Our prayers at this portal are designed to dissolve the blocks to completion of creative projects we have already started, but somehow couldn’t consolidate. They draw on the astrological context, including Mercury retrograde and the catabolism described in the Sabian symbol for 8 degrees Leo.
We used the following moon ceremony in my prayer group, and were guided to seal with a blessing for Mother Earth that proved quite powerful, and that we also share below.
Prayerful altar-ations
- A gold, red or orange candle
- A stick of incense, preferably patchouli or copal
- Sunflowers, wild mustard or another summer flower
- Ears of corn
Moon Ceremony
1) Light the incense, as you say,
This is an offering for the angels of determination, whom I invite to move in and through my mind, heart and circumstances, fortifying my will, directing my concentration and dissolving obstructions as they clear the path within and without to consolidation of my purpose.
2) Light a candle as you repeat ideas like those that follow three times, with your attention on your heart:
This light represents the star portal of my heart, through which divine love now rushes in a powerful stream, moving through my being, fortifying my will, and directing my attention as it clears the path to consolidation of my purpose.
3) Repeat words like those that follow for about 7 minutes, feeling the energy grow in your heart as you do.
Love, love, love. Divine love is now released into my awareness, connections, and surroundings, and it dissolves and neutralizes whatever habits and circumstances might postpone the consolidation of my purpose.
4) Visualize the energy that has grown in your heart as though it were being pulled down to a point in your abdomen below your belly button.
5) Sit or kneel on the ground or floor, palms down on it. Send the love energy from you heart and gut into Mother Earth, as you affirm:
Love, love, love. Divine love is now released into the awareness of our beloved planet and into the awareness and habits of all the sentient beings of the plant, animal and mineral kingdom; and this powerful current of love dissolves and neutralizes any habit or and circumstance that might limit the divine plan for planetary wellness now. I can feel my heart beat with love, in synch with the heart of the living Sun, and with your heart, beloved Mother Earth, which also beats with love now.
6) Take a few minutes to imagine you are beholding the planet from above, as though you could see it from space. In your mind’s eye, see it beating gently like a heart, know that the energy pulsing in it is love, and that this current produces a powerful, freeing and healing effect.
7) Continue to affirm these and similar thoughts that come to mind as you send love energy into the planet.
8) Close by giving thanks for the grace that has responded to your intentions of faith and will inevitably produce results as it opens a new cycle of consolidation for you and the entire planet.
Whether your creative goals relate to children, art, adventure, or just having more fun, now is the time to release—and be released from—what has held back their consolidation. As you open the door of your heart portal, angelic rays will stream in to empower this intent. Do this daily from now until the next New Moon, and share the charge with Mother Earth, who has her own calls to a new and freer cycle of creation, of which you form an active part.
References & Resources
Lamb, Terry, Daykeeper Daily Success Guide.
Morrison, Dorothy, Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Llewellyn (2003, St. Paul, MN).
Rudhyar, Dane, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases (Random House, New York, NY, 1973).
Spiller, Jan, New Moon Astrology: The Secret of Astrological Timing to Make All Your Dreams Come True (NY, Bantam, 2001).

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Isn’t that Saturday, September 30?
Mercury Rx strikes again! Leo New Moon, July 30, at 11:40 am PDT (Jim Maynard’s Pocket Astrologer).
Consider it current. The New Moon portal opened on Saturday, August 30 and is considered most powerful during the 2-3 days following. However, the energy print characterizes the entire lunar cycle, until the next New Moon on August 28. At the moment, it’s better to start this or any renewed endeavor (renewed rather than new because of Mercury being retrograde) between now and August 12, when the Moon becomes full. Of course, the Higher Power and angels respond whenever we call, or rather pick up the receiver and let them through.
When exactly is this?
Timely, valuable, important beyond my ability to describe….
Thank You