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(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7).
A “Void Moon” or “Void of Course Moon” (or “VOC moon” for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.
According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon’s rulership), Taurus (Moon’s exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) “performeth somewhat.” Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and “you can take it to the bank.” Another way of putting how this works in an astrological forecast is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get “unanswered success.” That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
Tuesday, September 1
This is a morning worth rising early for, as body-boy Mars conjuncts fuzzy Venus in hot Leo. The fusion could favor close encounters of the romantic kind, but with the planet of love in retrograde, it’s also great for taking assertive action to care for ourselves, our affairs and our needs.
Indeed, Moon in Aries is better at independence than at hugs, especially when she meets up with Uranus the rebel before going VOC at 9:37 am (ET 12:37 pm).
Make key moves or purchases before that hour, and use the rest of the day for creative work or have some fun at an amusement park, comic movie or show, or in some other unusual type of play that’s not high risk, since Mars with Uranus can also make for accidents, particularly on the Full Moon portal.
I love myself, so I dare to act in my own best interests, with or without the help or approval of others.
Wednesday, September 2
Moon makes propitious aspects all day, favoring emotional optimism and healing, sharing our best feelings, creative expression and intuitive connections.
This morning, envision abundance and wellness, as Jupiter in productive Virgo receives a trine from Moon, now exalted in prosperous Taurus. We can use this morning for whatever requires good luck, especially in relation to work, education, bureaucracy or financial affairs.
Jupiter rules spirituality, angels and positive invisible forces, and so does Neptune, who receives a sextile from Moon this afternoon, increasing the Moon’s intuitive vibrations to favor a psychic consultation, an angel card reading and doing something kind for others.
The day closes with another lunar gift, this time a trine to Sun in Virgo, giving us another spurt of vitality to consolidate the day’s efforts in work, financial and service endeavors.
God/dess loves me, so life loves me and is kind to me now.
Thursday, September 3
Pay attention to last night’s dream, since Moon contacted intense Pluto as she squared both Venus and Mars, planets of sacred feminine and masculine energy.
The information received can blend nicely with this morning’s healing vibrations as Moon harmonizes with Chiron. Moon’s ruler Venus is still retrograde; working on self-esteem issues is particularly rewarding.
We get a true influx of goddess vibrations as Venus trines Pallas, the Warrior Queen. She broadens Venus’ scope with wisdom and courage on behalf of the Venus-retrograde, self-love principle. Realistically assess your context and see what elements you can get in place to support your self-esteem and financial well-being. These can be both inner conditions and outer steps you can take.
Enriched by a contact from Mercury to Neptune in dreamy Pisces, this combination also supports creative brilliance.
I call upon the goddess forces to guide my strategies and mobilize me to make my life an act of power, here and now.
Friday, September 4
Moon enters chatty Gemini early this morning, helping us make the most of yesterday’s Venus-Pallas connection as it facilitates verbal and written communication, blesses the results of sales and promotion efforts, and helps us convince colleagues or people in positions of authority of an idea or proposal.
Use the window early, since a square with Jupiter in Virgo at 2:04 pm (5:04 ET) could lead to pickiness, moralism and arguments.
Thanks to lunar connections with Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Libra, the evening is creative and favors enjoying an inspiring movies, but avoid substance abuse. If differences with others arise, breathe deeply and practice mindful listening.
I am worthy of the best I can manifest, and I take chances to do this now.
Saturday, September 5
This morning is great for expressing ourselves, speaking in front of a group, motivating others or getting them to pay attention to our ideas, as Moon in communicative Gemini sextiles Venus, Lady of relationship, and Mars, Lord of action, both in warm Leo. The connection also favors a romantic brunch or party, and any type of creative expression that requires a touch of drama.
These aspects are supported by today’s Fourth Quarter Moon at 13 Gemini, whose Sabian symbol is:
WORLD FAMOUS PIANIST BEGINS TO PLAY TO A HUGE AUDIENCE. Extreme exaltation of social standing. Reaching of climax in selfhood. Ghastly sense of emptiness at the end of a quest.
The energy shifts when Moon goes VOC on a harmony with Uranus that make for a friendly evening, although instead of merely enjoying ourselves, we may prefer to use a trine from Sun in Virgo to Pluto in Capricorn to get to the bottom of something for future healing. Schedule a session of therapy, an acupuncture diagnosis, research on your DNA or program your dreams for healing revelations.
Affirmation to incubate a healing dream
Deep within me, I know how to heal this emotional issue (name the block), and it is brought up in a clear dream I remember on waking.
Sunday September 6
Moon is VOC until 10:40 am (1:30 ET), when she enters Cancer.
Still in sextile to Pallas the strategist, Venus goes direct in Leo. Hopefully we will have used her retrograde to charge our batteries with self-love. Things that seemed blocked in money and love will tend to flow, although with the planet of valuables in her post-retrograde shadow period, and Mercury in its pre-retrograde shadow, the weeks ahead are still not a great time for handfasting or weddings. Also, we can use the rest of the month to actively integrate the light we’ve been receiving in these areas.
A late-night harmony from Moon to Jupiter gives insomniacs a bonus. Ground your inspiration, make a donation, enjoy a funny movie and contact the angels.
I am guided to fulfill my life’s mission, and I act on my intuition now.
Monday, September 7
It’s Monday, Moon’s day, and our nocturnal luminary is in Cancer, the sign of her rule, making tense contacts to Mercury and Pluto. This cardinal interchange can make for impatience and touchiness, and is better for working on our own, organizing our business, or hunting for information; that is unless we have a chance to intervene in a crisis situation, which we should do with focus to avoid interpersonal conflicts.
At 2:41 pm (5:41 ET), confidence surges and emotions are easier to express with the help of a sextile from Moon in productive Virgo to Sun in savvy Cancer. Organize your house or move on health concerns for yourself or someone you wish to bless.
No occurrence or condition of the past or present can keep the Divine from expressing Its perfect life through me now and always.
Tuesday, September 8
Today’s aspects connect with a square from Uranus in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn that lasted almost three years and made its final peak last spring. It pressured us to fortify our warrior nature as we were held hostage by apparent oppression. Today Mars, ruler of Uranus in Aries, trines the latter, giving us an opportunity for dexterous and daring action, possibly in relation to situations still pending from that square. It’s a splendid line up to follow through with something daring that we’ve considered doing, but somehow the routine or lack of support of others has held us back.
We even get a boost for concrete results as Moon trines Saturn the builder at 6:28 pm (9:28 ET), an hour before the nocturnal luminary enters Leo.
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Wednesday, September 9
Moon in Leo favors breakfast with a flame or friends. Choose harmonious company, as Mercury the messenger in Libra, sign of negotiation, squares Powerhouse Pluto, and could really get us going if something hits our injustice buttons. This aspect can be very constructive for planning an argument (save the actual encounter for later) and researching legal issues or those related to sexuality, women or relationships. The themes are reinforced by a contact from Moon to Pluto later in the day, so the afternoon and evening are not so great for socializing.
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Thursday, September 10
Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, planet of good fortune. Yet today’s luck is not the kind to couch-potato on.
The leadership vibration of number 1 fuses with lunar contacts that reinforce the theme of brilliant action triggered by Tuesday’s trine from Mars to Uranus.
After picking up the socially adept energies of Venus in a conjunction late last night, Moon in confident Leo moves on to trine Uranus this morning, joining with Mars this afternoon.
Knock on key doors, share your most original creative work, and boldly go where no woman—or man—has gone before.
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Friday, September 11
Moon in Leo goes VOC on a sunrise square to Saturn. The lion’s heart radiates in the power of number 11 to reach a new vibration of love. On that resonance, organize to close the week productively when Moon enters Virgo at 6:56 am (9:56 ET).
Tonight favors publicity, socializing in connection with a cause or enjoying a funny movie. In view of Moon’s midnight opposition to Neptune, it’s wise to be home at a reasonable hour and avoid dense gatherings or substance abuse. Besides, tomorrow morning is Saturday’s most productive time and worth rising early for.
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Saturday, September 12
This is a power morning, with productive Virgo Moon in trine to Pluto in Capricorn, sign of definition, helping us finding closure and purification on this last day of the lunar cycle. Use it to fast, have tissue or teeth removed, deep clean the desk or closet, or release worn-out clothes, papers and ideas. Minor aspects involving Chiron and Uranus extend the healing energies throughout the afternoon, and favor mindful work on ourselves or service, more than a night on the town.
Full Moon at 21 Virgo is at 11:41 pm.
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Sunday, September 13
At 11:41 pm last night (2:41 this morning ET), the Moon was renewed in the last Solar Eclipse of the year, offering an especially potent portal for beginnings. The best ones will not be altogether new. Mercury is in its storm, having slowed down noticeably in preparation for the upcoming retrograde.
This lunation opposes Chiron in Pisces, strengthening the Virgo’s healing factor and bringing in the spiritual vibrations of Pisces. A semisextile with Mars indicates a portal not only for meditation, but for action, particularly on our goals for wellness.
The Sabian symbol for 21 degrees Virgo describes:
TWO TEAMS OF GIRLS ENGAGED IN A CONTEST OF BASKETBALL. Physical wholesomeness as a prelude to inner integration. Self-evaluation, or, the refusal to face self.
Moon goes VOC this evening on a harmony with Saturn. Organize your mind and belongings in preparation for the new week.
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Monday, September 14
Still on the eclipse portal, Moon in Libra connects with mystical Neptune and deep Pluto. Leave potentially intense encounters for another day, keep a low profile and set aside some time to follow up on yesterday’s healing intention.
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Tuesday, September 15
Healing themes recur as Moon connects with Chiron and Uranus. The aspects are tense, indicating that we are called to work for the gold. If we use the morning to take healing measures of whatever kind we can, we will reap this afternoon’s favorable influence of Libra Moon as she builds go VOC on a harmony with Mars at 9:22 pm (12:22 am ET). It’s a great time to work on PR or any shared effort, schedule a court hearing or other negotiation, make love to a new partner, get a haircut or otherwise improve one’s image.
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Wednesday, September 16
Moon is VOC in Libra until 8:43 am (11:43 ET), when she enters Scorpio. This opens our intuition to pick up the guidance of Jupiter as it opposes Neptune. This joining of vision with faith can open our minds and spirits. Both planets rule angels, facilitating access to positive spiritual forces. They are also both better on fantasy than follow-through, so draw on Virgo’s practicality, put feet on your expansive dreams and release the ones that turn out to be hot air balloons.
Avoid a tendency to sermonize. If you find someone doing it to you, diplomatically give them the slip and use your time and energy elsewhere.
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Thursday, September 17
Moon in Scorpio harmonizes with its ruler Pluto, accentuating our intuition, intensifying our emotional responses and helping us uncover secrets in our own mind or anywhere.
Mercury the messenger moves fully into retrograde at almost 16 degrees of Libra. The Sabian symbol suggests that this will be a productive period for inner work, review and restoration:
HAPPY CREW IS RESTORING BEACH PIERS WRECKED BY STORMS. Constructive results of apparently destructive forces; stimulation to new accomplishment. Glad response to needed work.
In resonance with this symbol of hope, Saturn leaves intense Scorpio and gallops into Sagittarius, where it will be helping us organize and ground the area of our lives and charts where luck abounds and we tend to be a bit too breezy.
A midday square from Moon to Venus reminds us to avoid emotional drama and apply today’s power for change in focused efforts rather than going with the euphoria and just hanging out.
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Friday, September 18
Waxing Scorpio Moon sextiles Sun in Virgo, making this a good morning to get back on track with a healing treatment or another concrete move on a goal started before Mercury entered its shadow at the end of August.
The energies shift shortly, when Moon goes VOC at 12:49 pm (3:49 ET) on a square to Mars, both in fixed—i.e. stubborn—signs. This rather antisocial influence favors facing difficult truths in the comfort of your own space or on a therapist’s couch, planning a legal defense, or watching an action or mystery movie. However, it’s not so great for partying, persuading a key client, reaching an agreement with your honey, doing extreme sports, or touring in dark alleys.
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Saturday, September 19
Moon in Sagittarius prompts us to shake off our reins and have an adventure. Squares to mystical Neptune and Jupiter, Moon’s visionary ruler, suggest that an inspirational gathering or channeling session will be memorable. This highly creative line-up also favors working on media production, advertising, a worthy cause, or enjoying new horizons of art appreciation or creative expression.
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Sunday, September 20
It’s been a while since we’ve had a Sunday favoring fun like this one does. Moon in spirited Sagittarius makes a morning trine to Venus in passionate Leo, great for sleeping in with your love object and sharing breakfast with someone dear. At 8:43 am (11:43 ET), Moon squares Chiron in mystical Pisces, an inspirational contact that gives insight on our emotions and a touch of magic to spiritual events, like an Equinox celebration or inspirational gathering.
Just an hour later Moon trines Uranus, great for fun with friends, creative brilliance and altruistic endeavors.
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Monday, September 21
While the world slept, Moon was up and squaring Sun in Virgo late last night, before going a VOC in Sagittarius, where its presence before dawn helps early risers solve problems and produces success in anything requiring tact or diplomacy.
Today’s Second Quarter Moon reconnects the theme of wellness triggered by last week’s New Moon. The Sabian symbol for 29 Sagittarius is:
PERSPIRING FAT BOY, EAGER TO REDUCE, IS MOWING A LAWN. Desire for fitness inherent in all living beings. Consciously built, thus dependable determination. Persistent endeavor.
At 5:33 am (8:33 ET), the themes of building, dependability and persistence are reiterated as Moon enters Capricorn, giving a dynamic goal-orientation to the work week’s beginning. Stand straight and project confidence in concrete, organized action on efforts planted before Mercury entered its shadow period late last month. Particularly favored are work projects, team endeavors, applying for credit, re-organizing finances or investments, and starting a diet or exercise program.
Moon’s evening harmony to Neptune activates our intuition and connects us with beautiful music, heightened creativity, and spiritual practices such as metta, compassion and forgiveness.
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Tuesday, September 22
Master number 22 gives us a chance to leave our mark as today’s stars favor independent thinking and work. Moon in go-getter Capricorn makes tense aspects to Mercury, the thinker, in reflexive Libra, as well as Venus, the latter’s ruler, and brilliant Uranus.
Venus and Uranus also happen to be building toward a late-night trine that brings excitement but also freedom to love connections, and in our creative efforts, a touch of originality.
Don’t waste steam on arguments or battles, except those you research and put together for later discussion or publication.
At 4:13pm (7:13 ET), Moon goes VOC. Take a sunset walk in the autumn air and enjoy the changing leaves.
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Wednesday, September 23
At 1:21 am (4:21 ET), Sun enters Libra, marking the arrival of Fall Equinox, Yom Kipper and Mabon. From now on, night becomes longer than day. Libra’s judicious abilities help us make a balance of the last nine months, and approach the year’s end with focus, clarity and love.
Moon is VOC in Capricorn this morning, propitious for taking slow breakfast and doing an Equinox ritual or libation.
At 9:20am (12:20 ET), Moon enters Aquarius and proceeds to harmonize with purposeful Sun and constructive Saturn. The planet of building also receives a sextile from the Sun, and these exchanges empower our focused actions with tangible results.
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Thursday, September 24
Moon in Aquarius, sign of genius, trines Mercury in facile Libra this morning. Develop and present ideas, resolve a dispute, join with stimulating others, or lend your efforts to a loving cause. However you direct this persuasive configuration, do it early, as Mercury the messenger makes an afternoon square to Pluto, Mr. Intense. Their encounter is great for research, therapy, dream analysis and using transformational mantras or affirmations, but not a bit propitious for socializing or small talk.
This evening, people connections flower anew, when Moon in Aquarius harmonizes with Uranus. As the day comes to a close, passion morphs into diligence with the entrance of Mars in Virgo, a placement that will strengthen our focus on Equinox goals.
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Friday, September 25
Pluto, planet of power and change, went direct in the wee hours, so this is a truly new day. We are freed from the intense underworld processes of the last five months, which have dragged us into new phases of inner renovation. We can ask ourselves how our relationship to structures, patriarchy and institutions has changed since mid-April. The house in our chart where Saturn was traversing while in late Scorpio can give us further light.
Since Venus was also retrograde, the institution of marriage is likely to have been a locus of change for many. From now through the end of 2015, Pluto’s long post-retrograde shadow provides a window to apply the new perspectives gleaned in these areas and in everything related to our personal empowerment. We can also move ahead more freely in the financial arena.
Pluto’s station is power a window that we have actually been working up to for the last two weeks. Breakthroughs arise as we penetrate through veils of mystery and break down walls of illusion. If you wish to research or create something deeply transformative, this is a pivotal time to delve into it.
Working or healing on our own is more promising than interacting with others during VOC Moon in Aries this morning.
Moon enters Pisces at 12:43 pm (3:43 ET), only to make a series of tense aspects to pugnacious Mars, stern Saturn and determined Sun.
Nor will this evening’s square from Mars to Saturn make things smoother. It is apt to present blocks which can turn into stepping stones if we use them to review, adjust and resume our course during the next three days.
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Saturday, September 26
This is an inspirational morning, as Moon in mystical Pisces connects with preacher planet Jupiter. Thanks to a lunar contact to Mercury in the love sign Libra, it could also be romantic. Moon’s harmony with Pluto means it may even evolve into hot and heavy.
Attend a spiritual gathering, uplifting concert or motivational class. Show affection, be diplomatic and avoid getting touchy. Be choosy about your company and select those who empower you. If romance is on the brunch menu, choose someone with a soul connection.
At 9:32 am (12:32 ET), Moon goes VOC on a harmony with Pluto, where it will make its way to an evening conjunction with Chiron, favoring deeply healing. Pisces does better with a soft, rather than crisis, modalities, which is also advisable in view of tomorrow’s Eclipse portal.
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Sunday, September 27
VOC Moon in Pisces makes this morning perfect for recharging your batteries with romance, spirituality, art or music.
The fishes’ fog of peace soon evaporates as Moon enters restless Aries, contacting Saturn and Mars, planets of work, before becoming full as a Super Moon with a Total Lunar Eclipse at 7:50 pm (10:50 pm ET) this evening.
This Super Moon takes place just two days before Michaelmas, which commemorates Archangel Michael and other spiritual warriors. Moon makes a T-square with Pluto, planet of soul purpose, still in its station as it turns direct. The closest aspect at this lunation is a semi-sextile from ruler Mars to the North Node, indicating dharma-action. Saturn also prevails. In close harmony to North Node, the builder planet squares Mars, slowing us down, but it also sextiles Sun and trines Moon, indicating that the forces unleashed are lasting in their benefit.
Coming in the aftermath of Venus and Pluto in parallel retrograde, this Autumnal Moon helps us harvest self-definition and empowerment as we shake off co-dependent and stereotypical definitions of relationship.
The Sabian symbol describes spiritual desires that rise above and beyond human ties.
A WHITE TRIANGLE, WITH GOLDEN WINGS ON ITS UPPER SIDES. Evolution of values in the sphere of inward self, but at a stage not yet substantiated. Eagerness for a spiritual goal.
Eclipses tend to push things along in the direction we have been going, and this one can free us to reconnect with inner states and spiritual longings we may have sacrificed in the name of people-pleasing and other false attachments.
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Monday, September 28
Moon in Aries facilitates acting on our need for closure as it squares Pluto, planet of transformation, on this Eclipse portal. Even as we act, discretion is advised because direct confrontation can lead to feisty or aggressive exchanges.
If we need courage to seek our freedom, we can get it this evening when Moon joins Uranus the liberator.
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Monday, September 28
Moon in Aries facilitates acting on our need for closure as it squares Pluto, planet of transformation, on this Eclipse portal. Even as we act, discretion is advised because direct confrontation can lead to feisty or aggressive exchanges.
If we need courage to seek our freedom, we can get it this evening when Moon joins Uranus the liberator.
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Tuesday, September 29
If possible, put off work and shopping and have brunch with a lover or artist, to enjoy the afterglow of last night’s trine from Moon, as she went VOC in virile Aries, to Venus in passionate and creative Leo.
At 11:57 am (2:57 ET) a window for fortunate action opens when Moon enters Taurus. Afternoon contacts to worker Saturn and dynamic Mars activate the bull’s productive potential. Focus on goals of abundance and do something assertive.
At 8:19 pm (11:19ET)], a connection from Mercury the messenger to Neptune the dreamer favors the use of mystical or creative words: use healing affirmations or mantras, write poetry or a video, work on forgiveness or enjoy good fiction. Attempts at direct communication may produce confusion, so it’s best to save negotiation or clarification for another day.
Financial blessings pour to me from the Source, and I prepare mentally and physically to receive them now.
September 30
With Moon in prosperous Taurus harmonizing with fortunate Jupiter and transformative Pluto, both in pragmatic earth signs, this can be an abundant day.
Sun joins Jupiter’s ruler, Mercury, as the messenger planet retrogrades through Libra, indicating that blocks can be healed and conflicts resolved.
Take a look at what seems to block your goals for prosperity, and move on it in whatever way you can.
I am not alone in my efforts to unblock my good; the Divine Helper is with me, opening the way to victory, here and now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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