If you thought that February was strange, confusing and surreal, suspend disbelief as there is yet more weirdness to come on the way to the March 21 Equinox. Whether you were simply waterlogged or swept away, shipwrecked, and washed ashore in February’s Neptunian storms, the waters are still rising. From February 27, there will be no fewer than 6 planets huddled in Pisces as Venus, Neptune, the Sun, Chiron, Mars and Mercury form a huge star cluster of mutable watery energy. With Saturn in Scorpio, the elemental balance is: 7 planets in Water plus 1 each of Earth, Air and Fire.

The Astrology of March 2013
- 11 March New Moon in Pisces
- 13 March Mars enters Aries
- 18 March Mercury turns direct
- 21 March Spring/Autumn Equinox, Sun enters Aries
- 23 March Venus into Aries
- 27 March Full Moon in Libra
Cast your eye over the two March lunation charts and you can feel the energy viscerally shift from emotional overload to “jump and the net will appear.” Pisces to Aries is the most disorienting of all the sign cusps, moving as it does from the last to the first sign.
Oceanic Piscean Dissolution and Cleansing

The New Moon on March 11 at 21 degrees Pisces has an unusual concentration of planets in the last sign, the Twelfth House of the world chart, bringing a remarkable opportunity for healing, deep insights and creativity. Pisces, ruled by Neptune, symbolizes a return to the Source, to a connection beyond words and a loosening of logic. The worlds of the unconscious, the transpersonal, dreams and mysticism open to us if we have the eyes to see.
The seductive trap in the face of such a concentration of the ineffable is to fall into denial, avoidance or addiction. Heeding the mermaids’ deadly siren call leads to unconsciousness. Happily, the trines to the North Node and Saturn in Scorpio provide a trellis to cling to as we build some stable inner ground through reworking the primal soil of our psyches.
Mercury retrograding between Neptune and Chiron will uncover any remaining pockets of untruth, self-deception or betrayal. With Black Moon Lilith and a strong Jupiter squaring the Pisces stellium from dualistic Gemini, every last feeling will be amplified and dramatized. The Chandra Symbol for this New Moon says:
“All the resistances, crystallisations, dysfunctions and foundational dissonances are great excuses to stop or immense occasions to start. If you have learnt the subtle craft of world making, you’re best off meeting up against the hardest places and discovering how to turn them completely around.”
The Forest Fires of Aries Calcification and Conflagration
From March 13 when Mars heads into Cardinal Aries to be followed by the Sun then Venus, it will feel like being swept shore straight into a wild fire. Inner and outer explosions and firecrackers will wake us up as each planet encounters first Uranus then Pluto.
The Full Moon on March 27 is one of the most important and significant Full Moons of the year as the lunation creates a Cardinal T-Square with the most transformative aspect of the 21st Century—the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square.

This is the single most dramatic planetary paired cycle in all of astrology. Each clashing together of these outer planetary tectonic plates jars humanity out of its complacency through the collapse of outdated power structures and increasing revolutions from a grassroots level. May and October 2013 will bring the third and fourth exact Squares—there’s no turning back now. From the Equinox anticipate increased military tension, threats of war and the raising of global power stakes. This tension spikes between March 22 -26 as Mars conjuncts Uranus and squares Pluto and escalates further with the Sun, Venus, Uranus conjunction of March 28.
As the Full Moon coincides with the exact square between Jupiter and Chiron, things may get out of hand unless you can grasp the big picture and take a longer view. The Chandra Symbol for 7 Aries says:
“A Double-headed Eagle, the heads face in opposite directions. Be mentally prepared, vigilantly watchful and intent on moving forward, not back. It is a challenge and adventure to be rabidly dual, a karmic crossroads with immense struggle and conflict and power.”
This renewed alchemical process of Calcination through the burning away by fire of spiritual and psychological dross will reprise the challenges of 2010-11.The purpose is to reduce to ashes the beliefs, emotional baggage and material concerns that cover your true essence. Calcination is associated with lead, Saturn’s material, representing everything in us that is old, heavy and inert. In this darkness are sparks of light epitomised by Leonard Cohen’s line “In everything there is a crack. That’s how the light gets in”.
Tracking the Emerging Themes of 2013
Look back at the first 2 months of 2013 and you’ll grasp the immensity of the deep psychological work we are doing:
- Clearing personal and global shadow material
- Acknowledging the true condition of your life
- Surviving and thriving in a world turned upside down
- Learning to co-create instead of waiting for magic
- Cultivating inner authority
- Standing for who you are in the world
This is a process more akin to weaving than a linear progression, which is why it is so hard to pinpoint when we’re in the middle of it. First, you choose the colours, then you move the shuttle back and forth until a pattern emerges from the detail. As you add or subtract threads, the kaleidoscope changes, just as every thought, intention and choice on a daily basis creates the days of our lives.
Your unique tapestry depends on your birth chart and which transits, progressions and solar arcs are being activated.
Natal planets or chart angles between 4 – 12 degrees Scorpio show you where the clearing, the excavating and the removal of an old source of authority is needed. Any planets in your Pisces House are the conduit for healing and looking at the truth about how congruently you are walking your talk. From March 21, the expression of your Aries degrees 1 – 11 will be the means of making a tangible difference in the world.
You don’t have to get it all at once. You just have to lean into it. When you do, you realise that it is no longer about what happens to you but because of you. The truth will set you free.
Lorna Bevan is a former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine and other publications. She works with clients across the world, combining Visionary Astrology with Master NLP Coaching. Her passion is giving her clients the tools to live their best life.
Lorna is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology.
She’s also a Jungian Psychotherapist and Master Coach qualified in NLP and Psychosynthesis.
She writes for the Cosmic Intelligence Agency as Agent 98 and for Daykeeper Journal and Infinity Magazine.
She is a Member of the Association of Professional International Astrologers, The Astrological Association UK, MBACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy ).
Lorna works to the BACP and APAI code and all sessions are completely confidential. Book a 2017 Reading with Lorna
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