The following ceremony is designed in accordance with the western and Mayan astrology for this portal.
- A candle, preferably pink
- Incense, preferably rose or a natural, fruit scent
- Spring flowers, preferably wild
- A page and pen for each participant
∞ Light your incense, saying,
This is an offering for Uriel, Archangel of Prosperity. Please come with your hosts and empower me and all other people who are willing to begin a new, lasting cycle of soul-centered abundance.
∞ Light the candle, saying,
Just as this light enters directly into my perception, the prosperity teachings from invisible schools of angels go directly into my understanding, and I open my mind to receive them now.
∞ Take a moment to consider the events of the past five months. Paying special attention to the unexpected ones, as well as guidance that has appeared through dreams and synchronicities. Read the message, clarity or lesson, these events may seem to give about your life direction and abundance.
∞ Consider the term soul-centered abundance, and define in writing what that would mean for you, if you could manifest it in any way you chose. For some, it may simply mean getting a better job as they continue with their spiritual practice, for others, a more balanced, less-stressful lifestyle, and for while for others it might require a total change in direction.
∞ List the principle situations, attitudes or activities you need to release in order to move into this dream of abundance more easily. Some examples from group included: A fear of success, spending too much time on Facebook, critical attitudes, indecision…
∞ Repeat words like those that follow during 15 minutes, slowly and with attention:
In love I live and move and have my being. The infinite field of divine love enfolds me, and I release into this field the attachments and attitudes that distract me from experiencing and manifesting the soul-centered abundance that I visualize. As I release them, this field of divine love absorbs and neutralizes them. I am free and in love I am naturally connected to the people, understanding and resources that form part of the new era of soul-centered abundance now beginning in my life.
The force field of God’s love surrounds the entire planet, guiding all its inhabitants into a new abundance of good. I behold ocean of kindness enfolding children and anyone with a special need, healing and blessing them, as well as those I have judged, as it absorbs and washes away the errors we have made, even the worst of sins, embracing us all in infinite love. We are free and in love we are all free and naturally connected to the people, understanding end resources that form part of the new era of soul-centered abundance that has arrived on for the entire planet now.
For best results, use this visualization during at least 15 minutes daily, starting at the New Moon and continuing at least until the coming Full Moon.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.