Sagittarius, the first of the universal signs, has emerged from merely social processes and can look toward global and divine concerns. On the down side, Sag can also fall into complacency. Indeed, the Sabian symbol for this New Moon’s degree speaks to that part of us that’s fallen into a comfort zone, limiting our contact to a larger world to vague dreams:
A chubby boy on a hobby-horse, the anticipatory enjoyment of powers one can only yet dream of utilizing.
While the archer aims his arrow to galactic heights, his centaur legs and hooves enable him to charge forth with greater speed and strength than mere human extremities. In the symbol, this potential is reduced to simile: a comfortable boy and a wooden toy. Seems a rather cryptic allusion to life in most of the so-called first world.
A bit further on you will find reflections, a ceremony and affirmations to help you move beyond your personal and social habits and do something different in this, the 2009’s last lunar cycle.
Prayerful altar-ations
Angels are ruled by Sagittarius, and this is a great season to add an angelic touch to your home or sacred corner, whether in the form of a figure, Christmas ornament, a feather or any other way of connecting with those beings that symbolically fly to spheres beyond our daily, physical existence. Have a pen and page or datebook on hand.
A ceremony to prepare for adventure
1. Light a purple, bright blue and/or gold candle as you say something like:
The bright light of adventure calls me and all humanity into uncharted areas, creating global and galactic paradigms for the true empowerment of all sentient beings.
2. Light a stick of incense (myrrh is particularly apt for this lunation), knowing in the quiet that it is an offering for the Angel of Purposeful Adventure. Then ask her to assist you in defining and accomplishing adventurous initiatives this December.
3. Ask yourself: What action could you take that would connect you with a larger sphere of planetary or spiritual existence? Define an iniative that appeals to your more adventurous, visionary side. Some answers from our prayer group were: seek out an option to help the underpriveleged this Christmas, invite a few friends to join in daily prayer for the planet during the holiday, write a speach for a political or church meeting, send a letter to Congress, make a generous donation to Doctors Without Borders , contact a well-known proof reader to review a book proposal…
4. Here’s a metaphysical key for creating the results you want at the same time that you plan your action steps: Write a deadline and any other pertinent details to make your initiative concrete, as well as a description of the kind of outcome you would like, “My family and I give away dinners to homeless people on Christmas Eve. We find a good, inexpensive dinner and several people to give them to, who obviously appreciate them. The experience is joyful and gives new meaning to Christmas. Each of us shares aloud a way we will contribute to a worthy cause in the coming year.” “I write a letter to Congress and am happy with the result, which I mail promptly. I later discover many others have written on that same issue and our congressperson is voting wisely.” “I contact an excellent proof-reader, who agrees to review my book proposal. She a great job and my agent likes the proposal.”
5. Repeat words like those that follow during seven minutes or more:
I heed the Angel of Purposeful Adventure who now calls me beyond the bonds of habitual ways. The Divine Visionary sees a new path through me and supports me in moving on it with decision and right outcomes now. My own willingness to do something different contributes to the collective ability to see beyond daily routine as more and more of us act each day to promote a better, more courageous planetary community.
Follow up by repeating affirmations like these several minutes each evening, and looking at your written goals each night and morning until you accomplish them.
We wish you an adventurous New Moon cycle as you call on your spiritual allies and do your part to put feet, or should I say hooves, on your dream, making this a different kind of holiday, in accordance with the global, galactic and lunar opportunities of our times.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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