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(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7).
A “Void Moon” or “Void of Course Moon” (or “VOC moon” for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.
According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon’s rulership), Taurus (Moon’s exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) “performeth somewhat.” Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and “you can take it to the bank.” Another way of putting how this works in an astrological forecast is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get “unanswered success.” That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
Last year’s struggles for freedom are still in our faces as the year begins with Mars in rebellious Aquarius in opposition to Jupiter in intense Leo. If we are active late tonight, we will enjoy the creative, productive energies of the Moon in Gemini after it squares Neptune at 9:07 pm (1:07 am ET). It’s a chance to focus on things we had already started, as Mercury moves into the pre-retrograde shadow period (which is not apt for entirely new beginnings). If you’re on vacation, enjoy consulting the pendulum, I Ching, or another oracle, as well as using mantras and positive affirmation, invoking the angels, dakinis and goddesses or incubating a dream of guidance for the New Year.
Affirmation to incubate a dream of New Year’s guidance:
Deep within I have a living connection to divine knowledge, which guides me to a new phase of good in clear, positive dreams I remember on waking.
A connection between Moon in verbal Gemini and Sun in dynamic Capricorn helps us have a productive morning, especially where written or communication is concerned. A vision of freedom, and perhaps opportunities to promote it arise soon thereafter, when Moon harmonizes with Uranus, one of the New Year’s trailblazers. Productive energies continue into the evening, so even if you’re on vacation it’s worth making that one call, sending that one document or somehow taking a step on your path of power.
I call on the spiritual warrior forces and request that they please help me see and move on my path of power, only for today.
Moon goes Void of Course in Gemini with a harmony to Mars. Go for a walk in nature, dance, play light sports just for fun or a table game. Venus enters Aquarius, presaging that time of year when good will and impersonal love spread like the light of the growing Sun. Go with the flow by making a list of your altruistic, cultural and community goals for the New Year and taking a look at how you could act on them. At 5:08 pm ((8:08 EST) Moon enters Cancer, helping us prepare for tomorrow’s Full Moon by reviewing the freedom we’ve gained in the last two years and how we can close cycles to prepare to fly.
The starlight of kindness burns in my heart and I open windows to share it now.
Full Moon at 15 degrees Cancer (8:53 pm PT/11:53 pm ET) helps release ties that bind us to the past and distract us from our emotional center.
The Sabian symbol describes
The image evokes the rituals of the herd mentality and opens a window to question what we are feeding ourselves, physically, mentally and emotionally. In square to Uranus, the liberator, and Eris, the rebel, it can help us identify our unique needs and values, and make of our homes a center that nourishes them. A great Sunday to unclutter our space and closet as we release belongings that don’t resonate.
I allow myself to release activities, attitudes and rituals that no longer nourish me now.
A harmony between Mercury the messenger, in the friendly sign of Aquarius, and success-minded Saturn in Sagittarius, indicates that communications can be both breezy and productive for those who go back to work and focus on endeavors begun before January 1. Take up your projects and commitments where you left them last year, as the third quarter Moon is not so great for new starts and Mercury is now in the shadow period.
In the goddess calendar tonight Persephone was symbolically welcomed on her return from the underworld in anticipation of her reappearance with tomorrow morning’s rising sun.
I welcome the heroine or hero within and make a space to honor her in my life and attention, here and now.
Today marks Twelfth Night in the pagan calendar, when the debris of Yule was cleared away. This symbolism coincides with the portal opened by Sunday’s Full Moon, helping us close cycles and prepare for a new phase of growth.
Moon in vital Leo adds heart-power as we finish pending business—the sort that doesn’t seem pressing but whose tendrils subtly hold us back. Make a list of things you know you have to do but have been putting off, including New Year’s hugs, and do whatever you can to move on them today. Focused activity can also diminish the likelihood of interpersonal conflicts triggered by Moon’s opposition to people planets Mercury and Venus all in fixed (stubborn) signs.
As I move to close cycles, my clear intent opens me to angelical assistance and eases my way now.
If you can, opt for independence. Work, play, meditate or create on your own today, as intense Leo Moon connects with transformative heavies Uranus, Pluto and Chiron. Enjoy nature, cogitate and focus on healing. Creative expression can be brilliant, but tense interactions with others may blossom into an ego glut of projection if we let them.
Things lighten up tonight when Moon joins with Jupiter in fun-loving Leo. Great for warm encounters with or without romance, and for incubating a power dream.
Affirmation to incubate a power dream:
Guardian Angel (or Spirit Guides), please show me my highest mission in a clear, positive dream that I remember on waking.
In the pagan calendar, today commemorates Justitia, Roman goddess of justice. With the influence of last night’s union of Moon with Jupiter, planet of justice, and the former’s contact with Saturn, planet of things official, today should be good for finishing legal or bureaucratic matters that you began or planned on before January 1. Get a permit or license, follow up on a legal procedure, or organize papers. Focus your productive efforts in the early morning or afternoon, as Moon will be VOC from 9:05 am to 2:58 pm (ET 12:05 to 5:58 pm), a window to enjoy the Sun and express your affection just for the fun of it.
This day helps us close the week with honor. Moon in Virgo connects with Mercury, its ruler in the intellectual sign of Aquarius, making the morning good for getting our space and papers in order or other tasks requiring attention to detail. The afternoon is a cosmic portal that blesses whatever practical steps we take towards independence, healing and congruence with our ideals. We should use it well, as Mars will be entering Pisces on Monday, and the results of our actions are apt to be less clear in the following month.
Enjoy a relaxed and sensual day as Moon in Virgo makes an early trine with Sun in Capricorn before going VOC until entering Libra tomorrow before dawn. Go to the beach, enjoy your yard or local green space; visit or pray for a dear one in recovery.
Libra Moon fuses with number 11 to make this a sweet Sunday, great for opening the heart chakra and contributing to the vibration of love. A morning harmony with Saturn in Sagittarius produces good results in creative endeavors, music, helping an older person and decorating our homes. An afternoon connection with Neptune helps us contact the angels and exalts the artist within in. After midnight, harmonies with Venus and Mercury, the people planets, make for a good pajama chat or insomnia made productive with writing and study.
Be sure to pay attention to last night’s dreams, as pre-dawn transits are transformative, particularly in issues of relationship, freedom and healing. Libra Moon may move us to be with others, but connections with heavies Uranus and Pluto can generate an atmosphere of tension and it’s better to use this day in independent or group efforts directed at tackling challenges, and avoid tackling one another.
Breakthroughs can emerge today with the Third Quarter Moon at 23 Libra (1:46 am PT; 4:46 am ET), whose Sabian symbol says,
CHANTICLEER’S VOICE HERALDS SUNRISE…The cock that crows as the first coloring of dawn appears at the eastern horizon… a beautiful symbol of the ability demonstrated by all pioneers and cosmically attuned individuals, to give voice to what is as yet unmanifested, but is on the way to manifestation. At the ego level, chanticleer may feel that he makes the sun rise; but someday he will learn… that to create is only to reveal what essentially is… [Now is a time to] think afresh… At every “sunrise” there are a few isolated witnesses that herald the coming of a new day. What is at stake here is the individual’s capacity of RESPONSE TO LIFE’s RENEWALS—renewals which are cyclic, predictable, yet always new, always creative.
This symbol resonates with one of today’s key aspects. Venus, Moon’s ruler, harmonizes with Uranus, the awakener in Aries, the sign of sunrise. Creativity and intuition abound. We can release our mental lethargy and in some way channel the cosmic energies that are trying to express through each of us according to our aptitudes, calling and context. The channeling may be literal as in receiving subtle messages, it may be in the form of brilliant artistic or creative inspiration, or it may appear in new or renewed social connections that help our cosmic calling to unfold. As the cock stands to herald the morning Sun, we can provoke a pause to read the signs and listen within for new light.
Intuition is sharpened and worth heeding, as brilliant ideas can arise after Moon in deep Scorpio harmonizes with mystical Neptune to contact Uranus, the genius of the solar system. Use this afternoon well, as contacts from Moon to Mercury, Pluto and Chiron can be highly creative, great for therapy and transmuting subconscious blocks. Avoid trivial encounters or arguments; they could turn into a close encounter of the vampire kind. With the Mars-Saturn square this evening, don’t be surprised if your initiatives meet with apparent setbacks. Since it happens in mutable signs, sit back, review the scene and regroup to persist, yet refrain from any temptation to force things.
Moon in fecund Scorpio contacts Jupiter in creative Leo and today’s efforts can be quite fruitful. At 3:52 pm (6:52 ET), Moon goes VOC on a harmony with sensual Sun in Capricorn, great for an intimate encounter with the apple of your eye, a nature walk, or a relaxed and tasty dinner.
Moon enters Sagittarius, helping us ground our vision, especially after 10:26 am (1:26 pm ET), when a square with its co-ruler, inspirational Neptune. Focus on projects you started before January 1, particularly those requiring imagination, research, charisma and diplomacy. The evening is great for connecting with friends and enjoying a movie. Avoid excessive drinking, especially before driving.
Relating can be a joyous and even healing experience as fun-loving Moon in Sagittarius harmonizes with Mercury, the communicator, and Venus and Jupiter, planets of love and good will. Seek reconciliation, promote your ideas, express your affection and gratitude, or plan for a day of play. At 11:25 am (2:25 pm ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to its ruler, beneficent Jupiter, who accents the desirable influence that the VOC exerts in the sign of the archer, so the whole day is a window of fortune.
Moon in Capricorn harmonizes with Mars, making for an unusually industrious Sunday morning, apt for doing exercise, weeding your yard and organizing the week ahead with an eye to eliminating wastes of time. A harmony with Neptune this afternoon brings joy in music, nature and angelic connections. Take in a concert, sing in the woods or meditate on the beach, by a stream or while listening to sacred music.
Mars joins Neptune in Pisces, the sign of its rule, and our impulse to act becomes softened. Although doubts or insecurity may dampen our assertiveness, this connection can also heal the warrior planet’s more aggressive tendencies, opening the way to peaceful solutions of conflict as well as our ability to synchronize our actions with divine direction, and lending audacity to our creative vision and compassion. Make an offering of divine thought to bless the planet in this potential.
The New Moon in Aquarius (5:14 am PT, 8:14 am ET) empowers the intentions we clarify today. Its only aspect is a harmony with Saturn, the Water Bearer’s co-ruler, planet of manifestation that can help give form to our ideas and make them last. Saturn is also a builder, which happens to resonate with the Sabian symbol for this lunation:
An old adobe mission in California… the enduring character of human achievements ensouled by a great vision… the projection of a noble ideal into concrete forms of beauty and significance… CONCRETIZATION OF AN IDEAL. This also implies the “immortalization” of an individual within a great collective and cultural enterprise.
With Mercury in its shadow-retrograde period, this portal works best for an ideal or vision whose seed we planted in 2014 or before. It can find new viability as we put it in writing, make a dream board or similar visualization tool, and use the vision and organizational skills of Saturn in Sagittarius to plan for strategic action.
Mercury stations to go retrograde, although this influence has been felt since the year began thanks to the pre-retrograde shadow period. In Aquarius, this influence can help us review our ideals, liaisons and group connections. Uranus, the ruler, is in Aries, the warrior sign. This retrograde can help us take stock of our struggles for freedom of the last three years or so. Do they resonate with what we really want? Have our ideals of liberation changed? What initiatives in favor of freedom have we been postponing? The last exact square of Uranus to Pluto happens in March, and Mercury’s current position can be seen as a kind of curtain call to review our goals and use this transit for the deep transformation it offers. Moon conjuncts Mercury and contacts Jupiter and Venus, interactions with others are apt to trigger synchronicities and dynamics that will help clarify these questions and remind us of our own needs for change.
Moon in creative Pisces contacts Saturn the builder; the morning is great for giving structure to creative endeavors, anything from an outline to a writing proposal, contract or a strategy for web promotion. The angel of success will bless encounters, communications and initiatives you take this evening.
Moon in Pisces connects with Pluto the powerful, Chiron the healer and Jupiter, god of fortune. Although the Moon will be VOC for most of the day, in the sign of the fish it’s still helpful, and overall the day is good for gentle activities such as meditation, healing, therapy, connecting with the angels, artistic activities, helping others, radiating and asking for forgiveness, and just about anything that requires persuasion or charm. Use it to prepare the way for tomorrow’s more forthright, go-getting influences.
Moon enters Aries this morning, facilitating direct and assertive action. A trine to constructive Saturn in visionary Sagittarius can help us apply strategies to move in effective ways that produce lasting results. An afternoon harmony from Moon to Sun in sociable Aquarius can make for joyful outings and gatherings, as well as progress on a community cause.
Moon in Aries harmonizes with Mercury and Jupiter, the publishers, and today is too constructive to just potato-couch it. The influences are fertile for creating a financial scheme and making dream boards, but most of all, for convincing others of your ideas or cause and in fact, for any interchange that requires diplomacy.
Moon goes VOC in sharp Aries on an early harmony with Mercury in intellectual Aquarius, brightening our minds with lucidity which we can apply for inner and outer breakthroughs after it enters Taurus at 8:37 am (11:37 ET). Moon reaches First Quarter at 7 degrees Taurus (8:48 pm PT; 11:48 pm ET), whose Sabian symbol describes:
THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA AT THE ANCESTRAL WELL. The meeting of the traditional past and of the creative spirit pointing to the future. The woman belongs to a tribe despised by the Jews;…she is unmarried and… on the fringe even of her own society. It is to that kind of woman that Jesus reveals that he is the Messiah…
Jesus… came to replace the old tribal order with a new order based on universal Love… It is not to…the men still attached to the old order that [he] could reveal his [true] status… but to the woman of Samaria… who had already repudiated any subservience to the old order…The creative future descends first to that which has become chaos. An old order is never open to a new Revelation unless it has accepted disorder in the Name of that power which subsumes all forms of order, i.e. Love…
It is no longer a collective cultural effort based on past knowledge… but introduces a totally new factor which transcends it. A NEW QUALITY OF BEING is revealed, which renders the old patterns obsolete.
As a waxing Moon, it has practical applications that we will see a bit further on. However, the symbol alludes to several themes that are pertinent to this year’s influences, suggesting that this it’s not just another second quarter Moon. The necessity of chaos as a necessary precursor to growth, evokes the gifts of minor planet Eris, active in the New Year’s chart. The Samarian woman’s freedom also evokes Uranus, the liberator, as it rubs against Pluto, challenging the mob boss of the solar system to transform systems as it moves through Capricorn. Finally, love, water and the sacred feminine can all be connected to Neptune, the planet of the Great Mother in the sign of its rule, Pisces.
Whereas Uranu, and Eris can often play the a rebel without a cause, throwing the baby out with the bath water, removing the obsolete without proposing options, this symbol in fertile Taurus is quite constructive and can be healing. Take some time out to review goals from last year that are still in progress, while asking yourself to what extent they reflect your authentic direction and ability to co-create in a consciousness of love.
Afternoon connections to Neptune and Saturn help us apply our insights and move ahead with creativity and concentration.
Romance and art are in the air as Venus, planet of beauty, enters Pisces, sign of dreams. For the next four weeks, love takes on a surrealistic glow that can brings power to angelic connections, art and empathy. But look before you leap into an affair.
Today the Moon in Taurus favors turning all this sensitivity into something concrete, such as music, a fountain, pond or birdbath for your garden, or a nature walk by the water.
Practice mindfulness as you enjoy your meals and the winter landscape with the Moon VOC in Taurus. Save important initiatives and purchases until after 2:36 pm (5:36 ET), when lunar contacts to creative Neptune and instructive Saturn promote study, enjoying an art movie and stimulating communication.
This is a good day for lawyers or anyone who presents a case, with Moon in facile Gemini harmonizing with Sun and Mercury in brilliant Aquarius and also genius Uranus in feisty Aries. Even if you don’t need to argue, these influences can help you strike a good deal, get your point across and promote your ideas or product.
Leave work early, or better yet, take a three-day vacation. Head and heart are softly aligned as Moon goes VOC in Gemini for most of the day, dynamic Mars in sensitive Pisces harmonizes with Pluto, Lord of the Depths, and Sun conjuncts Mercury in friendly Aquarius. Today is great for writing affirmations, making calls and sending messages just to show you care.
This morning Moon in tender Cancer trines Venus and Neptune in Pisces, intuition surges and we can enjoy throwing the I Ching or another oracle in the company of women. Visit your mother, express your love, send flowers. With this sensitive combination, avoid taking things personally; something or someone may push your buttons when Mars conjuncts Chiron this afternoon.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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