When Luna becomes full in March, she is called the Seed Moon, bursting with Spring’s new life. On the threshold of the Equinox, and closer to the earth than she has been in the last 18 years, this so-called Super Moon is particularly charged with birthing power.
What kind of goals does it favor? The Pisces New Moon that began this cycle spoke to our spiritual aspiration. The Sabian symbol for the current phase reaffirms the theme:
A SEEKER… READING AN ANCIENT SCROLL WHICH ILLUMINES HIS MIND… The primordial revelation of the Truth of [humankind]… an archetypal power that may be contacted.
In close opposition to Uranus—The Awakener—which is in the critical zero degree of Aries, this Seed Moon reminds us of the archetypal force that can be tapped by awakening the ram’s power of I AM. As Rudhyar points out in his Sabian interpretation:
Each individual… must come in his [or her] own way to that ROOT KNOWLEDGE.
The following suggestions are designed to break through the hull of material, familial and personal limitations as we open a space in consciousness for our own divine roots to take hold and bear fruit.
Prayerful altar-ations
- A bright green candle
- Soft floral incense
- Mint tea
- A bouquet of wild flowers
The Ritual
1) Light your incense, saying,
This is an offering for my guardian angel, whose assistance I request in reconnecting with my Original Nature.
2) Light your candle as you say something like,
I bring to light the power of new life that surges in Spring and that responds to my recognition, bringing the seeds I now plant consciousness to flower.
3) Identify a spiritual goal that you resonate with and use it to create an affirmation beginning with the words I AM. (If you used our meditation for the Pisces New Moon that began this cycle, review those goals.)
In my prayer group, a woman whose goal was illumination said, “I am the light of the Awakened Mind.” Another who wanted to develop intelligence in action said, “I am divine intelligence acting through me now.” One who wished to achieve and maintain a consciousness of unconditional love stated, “I am all love.”
4) Repeat the following Seed Moon prayer blessing, slowly and with feeling:
The Life that makes seeds sprout in Spring, now sprouts in the seed of my true essence. The hull of appearances now breaks away, leaving behind fears, limitations of genes and programming and unworthiness, and the new life that I plant with the following words now roots in my consciousness: I am (personalize by adding the words you chose in Step 3). I am child of Spirit, made in the image and likeness of perfection, and this awareness naturally connects me with the conditions, people, and inner and outer resources to express my true joy, freedom, beauty, success, wellness and love. I am creation awakening its true essence.
5) In your own words, give thanks to the Divine Parent who has allowed you to co-create the springtime of your existence.
6) Follow up by repeating the above affirmations during 15 minutes or more each day, from now until the next New Moon.
Authors Richard and Mary Jafolla call I AM “the only name you’ll ever really have”, since whatever you describe with these words will eventually become your identity. They remind us to do use them with care, not only in prayer, but in casual conversation. If we distinguish between “I feel” (sad, sick, worried, and so on) and “I am”, we can avoid multiplying the undesirable.
I AM is a gift of power whose effects can heal and prosper, though they are not limited to choosing outer conditions. Each time we recognize our spiritual essence it becomes more evident. To start this practice during the current portal and continue it on a daily basis can beam you up to a finer octave of Uranus in Aries, shaking off obsolete limitations and as you do, helping the race move beyond the crisis mode, into a golden era awaiting those who go the High Way.
References and Resources
Jafolla, Richard and Mary-Alice, The Quest: A Journey of Spiritual Rediscovery (Unity Books, 2002)
Morrison, Dorothy, Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living (Everyday Series) (Llewellyn, 2004)
Rudhyar, Dane, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases (Vintage Books, 1974).

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Last month, I discovered a need for a tool in the form of a piece of furniture, a desk of standing height really to stand at while writing, drawing, and primarily composing music. Looking for such an item in retail stores proved fruitless, so I decided to make it myself. In the beginning of March, I had read that it was important to start something irregardless of the difficulties and uncertantity and it proved to be very true. The inertia against this project was very heavy and progress was slow with several do-overs necessary. But now, finally, it is well on the way to completion and it will be very useful, essential even, for the ergonimic needs of the activity I am undertaking. Looking back, this resonates in harmony with these times of sublime creativity we are swimming through. This month’s ritual is timely, once again and it was, in fact, upon the full moon that the project first realized its core form standing true and now after a rest and a little more contemplation, the finishing touches will be effortlessly accomplished. Not exactly childbirth, but then, I am but a mere male.