Those born in this window resonate with the Ripe Berries Moon. Their animal totem is the sturgeon, their minerals are iron and garnet, their plant is the raspberry, their clan is the Thunderbird. Like the powerful fish that represents them, sturgeons have great inner strength as well as penetrating insight. Bringing forth tangible fruits of one kind or another is basic to their fulfillment. They prefer to avoid confrontation, which is fortunate for the rest of us since they can be formidable opponents. They are active, powerful and brave, although they have a tender and intuitive inner child. They do best when they learn to soften their sometimes tough and arrogant stance, recognize both their vulnerability and their undying need to be productive, and cultivate the sensitivity hidden in their hearts.
- When doing something they believe in, they are great collaborators, able to take on challenges that others balk at and also adapt to diverse situations of work, philosophy or culture.
- Their surface personality is only half the story. For instance, they may seem over-confident and domineering while hiding a tender child within, or sweet and humble while harboring an inner warrior.
- Like berry bushes in summer, their happiness is closely connected with bringing forth radiant fruits of one kind or another. Sturgeons that don’t honor this inner need—which stays with them all their lives—may subsist in a state of quiet but radioactive frustration.
- They can do more than one thing at a time, and need to watch for burn-out.
- Taking time out to harmonize their intense feelings with recreational and meditative activities will prevent accumulated frustration and resentment from causing major health problems and blocking the flow of their finances, which is particularly upsetting to this sign due to its strong need to feel vital and successful.
- Sturgeon fish have a partial exoskeleton of bone plates, and in a like manner, natives of this sign often hide their vulnerability and need for affection under a tough exterior that can inhibit others from reaching out to them.
- Their power center is in their heart, which radiate kindness and give them a special psychic intelligence.
Suggestions for Sturgeon
- Invoke the Angels of Trust and ask them to help you relax your defenses and take time to recognize and honor the child within.
- Review your current life situation, and if you don’t feel creatively productive, find or generate a way for this to happen.
- Shades of red, purple-red and dark pink, in textiles, flowers, candles, stones, accessories, decor and clothing, will keep you in touch with the wisdom and natural harmony of your heart.
Repeat affirmations like those that follow for seven minutes daily from one lunation to the next, or during 28 days.
I am a star of creativity; this recognition attracts the perfect situations and resources to express myself successfully now.
I invite the Master Creator of all that is to produce Its perfect fruits through me now.
From the star-center of my heart, I radiate good will, and I move into true connection with myself and others now and always.
The wisdom of my heart guides my attitudes and actions, and I heed its guidance now.
Stay tuned for the next Medicine Wheel sign and its power keys.
Bibliographic and web references:
Crystal Pomeroy, Medicine Wheel Astrology, Daykeeper Journal
Crystal Pomeroy, Los Pergaminos de la Abundancia.
Eugene C. Rollins, A Meditation Using the Native American Medicine Wheel (PDF) [Ed. note 2020: linked material no longer available.]
Wabun Wind and Shawnodese, Dreaming With the Wheel: How to Interpret Your Dreams Using the Medicine Wheel (Touchstone, 1994) Sun
Bear and Wabun Wind, The Medicine Wheel: Earth Astrology (Touchstone, 1980)

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Susan, thank you for sharing this information with us. With my DOB of 8/22, this is fascinating info. I love learning from different cultures.
Me too, Terri. Thanks for your enthusiasm and generous feedback. Your birthday number 22 is a master number, connected to electrical energy and a mission of service that can reach the masses!
Since childhood, I’ve enjoyed the sacred traditions of diverse topics, an attraction that was probably fueled by an early opportunity to study with Joseph Campbell, author of books on world mythologies. In the 1893 conjunction of Neptune with Pluto was accompanied by a new, anti-dogmatic movement outplayed at the World Parliament of Religions, where leaders from different traditions joined and their teachings mingled. Two women had helped prepare the way for this tendency: Helena Blavatsky and Emma Curtis Hopkins, both of whom saw beyond the boundaries of dogma, speaking of a truth that reappears in many teachings, whose study enriches our knowledge.
In Mexico where I live, I’ve had the chance to study native traditions both in academic and shamanic settings. I’ve repeatedly been invited to share my “medicine” in these contexts. At a Solstice ceremony I facilitated for a large gathering in the glorious Botanical Gardens of Xalapa, Veracruz, I said before beginning, “We are sharing the knowledge and intentions of the ancestors, and we ask their spirits to bless us and forgive us for whatever knowledge may be missing from our work.” Magical manifestations during the ceremony amazed all present, the ancestors had evidently blessed our work.
These are Native American astrology signs, right? Are you Native American? If not, are you qualified to write on this topic? Just wondering?