Soon after midnight tonight, April 14, we can start to view a lunar eclipse that is special for a number of reasons. The first total lunar eclipse since 2011, it initiates a rare series of four such lunations, called a lunar tetrad, which unfolds during 2014 and 2015. By synchronizing with its astrological potential, we can jump start breakthroughs in areas that seem stuck.
There is something about looking up to the sky to behold changes in the Sun or Moon that seems magical. Ancient cultures from China to Mesoamerica held such eclipses to be portents of change in consciousness and affairs. At one time or another in their histories, most empires used these striking signs in the sky to encourage fear and superstition in the masses. But the wise have known how to read their symbolism as part of a cosmic dance in which we can all participate.
A total lunar eclipse tends to dye the Moon coppery red, and there are those who call it a Blood Moon. Astronomically speaking, the reddish glow is caused by sunrise and sunset on Earth’s horizons reflecting back onto the Moon. This revelation is fascinating in the context of Mayan cosmology. For the most ancient occupants of Mesoamerica, the brilliant skies at the beginning and end of the day were more than just a nice view. They were taken to be the visible expression of angelic solar forces. Each day, Mayans called on the essence of the sunrise to help them be focused and determined in their higher purpose throughout the day. As the sun set, the essence of intuition was invoked to awaken one’s subtle awareness. With these teachings in mind, the peculiar glow of the eclipse can be seen to mirror intelligent forces that work to bless the portals between night and day, between dreamtime and our active hours.
A total lunar eclipse can help make our dreams come true, bringing freedom from habits and situations that seemed embedded. This one combines the influence of North Node, good fortune, with Venus, planet of love, and Mars the warrior. The warrior image evokes another ancestral key for Eclipse energy: that of a psychic shield. In accordance with the present portal, we raise a shield of kindness, to protect our minds and thoughts and jumpstart our dreams:
- Think of something you desire or need, something really good so you don’t waste the power of this portal.
- Light a pink candle and ask the angels of kindness to shine through its rays.
- Visualize this pink light burning in your heart, as you repeat the following words for 10 minutes:
I choose to radiate kindness to myself and others, even those who bother me. This energy surrounds me and my desire now manifests under the shield of kindness now.
Close your meditation by visualizing the Moon with its reddish hue. If you can do this during the actual eclipse, observe its color while you think of it as a Moon-mirror of Earth that is being embraced by angel light from one horizon to another. If you can’t see it physically, evoke this image in your mind.
The energy print of this eclipse continues to shine in the invisible realms for five weeks after its appearance. We can reinforce the above synchronization by repeating this affirmation for five minutes daily from now through May 20. As you close your daily meditation, see the Moon-mirror in your mind and imagine the earth surrounded by the rosy embrace of angels.
The following tip for your Sun sign or rising sign can help you harness the energy of change triggered at this lunation.
- Aries: Get still long enough to visualize the change you desire in relationships, with partners, clients and the public in general.
- Taurus: Move yourself to and new doors will open in work, begin an exercise and nutrition program, and do something special for your pets.
- Gemini: Develop your creativity or artistic expression, renew your relationships with children and friends, and make a space for fun in your life.
- Cancer: Stop postponing the changes you have been considering in your home and family situations.
- Leo: Buckle down to ground new opportunities in study, communication, sales and promotional endeavors.
- Virgo: You can move beyond self-sabotage and make breakthroughs in your confidence that attract financial abundance.
- Libra: Take the reigns of your life, your wellness and your self-image.
- Scorpio: Begin a cycle of dream work, make a daily space to heed your inner voice and reconnect with your mission of service.
- Sagittarius: Among your many projects, focus on one that will arise in affiliations or community groups.
- Capricorn: The success you’ve been building for gets a jump start.
- Aquarius: Hone your intellectual gifts with new degree or course of study, and join a worthy cause.
- Pisces: Secrets arise help that help you see yourself more clearly. Use the information to heal your inner child. You receive fortuitous material blessings.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
That sounds lovely, Linda. No patio at my place in Mexico, but there are spectacular sunsets from our terrace. As a friend of mine says, “No salgo por el pan, salgo a ver el atardecer.” (“I don’t go out to buy bread for dinner, I go out to see the sunset.”)
Thanks for these inspiring images which also serve to confirm guidance I have been getting about including nature essences in my work, and for the blessing of encouragement. They seem to call to be included and help the planet through us at these times.
Crystal, I like to start my meditation out on the patio and I first thank Father Sky, Mother Earth for all that they bring to us then
offer blessings to them and bless Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon. Your meditation for this lunation is joyfjul and powerful. Thank you so much. Blessings to you.
I just saw your comment, KRene. Thanks for your kind feedback. A red angel-light hug for you.
Thank you kindly, Linda, for your warm remarks and encouraging feedback, that are also a significant gift and also confirm blessings. It’s lovely to know we share an embrace of the earth in angel light. Hugs to you.
This meditation is so right on for me and helpful. I appreciate
your writings.
Dear Miss Terry,
Thank you so much for sharing this so much. It tesonates so well , I consider it a Huge Gift. Especially the part of the mirror effect of the Moon. Confirms a Blessing.
Amazing & Magical. Heaven sent.
Love to & Blessings
Linda Marsh
This information and meditation is coming at such a great time
for me and I’m sure others. We are being blessed.
Wow. Perfect. Blessings and thanks, Crystal!!
Krystal, Thank you for the meditation. I’m using it several times a day, it feels so comfortable and right on. I love your column.