast is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get “unanswered success.” That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
Daily Astrology Forecast, December 2017
Friday, December 1
Warrior Mars, which rules Uranus in Aries, also opposes that rebel planet, giving us a look at our impulse to push against restrictions, and our frustration about apparent whatever lack of progress we see in our efforts towards freedom. The frustration is likely a projection of our own reticence to act, as will become clearer throughout the weekend. Take a good look at the price you may be paying to stay in your comfort zone. Plan effective strategies.
Also from now through Sunday: Avoid extreme sports and fights and be extra-careful at the wheel, and while using knives, weapons and machinery. Apply diplomacy, patience, gentle persistence and avoid risks, substance abuse and rash or impulsive behavior.
Moon is exalted in Taurus and contacts Jupiter and Neptune, helping us dream, visualize, create and cultivate compassion. A path of satisfaction opens this afternoon, when Moon goes VOC on a trine to Pluto. Moon in the sign of the bull continues to perform and can help us ground healing intentions and make a positive connection with someone in a position of power.
I envision the highest and the best, and apply my talents to design strategic pathways now.
Saturday, December 2
Moon in Taurus on a “2” day favors going to brunch with a significant other in beautiful surroundings. Moon makes a quincunxes to Mars the mover, Saturn the worker and Mercury the connector, generating low-degree tension that can be directed in tweaking a project, promotion or any practical endeavor involving others.
At 1:21 pm (4:21 pm ET), Moon enters Gemini, ruled by Mercury, just as the messenger planet stations to go fully retrograde. Mercury’s station is exact at 11:34 pm (1:34 am ET). At 29 Sagittarius, it triggers the anaratic final degree of a mutable sign, intensifying our intuition.
Moon’s opposition to Venus, planet of personal love, and a trine from expansive Jupiter to subtle Neptune, make for a mystical, magical afternoon that presages tomorrow’s Full Moon and is great for inner or creative work, connecting with light beings and angels, consulting a psychic, transmuting our beliefs, and altruistic activities.
My life is a doorway to infinite good, and only good flows through it now.
Sunday, December 3
Today’s Full Moon is imbued with the expressive, creative energies of the number 3, and the mystical vibrations that were unleashed yesterday and continue to flow as Luna connects with Neptune and Jupiter, the angel planets.
Fullness is exact at 7:47 am (10:47 ET).
The Sabian symbol says:
A BLACK SLAVE GIRL DEMANDS HER RIGHTS OF HER MISTRESS. The will to rise above racial conditioning and limitations or a sense that one needs to conform to things as they are.
In the chart for this lunation, Fighter Mars in Libra, sign of justice, opposes Uranus. Besides the recent reports of the slave trade currently practiced in Libya, there is apt to be more shocking news around racial justice and human rights. Keep an eye on them, and also Congress. The tension between Mars and Uranus is rewoven as both planets harmonize with Mercury the messenger and Saturn the worker. Our efforts at communication on behalf of personal and collective freedom can make a difference.
Moon and Sun make a close T-square to Neptune, planet of fog and spiritual love, warning of confusion or deception but also empowering our intuition, prayer and connections with light beings. Sun joins Venus, adding personal love to the mix.
The December Full Moon lunation is associated with the mystical Oak. In Everyday Moon Magic, Dorothy Morrison explains that the branches of this formidable tree span outward and upward towards the sky, while its roots are deeply and firmly grounded. In Monthly Influences, check for more secrets of Oak, a tree that brings balance between celestial and earthly energies, strengthening confidence and reconnecting us with our potential.
Moon’s ruler, Mercury, is station-retrograde at the anaretic degree, also accenting intuition.
The Sacred Mother made me to be confident, and I express my power with well-wrought words now.
Monday, December 4
Moon in Gemini makes an early sextile to restless Uranus and a trine to Mars, so we’ll feel like moving in original, audacious and, thanks to today’s number 4, constructive ways. We can act on our instincts and knock on an exciting door before 9:46 am (12:46 pm ET), when Moon opposes strict Saturn as well as restless Mercury before going VOC.
We can get back in the flow at 12:37 pm (3:37 ET), when Moon enters Cancer. Still in the glow of yesterday’s Full Moon portal, and with Monday being the day of her rule, afternoon is great for inviting the devas of love and compassion to enter and bless our personal and planetary homes, as well as to declutter, meditate on compassion or forgiveness or, in view of Moon’s nighttime contact to Venus, perform a handfasting ceremony.
I am allied with the forces of love that harmonize my home and open my way, here and now.
Tuesday, December 5
The dynamic energy of today’s number 5 makes an interesting mix with Moon’s trines to Jupiter and Neptune, planets of angels, vision, prophecy and release. With Moon in Cancer, sign of family, business and intuition, this combination is great for consulting spirit guides, setting goals and making a dream board for prosperity, family wellness and harmony. It can also help us release attachment to a past or present dwelling place or family dynamic.
This afternoon, Moon opposes intense Pluto: journal, declutter the desk or business papers, sit by the fireplace and mend clothes, or soak in the tub with sea or Himalayan salt. Interactions can be unnecessarily complicated.
I release and am released by dwelling places of the past and present. I am free to manifest my true place with the true prosperity, and I am guided to it now.
Wednesday, December 6
With Mercury joining stalwart Saturn and harmonizing with dynamic Mars, morning is good for serious thinking and directed communication.
Moon in Cancer combines nicely with the prosperous vibration of today’s number 6 to favor business activities and plans for holiday encounters. to avoid the feisty excesses of Moon’s tense contacts to Mercury, Mars and Saturn, stay alert and keep your head clear.
At 12:37 pm (3:37 ET), Moon enters sociable, expressive Leo, warming the way for some high moments this afternoon, when Mars in flirty Libra makes a sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius, sign of diplomacy and motivation. Close a sale or somehow connect with your market, contacts, dear ones or colleagues—with an eye on tangible results.
The Universe wants to see me prosper and I act in this confidence now.
Thursday, December 7
Make a special effort to remember and analyze last night’s dreams.
Moon in confident, creative Leo squares Jupiter in intense Scorpio, making this morning great for creativity and journaling but not so hot for reaching agreements, unless they happen to be hormonal.
Communications are easier after 3:15 pm (6:15 ET), when Moon makes a trine to Sun in expansive Sagittarius. Now is the perfect time to reach out to others.
With Mercury retrograde, focus on connections and initiatives seeded before November 15, when the messenger planet entered pre-retrograde shadow.
As an expression of the Divine, I am naturally connected to the right ideas and people, who appear spontaneously here and now.
Friday, December 8
We close the week with style. Moon in confident, expressive Leo makes three trines: to liberating Uranus, communicative Mercury, and constructive Saturn. The success vibration of today’s number 8 will radiate through our direct, original actions, creative initiatives, and warm connections.
We’ll get a break at 2:40 pm (5:40 ET), when she goes VOC.
Moon gets back on track when she enters Virgo at 3:09 pm (6:09 ET), where she favors organization, productivity and healing of self and others.
My good cannot be in another place or time. My good is always where I am. I believe it and move to receive it now.
Saturday, December 9
In the wee hours, Mars enters Scorpio, complimenting the transmuting influences of today’s number 9 and waning Moon in Virgo, to favor streamlining, organizing, and decluttering.
This is a great day to schedule a minor surgical intervention to remove tissue. With lunar contacts to loving Venus and compassionate Neptune, we can also meditate on love and forgiveness and donate time or resources to an altruistic cause.
However, morning tensions do not favor interpersonal connections or business.
At 1:50 pm (4:50 ET), we can begin to enjoy the smoothing effects of a sextile from Moon to Jupiter, planet of meaning, motivation and good fortune. Interchanges flow well, and practical efforts trigger prosperous results. With Jupiter in intense Scorpio, however, situations requiring truth and depth work better than superficial PR.
A late trine from thinker-planet Mercury to electrical Uranus is anything but restful. This genius aspect is worth staying or getting up for and is perfect for study, preparing a text, presentation or argument, writing letters to Congress, or undertaking another important mental task.
At 11:51 pm (2:51 am ET), Moon reaches its Fourth Quarter, propitiating reorganization, release and simplification. At 18-19 Virgo, the Sabian symbol is:
A SWIMMING RACE NEARS COMPLETION BEFORE A LARGE CROWD. Social sustainment of individual accomplishment. Encouragement. Competition as a means to create group consciousness.
I consecrate my hands to divine circulation, and great good flows through me and to me now.
Sunday, December 10
This morning we can sleep in, interpret dreams, meditate, journal, or participate in counseling, therapy or coaching.
With Moon in picky Virgo forming exclusively tense aspects, and sweet Venus squaring surrealistic Neptune, the rest of the day is not particularly gentle. We can use this energy to edit writing, clean the closet or garage, weed the yard, pick up trash in the local park, or somehow engage in a service project. As for festivities or romantic aspirations, put them on hold for another day.
As I clear my space, light fill it with new good now.
Monday, December 11
This is the last day “11” before Winter Solstice, a window to lift the planetary vibration with our heart rays.
Moon in Libra likes this idea, and her good taste helps us declutter and beautify our space in preparation for Solstice.
We can also release a grudge, an item of clothing, or a way of presenting ourselves that isn’t what we really wish to project.
I open my heart and radiate the compassion, understanding and love that the Mother-Father has shared so generously with me. I bless all and release all and now.
Tuesday, December 12
We can use this morning’s square between Moon and intense Pluto to organize our work, take a brisk walk or do yoga. Socializing, promotions and for that matter, connections of almost any kind go well after 12:39 pm (3:39 ET), thanks to harmonies from Moon in social Libra to Sun and Mercury.
Self-expression, inspiring others and getting attention for a promotion or cause all flow magically this afternoon and evening, thanks to a conjunction from Sun to Mercury in out-there Sag at 5:49 pm (8:49 ET).
Just two hours later, Moon opposes Uranus, bringing out Libra`s feisty side, so use the earlier window when you can. Remember to focus on what was seeded before mid-November, when Mercury entered pre-retrograde shadow.
I love myself and give myself the quiet, the movement and the expression that I need and enjoy, now.
Wednesday, December 13
If we happen to be up early, we can ride Moon’s sextile to constructive Saturn by working on art or sending a message.
At 5:59 am (8:59 ET), Moon enters intense Scorpio, moving to join co-ruler Mars—the warrior planet—at 11:23 am (2:23 pm ET). Although open confrontation could go ballistic, there is a force in this transit that can be directed in carefully planned but firm measures to defend a loved one or a cause on behalf of children, mothers or some other group in need.
This energy favors activities like writing letters to Congress, supporting a class-action suit, starting a petition, exposing a sleazy secret, and praying for the release of child prostitutes and slaves.
Spiritual warrior forces direct my prayers and initiatives, and I act on their guidance now.
Thursday, December 14
If we’re up early, we can use the Moon’s early harmony with sensitive Neptune to contact a spirit guide or work on prayer, divining, and dream interpretation. Our morning visualizations and inner work open us to the portal of power triggered by Moon’s conjunction to Jupiter, planet of fortune and protection.
Combined with the Mars-vibration of today’s number 5, this aspect favors taking action to close a cycle, end a relationship, move those boxes out of the garage, return library books, pay off a loan or make another definitive move to tie up those loose ends that are silently draining our power.
We should act before 5:42 pm (8:42 ET), when Moon goes VOC in Scorpio. Now we can relax, lick our wounds, get a foot massage, or enjoy a hot bath or sensual evening at home.
The angels of empowerment open doors of release, and I move to walk through them now.
Friday, December 15
With Mercury the messenger joining Venus, lady of valuables, our words and transmissions can trigger the flow of love and wealth. With Moon VOC in Scorpio, sign of emotional depths, this potential can be best directed by exploring and healing these areas within. Sun adds its willpower and creativity to our self-treatments as it squares wounded healer Chiron.
At 5:07 pm (8:07 ET), Moon enters Sagittarius, and we can effectively direct our freshly cleared minds in outward exchanges and efforts.
I am worthy of love, I am worthy of success, and I allow myself to receive all the good that is flowing to me now.
Saturday, December 16
A trine from Sun in expansive Sag to rebel-leader Uranus can help us release and find release from something that’s dampened our authentic self-expression. We can get the most out of this transit by writing down our intentions and thoughts about this, unleashing the artist within, seeking the company of equally-wild souls, finding a way to act on our convictions.
We should follow through before 4:27 pm (7:27 ET), when a square from Moon to nebulous Neptune reduces the clarity quotient, though it’s nice for prayer, meditation, distance-healing, reading Gabriel García Marquez or Isabel Allende, or taking in a film.
I give thanks for the freedom I have, and I put it to good use now.
Sunday, December 17
We can synchronize with this morning’s conjunction from Moon to Venus, planet of love, by doing heart-centered meditation and reaching out to someone who’s on our mind although we don’t always show it.
This afternoon’s influences favor healing.
A nighttime trine from Moon to exciting Uranus helps us break free of stifling roles or attachments, and frees us to clarify a truly authentic intent at the New Moon portal of 10:30 pm (1:30 am).
At 26-27 Sagittarius, its Sabian symbol is:
A SCULPTOR AT HIS WORK. The ability to project one’s vision on and to give form to materials. At this stage we see the individual creatively expressing his own particular individuality. He takes the materials available in his social-geographical environment and shapes them so that they reveal to other people something of his inner life and purpose… a creative individual intent on making his mark upon society… capacity to transform raw materials according to personal vision… SELF-PROJECTION INTO A WORK.
This description underscores the power of this portal to reconnect us with our essence and particularly, to express it in our work or vocation.
The following affirmative examples resonate with this portal:
I see myself filled expressing my truth authentically in my work.
I see myself free of the need to justify my way of working to others.
I wish to trust the Higher Power that opens the way for my true vocation.
I see myself leaving an original, positive mark on humanity through my work in ______.
I give thanks for the cosmic help to express my talents and ideals in tangible, prosperous ways.
With Mercury retrograde, this portal is best for renewing or retrieving intentions and beginnings seeded before mid-November, when Mercury first entered his shadow period.
The Universe knows my true work and it guides me and supports me to manifest it now.
Monday, December 18
At 5:10 am (8:10 am ET), Moon goes VOC on a conjunction to Saturn the worker. In Sagittarius, she still performs. Unless you’re planning to sleep in, rise early and use this energy to organize for a constructive Monday, still in the portal of last night’s New Moon and fresh with her impetus.
At 5:33 am (8:33 ET), Moon enters Capricorn. We can apply our executive skills to press forth towards the big picture without getting stuck in the infinite web of details.
Get the most boring tasks taken care of early, so you can release your creativity and verve when a sextile from Moon to Mars in potent Scorpio at 5:55 pm (8:55 ET), bringing power to your daring initiatives, particularly in defense of a loved one or cause.
My work is building light-forms, here and now.
Tuesday, December 19
Moon in constructive Capricorn sextiles both dreamy Neptune and visionary Jupiter, making today great for renewing or finishing a dream board, manifestation notebook or a similar visualization tool started before last November 15.
With these twin aspects of opportunity, videos or other media materials that you produce and publicize can do quite well. For best results, imbue them with a loving intention for whoever may view and respond to them.
Write a letter to the angel of a key contact and move to approach that person this evening, when Moon joins Pluto the powerful at 6:54 pm (9:54 ET).
At 8:49 pm (11:49 ET), we get a major shift. Saturn the taskmaster leaves the festive streets of Sagittarius, dragging itself into the cool halls of Capricorn where it gets suited up for duty. With Moon VOC for most of tomorrow’s daylight hours, stay on today’s productive train for as far and as late as you can roll.
Work doesn’t weigh me down; I print my soul on its substance, and my efforts are joyous, now and always.
Wednesday, December 20
Social Venus in spirited Sag trines freeing Uranus in assertive Aries. We’ll taste the best of this transit after 6:29 pm (9:29 ET), when Moon leaves an all-day VOC in Capricorn and enters friendly, creative Aquarius.
During the VOC, prepare for the longest night of the year:
- Make a list of 2017’s gifts.
- Write down what you wish to be dissolved in tonight’s darkness. With Venus in square to Chiron, we can pay particular attention to wounds and limitations in your relationship to self and others.
- Copy each point of the list—of what you wish to leave behind—on individual slips of paper.
- Fold or roll the first list, taking it into your hands, and give thanks to the Mother for the blessings received during this cycle.
- Burn the slips one by one, saying what you wish to manifest in place of the circumstance, attitude or belief that you wish to release and be released from.
- You might do this ritual alone or share it with someone—in person or by video call—and take turns burning a slip and mentioning what you wish to fill the vacuum left by what you have released.
Mother of Power, please dissolve limiting attitudes and connections, and renew the love in my heart and world now.
Thursday, December 21
At 8:28 am (11:28 ET), Sun enters Capricorn, opening the portal known as Winter Solstice. Thus Sun begins her six-month period of increase in daylight, and with it the Solar New Year. Just hours after crossing the critical degree of zero Capricorn, Sun joins Saturn, sending rays of sobriety and focus that will flavor the holiday and year ahead.
Discern what you feel to be your purpose, and apply your solar will (ancient Mexican called it voluntad logradora), by imagining you are radiating this purpose from your heart through sustained efforts into the manifest world. This and/or other Solstice rituals will tend to be most potent from morning to afternoon, when the Solstice Sun is still in the sky.
We can also make progress in more pedestrian activities. Avoid blame-and-shame traps and anything that reeks of guilt.
Tonight, Moon in friendly Aquarius sextiles Mercury. Reach out to personal, business or activist contacts and throw a party for the newborn Sun.
I bless the achieving will-power that rises in my heart and in hearts around the planet, here and now.
Friday, December 22
Moon is waxing in Aquarius: we can tap our inner genius and leave our mark by giving form to our ideas and connections before the week ends.
This evening, a sextile from Moon to ruler Uranus can spring open a door—we can reconnect with interesting people whose friendship stimulates us and share our original ideas or creations.
Mercury stations to turn direct, though the messenger planet will remain in shadow for the rest of the year.
I welcome new people, new opportunities, and new adventures here and now.
Saturday, December 23
Waxing Moon in imaginative Pisces opens our imagination, helping direct the assertive energy of today’s number 5 and Moon’s empowering sextiles to Saturn and Sun to make headway on our projects for work, teaching or creativity. Today we are empowered to reconnect with our dreams, and find a way to move on them.
Is there a friend, relative or client you’ve become distanced from? Today is also good for achieving reconciliation, or simply calling to wish them a happy holiday.
Last-minute shopping should prove productive.
I share love, and divinity circulates in my world now.
Sunday, December 24
Give yourself a gift of private time early today, to interpret your dreams and sort out your thoughts.
By mid-morning, benevolent Jupiter trines mystical Neptune: interactions with others are harmonious, particularly if we salute their angels before or while connecting. This aspect also favors doing a Christmas ritual, consulting a psychic, enjoying music and motivational thoughts and volunteering at the local soup kitchen or another generous endeavor.
With Moon in sextile to Pluto, planet of alchemy, evening is good for prayer, forgiveness and healing. Be selective about who you spend it with, and have an out prepared. Although Moon goes VOC, she continues to perform in Pisces. This is a wonderful time to affirm for world peace.
At 9:26 pm, love planet Venus enters Capricorn, accenting our attraction for time-honored values and appreciation of ancestors, teachers and elders.
All hearts are drawn to love and peace, and join in this resonance now.
Monday, December 25
Before engaging with people today, get in sync with Moon’s morning conjunction to Chiron by working on forgiveness of self and others.
This morning, Venus joins Saturn, favoring a healthy brunch or meal, constructive, useful gifts and giving thanks to one’s teachers and elders. Do this in your own, free manner, without dishing out or accepting any guilt trips that this combination might bring up.
Share spiritual activities, music and art before 4:27 pm (7:27 ET), when Moon enters independent Aries, where it squares stern Saturn and Venus. We can channel the restlessness in low-key exercise—dance in the living room, clean up the holiday mess, begin to design a New Year’s action plan.
I love myself in my current process, and I love others and release them to their current process. The flame in my heart glows and connects with the flame in hearts everywhere, harmonizing and healing the planet now.
Tuesday, December 26
At today’s First Quarter Moon in Aries, take a look at progress on intentions related to the recent New Moon in Sagittarius.
The Sabian symbol for 4-5 Aries says:
A TRIANGLE WITH WINGS. The capacity for self-transcending. This is symbol of desire to reach a high level of existence, of pure aspiration or devotion… becoming aware of the possibility of further up-reachings. The principle of “levitation” is seen as one of the essential factors in evolution… the whole being experiences a childlike longing for its eventual realization… A NEW DIMENSION of being is envisioned, mobilizing creative endeavors.”
With this Aries Moon contacting Mars and Jupiter, we are pushed to act. Favored activities can include finding a meaningful workshop or encounter to attend, or engaging in a volunteer activity requiring energy.
If you choose to stay home, do some maintenance, holiday clean-up or work on your car. If you happen to be traveling, go on an adventure, preferably active but without extreme activities like sky-diving, car-racing or jumping off a cliff into the sea.
At 6:26 pm (9:26 ET), Moon trines Mercury the messenger in Sagittarius. Words flow easily, communication is inspiring, games and dancing are especially fun, prayers have wings.
Dear Spirit, most radiant and kind, I love You and consecrate my heart, mind and soul to You now.
Wednesday, December 27
Save business or PR for another day. This morning is great for invoking the transmuting power of generosity. Make a donation, pray for groups and people in apparent need, or share your knowledge freely.
Midday and afternoon are propitious for independent activities such as clearing old boxes or taking gifts and other valuables you aren’t likely to use to an orphanage or another shelter. Or, support a cause to protect the oceans. Such actions can channel the compassionate energy of Neptune as the Great Mother planet receives a trine from dynamic Mars.
Under these influences, it’s best to limit alcohol consumption and avoid dubious places and company.
I am a channel for divine circulation, and I move to share it now.
Thursday, December 28
With Moon exalted in Taurus and harmonizing with ruler Venus, warm Sun and gentle Neptune, today is great for creative work, exchanging gifts, attending a winter fair, and sharing a sensual meal.
Get things done and reach out to others before 7:29 pm (10:29 ET), when Moon opposes Mars in incisive Scorpio, and the bull is apt to see red. Energies are roused and can be directed in an intense table game or softened out in a hot tub.
Under this influence, leave key encounters, negotiation or reconciliation attempts for another day.
I give thanks for my divine talents and connections, and I move to activate them now.
Friday, December 29
Though most of world is on vacation, with Moon exalted in prosperous Taurus and in trine to Pluto the transformer, our efforts applied in business, to move people or to build something can produce great results.
Moon goes VOC in Taurus at 6:01 am (9:01 ET), though in Taurus it continues to perform. A lunar sextile to Chiron brings opportunities to heal.
This is last day of the year with numerology of 11, when angels make the most of humanity’s love emissions to lift the planetary vibration.
I radiate love to myself and others, and Spirit’s power heals through me now.
Saturday, December 30
Moon in Gemini favors taking care of errands, visiting siblings, and communications—right? Yes, but with a twist. Tense contacts to Saturn the limiter, relational Venus, radiant Sun and slippery Neptune invite us to keep a clear head and a hold to our centers as we interact with others.
I give myself the time I need to speak from my center, now and always.
Sunday, December 31
We can use the Moon in Gemini, sign of connection to make party or celebration arrangements before she goes VOC at 3:38 pm (6:38 ET). This happens on a sextile to Uranus, inviting us to celebrate in our own ways that especially resonate with our current tendencies and evolution.
Take time out to think about your healing, its role in a holiday like this and how you can honor it in the New Year.
I recognizing my need for wellness, and send this priority before me into the New Year now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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