Each month we have a New Moon, and with it a power portal to sow the seeds of our intent. The New Moon in Cancer on Friday, June 27, is especially good for preparing for a new place in life. It relates to goals we’ve thought about and probably begun to act on before, maybe years back or as recently as two months ago.
There has likely already been some progress made in this direction, although we may not see it clearly. The movement may have been emotional, mental, creative or material. It may even seem like we have lost something, when actually things are being rearranged for our new place to emerge.
Remember, the forces that shape our lives do not work without our consent. We are always choosing a direction, and when we don’t choose consciously, we do it by default, allowing circumstances, unconscious beliefs and the thoughts of others to bind us to particular outcomes.
The following ritual and affirmations will help mobilize the forces of positive manifestation and clear the way for our new place in life at this portal.
Cancer New Moon Ceremony
Put a bouquet of white flowers in your space as you ask Archangel Gabriel to purify it of undesirable thoughts and influences.
- In your journal or on a blank piece of paper, write the words, My new place in life, and then describe what you would like that to mean for you. (The sign guide at the end of this article can help you gain clarity.)
- Light a white candle, reading the following words aloud for a few minutes:
Like the light burning in this flame, my new place in life is shining brightly in my imagination. I can see it filled with the energy of new, rich good.
- Light a stick of incense, preferably floral, strawberry or vanilla, as you say,
Just as this smoke gives itself to the air, I offer up my thanks to the angels of renewal, who respond to my request and help me build a new place in life.
- Take whatever actions you can, preferably this weekend, however small they may seem, to get ready for your manifestation.
- For the next 28 days, spend at least 10 minutes daily thinking about and visualizing your new place as a completed fact. Try to keep white flowers and a picture of Archangel Gabriel (or your favorite spiritual figure) on hand to keep your psychic field clear.
New Moon Hints for Your Sun/Rising Sign
If your Sun or rising sign is:
Your new place in life may be an improved or different living space or situation. It could also be a new emotional position, particularly in relation to family roles and inherited beliefs or behaviors.
The new place is for your voice to be heard, an outlet for self-expression and success through the spoken, written or sung word. It can also be a new way of connecting with your siblings.
There is an opportunity to improve your financial position, as well as taking a stand for your deep values and improving self-esteem.
You are called to a renewal of your physical wellness, and the manifestation of an environment and spiritual approach that expresses your inmost being, and with it a new, more vital and authentic image.
Your true place and the source of your prodigious inspiration has always been in another, more subtle world, and now is the time to strengthen this connection through dream work, a new phase of spiritual practice or service endeavor.
Follow your deep longing to serve through altruistic activities that reaffirm your place in the larger spiritual family.
Reconnect with your life mission and professional or public place in the world.
Your new place is connected with broadened academic, philosophical or cultural enrichment and media activities.
It’s great that you stay on the bright side of life, Sag, but this is a good time to pause to look at your inmost patterns in order to find a deeper level of wellness. You can also make a place for yourself by committing to a cause or offering solid support to someone who can in turn give you backing.
Make a new place for yourself in partnership or with the public. You may also start a new relationship or renew the one you have by awakening the well of tenderness that lies deep beneath your serious exterior.
Make a space in your daily routine for greater wellness. Sign up at the gym or pool, start a new routine for walking or visit a health professional. If you are or would like to be a healer, develop your innate abilities or upscale your work space or services. Whatever your profession, you can carve out a new position at work.
Find a space—and a mentor or support group—to ground your prodigious creativity in tangible works. It could be a studio, kitchen, or just an area you adapt, as well as a daily time to connect with the artist within. If you are already an artist, focus on a new level of success.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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