The present lunation offers a great window to accelerate personal growth. For native Mexicans, it has special importance, empowering Tezcatlipoca, the warrior within. At this portal, he comes forth particularly in women, and in his facet as a youth, injecting our causes with greater vigor and speed. Related to the second planting (the first is in Spring), it takes place in the autumn cycle of “Sweepings”, helping purge whatever might hinder our progress, including our own obsolete habits.
This happens to coincide with a moment when the need, and popular will, for new beginnings in world financial systems become acutely evident, reflecting the deeper urgency for changes in our level of consciousness. The warrior energy coincides with the ruling sign, Aries. People are ready to fight, and whether or not we are physically involved with popular protests, we do well to remember that vibration is as at least as important as action. The Tezcatlipoca archetype sheds light on the greatest battle of all: its dual nature also includes the enemy within.
As I’ve studied the traditions of ancient Mexico over the years, the correlations that emerge between ancestors around the globe have proved exciting and instructive. For Anglo-Saxon neopagans, this is the Blood Moon, a time to give thanks to Mother Earth and all who have died or given something of themselves for us to live. One of its magical applications is the breaking of habits. Pluto—the Eliminator—and Uranus—the Liberator—multiply this gift in the chart for this portal.
What does this have to do with gratitude? In the 21st century, thankfulness is considered a social form, while for ancestral cultures worldwide, it was a spiritual faculty. The pre-Christian Lammas ceremony is one of many examples. It focused on blessing the loaves from the first grain harvest in order to ensure food supply throughout the cooler months ahead. There is evidence that such traditions were behind Jesus’ multiplication of the fishes and loaves. Another cloaked outgrowth of ancient wisdom is the modern Thanksgiving celebration. To quote meditation teacher Kay Goldstein, writing for the Huffington Post, “It was the Native Americans who first taught immigrants to share wealth knowing that it was meant for all… As a spiritual lesson on abundance… a conscious act of gratitude even in the midst of hardship.”
Now, as, “we face the uncertainties and sufferings wrought by a faltering economy, not all of us feel abundant… If anything we may be focused on lack…”. So far, the movement of the moment has remained non-violent. As Gandhi taught and proved, that is a condition for success, whether our intentions are of global, national or personal in nature.
In The Power of Gratitude, authors Nelson and Calaba point out that the energy of striving often blocks our ability to attract what we desire. When giving thanks, we momentarily release our attachments to future outcomes and open fully to what is. As Goldstein puts it,
“We focus on what is good… and in doing so invite healing and more goodness. We loosen our own resistance to the flow of life, expand our narrow view, and transform the experience of even our own smallest self.”
Besides its seasonal connection to abundance, gratitude is a form of love. This Full Moon is exact on October 11, 2011. 11 is a master number which allows a humanity to move to a higher octave of love every time it recurs in dates.
The Sabian symbol for Aries 19ª speaks to such a transformation:
THE “MAGIC CARPET” OF ORIENTAL IMAGERY. The use of creative imagination… the possibility of developing a new technique of perception. A STRIFE TRANSCENDING AND UNATTACHED OUTLOOK UPON EVERYDAY REALITY.”
Yet another Mexica correspondence supports this work: the sacred bird for the Red Moon is the parrot, who helps transform the perceptions we have accumulated from the past.
Ominous as they seem, the current pressures of a system in crisis are a symptom of materially based approaches that have becomes obsolete. As we retrieve—and apply—the wisdom of the ages, our inner and outer struggles find new levels of meaning and efficacy. In the following fragment of an Iroquois prayer, we are reminded that gratitude is part of that path:
“We return thanks to our mother, the earth… we return thanks to the Great Spirit, in whom is embodied all goodness, and who directs all things for the good of Its children.”
To pact with gratitude is to multiply the magic of creative intention. While moving from desire to commitment, we align with invisible forces that will help, and even oblige us to release self-pity, victimhood and other low-vibration emotions. As we do, attain an increasingly constant state of thankfulness. This insistent focus will cause our good to multiply, rather than multiplying the limitation proposed by media reports of scarcity looming before us. We can also share the vibration with the current OCCUPY movements, and thus help keep their efforts on an effective wavelength, despite efforts like those of the American Spectator reporter who incited a riot in order to “mock and undermine their cause.”
Altar-ations to make a pact with gratitude
- Adornments for your person and space with shades of red and scarlet
- A red candle
- Garnet, ruby or blood agate
- Pumpkins, Indian corn and other seasonal touches
- Cinnamon incense or a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger
- A new journal or notebook for each participant
The pact
I. Light your incense, saying,
This is an offering for the Angels and Forces of Gratitude, whose assistance I request to ally with and seal my being in the power of appreciation. I am ready to move beyond victimhood and self-pity, and receive only the good in my past, present and future.
II. Light your candle, saying,
The light of Love is guiding me to see and appreciate the good in all. After this ceremony is over, this flame of gratitude will continue to glow and grow in my mind, and I now commit to keep it alive.
III. Take a moment to review your life, and sum up in writing 3 or more things about your past you can be deeply grateful for.
IV. Repeat this process, writing three or more current blessings.
V. Write from one to three intentions you visualize for the future, and give thanks that they have already taken in the world of cause, whose effects will soon become visible.
VI. Repeat words like those that follow during 7 minutes or more:
I now seal my life, past, present and future in the wavelength of gratitude. This alliance connects me with the highest and the best that has come, continues to come and will come to me through all my experiences.
VII. Share the energy with the planet, by repeating for 5 minutes:
The light of praise that warms my heart connects me to gratitude in hearts everywhere; we surround the entire planet with a praiseful mind, ready to receive all coming changes for good now.
Continue prayers like these each morning for at least 15 days, as part of a daily practice of thankfulness. This lunation is also wonderful to begin a gratitude journal, in which to write such thoughts as part of your daily mental nutrition. The journal can be consecrated with words like these:
I consecrate this journal to the awareness of spiritual good and bless it with the intention to expand the rays of gratitude in my own life, helping to fortify the energy network of divine praise throughout the universe. My intent is of the highest order and will be used by the Highest Mind for good alone, my own and that of all.
You may also enjoy putting small notes with messages of gratitude where you can see them during the day, such as in your wallet, on the dashboard, computer and so on.
Like all new habits, establishing an energy print requires persistent application in our daily lives. May the current portal bless the seed of humanity’s highest visions as we meet the changes the world faces with the irresistible power of a praiseful mind.
Morrison, Dorothy, Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living (Everyday Series)
(Llewellyn Publications, 2004)
Nelson, Noelle C. and Jeannine Lemare Calaba, The Power of Appreciation: The Key to a Vibrant Life (Pocket Books, 2003)
Pomeroy, Crystal, Thanksgiving Ceremony,
Roderick, Timothy, Wicca: A Year & a Day: 366 Days of Spiritual Practice in the Craft of the Wise (Llewellyn Publications, 2005)
Vürtheim, J., The Classical Quarterly, 1920. Vol. 14, No. 2, p.94
Elizabeth Roberts & Elisa Amidon, Earth Prayers From around the World: 365 Prayers, Poems, and Invocations for Honoring the Earth (HarperOne, 1991)
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Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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