Do thoughts like those that follow sound familiar?
“When it comes to working on myself, it just seems like there’s so much to heal.”
“Spiritual growth feels like swimming upstream, between my own distraction and all the bad vibes around, plus the negative programs I’ve inherited and learned.”
This Pisces New Moon, conjunct Neptune and trine Jupiter, comes along to remind us that we are not alone in our spiritual aspirations.
Just as there may be limiting programs, energies and entities that block you, there is also an entire angelic network that is waiting for your attention and permission to directly transmit wisdom, power, love, peace—the inner dominion you sometimes feel you must attain by yourself.
The following attunements are designed for the particular opportunity of this portal: to activate the connection with your invisible allies.
Pisces New Moon Altar-ations
- Jasmine incense
- Purple and white flowers
- A pink candle
- If you have a picture or other physical reminder of your guide/s and/or angel/s, have this on hand.
If you know your guides’ name/s, you can also write them on a sheet of pink paper, or heart-shaped post-it stuck on a page of your journal. If you don’t know the name or names, simply write, “My Spirit Guide/s”, “My Guardian Angel”, or similar mention.
The Ceremony
- Light your incense, saying:
This is an offering for (name your guides, guardian or other angel, etc.).
For several moments, close your eyes and devote your attention to the presence of your guide/s and/or angel/s. Visualize and sense her, him or them for a couple of minutes. Breathe deeply as you do, feeling that along with the air, your guides’ presence fills you. Finally, say something like,
Thank you for the helpful presence and guidance you have generously shared.
- Light the white candle, saying,
Your pure energy glows brightly around me, touching, guiding and activating my awareness now.
- Light the purple candle, as you say,
My intention to open to the positive spiritual forces around me, is opening me to them. Archangel Zadquiel oversees this transmutation now.
- Repeat the following affirmations during 7 minutes, slowly and with attention.
I am not alone in my intention to be in tune with the positive spiritual forces around me. My invisible benefactors, including (name your own spirit guides and/or angels) reach out to me, and my whole light being is receptive to their energies. I give thanks to the angelic network for attuning me to the positive spiritual forces that surround me now.
The Moon represents our daily psychic habits. Just as her cycles move subtly from seed to fruition and dispersal, the energies we cultivate each day accumulate and show their fruits. Your connection with positive spiritual forces will wax and grow bright as you spend a few minutes daily to meditate on and repeat thoughts like those shared above.
This New Moon is conditioned by Mercury retrograde. As Terry Lamb points out in her Daily Success Guide, it is not a portal for beginning something new. It can be, however, a great time to redirect our attention towards the sublime energies around us, presences that await our invitation to come forth and assert their power in favor of our inner progress -that exciting yet ominous work for which, thankfully, we are not alone.
Aspra, Lucy, Manual de Ángeles, Volúmen 2 (Casa de los Ángeles, Mexico City, 2005).
Lamb, Terry, Daykeeper Daily Success Guide.
Morrison, Dorothy, Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Llewellyn (2003, St. Paul, MN).
Morrison, Dorothy, The Craft – A Witch’s Book of Shadows (Llewellyn, St. Paul, Minn., 2004).
Spiller, Jan, New Moon Astrology: The Secret of Astrological Timing to Make All Your Dreams Come True (NY, Bantam, 2001).

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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