Some consider the Mayan nation to have disappeared fairly recently, only three centuries before the Spanish conquest of the New World. However, revisionist dating methods strongly suggest that there was another, antediluvian period, probably some 50,000 years ago, and the more recent Mayans carried remnants of that earlier, highly developed civilization. For some unexplained reason, the more recent groups disbanded, leaving their cities in a relatively short period of time.
However, as my tutor of native Mexican traditions clarifies, the Mayans did not really disappear; they are still alive and continue to share their legacy in oral teachings. The few codexes known to have survived the Spanish conquest confirm the astrological sophistication of this great civilization, which predicted stellar events millennia ahead of time, along with their spiritual and mundane interpretations.
The affinities between ancient Mexico and pagan Europe are striking. For example, the latter associated this lunation with the Sun and the sacred Oak, which is a solar tree. For the Mayans, it was related to “Chasing Sunrises”, a powerful cosmic practice. More than just a pretty moment of pink, daybreak—according to the Mayans—is a power portal, when our local star asserts its intention to overcome the darkness of night. There are specific forces connected to this time of day: they can be invoked and captured in our imagination, and will guide us in dreams and help us prepare for solar rebirth at the Winter Solstice.
The present eclipse—activating the Moon’s South Node—calls for us to give something up, in this case helping us release attachments, behaviors and habits that might otherwise diminish the Solstice promise of regeneration. This promise happens be very special this year, considering the extraordinary alignments that will take place in 2012, involving the Sun, Venus and the galactic center, events long ago foreseen by Mayan starwatchers (about which we will soon share more for Daykeeper readers). The following ceremony is based on the lovely native practice of “Chasing Auroras” (cazando auroras), related to this crucial lunation.
Prayerful altar-ations
- A candle, preferably gold and/or warm pastels to evoke the shades of sunrise
- Incense, preferably copal or another earthy scent
- Natural winter foliage
Full Moon Portal Ceremony
∞ Light your incense saying,
This is an offering to the Four Cardinal Points and their corresponding archangels, whose assistance I request in connecting with the cosmic forces of sunrise.
∞ Turn out any artificial lighting, as you light your candles or candles and say something like,
This radiance evokes the first rays of sunrise, which I now connect with and bring into my heart, mind and will power.
∞ Over the next several minutes, close your eyes and bring to mind a particularly beautiful sky you remember seeing at daybreak. Focus on the warm shades and the sense of magic they inspire. Breathe deeply, and as you do, take in the energy of this joyous skyscape.
∞ For the following step, you may open your eyes, or do it with a friend or friends as you take turns visualizing with eyes closed and guiding prayers like these:
Forces (Angels, if you prefer) of Sunrise, help my (our) will shine forth with your magic and commitment. Fill me (us) with your strength to release behaviors, attitudes, attachments, addictions, especially (name something you particularly wish to let go of). Guide me (us) and continue to strengthen me (us) in dreams so I (we) may align with my (our) call to rebirth at the upcoming Solstice and Galactic portals.
∞ Thank the forces of the four cardinal points, the auroras and angels that are have touched you and will continue to do so, especially as you sleep.
Participating in the above ceremony will program your dreams for the following night. After that, each night from now to the Winter Solstice, continue to visualize and call on the forces of sunrise in a similar manner before going to sleep. Ancient Mayans would discuss their dreams, but you can keep a notebook by your bed to write down and interpret yours.
After receiving and adapting this ceremony, I was fascinated to note that the Sabian symbol for the eclipse says:
… [AN] ARCHAIC VOLUME REVEALS A TRADITIONAL WISDOM… the ‘technique’ by means of which the human mind can uncover the foundations of its nature and acquire what might be called SEED-KNOWLEDGE, the knowledge of the structure of cyclic and cosmic manifestation of life on this planet.
At the peculiar, present portal, by synchronizing our prayers with the dreamtime of the ancient Mayas, we may recover our divine right to shine like the sky at dawn, and from this radiance, move into a new day of personal and planetary freedom.
Bibliographical references
Castellanos, Laura, Las Profecías del Fin del Mundo (Random House 2011).
Morrison, Dorothy, Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living (Everyday Series) (Llewellyn Publications, 2004).
Rudhyar, Dane, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases (Random House, New York, NY, 1973).
Teal, Celeste, Eclipses: Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation (Special Topics in Astrology Series) (Woodbury, MN, Llewellyn, 1990).
Tompkins, Peter, Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids (Thames & Hudson, 1987).
Zapp, Ivar and George Erikson, Atlantis in America: Navigators of the Ancient World (Adventures Unlimited Press, 1998).

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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