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![]() Note: These influences are working during the entire month, and form a substrate for each individual day. Ah, in the northern hemisphere, the season of dark is upon us, and our dark sides come to the fore. Shadows play around and within us, and we can no longer ignore them—shadows of our hidden complexes, desires and drives. Here in the U.S., in an election season, many of these shadows are given full play. Private neuroses are given expression as they are projected into the public arena, and the citizens are at their mercy. The end of daylight saving time emphasizes the lengthening nights. Where I live, in California, winter always starts now. This means cooler weather, and rains. Our attention turns inwards, as ancient hibernation instincts come into play. In the midst of this year’s transitional season, Black Holes are prominent. Alex Miller-Mignone has been describing much of this Black Hole action as it connects with political figures. Black Holes represent the principle of transubstantiation. This means, literally, a change of substance. Black Holes, for instance, play a major part in all of the early atomic explosions (maybe later ones, too). They accompany big energy changes of all kinds. We can begin with the New Moon at 29 Libra on October 21-22, which sets the pattern for November. That New Moon conjoined Black Hole Pele, named for the ancient Hawaiian goddess of volcanic fire, who personifies the female power of destruction. (See October 22 entry.) The planets show that this November is intense, profound, dynamic, and unpredictable. It is a Scorpio month—in spades. In Scorpio we dig deep, looking for that hidden treasure, which lies buried under a load of garbage. This means that personally we look deeply into ourselves, not flinching when we come to those dark corners. Publicly we look beneath the veneer of propaganda, and search for the underlying truths. Truth always shines through—everywhere, in every circumstance. But many forces conspire to obscure and deny it, and we have to want to see it. Planets in Scorpio, or in the Scorpio vibrational field, do want to see the truth—although often for their own motives rather than for enlightenment or for sharing. Scorpio is the best sign for investigation, and we can do productive investigative work now. Scorpio planets really want to express their function to the limit. Now, with mental Mercury in Scorpio, we can be topnotch detectives. Since we started this cycle with Libra, many of the truths which we discover are about that engine of humanity—relationships, our connections with one another. Often they are denied because we don’t want to cause conflict, or jeopardize what we perceive as security. Often because we’re afraid of opening to love. Most often just because there is resistance to changing old patterns and perspectives. Planets in Scorpio—and there are five of them now—will help us overcome whatever resistance we have to seeing some deeper truths and dynamics. There will be conflict, within and outside of us, as entrenched habits, routines, and attitudes fight to hang on. High energy, passion, revelations, turmoil, obsessions, and power drives will all be featured this month. Scorpio is about birth and death, and this is the month to make huge changes which mean letting go of the old, and starting something new. We do have help in exploring the unseen, particularly in the political and public arena—but it is also an aid to conflict. This is a retrograde Mercury, plowing and replowing Scorpio’s terrain with a probing mind. This Mercury calls on us to go over old situations, to review them deeply, and perhaps to find that hidden vein of gold which we can incorporate in our lives as we make our Scorpionic transformations. With a retrograde Mercury, we turn inwards, we return to ourselves, to our own centers, to our own perspectives. We tend to put blinders on in regard to others’ viewpoints. We each do this, and thus real agreement during this time is distorted. We may be using the same words, but I mean one thing, and you mean something else. We may assume others see things our way, because our perspective is so obviously correct. But chances are that during a Mercury retrograde period, others’ lenses show them a different picture. This situation, of course, can exacerbate conflict. The side of Libra which is ready to fight for the right cause is strengthened. Libra’s ideals of peace and justice may be upset now. A deeper reality is percolating up from the depths, and Mars in Scorpio will insist that it be acknowledged. Mercury entered Scorpio on October 1. Events in Asia, particularly in regard to financial matters, were in the headlines then. And Mercury has everything to do with headlines. Mercury means movement and news, and Mercury is very busy last month, October, and this month, November. Retrograde does not stop its action; it just means it acts differently. Plus it goes over situations and reviews them. Mercury turned retrograde just in time for Halloween, and the winter season. It will turn direct on November 17. In the meantime, during October and November, it squares Neptune three times, trines Uranus three times, conjuncts Venus, Mars, and Sun. And transits over the Sun. Mercury is the star of the month. Mercury will pick up far-out ideas from its six transits in connection with Uranus and Neptune, and in December can put some of them in action. Scorpio can be brutal about expressing its truth, and Mars there will help us fight for ourselves. Venus will do three things. The goddess of love can soften Scorpio’s harshness, but at the same time she will help us to be adamant about standing up for our values. We are less likely to allow ourselves to be brainwashed or co-opted. Venus also urges us to gather together in peace. Neptune in Aquarius is also outstanding this month. He turned direct on October 29. He is still traveling very slowly, and that gives him greater impact. During November Neptune receives six aspects from Scorpio planets, plus he dominates many of the month’s charts. Neptune stimulates the imagination, and its food this month will be Scorpionic. Both the best and worst of Scorpio will dominate our minds and our imaginations. …from working together to create something new to experiencing the dregs of corruption. Neptune in Aquarius can envision a society where each person has value and dignity. Scorpio can fight for that vision. Neptune can see how all of life is connected, and Scorpio can understand crisis, and feel how life is threatened. They can work well together, as long as we keep our priorities straight. On the other hand, Neptune encompasses the universe, and its vastness can be confusing and frightening. Think of the sea, ruled by Neptune. With Neptune, we cannot really see the whole picture. Neptune works on subtle planes, and we can be easily fooled. Neptune is illusion, and when in its grip we can deny reality. GW Bush, for instance, has Neptune conjunct his Moon (the subconscious) in his third house of mind. A few weeks ago Neptune had a historic opposition with Saturn. Neptune has no limits. Saturn loves to create limits—rules, laws, fences, even jails. Neptune dominates, so we have Neptunian fantasy dominating Saturn’s strictness. One example is building a 700-mile wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Saturn gives one’s fantasies a righteousness, and there will be much of this attitude in November, as we see a Saturnized Neptune in action. Thanks to Neptune, there can also be a heightening of idealism connected to humanism, giving the individual human a voice. At the same time, Saturn is picking up steam as it moves into a trine with powerhouse Pluto. Authoritarianism and power combine successfully. “Law and order” is the modus operandi. We will see conflict between the humanistic and authoritarian attitudes. In the U.S., the crackdown on immigrants reflects this conflict. In Mexico, the parallel governments, one for the elite and the other for the people, make an excellent metaphor. There are two different parts to this month. Our late Libra New Moon in October ushered in a strong Scorpio influence, which prevails for the first 2/3 of November. Relationships in depth. Our late Scorpio New Moon on November 20-21 opens the door for the Sagittarius crowd to come tumbling through. Here we have power expanding, and taking risks. Mars squaring Saturn on November 28 is likely pushing the envelope too far. The prominent degree this month is 24. All planets within 2-3 degrees of 24 will be stimulated. Check your own chart to see who is activated. Also those houses with Scorpio and Sagittarius on their cusps (doorways) will be very busy. Life in the fast lane continues.
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1 Perhaps the “October surprise” leaks over into November. This day begins in the very early morning with Moon occulting Uranus, the energy of surprises. They both are trining Venus in Scorpio, who invites us to express our deepest desires. At the same time Pluto, Lord of Evolution, squares Moon’s Nodes to drive a big turn of the wheel of destiny. The Washington DC chart for this occultation at 3:31 a.m. EST shows the first degree of each of the four cardinal signs on each of the four chart angles. These are the “new beginnings” degrees of the zodiac, and this combination of Uranus, cardinals, and Pluto-Nodes presages major new beginnings for the world now. The timing is superb—at this time when the borderline between dimensions is most permeable. Halloween, Day of the Dead, All Saints Day, All Souls Day, and Samhain all occurring now tell us of the thinning of the veils. The Egyptians had a 5-day ritual at this time, to honor Isis’ finding, reconstitution, and resurrecting of Osiris. The Moon-Uranus conjunction in Pisces further helps us enter mystical realms. And the great Scorpio gathering helps us to resurrect our own—perhaps lost--deepest drives and needs. Even the day’s numbers are helpful. “11-1-2006” gives us three “1’s”, the beginning number. The sum of this date is “11”, two more 1’s. The “8’s”—associated with material power—show us that power is behind this new start. Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac, and “2006” is an 8 year. November comes swirling in with great energy, and we can really push ahead with our own resurrections. Mercury, yes, is retrograde now, but soon both Mercury and Uranus will be turning direct, Jupiter will enter optimistic Sagittarius, and by the end of the month all lights are green. Mercury, slow now in its retrograde turn, conjoins Jupiter all week. They both are in Scorpio, sign of power and secrets. Jupiter expands and promotes Mercury’s communications, and there will be a blizzard of words promoting power—par for a peak campaign week. Jupiter is associated with the Republicans, and they will be the source of the blitz. On the other hand, Saturn, of the Dems, squares the Jupiter-Mercury combo. Saturn calls us to account, it is stronger than Jupiter, and power-promoting propaganda will not stand the test of Saturn’s need for truth. However, with Mercury retrograde, truth may be delayed. Saturn likes structure, and this is a great day to plan your month. It’s also a great day to study, and to do research, perhaps delving into the facts surrounding election options, both in regard to issues and to the voting process. Today’s emphasized Uranus can uncover some hidden truths. Juno, once Queen of Heaven, just entered Libra, and now sits prominently on the U.S. natal midheaven. Thanks to retrogrades, she will travel in the sign of Libra for a whole year, and she is now setting her partnership program. Today she has the number one place, rising as Moon and Uranus conjoin. Juno refers to intimate partnership, as well as to the abuse which often stems from it. (E.g., Juno was the major energy of the O.J.-Nicole Simpson saga.) Juno tries to create harmony in her environment, but is very often frustrated in that endeavor, and becomes very angry. She has great influence on the weather, and in connection with winds, storms, and earth disturbances we often see her playing a major role. I can’t help but think that her anger is a factor. With a prominent Juno, we can expect to see the rise of women in politics, and to see concerns regarding equality come to the fore. Issues of terrorism and abuse are also associated with Juno. And stormy weather will increase. Moon went VOC this morning. VOC Moon, when aspects are not stimulating us, is an ideal time for meditation. So is Moon in Pisces. If you can, early this morning take a walk in nature. Head for the water. Just absorb this last dynamic week, and let it sink into a place within you of spiritual transformation. At 10:46 a.m. EST, Moon enters Aries, and we feel ready to again plunge into life. Our manner of proceeding is up to us, for there are no lunar aspects to pull us into the world. In addition, a retrograde Mercury turns our attention inward. We can do our own thing in our own way. Moon is in spirited Aries, and we have a preview of some of the conflicting forces operating—perhaps underground—which will be illuminated at Full Moon. Independence is strong. Full Moon calls us, and we can make our moves. “National security” is a big issue. So is fairness in all relationships, particularly in regard to governmental justice. Abuse may be rampant now, but well-hidden, in connection with approaching elections. A Democratic landslide is expected, but election results will most likely show Republicans with an edge. The concentrated power of the huge gathering in Scorpio gives a big advantage to secrecy—the Bushies’ forte. Moon is VOC in Aries this morning. Take care of yourself—but do think of others. At 11:05 a.m. EST, Moon enters earthy Taurus, and we really gear up for tomorrow’s full moon. Passion is brewing, and intensity is building rapidly. Tonight we need to watch for impulsiveness. Overindulgence can also be a problem, and the combination could get us into trouble. Full Moon at 13 Taurus occurs at 7:58 a.m. EST. This is a formidable full moon, full of secrecy, power, and conflicts. It is the last hurrah of the year’s fixed grand cross, and it is a very loud hurrah. Long stuck situations can come unglued now. The Taurus-Scorpio polarity is about resources, energy, power, and control. We are concerned with basics—money, business, food, natural resources, and earth herself. Where does our power lie? How do we use it? How do we direct our energy? Underlying these decisions are questions of survival. What do we really need in order to survive? What are our lifelines? How can we control them? How can we apply wisdom to these life and death issues? Eight of the 10 major planets are now in fixed signs. Talk about determination! We have it to the max. Problem is, each of the 4 fixed signs represents a different power center, and we have 4 of them vying for starring roles. The fact is that we can’t proceed successfully down one path without (1) creative cooperation, and (2) surrendering a source of ego support. Fixed signs do not like to do either of these things. They like to push ahead on their chosen pathway in splendid isolation. They tend to simply resist anything that blocks them. In a person’s chart, a fixed grand cross can result in stagnation, because perceived power centers are at cross purposes, and there is no giving. Determined drives to power, and the ensuing conflict, is the modus operandi now. Scorpio can become obsessed with its goals and desires—which are super-strong now. But Taurus, the Bull, is not easily moved. Mars and Venus, the Lovers, the creative duo, are dominant now, both by placement beside the Sun, and by rulership. Mars is a ruler of Scorpio, and Venus rules Taurus. They just had a biennial conjunction in Scorpio, so here again we see the dominance of Scorpio. This shows a great deal of passion to go after what one wants. It also shows the likelihood of more and bigger sex scandals creeping into our attention. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg of the corruption in high circles. In Washington, DC, Scorpio is rising as well. There are five Scorpio planets in the 12th house—the sign of secrecy in the house of secrets. Will the bright opposing moon in Taurus illuminate some of those secrets? The Sun-Moon polarity is in the 12th and 6th houses. This is the polarity of problem-solving and re-alignment. We correct and improve ourselves. It is here that we prepare to meet the world face-on—which we do in the 1st and 7th houses. All services are included in the 6th house, including the military services. In their natural 6th house, the military could be the instrument of enlightenment for the nation. Taurus Moon emphasizes values. What is most important to us? What changes do we need to make in order to support those values? The election surely gives us an opportunity to express that dynamic. We have been through much testing and darkness this year, and now we can make those changes which will move us into the light. Visionary Jupiter moves into Sagittarius at Thanksgiving to light the way. One source of illumination for the world will be the election in Nicaragua today. The U.S. has been pulling out all stops to keep the popular Daniel Ortega from being elected President. E.g., the U.S. is threatening Nicaragua with both economic and military repercussions if they don’t elect the U.S.-chosen candidate. The U.S. Ambassador and his crew are visiting Nicaraguan villages, telling the people who to vote for, and telling election officials how to run their elections. Keep your eyes on Nicaragua. The Sabian Symbol for 13 Taurus is
Astro*Carto*Graphy shows this Full Moon, resplendent with its Scorpio retinue, running through central and eastern U.S., Mexico, and Central America. Iceland, Russia, India, Iran, all the “stan” countries, and New Zealand also feel the full impact of the Full Moon. Mexico, with its Moon, and ruling planet, Venus, in Scorpio, will react strongly. Action continues throughout the night. Pay attention to last night’s dreams. This is not a very zippy Monday. Moon continues in Taurus, but is VOC this morning. At 11:46 a.m. EST, Moon enters Gemini, and the energy quickens. We feel like communicating with others, whether it’s via the Internet, media, or in person. We may even find ourselves communicating with other planes, for Venus squares Neptune, to heighten imagination. Creativity is very strong today. Immersion in music would be pleasurable and beneficial tonight. With Moon in Gemini, there is much movement and much indecision today. Mercury rules, and Mercury is the Trickster. Another of Mercury’s characters is the Magician, and let’s watch for sleight-of-hand. Although it will be difficult to spot what’s really happening today, for (1) Neptune squares Venus to give us rose-colored glasses, and (2) Neptune squares Mercury to spread confusion. And this is a retrograde Mercury, already socially confusing. These are made-to-order vibrations for anybody to fool anybody, let alone hold a questionable election. When the
polls open on the East Coast, Venus and Mercury are rising, with Saturn,
the authority, on the midheaven, pulling the strings. Confusing Neptune
is in the third house of mind (as is GW’s
Neptune). Moon is VOC in Gemini during the morning. Spontaneity is favored, likely anyway with post-election buzz. During this Void time, Mars trines Uranus, promoting willfulness and independence. They make a grand trine with the U.S. (and Bush’s) Sun, pushing Washington into emotional defensive reactiveness. At 2:46 p.m. EST, Moon enters Cancer, and the need for security increases. We will then have 7 of the 10 major planets in flowing water signs, and issues become difficult to pin down. This afternoon Mercury transits (“eclipses”)Sun. This happens about 13 times during a century, and last happened in May, 2003. During this century, transits of Mercury fall around May and November 8-10. Mercury’s orbit intersects the ecliptic around those dates, and if Mercury’s inferior (retrograde) conjunction with Sun occurs around that time, we will have a Mercury eclipse of the Sun. The transit begins at 2:12 p.m. EST, and lasts for five hours. Do not try to view it without a special lens and a small telescope. These transits do represent Mercury’s new phase of its 90-day cycle. Thus communication events are brewing. They are given extra pizzazz by the energy of the Sun. At the last Mercury-Sun eclipse, for instance, on May 8, 2003, the U.S. Senate OK’d the creating of legal cases based on (illegal) wiretaps. The chart for today’s eclipse shows Neptune still dominating the show. Neptune very closely squares Mercury and Sun. Thus we continue with our minds in the seductive grip of Neptune’s illusions and glamours. How will it be expressed now by this Neptunian Administration? How will we express Neptune’s visionary possibilities in our own lives? Can we let our higher selves guide us? Saturn is trining Pluto now, both in fire signs. They make a grand fire trine with Bush’s midheaven. He feels his power, and may express it in a spirited way. More floods of emotion: Cancer Moon travels around making all her flowing trines to Uranus and all of the planets in Scorpio. We have an abundance of water washing through us all day long. In addition, Sun squares Neptune, King of the Oceans. Liquid resources have no boundaries, and this includes water, oil, and liquid assets in the financial world. This is not a day for hanging onto things. Venture into the creative arts, even if you don’t consider yourself an artist. Love can flow through water, and we end our grand foray into water trines by letting love and good feeling flow freely. Moon goes VOC at 3:59 p.m. EST, but Moon is still in Cancer, still reverberating with the loving vibrations for the rest of the day. Friday is a Venus day besides—named after the Norse goddess Freya. At 9:34 p.m., Moon enters sunny Leo, and we may find our energy renewed. Whereas water is a feeling element, fire is an energy element. Remembering our military veterans holds special pathos now. It seems such a strange thing to do—to seduce our citizens in their prime to go to foreign lands to kill or be killed. Those who do return need healing and support. They will get attention today. A Mars-Mercury conjunction puts the focus on soldiers, and Leo Moon shines the light on them. We have much energy today to pursue our goals. Communication is particularly favored. Try to remember your dreams tonight. Moon moves brightly along in Leo, illuminating the year’s fixed T-cross. This can induce some minor conflicts. Early this morning Moon opposes Neptune in Aquarius, and we may want to stay abed. In fact, breakfast in bed might be a lovely luxury, and Leo does like luxuries. At 12:45 p.m. EST, Moon at 21 Leo squares Scorpio Sun to make its final quarter of this lunar cycle. At last quarter we evaluate the past. What do we want to retain? What can we release? It’s time to get priorities straight. This cycle began with a Libra New Moon, so its essence is relationship fairness and equality. Neptune rises with the Ascendant. Again we have ubiquitous Neptune dominating
the scene. Neptune stimulates our imaginations, and includes visions,
both uplifting and terrible, along with dreams and nightmares, illusions
and delusions. Ceres always relates to food supply, and conjunct Neptune there is both a lack of clarity, and a universal concern. It seems, for example, that Europe is tired of the U.S. sneaking in disallowed genetically engineered food, and that the EU is now beginning its own testing of all U.S. imports. Perhaps the EU is now Saturn for the U.S. Saturn conjoins Moon now, and in this Washington DC chart they are both in the seventh house of partnership. Neptune has no bounds, but Saturn does set limits. There are five planets in Scorpio in the 9th house. This looks like propaganda and manipulation to the max, especially since Jupiter is part of the crowd. Saturn has its hands full keeping this gang from going off the deep end. What can we release now? Perhaps manipulation of others for our own ends. What can we retain? Perhaps a greater firmness in expressing our own integrity. The Sabian Symbol for 21 Leo is
Tonight Venus squares Saturn, to give us a reality check in regard to our relationships. Moon is in workaholic Virgo today, and we can accomplish much, especially in regard to work that is chosen, rather than assigned. Today we may have revealed a clue about Mercury’s direction when it turns direct on Friday. Yesterday’s industrious energy continues. This promises to be a particularly interesting day, with ups and downs. Moon continues in Virgo, and we probably still feel like putting order in our lives. This morning Moon squares Pluto, to give us a jolt and perhaps throw us off course. Nevertheless during this entire day we have the influence of the “lesser benefic,” Venus, conjuncting the “greater benefic,” Jupiter, to promote optimism, generosity, and general good feeling. Enjoy the conviviality and good fellowship. At 5:41 p.m. EST, Moon goes VOC. However, love vibrations linger in the air, and we can have a delightful evening. Moon enters loving Libra at 9:14 p.m. to continue our good times into tomorrow. This is a serious relationship day. With Moon in Libra, relationships are especially important. We are socially oriented today. Tonight Sun squares Saturn to mark another turn of the wheel of destiny. This is an ego test. This cycle began on August 7, when Sun conjoined Saturn to vitalize our getting a grip on our personal inner command centers. This means acting clearly, and from our deepest integrity. The square in Scorpio puts temptation in our path. We can use this emerging inner authority to make a grab for power, or we can use it to work creatively with others to build something new and better—in whatever arena is appropriate. This is
an important day. It begins with the Sun-Saturn square at midnight,
which lets us know that big things are in the offing. At the last Saturn-Sun
square in April 2005, 300,000 Iraqis demonstrated in Baghdad asking
the U.S. to leave. In the meantime we have Moon traveling in Libra, to bring issues of justice to the fore. And we have Mars squaring Neptune, to strike fear into some hearts. At the Mars-Neptune conjunction which began this cycle, Congress passed the credit card companies’ bankruptcy bill, making the bankruptcy process more difficult and more punitive for the average person. Economics will likely be making a turn now, perhaps regarding food, housing, or oil. At this time in Washington DC, Pluto is right above, overseeing all. Pluto is still powering a huge and permanent social transformation, as shown by its square to the Moon’s Nodes. At this moment, Washington is in charge of major events. But we won’t know what they’re doing, for except for Pluto and Moon, all of the planets are in houses of secrecy. Obsessions in regard to secrecy show that there is much dirty linen piled in the room. The planets now beginning to move into Sagittarius may help to expose more of it—although the stench may be unbearable. Mercury stations direct at 7:25 p.m. EST. It’s trining Uranus, and revelations and opportunities may come flooding in. We can be brilliant about our strategy for moving ahead—particularly with all we’ve learned during Mercury’s retrograde period. Abuse, injustice, and insecurity is part of this process, but so is strong protest against unfair treatment. We are ready to assert our rights, and to create a more positive world for ourselves. Libra Moon is balsamic, and we are closing this Libra lunar cycle with a new determination to take care of ourselves as well as others. In a great follow-up to Mercury’s direct turn, Moon moves into investigative Scorpio at 9:46 a.m. EST. We begin preparing for Scorpio New Moon with a new perspective. We know much more about what we need to transform in order to be more effective in our lives. There are no lunar aspects today, so we have time to contemplate, to meditate, and to release excess baggage on both physical and psychic planes. In the midst of a very busy holiday season, take some time this weekend to relax. Head and heart combine today. This is the time to clearly visualize what you want to grow during the Scorpio lunar cycle which begins tomorrow, and lasts until December 20. Mars also makes a late-day appearance, and you might find yourself in the mood for some action. Another light turns green just in time for the New Moon. At 1:08 a.m. EST Uranus, always full of surprises, turns direct. It is in the 6th house of service, and it connects now with freshly-direct Mercury to fill us with new ideas. It also connects with Juno, the abused wife, to promote our own desires for justice and fair treatment. Expect more speaking out from military personnel. At the very same time Mars squares Ceres in Aquarius. Their conjunction occurred in September 2004 in Virgo, when the U.S. bombed Fallujah to smithereens, and when the unthinkable happened: foreign countries all turned down U.S. bonds for sale. This was a sign of things to come. U.S. arrogance may be receiving a come-uppance on a number of fronts. Duty calls on this significant day, but it may be slow going until New Moon at 29 Scorpio, which occurs at 5:18 p.m. These late-degree new moons indicate a finishing of cycles, in the case of Scorpio a transformational cycle. Expansion and luck characterize our new births, for Moon and Sun both conjoin Jupiter, who dominates the action now. Moon’s conjunction with Jupiter, which promotes good feeling, will be exact in an hour. Sun’s conjunction will be exact in 24 hours. A pervasive good feeling and optimism prevail now. We look ahead to possible benefits and opportunities. Finally, hope lights the darkness. Business opportunities are especially favored. Move quickly, for Saturn, another business planet, turns retrograde in early December. We now have the rare circumstance of all of the planets, even Chiron and the asteroids, moving direct! Take advantage of all these open doors to do your thing now. Even Chiron, the wounded healer, has a fine connection with Venus to encourage relationship healing. Most prominent now will be the Ceres-Neptune issues, for they both sit on the midheaven in Washington DC. Labor and immigration problems are apt to be on the front burner. Neptune also refers to oil. And an outstanding Neptune is surely apt to confuse situations. In this case the Administration is doing the confusing. The Sabian Symbol for 29 Scorpio is
The New Moon runs through the eastern half of the United States, Central and South America, Europe and Africa, and the Far East. Lopez Obrador’s parallel government will be inaugurated today, a grand day for a new, more just beginning. Mexico City now sits between a Mercury Descendant line and a Pluto midheaven line. Power is on the move. Moon is in Sag today. Sagittarius is a gambler, often a lucky one, and today we make our big move. Moon conjoins Venus this morning to put us in touch with our values. We know what we want. We feel excitement and potential in the air, and we can picture succeeding with big projects. Sun conjoins Jupiter this evening, both at the very end of Scorpio, but the vibration is with us for the entire day, in fact for a few days. Mars in Scorpio is creeping up on this energetic pair, and we are ready for action—big action. The Venus of Venezuela’s Constitution Chart (12-30-99) is exactly joining this conjunction. This sounds like good things in store for Venezuela, whose election is early next month. This is despite U.S. threats and bribes. December 30, 1999 is the signature date for the entry of our current century. It was then that Chiron and Pluto had a conjunction in Sagittarius, on the U.S. Ascendant. Talk about a reform combination! The U.S. is just getting started with reform—and Venezuela serves as a good—i.e., Venusian—catalyst. Mars approaching Jupiter is excellent for expanding energy for any purpose. It particularly denotes the armed services, the generals and their fighters. Reform of the U.S. military will surely pick up speed. Each of us can be warriors for our own ideals. We can reform our personal energy. Mars also brings heat, and global warming will surely be a big issue—and work on dealing with it will pick up. We are fast moving into a time of positive action. Tomorrow Sun enters Sagittarius, and on Thursday—Jupiter’s day!—Jupiter enters Sag. This is our last chance for Scorpio’s plutonic cleanup. Yes, we are moving. This is an extremely optimistic and productive day. We awaken with Sun in Sag, and the whole world looks brighter. Preparing for the holidays gives us special pleasure this year. Moon is in traditional Capricorn, and we appreciate being with family and loved ones. Some have traveled far to enjoy this day with familiar intimates. It’s a fine day, and by midnight we have four planets in Sagittarius. Religious and moral overtones will be important. We will enjoy story-telling and reviving old memories. Sporting games are also a highlight for Sagittarius, or perhaps a venture into nature. The night is especially lively. We continue our restlessness and desire to be on the go. Let’s get on with it!—whatever “it” is for each of us. Our drive to push ahead is strong. Moon enters Aquarius at 10:41 a.m., and we begin an exciting weekend. Venus squares Uranus today to open our eyes to new facets of love—or to new loves. This is a very romantic day and evening, and the romance continues into tomorrow. We may have stars in our eyes. For shoppers, this is a grand weekend to shop. You’ll find much to appreciate, and many gifts. Extravagance is rampant. This is also a weekend to simply do things which you enjoy, and which make you feel good. Preparing for Christmas can be a special pleasure now. Early morning is quite active. East coasters may awaken early; West coasters may have a wakeful night. There are over three good working hours from 4:30-8:00 a.m. EST. And then Moon is VOC for most of the day. With Moon VOC, w e may approach work in a half-hearted manner. We will enjoy socializing, talking over issues of the day, and paying attention to the media. At 3:21 p.m. EST, Moon enters dreamy Pisces. She immediately squares Jupiter, always ready to take a chance, and the sky’s the limit. Dream on tonight. First Quarter Moon at 6 Pisces occurs at 1:29 a.m. EST. New Moon was in Scorpio, and Pisces now keeps us in the water mode. It’s time to make an emotional breakthrough: Scorpio holds on, and Pisces releases to the universe. If we want to make progress, we must let go. The Sagittarius planets, ready to take a chance, will help us. Sun is in the third house of mind, and Moon in the 6th house of service. Thoughts of service, then, will carry us into the next phase. Pluto is at the bottom of this chart at 26 Sagittarius. It conjoins the nadir at 28 Sagittarius. They show the foundation of the action now, and they are at the high energy Galactic Center, adjoining the great Black Hole there, which absorbs and totally changes energy. Like it or not, we will move on—perhaps into a very alien dimension. This is a powerful place. The Galactic Center is the source of our galactic being, as the Sun is the source of our solar being. It emits massive amounts of infra-red radiation, which arouses the subconscious part of the brain. This allows us to retrieve much information from the past. At the same time, there is a pulsar (Gaia) at 28 Sagittarius, which allows us to see into the future. This is, then, a super-visionary moment. Most of us in the U.S. will be asleep, so pay attention to your dreams. Our breakthroughs now can carry us into the future. The Sabian Symbol for 6 Pisces is
Support for future-oriented activity is shown by Moon eclipsing Uranus at 10:00 a.m. EST. This event occurs in the second house of resources, and the Pisces signal shows the possibility of oil problems. Relationships are important today, and we are emotional about them. Issues are apt to be confusing, however, and by tonight we might feel that aggressive action is the only answer to problems. However, take care not to do or say something which you will regret later. This morning we can push ahead with our visionary projects. There might be a glitch around 11:30 a.m., but Moon then goes VOC and the energy dissipates. Moon is VOC in Pisces for the remainder of the day. This is ideal for inner work, and for imagination. At 6:30 p.m., Moon enters militant Aries, and we’re up and running. Good vibes now make for a fun night. This is
a loving, romantic Neptune-Venus day and night. Do what makes you feel
good. Share with people you love. It’s also
another great shopping day. |
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