Astrological analysis of the virus outbreak and its potential spread or containment.
Alex Miller, Asteroid Files
Astrological Profile: Bernie Sanders
Who is Bernie, astrologically speaking, and how are his chances looking for 2020? Alex analyzes the charts.
Political Apprentice, Season Four: Series Finale?
Will there be a Season 5 of this interminable show? The Inauguration Solar Return tells the tale.
The Astrological Timing of Impeachment
The uncanny timing of the impeachment and its fallout. What do the stars predict next?
New Kid on the Celestial Block: TNO G!kun||’homdima
Young activist-leaders Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, and Emma Gonzales all have recently discovered TNO G!kun||’homdima, named after a Namibian protectress and fierce warrior for justice, prominent in their charts.