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(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7).
A “Void Moon” or “Void of Course Moon” (or “VOC moon” for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.
According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon’s rulership), Taurus (Moon’s exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) “performeth somewhat.” Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and “you can take it to the bank.” Another way of putting how this works in an astrological forecast is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get “unanswered success.” That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
The light of the new week shines through a misty window. Venus, Queen of Love, conjunct Neptune the hypnotist, in Pisces, is a romantic fusion, and gets us into the mood to smell the roses. Staying mindful can keep our yearnings from leading us down the garden path. Although Moon is VOC for most of the day, in Cancer it’s considered beneficent, apt for a gathering sans alcohol, and if our mood is more peaceful, for meditation on love, forgiveness, metta, and contacting the angels. Creative endeavors can also bloom. Practical concerns are less promising. Spoil your mother or aunt and hold off on making a dive with a new relationship or financial agreement.
The essence of all people is love, and this recognition connects me with the best in everyone now.
The workweek begins with a roar, as Moon enters Leo this morning, moving into an empowering trine with constructive Saturn in the enthusiastic sign of the archer, and later connecting with Mercury in intellectual Aquarius. We can get a lot done, especially in the areas of creativity or projects from the past that require a breakthrough in order to manifest.
I give thanks for the opportunities of this day and make my best effort to move on them now.
Today’s Full Moon in Leo helps us release ways of relating that don’t come from the heart. The Sabian symbol says,
“A PAGEANT, WITH ITS SPECTACULAR FLOATS, MOVES ALONG A STREET CROWDED WITH CHEERING PEOPLE…The more or less sensational release of energies dramatizing the unconscious aspiration of… primitive and instinctual nature.”
The image has a curious resonance with the Sabian symbols for last New and Full Moons, both of which described collective endeavors as well as the individual’s prerogative to hold to his or her unique values. Today’s lunation, in the sign of passion and in aspect to three planets of liberation–Jupiter, Uranus and Eris–goes beyond the terrain of ideals and helps us give the slip to social rituals as we return to our authentic heart center. We can pay a debt, forgive a feud, leave a group or relationship that doesn’t resonate with our own inner child. A series of dissonant aspects stresses the need for quiet time so that our actions may arise from clear intent.
The angels of freedom work to release me from artificial connections and restore my pure love nature now.
Moon is VOC in Leo for most of the day, great for laying back and light fun. It’s a great day to go to a park, do a Full Moon meditation, enjoy a play, a table game, or an oppulent yet relaxed brunch. We’ll do better saving potentially tough interactions for Saturday, when aspects are more harmonious.
The love in my heart is a magnet that attracts harmonious people and conditions to me now.
Creativity abounds, with Moon in Virgo opposing surrealistic Neptune and later Venus, goddess of love and beauty, both in dreamy Pisces. Virgo Moon’s organizing influence can help us discern a path to ground our dreams. It also helps us take hold of the cosmic love vibrations activated by Neptune and Venus in Pisces, and direct them in the inner work of forgiveness that is one of the Fish’s fortes. It’s a good day for reviewing feelings and untying knots of blame that we may discover, and for taking a practical step to act on this inspiration.
I release myself and other from the knots that bound us and new good flows freely for all involved now.
The past encounters the future. Jupiter, planet of progress, makes its annual opposition to the Sun, orb of purpose, opening a window to empower our vision. Since Jupiter and Mercury are both retrograde, this is more about reconnection with previous inclinations than inventing something entirely new. Also, Jupiter rules Saturn, planet of traditions, now in Sagittarius, a sign under Jupiter’s rule. This combination helps us get on course with whatever is our personal magnetic North, the song with which we contribute to the collective symphony, a tune we may be singing now, or more likely we dreamt of or entoned it in the past. The organizational aptitudes of Moon in Virgo make this morning worth rising early for, since it helps us go beyond the dream and make headway with practical steps we take before Moon goes VOC at 2:09 PM (5:09 ET), on an opposition to Mars in Pisces that can make for sexy afternoon or evening as long as we avoid getting weepy or picky and mixing drinking with driving.
The angels of divine potential direct my vision, and I pause to listen to their guidance now.
This morning there’s harmony in the air and air in the harmony, as Moon in Libra trines Mercury in Aquarius, helping us give a special touch to our communications and making for a pleasant encounter with friends or a memorable visit to the library or bookstore. Connections this afternoon can be both productive and rewarding as Moon in Libra, sign of love and partnership, harmonizes with Saturn the builder and connects with Mr. Deep, Pluto.
Divine love touches others through me and me through others, and my relationships are alive with blessing now.
Moon in Libra makes for a morning of shared pleasures, tidying up or reading. Afternoon aspects to outer planets along with Chiron the healer and Venus, goddess of beauty, enrich the results of our creative efforts and those we apply to healing ourselves and our relationships to people, money and the sacred feminine.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
As the day begins, Moon goes VOC in sweet Libra before making a minor contact to sensual Mars in romantic Pisces that be directed by lingering in bed with our love object, walking in nature, or supporting a humanitarian or ecological cause. Save arguments or clarifications for another day. This is a day to give things the light touch and use love affirmations.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Waning Moon in Scorpio favors uncluttering closet, purse, pockets and desk. It’s time to ditch the worn flannel pjs, stained terrycloth slippers and other distinctly sexless items. While we’re at it, we can also review our attachments to worn-out situations, relationships and behaviors. As we unclutter, we affirm our freedom.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Fourth Quarter Moon in Scorpio gives us deep insight as Mercury turns direct. Although the Messenger will still be in the retrograde shadow for another three weeks, and we won’t feel the effects fully until then, today’s station can be seen as a sort of presage of that time, a final chance to review our review of the last six weeks.
What are we reviewing? Jupiter makes a T-square to Sun and Moon, suggesting that our relationship to spirituality is called to question.
The Sabian symbol for 24 Scorpio reiterates this theme. It describes
CROWDS… RETURNING HOME [AFTER] HAVING HEARD AN INSPIRED INDIVIDUAL DELIVER HIS ‘SERMON ON THE MOUNT.’ In order for peak experiences to be valuable… and not turn confusing and toxic… we need to know how to let them… transform our everyday consciousness and behavior.
Several decades have gone by since these Sabian symbols were published, and in that time a plethora of “inspired individuals” have found a way to share their voices through books, groups and the media, including the Internet. Options for spiritual development have multiplied and most of us have ready access to inspiration in one form or another.
In this setting, today’s influences can be seen as an opportunity to review our personal follow-up. We can focus on questions we have probably considered before. Is our inmost thirst getting sated? Are we biting off more inspiration than we can chew? How committed is our daily life to fomenting our practice or spiritual enrichment? Have we been postponing the next step in our daily practice or growth?
This lunation makes an exact trine to Mars, the dynamo, in the mystical sign of Pisces. Not only can we take inventory of daily practice and growth, but also take action to follow through on our clarity, whether this means changing our daily schedule, purchasing a notebook or other materials, returning to a center or teacher that attracts us, exploring a new option, or downsizing the spectrum of methods we apply. Whatever our angelic guidance system reveals to each of us, we have the focus to act on it and make breakthroughs that help ground our aspirations.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Moon enters Sagittarius this morning, opening our sense of gratitude and helping us envision how we will use today’s opportunities. These opportunities include a late-morning harmony to Mercury in Aquarius, sign of friendship. With the messenger planet still in its retrograde shadow period, we can reconnect with those who form part of our success network and/or spiritual family. This afternoon, Moon makes a constructive hook-up with Saturn, whose success potential is accented in Sagittarius. We’re being prompted to take a practical step to build towards our vision.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Pay attention to any dreams or fragments you can recall. Their messages, or just your wakeful intuition, can help clarify how to use today’s cosmic opportunities to close this week with satisfaction. A mid-morning harmony with Uranus brings progress. This is followed by a connection with Chiron that can open a door for forgiveness. Pausing to use it will help us flow with Moon’s trine to Jupiter this afternoon. Moon is in Saj and Jupiter is in Leo, fire signs that burn through limitations and precipitate breakthroughs, as well as making for a fun, pre-Valentine evening.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Moon in Sagittarius connects with Mars before going VOC, a beneficent condition in the sign of the archer that favors success from audacious actions we take this morning on projects begun before January 1 (when Mercury entered its shadow period). Moon enters Capricorn this afternoon, guiding us to focus our Valentine’s gestures on stable relationships and connections with teachers, parents or grandparents.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Although impatience may color our interactions, the morning can be fun. We can direct the cardinal square energies between Moon and Uranus by organizing the garage, yard or storage space—but without insisting that others follow our direction under this independent aspect! At 3:09 pm (6:09 pm ET), Moon conjoins Pluto, the transformer, effective for inner work, courageous moves on long-term goals, terminating an obsolete situation or enjoying a close encounter of the spicy kind.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
We can start the week on the right wavelength this morning, as Moon in constructive Capricorn harmonizes with both Venus and Mars in creative Pisces. We can make our calls and move on our ideas early, if we don’t get distracted by flirting with the mailperson or a colleague. If possible take a siesta at 12:17 pm (3:17 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC before entering Aquarius, sign of intellect, friends and web connections. It will be a productive evening as Moon goes on to join Mercury, the communicator, and Saturn, the materializer, making for insightful study, teaching and writing, particularly for night owls.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
The last Balsamic Moon before Mercury emerges from its retrograde-shadow period gives us an opportunity to release situations, thoughts and behaviors that might otherwise encumber our new beginnings. Today we can unclutter the closet, drawers and desk, and stop to look at our ways of relating. Are you maintaining connections or attitudes that don’t quite resonate? Is there some thread of attachment you are unconsciously holding onto? Today we can make a space for these activities and reflections, and renew our determination to let things go. If we can do it early, we will be better able to receive and use the opportunities for release that are triggered by a harmony between Moon in Aquarius, sign of freedom, and its ruler Uranus, this afternoon.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Today’s New Moon in Aquarius clocks in with power for various reasons. Due to its allignment with the Sun and proximity to Earth, it’s considered a Super Moon, appearing to be larger than usual and also exerting a much stronger magnetic pull on our planet.
We can connect with this portal early in the day, or better still, when it’s cazimi, “at the heart of the Sun” from 3:17 to 4:17 pm (5:17 to 7:17 ET). This is a very hot lunar date for establishing our intentions and also taking a step on an important project we began before January 1, when Mercury entered its pre-retrograde shadow period.
The New Moon also ushers in the Chinese New Year (some sources place it tomorrow, as because of the time difference, it’s January 19 in China today), in the sign of the Green Wooden Goat or Sheep, a cycle that precipitates change and relates to flora. The seeds we sow and the intentions we cultivate are of particular import.
The Sabian symbol for the final degree of Aquarius goes beyond the social inclinations of the Water Bearer, inviting us to aspire to an entirely new level of connections.
…A spiritual Brotherhood constitutes a state of “multi-unity”–i.e. a multiplicity of individuals, if one thinks of the paths they trod to reach their final metamorphosis, but a unity of consciousness and “Soul”–thus unanimity (“anima” meaning Soul). In this spiritual Whole each unit is a recognizable “form” or entity if one looks at it with the eyes of personality; but when seen through a unified spiritual vision or from a distance, the Whole appears to be one single area of radiant light. Similarly, when studied by the modern physicist, light can be apprehended either as a stream of identifiable particles (photons) or as one continuous wave. Whether it is seen as one or the other depends on the point of view.
Less than a minute after this key lunation, Moon enters Pisces, sign of subtle realms, and Sun follows suit three minutes later. The afternoon is great for visualizing the manifestation of intentions we seeded earlier today, for spiritual transcendence as well as practical concerns.
Mercury the messenger harmonizes with Saturn the builder this morning: communications and efforts can lay lasting foundations. This afternoon, Mars, Lord of Action, leaves the mists of Pisces and bursts into Aries. We may feel ready to roll, but Moon will go VOC in Pisces at 3:03 pm (6:02 ET), and our renewed verve is best applied by identifying assertive initiatives we have previously considered, and visualizing successful outcomes of the actions we will take tomorrow afternoon, when Moon enters Aries.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Friday is ruled by Venus. The goddess planet moves into the passionate sign of Aries this morning, revitalizing our creativity, finances and love life. However, with Moon VOC in Pisces, the energy is more emotional than practical, good for a romantic brunch, relaxed creative activity or doing something cute just to show you care. Things pick up at 3:13 pm (6:13 ET), when Moon enters Aries, to join with Venus and Mars, making for a passionate date or other form of adventurous fun this evening.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Moon joins Uranus in Aries, activating the themes of freedom that have been surfacing continually for the past three years. These themes will come to a head next month, with the last of seven exact squares between Uranus and Pluto. Today’s energíes give us an infusion of the sacred masculine to help us surgically intervene and remove what needs to be cut out of our daily lives as we move up to that final connection, which could become a doorway to a much freer existence. Act before 4:36 pm (7:36 ET), when the Moon goes VOC, releasing us to take an evening off and have fun, ram style.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Moon is VOC in Aries this morning, offering the perfect opportunity to enjoy a walk in nature or an adventure between the sheets. At 4:28 pm (7:28 ET) Moon enters Taurus, favoring a laid-back afternoon, a picnic in the woods if weather permits, and a session of prosperity visualization for the week ahead.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Moon in Taurus calls us to explore a park or open space this morning, or at least walk outdoors on our coffee break… after a Taurus-style snack of nuts with dark chocolate. In fact, the good life seems to hold extra appeal throughout the day and into the evening, when lunar aspects to Pluto, the transmuter, and Jupiter, the aventurer, will favor sharing it with others. Creative and particularly musical endeavors can also flourish.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Moon in Taurus calls us to explore a park or open space this morning, or at least walk outdoors on our coffee break… after a Taurus-style snack of nuts with dark chocolate. In fact, the good life seems to hold extra appeal throughout the day and into the evening, when lunar aspects to Pluto, the transmuter, and Jupiter, the aventurer, will favor sharing it with others. Creative and particularly musical endeavors can also flourish.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
In Taurus, today’s VOC Moon is considered beneficent. Moon’s ruler, Venus, helps get that bull moving as it transits Aries and harmonizes with progress-oriented Saturn in Sagittarius. We can assert our leadership as we move on our goals and follow through on a commitment. At 8:54 pm (11:54 ET), Moon enters Geminis and we’ll enjoy reading and bedtime affirmations.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
The Sabian symbol for today’s Second Quarter Moon at 7 Gemini reminds us of the need to provoke a pause and drink from the well of cosmic intution:
A WELL WITH BUCKET AND ROPE UNDER THE SHADE OF MAJESTIC TREES… we now have the image of the eternal search for that which is at the root of all living processes, i.e. water. This search also demands some effort — raising the water-filled bucket — but it is a simple natural effort under the shade of trees which attest to the presence of the life-giving fluids… the intuitive sense which enables one to feel this presence and to make it effectual in daily life.
The trees and water in this symbol resonate with the Chinese Year of the Green Wood Sheep. We see echoes of the Sabian message for the Fourth Quarter Moon that preceded this cycle, which also spoke of the need to apply spiritual inspiration in daily life. Here the inspiration is intuitive and direct from the source, rather than through a human teacher as described in the previous symbol. Once again, we are guided to fortify the internal spiritual warrior before next month’s final stand-off between Uranus and Pluto.
Moon’s afternoon trine to Mercury, its ruler, in high-minded Aquarius, can make for stimulating meetings of the mind. This is a good time to seek out a friend or colleague and share or expand on our ideas. The evening opens a window for successful, focused action as well as empathetic listening and heartfelt gestures of kindness.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Moon is VOC in Gemini all day, giving us space to recover and strengthen our intuitive voice as we save key actions and purchases for another day, and release outcomes as much as possible.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.
Our intuition continues to be strong under Moon in Cancer. During the day, it’s best directed in independent creative or work projects, or quietly attending food, family or flora. It’s preferable to keep interactions to a minimum and give them a light touch as a series of heavy aspects can bring out the crab’s thin-skinned nature.
Relating flows more easily this evening, thanks to a trine from Moon to Neptune and a contact with Venus, though we may be so high on mystical love vibrations that we prefer to continue soloing it.
We’ll want space to move freely this morning, and can concentrate social activities in the evening, when Moon in Cancer harmonizes with Chiron in Pisces, favoring a special family meal and a healing massage.
After the first week of each month, all daily affirmations are available with the Premium forecast package.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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