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(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Time (UTC-8).
A “Void Moon” or “Void of Course Moon” (or “VOC moon” for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.
According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon’s rulership), Taurus (Moon’s exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) “performeth somewhat.” Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and “you can take it to the bank.” Another way of putting how this works in an astrological forecast is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get “unanswered success.” That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
Daily Astrological Forecast, November 2014
Today is the Celtic New Year, honoring the dead and those living in subtle dimensions, as natives of Mesoamerica also did at this season. As the day begins, we’re apt to feel festive, with Mercury in sociable Libra making a harmony to jovial Jupiter in warm Leo. The tone becomes more mystical when Moon slips into cool Pisces at 9:37 am PT (12:37 pm ET). After that, a chain of aspects involving the deep divers of the solar system, Neptune and Pluto, accentuate the quiet, psychic atmosphere of this portal, best enjoyed by laying low and unplugging from worldly activity to focus within. Enjoy inspirational music, invoke the forces of cosmic protection and—with Pluto and Mars in Capricorn—honor your ancestors and bless the earth in her amazing powers of transformation.
As for dealing with the living, an extra dose of patience and prudence will help allay potential conflict. In the afternoon and evening, creative juices surge and can be productively directed into independent work. Intuitive intelligence flows through the night: keep your journal on hand to write down your dreams on waking tomorrow.
Infinite love accompanies my departed dear ones, and Infinite Intelligence guides them in the present phase of their eternal existence now.
Thank God it’s Sunday! We wouldn’t want to float through this etheric Moon in Pisces while trying to function in the normal world. Pay attention to the dreams you remember. The veil between dimensions was particularly subtle last night, when Moon in Pisces harmonized with Sun, harbinger of purpose, and Venus, Goddess of Love, both in Scorpio, sign of portals to the beyond. In particular, oneiric messages include a warm greeting from a dear one in the beyond, and guidance to help us carry on the positive aspects of our lineage and to heal the more difficult ones.
The light of love burns in my heart and is alive in my connection with (names of chosen dearly departed)… I renew my commitment to continue their legacy in ways that are appropriate now.
The early morning is good for structuring inner work, as well as healing money issues and making an audacious step to promote freedom, yours or someone else’s. Moon goes into Aries at 10:53 am PT (1:53 pm ET), followed by a contact with assertive Mars and a harmony between purposeful Sun and deeply powerful Pluto. The rest of the day favors research, focused introspection, organization and independent, creative work.
Guardian angel and spirit guides, please help me retrieve my authentic self and follow its summons now.
Moon goes into Aries at 12:06 pm (3:06ET) and then connects with Venus and Jupiter to inspire both the artist and entrepreneur within. Work on projects related to art and prosperity and make a special effort to stay centered and avoid defensive-aggressive reactions caused by taking things personally.
There is an invisible force of divine justice that is present in the electoral process and it works to produce perfect outcomes now.
If possible, rise before dawn and use the last hours or minutes of the Aries Moon to organize your life with a focus on your goals for change. At 5:25 am (8:25 ET), Moon goes VOC, with aspects that favor creativity, transmuting mental programs and spiritual healing of oneself and others. Save important actions and purchases for after 1:33 pm (4:33 ET) when Moon goes into Taurus. The afternoon is great for tending our gardens, redecorating our homes, reviewing our investments, organizing our finances, and renewing our connection with the object of our affection.
I am a powerful force for good and I consciously radiate this power now.
The Snow Moon becomes full at 14°26′ Taurus (2:23 pm PT/5:33 pm ET), helping us complete the projects we have been working on since before September 13, when Mercury entered its pre-retrograde shadow period. The Bull is known to be placid, except when he sees red, as he might well do when Luna trines Mars in conjunction with Pluto this morning. This Moon is connected to the last two eclipses and whatever our central issues of change may be. It also infuses our decisions with special power, although the fruits may not be clear until after Mercury emerges from its shadow period in four days.
I’m worthy of doing what needs to be done and releasing what needs to go so that I may experience wellness, happiness and success now.
Moon in Taurus, sign of manifestation, opposes Saturn in Scorpio, the reformer, making this a good morning to face and take the actions we have pending to help us move out of obsolete situations and on to our greater good. At 8:17 am (11:17 ET), Moon goes VOC in Taurus, where it’s still productive, so we can close the workweek with honor. After connecting with sociable Mercury in Venus, Moon enters Gemini, making this evening nice for taking in an art movie or conversing with stimulating friends.
The Power that has manifested all that exists manifests success for me, through me and as me now.
Moon in Gemini, ruled by Mercury in its retrograde shadow period, makes this morning good for repairing our computers, running a virus scan and editing. Contacts to Mar and Pluto, the eliminators, favor uncluttering our papers and inboxes. More significantly, these influences complement Mercury’s entrance into Scorpio to help us review our way of expressing ourselves and to realign our words—and our silences—in resonance with the authentic voice within. If we take some time out for this purpose, a contact to from Moon to Chiron can make it a healing experience, and open the way for breakthroughs as Moon goes on to harmonize with Uranus the liberator this afternoon and evening.
As I take the time to say what I really want to, my words become charged with healing power now.
Even though it’s Sunday, awaken early if possible to make the most of this morning’s prime time. Gemini Moon connects with sweet Venus and radiant Jupiter in Leo, inspiring us with love, creativity and eloquence. Work on practical and artistic projects, make love, and/or fill your house with angels and dakinis. This afternoon, Saturn touches the Moon, toning down the euphoria and helping us get an edge on organizing our present and upcoming commitments.
The angels of autumn touch my life and radiate joy through all my changes now.
Early morning meditation, prayer or our preferred centering practice will help ground and channel our sensitivity as we prepare for the contrasts this day has in store. Sensitive Moon in Cancer harmonizes with intuitive Neptune, expanding its already impressionable, empathetic and intuitive vibrations, while feisty Mars joins with mafia boss Pluto in Capricorn. This doesn’t necessarily trigger chaos and can actually be empowering if we’re able to stay centered and avoid a strong temptation to take things personally, throw tantrums and slip into rages.
Some dexterous uses of this combination include enjoying music and dance, focusing on work and creative activities that require minimal interchange with others, and actions that are daring from a distance, such as cold-calling a potentially key contact. Postpone potentially aggressive interchanges for another day and take special care to avoid driving after drinking.
I am a radiant center of love and light, and this awareness shields me and my world with Omnipotent Grace now.
Today’s numbers, 11/11, open a portal to increase humanity’s love vibration, and each of us can contribute to this radiation. A trine between sensitive Cancer Moon and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, indicates that the intention to generate unconditional kindness can have a lasting effect to free us from old issues and hardened attitudes towards ourselves and others. We can use this afternoon to contact key people and act on our heart’s desire, as harmonies between Moon and Sun and also Mercury and Neptune favor attractive results.
I release myself and others in loving kindness. The love and peace I feel in my heart connects me to the love and peace in the hearts of all others, and we surround the planet in victorious love and peace now.
Use today’s contacts with Chiron and an influential conjunction of Venus with Saturn to take a mindful peek into the basement of your relationships, where subterranean behaviors or negative beliefs inherited from the family of origin or other influential contexts may still affect your love life and finances in subtle or not-so-subtle ways. This is the moment to reaffirm or release commitments and determine a course of action and/or work on ourselves to experience more joy and prosperity.
The Divine Mind knows what I need to see and do in order to unblock my good, and It guides me and helps me do this now.
Moon in Leo gives us energy and enthusiasm to move on our priorities, although stressful aspects and a trine from Moon to rebellious Uranus in Aries suggest that our enthusiasm could, if we let it, mutate into belligerence. Take some time out to do deep breathing and listen to the artist within, who can stimulate your brilliance as you think outside the box.
I am a spark of divine brilliance, and I make space to retrieve and express my light now and always.
Early risers can enjoy heights of enthusiasm, creativity and intuition as this morning’s Moon joins forces with expansive Jupiter in Leo. Actually, the first hours are the most propitious of the day, followed by numerous squares between Moon and a stellium in Scorpio. The first contact is with the Sun, pushing us to manifest this morning’s inspiration, followed by a midday square to Saturn in the same sign, demanding results. We can close the week well if we succeed in avoiding interpersonal struggles—which can get pretty intense when Scorpio and Leo are at play. This evening, a final square between Moon in Leo and Venus in Scorpio can make for works of genius and passionate encounters which are potentially joyous as long as we totally release the need to get our way or control others. Take in an art film or enjoy a romantic interlude in harmonious relationship. If things happen to be tense with your significant other, you could try treating yourself to dinner (and just might meet somebody new).
I resonate with fulfillment and naturally attract fulfilling situations and relationships here and now.
Moon opposes Neptune this morning and you may enjoy beginning your day by welcoming the planet of the Great Mother into her direct motion. You can do this by lighting a purple or turquoise candle and a stick of jasmine incense in honor of the intuitive, compassionate facet of the Sacred Feminine. Make an extra effort to remember and interpret last night’s dreams, or consult the I Ching or another oracle in honor of your intuitive self, which is emerging renewed and strengthened from Neptune’s five-month retrograde period. After a mystical beginning, Moon in Virgo harmonizes with Mercury and Pluto, making for an exceptionally productive Saturday.
I welcome the forces of Divine Intuition that touch me and all others as a new era of knowing begins for us now.
Make this a special Sunday. A trine from Mars, planet of self-assertion, to Moon, combined with Venus’ entrance in Sagittarius, motivates and frees us to move ahead. We can direct this energy in something that requires breakthroughs, such as seeking out an estranged friend, adviser or loved one, or acting bravely on a personal or altruistic project. If for whatever reason you can’t sleep tonight, don’t try to. Activities such as healing, prayer, and crafting of words or business strategies are particularly effective.
My world is suspended on a web of magic that emerges through my daring and different initiatives, only for today.
This morning, Moon is VOC in Virgo. It’s best to save key actions and purchases for later, and focus now on organizing your desk or bookshelves, praying affirmatively or calling someone just to be helpful. At 11:30 am (2:30 pm ET), Moon enters Libra, later connecting with its ruler, Venus, for a harmonious and potentially exciting afternoon, apt for doing something adventurous and inspirational in good company: going for a hike, to a new spirituality group, a romantic dinner in an exotic restaurant, or a meeting for a community cause.
I live in conscious connection with cosmic rhythms and my life is charged with meaning and magic, here and now.
Sun conjuncts Saturn in Scorpio, fusing the transformative potential of both planets before they enter Sagittarius (the Sun will do this on Saturday, and Saturn on December 24). Although Saturn gets a bad rap because of its demanding nature, this can be seen as an opportunity to put our hearts and will into closing the cycle of deep transformation and restructuring that began in October 2012, and was intensified with the eclipse of October 23. Challenges that come to light in our minds or circumstances can be seen as a stellar initiation, inviting us to prove and consolidate the attitude of independence acquired, consciously or not, during the lessons of the last two years.
Metaphysical Recommendation
We can flow with the blessing of this event by studying what these lessons have meant for us, making a list of their positive fruits, and renewing our commitment to growth as we plan or enrich a daily discipline to follow from now through December 24, when the taskmaster planet moves into Sagittarius.
We’ll have to rise early to enjoy the best action. For lovers, it includes the harmony between the romantic Libra Moon and Jupiter in creative Leo, an excellent mix for close encounters of the joyful kind. As favored is follow-up on public relations or sales efforts, artistic work, making a dream board and invoking the angels of romance or prosperity. At 6:25 am PT (9:25 am ET) Moon goes VOC in Libra for the rest of the day. Enjoy beautiful surroundings and sharing love just for the fun of it.
I appreciate the beauty in all people and situations and I naturally attract beauty to me, here and now.
A chain of events can bring breakthroughs in awareness. Moon in intense Scorpio connects with Neptune, planet of intuition, as well as Pluto, its ruler, Uranus, the shaker, and Chiron, the Wounded Healer. A square from Venus to Neptune emphasizes the creative stimulation of the day that can be applied in art, romance or meditation of compassion.
Divine love flows to me, and through me to all beings. My heart shines with peace and my world glows with beauty now.
Mercury and Moon in penetrating Scorpio harmonize with Mars in constructive Capricorn this morning, opening the way for effective action and anticipating the force of tomorrow’s New Moon. Intuitive guidance can be surprisingly clear. Provoke a pause to consult the pendulum or other oracle, or simply ask within: who to contact, what to say and how to move in the direction of your dreams and values. Listen to its guidance, and then move to ground it.
I am not alone with my own limited thoughts, the light of Spirit is with me and in me, showing me what I need to know and also how to act on my intuitive leads now.
After the alchemical workshop of the last ten weeks, Sun moves into Sagittarius and we can clarify how we would like to share our strength with the world. Whatever we intend or begin today will have the support of today’s New Moon (4:32 am PT, 7:32 am ET), at 0°7′ Sagittarius, which strengthens the Sun, and Mercury direct.
Ask yourself how you would like to share with the larger community. Maybe it’s through an altruistic Christmas project, maybe it’s by joining or returning to a spiritual group (or beginning one yourself) maybe it’s by reaching out to extended family and planning a radiant Thanksgiving. Whatever it is for each of us, Sagittarius favors fun and expanding our horizons while contributing to the collective. A contact with Neptune accentuates the Archer’s gifts of spiritual expansion and purpose. After you choose your intent, use the tail of the Saturn-Sun conjunction to plan and initiate action with your feet on ground.
My home is not limited to one place; I am at home in divine creation, and this knowledge opens me to my higher pathway and connections, here and now.
A magical balance is struck between intuition and action. As a gift for early risers, Moon in expansive Sagittarius harmonizes with Uranus in dynamic Aries before dawn, followed by a contact with Chiron just as the Wounded Healer stations to turn direct. This is a good morning to listen to your inner voice and take bold action to advance on the intentions you seeded during yesterday’s New Moon portal, or those that you seed now. Moon later trines its ruler, Jupiter, facilitating positive results in business, diplomacy, publishing, publicity, group causes and inner work.
Moon in Capricorn makes a sober background for even more sobering aspects, first from Moon to planetary heavies Pluto and Uranus and later from Mercury the messenger as it joins with Sergeant Saturn in the deep sign of Scorpio. A harmony with Chiron reminds us that facing shadows can be healing. For those with a warrior spirit and/or strong Saturn in their natal chart, this can be a day of executive achievement. For all of us, it’s a good day to remember and heal family issues before holiday get-togethers.
I review my early programming and send love to myself and all involved. This rebirth releases me to connect with my divine family now.
Early birds have it if we can use the constructive harmonies of this morning’s influences to continue healing family issues. These harmonies also favor direct action on our own behalf or that of a wizened dear one. At 7:30 am (10:30 am ET), Moon goes VOC in Capricorn, favoring household chores and altruistic support of seniors. Hold off on important purchases or actions until Moon enters Aquarius at 11:23 am (2:23 pm ET).
The veil of intensity lifts this afternoon when Venus in adventurous Sagittarius trines Uranus the liberator, inspiring original creations and opening the way for a cosmic Thanksgiving celebration, in which we can include spiritual family, share with those in need and add our own special touch on the theme of gratitude.
The angels of gratitude touch my spirit and awaken me to the joy I am here and now.
As the day begins, sociable Moon in Aquarius harmonizes with exciting Uranus and romantic Venus. Share Thanksgiving preparations or altruistic endeavors with friends. A brunch outing can lead to new connections and even romance. This afternoon, refrain from getting ticked off or snappy with relatives, a strategy that will be easier tonight when Mercury enters Sagittarius and mirth gets the upper hand.
I give thanks for all my blessings. The gratitude in my heart connects me with the gratitude in the hearts of all others and we surround the planet in a luminous shield of gratitude now.
This morning, we can get perspective on our progress with inner change with the help of a square from Moon in Aquarius to Saturn in Scorpio. At the same time, avoid the tendency to argue over trivialities. At 9:14 am PT (12:14 ET), Moon goes VOC. Research unofficial versions or submerge yourself in an enlightening book, article or similar resource. At 2:03 pm (5:03 ET), Moon enters Pisces, later connecting with Mercury and Neptune to optimize our intuition. Share an inspiring concert, art exhibit or movie, contact the angels and meditate. Avoid dense gatherings or having more than two drinks.
I am a channel for cosmic knowledge that expresses through me now and always.
This is a magical day for going on a spiritual retreat or healing ourselves and others. Moon in spiritual Pisces harmonizes with the restructuring powers of Pluto in Capricorn and moves on to activate Chiron, the Wounded Healer. We can get at root causes, break through subconscious limitations and transmute toxic attachments through forgiveness. The evening Moon connects with sweet Venus, rewarding us with creative inspiration and warm, potentially sexy fuzzies.
In spite of whatever differences there are between us, I acknowledge the divine being in you, I bless you and release you now.
Moon in mystical Pisces is still wearing last night’s kiss from Venus, making the first hours of the day apt for blessing the new week. We can enjoy meditation, inspiring music or a nature walk in communion with Spirit. Around midday the pace picks up and with the help of harmonies to Mars exalted in Capricorn and Saturn the builder. We can consolidate creative endeavors and make tangible headway in pragmatic and/or altruistic concerns. At 5:14 pm (8:14 pm ET), Moon moves into Aries; if we’re too wired to rest, we can use the extra energy to plan the week ahead and visualize successful outcomes.
Sunday blessing
As Sun’s rays touch the entire solar system, today Love shines into the week ahead, blessing us with clarity, joy and perfect outcomes now.
Dear Angels of Victory, please help me hear and act on my true voice now.
Waxing Moon in productive Capricorn motivates us to organize our papers and priorities with an eye to making the most of the week (which, for those who celebrate Thanksgiving, has fewer full work days). Dreams and inspiration can manifest this afternoon: the calls we make, things we create and ideas we propose are blessed by aspects from Moon and Mars in Capricorn to Neptune and Jupiter, planets of dreams, schemes and angels.
The Same Mind that inspires my dreams knows how manifest them, and guides me to believe in and move on them here and now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Wondering if you can add back in the Sabian degree descriptors for the new and full Moon. I first encountered these from Maya, and Terry included them as well…. Love your affirmations and the dailies as always. Thanks much! ~E
hi, i’m visiting thailand from canada and wondering how to interpret the forecasts considering the time change…what time zone do you base the above dates on? thanks so very much!!!
Hi Karen, times given are Pacific time, UTC-8.